20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 11, 1962 oday's Stock Market, te nt ta Fc ta ch ta tan ta, ice er at 200 165 165 165 4 . 4 Cent Pa y i 5 INDUSTRIALS . ; sth 11h Te: 4 Cent! More. 12008, 6 5% 6 1 1000 : 550 $20% 20% 20% --- \% Phantom 400 «S55 5M OS 1200 CP pr 36% -- % @ NGas 950 ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER a tes ae Seine : 1 Headway 1000 2414 sTOC \ 1 Net 1, Net ( | | TORONT se sa ad | giock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Stock Sales High Low a.m. Oh'se i) } | as lor |Lont Cem 100 295 295 295 Bethim 100 190 190 19 --5 Toronto Stock Exchange--July 1! Lont Cem p 100 $10 10 10 4% Black Bay 560 0% 106 10% Quotations in cents unless marked $./,au Fin A 720 S$i4%-- 14¥4 14% qu 1 2 odd jot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| eland 100 '$9% 9% 9% Bralorne 100 710 710 710 410 rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change Is Levy 200 $i44 14 it's + % Camp Chib 300 435 430 430 --10 from previous board-lot closing sale.)'Lob Co A 100 87% 7% 7% --- '| Cariboo 200 100 | 100 100 Lob Co A w 620 155 150 150 250 $1015 10% 10% 1-Net | Mass-F i Chester S TAMP S *gtlaren Chib M 1000 Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'gtiyjex LP h 11% ; { : "4 'och Will 500 5 54 44 45% Mon Foods . A ig 9 _ 4 © Discov 200 with this coupon and "oe 315 $28%--e 28% 28% ' Rambler m0 : ; 824% UW% 2444 -- 4 Ocean $94 % § were Bo : Ont Steel _n 100 S$8% 8 y teen pn Y : 7BS $17 Pbina 200 Sie 6% 6% edad pal "4 a { a Nt ae 50 4 jf regu merchan Argus a --%!Premium 200 ge Do! 125 3% 3 2 i purchased at one time Atle Steel QN Gas pr 710 $44 M4 e rd | 5 ' --% Revelstk p 750 $19 19 $ Francoeur ; RNodwell, 100 500 500 500 +10 (Giant YK 100 $12% 2% 12% + bs, Royal Bank 250 $66% 6614 6615 -- %4 | Goldray 4 ie ne For A 9 @ & -- {6 |Royalite 600" 39% 9a 'elHastings 1500 85 SBS +S $51% 51% 51% -- %| Russell 500 $15% +Mln of Lakes 000 20 4 . Y%+i{%!} $6744 Gi Gi'4 + Miseven Arts 2 Heath 1000 5% ai fader tea rid Shawin xd 686 '* Hollinger 5 $31 21 3 a Shully's --/Hud Bay 395 853% 53 53% | 264 fag ar Hg ~Ye Sor A % erg Bc 4 9 a i. . oon) & a Jacobus 6701 . K " + oo ah 2 Slater Steel _, Jonsmith 3500 21-20% 20h --1 ™ % St Pav 305 8 | Jowsey 1500 32 5% + %! ans 32 so Bi4 -- Stedman Ltd Lab Min 100 $24%4 24% 24% + 4! esate Steel Can m O45 Si6%e 16% 16% L Osu 500 14 A +d 14% 14% Stuart Oil 765. $221 % 22 sie tek ik i 6 6 - **! Texaco 265 : ee 500 L te Tor-Dom "Bk 270 $534 59 ig . Fin A 150 1% ' 5 5 ; x Can PL lo by Ps +20 Trans-Mt 535 $13 re rd be wt : Melntyre 41 alk GW 330 : pe a WCoast vt ; 4' Merrill 355858 W C Brew bs on a os 7a + Al Weston A New Bid -- 9000 West A wis 221 New Hosco 500 74 4B5 $20%4 20% 20'*--~ "* White Pass 200 $7! h + %e Newnor 1000 14 © Pape 1 280 91% 39% --1e be . N Coldstrm 500 54 Hey Gas 675 Northgate 340 765. 760 Cosmos OILS N Goldert 1500 2) 2014 Crush Int 94 a a Opemiska 400 510 505 Dist S a Alminex 170 | 170 Patino Cor 1100 725 720 D Bridge xd 750 1 Bailey § A 7150 740 740 Pick Crow 672 17. 175 Dom Elect 600 q +%|Bailey S pr 72 2 2 _ | Placer 775 $21% 21% Dom El wts 300 610 +19, Bail 5% pr 2 22/2 22% 22 4 Preston 400 595 595 955 {asco 200 $52 --~ %4 |Calalte 500 15'4 1 Qunston 100 16% egy 155 Cal Ed 600 2 'e Raglan 5000 59 alee \ 49 |CS Pete 800 3 Renabie 500 245 "6s C Delhi 230 320 {Rio Algom 7144 925 Cent Del 1700 535 53 Rowan Con 2000 4 C€ Mie Mac 1100 2 San Ant 2800 168 165 Dynamic 1000 1 2 Sherritt 825 355 355 106 rg, A ee ae ae 3. Siscoe 1300 193 180 Y ar Plains = 20 \ 4 Steep R 2510 545 520 peer eis aK ins site Ome A 100 Sturgeon 500 19% 1914 G L Power 1500 $16% 16 Hom eB WOO "$1 ! * Sullivan 600 152 145 Gr Wpg vt 7100 S13 H BOG 716 $1 13 3 Teck-H 200 161 158 Greyhnd $166 Long Point 1000 24% 24l4 2419 Tormont 1000. 3434 Hawker-8 5 Medal 400 bs Tribag 3000 82 Bl Imp Oi) Okalta 1000 11% 1% I Trin Chib 6500 31 30% Imp Tob 2 : 3% 19 Provo Gas 600 1 1 Ult-Shaw 300069 Ind Accep Quonto $500 Un Keno 215 900 900 Int Nickel a South € 50012 2 Un Fort 500 1919 Int Util 3 4 Union Oil 300 § Upp Can 1000 175 175 Inter PI 1 +4 {Un Oils 73t 130 128 Violam 800 65 = 65 Inv Syn A pi van Can = 1000 2 Wasamae 833 80-80 Jockey © q a 5 395 Wr Harg 100 105 105 Jock © B pr 10% MINES Yk Bear 1600 99 «(98 Labatt r Ma 12% Zulapa mM Me Lafarge A i ™% $% + %4\Anacon 2500 40 o) pao Lafarge wts 1 Belcher 0m 39 Sales to 11. am 348,000 Deck Officers . | Four Escapees Seek Protection Fran Buwail | head of the International Or-\eyery licensed deck officer dis. SUDBURY (CP)--Four pris-} ganization of Masters, Mates oners who escaped from nearby and Pilots calls for develop- officers would be placed aboard Burwash industrial farm are ment of a program to protect the entpatiy's foreign flag ves: being. sought by guards and deck officers from what he aéik sina dinteal: nrovisions provincial police called the adverse effects of! ir ite collective bargaining They are Edward Watter, 21, automation agreement of Cornwall, Damas Hamel, 22, "We must develop a program - of Timmins, Barry Philips, 23, for automation that looks upon a of Sarnia and Donald Vernon the people we represent as hu- iv d L t 1 Hartford, 27, of Kitchener. man beings in the centre of the a y Istowe Watter and Hamel escaped automation picture, Charles while working at the farm pig Crooks, president of the union H p t gery. Watter was serving 15 representing over 11,000 Ii- as asspor months for breaking and enter- censed deck officers, said Tues year definite and 10 months in day. R d Crooks made his proposal at eturne determinate for breaking and) th 55th biennial convention of}: paympLONA. Spain (Reuters) entering the group. Forty delegates rep- Canadian - born Countess Lis-| Philips and Hartford escaped resenting deck officers in the)tgwe|, wife of a former. gover-\from a sports gang at Camp deep sea, inland and Great/norgeneral of Ghana whose|Spruce. Philips was serving 18 Lakes merchant marine are!nassport was taken by police|months for breaking an denier- here here Saturday, has been told'ing. Hartford, also serving al He said maritime labor mustishe can have it back term for breaking and entering, | be protected from automation! Axed Tuesday about reports)\WaS due for discharge in Oc-| through retraining, which ship- she had danced on the roof of a 'ober, 1963 ping companies should finance|.ar [Lady Listowel said "as part of the capital cost of : installing new devices." Recently the' union. tentatively she cual : FALSE TEETH accepted a Bethlehem Stee! ne police tell me [ can have ' 5 pace proposal that would|™My passport back. | am having With Little Worry permit the automation of its;@ simply wonderful time and _ mat, talk, laugh or sneeze without American flag ore ships in the|{he people here are marvel- sipping, or wobbling, FASTEETH Calmar Steamship Company! !ous holds plates firmer and more com- s a . ' eat ' ;: fortably, This pleasant powder has no and Ore Navigation Company \ police official in this north- gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling Both are Atlantic and Gulf,ern town said: "As far as the Doesn't cause nausea. It's alkaline coast operations with headquar- police are concerned the inci be esa RI gl phe teery at ters in New York dent is closed.' drug counters everywhere 'Police Seeking placed by automation, two deck ing. Hamel was serving one Now Many Wear "T hav.enothing to say. There was just a minor incident. SIR ROBERT BURNEITS RATED LONDON DRY aul more Canadians drink BURNETT'S than any other Gin PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 11, 12, SPECIAL! VAC PAC 13, 14 SWEET COTTAGE ROLLS . SPECIAL! ADD YOUR FAVOURITE SEASONING, COMBINATION PKG. Minced Beef, P SPECIAL! HICKORY SMOKED ork, Veal .. SHOPSY'S FRANKFURTERS ... SPECIAL! SWIFT'S PREMIUM RINDLESS SIDE SACON SPECIAL ! SCHNEIDER'S Liver & Bacon Sausage, Braunschweiger and Sandwich Spread ....... SPECIAL! AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS, PENNYWISE CHOPPED BEEF STEAKETTES .. SPECIAL! FRESH FROZEN----PAN READY CHOICE HADDOCK FILLETS 1B tee PKG C VLB Sparkling Fresh... Top Quality .. . Produce Features! EXCELLENT VALUE! SWEET, JUICY, EASY TO PEEL! JUST AS SWEET AS HONEY! SEEDLESS NAVEL LARGE MEDIUM C SIZE C size DOZEN DOZEN FROM SOUTH CAROLINA! LUSCIOUS RED HAVENS YELLOW-FLESH FREESTONE! No. 1 GRADE! FRESH PEACHES": 20 GARDEN FRESH! No. 1 GRADE! SWEET, TENDER, DELICIOUS CORN on the COB SPECIAL! MAZOLA SALAD OIL SPECIAL! AYLMER Choice TOMATOES SPECIAL! SPECIAL! GENERAL MILLS - CHEERIOS ..... SPECIAL! WHITE MEAT GOLD SEAL FANCY TUNA SPECIAL! WELCHADE GRAPE DRINK ...... 1014-07 PKGS. 32 FL OZ. TINS SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE RAISIN PIE .\e¢: PRICE 45¢ SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS SPECIAL! WESTON'S COCOANUT GEMS BISCUITS SPECIAL! LOBLAWS ICED BANANA CAKE ........ @ FROZEN FOOD PECIALI STOKELY'S FANCY rcs DHE HOLIDAY ASSORTMENT ............ 3 @5e me Be un Oat KERNEL CORN rol AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS HOME HANDYMAN Volume Ten Now on Sale! ENCYCLOPEDIA & GUIDE TWO WAYS TO REDEEM STAMPS Finest Quality STORE OGIFTS " © inenchanoise CHOOSE FROM A COMPLETE VARIETY OF FAMOUS NAME GIFTS. or i you prefer REDEEM YOUR FILLED STAMP BOOKS FOR $2.00 MERCHAND'SE CERTIFICATE FOR STORE MERCHANDISE, GROCERIES, ETC. Not Good fer Cash Redemption SEB SPECIAL CASHIER! With Coupon & Purchase 4 fi, oz. Plastic Bottle COPPERTONE SUNTAN LOTION Q3 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 7 41. o1, Bottle LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC Q4 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase Three 15-02. Tins ROVER CAT FOOD MEAT Q9 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 20-01. Tin STAFFORD Apple Pie Filling Q10 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 24 fi, oz, Jar EUROPEAN STYLE ROSE DILLS QI5 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 801, Pkg.--12 Portion, Plain or Assorted SWISS GRUYERE CHEESE Qi6 Coupon Exp, July 18 ROOT BEER CANDIES, Q21 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 12 fl, oz, Jar Stafford's Mello-Gold MARMALADE Q22 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase Three 15-07, Tins PARD DOG FOOD Q27 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase Any &Tablet Pkg. FIZZIES Q2R Coupon Exp. July 18 EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 10-Ib. Bag ONTARIO NEW POTATOES Q33 Coupon Exp, July 18 EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase FouR GREEN PEPPERS Q34 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 6-02. Jar TRUMPET Instant Coffee Q2 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase Two 15 fi, oz. Tins LIBBY'S FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL Q5 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 15-0z. Pkg. Pillsbury White Angel Food CAKE MIX QB Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 12-02%, Tin LUNCHEON MEAT Qil Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 24 fl. oz. Plastic Bottle PINK LIQUID VEL DETERGENT Q14 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase Two I-lb. Pkgs, REGULAR Solo Margarine Q17 Coupon Exp. July 18 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 2-oz. Aerosol Tin BRECK HAIR SET MIST Q20 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 8 fl. oz, Jar, MILANIS THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING Q23 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase Tlb. Pkg. INSTANT NUMILK Q26 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 200's or 400's Pkg. SWANETTE FACIAL TISSUE Q29 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase Lb. Pkg. PENNYWISE CHOPPED Beef Steakettes Q32 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 3-lb. Poly Bag SPY APPLES . Q33 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 1401. Aerosol Tin BRIDGEPORT FLOWER GUARD Ql Coupon Exp. July 18 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase Twe 18-02, Tins Choice Halves or Sliced Bright's Peaches Q6 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coypon & Purchase Two 15-07, Tins CLARK'S CHICKEN - TURKEY STEW Q7 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 10-0z, Tin Leaver Choice Whole Qi2 Coupon Exp. July 18 With Coupon & Purchase 3-02. Shaker LAWRY'S SEASONED SALT Q13 Coupon Exp. July 18 EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS With Coupon & Paschase Two 2 fi. oz. Bt. D HELENE CURTIS HAIR DRESSING Qi8 Coupon Exp. July 18 EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase Twe 48 fi. ox Tins _ CLARK'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE Q19 Coupon Exp. July 18 EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase Any 4 Pkgs. ROYAL Instant Puddings Q24 Coupon Exp. July 18 EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 2 Tins, Black, Dark er Light Brown, 2 IN 1 SHOE POLISH Q25 Coupon Exp. July 18 EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase lb. Bag McCORMICK'S Chocoiate Chip COOKIES Q30 Coupon Exp July 18 With Coupon & Purchase Any 2 Pkgs AYLMER FROZEN Peas, Squash or Mixed Vegetables Q31 Coupon Exp, July 18 With Coupon & Purchase Sb. Poly Bag COOKING ONIONS Q34 Coupon Exp July 18