TG THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, June 30, 1962 in Israel. "We eat them as you,;Make into small balis about ODD FACT i ° oe De on. fet * rhe 1%" in diameter. After the ete Bank of bie ; at ¢ rae 'on te. Fill a deep pan with oil or | Milwaukee purcha a. new Ree ee age amet and rice | cocs to drain, save all the juice.| are served-in a hollowed out loaf|fat. Heat to 270 decrees F (or| automobile, it received a form leaf | until dry. Peel boiled potatoes called Pita, which is a native| when cube of bread browns in| letter, signed by the president . } Syrian bread made especially|1 mmute). Fry balls until gold-| of the auto manufacturing com- Placed rolled cabbage and, and mash; combine with raw fi Ps or the purpose. A saiad usually} en brown. seis 6 large por-| pany, which began: "Dear Mr. eaion. leaves in akernate lay-| potato pulp. Stir well. Sift flour accompanies the Falafal. tions, ag Suk tire, Bank." ers in deep skillet with green | with baking soda and salt. peppers in centre. Add salt, to-| Potato juice separates into|? bs. chick peas mato juice and water to cover. | liquid and solid or starch. Pour); jarge onion off liquid and- add starch to Par ' co ee ee sdotmas| oft mixture. Mix al with pels Sere tic. | Our List of Dairy Products Is Complete while boiling, Cover with aie | tatoes and stir well: Add butter-|3 tbsp. faf or oil ' let lid. Boil 15 minutes. -Re- | milk or sour cream stirring | Salt -- vier' Chocolete Milk move plate. and sprinkle with) 'carefully from the center. | Pepper : Regu a. ee Whipping Cream lemon juice and sugar, Re-| Liquid should be added to, Red pepper "sk Table Cream place lid and simmer 45 min-|™4ke the potato batter soft)? tbsp. four > utes. Yield: i enough to drop from a spoon.) 114 to 2 cups fat or oil for fryin Yiekd: 6 to 8 servings. | Amount will vary so use your); - . Tyme /own judgment. Beat well and; Soak chick peas overnight. jallow to stand for 5 minutes. Grind through fine blade of food IRELAND | Meanwhile rub a hot griddle se : | chopper with onion, parsley and ' with bacon rind. Drop batter by i ; GINGERBREAD | spoonfuls on griddle. Fry slow-| tlic. Add salt, pepper and red "The Dairy That Satisties" 1% cups sifted at a rnbe ly and allow to brown and raise; | pepper to taste. Stir in flour, oil yee ietece pace turn and brown on other side./or. fat. Blend together well. t 'tebsnocd toda Be sure cakes: are cooked, tes i | through. In Irelarid these are! '44 teaspoon salt | served hot with butter and sugar | 1 teaspoon cinnamon and cinnamon. You'll also find 1_ teaspoon ginger them delicious with gravy and 2 1 % cup sugar 'fine accompaniments for any eggs. slightly beaten 'meat dish. Serves 6. cup buttermilk % cup melted shortening Irish cooks have a fine ac- id % cup molasses , companiment for fish -- parsley Sift flour, soda, salt, cinna- jelly flavored with lemon. It's mon, and ginger into mixing tinted green, naturally. of bowl Add sugar. Combine slightly beaten eggs. buttermilk, shortening. and molasses. Add . ' ase 16 ary lustedionle aii ISRAEL if you're bothered by at once: beat for 1 'minutes. (Use medium speed of electric CHEESE STEAKS mixer or beat 225 strokes by ! Pound cottage cheese (very) hand.) Pour into 9x9x2-inch dry and fine) a eo a -- Ta er -- ee ga wr pan, well greased and lightly 2 °88S floured on the bottom only. 4 'tablespoons' All-Purpose Bake in a moderate oven (375 flour degrees F) 35 to 40 minutes! 12 teaspoon salt F until it springs back when! ,'2 teaspoon red pepper : touched lightly in the centre.|2 tablespoons fat, or more if, Serve warm. Yield: 9-inch -- u bs "a ' t a dy ware rain all excess moisture 5 may we s est you stu - |}from cottage cheese. Mix all : y "gg Y BOXTY-ON-THE-PAN | ingredients except fat. Heat fat (Fluffy Potato Cakes) in iron skillet.-Drop small por- ' % lb. potatoes, peeled tions of cottage cheese mixture THE BENEFITS % . potatoes, cooked in 2 or 3 tablespoons at a time : jackets into the hot fat. Cook over 3 cups flour. | tow heat until golden brown on |i Sam % tsp. salt 'both sides. Yield: 4 servings. of becoming a member of Buttermiik or sour cream ' : % tsp. baking soda Serve with a fruit salad. Piece of bacon rind FALAFAL 3 : Grate potatoes into a cloth (Spicy Snacks) | 3 placed ia a sieve. Allow pota-, Falafal are the national snack : "You're invited to FOOD CLUB visit our huge feed centre at 933 Ritson Rd. South at the times listed below" Canada's Oldest and Largest Food Club Offers You... @ ECONOMY .. . The very best in foods for LESS than you pay now ! @ CONVENIENCE... Free Home Delivery @ QUALITY ... Government graded Red & Blue ied beef plus highest quality staple groceries. And ... You Don't Pay a High Price for Your Freezer! 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Red and Blue brand beef . . . temperature controls . , . rapid blast f fr for quick freezing locks in flavor and freshness. OPEN NIGHTS -- Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday Morning -- 9 to 1 p.m. (Free Coffee and Biscuits for All) FOR FREE CONSULTATION CALL 723-1163 -- (3 LINES) 933 Ritson Rd. ith 7 (Corner of Wentworth) % ® & ; ® ® : & ® ® % ; * ® @ 2s 8 a rs a @ * " @ cd * * * ® es @ he a d e @ e e @ e ® e ® 2 @ e e e e ® + @ @ e » & e ® ® e ° 3 POSCOSHOOSHSHSHHHHOHHOHOSSEHSSSHOHHHHSTSOHESHHSOSHEHHHOHROOSEHOHSHOOCEOEESCEEEEEOEE MOTOR HOTEL AND RESTAURANT "15 minutes trom Downtown Oshawa on Highway 40} at Bowmanville" OPEN HOURS !! 7 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT DAILY ! 909 0C1RE SOHO 90919 0eECHHSOOCCEEOOSDOORE® eeevecccesese@ @00CCOCCOCCe