dictate alll ln dilin dle, POG Soto og College Hill H&S Presents i etsy "47.2)_u ousws nim inh 9 Mrs. Eric Jacklin and Mrs. ° Edward Holland are to look worked out with considerable : Awards For Studies, Sports. ss ane THE STARS SAY |" : ] If you are matrimonially- ) , Mrs. Holland wished every By ESTRELLITA minded, you may, even unex- A recent award presentation|the school staff next term.one a happy holiday. A social pectedly, wend your way to the wan held at College Hill School.|Miss Susan Waters and Miss|half hour was spent over teal|FOR TOMORROW liar late thle Gent oF te Ke Mr. Howard Brown announced|A. L, Kellar accepted gifts served by Mrs. Leo Gray,| It may take a good deal Of|vember, if not, a couple of that Paulette Gulenchyn and|from Mrs, Douglas Langley Mrs. Charles Boyle. patience, perseverance and) chances are indicated next May dward Helcoe were the win-jand Mr. G. D. Simpson ac- TRE shrewdness to handle the situa- : ; ners of the high scholastic|cepted a gift from Mrs. Gordon Be saggy cee the tiors you a'e likely to face this eo" = eer average for the Grade 8 class.|Stacey. UCW 8 of King Street United day but, forewarned, you should) *@miy and he e interests The prizes were presented by be able to take them in your|Will be governed by generous Mrs. Melvin McKinley and Mrs. UNITS GR U gee eS yor stride. Remain cheerful in spite|aspects for most of the year Earl Adams on behalf of the A 0 PS 35. present. of any opposition and keep your! ahead, but be alert to possible Home and School Association. ' ,_.| temper, atter how stubborn ome and School Association. |" ATFXTLTARIES | M"*. Leslie vans was inl ihe aitude of others, Use g004| tober "avald speculation during 174 RITSON RD. S. rizes were also presented. charge of the devotional period|jydgment in financial matters tober. Avoid speculation during : Z a lighten IN OSHAWA Linda Zybala and Terry Nicho- ALBERT STREET UCW with Mrs. Wilfred Harris read-| also. ae vate Sete ae th yore (Unit 4) ing the Scripture. A reading)FOR THE BIRTHDAY A "vr sadirMiunl petits Mrs, Edward Holland, presi-|"The Old Preacher" was given| If tomorrow is your birthday, |have a warm personality. ' dent, presided at the Junelpy Mrs. Roy Bond. Mrs. Wil-|your horoscope indicates good The primary plaque waS WON| meeting held in the Friend. hor 4 : iss Grace Pater-| <p " iend-|tiam Ward gave the treasurer's|possibilities for occupational pen by Grade 3, Miss Grace Pater-| ship Room" recently, sag | 2 the treasurers ror financial gain late. (his DEAN OF STUDENTS oO to 10 p.m. Every Night son's class.*Sharon Patterson) yrs, Bric Coo; 4 r i t d f Mrs. per conducted) were also given. month, in September, late No-| MONTREAL (CP) -- Mts. accepted the award from Mrs./the worship service, choosing) poreshments were served by|Vember, late December and/Ruth Marion Rolph, a political STRETCH YOUR DOLLARS Earl Adams. The junior plaque|'"the New Commandment" as ; was won by Grade 5-6, MisSlner theme. Mrs. Victor Phair|Ms- Leslie Evan's group. tat Ramieliiey pat B gig economist with the head office AT GLECOFF'S ! Cin won ae nee terests between now and the|% 'te Bank of Montreal, is from Mrs, Nicholas Gulenchyn. Oo Much, SAFETY BANDS end of September: also in De-|leaving shortly to become the S eci ] { Th Fri d S The intermediate plaque was Thoughts for the Day were| GLOUCESTER, England (CP)|cember and January. first dean of students at Reni- Pp lals 10r urs., . an al. won by Grade 8, Mr. G. D. tong schist Give Graham, |giver-grey armbands that glit-| Those engaged in creative|son College at the University of JULY 5, 6 AND 7 ' 1 Loge-|" : ter in the headlights of a car|Work or any profession requit-| Waterloo. The new Anglican col- ' . Simpson's room. Danie' Sica Yas G i" ' man accepted the award from| Mrs. Leo Gray read the min- 'nw i ing imagination and originality are being issued to Gloucester-| 1) he under inspiring. stimuli lege opens in September. She Mrs. Roger Planche. utes, while Mrs. Eric Jacklin Gifts' were also presented to|8@ve the treasurer's report. shire school children as part of|in September and November, will also lecture in political NBEAM teachers: who will not be on| Plans were made for a potia road safety campaign when new ideas could beiscience. DANISH BUNS Mea. 39 FOR 35° suvenaxwwvansany somes | UEP er {( e2eenac Py IEE GRAN SUGAR 10. 83° Family and Friends Honor | teas f Lamm | : GRAM. SUGAR 100 027.77 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hercia ey, ail \ SOLO MARGA 4..89° Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hercia of sented the pair with a crystal] . : Qe i Ritson road south were plea-jcake dish with silver trim. The) ¢. 5 on Ny , arene i . FIRST GRADE santly surprised recently when|Rev. Dymtro Luchak and Mrs. "--. FS ' BUTTER LB. 49 some 50 relatives agthered at)Luchak were present and also 5 Re - ign. ah s) . , Ta, WITH 2.00 OR MORE MEAT ORDER their home on the occasion of|Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fertile. their silver wedding anniver- Frenchman's Bay, parents of]; ©. ' ; : sary. Mr. John Strocen of To-|Mrs. Donald Hercia. i wt. 4 fe I A YOUR CHOICE ronto, best man 25 years ago The anniversary cake was cut) & Sif se ; y ; "7 -- hs CARTON 3.09 presented Mrs. Hercia with a|by Mr. and Mrs. Hercia with a z : Cys corsage of salmon pink baby|white knife, loaned for the oc-| ; d ' ? AULA ~' CHRISTIES' SLICED roses and Mrs. Paul Butka, casion by Mrs. Ron Pollard,| ; f : i 2 BREAD 2 POR 37° bridesmaid, then gave Mr. Her-|god-daughter of Mrs. Hercia} { : : j "a ; \ cia a carnation boutonierre, and|who used it at her own wed-| 3° mo \ j snais each guest received roses. ding last November. Mr. and| ' . ROASTS BEEF CHUCK 45° Quickly the rooms were de-|Mrs. Hercia led the anniversary : a LB, corated with bouquets of red/| waltz, with all guests joining in i "fh. " i) and yellow roses, and white|and dancing continued to re- ROUND S OR ROASTS « peonies. A beautifully decorated|corded music. | Pi ' LB. 79 three-tier anniversary cake cen- Decorating the buffet, set up| ee s we Ce tered the head table at which/for late refreshments was a sil.| ; e G BEEF sat the anniversary couple with|ver bowl containing 25 red te . Vs BLADE ROASTS Ls. 59« their past attendants, Mr. John|roses, presented by Mr. Harry % 'y Strocen, Mr. Stanley Poloz Pare es hog any and Mrs. ? Ci uaan Mrs. Paul Butka. With them|Hercia. Mrs. John Strocen pour- ; Ye, MINCED BEEF 3 1 00 were Mr. and Mrs. Hercia's son,|ed tea, assisted by Mrs. Donald) © a fy) "SHORTCUTS" to summer fun (%) Les. A, Donald and his wife, Joy, Mr. Hercia and Mrs. Stephen Her-| © =. 7. G oe le FRESH i\ and Mrs. William Hercia, par- cia. A congratulatory letter was) ; ' TS" ¢ uss, ents of bridegroom, Mrs. Rose Le ny read from Labor Poloz, mother of the anniver-|Minister the Honorable Michael S 7 ' ' tary bride, Mr. Harry Cembal-|Starr and Mrs. Starr, Ottawa, , Hg P hairdos. Easy to care for even {Q ee taeeanenens are here in our beautifully styled ( 5 lm) FRESH CHICKEN uk sponsor of the honored cou-|and messages came from Clear- ' : ¥ wt 25 years ago: Mrs. Cembal-|water, Florida, Detroit and Al. after swimming or sunning. Call and \} ; ' uk, Mrs. John Strocen and Mr.jgonae, Mhehigan. Mindsir. to, SEW-THRIFTY fe make an appointment for a steam perm 2N BREASTS or LEGS u 49° Paul Butka. mer, Bowmanville, Toronto, ; \) The party was planned by Frenchman's Bay and locally. ANNE 4 = AG é ~ their son Donald and his bride} Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hercia| The p then tinge yee or cold wave today. Let the experts at f ' FROZEN RITZ ie ad | mel 2 ' nN of some eight months, assisted|had spent the previous weekeiithe mix-match _ combinations! , Vincent's style your hair for the carefree % We LN CHERRY PIES nach 39° by Mrs. Mary Opychany, Mrs.|on an anniversary trip to Ni-\Sew this trio swiftly in gay Ron Keller, Mrs. Stella Babij,jagara Falls, N.Y. and West-\prints, plaids, polka dots to summer days ahead ; saniien , a TV DINNE un 59° sisters of the bridegroom, Mr.|¢r™ Ontario, with a visit to Mrs.|team with all your separat Stephen Hercia, brother of the|Hercia's sister, Mrs. Don Mul-| Printed Petts = a6 4856: bridegroom and Mr. Stan Poloz, holland, of Brownsville where|Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. fr fan § brother of the bride. The. sup-|Mr. and Mrs. Mulholland enter-|size 16 top style 154 yards 35 Vv E sae per was arranged by Mrs. Wil.|tained the travelling pair at anjinch; maidate iM: oe 1%. | e ING dae SMOKED liam Hercia, and serving were outdoor barbecue at which local} FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins! 5) d and d by Joh d Vi = WIENERS nieces Joan and Gloria Hercia, friends gathered. (no stamps, please) for t his| | 110 KING ST. EAS] operated by John an ie as 8631 ' -. _ Marlene Pollard and Sandra| Mr. Hercia, an ardent fish-|pattern. Ontario residents add} and Elaine Babij. erman, is a twin son of Mr. and|2c, sales tax. Print plainly) Yj FREE PARKING AT REAR ; Mrs. William Hercia, Merritt|SIZE Mr. Don Babij was master of » , NAME, ADDRESS, ; treet, and Mrs, Hercia is the|STYLE NUMBE --, ceremonies who congratulat-|S:Tee, UE R. a -- ceremonies who sconereented| eldest daughter of Mrs. Jacob) Send order to ANNE ADAMS,|' ALTOS We, ESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES them with a beautiful double ages the late wa Poloz.|\CO The Oshawa Times Pat- a é ' t of sil from all anniversary couple were tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. SS HEAD LETTUCE 2 ] 9 + a A adtog oe cava flow- married at the St. John's Greek} SPECIAL Summer Pattern Ne FOR er holder from their son and Orthodox Church, Oshawa, June/Catalog. More than 100 styles-- his wife, ending the small pro- 12, 1937, with the late Father|sun, sport, day, dance, work, CHOICE RIPE gram with the. singing of the Sarmatiuk officiating. travel. All sizes! Send 35c. ; WATERMELON EACH | 09 traditional 'Happy Anniver- : * sary". Labor Minister the Hon. Mi- COB CORN YELLOW b an 39° chael Starr and Mrs. Starr of- fered congratulations and pre- F Ss COFFEE GLECOFF INSTANT wre" 89° CHICKEN NOODLE Y Senge | | " SOUP MIX" 4 na. 49° Pr c= \ \ HEINZ CONDENSED REG. 2/27¢ \: : ne 3 y TOMATOSOUP 6:;° 75* | <a cae : SPECIALS IN OUR DRUG ' : -- _---- AND CLOTHING DEPT. é MODESS 24 IN PKG. REG. 96¢ FOR 83° eax | DEODORANT "its 98° "ac SHAMPOO" "22! 1.09 oN PRE ae py r fa ip . section on the market. MacLEAN'S AEG sug MT.OUT BASKET, TOOTHPASTE "wissen 75° SCRAP QUILT "nee | | ee , 1 Re LA TEMPERATURE STA-AWAY INSECT Po oS | a "Tel pn Pe age a natural REPELLENT ena 6 vr 49° for scraps in vivid, tawny reds, ae ee - MeCLARY-EASY 23 CU. FT. FREEZER $279 || LIGHT FUSES "ew" 3/19° pieces; directions. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) NYL SEAMLESS FIRST for this pattern (no stamps, 4 : QUALITY PR. l . 9 ae alg yg sb etch Here's the modern way to stretch foods and food budgets. Months of meals can be stored easily, conveniently in this Mc- = e S, A ' : s : Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, Ontario Clary-Easy Freezer, priced so low that home' food freezing is practical for ANY family. Foods can be purchased in large GIRLS DRESSES "4 gorge ag Cee eee ORTTERN ube quantities, in season--when they cost less--then frozen to be enjoyed all year 'round, Shopping trips are cut down and AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES AME, ADDRESS. | leftovers frozen for future meals instead of thrown away. With a McClary-Easy you eat better with less NEVER - BEFORE VALUE! bail 200 designs to knit, crochet, sew, verve, a. 2 a waste and come out 'way ahead on your food budget WE CASH BABY BON us, Beautiful Bulkies in a complete : " ... There will always be something in the house to PENSION AND PAY CH EQUES ! f fashion neige plus bedspreads, eat. marty Fniens, Sighens, siipooyers.| Exactly as shown... Available on Easy Budget Terms, Store Open Every Nite 'Til 10:00 P.M plus 2 free patterns. Send ae now.