| | ANN LANDERS WACH, Care of Aged Always a Burden Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 HE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdoy, June nies Dear Ann Landers: Steady! there, Girl. Don't let the ornery, we. 1968 7 critters throw ya'. Remember the senior citizen who accused you of not liking old people? She said she was over 70 and just loved living with her son land daughter -in - law. Well, 'that's ducky--but the central point is do THEY just love having HER? I never cease to be amazed at all t anfare in the news- | pa when a parent lives to iceletrate a 100th birthday. The President of the United States | sends a telegram, the governor lsends greetings, and there's jusually a five-layer cake. And ithen, the last line of the news- paper report goes something llike this: "Mrs. Hawmintosh 'has made her home with her |daughter-in-law for the last 40 |years." | I say the president should send the telegram to the |daughter - in - law--especially lif those last 40 years have been ihappy- ones for the lady who} has reached 100. -- ADDED WORD. | Dear Added Word:And now may I add a word? AMEN! | Dear Ann Landers: I'm 17, mixed up, in love and desper- 'ate. The fellow is 18, handsome, swell build, plays the guitar and has the dreamiest eyes I've) ever seen, I need an honest answer so) I'll give you the straight facts.| |I lost my head over this guy |completely and now there's no iturning back, He never takes me out on a real date, like to) a movie or a dance or party.! |He is interested in only one thing. Please don't lecture me. I'm FOUR YEARS OLD TOMORROW |, vei .o°listens to her heart All smiles for his fourth birthday tomorrow is Ron- ald George, son of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Harris, Anna- Carol Mary Tanton Becomes instead of her head. If you could see him you'd understand. He's a combination of Sal Mineo} and Cary Grant and he talks) ----/like Adlai Stevenson. Please don't tell me.to stop seeing him. It's impossible. -- SAND. j BAGGED | Dear Sandbagged: I have no Jadvice for a girl who says she llistens to her heart instead of Ronnie's grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Harris and Mrs. Arthur Burns, all of Oshawa. polis. Bride of Garnet Warriner Carol Mary, daughter of Mr.{silk organza over while taffeta and Mrs. Milton Tanton, be-|featuring a shawl collar and came the bride of Mr. Garnet|full skirt with yellow cummer Warriner, son of Mr. and Mrs.|bund gathered into a half bow Leonard Warriner, all of Portjat the back and matching head- her head. The only approach to} problems I know is through the} head. I can only tell you how these affairs usually wind up. The fellow will drop you when he Perry, in Port Perry United Church, recently. The Reverend E. S. Linstead officiated at the double - ring) ceremony. The church organ- ist, Miss Gloria Hastings, play-| ed the wedding music and ac-| companied the soloist, Mr. Ken- neth Jackson, who sang 'Be cause" and "The Lord's Prayer". The bride, given in mar- riage by her father, wore a full-| length gown of silk faille fash- lined with guipure lace seed pearls designed with an|,,, empire bodice and long sleeves,| Psed her corsage. The skirt formed a redingote effect edged with lace falling into a chapel train. Her crown) ahd 3 of pearls and crystals was held) Wore 2 cloche hat of frosted! niy<. Paul Ciokan, and was as- by a bouffant veil of French) illusion. She carried a cascade of gardenias and yellow baby ehrysanthemums. Later as token of affection the bridal houquet was laid on the grave of her grandmother. The matron of honor, Mrs. William Gibson, and the brides- maid, Miss Gail Scero of Osh- awa chose identical sheath dresses of yellow silk organza over yellow taffeta with cum- merhund gathered at the back to a half bow and shoes to match. Veiled double hows of self. material formed their headdresses. The junior bridesmaid, Miss Judy Tanton, sister of-the bride, wore white UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES W. COURTICE H and § At the June meeting of the West Courtice Home and School Association, Mr. Ralph Rowe, prncipal of the West Courtice! public school awarded the oth- letic trophies which had been won by the boy and girl receiv- ing the most points at the Field) Day. An attractive shield plaque was given to Sharon Lolt and Brenda Morden who were tied for first- place and to Leonard Bowler, the top hoy. Mr. Jack Mundy, director of athletics from the Courtice High School spoke on the value of organized athletic in schools.) He stated that organized sports) were most important in helping! to mold the character of boys and girls -- teaching them to follow direction, be good losers as well as winners. Mr. Welsh' thanked the speaker. Mrs. Douglas McLaurin pre- sided. Mrs. Leslie Noble gave the treasurer's report, showing 'a bank balance of $115.63 and: Mrs. McLaurin thanked all who assisted in the Field Day Refreshments were served by the convener, Mrs. Ronald la- mont and the mothers of Grade . MUSHROOM-STUFFED EGGS Slice 8 hard-conked eggs in halves, lengthwise. Combine yolks with 4% cup chopped cook- ed or canned mushrooms; sauce to mosten; and salt and pepper to taste Refil egg whites with. this mixture, garnish with pasriey or finely chopped green pepper; and serve with other salads, ° : an jwith tips of gold. Tinted greenjtjgn of ioned with a scoop neckline out- | haby chrysanthemums and yel-' was made at the home of Miss dress. They carried spray bou- quets of colonial white and yel- low shasta chrysanthemums. Mr. Dale Warriner was best man for his twin brother and) the ushers were Mr. Robert) Carnegie and Mr. Malcolm) MacMillan. | At the reception in the gets bored and you have noth- Patricia Sholdra Feted at Showers In honor of her marriage to church parlors, the mother of, Mr. Edward Donald, Miss the bride received in a sun|Patricia Sholdra has been gold silk draped sheath dress./feted at several showers. Her hat was composed of small! On behalf of the General flowers shaded beige and white| Motors office staff, a presenta- electrical appliances jlow sweetheart roses com- Carol Clough, Patricia street. A ' | A community shower was The bridegroom's mother 8-404 in st. John's Parish Hall, sisted in a peacock blue drap-| ed sheath. of silk pesanti. She ge a ik i Mn pink braided straw and net with matching accessories and) la corsage of pink and white' |feathered carnations. Out of town guests were from Ashburn, Brooklin, Ajax London, Oshawa, Shelbourne Toronto and Detroit. For travelling the bride don ned an eggshell boucle sui iwith a matching printed blouse. A miscellaneous shower was in boucle with orange flowers) given by Miss Charon Lee, jand a small hat of tulle. A|Miss Erna Litz, Miss. Lynn corsage of green cymbidium|Donald and Mrs. Ronald Pol- jorchid with orange tinted car- lard at the home of Miss Lee, 'nations completed the ensemble.| Clarke street. sisted by Mrs. William Sholdra, Mrs, John Stezik, and Mrs. John Tymochko, About 200 guests atended and the bride- |to-be was presented with an "lapartment size refrigerator and 'a gift of money, a_ rangette, dishes, hand mixer and many t, other gifts. After a honeymoon trip in the} Mrs. Robert Keller, King) United States, Mr. and Mrs. street east, gave a personal | Warriner will reside in Port shower and was assisted by! Perry. Mrs. Milton Kellar. SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m.to 9:00 p.m. R. J, TUMEY'S SHELL STATION 962 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ALEX NATHAN'S Sunoco STATION 215. KING ST. WEST COOPER'S TEXACO STATION 56 BRUCE STREET T, GOCH SUPERTEST STATION 437 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH WINDER'S ESSO STATION KING and RITSON RD. SOUTH KEMP'S ESSO STATION 288 BLOOR ST. WEST George Brown's SUPERTEST Station 334 PARK RD, SOUTH SOUTH END TEXACO STATION 506 RITSON RD. SOUTH CLINT'S TEXACO STATION WENTWORTH AND CEDAR McCLELLANDS WHITE ROSE STATION 38 PRINCE STREET DOVE'S. FINA. STATION 792 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ing more to give. You'll be ashamed and heartbroken. If you think you're Sandbagged NOW, Sister--just wait. Dear Ann Landers: Im arried at 18. We had three children in five years. It was always pregnant, or suffering from nervous exhaustion. When the children were a little older I began to pay more attention to my husband but by that time it was too late. a low cost Five months ago he told me |he was in love with another |woman and he wanted time to | 'think things over."' I told him to think things over some place else. I igi him know. he could come see the children whenever he wished. He packed his lelothes and moved to a hotel. Six weeks later he started to ome to the house every night. |He's been wonderful to the children and. very sweet to me. I know he'd like to come back jhome but he's ashamed to ask. 'It's apparent he's had enough of the other woman because he's with us every night. I love him dearly and want | ride, too. shall I do?--TONGUE- him back, but I have What TIED Dear .Woman: .Untie ask him tojcome home for good. _Your husband's nightly pres: NE RENE OE IE ga 0 oe ln lp : given by Miss Dianne Cornish,;Creek who are ts of the! Displayi trousgeau, Donna Tapping 'sso by "eo <a Cornish brideso-be. Mrs. Ronald Prank| wedding and ati. bat , ; and Miss Carol Cornish at their of Bow. i as the tea'Mrs. Do: ee "3 Feted By Friends home on Beverley street. ovens herving" &... the Miss Diane pi 1 4 ts : ' | Mrs. Arthur Frank, Mrs. Fos-| Misses Lauraine Ogilvie and) ollowing rehea At Bridal Showers ter tierrington, Mis Ronald Judy Holbrook and Mrs. Sally wedding party was, e |Frank and Mrs. James Frank|Sauzenuk. Miss Lois Wherry at the home of the Miss Donna Tapping was of Bowmanville were hostesses|¥25 i charge of the gift book.'he. feted at several showers priorjat a surprise party" at thelg -- to her marriage today at St./home of Miss Tapping, King George's Memorial Church. treet cast. She received a cock | Her co-workers at the City tail table and matching end) Hall held a miscellaneous show- tables. | er in the employees' lounge.| Mrs. Douglas Tapping enter-| The bride-to-be was presented tained for her dauhgier at a 128 SIMGOEST. NORTH ae Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co, Chartered Accountants j your volved and it would be tragic) tongue, and in plain Janguage|if you allowed silly pride to' with several gifts and refresh aeuowe ont ral gifts and refresh-'troysseau tea, receiving in a@ RESIDENT PARTNERS Uae ments were served. figured silk sheath dress. The) BP bid W. Riehl, GA. Bled. A miscellaneous shower was future bride chose white organ pa Wien Pee ° suevesse ce bs I Bs a * ~~ za, featuring a grey and white) Vile hogan is lid test to his bodice with a full white skirt. " ence is plid testimony to his their corsages were white car! PARTNERS: } ;* \feelings. Three children are in-| + ® a) "4 nations. | . 1. W. Monteith, F.C.4., MP. A. Brock Monteith, 6. Comm, 6A." Pouring tea were Mrs.| Righl, €-A., RIA. George §- Frethewey, GA. |stand in the way of rebuilding|Arthur Frank of Bowmanville Lightfoot, €.A. Burt 8. Weters, 6A. 'your marriage. _ 'and Mrs. Jack Turner of Stoney ------ Ww. w. w. Only at Bay Ridges... patio town house «10,250 : FULL down nner EO Monthly payment just 'a9 including principal, interest and taxes Each patio town house features 3 bedrooms, a full sized, poured concrete basement and sliding glass doors to an adjoining patio Relax on your own patio and enjoy the cool breeze from picturesque Frenchman's Bay. You can, in beautiful Bay Ridges--a suburban water wonderland. community that offers all the advantages of a vacation resort. See the beautiful patio homes with their full size sliding giass doors--a feature usually found only in more expensive homes, See them and you'll agree--Bay Ridges is the place where you will want to live. Possession guaranteed in time for school opening this fall! Live and play at fabulous Bay Ridges. It's a whole new world of casual living where you can swim, fish, boat and relax to your heart's content. 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For further information call 364-3115 A new world of casual living BAY RIDGES Developed by CONSOLIDATED BUILDING CORPORATION LIMITED 99 Avenue Rd., Toronto 5, Ontario Bay Ridges is only 8 miles east of Metro at Highway 401 and Liv- erpool Road. OVER 100 YEARS OF BUILDING by CONSOLIDATED BUILDING CORPORATION "Building is our middle name EXPERIENCE @pen 10 a.m to 10 p.m. Daily MITED enigma MTT q ll