10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, July 7, 1962 Bob Bailey Seems Headed For Bucs COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)--It's} When the Jets hit the road no long reach from Long Beach) Tuesday night, it made no dif- to the major leagues the way|ference. Bailey promptly pasted bonus boy Bob Bailey is going.| Atlanta pitching for a home run The jump from high schooljand single, driving in three runs ball in California to a berth with|--the margin in a 5-2 victory. Pittsburgh Pirates of 'the Na-| That gave him the club lead tional League within two years|with 13 homers and 48 RBI. apvears well within the abilities) what's more, Bailey has been Giants Sign Up|Four Red Wings Bob Garibaldi On All-Star Team For $150,000 NEW YORK (AP) -- Larry|Willie Stargell of Columbus; SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--Bob/Shepard, manager of Columbus|catcher Tim McCarver of At- Garibaldi signed with San Fran-|Jets, picked four players from|lanta; southpaw cisco Giants of the National' League for an estimated $150,- 000. The Giants plan to start him July 15. The 20-year-ok University named the final 13 members of|Mateosky the International Lea: _|star team which will p of the 19-year-old sensation. The way he's been playing lately for Columbus Jets of the Interna- tional League has Pirates bras convinced the huge bonus--per- haps a big league record--they gave him was a sound invest- ment. Bailey signed for a sum some- where between $150,000 and $200,000 upon his graduation from high school June 7, 1961. Thirteen months later, the sixfoot-one, 175-pound infielder is the Bucs' pride and joy, fielding brilliantly. Playing third base most of the time and also filling in at short, his work has been "major league" all the way, writers covering the team report. Bob Grim At End Of Career KANSAS CITY (AP) -- The of/more Orioles in Rochester Wed-|other southpaw pi bean. easerty soushe ahier Win tho top 19 om en. eagerly si after The top 10 players, including} Shepard also ning the Most Valuable Playe t- and left - handedjFarrell and award at 'ee NCAA world ries last month. fi - ee iantnaie Told Be league president, made known _ om : ers," a news nt, mi The start! as conference after signing Wed-|Shepard's choices Thursday. by the pl Fane Prank nesday. Thr Rochester players picked|Herrera of Buffalo, at first; Garibaldi, six feet five and! Shepard are Les Narum,|Phil Gagliano of Atlanta, at sec 205 pounds with a blazing fast -handed pitcher; Bob Sav-jond; Lou Johnson of Toronto, ball and a good curve, said he » gecond baseman; out-|John Herrnstein of Buffalo and picked the Giants because "'they|fielder Pete Ward and player-/Vie Davalillo of Jacksonville in have one of the strongest hit-/coach Luke Easter. the outfield. ting clubs" and are just 80/ The ether players picked to} Bob Lipski of Buffalo, is the miles from his home at Stock-|round out the squad are short-|starting catcher with either looming large in their 1963|Pitching career of Bob Grim plans. The first 12 months were|has come re bi close, ~ something of a st! le, but in|/S¢ven years after he was name the last month, Bailey has come| Rookie of the Year in the Amer- ton, Calif. : stop Ted Kazanski of Toronto;|Steve Ridzik, a rightie, of Tor- All 20 major league clubs|°4tcher Ron Brand, third base-jonto or Don Rowe of talked with him during the last|@@2 Bob Bailey and outfielder!a southpaw, on the mound. CITY LEAGUE BANTAM Duplate, 1961-62 champions | ter they proudly received of the Oshawa Minor Hockey | their honors, at the "City Association's Bantam '"B" | League' honor night, this League, are shown above, af- | week, at Oshawa Children's %, 'B' HOCKEY CHAMPIONS ton; (back row) -- Gary Smith, Brian Lock, Jack Kel- lar (coach), Bob Mackay and Andy Konopacki. --Oshawa Times Photo Arena. Left-to-right, they are: (front row) -- Bob Bon- netta, Jim Watson, Brian Cranfield and David Knowl- SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuits' TONIGHT, at Alexandra Park, at 8.00 o'clock -- that's the time and place, if you are interested in seeing the grapd finale of the 5th annual All-Ontario Junior softball tourna- ment, staged here by the Oshawa City and District Softball Association each year. A total of 12 teams will go to the barrier at noon today -- the draw will be made at 12.30 and the first round will get under way at one o'clock. Due to the bad fire in Havelock, earlier this week, the Havelock Jun- iors were forced to cancel their entry but at midnight last night, all other entries appeared assured. The final game every year has been a real classic and the climax tonight will be no exception, In addition to seeing some top-notch entertainment by the best Junior softball teams in the prov- ince, the customers will also have a chance to win one or more of the special attendance prizes which have been arranged. OSHAWA SKEET CLUB, due to inclement weather on two different attempted dates, didn't get around to deciding their Club Championship last year, so they're going to do this tomorrow at their club grounds, with the tournament getting under way at 10.30 a.m. The winner will receive the Neil Felt Trophy, donated for annual competition to the club, by the former well-known Oshawa skeet marksman, who passed away some months ago. The Club Championship shoot always attracts a great deal of interest among local "skeet- ers" and tomorrow's event should provide keen competition. And speaking of keen competition -- the Canadian singles trapshooting champion was decided yesterday by the toss of a coin -- quite a way to decide a Dominion title. Jack Wiley trom New Westminster and Frank Opsal of Vancouver each broke 296 birds in their regular 300-rounds shot -- then each smashed a perfect 100 in the shoot-off, for a Canadian shoot- off record. After all that they decided to toss a coin and Jack Wiley called it right -- to become Canada's singles and "'open singles" title-holder. SHORT SPORTS -- Oshawa Lakeshores, Intermediate baseball club, will play Peterborough Fannings, in an exhibi- tion game at Lakeview Park, tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock. . . . ROGER MARIS and Mickey Mantle each hit two more homers yesterday to pace Yankees to a 7-6 win over Minnesota Twins. The pair of Yankees' sluggers have hit 12 homers in five games, seven for Mantle, Maris has hit nine in the last 11 games, Mantle eight in nine. And just to prove Yanks are rolling, Luis Arroyo pitched no-hit relief for two-and-a-third innings, to save the win for Ralph Terry. . . . CLEVELAND INDIANS moved. to the top how- ever with their win over Chicago on a great pitching display by veteran Ruben Gomez, in his first game in the American League, after being called up from Jacksonville NEITHER NO-HIT pitcher, Bob Belinsky nor Earl Wilson lasted yesterday when they clashed but Boston beat the Angels to knock them off the top perch. BASEBALL SCORES AND STANDINGS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS)Philadelphia 6 Pittsburgh 2 American League Los Angeles 3 San Francisco 12 WL Pet. GBL| Probable Pitchers Today 46 34 | St. Louis (Gibson 9-6) and 44 33 . Washburn 6-4 or Jackson 7-8) at 45 35 .563 New York (Jackson 4-9 and 45 39. Anderson 3-6). 41 39 | Philadelphia (Hamilton 5-6) > be : at Pittsburgh (Haddix 7-3), 38 43 | age pot 6-2 od bel sd a eshick 2-6) at Cincinnati (Pur- Kansas City 38 45 » Y key 13-2), Washington 26 52. Friday's Results Milwaukee (Shaw 9 - 5) at Chicago 3 Cleveland 5 Chicago (Koonce 7-2). Baltimore 4 Detroit 5 Los Angeles (Williams 7-4 or New York 7 Minnesota § Podres 4-6) at San Francisco Washington 9 Kansas City 12 | (Sanford 8-6). Boston 12 Los Angeles 7 International League Probable Pitchers Today WL Pct. GBL New York (Stafford 7-5) at 54 26 .675 Minnesota (Kralick 6-7), 45 33 .577 B Baltimore (Estrada 4-10) at 42 35 545 10% Detroit (Jones 1-2). : 40 38 513 13 Chicago (Zanni 5-3) or Fisher 37 42 468 16% 3-3) at Cleveland (Donovan| Columbus 37 42 A68 1644 12-3). Syracuse - 82 49 .395 22% Washington (Daniels 1-9 or) Richmond 29 51 .363 25 Rudolph 2-3) at Kansas City Friday's Results Rochester 3 Toronto 4 (Walker 8-6) night, Syracuse 3 Buffalo 2 ascent 1 goles night, Columbus at Jacksonville ppd Net League Richmond at Atlanta ppd, rain Los Angeles 57 30 San Francisco Games Today Pittsburgh Rochester at Toronto St. Louis Syracuse at Buffalo (N) Cincinnati Richmond at Atlanta (N) Milwaukee Col. at Jacks'ville (TN) Philadelphia . SOCCER SCORES Cleveland New York Los Angeles Minnesota Detroit Baltimore Chicago Boston Jacksonville Toronto Buffalo Rochester Atlanta 656 651 % 602 § 549 9% 544 10 500 13% -427 19% 13 19 20 26 31 56 30 50 33 45 37 43 36 41 41 35 47 33 46 30 55 22 57 |baseball commissioner Ford MINOR SOFTBALL Close Race As Bantams Bid For Playoff Berths Rundle Park (No Record) Valleyview (No Record) Sunnyside Park ....... 0 13 Sunnyside Park Radio Park Southmead (No Report) Woodview (No Report) GAMES LAST NIGHT Sunnyside Park defeated Southmead 15-5 last night at Sunnyside Park, in their Mid- get League fixture. This mark- ed the second win in succession this week, for Sunnyside over Southmead and put them at the top of the league standing. Neither Woodview nor South- mead have reported their win- loss record so their league Standing is not known. North Oshawa Bantams de- feated Rundle Park 13-9 last night at Rundle Park to lay claim to a tie for fourth place, but their won-lost record is not Official, since they should have played 12 games, providing they are caught up in their schedule date. Nipigon Park nosed on their close rivals Fernhill Park, by a 3-1 score last night at Nipigon, to leave these two teams also tied each with a 7-4 record. Storie Park scored a 15-8 tri- umph at Zion, to take a firm grip of second place in the league standing, with a 10-1 record. Zion is 6-6 for the time being, with one game left. Kingside nosed out Lake Vista 64 in an important game, at Lake Vista last night. This win moved Kingside into third place with an 8-4 record while Lake Vista has a 6-6 record. Each team has one game left this week. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Brisbane, Australia -- David Floyd, 135%, Australia, out- pointed Tommy Tibbs, 132, Bos- ton, Mass, 12. With only one week of sched- ule play remaining, the Osh- awa Minor Softball Association's Kiwanis Bantam League and Midget League are both enjoy- ing a keen race, as the riva teams bid for playoff berths. The four top teams in the Bantam League will contest the right to represent Oshawa in Ontario Bantam playdowns and at the present time, it would appear that a sudden-death play- off may be necessary in order to settle the 3rd and fourth posi- tions. In the Midget League, all four teams are in their league cham- pionship playoffs but the ad- vantage of finishing in first place is the big prize and here also competition is very keen. KIWANIS BANTAM LEAGUE (Standing as of -- Connaught Park Storie Park ' Kingside Park North Oshawa ....+00. Nipigon Park ..s.see0» Fernhill Park Zion Park Lake Vista Woodview Park Southmead Eastview Southmead Girls Lose To Fernhill In a Neighborhood Assoc. Bantam Girls League softball game played last night at Fern- hill Park, the Fernhill girls whipped their rivals from South- mead, 22-13. Southmead opened with three runs in the first inning and Fernhill came back in their half to score seven including Cooper's homer, From that point on, Fernhill was given a scare when Southmead gdded one in the second stanza and then scored six runs in the third inning, to take a 10-7 lead, with Orne arnrolh 6 (No Record) (No Record) into his own in a big way. RAISES AVERAGE Climaxing a month-long surge in which he has brought his bat- ting average from below .220 to near .280, Bailey smacked three home runs in a doubleheader sweep over Syracuse Chiefs Sunday. The last was a game- winning blow in an extra inning. A witness to the seven-RBI Sunday show was Pittsburgh general manager Joe L. Brown. With Pirates president John Galbreath watching the pre. vious week, Bailey blasted a dramatic last-of-the-ninth home run with a man on to beat Buf- falo Bisons 6-5. YESTERDAY'S STARS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Battimg -- Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle, Yankees, each hit two homers in New York's 7-5 victory over Minnesota Twins. Maris drove in four runs with his 20th and 21st while Mantle accounted for a pair with Nos. 16 and 17, tying major league record with four homers in consecutive at-bats. Pitching -- Hal Woodeshick, Colts, snapped Houston's five- game losing streak with an eight-hit shutout that beat Cin- cinnati Reds 2-0. Churchill Trophy Gets New Home MONTREAL (CP) Churchill Trophy, formerly awarded to the winner of a na- tional intercollegiate football fi- nal, will be given to the winner Sept. 29 between McGill Univer- sity Redmen and St. Francis Xavier X-men. The Canadian Paraplegic As- sociation, which sponsors the trophy contest and gets the pro- ceeds of the game, said the trophy would be contested in ex- hibition games in the next sey- eral years "until college foot- ball is »rganized well enough to have a truly national final." In past years, the Quebec-On- tario champions had played off against the western conference champions. However, a spokesman for the association said, the eastern clubs have become too strong to produce an even contest with the western winners, Last year, Queen's University Golden Gaels refused to travel west to meet the western win- ners and the trophy was not contested. Lansing and Kennedy both con- tributing big hits. But three runs in the fifth was all the scoring the visitors could do after that. Fernhill picked up two in the 3rd and then splurged for five runs in the fourth and added three on Cooper's second homer, in the fifth and Bey- ans homered in the sixth to Roughley's Defeat Houdaille Team In an Oshawa Legion Minor Baseball Association Pee Wee League game, played last night at Harman Park, Roughley In- surance whipped Houdaille In- dustries 6-1, on the strength of BILES MAKE SWAP BUFFALO (AP) -- Buffalo Bills of the American Football League got Wayne Crow, lead- ing 1961 ground-gainer, from Oakland Raiders in a trade for defensive tackle Chuck McMur- try and quarterback M. C., Reynolds, In addition, the Bills also obtained Oakland's second draft choice for 1962, spark a final five-run parade.|a fine one-hit pitching perform- ance by Durno. Prentice singled With one out in the last inning, advanced on a wild pitch and scored when Joseph was safe on an infield error. Joseph, pitching for Hou- daille, was tagged for a run in the second on a walk and a homer. In the third frame, Roughley's added three runs on a walk, an error and two solid hits and they got two more in the fourth to complete their total, with Pickard, Paradise, Durno, Tuttin and Walters the key hitters, : Carlos Hernandez Boxer-Of-Month PROVIDENCE, RI. (AP)-- Carlos Hernandez's sensational one-round knockout of Paolo Rosi has earned Boxer-of-the- Month honors for the hard-hit- ting Venezuelan lightweight in the latest National Boxing Asso- ciation ratings. The quick knockout of the vet. eran lightweight contender gained Hernandez the laurel SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Ges star in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 over light-heavyweight cham- pion Harold Johnson of Phila- delphia and junior lightweight champion Flash Elorde of the Philippines who made succes. ful title defences. In addition, Hernandez was named the No, 1 challenger for champion Carlos Ortiz. In the. heavyweight division, Bob Cleroux of Montreal was rated eighth contender for champion Floyd Patterson's ti- e. REQUEST GRANTED CHICAGO (AP) --Milwaukee Braves announced Friday that baseball qualified ce as approved their re- yy quest to place pitcher Cecil But- PARENTS ler on the disabled list due to @ spur on his right elbow. But-| ler, 24, was recalled from Louis- Houston F By THE CANADIAN PRESS 418 Chica -353 New York 78 Friday's Results National Soccer League Ukrainia 2 Italfgn Virtus 0 St, Loui? 3 New York 10 ville of the American Associa- tion and had a 2-0 record tied to a 2.40 earned-run average for} 31 innings before the injury dy Milwaukee 3 Chicago § Houston 3 Cincinnati @ Italia 2 Hung: 1.. RON SIMCOE , Manager EVERY WEDNESDAY arternoon "1:30 TO 3:30 PARENTS ... All sessions are supervised by staff WELCOME @ 25c Including Skate Rental Oshawa Arena Skateland 725-8071 of an exhibition game here| ican League, "T"ve had it," said Grim as he prepared to leave Kansas City for his home in Brooklyn, "I'm through and I know it." Grim did a respectable job as a relief pitcher for Kansas City Athletics before he was re- leased May 26 and he admits he -was surprised at being re- leased. "But at the same time I knew it was coming sooner or later. I just don't have good stuff any more, I fee] sure if I tried, I could get another job pitching but I'm not interested." Grim is only 32, and should be at the peak of his career, but an army injury reduced his effectiveness years ago. A right- hander, he won rookie honors in 1954 when he won 20 and los six for New York Yankees. As a relief pitcher this year, Grim -was scored on only twice in his first 10 appearances but was hit hard in his next two appearances and drew his re- month. : Garibaldi quickly gained at- tention this spring with a no-hit, no-run victory over perennial west coast baseball powerhouse Southern California. The next time he faced SC, Garibaldi added six more no-hit innings before retiring with a minor injury. He finished the season 10-3 with 11 starts and nine relief jobs in his 125 2-3 innings. He gave up 26 earned runs on 64 hits for a 1.86 earned run aver- age. He struck out 168 and walked 60. REMEMBER WHEN ...? By THE CANADIAN PRESS Britain's Freddie Welsh won the world lightweight boxing championship from Willie Ritchie at London, England, 48 years ago to- night, gaining the decision in 20 rounds. Welsh held the title for three years before losing it to the great At your * Benny Leonard. VALUE» VARIETY * IN USED CARS LOOK FOR THIS SIGN « CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE DEALERS NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. CARPET SALES and PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 174 Mary St. W. PHONE 728-4681 ACADIAN CLEANERS Shirt Lound. Storage 299 Bioor St. E. PHONE 728-5141 WILSON ELECTRIC MOTORS Motor Repeir Overhauling--Rewinding te all types of Electric Motors New and Used Motors 395 Oshawa Bivd. $. PHONE 723-4362 i SUDDARD'S BICYCLE SHOP C.C.M. and RALEIGH BICYCLES Sales--Service--Parts 497 Simcoe St. $. Phone 725-3979 A Weekly Calendar of Events... Keep abreast with the Sports News, -- Read... The Oshawa Times Regularly. JENSEN epee & Steel Supply Ltd. INTERIOR: & EXTERIOR RAILINGS STEEL CHAIRS FIRE ESCAPES 227 PEARSON ST. OSHAWA PHONE 723-4161 SHEET METAL PLUMBING & HEATING SSO & GARWOOD HEATING UNITS SALES -- SERVICE PARTS 292 KING ST. W. PHONE 725-2734 it's Later Than You Think come to the Cadillac a HOTEL LIMITED ENJOY OUR MODERN DININGROOM FACILITIES -- (BOWLING BANQUETS) ALL MODERN ROOMS SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES 394 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Phone 725-3743 FOR RESERVATIONS PIC-0-MAT Full Line Food Vending PHONE: 728-7305 METTE PLUMBING CO. LTD. Repair Work @ Specialty 23 Celina St. PHONES: 725-3279 728-9491 BOB HOY CONSTRUCTION We Specialize In Residential Driveways Written Guorontee Phone 728-8101 1154 Nelson St, NEXT WEEK'S SPORT EVENTS SATU BRAY ior Softball T ment, SOFTBALL -- Fifth annual All-Ontorio Junior Softt 'ournal sponsored Oshawa City ¢ District Softball Association, All games of Alexandra Park -- five games at 1:00 p.m.; Tournament champion- SOCCER -- Rangers vs Ukrainia, ot 7:00 ind Kickers ys Polonia, SOCCER -- vs inia, at 7:00 p.m. @ b at 8:30 p.m; both aes ot Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium. MONDAY BASEBALL ---- Oshawa Legion Midget Leogue:-- Whitby vs Beaton's Dairy, at Kinsmen Civie Memorig! Stadium, 6:15 p.m. Rbendy 3 doubleheader: Pic-O-Mats Osh City & District jor jue w= Pic-O-Mo! " Maclean's Esso, at 40%, r] ence Cleaners vs Heffering's, ot 8:15 p.m; both games at Alexandra Pa WEDNESDAY : SOFTBALL -- B Mejor t D SOCCER. "Polonia vs Hungorie, $C, ot" 8:00 _ i C,, at 8: p.m. AWN BOWLING --~ 'Mixed les Tournament, at Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club, 1:00 p.m. THURSDAY SOFTBALL cr panewe sigs Oe fe Piogald em Lome B poi header: Heffering's vs in's 3 p.m. arokaty vs Pic-O-Mats, ot 8:15 p.m.; both gomes at Alexandra Park. FRIDAY Caterers vs BOWLING -- Men's Doubles Tournament, ot Whitby Lown LAWN Hi lub, 6:00 p.m, $0c: 2 ' Br District Assoc. Kickers vs Rangers. ot Kinsmen Fresh Up With You Like lt... ... lt Likes You Distributor: Ross Shertt 156 GIBB STREET PHONE 723-3042 LEE BISHOP RADIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning ond New wie Used Redietors 42 Bond St. W. 725-1633 SOCCER ---- Oshowa Civic Memorial Stadium, 8:00 p.m. OSHAWA TIRE LTD. T a 4) i] A Complete Recapping We will install or ena Service Alignment Repair Ali 534 Ritson Rd. S, T.V, Aeriols Apartment Systems PHONE 728-6221 'Specialists In WHEEL ALIGNMENT Straightening General Repairs 15 Church St. Phone 725-0522 HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE Specialists in Tune-ups and broke work. 67 King St. W. PHONE 723-7822 Gucranteed Used Ceres ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice ond Bowmonville Chevrolet, Corvair, Oldsmobile Soles and Service PHONE 728-6206 39 Years Serving You Phone: 728-8180 Fuel and Lumber Everything in Builders' supplies, fumber, coal, fuels, We speciolize in Summer Cottege needs. Free delivery in Loke Seugog district. PORT PERRY PHONE 985-7951 BOATS Weymouth, Larson, Cruisers ine, Traveler, O.M.C,-17. Evinrude, Volve, Penta Meters, MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY Brooklin Ont. 655-3641 OPEN EVENINGS & WEEKENDS veloped.