ae tet Re a ee ee i ld roe ee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sotutday, dune 90) 1962 SHARON INN, 16, in- structs one of hér players how to hold the bat. Sharon, a blue-eyed blonde, has been Montreal Girl Softball Coach For Pee Wee Boys MONTREAL (CP)=--The Vie- toria Park néewee softball team is used to being taunted by the opposition about their girl coach. Sharoh Zinn, 16-year-old blue- eyed blonde, says she tells her boys to "ignore it until the gameé is over, Wheh we've won." Then, she figures; they are less likely to think having a girl eoach is so funny. Sharon, who also coaches pee 'jie: the Victoria Park pee wee softball team in Montreal for two years and has taken the team to the just missed copping the league| championship "We tied for first place. In the playoff game we were tied at the é@nd of the game so we played an extra inning but lost." This year her team, ranging in age from 10 to 12, again is tiéd for first place in its four- team league. Her boys won four of their fitst five games. Despite her present confi- dence, Sharon once felt that wee tockey, directed her first all team last season and coaching wasn't the thing for a girl to do. FIRST AID TO World's Oldest Sports Award Gok sal a fi Scotland ane is ie rh J world fer whit eet eae. titions are vara to wif it, ih about very Site was presented he, gold or silver an ented pi were stashed was built if ort fia in héatby Bdin- t6 held the tniqué col- Bineé 1676 the competition has) i5 limited to pet of the eyal Company of Ar hers, the eens bodyguard for Seot- land. The wither mist rhicrg to re: turn the trophy if 'or the next annual competition. Orig- inal rules allowed any three- time witinét to keep the arrow, bit after thréeé such winners waived their fight, the rule was The pledges are recorded ffi} 4 the bond book of the Royal Afehers--a_leathér - bound vol- time guarded by the provost and magistrates of Mussel- burgh. The book records every victory since 1650 and has enléugh blank pages to last afi- @\other 38 years. Migames that winter when the regular each was away, then took over a team of her own A\last season. She has been at league finals both seasons. She also coachés pee wee hotkey. oe ee oto "T used ot go to all my brother's hockéy games. Two yeats ago the evach asked me to be his assistant. I didn't want to at first because I didn't think a girl should, but then I said I would because I knew of an- other girl who was doing it." Sharon coached several homé on & baseball diamond for years. "T used to live in Ontario and we played baseball in Wood- stock. The boys taught us how to play. The first year we came here I played with a girls' team." haron's coaching assignment is a Voluntéér job for the ¢om- mittee sports ee in sub- urban St, Lam A Grade 11 wadéat at Cham- bly County High School, she wafits {6 become a teacher and will enrol at Macdonald College this fall "if I'm accepted." Sharon says shé would like to coach her softball tedm again next year, but if she goes to col lege she'll have to forgo the hockey Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President © DICK YOUNG Vicé-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Seé-Treas. 16 SIMCOE ST. $., OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 tei the Mus- » ot is arora _wosmpnnensser tt, CRN as been By KEITH KINCAID hit 34 (ce) = it 8 ie i ¢ daw heb be Moe 4 one - made Stine 6 has 'te ie at Rea ee, ' ritimers feel is best er to fas ago, rd time of, the area slice Hallas sling up a match against id Howard fetited as light-/ardson. Greaves, has fi ee two years ago. |Canadian fights iad to come rdgon, a friéndly, blond,| by ly becausé there are 80 efewWeit M-year-bld, feels hie is|few godd middleweights, said a feady for € aim pion Wille fie ee alts to fight Greavés of hardson of afiy "ie out of Detroit, Now l ehicet ofily thing that seefhs to) Greaves is still a rough, tough be if the way of such a fight,|customer who has mixed it ie Séems to be mONey:/with varyitig dégrées of sticcess Hei 'ax promoters say Graves|with such men as Siigat Rai had agreed to a Halifax bout in)Robinson, Dick Tigef, Ralp rt: but that Richardson turned) (Tiger) Jones, Gene Fulliner, fi ah offef of 25 per cent of Spider Webb 'aiid Joey Giar- the fet gate. a The share was an unusually big oné for a challenger in a Canadian ring but it is undeér- stood Richardson Wanted 30 pér cent plus travelling and hotél xpenses. y 'i Pag Ae are any doubts ello. This summer would seéii to be the chance for Richardson to prove himself a boxer of more = re 1 reputation. If he 8 thr as his fans feel Boh dois thd Paster Canadian|@ jught-o evelopment erédentials for u m he set himself when ¢ should be|He Jef college after two years to devote all his energies to the fight game. He féels the steady inipfove-| | pai 8 erack at the crown, i noted that his last bout was a | see gr dééision ove gm Emery of Shefbrooke, é. ment in his performances fadian light-heavyweight cham dgiind Binery Gpeaks f6F the Bion. way he has been brot ught along. HF ga ie a Most of his fights are in Hal- tatigied with the heavier Bii- ifax, but after each miatch he éry and the way he handled the champ was solid evideneé of the progress he has made sifice they first met last summer and Bimery flattened the Cape Bre- ton hopeful. They mét agaifi last fall and Richardson Won a hotly criticized split decision. McLaughlin Heating for @ STOVE On Delivery RA 3$-3461 28 KOs The third Emery match gave © FUEL OIL © Prompt | 104 King W. Let Us Show You!!... HOW TO HEAT that COLD ROOM or RECREATION ROOM = WITH -- ELECTRIC HEAT USE OUR HYDRO TIME PAYMENT PLAN ! COOK'S ELECTRIC PHONE 725-6109 IT'S DIXON'S wae uc by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert St. RA 3-4663 AILING HOUSE BALLPOINT STAINS QUESTION: Recently, we had our platform focker re-covered with vinyl upholstery having a fabric back. One of the children scribbled on the séat with a ballpoint pen. I tried removing this with rubbing aleohol; ear- bon tet, vaseline and household cleanser, but no sticcess at all. Can you suggést anything else? ANSWER: The only other suggestion I can offer is to try! applying a mild household bleach solution to the stains. Rigky if color is not fast. FHOST ON ROOF NAILS QUESTION: During cold weather we have discovered frost and icicles developing on the roof nails. This melts dur- ing warmer Weather, dripping dowh on the ceiling of the rodiis below. We aré afraid also of mildew developing as a result of this on the underside of the roof itself, How can we prevent or correct this? SWER: Apparently, there is insufficient ventilation and aif Circulation. in the attic, Is the attic floor insulated? If not, insulation should be install- be including vapor barrier (plaéed so that it is teward the heated rooms below, with the insulation above it). Ventilat- ating louvers should be install- ed as high up in the gable ends of the roof as possible, allowing at léast one square foot of open- for éach 300 square feet of attic floor area. Installing eaves vents also will give bet- tert air cifculation. To eee growth of mildew on the roof boards, coat them with a chem- ical wood preservative. Clip- ping the the oe down to the sur: roof boards. will prevent Pood formation. REFINISHING BATHTUB QUESTION: We have recéntly purchased a fairly old house in good condition. However, one of the bathtubs is badly discolored and wofn looking. The usual cleaning and stain - removing procedures don't help. Is there any way to refinish the inside of the tub? We want to postpone getting a hew ofe for a while, ANSWER: Professional refin- ishing or porcelain plumbing fixtures is possible; consult your classified telephone direc- tory under "Porcelain Enamel Repairing and Refinishing." There is fio perifafent do-it yourself repair that I kfow of. KEROSENE ODOR ' agthed 08 ON: Kerosene was led Of OM back entry floor. I thought it would evapor- até out, but the dor persists in spite of Washing with detergent and soap. Cah you recommend anything to remove the odor? ANSWER: Try wiping the affected area with a cloth or a sponge soaked with vinegar; --" this treatinent is effee- ive. | HOUSE HUMIDITY | QUESTION: What {8 the recommended humidity during the winter indoors? ANSWER: When the outside} temperature is at freezing or above, a humidity of 35-40 per cent is satisfactory. When the temperature falls to 15 degrees, a 30 per cent is satisfactory. When the temperature falls to 15 degfees, a 30 per cent air moisture content is recom- mended, At zero, thé humidity Should be dropped to about 20) per cent POLYETHYLENE information of polyethylene? | We are building and have bed- rooms on a slab of concrete. Polyethylene layers have been suggested fot moistureproofing the concrete. Is this much in use? ANSWER: The heavier weights of this type of plastic sheeting are being widely used | QUESTION: Where can I get) : DUMONT ALUMINUM For VALUE and QUALITY Assured PHONE 728-1651 Aluminum New Portable BARB @ DIAMOND GRILL @ ENGINEERED DRAFT DESIGN @ MADE IN CANADA SPECIAL 16 CELINA ST. "Garden Supplies Since 1905" Aluminum AWN INGS SIDING ® Eliminates Costly Painting © All-Weather Insulation @ Save On Fuel Bills Finest Materials -- Expert Workmanship "Where Satisfaction Is Guaranteed" LES EVENISS SALES 15 PRINCE'ST. "serving oshawe Fer 10 Yeort" 725-4632, Evenings 723-2707 ECUE 4.40 PHONE 723-2312 it chal-| have ne Maritimers Are tig owe Over Middleweight oe of Ri for x the ads at after e ace of beating The personae ar Richardson g viewers a lity ae talents a few hot third nery showed up oO sioh atid hel iis versation with a sof afd two Rated pér- formers. Althotigh he comes from a sturdy stock of steel Workérs, Richardsons fine featurés gi him an almost fragile af ance ih street clothes whieh, reg is belied by the artil- hé carries in his right atm. 8 léads to the most dis- tufbifig aspect of his career. His ring trophies ineltide four fractured hands ahd a badly broken jaw. As a result there Ra CAE eae KR hi aan Feady tf the Mi ed it i liidde contract of th eased ae smash * seven Jai inh id aistanes in Seven) 14, tt set ti ome pe tts tna ae ie wt ee Sie ae iearned ae ES ar he hasn't learn ie Mets be! 4 te land his puinches prop-| International ela. UALITY PREMIUM SERVICE STATION HIGHWAY NO. 2 (BETWEEN OSHAWA & WHITBY) Prompt Courteous Service OPEN BAILY INELUBING SUNDAY 7 A.M, = MIDNIGHT " rhtashirh ne ER Two éénturies ago a glassmaker in Pentisylvania provided the land for the ereétion of & church: But he attached a string to his gift. Hach yea? the congregation nitist pay to him, or to his descendants, one red rose, forevér, Annually in @ traditional service the members of that church fulfil the tefms of theif deed. In the words of & reverent visitor, "'God's rent is paid in éoin moré Worthy thai man's." What strange thrust of imagination devised such a price, Certainly it waa more than a man's love of Foses . . . Wisely he realized otit tendency to take for granted our blessings. Fer vently he p se Gently he feminds that we would foréver treasure the privilege of w iis that there is beauty and happiness in every. sacrifice for the support of God's House. THE CHURCH FOR ALL. The Chiurth ca the greatest +» ALL FOR THE CHURCH factor on the Church. They are: (1) For his chataéter aiid own sake, (2) For his children's sake. (3) For thé sake of his community and fition. (4) For the sake of the * Church itielf, which needs his moral material support. Plan to go to regularly and read your Bible 1962, Keister A ea 17:11-19 Thursday Ezra 8:8-18 to prevent rise of ground moisture in concrete slabs. METAL BOAT SEAMS LEAK QUESTION: 1 have a metal boat which I use during the warm weather on a nearby lake. A leak has developed in one of the seams. How can I repair this before fhe next sea- son? ANSWER: Use plastic steel, Widely available in kits at most hardware and mafiy housewares and variety stores; it mends leaks in any metal and it is) easy to use FLAKING CEILING QUESTION: We Are poitig to refinish our living room ceiling. ow can we prevent scaling? We used a rubber basé paint on the ceiling and walls. The ceil- ing is very scaly in spots, We don't care to use acoustical tile on the ceiling. Is there any other material that would be suitable? ANSWER: Apply painters cloth, available at wallpaper dealers and large paint stores. This is « Snetxy woven cloth, ap- plied like walipaper and ean be painted of papered as desired. @ SEPTIC TANKS @ DURA STEPS @ RAILINGS @ PATIO SLABS 70 King St. E. SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY 1S GUARANTEED. Current Reftge of Products include: @ CURBING LORNE GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING 725-1044 758 A. W. RUNDLE 725-1764 @ WALK SLABS @ WELL TILE @ CHIMNEY CAPS Specialists in Custom Precasting 723-7242 MA 3:3553 CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. GENOSHA COFFEE SHOP GARDEN CENTRE 1016 King St. &. ROY W. NICHOLS GM. SALES & SERVICE Bowmanville ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Read The Oshawa Times Church Announcemerits for Times of Services and Religious Activities 34 Chureh St. N. H. EDGAR 723-735) Mary St. 723-7622 Courtice 726-2451 MASTER FEEDS HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE STAFFORD BROTHERS CEMETERY MEMORIALS MO 6-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby SMITH'S HARDWARE 368 Wilson Rd. S. THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES, LTD. 463: Ritson RA. N, 723-2229 725-4704 & SON LTD. 34 King St. W. DIXON'S The Robeft Dixon Co, Limited FUEL OIL -- OIL BURNERS -- SERVIEE 313 Albert St Phone 723-4663 67 King St. W. JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST Res. MO 8-5285 _-- Store MO 8-3334 124 Dundas W., Whitby WHITBY CLEANERS 150 Colborne St. E., Whitby MO 8-2345