Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jul 1962, p. 19

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PO Ge Se ety ery THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 5, 1962 19. TELEVISION LOG v = wi | Kaas _4eTV Channel 2--Butffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo ; BREAKFAST, AA : WKBW-TV Chanel 7--Buftalo | WROC-TV Channe) 5--Rechester 7 BN Y F ASS ' : ' Reported By CFTO-TV Channel $~Toronto | CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie ; =a ae : " THURSDAY EVE. £00 A. 4:15 P.M. tc l., Se . < * oi Bureau Tod ; are tee em, | om coe en Na, Poe | ik ee Oe: : ay Movie Huckleberry _ Hound OTTAWA --Heavi «Popeye's Playhouse eae poe fpr ing of cnet mca buy- : | ; ¢ i yy Played a big part in January's. : e i} c . sharp increase in Canadian im- ' re - A * y | } ; B |ports. ; sve on tom Piet baer ae Aree : ee \ The bureau of statistics t 4 2-Susie FRIDAY & VEN Placed the month's import val- * iM u- ner / ues at $492,317,000, a slight de- . Morning Movie §--Free and Easy bo. nos Oaeee cline from its earlier estimate + 1--Jane Wyman Show | kia Jatene Wie - but still 14.6 per cent more than ' Nels 'and Features | 4~Premier weaageaad last year's corresponding figure | 6:15 P.M. i eget M ' terly Show of $429,490,000 ; @--Bancock's Half Hour 10:30 A.M. 6--Tidewater Tramp ¢ _ : Imports of non-farm machin . 9--Free and Easy Nas 6:30 P.M. T--Day In Court oa { Pei ta Rope to tnt oma $-2--Play Your i ' oD ; 0) 1990, ed a ag bu Love Laer ay a Ll . SOME 1 plbante THE v, oe erg sane oie var ' ; i < 5 7 ued at $34,798,000 as against ° --T Ernie s, 2 : A ies al --. -- ee ici ------ é y "j a . $30,860,000' in January last year. | Soahe Verdict te Yours| 2--Sea Hunt if > a eeatiae apparatus rose to ° 11:3. A.M. | 6:15 P.M. d OFFICE/ 173,000 from $20,351,000. | 6--Sports Huddi ' 4 f i i : 11--Tuaboat Anais, | 3--Varm Marnes Report : é ' & es : = Ct Other import gains: Aireraft * Ds SaComsenteation 6.30 « .M 2 / » . oe ' Pai ; and parts up to $27,643,000 from | -- ea ne ene ber i 4. 3 Le, " ane A $22,731,000; crude petroleum at « &--The Flintstones 12:% NOON | 2 p : ; PR ys $26,754,000 as against $25,518,- ranee ae |--Bass Benay and . | ' ig 'oe 7 PS) ee |e ees (000; autos and trucks $19,086,000 9 --Camoufl 1--Family Thestre See i compared with $11,251, : and : taNews: Weather -- | 7--Camoutage, |"-aamty, Semele CROSSWORD ; 7M engines and boilers i601, 000, 9-6-2--News; | rapa 'ae eae 1 ee ey 5 up from $13,885,000 a year ear: _} eather: | ie : : | p . ier. 6--Toronto File Sports 9--Donna Reed Show : 3--Popeye and Pals Seven-0-One . > ya piri "7 M. 5--Flintstones ACKOSS . Pay, enve- 4] H ty f Bb. tinny aie p "a Pf 1 McCo: oF nd Easy 4--News, Sports, | 4. Hooded lope bonus 4 = é x . . ture Court - Speakel of tne House} Weather | snake, 3. Foundation 8 3 i dropped in January to $15,810,- 8:00 P.M. ; os a hie | | 6" ---- Fell . Solemn i EICIfeli ee EN Eta SMa So fae a iedclcrcgel -- ane 000 from $18,474,000, Values of --Window § p | | 5 - ' p-reeere | See eee 15 P.M. | on Ala. ceremony wa : Po ptt fruits rose slightly to 63--Nature Of Things) 5-2--Truth or | 2--News; Weather } bama' Man's - firirioiizh ielerr $10,834,000 from $9,828,000. ot- 4--Frontier Circus | Consequences | 7: P.M | 11.To be of nick- | _ ta a " : ; - ton product imports were about 8:30 P.M. | Neca wreeter | az ee Tee | ise name: i anes sam IM GOING OUTSIDE \| RR au : steady at $9,832,000. cn | é-- Expedition | 12, Danger poss. YES, MICKEY..1 JUST NOWAND FEED THE} PS ith: Wao of al cots Ga 63--My Three Sons } 12:45 P.M. | $-2--International Show | 13, Birds' . Little Geee geeee | AJOINED "THE AUDUBON BIRDS! : Pi 3-2--Dr. Kildare | Guiding Pa | Time a ee ET mimkay p United Kingdom dropped in | 1:00 P.M | Rawhide, Western | _, Homes twig 21, st ~ SOCIETY! i : : ( January to $43,091,000 from $46,- 9:00 P.M. 3 meas ae | Drama | 14. Lift Certain 23, | ; ' . } 160,000 a year earlier. Biggest Medic, | FAnerwenn Bow | 3Donna Reed Show | 15. To corner afternoon wood tree 34. In this place $ . \ : p climb in values was in im ogy Bio + like ga |.& feats Movie | 8:00 P.M. j collog party (2 24, Common 35. Hindu deity Te ~ > . from the United Stat hich 4--Brenner | 4--Meet the Millers | 9--Roaring 20's | 16. Having wads.) 25.Ghostliness 36. Skin open- : ; gt i RR 3--Movie | TThe Hathaways | lids 27. with => " een rose to $352,914,000 from $207,- 9:30 P.M. | 2-Mid-day Matinee | 6-3--Country Hoedown | ,, Ye Dry - Fasten e ort one o 1--Mr. Lucky | 1:30 P.M. 8:30 P.M. 17. Close to 9. Slight ele stitches f of S--Naked City mr, | SAM Star Theatre | 11--Seahunt | 18, Roman vation 29. Unhappy The Law and Mr. | 4-The World Turns | 7--Flintstones | | garment 10. Coasting 31. Rash 3--Movie yer eee Weere | 18. Beat: vehicle 33. Wild goat . = CS i ees cay . " 2:00 P.M. | Are You 1s: U ; Ma, : Liqu S$ ] Ce ncomeban | 4--Route 66 J. Sollog a Is Be $ / mye ae gate * or a es g lace . 10:00 P.M. 0 Theatr |52--Robert Taylor's | 22..No: slang 11--Bob McLean G3.ches alone Detectives | 26. At full ( y by, f : ' 2 «* .- e * ¢ 7--The Untouchables 5-2 Jan Murray Show | vibe 7M speed | ' = = ASN 47 a Sd het ee : Up In Canada 6--Ben Casey 4--Password i--Man From Interpol | 97 4 balance b ee . ee on oe nese $2--Mitch Miller i 2:15 P.M. 9---Have Gun Will j 4--CBS reports Travel pan - : OTTAWA (CP) -- Country Junction | Nursery Schoo! | 1277 Sunset Strip | 28, Dispatched (CP) -- Canadians 2: '1 : ' 6 aie 4 are gradually drinking thelr 10:30 P.M. 1--All Star Theatre ¢3-A Summer Night | 29.A searcher peer inesene ae aapipues suet css: oy Ww: oie Ge ALA Sis Th : 'a. | Socheeit = the $1,000,000,000-a-year €3--One Step Beyond | ¢.3--Open House jil--The Tom Dell Show | 32. Twice: si : 5-2--Loretta. Young Country Style . . i Jie PM. Pipe lio a, prefix Sales of liquor, beer and wine. Sports 4--House Party | 5--Purex Summer 38. Seamtress' | WELLE LAUGHS LIKE +» AN' BEGIDES THAT, HE*LL increased three per cent to | ial ne 11:15 P.M. 3:00 P.M. |, Specials need | 6IXTY AT ALL HER EAT ANY OL' LEFTOVERS. $925,134,000 in the year that te Pe iL ade of the Panty | {Father of the Bride | 36. Hammer. ieeaeem a. ended March 31, 1961, the bur- @--Viewpoint 7--Queen For A Day | Fi -- -- \ eau of statistics reported today. a . | 38. Listens to F = Z : 11--Blockbuster Movie | sane tikes: koa rareti na 39.A hob- | } it, ff ' aap Ba \ aH halt of Itegits foo 000. 'not in- 'alladium | 4--Millionaire Corruptors | goblin | ts . '69 1 ' 2 . I xes. Of contin Se | eee weet eee | a. Meactevat f o 1 ay Pe ire, Ottawa, took $225,008, 000 3--The Untouchables |11--The Cap'n Andy 10:36 P.M | helmet ; eo . , - ! the f f excise taxes and ¢3--Tonight Show | Show Zane Grey Theatre 41. Regions : ' A A e form of excise taxes ' 12:30 P.M | &2--Our Five Daughters | £-Op the Sotne | ke 3 ; import duties, , . * . i 2, 1 c > 4--Half-Past Midnight | fowns Do vou Phe i eeswtaees -- Walter 43, Sea. birds The volume -- riggers | { ' -- as 11:30 PM. --_--| Quintet -- |. 10:00 P.M. [San Dae binge a" -- t 5 eae pateiiees | DOWN | vaeail J ; 4 . Prince Edward Island, w didn't report--also went up. | 2King Of Diamonds 1. Musical 11:00 «4, | 1-9-7-6-5-4-3-2--Newas 4--Coll the Air $--The Hideaway 745 vie | 7~American Bandstand composis | ; ? - : - , Figures, with the previous tions . 8:09 A. Daddy 11:15 P.M, 4--Secret Storm 7--Late Show 3---Women's Show €--Viewpoint ets: Liquor 14,748,000 gallons (14,299,000); beer 235,469,000 | 6--Cu : eee ear's sales volumes in brack- t--Popeye ra ag Pals | et Poca For Sporte | | ee af e . 4 gallons (233,953,000); and wines: 8,302,000 galions (7,752,000). : Per-capita consumption fig-~ FOR VACATION DRIVING ... YOU NEED THE BEST! ures were not available, and we have over 100 of the best Safety Checked GOOD WILL Used Cars to choose from. Look them over today and drive away / Free d Robber in your choice with complete satisfaction. | 230 KING ST. W. THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. PHONE 723-4634 aaa iY " Ul wae ~ va --_ THANKS FORYER OWLIL,\ SOHELPME, \ "TWERENICEO" Y wicitT HE'D OF H Sens "TiG# ANO HOBIE MUST STAKE THEIR CLAIM | THAT a o Bote Fed COOPERATION 2" EFIT < ABNER! | BUGSY STAYED LONG ; from a United States prison MURDERIN' YOUSE 5 MIN! OUTA OVE GNE after serving 13 years for fur hn ( HAS BEEN ABALL Jt| DAISY HIM ONE OF and jewel robberies, has been ~ oe MAH FAMOUS granted an adjournment to "MOTHER'S allow him time to obtain legal KI SSES" I advice. nee Dennis was deported after serving the U.S. sentence--part of a 15-to-23-year term in Auburn prison, New York. He appeared before Magis- trate Anthony Falzetta Wednes. day charged with escaping from. --e industrial _ farm 1943, LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER "I was under the impression I was not wanted in Canada," iM - -- ~ be con i YOU po THE people in St. Catharines ha Tiatt THS ie z ARE YOU at, Tae A Pn f j been waiting 14 years for ing VICKIE.. J--ret4 L\_1$ GETTING RESTLESS... THE SHOPPING !! Dennis had been serving a : a two-year sentence imposed in F ' Toronto for breaking and enter- ing and theft when he left Burwash 19 years ago. 9-Month Term . In Abduction Of Girl, 14 NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) Robert Fitzpatrick, 21, was sen tenced to nine months in re- 5. LET HER HAVE formatory by dne ee 7 on 8 VERY i REALLY #7! IN ABOUT | j i charge of abducting the 14-year- PRINCE. ONE NPS ELLA AN HOUR ? Bleoo! | 3 | re ic S4 4 ; , , SHE ' old girl he said he loved. 5 WILL BE OVER TO SEE YOU IN } E : . his. ] . <a He pleaded guilty two weeks ABOUT A : , . ago. Fitzpatrick called for the court Bible at one point in the proceedings and read from the book of St. John the story of a repentant woman sinner whe was brought before Jesus. Then he told the court he loved 14-year-old Frances Elizae beth Miles. MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES CAN'T GO DIVIDING YOUR ATTENTION ATCA, OM [og GRO : SALLY'S SALLIES ATIME LIKE THIS, AFTER ALLNOU'RE THE)" YOU'RE THE BACKBONE )!///T//]// < ' . FATHER AND THE _ Sho Ne ea Say, | ' ' SK, f AN ' ' fared cl Rg HUSBAND y ay TATL " : ak. h, S pod Psp See BADLY THAT YOU CHEAT f HAVEN'T COME 70 f| AND OWT SEE HIM. sil| CARE AWAT | MAPPENS TON " Wie f = LARRY BRANNON

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