SMILING EYES AND DIMPLED CHEEKS * SCOTT. FREDERICK is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Markle, Arthur street, and _grafidson of Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Stubbins, Sutton West, | Ontario, and Mrs. E. F. Mar- SIX MONTHS OLD when this picture was taken, Mi- chael Todd is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Connors, Town Line North, He is the ee THIS BONNY MISS is Pam- ela Elizabeth Fisher, daugh- fer of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fisher of Oshawa. Her proud grandparents are Mr. © and Science Now Shrinks Piles Without Pain Or Discomfort Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids Toronto, Ont. (Special) --For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the ability to ehrink hemorrhoids and i relieve pain and itching, housands have been relieved with this inexpensive substance right in the privacy of their own home without any discomfort or inconvenience. In one hemorrhoid case after another, "very striking improve- ment' was reported and verified by doctors' observations. Pain was promptly relieved. And while gently relieving pain, actual uction or retraction (shrinking) took place. And mést amazing of all--this improvement Was maintained in cases where doctors' observations were continued over a period of many months! In fact, results were so thorough | | Window Boxes Give Pleasure kle, Bowmanville. His great- grandparents are Mr. KEd- ward Stubbins, Alma_ street and Mrs. S. King of Church- ill, Ontario. --Photo by Hornsby Saab, JUST 10 MONTHS James Grant Gregg, Mr, and Mrs. John Brooklin and grandson of | Clever Table Settings For The Budget - Minded By ELEANOR ROSS what was used-as a tongue-in-/ Looking at a constant proces- cheek substitute? | sion of table settings season Why, iust peach crates cov-| after season is apt to become ered with black felt! more dull than delightful. No Another improvisation was a |matter what the type of setting|barrel used as a base for a} or who does it -- whether a/wood table top. | professional or store personnel} Another table was composed) carrying out the suggestions of|of a full - length mirror placed} la society woman or a celebrityjon top of a wooden base to) 4|--the end result comes to mean/simulate an elegant glass table jnot very much, The '"'props"|top. Looked, good, too! jare usually quite luxurious. OTHER USES |MINOR CHANGE Sheets, dish towels and oil- Lately, the only change hasjcloth all did duty as toppings, | \been that silver has given way table linens and napkins. | to silver gilt, vermeil. One colorful setting featured) But sometimes there are re--workmen's bandanna print} wards. handkerchiefs that cost less! We're still chuckling over|than thirty cents each. 4 some recent 'table settings on) To top off all the clever and Mrs. Frank Connors Sr., all display in a store whose name|workable nonsense, the pros of Oshawa. lis synonymous with luxury and|who did the settings made their --Aldsworth Photography elegance, with the real thing in bow in the direction of. the 2 every way. But these: settings| working, girl. who has climbed were done for the benefit of the the ladder, the success story of working girl, and she really|secretary - to - executive so fre- rates such overdue recognition. quently encountered these days. IN GOOD TASTE LAVISH SETTING Good taste was there and fun, For her there were two lavish and humor, too, and the budget place settings and the accesso- items were really brilliant. ries of silver and vermeil were The display girls went look-S¢t out on a handsome mahog- ing for their linens and acces-|any table sories in such sources as dime, Not for her any of those| stores, bargain basements, junk;make - do jobs such as a cen- stores, hardware stores and an-|'erpiece of flowers cut from the) tique shops. And the end result/table mat flower - print fabric,| showed tables that were set for|Wired and stuck in a bed of pa-| that vast army of folk -- not|Per. clips. For our success necessarily working girls--who Story table setting, nothing less have ) good taste than than a spray of rare orchids for money. the centerpiece! We admired really handsome, showily printed HOUSEHOLD HINT fabric used for place mats and! To keep fragile glassware in- seat cushions and learned that tact, protect it from extreme it cost less than one dollar per and sudden changes of tempera-| yard. ture. Let icy glasses warm to! Another setting hadn't any- room temperature before wash- thing so elegant as chairs! So'ing. i old is |;Mrs. Harry Gregg of Lindsay son of Gregg, z and Mrs. James Keays, Osh- awa. --Ireland Studio | | | | } a grandson of Mr. and Mrs, Ste- phen Backwell and Mr. and more some NOW RICHARD HUDNUT offers a permanent that gives you just the right amount of curl for those short fashionable hair styles. Mrs.. A, N, Fisher of Aurora and Mr, and Mrs. F. H. Hep- burn of North Bay. | Ireland Studio | Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 17, 1962 7 To Gardeners and Guests Windows boxes can bring ders and then the soil. You can color and life to an otherwise also buy metal boxes with false drab room. They are a touch|bottoms built into them to pro- of yong 4 which is ng gg vide drainage. ed by the occupants of the) lowering plants requi } 'i | ' quire a room and passefs-by alike. But sunny location, while foliage more than that, they can be . {Plants grow better in shade or rewarding hobby, a hobby that doesn't require - _ or pte light, so the. amount! or efofrt but which, nonetheless,/of sunshine your window re. has to be started in the proper|ceives will act as a guide to! way. jthe type of plant which will Whether of wood or metal, grow most successfully. Your window boxes should measure|nurseryman of florist will also HORSE PICTURE By ALICE BROOKS With, the devotion of a young at least eight inches in depth|be able to give you expert ad- i he a from eight " : poe 4 Mond ., choosing plants which ee . width. Length is determin Yihave similar watering. needs the length of window sills but/and temperature requirements. OVERSEAS HOSPITAL MATRON a long box is less convenient) Geranium t x , for handling and could be made gion are spetlgiey: ordlg lid MATRON Pitot, Jessie E. | seo Pogeens sey ypc 4 / diers Memorial Hospital, inn shorter lengths to be placed window boxes. Easy to care Lawson of Sait John, N.B., old Rodney ieicr's "Oo LAG | Campbellton, N.B., she joined end to end. for, they add a lively splash of Matton of the 50-bed infirm- | 4" We potty my Pickering the RCAF in 1959, Holes drilled in the bottom, color. On the other hand, you, aty at the RCAF base in} Ont, A 1944 graduate of Sol- |(CP from National Defence) three or four inches apart, will] may prefer all --, such: as) --------___--_____ - ee -- ee BES 4 erns, palms, aspidistra, sans- permit drainage and placing) vieria afd umbrella plants ' | SOCIAL NOTICE pieces of stone or broken flow- Climbing plants could be smi- ANN LANDERS I er pots over the holes will pre-\lax, philodendron and wax- vent loss of soil, To further im-| Plant. : ENGAGEMENT prove the drainage, add an| Just as any garden requires 0 D 0 . Mr. ~y La Phillip Seguin jini ae aoe jn. fertilizer as food, the soil in 'as of Oxfor its, Ontario, wish inch of coarse gravel or cin: your: mihiature gerieh Will n ress CC 10nSs to announce the engagement of need to be re-nourished about! . ne daughter, Nicole Salomi, once a month. Prepared tablet! F U B to Mr. Jean-Guy Lavergité, son fertilizer can be applied or, orget nion utton of Mr. and Mrs. Albany La- better still, borrow from your : cum vergne of Oshawa. The mar- husband's supply of Evergreen : a : i riage is to take place on Sat- fertilizer -- the lawn will never, Dear Ann Landers: My wifeja home 1 put a clause in the | uray, August 4, en at 10.00 miss the small amount you,2d I read your column every|lease stating how many people! a.m, in Holy Cross Rofian Ca- need, and your window garden/ay and we talk about it. Now/are allowed to occupy the dwell-|tholic Church Kemptville, On- will really thrive on it. 1 have a question I would likejing. (A birth in the family i tario ' i be to settle. Please print it S0/an exception, of course.) If any-| 4 she can see your answer injone else moves in for more THE STARS SAY black and white. jthan four weeks, the rent goes} NEWS IN BRIEF | I am a member of a labor|Up accordingly. . By ESTRELLITA union. I like to wear my union} In the case of this landlord SEEK LOWER POSTAGE 'FOR TOMORROW button at all times because I'm) who rented t four and now has) MONTREAL (CP)--Canadian Despite some delays in carry- proud of it. My wife says I|nine people living up there, he'd | postal rates are too high to al- ing out early morning sched-|Should not wear a celluloid/be perfectly justified in doubl-jjow the average Canadian to ules, Wednesday should be a| Dutton with a local number onjing the rent and I hope hiheip people in underdeveloped generally good day. Fine stellar|'t when we go out socially--es-| dos, I can guarantee him the|countries, says the ' ptovincial influences especially encourage pecially to church. She calims| guests will move out in a council of the Catholic Women's job and business matters: also |it looks out of place and embar- hurry.--FLORA |League of Cariada. It is cam- lartistic pursuits. The p.m. will|T@sses her. _| Dear Ann Landers: I'm paigning for lower pareel post |not only be a good period for) I say a labor union button is)ashamed to write this because age rates, |launching new ventures but also|a badge of honor and it isjyou'll probably think I'm a HISTORIC ITEMS |for completing any unfinished|never out of place. After all, in/terrible person. On paper it will) DUNHAM, Que, (CP) -- The projects. -- countries Te can't join}sound awful, but if you met me/Missisquoi county historical so- ' : : ° jlabor unions and I'm proud tojin person I'm sure you'd find/ciety has opened a museum of ve THE eepstapaci A _|have the privilege. Please de-)me quite nice. |Quebec antiques with items _t tomorrow is your birthday, cide who is right. -- UNION) 7 married my husband 10\donated by many of the group's your horoscope indicates that, WAN , 100 ; asnite s stacies: i iyears ago. Three years later I members. They include a ---- ae pti ap a = Dear Man: It's wonderful 10/4. hig ie Mies sac! blue corded silk wedding gown pe oll se Riforlad : ie via "be so proud of your union badge | ivorce him ecause bits i al- worn in 1895, and a rare col- eg revitalizin e i a your at.{that you want to wear it every-| Ways seemed to be fighting.|lection of blue ironstone china ae During that month. finan.|Where, but I agree with your/One year later I martied an-jmade at St John's, Que. lcial matters will be governed by| ie ; \ eemial fer i elegy NOTED COMPOSER highly generous aspects; also| There's a time and a place) ; aoe ti es ihe Mrs. H. H. Beach, the Ameri- job interests an dmatters con-|for everything. Freedom to WO a dine sanad ines oath can composer and pianist who ---- ig your private life. ship is also a privilege denied) we agreed hat we nd both died in 1944, wrote her impor- vlanctary influences thes cince|*® People in some countries. Bul/remarried out of spite. Within| 'ant Gaelic ee October will prove not so Would you wear .a badge to Sees nant ih Aebvhiadg rig to- sagan fan: ad 'cy pie friendly. Come November, how-|your next union meeting read-/Sether again as man and wife.) western fan wah B HOKE Dior TT and you will once againjing: "I am a Lutheran'? | Eight months later we were featured at... ture, pillow, or trim. pe : : lechitis & earl | ' find yourself on t h road di ; fighting just liké'before, I put up Youngster's best friend -- a19'advancement on all fronts. /gyVcariné. @ union edge. t0|with it tor three years and then horse! Embroider or cut off Do not wait until September, | adds in 16 the Sale ih mt divorced him. We couldn't) felt for pictures, bib, pockets.|nowever, to push toward your| id p be me stand to be apart and the kids| Pattern 7474: transfer 10 M0-/soas. Get busy now! Capitalize| WOU not be wrong -- just Out) Kent crying for their daddy, so| tifs 4/4x5 to 5x5%4-inches. on all your skills and 'talents m peck: remarried him. Everything) Thirty-five cents (coins) forland bring yourself to the atten-| Dear Ann Landers: I read|was fine until three months ago. this pattern (no stamps, please)|tion of those who are in a posj- With interest the letter from the) Now-we are fighting again and to age oo Ligne ng |tion to se gee ; oh. Try|man who rented the upstairs of Fig toy -- 4 ~ awa Times Needlecra ept.,,out new and original ideas, too.|,;. ; . |But I'm afraid to take the step Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario resi-|In other words, use every bit of ge gy ing Pedy, 0d yo because of what has happened dents add 1c sales tax. Printiinitiative and enterprise at your! more people moved in as|if the past. Please tell me what Ipainly PATTERN NUMBER,' command. peyhieattth sy : to do,.--AGATHA | . aes guests. NAME, ADDRESS, Romance will be governed by : ne Dear Agatha: Some people DUDE RERART vate fine aspects in September and) J: learned how to deal with) 14 get alenk with tack other NEVER-BEFORE VALUE! |N ov amber: also next Mav. Best Such lowbrow tenants. You can x P Fea ah : November, also next May. Bes ' » -_¢jOr Without each other. You two 200 designs to knit, crochet,! periods for travel: late Septem-|b¢ sure the man's hunch was are Chhoni® battlels With & sew, weave, émbroider, quilt/ber, January, next May andjTight when he said he couldn't), joed for someone to fight in our 1962 Needlecraft Cat-|June. preve it but he suspected the with Enlist the aid of @ third SS an ee A child born on this day will| Suests" were paying rent tole 1 referee the big onés| alog. Beautiful Bulkies in a4, generally warm. sympa.-|their friends--probably splitting)" ; ri i a shi aos : 8 . » Sympa-|. instead of running {o the di-| complete fashion section plUS ihoetic and understanding of his|it- Panoa Couek Bit alAi diksaied ebdspreads, toys, linens, af-' faliow-men. | Before I apartment or ---- eters astesc chal ghans, slipcovers, plus 2 free --------___ Srpisiae® oa aaa ee patterns, Send 25c now. | European OIL PAINTINGS IS KING E, 725-2686 Saaaiiainaamaanl WITH A BORROWED NAME IS "BAGGATTAWAY' BORROWED FROM THE INDIANS BY EARLY FRENCH SETTLERS IN NORTH AMERICA, AND GIVEN ANEW NAME BORROWED FROM THE CROSIER (LA CROSSE OR PASTORAL CARRIED By BIsSHO! | BORROWED NATIONAL GAME i ig So easy to use too! Fashion Quick's a te ope neutralizer has its own uilt-in shampoo, odour either! too! Only $2.50 that sufferers were able to make such statements as 'Piles have ceased to be a problem!' And among these sufferers were & very! wide variety of hemorrhoid ¢on- ditions, someofeven 10to20years' | standing. ' | All this, without the use of nare | cotics, anesthetics or astringents of any kind. The secret is a new heal- ig substance (Bio-Dyne)--thé discovery of # famous scientific in- stitute. Already, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue on all patts of the body. This new healing substance is offered in supposilory or ointment form called Preparation H. Ask for individually gealed convenient Prepatation H Suppositories or Preparation H ointment with special applicator. Preparation H is sold at all drug stores. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ¢ DRUGS Open Evenings 'Til 9 p.m.--Free It's fashionable alright and quick - Fashion Quick is also available in a strength created for children-- so safe, so sure--$1.75 HOCKEY also cARRIES A NAME THAT MAY GO BACK TO AN ORIGIN SIMILAR No after perm TO'LACROSSE'-To THE - ON1705 YEAR TERM DEPOSITS GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA CLUB, ILE BIZARD, THE OLDEST IN NORTH AMERICA, WAS FOUNDED IN 1673 FOR SPORTING GOODS or any Kind, LET YOUR FINGERS DO TE WALKING 32 KING ST. E. 728-1653 Delivery