THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 27, 1962 QB 32--Articles for lll a NEW furniture, rooms: hen cree ate, ta oa 27--Reol Estate for Sale |27---Real Estate for Sale |27--Reol Estote for Sele 129.---Automobfles for Sele , *H) CHEVROLET, four-door, 33,000 NINETY.EIGHT HUNDRED -- IVATE sale , 49 x 150, ly service. Nice NINETY EIGRT fed [ben km og Lor, +O ee a thant: inal "miles. est' offer. Telephone yment, Rolande " tierney, me large Telephone 7 728.12 cine dar RSS ESS der ave and Peters Realtors. es. Reason son terms, 728-1703. bn . seo ee re BARBER, shop for sale or rent. Fully 'AMAZING, , 8800 100 down, § 0,900; carries taxes included \25--Apte, & Flats for Rent|/25--Apts. & Flats for Rent CENT oom furalahed |SEMEFU mee parting y apasionsst. private) NINE $15 'week. Sole Apply 96 Cenire Street. | BANTING Tan: 163 -- apartment, unfurnished, with cupboards and sink. oats TAUNTON ROAD 1 heated upstairs come. 17--Male Help Wanted zoe nrg drapery ane ie, gooda| CENTRAL work. 28-4386 or 723-9181 9180, pte Chaatours sees an asset. 4 Telephone Ward's for interview, 72-\arrgactive newly built one © and two -|bedroom apartments, fa -- good | walk-oyt baleonies, range, refrige! Write pox 508, and inuary school and shopping fear 2 |by.. 728-51 | CENTRAL ac NORTH -- Two large iy employment. ly. at | furnished cage Bibby pena t| Parkin Couple or single per' a the ce BA ae Ten |ferred. Srelephone 723-1768. eae -|\THREE-ROOM furnished -- apartment, Simcoe Street North, nice £ "J 32---Articles for Sale JACKET Pecssn lamb, black, short, 3 portnaliy a life time, ry et o sz, Nelephone from 7 40 8 p.16. 728-9603 TYPEWRITER, adding machine, check-|¢M4, Ki writer, 3 om *| Simeoe Street tan revorder. sonable. (34, ~ be ae -|CABIN cruiser, itfool, tee 5 OME dehumidifiers for sale|heavy duty, 25 bhp Tehabea ou! or rent at ret Cg 918 Gim-| Will sell, very 4 oe Street North, Oshaw TENTS, camping wipplies, ELECTROHOME, , RCA ent and ad: hardware, outboard motors, miral 19" Portable TV's. Prices start|bicycits, Best prices. Try Tire. » 48 Bond Bond Street | West. at $188, Parkway Television, 918 Sim- ve. New _|BEECTROLUX vacuum ol NEW portable sewing machine, edm- tke new. 4 iss. iar plete with case and attachments, for- ward and reverse, pee end for da: Dae ten ifg and embroid 4 Sewing Centre, 728 CEDAR lawn iucaitire, tables, chairs, etc. Kitehen cupboards and made to order. CO 3.2573, Hampton. i OFFICE 'eauib.. vidi stock ai seo. THOR electric ri ion burner, Service reaso rices. Try us. ar e new. . Telephone Hamilton's, 137 Brock South, MO 86-8442. | 725-9518. TENT -- 9x12 with floor; 10 HP * a ORF AT four bu i. se motor, $125, MO tess rane, Je i os ead he, bi ¥ after 6, pay highest prices in the city for|B. 5 GoUbRa tore "Tires, bat- tee 'urniture. Pre 's Used Furniture|teries, Kelvinator ere -- Store, | 723-3271. 444 Bimeoe South. --_| vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543, Casi Yegisters used, new, low prices,/FILTER Queen Sales i free deine term: Hamilt Oftice iat trade-in alk Eaute, 137 Brock ae MMO. 8-843. stration. Ti T ne $05. 4683 Two - "41900 MGA * sports car, $1,650 OF best offer. te Burk Street or tele- oa Co ee x good condition, fully equipped, safety approved. Private. $600, Ajax, WH 2-3795 Street. ly ten pickup, is FORD with 96 T Bird motor, eus-|°° tom interior, continental kit, radio, in good condition. 725-9610. 1959 AUSTIN Healey Sprite, ont OWNET, one 16,000 miles. Telephone 728-8273 alter . Three-room nly ib. $500 DOWN -- $8,500 asking price, | Pi pped, Immediate geen. Tel®-| pho: . Brick, i phone Port Perry, 986- Hee located, | °2¥! fenced: lot. Low th} LOT 70 x 215, close to school and Osh- new furnace, a 1 y rte $139. Call Mr. Gower. awa, Bafgain. Call i Earle Allen 725-7782. 25-6544. Howe | and | Pe i ss ee as Bolahood, Limited, 7 an 1) ACRES « dh ag | "garden soil, fruit trees, 5 |8-toom house, 4-piece bathroom, 'oll fur fur: .|nace, bank barn, piggery; ecm ag house other buildin, Located between and Bowmanville, MA 3-2754, TERRIFIC i home 1 Site wel- Joha roker, Pickering, WH 2-51 MO. +4703, Torento WA 3-9513. ® HARRY MILLEN REAL €STATE 728-1679 $1,000.00 DOWN NORTH-WEST AREA Brand new 3 bedroom brick bungolow, fully' decorated, living room. with Dinette, bright kitehen with roomy eot- ing area. Partitioned basement, storms, screens, front lond- scoped. Close to oll schools and shopping See it row it will not fost long at this low down y- ment Call Syd Goodfellow to partment. 728-72A5. EXPERIENCED + service station "ate stead: motiern body shop 45' work Space, Hie! bieture rtments upstairs, each wil ure windows Mile north of Cobourg. hea 1054 CHEVROLET, haif-ton good condition. After 5 app! wanted. hy App! "4 person. Drive-In, hd 2 Highway, BUSINESS SITE for pale in Ajax, We|z have two lots at the corner of Brock Street and Harwood Avenue, just two jocks north of 401, This land is soned lg commercial 1. There is 8,000 feet of land and adjoining this jand is is} another lot 40 x 100 fronting on York |Street with a brick bungalow on it. |The entire parcel is for sale or part of lit. 'This would be suitable for service |station or stere ouilding. Further infor: | mation ean be obtained by calling M |L, Grant, WH » or writing on |Church of Christ, Box 505, Ajax, On. | tario $900 DOWN Two bedroom bungalow, Private drive, garage. Lot 36' x 96'. Apply income home, furnished, two stores on front, both rented, good opportunity. Five-room house, North Oshawa, Moving out of town. Write Box 413, Oshawa Times $9900 FULL price, >, $990 down, | late 1% storey, six extra large, ponutse ful rooms, on huge get Gag? lot, cen trally located. Call Art inberger, ees 723-7244 SchofieldA Aker id. . ea lto: 5900 DOWN. seacger ok at $65 @ month| "|for this five-room dwelling located on a _.| well treed lot 50° x 200" deep at Thick- son's Point between Oshawa and Whit- by. Forced air heating with oil. Taxes $50, Full price $5900. Gall Ernie Holmes King Street East. 725-2363 $1,000 DOWN.. Six room home, centrally | located, broadioom in all rooms except! kitchen, Reduced to $10,900 for fast sale. Call Bob Stevenson at 728-6286. | 5. D. Hyman Realtor Bus at 4 a June Telephone 7 | At "MONTHLY -- -- One-bedroom apart: buildi ment, living room and kitchen, heavy wiring, "Can oe | 28-9095. PART time attendant, over 18, required |ties. close to Shopping Centre. IN NEWCASTLE, apartment to rent-- oll me vice station "Must be experienced |4795 -- bath, heavy duty stove. Telephone New- | ind willing rege work gome '"oights and| MONTRAVE AVENUE, 285 -- Modern castle weskends. Write x 510 Oshawa Times|one-bedroom apartment, in se 8&--Mal Female Hel; Gryer, parking. Telephone 725 468. trance. Child welcome. Apply Mre. ' Wanted P 48 SIMCOE Street North, one and two- Johnson » 655-4629. R. H. pitecins |bedroom apartments, furnished or ume) CHOOL TEACHERS and senior stu-|furnished. Available for June and July je pens desiring employment. 5 rtm summer leaders . private bath, eatr lary and commission, Telephone MO powNTOWN upper three - TOOM phone 725-0349. 8-2550 for appointment. apartment, $60 monthly, heat, hot WANTED 'ANTED IMMEDIATELY. | Man "or water included. One child welcome. woman to A 6 o'clock, call 7 728-5060. ship | 154 sutiam EAST awa, with Rawleigh Products. earn $50 weekly part time or $100 or up full time. Write Rawleigh Co., stove, ample parking. 'Telephone 1900 VALIANT deluxe model, best After 6.30 p.m., apply 14 Mill Street. 1064 BUICK automatic, clean, no rust, ood. mechanical order, $200, T 25-4944 Se dae '54 CHRYSLER Windsor hardtop, clean car, power steering and brakes, radio, isignals, good tires, $250. 725-8503. CHEVROLET, coach, new licence,| in good running order Telephone 723- 7271 1s49 1% TON Ford pick up. Good condi tion. Apply Fina Service' Station, 160 Simcoe South. ee heomene |1953 METEOR radio good condition |$95. Apply Zoltan and Nick's Fina Serv- ice Station 160 Simcoe South. 1962 AUSTIN » "Four rooms and bath, second floor apartment, private en- after ive, mi 30F8. 'modern conveniences, ance, Parking. Tele- THREE-ROOM modern cluding private bath entrance. , TV outlet, rangette and re- | frigerator. Apply 623 Olive Avenue. 26--Rooms for Rent apartment, centri Ideal location. Rea: sonable rent. Garage if required. 725- 2173. Dept. F-310-920, 4005 Richelieu, Mont-! real. IMMEDIATE Vacancies exist for fast, VARCOE'S Road, four-room, two-bed- room apartment, private entrance,' pri- vate bathroom, $60 monthly. Close to 444 DREW Street, two furnished houses) inspect, evenings 723-7335 keeping rooms. All ce aaa After 430° telephone 728-06: 295 FRENCH ST, $800 DOWN five room 'bungalow aah decorated In excellent Sere, Bob Stevenson at 726-6286, S. Realtor. 'all s D. yma B50, jlow mileage, no liens. bg warranty juntit February. Telephone Mi 10 8-820. ery greens "four "doar deluxe, , stand. re Can radio, in the dash transistor, SUPERIOR rane Wane omens | e. ani in) lation ex! oven, closed in elements, $15. Telephone Try Tire, 48 Bond St. West.| 725-4006, -- accurate typists, both male and fe: '|bus. Children welcome. Telephone 723-|twWo large rooms, nvouipibtalytaraiahea to eee sere get egies 4598. 5 oe f for lighthousekeeping, including electric punch ca equipment, w ~--"three-room apart-| refrigerator a ve, Centra jown-| clerical duties. Interesting position, Oe eT nd' batlreeml, Tawn| town and shopping centre. Suit working Please trepive tating age, @xperience,|204 play areas' for childrett i = couple, $15 weekly. 725-5227. when available and salary expected to Parking. 63 King Street West, 625-5996. /PRONT 'furnished bedroom with | , © va T $ :E-ROOM furnished apartment, | conveniences continuous hot water.) natal nd 8 LS see entrance, share bath, use of Apply 137 Simcoe Street North. Tele-| laundry facilities, Suit two adults,| phone 725-3366. ee 418 Opportunity Vacant July 1. Telephone 728-5332 [MASSON STREET, "Single tur- For 2 Representatives DUPLEX off Hillcroft, large 20-ft. living | |nished room, close to bus, all conveni- reom, bedroom, kitchen and dinette,\ences. Breakfast if desired, gentle- stove and refrigerator, laundry facili-) men preferred. 725-0896. ee ties, parking, adults. 725-3026 |OSHAWA Boulevard North 41: | wingle | MEN or WOMEN To Cover Oshawa and Surrounding District cd tor Se ie Saga etn or APPLY ROOM 9 11 ONTARIO STREET ment, hot water, partly hydro, private/ one comfortably furnished light house-; entrance and bath, $60. Available Im-\keeping room downtown at 77 Ontario} mediately t. CENTRAL location, four rooms atid |g; GRETA Street: furnished housekeep-| bath. completely furnished, including ing room parking space laundry facil- T set, laundry facilities. Adults only. ities, Telephone 723 7800. Oshawa, Pickering Bowmanville, Whitby Brooklin and s 72B- 1203 - a Immediate _ possession - NBAR Mosport Park rooms for rent ONE-BEDROOM -- 'apartment, _ in BW! daily of weekly. Telephone 728-0490 or surrounding area APPLY building, available June 1. Teleplione Orono 12 R 6 22 ALBERT ST. 'oad, A sete tinicet ain ano MO. 8-9088 of 101 Craydon Road, APSH- GREGOR Sireel 66: two unfurdish: Applicants outside Oshowa + se ed rooms bedroom and kitchen in PHONE 728-5117 soneopattne, tinted lpm Good condi- NO, Lonsdale, upright a gretliont tion, one owner. 195 coe South. _|condition, Can be seen | es FORD Pes gg "custom | radio, di-| Street. Dial 725-5145. con "Must be sold. 1239 MODERN 4 BEDROOM 'susunsas property just east of Cour. ice, ideal for a retired couple, four- 1% storey brick, rok home with half an acre of land, * Close to South GM, taxes only $50. Full price $7500 with end shopping $1000 down. May be seen anytime. Call tion in Phovag Ernie Holmes, Realtor, 204 Kiing Street Meadowvale street. a OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL DIAL 725-5162 on. 7 '33 OLDSMOBILE, 98, convertible con- PRIVATE SALE -- aris modern, six-|tinental, fire engine paint, Trade or sell, vacant land, close to Simcoe St. S., Zon- NEW aire cooler; sinzee ie ec tena |field suite, wine wi Good condition » Tele cn the OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, re-|RANGE, electric, 30 inch, aca yolvers and pistols; also 'old cartridges. pod automatic; aleo General garage, schools METCALF Reol. Estate Limited 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 all | V.L.A. OPORTUNITY Best property we have ever offered under VLA -- nearly new five room home plus gar age on a well landscaped lot with large garden, Between Oshawa and Bowmanville at o price of $10:500.00. NEW HOMES For complete selection of new homes in 6 different subdi- visions, with prices starting os Yow as $11,295.00. and $565-00 down. Before you buy, be sure to see --~ Bella Vista Gardens Downsview Pork West Brooke Village ond Northway Court price $17,300, Substantial down' pay-| Call 728-656: seal u ment, Telephone 723-7453 7 _ STANLEY Home Products! Call their LIVE FREE -- Income home. *eentral:|3*, MORRIS Minor (1,000 series), twoldenier, Marie Montgomery, RR 1, Osh- ake 'plece wainut oa a . door. 22,000 actual miles, Whitewalls,| awa, 725-9794 or 725-8849, ter bed. In ly located Wear King Street East, has/ original, clean as new inside and. out.|------° Herr ais nine rooms in excellent condition, in-\ Private jady owner, MO 8-478 80040. cluding four rooms on main floor for : BABY carriage, Gendron, 3-way ob. the owner. Oil heated, large garage.|'60 GM ENVOY station wagon. In good BABY. carriage, (Ge In very gi thes Price $13,900 with $1500 down. Call Er-|condition. Has radio, clock, heater, ition, $12. Telephone 725-2540. nie Holmes, Realtor, 204 King Street| windshield washers and electric wipers. = + -- -- pete i he bt ate East. 725-2363 An excellent family ear with plenty of|FURNACES, forced air, i0-year guar- Baby neariage, "Thistle", white and antee, $2.25 per week, no down pay-| blue, C luggage space. Original owner, priced LOTS close to new public and high| ment, package deal, $130, Telephone bed. % schools, hydro, telephone, milk, bak-|*0%, for Quick sale. Telephone 733-3136. | Fost. " inte cat Reasonable ery deliveries. very convenient '59 PONTIAC Laurentian, automatic, tion. George A. Laing. Orono. 34-R dio. Must sell immediately Best BOWMANVILLE, Parkway _ Crescent, i anes Be sm reson spacious new brick bungalow, 6% per | 1954 DODGE "¥g ton pick up, low mile |cent mortgage, many extras, Call Joe| age, good condition. MA 33473 Crawford, MA 3.3672 Howe and Peters. |PRIVATE. 1958 'Chevrolet sedan and $7,900 --FULL PRICE. Brick income | 1959 Consul. Must be sold. Best reason- home with two kitchens, close to down-| able offer accepted. 728-6672. town. Terms, George Koorneef, 723-| y' 2859. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 725-9870. en "CHEVROLET 'Belair, piedan, spot: HARMONY HEIGHTS -- Spotless four-| radio, new tires. "old - bedroom bungalow,|manville. MA 3-33 TV and radio combination. Must sell! a pte pe take Payment. |\9g) VAUXHALL Super Victor, four! 'aueiy Hi-Wa Lodge, 1100 Dundas r--| Reattor 9070 7. Joseph Bosco,! door sedan, white with red leather trim, East, Whitby. Plc radio, Jow mileage. Robson | ; ; LOCUST HILL Highway 7. Easy|Bowmanville. MA 3-3396. V bottom, 'plywood, 13%', 114 commuting from Ajax or Toronto. |years old, with oars, Homemade, fibre- - Py |1957 PONTIAC four door, one glass seams. $100, 723-4397 Clean six-room, one and one-half! owner, radio, spotless condition. Robson ni Mansion hn SoS tl ree storey frame home, bathroom, 011) yotors, Bowmanville. MA 3-3396. |BATTERY, Canadian Tire, 12 volt, heat. Asking $10,500. Cash or term® 4 heavy duty, 4 year guarantee, used 4 1956 BUICK hardtop special. Excellent months, $10. Large re $5. = ough, $175. 'anal lt] FT. boat and tra wee ice box, |3 grcie, 'hte, $125 each, New cond condition. $7.50, Picnic cooler, $12.50. Telephone 728-1 728-3297. oe ja ~plywooit "boat, 14 ft. -* LOG achine, few | beam "ona $125. Apply 3, "Tillerof St Street LOO ive hi condition, $65. Book case, dark finish, ': $25, Telephone after 3. m re REFRIGERATOR, Norge, ap BOST EHibar doubie ba e| size, good condition. Ideal for summer -|shot gun, new, $50, Telephonee "MO | cottage, $45, Telephone 728-8094. 85076. siesta ____ | AUCTION sale, new furniture, 7 p. BICYCLE, standard, Gilder, boy's, 2% a eee June 28, and 7 p.m. Friday, inch wheel, fully eaulpped 00d eondi- Hoge had ison Furaiture Company, , $35, 20 aurch Street. 33--Swap and Barter TRAILER wanted, one or two-wheel, will swap and pay difference for car- top carriers and large box. 725-8358. Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. | WEDDING | dress, 5 fine 16, white ot ti 'room bungalow, with tiled bathroom|rebuilt motor, power sires radio, | Telephone' mom en dry cleaned, $75. 4 plus large recreation room. Ne ar)good tires. $495. MO 8- ;|BOAT, ew it 2 te fiat bow Apply 1 in Park Road South, h, rear vor, avor. schools, bus and stores. Reasonable! M om | painted | APP! terms. 728-1703 " easonadle | i955 METEOR Niagara, Very 'good T100 | PAY" wood, car top aut Ap 1 BOAT TRAILER. Mariner; pace ahip dition, Must sell! Hi-Wa Lodge, |awa Blvd. North. 725-8266. boat, 20 HP motor, Will sell separate- PRICED to sell, private. 642 room mod-|Dundas Street East. Whitby. WE bes, Wil ame tah "aeed Pur. | ly. 18 Gaver Street. 3492, ern home' on King Street East, attached), ~~ a on waa ha ed, R3 could take 15 suite garage, stone fireplace, open stairway,|0) VOLKSWAGEN At biggie Os niture or anything you have, The City) FRIGIDAIRE | refrigerator, 6 cuble feet, wall to wall rug. Mahy extras. Full 8% "oof and leatherette upholstery. |prading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street|In good Very apt. size 139 x 118 feet open 728-6563. On Monday to Friday¥| South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. Apply 373 Division Street. Telephone for offer. Call Jack Appleby ot 725-6544 or 723-3398. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd NEW top roller shell for HD 5-6 "Allis Chalmers crawler tractor. $14 each cash. ~Zelephone W. Neil Oshawa SHARBOT STREET eons ment 5, T Modern 6-room 5 clean quiet home laundry facilities! private entrance. Suitable for business light, water and heat in- eas Osh Boulevard lady, Available August | awa Bou penne . THREE unfurnished rooms, -- heat,| ~jhydro. Suitable for middle aged couple AL ea ag AVENUE -- three ¢ "room| or widow. $45 monthly. 725-1454 furnished basement apartment, g00 cation, stove, refrigerator, moderate|CHURCH STREET, 174 -- Single fur rent. Telephone %23-3985 nished room. sink and wardrobe: also} |room with two single beds, sink and' 481 HOWARD STREET five-room | wardrobes, central and quiet. apartment, sted See aaltgane' Uandwoul "hot waiervear, HARMONY RD. NORTH entrance Hardwood | FURNISHED bedroom, floors, tiled kitchen, built-in cupboards. | around, central, shift workers welcom j Rent reasonable. Available July 1! eeecer. $6 weekly. Telephone 723-9815! GRANDVIEW STREET SOUTH 43 =| APP Gladstone Avesue, pstairs, partly furnished apartment,|DIVISION STREET, | pivats entrance, private bath with re Inished light \frigerator and stove, Abstainers only. conveniences, $50 monthly stop at door CHURCH STREET SELF contained 3 room and bath- basement apartment; stove and 860. yoom, refrigerator; cluded, Apply South AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service) TRAILER, two wheel; 4 HP garden free estimates. Chair, table rentals./ tractor, plough and cultivator; new and Cleve Fox. 412 Simeoe North. used lawn mowers. Apply , "y Peerage: , | BA Service Station, Taunton Road VAOUUM cleaner repairs, all : COFFEE table with | planter, | Brick Bungalow parts, attachments, brushes, teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free./end tables with drawers, blond mal Rentals. Vacuum er Repair Ser-jany stain resistant tops. Lamps. _|vice, 728-0591 anytime | new. Reasonable. 723-4402. bp iy buying or selling televisions, FIANO, Alexan urniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash-|condition, Owner Motors, Bow-|ers, call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294, | 728-3307 REFRIGERATOR, . coal and soo range, cash register, 15 lb. store rae tent, 274 Pacific Avenue, 723 10 HP JOHNSON with tank) _ alt Ge ao Ship, 55" beam, depth 23 Merge) pes hour. Like new, $325. Tf Phone 25-5027, BOAT, cedar strip, 14 foot ~Peechor. Frigidaire 30" 3 - bedrooms, on landscaped lot. 60' 110'. Full price $12,500. Down Payment $900 728-9963 PRIVATE SALE 107 Wellington St. $11,800 TERMS TO SUIT 6-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, 3-BEDROOMS Completely re - decorated. Aluminum doors, windows. Beautifully landscaped. Pov- ed drive. One block from school and shopping. Low Down PAYMENT Terms arranged FIVE-ROOM STUCCO 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW 1 x upright, Good moving. Telephone Lovely 5 room clay brick and stone finished bungalow on a large (150' deep) landscaped lot with tall trees and lovely hedge started. Listed ot $13 900.00 but Vendor indicates he'll look at an offer. Moke yours today. This one won't last long now. AFTER 5:30 CALL 725-9191 728-5836 723-7963 723-9290 725-6243 728-2392 14 -- two fur housekeeping rooms, all parking facilities Bus Telephone . 725-3887 floor, FURNISHED room, light housekeep three rooms, private bath and en-jing if desired. Close to hospital. Call! trance, $60 monthly includes heat,|after 7 p.m., 728-5964 hydro and water. Telephone 723-9548. | RITSON ROAD NORTH, 108 -- Central OLIVE AVENUE three spacious. un-/location, clean comfortable, furnished furnished, fresh, clean rooms,' $25,room, with or without meals, gentle- monthly. Vacant now. Telephone 723-|men preferred. 725-1300 | 9592. OSHAWA BOULEVARD NORTH, 161--| | WESTMOU NT. STREET, 88 Two|Furnished room, private home, park- furnished rooms, first floor, private|ing space Suitable for one gentleman entrance, kitchen sink. Couple pre-|Abstainer. Telephone 723-4078 ferred CELINA STREET - STEVENSON ROAD SOUTH Nice, room in quiet home,* bright, easy to clean, three-room apart-| Telephone 723-9225, ment, Suitable working couple, Farages | RLOOR STREET WEST. antenna, $, $65, 728-8282 furnished rooms, sink, refrigerator and 20--Room and Board BLOOR STREET WEST, 178 -- Three|stove, hot water. Suit working couple = rooms. whole main floor of home, sh ¢ | Two gentlemen or two ladies. Bus near, FOR G NTLEMEN room ere board, bath, child welcome. Telephone 728-1948 | close to South GM. Also one furnished junches packed, singles or to s |room, stove, refrigerator. Suit gentle- t East, | COLBORNE STREET EAST, 137 very central, at 296 King Stree! Foor - room apartment, private sa- --|man $8 weekly. 728-9940. near Ritson Road. trance, bath, one child welcome, $67 | MALE SCHOOL | teachers! "Room and| monthly, 728-9045. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS jocated. T Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 27--Real Estate" for Sale Ground with good down payment. Make offer. Newt Hodgson, 728. 8, genes Bosco, oe 6 new tires, radio. Telephone Realtor, Oshawa, 725-9870. | | BISCAYNE Chevrolet, 28--Real Estate Wanted tems One 5 Carre PLASTERER requires house. Will plas pace ttt de ns day tase ter or re-plaster or stucco for full down | 1951 CHEVROLET, in good running con- Payment on home. All materials sup-|dition, new paint, good rubber, $100. plied. Write Box 416 Oshawa Times Telephone Whitby, MO 8-2528. SPOT CASH or terms. We need homes | 1953 PONTIAC. body and motor & in the $6,000 to $12,000 range now. Sales needs transmission, $70. Telephone arte] are tremendous. CaJl John A. J. Bola-| WH 2-5232 hood, Lid., 725-6544 any time. HOT ROD, 1937 Ford Coupe. partially will rade for g0- 29--Automobiles' for Sale |°#". After 5 p.m., 725-4398, 1958 OLDSMOBILE, four door Super 88, two 'door, original 1956 CHEVROLET. excellent condition. Must sell before| See ae iaiis sat aac weekend. Apply 309 Colborne Street| |miles, clean interior and exterior, $725, East before 5 | After 5, telephone 723-9096. SPOT CASH 11955 BUICK special, two tone green and PAID FOR Good clean cors. Trode up or down. Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD.-S. 723-9421 Tilden CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albe:t St VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Juke & Bill's Garage | FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S.--728-0921 two door, condition. Joe Maga Jack Osborne Ken Hann Everett Elliott Dick Barriage John Kemp | = Clean, suit furnished gentieman 208 -- Two SPACE heater, . Therm, medium size, suitable for cottage. Good condi- tion. $25. Apply 696 Phillip Murray, 728-6445 BABY carriage, Gendron convertible; bathinette, small crib, playpen and pad, ete, In Telephone 728-9880. YD bal een bias r cottage D. W. McQUAY REALTOR Whitby Plaza 313 Brock St, Open 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Daily Whitby MO 8-5868 Toronto EM 3-9603 Immaculate 2 - stucco bungalow, oil heating, huge treed lot 100' x 136'. Immediate possession. Only $2,000.00 down ond balance on one mortgage HALLETT AVE.---3-bedroom brick bungalow, L-shaped living-dining room. Beoutiful shrubs ond flowers. Close to public ond separate schools. Asking only $14,900.00 HENRY ST. Immaculate 3 bedroom brick house, oll aluminum storms and screens, finished room basement. Bock yard treed and fenced in. Corries for only $81.43 principal, inter est and toxes, Call to-doy for inspection of premises 3698 |FOUR-ROOM apartment, modern "con: | 72 hi iences, private bathroom, very cen- 19 COLBORNE STREET "EAST --ltral, near hospital and bus stop. Tele. double room to share. ma eee | phone 725-6865. uncon owe |THREE-ROOM apartment, all conveni- Motors and downtown. lences, TV outlét, stove, refrigerator, | LLOYD baby thiree- piece chesterfield fo: or recrea- tion room. Both in goed condition. Mov- ing best Offer. 728-098 |GIRL'S bicycle | aaa ~ condition |'Three-piece velour 'chesterfield suit: able for recreation room or cottage | $25, Telephone 723-2360. FRIGIDAIRE range clock and timer good Telephone 728-1972. | AQUA lung double tanks with Pro Rose {regulator depth gauge compas etc. In 9125. 725-0741. WASHING ~ machine _ Inglis automatic $50; also dryer $75. coed condition re- cently serviced. 7 725-346 |RING diamond q hyellow. gold; i cut on after 4, 728-4310, LOST -- Two Beaj | 350. After 5 p.m. apply 117 Adelaide | East, HERTZ Drive-Yourself CARS AND TRUCKS 728-9493 or 728-9641 Foote's Shell Station 97 Kina E., Oshawa 30--Automobiles Wanted 1951 TO 1955 Chevrolet or Pontiac in good condition, 217 Chureh Street. Tele-| phone _7235- 2879. S. | ed: Simcoe Tuesday, June 19, Small re ward .725-9487. ELGIN Jad: jevening, Dundas, 655-3344. wrist watch, lost, Friday dune 22, vicinity Brock Whitby. Reward. 8B: bedroom fireplace, rT automatic $55. lovely waterfront lots | or cottage on south end of Sturgeon | Lake, four miles 'straight north of Ross m, | Hospital, Lindsay, follow signs. Terms [to suit 35--Legal I, GLENN STEPHEN of $82 Dantas Street East, iy, will not be re- sponsible for any debts incurred by anyone in my name from this date forward, June 26, 1962, without - my written consent. Ge Bit: | NAVIGABLE WATERS. PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. 1952; CHAPTER 193 The Corporation of the County of Ontario hereby. gives notice thot it has, under ° section 7 of the said Act, de- posited with the Minister of ~. Public Works, at Ottawa, ond | in the office of the District Registrar of the land Regist District of the County py teks ario ot Whitby, Ontario, .o description of the site and the plans of a bri proposed to be built over Pringles' Creek at the Town of Whitby in- front of lot Number 27, in the broken front Concession, being on Brock Street epprox- imately 500 feet south Front Street, from the north. to south banks of Pringles Creek. d And take notice that after the ~ expiration of one month from the date of the publication of this notice, the Corporation of the County of Ontario, will under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister: of." Public Works for approval of the soid site and plans. Dated this 27th day of saalicg 1962. Corporation of the County ce Ontario, R. E: Sims, County Engineer. 2 Acre Lond, modern Conveniences, near bus and school, on Nash Road, block off King, near Townline East CALL 725-0906 LOWEST PRICE EVER OFFERED $10,950.00 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW CARRIES $59.80 MONTHLY N.H.A. MORTGAGING CALL BILL MILLAR CASTLE HOMES 725-1186 | | e Space Garages BRAND NEW OFFICE IS AVAILABLE Newly Built... Elevator Ser- vice... Bright... Freshly @ po P ag carat old cut to settle estate bod or $ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST..N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 | COAT few spring gant t blue siz tine }15. _Telephone 7: 'ss | BOAT $75; motor con trailer $40; can |vas cover $7.50; water skis $9.50; padd |$2; filing cabinet $19; sofa and chair $45; occasional chair $10; grill $4; Wearever roaster and canner $10; elec- tric razor $5; stroller $10; quart pint jars $1.25 doze car bed mattress diaper pail bot sterilizer complete $7. Telephone 728. For the best oluminum doors and windows. in 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted"' Talk 'Cash' to the New Cor Deoler and "SAVE"' TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 . Res, 725-5574 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 Take Your VACATION In a Good Used Roy W. Nichols CAR OPEN THIS HOLIDAY WEEKEND | 1958 Chevrolet Coach Deluxe, two-tone autumn gold and white. This is a One- owner car and in excellent condition: 5 roomed, almost new, bungolaw. All modern veniences, recreation etc. Only $1500. down brick con- room, Executive type split level home consisting of huge | shaped living-dining room and fireplace, extra large kitchen with built-in oven and. stove, 3 large bedrooms, bath with vanity, attached garage, cov ered patio. Large landscaped lot. You must see this house to appreciate it TRIPLEX 2 apartments with 2 bedrooms ond | apartment with | bedroom Aluminum storms and screens, 1.V. outlets, dryer and garage. Make your ap- pointment now. Compare the price. Doors complete with grill and lock $45, Wnidows $15. Free installation. 728-5253 anytime DE-HUMIDIFIER FOR RENT This amazing machine keeps basement or recreation room dry. Option given for rental money to apply on purchase. MEAGHER'S APPLIANCE 5_King St. W. 723-3425 COTTAGE SPECIAL Used refrigerators, ranges washers, dryers, etc. Located on Highway No. 4 miles west of Brooklin _Diol 655-3440 1961 LAURIER FIBERGLASS BOAT WITH TRAILER 14! x 64" beam, controls, red and white, convertible top, completely equipped. Hardly used. New $1250. SACRIFICE $850 CALL 725-2350 _ | Busy Homemake Shopping A Wor Food Expensive ? 6-roomed, split level new, with carport, 2 bath rooms, recreation room and patio, Lovely section of Osh owa: Only $3,000. down 5 Unit Apartment building Excellent repair. Good invest- ment, Asking $5,000 down. Few building lots left on Taunton Road. Price $750. per Jot almost * | Veterans !! -- NOW -- HEAR -- at , 11958 Dodge Deluxe Four door sedan in attractive brown and beige with white- wall tires ond wheel discs, with automatic transmission. th75 asad Pontiac: Hardtop Four door 6°- cylinder with cutomatic transmission, cus tom radio and finished. in two tone red and white. 1955 Chevrolet Coach V-8 Engine and Stondard transmission 650 1955 Dodge Deluxe Four door sedan. The color: is blue and this is o sharp look- ing. car! 550 1954 Pontiac Coach Cleon interior ond exterior in green finish 250 Johry Stutt, Fred- Owen . Brick building on Main street Newcastle, store with living quarters downstairs and mod- ern apartment upstairs. Ask- ing $4,000. down Parts. and Service RENAULT PEUGEOT AUSTIN Statham Motor Sales 723-7712 59 KING WEST Automatic Transmission General Repair Service Budoet Terms WESTERN TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY WHITBY MO 8-8791 149 BROCK STREET NORTH MIKE'S B.A. Service Station Complete automotive service and repairs, Automatic trans- missions overhauled. LICENCED MECHANIC Raglan, Ontario 655-3528 32--Articles for Sale TRAILER accessories, & gas : Yefrigera- tors, water purifiers, mirrors, eee | etc. Miller Heating, 9 Tudor Ajax. WH 2-349 BOATS Traveler, Weymouth, Grew Cruisers, Evinrude Mo OMC 17 Volvo Penta Engines. MARINE Storage and Supply Ltd Brooklin -- 655-3641 ihe Till 8 Evenings, Weekends For any of the above listings é call Mildred Bilida RESIDENTIAL --- ACREAGES TROUT STREAMS -- FARMS LOTS -- INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES V.L.A. Va-acre ldots in the city. You 'benefit 'by low in- terest, low monthly payments. For more information call: Bill Millar 725-1186 CASTLE HOMES YOUR ANSWER TO Frank Hunter Don Mountjoy Idso Wiersma 725-2974 MA 3-3950 Oronto 1649 7 with fireplace, new brick garage. Adults or baby | welcome 728-7245. FOR. July "and . August, furnished, four bedroom, two-storey brick, central lo cation. Spacious reoms. Two bathrooms Telephone 723-9231. )ROOM new brick bunga low, in 'Oshawa. available July 1, rent $110, with lease. Contact Bowmanville 623-2203, HILLSIDE AVENUE, 214 ~ - Large seven-room house, furniture optional Vacant now. $95 monthly. Apply above address. ROOM AND ; BOARD for "gentlemen, washing facilities, in apartment build- sven Gays weekly. good lg greed ing. 'Telephone 725-6215. ls See at RITSON ROAD SOUTH floor | | built-in cupboards, heavy wiring, land cold water, TV outlet, eens | WILLOW Glen, GENTLEMAN requires room "yn d| Available immediately. Telephone 725- board in clean, quiet home, with home |°184 privileges desired. Write Box 512, Osh- COZY little flat, bedroom, living roo |leum, built-in cupboards, heavy duty ~ » heated ith & private en- ae trance, two blocks from. centre of city " hi : JOHN F. DEWITH | | WHITBY -- apartment, central loca- R ealtor jtrance to parking (included), One vet| altor and General Payee a te ee with oak hygevor itehen aN service, stove ani Phone 3341 New heavy gaa floors on sar id bathroom. 'ot §=water eating | (included). Available immediately. 960.| New, 6 roomed home, near Mosport with 300 feet front day or evenings. Suitable for bachelor £ padi oe Restaurant, etc. Only $4,000 Painted ... Tiled Floors... |SAGUENAY APARTMENTS " down Moderate Rent..: Lease Available... Third Floor... and refrigerator, paved park- Ask for T. L. Wilson. ing. Adults only. 723-2563 or TWO BEDROOM MARY & KING STREETS mopERN APARTMENT OSHAWA $99 rn refrigerator, stove, ; wife, child, requ home . - fg a May i in Oshawa area paved parking Write Box 414, ewe mee 725-2802 BY SE Bg ny vicinity y North GM or Apple Hill, adult family, excellent ref- THREE to four bedroom home by Sep- tember 1, direct replies to Ruddy Elec- PARK LANE trie, ment or bungalow by ae fifteenth. . Phone collect after nine p.m., Brant. ford 753-8759, tuk hinted hail 1 BEDROOM SUITES MODERN brick six - room bungalow, Elevator Service ~--Private Balcony ~~Paved Parking ithree - room apartment, unfurnished, | 21--Room & Board Wanted awa Times. |kitchen and bathroom, Sandran_ lino- Im 723, jtion, over store, front and rear en Insurance, Newcastle refrigertor, three piece "bathroom. | For appointment phone MOhawk 8-5617 age. Excellent site for Motel, Few Days... pveliopie. in 4 2 bedroom suite, with stove THE 725-5787 23-- Wanted to Rent Adelaide and Park Rd Oshawa's Fines erences. Write Box 513, Oshawa Times WHITBY, two or three 24--Houses for Rent 2 BEDROOM SUITES -- Controlled Entrances SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED QUIET RAVINE SETTING You will love the low sweeping lines of this attractive 3 bed room ranch bungalow. Charming living room, separate dining crea, balcony off kitchen overlooking spacious grounds cooled with. huge shade trees. Lower portion of home gestures family room, Extra bedroom stool and shower. Walk out basement to porklike back yard, complete with play house for kiddies. List price $15,500 excellent terms Don't leave it a minute longer EXCELLENT VALUE | 6 room rua brick bungalow convenient to down town. Here is on opportunity to have a nice comfortable bungalow consisting of livina, dining room, 3 bright bedrooms, tiled kitchen 4 pc tiled bath, new forced air oil furnace. Paved drive. SOMMERVILLE AVENUE 6 14 storey home with good garage. Living and dining room combined, Over 25' jong, 3 bedrooms, with numerous built-ins. Lovely grounds at -rear. Nice patio, plenty of shade trees. Deep dry wolk out besement. Almost new forced hot oir oil furnace: Children in this area attend Dr. Phillip's School. List price $11,300 with excellent terms. ATHOL STREET EAST 6 room brick 2 storey home with attached garage. Every room is extremely specious. Home lends itself to « large family: Fenced in back yord, close to schools, bus and shopping 123-7244 Don Stradeski 513 Bill MeFeeters 'oar 723-2265 BETTER LIVING Contact MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9622 evenings Howe & Peters, Realtors PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS (KING AND PARK ROAD) OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS IN TOWN M LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER JUST LISTED OFF KING STREET WEST 6 rooms, sun room, garage, paved drive, completely land scaped; new Chrysler oi] fur nace, colse to shopping cen tre and school, one open mortgage for balance, Ask for 'Bill' Horner at 728 5123 ANNAPOLIS AVENUE $900.00 down, $70,00 per . month buys this lovely 2 bed: room bungalow, medern kit chen ond oi! heated, nicely landscaped, with hedge ond shrubs. Call Bill Johnston to- doy ot 728-1066 or 728- 5123 Liquor Service iIn Hotel Room : Por PERRY --"six rooms and bath. yy wiring. Close to school and y. Available July | FIVE-ROOM house, $70 per month, oil heat. Newly bogie heavy duty wiring. Telepho: . waitsy -- = bess residentia) | area, preferrably 'adults, 655- : 531 EUCLID STREET, Whitby, work ing widow desires to we weed home with Lee ag (0 akon Telephone for BRY. two-bedroom, » Newly decorated, Propane » close to school, spacious monthly _Telephone 985-2842 CELINA Street, 175, eight-room hous all conveniences, close to school and| bus, very central. Apply 222 Greenwood | Avenue 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent TREE room apartment in private second floor, newly decorated, mivaie bath and entrance. Hydro sup-| plied. Bea located, venesh Street, 728-8111 THREE rooms and bath, central loca- tion, steve and aldeiaies included washing facilities, $70 monthly. Vacant July 1. 723-7970 ORCHARD View, 22: Three room apart ment, unfurnished, with sun room, close Saeed sereass ba Oshawa; private) entrance, private bath. j Py ?| TORONTO (CP)--The serving 'of beer and liquor in Ontario 'hotel rooms became legal Tues- day but wait--put down that |telephone. The hotels won't be pouring jin the boudoir until Friday at ithe earliest. The Liquor Licence Board an- nounced that liquor by the drink |will be permitted in the rooms lonly of hotels that already offer complete room service. Even then, the hotels will have to imeet "certain strict and. high |standards." Board Chairman Judge W. T. Robb said he has had about 25 lapplications for room service of drinks. The board will begin considering them Thursday. 4 four- | Home Economics Food & Freezer Co. Ltd. Can help you take the worry and expense out of food shopping $15 WEEKLY covers food plus freezer for o family of four. This. in- aludes about 80% of normal groceries. room Solesmen Stew Preston, Roy W. Nichols Used Car Lot Larson, if i 2-bedroor ments. Fridge, parking, T.V. | FOR INFORMATION 725-7272 728-9217 oport- paved odern | tors stove, outlet. Lloyd Realty Realtor Courtice 828-6206 Oshawa) Limited, 728-5123 N Weinberger Hall Art Les 72850243 Phone today, you owe it to 725-1726 syourself, No obligation, 728-9141 101 Simcoe St Open Every Evening r