sweetened whipped cream and|man*s tanguage but the with steaming hot coffee. Wun-|Deutsche have a special way derbar! with their Schnitzel. The Hol- Know your Sehnitzel. Veal| steiner Schnitzel is breaded and minutes per pound. Baste every 10 minutes with a mixture of the orange juice, port wine and salt. Cut the wmole orange (with skin) im thia slices. 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdoy, June 30, 1962 ETHIOPIA | Chill. Serve with whipped MEAT "WAT" (Meat Stew) ™% pound butter cups chopped onion cup water pounds boneless beef, lamb or veal (cut into 1 inch pieces) se 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon red pepper 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 talbespoon cornsfareh % cup cold water 4 cups hot buttered noodles (optional) Melt half of butter in a heavy sa@ucepan, add onions, and cook over medium heat until onions are soft. Mix in remaining but- ter and the water, and cook un- covered for five minutes. Add meat and seasonings. Cover pan afid simmer mixture for 1 to 14% hours or until meat is tender. To thicken sauce blend 1 table- spoon of cornstarch with %% cup cold water. Add to hot stew and continue cooking, stirring constantly, for about five min- utes. This flavorful stew would | water or milk and allow to stand cream, if desired. Yield: $ one- half eup servings. : LIMAPULLIA (Finnish Meatballs ia Gravy) slices around the duck and on rack in the roasting pan (not in the sauce) about 16 minutes % cup dry bread crumbs before the end of the cooking 1 cup.water or milk time, Garrish the duck with the 1 egg beaten orange slices for serving. Allow 4 lb. ground pork one pound dressed weight per % lb. ground beef person when estimating number 2% tsp. salt of servings. % tsp. pepper 2 - butter ical . 3. tbsp. onions, choppe r % = -- or butter GERMANY 5 tbsp. flour 3 cups water (Waataaeen Week ice Cok Soak toasted bread crumbs in .3 'aon. butter _ 2-3 suga a few minutes. Add beaten egg, ly Pringles ong meat, salt and pepper. Melt 2/11, cups sifted flour tbsp. of butter and fry onions; 1, tsp. salt until golden brown. Combine | 23, tsp. baking powder well with first mixture. Form) 1, cup milk little balls with two spoons dip-|1 tsp. vanilla ped in het water. Drop into skil- |2 egg whites let in which the fat or butter 114 cups large canned, pitted has been melted. Brown meat-, cherries or 3 cups fresh balls on all sides. Remove balls | cherries. from pan*and keep hot. | To make gravy: stir flour into} Cream butter and sugar, drippings and add water; stir-| 8tadually add well beaten egg ring until smooth. Put meat-| yolks and mix thoroughly. Sift balls in gravy and simmer for flour 3 times with salt and bak- The Only Mystery In "DECIDEDLY BETTER" Dry Cleaning Is .. - Tr. L. Tender Loving Whether you are a steady customer or a new one, ALL receive the same treatment. No matter whether we clean a $6 dress or a $60 dress... suit .. . ALL GARMENTS receive the steaks are good eating in any | topped with a freshly fried ege . Cc. Care OUR CUSTOMERS a $40 suit or an $80 be good served over cooked but- same T.L.C. tered noodles. Crisp rolis, a green salad, fruit dessert, and beverage would be a fine choice te complete the meal. Yield: 6 to 8 servings. FINLAND LINGONBERRY MOUSSE %4 cup farina 1% cups water \% teaspoon salt } 1 14-0z. jar of lingonberry | preserves whipping cream (optional) | Note: Wild cranberry jam or) jelly may be substituted. oe Add farina slowly to boiling, 1 salted water, stirrimg constant-| ly .Cook over direct heat for) 15 minutes. Serve in gravy.|ing powder. Add alternately You'll have enough Lihapullia | With milk to the butter mixture. for 4. Add vanilla and fold in egg whites beaten stiff but not dry. Imagine giant golden yellow Butter an 8" spring-form or raspberries. They are found deep 8' layer-cake pan. Put only in Finland so that's about | fruit in bottom. If using fresh all we can do. . . imagine them [fruit leave pits in for special and possibly envy the fortunate flavor; for canned fruit, use pit- T.L.C. . . . means dry cleaning done by people who take pride in their work and finish each garment as if it were their own. No one can ask for more. WHITBY CLEANERS LIMITED 150 COLBORNE ST; EAST WHITBY MO 8-2345 | | | } i preferably | thing from soup to dumplings. | down with a fork. Bake in a |recipe may be used with apri- duck fee Klatch time covered with! 2% minutes, stirring to prevent} 1 whole orange, eooked farina. Cool to luke-| with a towel. Truss and place warm. Beat with electric mixer|}on a rack in am open pan, Finns who name them Cloud- | ted ones and drain thoroughly. berries and enjoy them in every- | Pour batter over fruit and work | moderately hot (375 - 400 de- | grees F) oven for 30 to 35 min- FRANCE jutes or until done. This same ; : /cots or canned blue plums. 'ANARD A LORANGE | °° " (Roast Duck) | Serves 6; This is served at Kaf- cup orange juice 4% cup port wine 1 teaspoon salt sticking. Set aside. Press lin-| seedless : gonberry preserves through al Rinse the duck inside and out- sieve. Add sieved preserves to| side with clear water. Dry well or rotary beater until thick and) breast side up. Roast in a mod- fluffy. Pour inte serving dishes. | erate oven (350 deg. F.) for 35 yer MURRAY Fashion with FIrtine comrort Give your feet... the red carpet treatment .. . Free Yourself from LAUNDRY DRUDGERY The hard-to-fit foot is no problem here, lasts are fit proven and our size range includes fittings for narrow, medium and wide feet. KEEP YOUR CLOTHES CLEAN AND CRISP with this LAUNDRY ROOM -- puUO e AUTOMATIC GAS DRYER -- and e@ AUTOMATIC WASHER im 2.50 « & wee LITTLE AS ON YOUR GAS BILL @ NO DOWN PAYMENT @ FOR ALL YOUR GAS APPLIANCES Visit. our New GAS MERCHANDISE CENTRE SHORGAS LTD. CORNER OF ATHOL & CELINA STS, 728-9441 Choose from Beige, Black ond Brawn, also in suede. 19.95 \ "GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED" _ DAVIDSON'S Operated by E. A. Southwell 31. SIMCOE ST. NORTH DIAL 725-3312