Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jul 1962, p. 12

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USINESS SP TL HT Stock Exchange. He headed a! "ALCOHOLIC" ART ! : ' B : 0 IG |sroup which acquired control of} LONDON (CP)--Artist Mich- U.K. Firms Merger eatty in February, 1961. ' 7 7? ael Osterwell, on a_ sketching) . 2 ; | B _ The present offer is open un-jtour of Scotland, found his cray- Effective July 9 hare uying til Aug. 6 or until 140,000 shares | ons didn't include rich golds and) TORONTO (CP)--Merger of have been tendered and is t | f ; |binding unless that number of |Ted-browns for the: glens and/Consolidated Zinc Corporation M th d e d lahaees are offered. ipeaks so he mixed his chen seh Tinto Co. Ltd, a aa i ' i wine. " ritish companies, now is e @) uerie Shares of Genera! Bee ee ae cae ae vd -- operative effective July 9, fol- . é Wares were quoted on the Tor-! mene . lowing court sanction. Hed ee --------. ord eo Withee [Onto Stock Exchange Friday, be-/and ax re | eee Name of the new company is The ie of Beatty Reattars 's sat thei' saree in tatoos sn reg Rage eM 4 paced olla ORE _--|Rio Tinto-Zine Corporation Ltd. Ltd., to buy nearly a third of|cause of geographical location, M 'i "ape : with wide mini i the outstanding common sharesjearlier knowledge of the offer, gid po gel oo sp. '{ment, and various other prod- ieitmneate bay prs ngg haere of General Steel Wares Litd.,)and a variety of other reasons.| : " {uets. Rarebe. Austraife and Asien, has re-arcssed arguments aboul| A suggested solution is that| ,Bcatty, whose balance shee'| General Steet Wares, whose) ¥'°P° : : the manner in which such offers! chares be accepted on a pro rate shows total assets of $9,458.060,|balance. sheet shows tota! assets Announcement that the mer- should be made. basis, as provided under. United has its head office at Fergus,jof $25,700,000 has its head of-ger now is effective was made The offer is to buy at $11 a States regulations. If, for in- Ont., and factories at Fergus,|fice in Toronto and plants in|from the offices here of Rio Al- share 140,000 of the 478,734 is-\stance. 280,000 shares were of- Penetanguishene and Lucknow,|Toronto, Montreal and London,|gom Mines Ltd., in which Rio sued shares of General Steellfered, half of the shares offered all in Ontario, and a subsidiary|Ont. It also manufacturers a|Tinto holds a controlling inter Wares in the order that they hy each shareholder would be|:? Manchester, England. It|wide range of household appli-jest and which is the chief in- are received. accepted, rather than all the manufacturers household appli-|ances and various industrial|strument of Rio Tinto in Can- This means cthat if holders of|shares of a fewer number. ances, including laundry equip- items. ada. more than 140,000 shares wish Soo nennon ersensen ane nh sn nar to accept, then those who get|UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCE their shares in first will be ac-| An unusual circumstance in cepted while those coming in|the Beatty-General Steel Wares after the total has been reached|situation is that George R will be turned down. Gardiner, chairman of Beatty,) Critics of such offers say this is also chairman of the board} '| results in discrimination. Some'of governors of the Toronto @ FREE @ FREE @ FREE @ FREE @ FREE @ --Boltone Announces FREE Batteries In honor-of Val. J. Serrie now the ji BEST BUY! -- SAVE 5c! -- SOLO BRAND MARGARINE 3 xc 69° BEST BUY! -- SAVE 9c! -- LIBBY'S FANCY QUALITY ORANGE JUICE 2 ws 75° BEST BUY! -- SAVE 10c! -- WAGSTAFFE NEW PACK--With Added Pectin STRAWBERRY JAM "un 39° SAVE 4c! 20-0Z. TINS SAVE 16c! ECONOMY POP-UP Libby's Deep Brown KLEENEX BEANS 1 9g. TISSUES Pxs. oF 400 79. BEST BUY! -- SAVE 15c! -- DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION 15-0Z. c DOG FOOD 8 ™ 99 BEST BUY! -- SAVE 24¢ -- 18¢ OFF PACK GIANT SIZE SURF neat BSS BEST BUY! -- BUY A DOZEN TINS AND SAVE 15¢ -- GARDEN PATCH CORN WholeKernel 12°; 1.59 *SPECIALLY SELECTED CKD. "RED OR BLUE BRAND" QUEBEC PCs MEET ~--_. June 18 federal election to | Among them from left to | (the only reelected member study causes of the s?tbacks | right: Maurice Johnson, Jac- | of the group) and Mare La- for the first time since the | and plan the next election. } ques Flynn, Georges Valade ! coste. --(CP Wirephoto) Family Defends Planned Dam | pivipenns , | Opposed By | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | ' ° e | 4 . . | Geco Mines Ltd., 25 cents, Land With Lives City Council he rears Aue ar : : allnor ines Ltd., four OTTAWA (CP)--'They canja thick brogue, built his home) pranpeorp (CP) -- City,cents, Sept. 1, recor dAug. 10 shoot me through the heart with| by himself 18 years ago on what council 1s backing the civic ad-|_ Noranda Mines Ltd., 30 cents, | a rifle or hang me by the neck|was then an abandoned farm) jinistration board in opposing|Sept. 14, record Aug. 17. until I'm dead, but they'll never|in the south end of the city. |i}. Grand River Conservation, Normetal Mining Corporation drive me away from my land." Since then the Finnerty pro-\Commission's method of asses-|Ltd., five cents, Sept. 28, rec- The defiant remark was made|perty has been surrounded byjsing the eight municipalities it}ord Aug.- 31. : by Roger Finnerty, 69, embit-/row upon row of modern homes.|represents for the financing of} The Overland Express Ltd. tered by a six-year struggle to|the tall, weather-beaten handy-\two dams the commission pro-|Pfd. 15 cents, July 31 record keep his home in the modern/man picked up the land for alposes to build in the water-| July 17. a : suburb of Alta Vista. few hundred dollars but now a'shed. Quemont Mining Corporation "Home" is a small field con-|city official says it is worth otal cost of the dams, Ltd., 20 cents, Sept, 28, record taining a small tent, two dere-/$30,000 with room for at least planned at Ayr on the Nith|AUs. 31. i lict cars, plum trees, bushes, a'four new homes. River, a tributary of the Grand Sully's Industries Lid., com- thubarb garden and a wooden' The new neighbors began River, and at West Montrose,|™on 15 cents, July 31, record €ross 20.feet high complaining about the property|is estimated at $10,500,000, with|July. 16. | * The tent was pitched 10 days|in 1956 and the city launched Brantford paying the -- lion's | ago by the two Finnerty s0ns,/prosecutions under housing share. CHURCH FOR FREE Chris, 19, and John, 21, after| standards regulations. The wivic administration' BUCKLER'S HARD, England city crews demolished the fam- 4. Finnertys refused to\board is against the commis-/(CP) -- Lord Montagu of Beaul-| ily's small two-room tarpaper|) ing their tarpaper home up to sion charging the cost ot thejieu has a church to give away.| shack under a court order. The! 1. .dards or to build a new one,|municipalities on the basis of/It is on his estate near. this! cross marks the spot where the! -aying they: have no savings 4 95-year-old system. {t wants|Hampshire viliage and attend | shack stood. The city moved in) 5.) ecutions, threats, fines and|the conservation body to figure/ance is so small that parish of- after Mr. and Mrs. Finnerty | more prosecutions followed, but the charges on the current mu-/ficials no longer will support it.| both ag eg briefly for con-| 14, tarpaper shack stood. nicipal assessment rates. The/It may be offered to the vicar| tempt of court. ' . board says the commission is|of the nearby village of Faw-| Mr. Finnerty, who left Ireland c a the sine pant i fixing the charges, using vari-|ley, which is without a church.| in the 1920s but still speaks with|Ontario last month ordered the) |r tone on the assessment : : Finnertys .to demolish their > | Vs : , Ww level that was in effect when "OPEN" 4 {home immediately. When no ac- couiiniesioh was founded PEN" ZOO tion was taken, Mr. Finnerty : ; ra, |. MATLOCK, England (CP) -- Stock Market |was sentenced to 14 days in jail before ~~ -- to ed Britain's first "open" zoo, de-| jand Mrs. Finnerty to Rasen on the curr s*»*-\voted entirely. to British ani-| ' Close to 75 Progressive Con- | *"servatives met in Montreal new and only dealer in Oshawa for the world famous Y, HEARING G AIDS And a New Dealer for Mallory Battery COMPANY A free gift of Batteries will be given away to any hearing-aid user regardless of make or model who will come to our ground floor location at 4212 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-0004 i iow ment, Brantford's contribution) oi. wi Bong , ; S Ah d jan agg Flyer st te the over-all cost of the twol {hire i ln ad Eg urges ea Theis Aeuinas f ving »!:/dams would be lower than that ? i: ip Thomas Aquinas Roman Catho- ' , i i¢./0f @ fauna reserve founded by rit fom ' already set by the commis-|.,.. ' ' mri | TORONTO (CP) -- The stock|lic Church which she attends) s3 1, fact. of the eight muni-\Sclence teacher David Cliffe market surged ahead Tuesday daily. cipalities involved, only Kitch- ree 700 official Edward Hal-| ROAS I 5 morning, levelled off by early City officials thought the long ener and Waterloo would see an am. i. afternoon and eased slightly siege was over when the shack increase in the charge., Brant- near the close. was torn down and the contents|rorq would pay more than $1,- ais, Banks led the main list higher;hauled away to a city ware-|999.000 under the existing plan, | with Montreal, Nova Scotia and/house. Not so. compared with Kitchener's pay : . é Canadian Imperial! Bank of, "I'm happy. here," Mrs. Fin-|ment of $782,000 and $160,000 : | lb. @ FREE @ FREE @ FREE @ FREE © FREE @ FREE @ FREE @ FREE © FREE @ FREE @ 334i © J7NJ © FINI @ IFAYI © JFTMA © IFHI © JFNI © JIFZNJ © IFAMA © FFUA 334d @ JFAJ @ JIAd @ FFI @ IIA Commerce all ahead 114, Royal,|nerty tells reporters. "Take alfor Waterloo. up a point, and Toronto-Domin- ge ody it nig Pd ------------------____--------_-- fon \%. idden in the lush vegetation Interprovincial Pipe Linejare two shrines to the Virgin Youth Recaptured climbed 2 to 74, Price digery peel a earn Polis x 2% to 4344 and Atlas Steel 1%.' chairs, a table, pieces of a stove Walker - Gooderham rose 1%,|pipe, pails and the family's After Five Hours 4 5 i : ; YOU SAVE TWICE" -- "PRESH SLICED" ALWAYS TENDER Dominion Foundries and Stcel|pets, a dog and a cat. BRANTFORD (CP)--A Port j fi ig By ga Mod % and Consolidated Paper 1%.| Since housing regulations say Cojhorne youth was recaptured ' PORK LIVER ie 2 c On index, industrials climbed| nothing about tents, the city has hy provincial police less than Of | SHORT RIB ROASTS... 53 | : ; 5.04 to 539.69, base metals .57 shifted tactics and now threat- five hours after he fled from! { : ee 1 to 184.10 and western oils 1.19 ens to prosecute the Finnertys the Burtch industrial farm, six . f tty : "VALUE CHECK'D" WELL TRIMMED "BY THE PIECE" to 97.52. Golds fell 1.90 to 98.16./under the Public Health Act un-| mites south of here oy RED OR BLUE BRAND (Cut Any Thickness)| FOR SANDWICHES AND SNACKS Volume was 1,473,000 shares|less suitable sanitation facilities James Smith, 19, who was ap- d ? 7, E c| e compared with Monday's 1,170,- are provided near the tent. prehended Tuesday on Highway God ) RIB STEAKS LB, 79 BOLOGNA LB. 33 600 2, opened a second-storey win- sb ; a In base metals, International dow of a dormitory at the in- : A, dy) DC) } } Nickel gained %, Hudson spi NET EARNINGS stitution Monday night and > FEATURE |! --SAVE 8c ! -- FRAY BENTOS FEATURE -- SAVE 20c Mining % and Labrador 4 sae : ye jumped 15 feet to the ground 12-0Z. c TRIX - JETS . COCO PUFFS - FROSTYO'S while Denison slipped 4. Spec-; By THE CANADIAN PRESS | No charges have been laid in Yes, and just in time for the wonderful season ahead. Hundreds of items CORNED BEEF TIN 49 CEREALS BIG "G" 3 PKGS. 79 ulatives featured Jacobus's| Hiram Walker - Gooderham|connection with the escape drasticall : : | : | ; ce y reduced. All Brand new merchandise, at savings greater than ever yerce-cent gain to. 78 cents onjand Werts L4d., 9 mos. ended/Smith had served one week of before. Why not cash in on these real values today, at rsh convenient! FEATURE -- SAVE 18¢ -- - Vv a volume of more than 200,000 May 31: 1962, $19,666,268, $2.28\a six-month term for car theft ' Yr , con y FEATURE -- SAVE 5c a share; 1961, $18,627,995, $2.16 at the time of his escape located in Downtown Oshawa. GRAPE - LEMONADE GOLD SEAL - SOLID WHITE MEAT Poa me rele 13-02. 7-02. "9% \ peer SABRE SLIMS SHEATH papesns 9 ee ee Reg. 14.95 Reg. 12.95 TEA BAGS = i'}00' 79° All summer shades Jo.Mac brand, lovely & = in plains and checks e fabrics all colors and FRESH BAKED ! gee. 3% = All first quality oll sizes . eres SUNBEAM ORANGE CHIFFO Lady Anne "'T" Shirts | Klein's Cotton Baby Dolls Luscanan swale Reg. 2.98 INSECT BOMBS -- Reg. to 4.98 2.99 Srp ere, bow 1.99 FLY TOX 89, 1.39 RED ORNIA Klein's Coton Gowns FANCY PULLOVERS || [TRUMP 'os = 8") epapes Ib. 23 DESTROY ANTS WITH TAT Reg. to 3.98 99 gba aie 49 ANT TRAPS 3 0, 69°} | No. 1 Grade Lovely prints, nice * Lon Aa suslity e VINE RIPENED, FLAVOR RICH, NO. 1 GRADE styles. All sizes .. All sizes CANTALGUPES ««<: 19* BLOUSES 99° Checks and Linen Skirts FLAVORFUL HOME GROWN, NO. 1 35° LB. SHOES © CS 4 fe ! < hes, 1 1 Reg. to 6.00 9.99 poor | > TOMATOES Ginga: Beaute} GARDEN FRESH ICEBERG, NO. 1 GRADE FOR DRESS & \ Po A YG avai wite Sod SQ) | sion ona a ie I Oe 1-1 CASUAL WEAR! NZ «<< 7 KAMEO BAN LON CARDIGANS F ORDER NOW! 22 LB. PAILS OF RED PITTED 0 Broken colors, etc. All sizes. ae = : ALL SIZES eee a REG. $5.00. | = SET OF 4 weer ue caer "Foliage" HUGE REDUCTION es ) "GLASS TUMBLERS | Se2ehGu? ti ov « OF UP TO 35% AT: b j Beautifully Decorated in BIRDS EYE DINNERS 59 =. Hp we i iu E SHOE (a SPROULE'S DUFFY'S MARKET - STORE . CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 55 KING ST. E. OSHAWA SPECIALTY SHOPS BROWN'S MARKETERIA MAPLE GROVE MARKET FREE PARKING AT THE REAR OF THE STORE 11 SIMCOE ST. S. : 723-7421 BROOKLIN, ONTARIO MAPLE GROVE, ONTARIO a ? en ee lo i

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