Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jul 1962, p. 13

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Today's Stock Market Listings 4 Net Oh'ge 11:00 Net Sigh Low a.m, Ch'ge 7 --% 16% tu-- % 10% 8% + Ve te+ % l6te + 150 «+15 13 TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Torente Stock Exchange--July (3 (Qootations in cents unless mark lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- » *w--Ex-warrants. Net change is Previous board-lot closing sale.) INDUSTRIALS il Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge doles 2055 $1746 17 $16%-- 16% $36% 36% $10% 10% $48% 48% $8% 8% $16%e 16% 150 «(150 $130 3 250 490 40) 490 $11% 11% 11% + % mo 6B B Stock Dom Tar Dom Text 275 .| Econ Inv 3 Exquisite pr 200 Falcon 4% "U% 4% $13% 13% 134-- % 16 616 M40 Imp Inland Gas Int Nickel Int Util aBeSheezse2 wo 6400 6400 Ut $2i% 21% 21% -- % $2 062} 2 % 6% 6% 8 8 832% 32% 3245+ 375 350 370 + 5 i" 36 "fe * $15% 15% 15% $4 06COUdA m4 ~ = e 130 130 130 7% TH Th- wo 30 HOO sie - aa noon: oe al mal 425 $10% 18i4 19% + oa as -F $l 11 M+ $16 16 16 130° 180 180 eae' ae oa 235 235 235 320 320 320 $29% 29% 20% + $201 30} 30% rill 87% 3 '4 - & $2014 204 204 $19% 19% 19 26 $35 35 35 SsEHees #3 Noranda o NO NGas |Page-Hers |Penmans QN Gas Rapid-Grip bey ~ % Hoyal Bank 235 $6 Russel} 125 100 $ 200 StL Cem A 5% -- 4)|Salada 140 --i0 (Salada wts : 65 | Shawin S544 54a 5444 -- 4 /Shawin A 330 $8 8 4 | Sayvette 200 Scott York p z 4s |Simpsons Slater . Steel Southam St Pav Steel C a % |S Prop pr M4 | Texaco "10 $ %! --~\ 179 200 Clmp Bk C 175 C Ind Gas 800 Ci. 120 $ 800 $22% 405 224% 2 405 «405 50% +5 20 350% 30 § 230 50 200 S204 2G 2 555 Sie 7M $2042 20% 20! ©on Bldg pr 175 Con MS 250 100 Ya Trans: Trans PPL 2n 00 Un Ac cl pr 220 Vector ai Vie G 5 |Balley & A Bail 5% pr 225 Cal ed C Chiefta Cc LI Pete C Dragon C Mic Mae Home A 14 | Medal iN Cont 4%|Pac Pete 44 | Pamoil % | Permo | Phillips | Place 44|\Provo Gas 15 -- | Quonto oF | Stanwell | Tidal U'sphere Un Olls | Windfall ig |SW Pete 4 | Akaitcho -- %|Amal Rare Area |Arjon -%\Atl_C Cop -- | Bankfield Barnat |Beay Lod | Bidcop il Net High Low am. Ch'ge $13% 13% 13% $6 6 6 i Sook Saies High Low on, F'west T Genex Giant YK ray of Lakes oper on Sales 10 Btock ™ 500 * 18100 $50 «650 SO jo 85% 5M OM 5 6055S 100 100 100 10 50 5 25 $15 14% MK ~ % 715 710 715 $29% 29% 2% -- % SO 8% OILS 100 725 725 725 $224, 2255 22a $22 Ze 14 Tr 10 i aM M2 16 +3 310 305 310 125 13 125 2» % 2% '2 3 25 M1 288 $105 108% 10% 195 195 195 20 4 35 22% 19 54 400 1600 200 100 600 CDethi w Min . Corp Min-Ore Murray M New Cal New Hosco 1600 N Kelore 176600 N Senator 500 Nisto 1000 Normetal Northgate Perron Pitch-Ore Pros Air | Purdex Que Ascot Q Metal Raglan Rio Algom Curb 1000 Ryanor |San Ant Sherritt Siscoe Steep KR Sud Cont Aumaq Aunor 2000 300 134300 Sylvanite Teck-H + 2% + % | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- dian Stee] Warehouse Associa- tion Inc, announced a campaign */Thursday for an open - pricing ihe aie policy in steve] warehousing business. Each member is urged to individually publish a price list on the steel items he handles and to charge the same price to all customers. He could in- stantly change any price in the light of competitive conditions, but any change to one customer: would be made to all, At present, publication of price lists in the steel warehouse industry is rare. This means that a customer must phone around among various suppliers to find the best price. Suppliers, on their part, must spend time trying to keep informed on competitors' prices and in making quotations which, under present conditions, may change almost from minute to minute. In this situation a supplier, to get an order, may quote a lower *!price to one customer than he charges to another +10 |WORD GETS AROUND ---% Steel Warehouse Pricing Policy or exaggerated form, This, they add, leads to price wars, un- settled market conditions and profitless operations. The program was outlined today at a press conference by E. W. Yeo of Montreal, associa- tion's combines legislation com- mittee. The association will not at- tempt to police its members-- what each one does is up to itself. It will, however, try to persuade members that open pricing is the most ethical and fair method and that a stable price structure is best in the members' own interests. Another potent force which may give strength. to the pro- gram is the Combines Investiga- tion Act. It is generally known that the Act forbids price fixing. It is not so generally known that it also forbids price discrimination or the quoting of different prices to customers-who are competing with one another, -: The campaign was decided upon after extensive study of jcombines legislation and after consultation with D, Henry, director of investigation Long Term Loan To Repay Bonds OTTAWA (CP)--The govern- ment will move back into me- dium- and long-term borrowing ito refund most of a $285,000,000 bond issue maturing Aug. 1, an announcement by Finance Min- ister Fleming indicates. The announcement from his office Thursday--the minister is away on holidays--also indi- cated the government doesn't expect to have to raise any new money from bond borrowing for the rest of the year, apart from the annual savings bond issue and market issues to pay off maturing debt. i The $285,000,000 in bond debt coming due Aug.1 is in the form of three-per-cent bonds sold last August and September, The announcement said de- jtails will be announced Monday of two new issues, one medium- term and one long-term, total-| ling $200,000,000. The Bank of, Canada had agreed to acquire, a minimum $50;000,000 of the new issues. The other $85,000,- 000 would be covered by one- year treasury bills to be offered at competitive tender July 30. Mr. Fleming's statement also estimated that, after making al- lowance for effects of the | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, July 13, 1962 93 was active with trading at prices steady to) higher at the Ontario Public} Stockyards this week. Cow prices were uneven,; bulls, hogs and replacement cattle higher, veal calves lower and lambs strong. Cattle receipts were esti- mated at 9,400 head, 3,700 more than last week and 3,200 more than the same week in 1961. Receipts from Western Canada were nearly double those of last week at 472 head of cattle and 116 of stock calves. | Slaughter cattle: Choice steers 27.50-28.50 with sales to 29 and several loads of fancy feed- lot steers up to 29.70; good 26-27; medium 24-25.50; com- Slaughter Steer Trading Active TORONTO: (CP) -- Trading) slaughter} steers, heifers and yearlings) Sheep and lambs: stags 17.50 on a dressed weight basis. ; Good spring lambs 29 a hundred- weight; good light sheep 9-12; common sheep 3-8. Canada Deposits Drop, Bank Says OTTAWA (CP)--Government of Canada deposits decreased $18,387,000 to $17,014,000 in the week ended July 11, the Bank of Canada reports in its weekly 'financial statement. Chartered bank deposits in- creased $12,860,000 to $770,366,- 000 and notes in circulation in- ereased $20,117,000 to $2,150,189, 000 mons 21 - 23.50; good heifers 23.50-24.50 with choice 25-26 and sales to 27; common 18-20; NET EARNINGS choice fed yearlings 26-28 with) odd top 29; good 24-26; good cows 18-18.50. with sales to 19;| medium 16.50-17.50; com-mons| 16-16,50; canners and cutters) austerity measures announced H. W,|June 24, the government will re-| pyri 20-21: quire around $500,000,000 in He may think, say association ang research under the Com-|new money" during the rest lspokesmen, that this special bines Act." jof the current fiscal year end- 13-16; good heavy bolegna common and dium 18-19.50 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Asamera Oil Corporation Lid., year ended March 31: 1962, $407,879 including $327,854 non- recurring profit from sale of investments; 1961, net loss $112,- me- 985, Consolidated Paper Corpora- Replacement cattle: Good On-/tion Lid., 6 mos. ended June jtario stockers 25-27 with sales 30: 1962, $7,973,746, $1.85 a "iv 100 100 1000 4000 2000 1000 500 Bralorne Camp RL Cent Pat Cent Pore Cheskrk |\Con-Key " |CG Arrow The bank rate -- minimum)|¢ Balls arge a ~ ank c orrison § 500 charge by the central bank ON/G Mosher 4850 its infrequent loans to charteredic Norinid 500 banks -- previously had fluc-|¢ Poca a 4 '01 s " 5a tuated one-quarter of one per|cop.Man 2000 ce above the treasury Dbill/Crowpat 21000 Thom L fombill Tormont Tribag B 1 41 ,\Trin Chib 94. 29 --4 Ult-Shaw 1 Un Buffad Un Keno Vauze Violam West Mines Willroy | Wiltsey i¥k Bear Young HG 300 $40 = 39% Me jprice will be secret, but word $16 16% $i7 7 6% 6M $12% 12% 12% ~ %4|Tor-Dom 385 $5. 5 53 - */)Tr Can PL. 445 ' 194 frans-Mt 210 {Trans PPL n200 %%6 6 Un Acc 1 pr2z20 $50 «650 ing March 31 to 28.75 and stock calves selling, Share; 1061, $7,008,644, $1.20. jat 30-32; common and medium) : a; Steel warehouses are the large gets around, often in distorted suppliers of steel to small- and $e | medium-sized purchasers and, NEW HEADWEAR stockers 21-24. | CASTRO CEMETERY if | DIVIDENDS in effect, are the middlemen] CAIRO (AP)--The fez makers| Calves: Choice vealers 28-30] HAVANA (CP) -- Havana's --1 | between this sized buyer and/ of Cairo have asked the gov | with odd tops to 32; good 26-27; /largest cemetery, the Colon sue : ~~ the large basic steel makers. {ernment to help them find new|medium 22-24: common 18-21:/cemetery, has been taken over ,47 | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | More than 60 firms belong toljobs. The traditional headgear,| boners 15-18. lby Premier Fidel Castro's ra Northland Utilities Ltd., com-! the association and handle about|shaped like a flower-pot, lost! Hogs: Grade A 32.50-33.55;|gime. It had been operated for **,;mon 15 cents, Aug. 31, record|75 per cent of Canadian steel|much of its popularity after the) heavy sows 23.15-25.40; light/years by the Roman Catholi¢e #1 "| Aug. 16, | warehouse tonnage. 1952 revolution. sows gaining a $2 premium;!Church. ; : ; : ie dae ante Babe liessoceaene! athe sft yet daibacics +1 +2 225 2 175 Do mStores 320 1500 1075 * Treasury Bill Rates Rising 185800 100 2 100 3500 130 1 500 OTTAWA (CP)--The Bank ofjrate. Canada's treasury bill rate rose; ----------~---_------ to 5.48 per cent from 5.43 per 0) IEEN cent last week, the bank an- TO LUNCH WITH QUEEN | nounced Thursday following the weekly sale of 91-day govern-\ner, 21, a stenographer when ment treasury bills. -- she left Britain 14 months ago,| It resumed the steady rise,|was back home today, a prin- broken briefly by a slight drop|cess. sharing a penthouse with a week ago, which saw the rate|her husband, King Hussein of climb from 3.07 per cent April| Jordan. Before she and the king 26 chiefly on the strength of a|leave Britain, after a three-week sharp jump two weeks ago|vacation, they will have lunch, when the central bank fixed its with the Queen at Buckingham bank rate at six per cent. Palace. j MARY O'HARA'S {iw nanny cDOWALU VX) SERS PRESTON FOSTER > RITA JOHNSO Best Actor! ite 1 a Mime Sen Oe Best Screenplay! Abby bteane 3 SHOWS DAILY 2:00 . 5:15 - 8:30 AIR CONDITIONED PHONE 723-2843 |Dethi Pae 15400 Denison "| Dicknsn |Dome Duvan LONDON (AP)--Toni Gardi-|F#rsd* 4000 32 00 6 OS 100 665 665 Sales to 1 ta.m.: 1,301,000 Zenmac Zulapa Carb 4| Bulolo 65 63 225 $10% 10% 10% 33 515 505 505 520 $322 32 32 1100 1% Lim 11% 1000 162 162 162 +1 FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY THE CANADIAN PUPPET THEATRE Meet HOWARD THE TURTLE IN PERSON -- STAR OF C.B.C. T.V, '"RAZZLE DAZZLE" SATURDAY MATINEE 2:30--EVENING 8:00 P.M. SUNDAY MATINEE -- 2 P.M. AND 4 P.M. PHONE BROOKLIN 655-3810 FOR RESERVATION CHILDREN 60c ° ADULTS 1.25 3% Miles West Of Brooklin on No. 7 Hwy. THIS YEAR'S BIG EXCITEMENT seam, MOTION PICTURE! KRUGER-MARTINELLI BLAIN-BUTTONS init Cole NEW COLOR CARTOON FEATURE TODAY . ... - 1.00, 3.45, 6.35, 9.25 AIK COOLED ZL Famous Payers Theatre | @OCSSCSHSSSESSSSOSTSESSSSSESHEH SESE EHEBES BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:15 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! Adult Enterteinment 146 MIN. FUN LAUGHTER MUSIC IN COLOR oe Plus! CARTOON FEATURETTE rrow ! OUTLAW STALLION" Tomorro * "COME SEPTEMBER" THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401. . CHILDREN under 12 FREE! | . PHONE 723-4972 n A ( WAYS AC is 4 HORSES' PYTTTTELIIT ITLL LLL LLL ELE Seeeesee88@ ". HELP STAMP JUT HOME COOKING ...fake her out to dinner tonight MOTOR HOTEL AND RESTAURANT "15 minutes from Downtown Oshawe on Highway 407 at Bowmanville" OPEN HOURS !! 7 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT DAILY! Co Peeeeeeeeeeesereeseseregeeeeeeeras: Seserseee SOSSSSHSSSHSSSSESES SSH SHSSHHHGPHSHSHSHOHHHHSEEEESOSHEH SSH SOHOHROHSSHSHHSSHESHESEOE | | Why swelter through summer with heavy beer? Holi BREW | day Heavy beer is fine in winter. But summer's the time for living lightly... light clothes, light food, light beer. Holiday Brew is a very light drink, great for summer enjoyment. Doesn't fill you up, never tastes bitter. It's a welcome vacation from ordinary beer. % high as other beers. Holiday 1s extra light in flavour and body. And the pleasure content is as i | Holiday Brew--the only really light brew sold in Canada SPAR IRI rit PRP RTO ETA SAA Snag ge empha nen cise mown: +

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