Whitby Church THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 6, 1962 5- Name Change The congregation of Whitb: Promotion Res ults . eet eet: At St. John's School church, Rev. John Smith, said that it will now be known as St. Mark's United Church. Rev. Smith said that the jchange originated at the 1961 andjAnnual Meeting and the name) is the result of deliberations} by the Session, the Official A Board: and Oshawa Presby- When school commences in the tery. " \fall. Since its inception WHITBY And DISTRICT 'Council Discuss 'Street Closing Councillor Davidson again said that in view of the growth of the town he would not vote for closing any streets. Mayor Mar- tin and Deputy Reeve Brooks both answered that some of them could be closed. Deputy Reeve Brooks Councillor Desmond Newman moved hat each of the propos- ed streets be considered separ- ately. Council approved a mo- tion made by Councillor New- pars that " -- be taken i _ |with regard to the closing of He told council that Planning| pit, street from Green to Athol Board had informed his com-| + roeets mittee that there was. no objec: Deputy Whitby Town. Council discuss- ed the closing of various small streets at a meeting held Tues- day. Councillor George Bevan, chairman of the Street Com- mittee brought the matter to the attention of council. Councillor Bevan said that the Streets Committee had agreed unanimously for the closing of certain streets. He said that the land could be sold as building lots and the revenue contribute to the servicing of industrial land. The results of the end of term beau, Gail Borchuk, Gary Bor-; Short, Greg. Swain, James Vel- examinations held at St. John chuk, Gerry Canzi, Ralph Car-!la,Billy Verriet, Andrew Bart- the Evangelist Separate School|novale, Donna Chizen, Diane| kiw, Heather Hamilton, Susan have been sporwneeiyt J nl tite brctas # DeHaas, se gee acpi ing are the names of the chil- esa DePratto, Richard Dochuk, dren who attend a higher grade Debra Drury, Mary Fitzpatrick, GRADE 6 to 7 _ Heather Susan Forbes, Louis Grenier, | Brewster, Joseph Carter, Shar- Mary Hendriks, Frances Kai-/9? Finan, Billy Javorski, Leah ser, Francis Koenen, Julianne Johnston, Bert Kortekaas, Ger- LeVon, Margaret Mackey, Mi-/@!d Lynch, Ricky MacDonald, chael McGann, Rosanne Mor- Evelyn Martin, Carolyn Oben, ris, Peter Phillips, Josephine Sharon Silver, Ross Sinclaire, . the GRADE 1 to 2 -- Deborah Bai- church has been known asijey, Michaet Bibeau, Joanne Whitby United Church, Rev.| Bradford, Tony Cannella, No- Smith said, but it was felt thatlejia Cormier, Denise DePratto,|,,; Patricia Ti th 5 | t| . Pr, s © hess ; ggelers, Corry Vel- a change was desirable aS/Christine Dochuk, Robert Ed.|Psami, Peter Renaud, Russell 4 ti their part to street clos-| als0|towa. Hewerer the mation Is (0 (een wenn eae Lester! Downe Talbert, obs Ti ci Gis ys ng Alli ion on their part to street clos-| moved that no action be taken|,?". » Mhe matter is in Vitzpatrick, Jacqueline Gould, ra Beerers, 0 8 -- Susan Alli- ing. Councillor Bevan asked thatiig cigse James street between |" ad of the presbytery, Hager Gould, Dianne Gwodz, ae eae. hie Helen yan-jcock, Anna Marie Bardoel, two. recommendations of his) Henry and* King streets. Coun-/"© Pointed out. Patrick Lunney, Michael Mac- fT bana yk,'Peter Bedard, Josephine Ber- Reeve Brooks Van SITE TO BE DEVELOPED Shown above is the ald} good old days when Whitby's; quine accoutrements, A far 'blanket factory' on Whitby's | thriving industries were devo- ery from the industrial com- plexes which rise from south of the town red?" THAT'S MORE LIKE IT! Brampton Ramblers would be welcome any day of the week to provide entertainment for Brooklin Hillcrests followers judging from their ecstatical response to play of these two clubs in Brooklin on Wednesday night. This type of enthu- siastic show by the fans bolsters my, theory con- siderably that a closely contested battle such as the 11-8 Hillcrests win makes a sports fan feel satisfied that his price of admission was well spent, as in contrast to a 19-3 or 16-4 outcome, when the shouting is kept to a minimum and hands are sat on after the ultimate result is evident with no appropriate opposition. Wednesday's clash held tremendous excite- ment for Brooklin faithfuls, when their charges REEVES' ARTISTS SUPPLIES DODD & SOUTER PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S.--WHITBY MO 8-5231 committee be adopted. cillor Bevan said, "this has not|_.1%€, announcement to the con- Gijlivray, Frank Mackey. Dan- Maria Velden. te, Suzanne Bloye, Donald Sor- i |been found necessary during the)? : Pad OM ip Nettle, Rob- GRADE 3 to 4 -- Wayne Alli-|", P jsale is that revenue from they, 499 years", Deputy Reavels a Page of, Biblical Sig ert Ottenbrite, Bonnie Sorichet- cock. Grace Clairmont, Gary © honoskie, Ricky De- lots is used for servicing of in-\Brooks replied, "the town only|ificance and' Christian tradi- tj Glenn Swain, Darius Vaici- NePratto, Cornelius ;,,Pratto, Dwayne Dudgeon, Vic- I | "abide et r said that gnas, Phillip Van Gils, Hubert peter Edwards, James Forget, vice be obtained before any|" Council approved the motion there are DANY. St : Van 'Hout, Henricus Van Lith. Lynda McCabe, Cathy Mother-, Charles Formosa, Linda Gar- streets be closed. referring to James street and St Tuike's across the country ' sill, Gary Oben, Reinhard Rie- Tatt, Sally Ann Garratt, Val- He said, "When jbut there are only. four St. GRADE 1 to 3 -- Billy Allan, get : } erie Gilby, Jean Guzik, Mary brought to council previously it|tion be taken as to closing|- Michelle: Allcock, eee Sn. Puce Spratt, Grace Vella. ' ' was washed up, I was appalled/ Maria street between Henry GRADE 4 to 5 -- Anne Bax. P3!Sy Hermann, Barbara Hot- and am still at a loss'. Coun-; sniecen a or, niftinw ' , eet <n > tot, Gary Jeffreys, Louis Kahn, jand Frances streets, Councillor | er Tr et or ter, Lorraine Bibeau, Karen paiia Kaiser Lynda Kearnan that in 10 years' time the streets this got through the streets com- p Thomas Drury, Michael Dud- y Neal Maher. D Mc may be needed as the munic'- mittee I'll never know, five geon, Sean Finan, Rosemary 'ie ; ea i a "i pared : 1 | pality grows. Mayor Stanley,members voted in favor of nd Flanagan, Mary FE. Forbes, culpa pirgiet me onald, to the manufacture of actor ite ¢ Roddy Mowat, Dennis Oben, ding is a reminder of the } horse blankets and other e- theless Planning Board .had) yfayor Martin sointed aut thal . Donald Oben, Billy Phillins, Parry, Billy Peebles, Rita Pen- passed the recommendations. (Councillor Joyce Burns and i Mary Pisani, Gerard Scott, Ste- nines. Peggy Quesnelle Pat Three Car Town Solicitor Hugh Nichol|Reeve Everett Quantrill were A landmark in Whitby and a/whére it has continued to man- phen Short, Danny Silver, Roberton. Lindy Lou Robin- could be used to close the ter. All members voted in favor|S00n disappear. It is the "b'an- It is felt the reason the Com- chetti, Vidis Vaiciunas, Annie Sorichetti, Wayne Sorichettl, WHITBY SPORTS streets and sell the land if ne- of the closing of Craydon road ket factory", part of the Samuel pany moved to a smaller buil- Van Dvk Lydia Stanic, Gregory Steffler, cessary. and Elizabeth street both south Tree Ltd. operation in Whitby./ding was that the 28,000 square Robert Taylor, Paula Van Hoof, "a Patil ; : 4 i ty a ¥ a r ishi ar- Is F al, Stephen Bax- the Mayor, in his wisdom, said ain ERS 'i St., north of Mary street and|too large for the vanishing mar Isabella Bardoel "p a that this money shoudd be used Pye wi pe gp a 2 pice now carries a "sold" sign. ket although the business is-sti!l a phi} beng td hemmed a GRADL 8 to 9 -- Cary! Allan, Co t Case for industrial land servicing./using the money. to jockey in-, Rumour has it that the large|Prosperous -- on a smiler seale,|Zik, Catherine Hendriks, Jane hog hod Henry Bopamil ur j * iane Brophy, Donna Brophy, By GERRY BLAIR old Slichter stated, "you wil!/molished to make way for a the growth of modern farm' im-|beth Kortekaas, Henry Korte- ee s The second dismissal of the! Deputy-Reeve George Brooks|not get away with it, people on| supermarket but this cannot be an -- vg tga poset ha ded Levees, i Sharon Dochuk, Linda Finan, afternoon session was recorded | interjected, 'I could not vote|the corner lots will not want the|Confirmed although an = an- Aare stil int cet We ch veoh Geer EEO racic aekae pres pds ree endriks, Bo erman, Cathy day. Antonio Agius, 305 Maple! coming days. ners of work horses Gann, Billy Preston, Michael street east, Whitby, was charg- The Samuel Trees Co. was Renaud, Robin Robinson, Mi-| Kearnan,. Sharon Kinch, Eliza- ee a eS WHITBY PERSONALS | purchased from W, A, Fraser s chael Scott, Stephen Seminsky,|beth Kortekaas, Kristine Korte- } wees col kaas, Anthony Marr, Penny Nicholas Dolman of RR 2 : Life-Jacket owicz, Hanky Vander' Wyst, rete eel Mfg. Co. about 1910 and has ei ; oo : ye a ay Li pets } abehad dae Miss Barbara Breckenridge,jand Mrs. Murray Silver and|carried on the manufacturing rtrd = wa Timothy Van Grath, Marie gr er bs psp north on Whitby's Brock street| 497 Gijbert street east, left|children Sharon and Danny and of horse blankets, collars, snaps iils, Joey Vella,John Wineck.|Molica, Donna ging Mary was lined up on Brock street [from Maen Ape et Tyee | Mane Mrs | Found Near ower, Karen Preston, France aes |day for a seven weeks tour of gan to manufacture work gloves Bergevi Vine : ee fake od ; oc we . j Gay s : 1 Ciesla ; 4 ' g sJergevin, incent Berte, setts . x the witness . said, when the| Europe. Miss Breckenridge is| "egory Steffler, 121 Atholling sweat pads. It continued in Frances Borg, Fred Brooks, eerie 04 oe eee od oat Me Mo a and| arranged by Mr. Stewart of Oak-|¢ral Hospital under observation| ago when it then moved busi- srida. Roce, "Cannella. Ree Glare: caret, Sais, sacints : A ri wood Collegiate, they will spendjand is expected to come home ss to the Malleable Iron and Colli, Cher ' Pc Lynn Middleton of thetive weeks in Les Diablerets,|shortly. His friends wish him alnress Co. Brock suet south oie hace Dea Wrst, Rare. 0S) cha ! . SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Alsohn Hay, Peter Hendriks ag and. found. that| 388° Mr. and Mrs, A. E, Stanlick 1 Machi homemade. UG ieeeh---ube Wee Helen Goodall, Angelina Ignaz: three cars were involved. He! The group will also visit Am-and their daughter Margaret| Lega acninery : : Onvicts lor zitto, Linda Larkin, Ricky Ma- traz June 1I--h e. i vel c the south bound lane and had|Luxembourg. Before returning|the guests of "Mr. and Mrs.| the bay, The eee Cal eee et McGrath, Teresa Mowat, apparently halted to let the/they will fly to Paris and spend|Bruce Sturgess, former Whitby oe says : Mary Ellen Miller, Marlene) accused make his left hand|a few days in London. Sixty-two| residents. STRATFORD (CP) -- William! °° ° Neal, Henry Oetelaar, June Po-) : ae ; ge wren 1 White of Waterloo, Ont., al- : came roaring back in the second period outscoring In his own defence Mr. Agius|are taking part in this tour. Bar-| Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stacey|though he may not appreciate feat OA a eee : A | said that a north bound driver|bara is expected to be back on and family spent. } gal BA ' | 5-2 first period lead, getting started rather quickly signaited te and whee he| August 22. week end at Burnt River as the/here fast and efficient. brothers killed' the mastermind] PLASTERING ' . : é : ad complete e turn his car : guests of Mr. and Mrs. G .Hun-' Less than 14% hours 'after be- , i with two tallies in the opening minute. ae was struck. He also said that} They now have as their house {er parents of Mrs. Rikday. ing seen behind the wheel of a S8¥S:__ : REPAIR WORK It was without a doubt the most thrilling there was sufficient space to|guest Miss Rosema Snow for car Thursday he found himself, "Hair was matted on the life- let any car past. Magistrate|a week. Mr. Eric Chaperlin is; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith ofjarrested, charged with driving|jacket, and it was still laced, RECREATION ROOMS : : ; | Phone MO. 8- of the recorded Brooklin win, would not have : -\erlin who was in charge of Alljguests of his parents Mr.and/pension, appeared in court and| Was pushed out of it after being e MO. 8-8733 : ' : S 4 io *hure IM t ' ° al i : eae te " it adds. -- - f the overall tilt. Saints Anglican Church for a|Mrs. Roy Smith of Palace St was sentenced to 30 days in jail. Slugged," it a altered the -- r of ws | Hear Plea On year. Mrs. Chaperlin Sr., who ------ The lifejacket was found a Brooklin accomplishe e triumph minus | +] . is now visiting in Ingolsby as would say where or by whom. HOLIDAY SEASON S$ HERE 1 Bri A hiahecce! f a Parking Charge the guest of Mrs. Eileen Yule. Fred. Wilkinson, deputy direc- Car rioux, an ighscoring forwa ry son, j 2 ¥ But the players on hand, did a yeo- A humorous reference to the ; erguson. bu play " : parking and their daughter Miss Judy, n rivi WE HAVE THAT USED CAR YOU NEED meters was made at Whitby| White, Henry street, spent the : Tit Cant Tenens: Gumlntay onl are Gen Ivin arge TO MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY A SUCCESSFUL AND PLEASANT ONE. One, that the only reason for gregation read that St. Mark's je) meGann, Danny jehuk, Laurie Bryant, Vicki ' ; Saikiae Derks ; dustrial lots. Two, that legal'ad-!>-ow in the past 10 yéars". tion. The minister tye fig 'itor Duffhues, Sherrall Femia, this was). : i j y also passed a motion that no ac- : Patty Scott, Michael Spel- A P . Mark s that he knows of. na eoee ee Anne Hamiltor, Archie Heinan, icillor William Davidson said 5 : ; as ' ri | Bevan said in despair, 'how |Brooks, Catherine Davey, Michael Keenan, Lauralyn Le Brock street north. The buil- | ted i t Sing Be aPa Fy sary 3 N 0 Martin answered that never-|street closing then'. Mary Jane Nettle, Donna Oben, Michael O'Connor, Howard told members of methods which not present to vote on the mat-|reminder of bygone days mayjufacture the same products. Kathy Sorichetti, Lauren Sori- son, Susan Samanski, Brian J s P PARADE 0 1s10n Councillor Bevan also said. of Dunlop' street. The building is located on Brock/feet of the original building was/ GRADE 5 to 6 -- Elaine Allan, jain Wineck. is this need still being consid-| dustrial land". Councillor Har-|brick factory is soon to be de-|The market has declined due Creer ens cram buen | Pat Brown, Suzanne Burkart, at Whitby Traffic Court Thurs-| fo, closing two of the streets", |!»nd cot" nouncement is expected in the farms, racing stables, and ow-Carroll, Jimmie Me- Hughes, David Hurley, Susan way. Pg beet | Paul Steffler, Christine Urban- LAd., which was the old Cloakey| McCabe. Ted McGee, John Mc- north on June 10. The traffic! | pene te : . ' ee Ic} George Brown. and whips. In 1928 it also be- GRADE 6 to 7 -- Jacqueline Power, Karen Preston, Frances Agius vehicle made a left hand! with the Stewart French Tour|St., is in the Oshawa Gen-\nusiness up to about six years catraz Sarina Rose Cannella, Enz0!lyvan Boxtel, Marius Van der y y fou Ware : Deschenes, Robert Dochuk, | -- Whitby Police Force said that Switzerland, attending French speedy return. ieee said that the third car was in|sterdam, Paris, Milan andj|spent Sunday in Hamilton as} heir daring break from Alca-\theson, Jane McGee, Margar- Fast In London turn. students, 34 girls and 28 boys,| Stained with blood, it gavejvinsky, Ken «Purdy, Larry) Brampton 7-1. Ramblers had built a comfortable the holiday|it, found the legal machinery of the escape, the newspaper No Job Too Large or Small game to date, and even a Brampton victory instead ~~ w Guest dismissed the case.|the son of the late Cannon Chap-|Riverside, Ont., were week-end| while his licence was under sus-|indicating the wearer slipped or resides with her son in Rexdale ' ' ' week ago but ro official source four good performers; Roy Wood, Lov Nickle Dismissal Given AND | f Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White accounting ability of See Us Today tor of U.S. prisons, some time ago expressed a theory that the sj i ~ ing R. lers. escape mastermind, Frank Mor- man's job of defeating the front-running Rambler: ris, Louisiana" Wank Vinee: It was only setback number two for Brampton in saith Galant darine salen é s icton. 11 of the scheduled 24 games. Also it was the Godfrey Schisling of Byron first victory for Hillcrests in three meetings be- street north, Whitby. Eric Clark, Whitby's parking) street, might have been slain later by tween, these two clubs. meter 'nspector, said that A Toronto man had a drivingjout and not in the intersection His companions, Clarence Ang- Mr. and Mrs: A. Morin, Cedar Charge dismisse* at Whitby as the charge read lin and his brother, John, Ala- LOOKING FOR FIRST WIN AWAY The next obstacle in line for -Brooklin to | Traffic Court Thursday. Arthur ; mks | bama_ robbers. tt d t ; Acting Crown Att Ser-; attends ue Dunham) yohn Tennyson, 67, 10 Kingston _ . . ne ae Wilkinson said that if the geant Gerald Robinson hurtle is winning their first road game. This can be accomplished on Saturday night when they he Family Re- ic : yoden recently. nt "road, appeared before Magis- said) three fled the island on a make- journey to Brampton. A Hillcrests win would server a dual purpose. It would be the first defeat at home for Brampton. Their only other loss was in St. Catharines June 22. TOWN AND COUNTRY ... On Monday night in the Whitby Community arena, lacrosse fans in this vicinity will have their first opportunity of viewing the Whitby-Oshawa Green Gaels Juve- nile club when they oppose Alderwood. Starting time is 8.30 p.m. Ron Moore, prominent Whitby lchecked a meter on Brock Lynden recently. 24 and found that the bought time had run out, He also said that a 12-|street and Mrs: J minute period had also elapsed/son street north on May since the time had expired. Schilling asked the inspector|al Women's National Conference|in evidence that he was driv- infall-|held at St. Andrew's By the|ing east on Whitby,'s if the meters ible and enquired were tered, He said that on the previous) Ewen. had put a cent in a meter which had registered a day he full hour. Magistrate C. have thought it was if the ma-|Sea, New Brunswick. chine had been tested. He said/ that he had put three cents in) the meter at 4.17 p.m. and the/Bev. and Shelley and Mr. Tony,@! the intersection of Mary - check had been made at 4.25| Doleweerd 1 p.m. when no time was regis-|week end at Willow Bay as the|Defore turning north. 3 Fi fi h rubber raincoats.. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Billy! At this point, Mr, Michalow Ire 1g ters ae u f W./Greta McDonough of Whitby) accused inan was the driver of Guest said, "that meter must/and Mr.and Mrs. Ross Black of|the car which turned north on being | Highland Creek motored to Ken-| Brock. 1961 BUICK Invicta 4-Door Herd- top. All power equipped. This cor is an executive cor and is one of the finest, Wes $5219.00 new. An $1800 $ reduction. 1958 OLDSMOBILE 4-Door Sedan. One owner. Equipped with radio, automatic transmission, $ A choice cor at 1275 1960 PONTIAC SEDAN. Model 7119. Automatic. A choice car in fine repair *1995 1960 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan. Model 1119, Standard shift, radio. A choice 4 895 family car 1958 VAUXHALL SEDAN. Over- hauled. A sharp 5675 car 1957 BUICK 2-DOOR HARTOP. in prime condition 51050 Radio trate C. W. Guest charged with|that the accident had taken! shift raft or boards they would junlawfully failing to yield to!place in the intersection and|soon have encountered trouble due penalties should apply. Mr./!" the chilly bay waters. Albert Michalowski of Mont-\Kelly answered that the rele-, Wilkinson said he, thought the Oshawa, said ' tha' Gishwag brothers would have killed Mor- e Mghwayris in such a situation. specific as to. It was believed the homemade lifejacket was made in the the workshop hideaway Morris and the Anglins had in the attic above a cell block. It was pasted together from sleeves -of Miss Audrey Lawler, 416 King| 7/8" Eset W. Richard-|'Taffic in an intersection. "Little Haven' are attend- ing the Business and Profession-|"ave avenue, vent section af Mar y| Traffic Act was street west on June 8. The/the charges. witness said that he saw a car' His Worship Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Moore,|4bout 50 feet ahead slow down case dismissed spent the holiday) Street and Brock street north ski said, the vehicle was struck by another car going north on Mrs. Mabel McPherson, Mrs,|Brock street. He said that the, | ARRANGE TITLE BOUT SYDNEY, N.S. (CP)--Cana- dian middleweight box ing champion Wilf Greaves and Blair Richardson of South Bar, Hurt In Blaze MONTREAL (CP) -- Three firemen were hurt slightly while} 1960 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN, One owner. Equipped with radio, automatic and mony other extras. Reduced $ 2 1 95 to A reliable family car 1958 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN. Fully equipped. One owner, Lady driven. A, fine 51175 family car. 1960 VAUXHALL SEDAN. One owner. In prime condi- 51050 tion. Low mileage. Sharp 1958 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN. One owner car. A family oo | 295 car. One of the best ! sind 1957 VAUXHALL SEDAN. | 565) In sharp condition b 50 1959 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN Clean dependable car, $4205 1959 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN. New remonufactured motor. Clean dependable car. N.S., have agreed on a July 28 1575 A few choice 1955-56-57 PON- chiseled and was making up'tucky over the holiday weekend. | for it the next day." Cpl.. Morley Nicholson the Whitby Police Force said Gijbert St. E., Under cross examination by|battling a three-alarm fire that Datence Count © ©. Kelly | destroyed several buildings on Hill, 406 ; : : ie end Amherst and Wolfe sant the holid 6 the witness said that. when he | Streets early today. that he. tented ihe! eenocad Pp '@Yfirst saw the second car it was | i meter on Sunday, May 27. tind week end visiting their grand-|three yards south of the inter 2" fireman was overcome by reacig pope i pee Covina peer Mrs. Sadie McMaster of! section. smoke, the other two suffered that, "you had better check the)" P°'TY: PC James Wilson of the Cuts and bruises, next time," His Worship dis- Whitby Police Forcevsaid that) The blaze started in an Am- $3,500, plus expenses for three. missed the case. ingham, Quebec, has returned tolne investigated the accident herst Street building about 4:30) Richardson, Eastern Canadian and found the second vehicle, a.m. It spread across to Wolfe| middleweight champ, _ gets her home after spending a week) tn M a d | & which belonged to Donald street before being brought un-| $1,500, with an option of 30 per with her brother Mr, Adelard| ,,,, aT Sedar Jacobs of RR 1, Brooklin. in|der control more than two hours|cent of the gate--probably one H B i attending her party are, Debbie \Morin and Mrs. Morin of Cedar} i i aiveat: av! the middle of the | intersection. | ater, of the highest percentages of- The accused man's. car was At least Garde coinuiercial aa: fered a challenger in Canada-- Y and Jimmy Laturski, Sandra BRANTFORD (CP) -- The and Terry Richards, Joyce and some 36 feet vay, th icer $ 5 0 eet away e officer tablishments were destroyed as bul no expenses. owner of a recently -' closed|Gerald Vanderpluyn, Alice and } said. : : jwell as several flats above Mr. Kelly said that he did | them. Others were damaged by ionsh or-| frozen foods and processed meat|Jany Eekma, Dianne Wyderven starting Aug. 29. products plant here charged|Mary's brother Otto and sister not intend to bring any defence! -moke and water. Thursday that recent. tainted! Dianne. Brought Back For Your Added Enjoyment: as the Crown had not proven There were several minor ex- ;meat products plant here HELD OVER 'TIL SATURDAY its case. He said that the ac- cused 'nan was charged with plosions, believed caused by oil charged Thursday that recent) Mr. Garnet Treen of Peter- tainted meat scandals and lack} borough spent the holiday week BROCK Evenings Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. WHITBY Features Storts at 7:00 and 9:25 minor hockey and lacrosse star is one of the mainstays on the Whitby-Oshawa unit. Another key members is Murray Stroud, who played hockey last season with Unionville Seaforths of the Metro Junior "A" league ... Whitby Abners Esso Juvenile softball club are finding the going just a trifle rough playing against older apd more ex- periencd softball players in the Intercounty league. But obviously the experience they're gain- ing will aid them somewhat when they enter OASA playdowns, competing in their own age bracket ... title fight at nearby Glace Bay. Promoter Gus McLellan of Sydney said Thursday the fight has been approved by the Cana- dian Boxing Federation. Greaves, a native of Edmon- ton, has been guaranteed a flat TIACS, BUICKS, CHEVROLETS. All reconditioned and ready to from. 800 ,, °1050 FROM Easy Holiday terms ged. See a this Week and You will be surprised how easy it is to Buy Your Holiday Cor. Special Low Prices On New VAUXHALLS, ACADIAN CARS & G.M.C. Y4-TON TRUCKS. WHITBY MOTORS LTD. ! 1006 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY 1957 CONSUL SEDAN. In splendid running condition, A_real bargain, see it today. Priced this 5550 week at only of Gordon and Larry jeast - Mrs, Diana Couture of Buck-| MO 8-4911 Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Sillius is celebrating her fifth birthday today, Guests TO TRADE VISITS and two women--will play in WIMBLEDON, England (AP)| the Russian tennis champion- The United States and the So-|ships at Moscow Aug. 12-19. viet Union completed a home-|Four Russians will compete in and-home tennis deal Thursday.|the U.S. championships at For-| Four American stars--two méniest Hills, N.Y., | Sidewalk. Slabs Immediate Delivery from not yielding fo cars in the inter-|drums in a warehouse, at the of government action to restore|end visiting his parents Mr. and Factory Cured Stock section and the Jacobs vehicle|height of the blaze. had been south of the inter-| No estimate of damage was confidence have put the meat|Mrs. Elmer Treen of Euclid industry under monopoly con-| street. section when his client swungiavailable immediately. trol. In.a personal brief to be sent) Mrs. Esther Donnithorne, 328 to provincial authorities Wilton|Dovedale Drive is celebrating H. Reeder, owner of Reeder|her birthday today. Her friends | Foods said publicity of the scan-| Wish her many happy returns |dals 'has put more nails in the| of the day. \coffin of the small businessman jand more concentration in the, Mrs. V. D. Richardson, Mr jhands of the monopoly inter- and Mrs. Elmer Treen and Mr. ests." and Mrs. James Treen attend- He said high costs and the ¢d the funeral of their cousin |lack of inspectors made it im-|the late Thomas Richardson of| |possible for small concerns to| Warkworth, recently. |meet the increased require- ments for a federal inspection) ©n the occasion of Mrs, Mur- stamp on meat, resulling from! vay Silver's birthday on Sunday RCMP raids jast January in Mr. and Mrs, Alex Brown of 105 Brant County and other areas Bell Drive efertained at a fam \0f the province. ily dinner. Guests were Mr. ! Useyourhead--and SAVE! Cheek State Farm's low insurance rates for care- ful drivers--rates so low that one out of two may save important dollars. And check State Farm service--so good that people insure more cars with us than with any- one else. Call today! STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONTARIO. WM, H. (BILL) MIDDLETON 608 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY MO 8.3762 @ Steel Reinforced Made from the Highest Quality Materials Avail- able Low Slump, Vibrated Air-entrained Concrete Guaranteed Minimum Strength 4,000 p.s.i. OLIVER 5-3 311 STATE OADM Pe . Sterring DEBORAH KERR -- YUL BRYNNER