Stratford Wears a New Look | SRE ss\gerag |KEEP_IN TRIM : To Welcome Festival Visitors | a To Lock and Feel Silken stim{ HOWARD'S go eee, || ee ae oe cape ome Try These Suggested Exercises Pea the Shakespearean Festiva | vithout becoming tiresome. Z the city of Stratford, Ontario | [hey build their characters and ] ey By IDA JEAN KAIN stretched back on floor beyond has put on its best bib anc|one senses between them aj | i The happiest reducers are|head. From this position, bring tucker to greet the thousand |growing respect which one can) { j % : f those who ease through regu-|and touch palms 'of hands to of visitors who will: flock intc|accept, in the end, as love. j Z lar calisthenics while dieting to|thighs. (Later, try to touch the town before the season oi} As Christopher Sly, the drunk- ee j lose excess pounds. For a ey knees.) H-o-l-d the muscle con- drama and, music closes Sep inker for whom the ply : many people are not as much|Taction, counting out. loud to New standard lamps wit! |Hugh Webster makes his pres- oe i weg. oy ler Mincslovng bas pig urn to floar, repeat six underground wiring have beer| 'MCe felt throughout in a large- Fee may weigh slightly more ae Now try contrasting the girdle Custom- installed along the River Drive| y silent role. From the rich} 7 look and feel on ll than you|muscles while sitting in al' made where the velvety lawns spread|gentlemen of Padua in their ; pe could with flabby muscles.|straight chair. Press small of ' to the gently-flowing Avon anc|satins and sables, to the choir Why: Because toned muscles back against chair back, raise SLIPCOVERS parent swans parade theirjboys in white net surplices : ee hug the silhouette, flabby|arms overhead, lift legs until Fr cygnets. and pink cassocks, the whole : : eaiiclie bel bat : knees are straight. Hold while Slipcovers will be 'cut The rear of the circular the-|is gorgeously dressed by Tanya e ; ; counting aloud to six. Relax andi 99d pinfitted in your atre has» been terraced and on gp gh and by the time 4 BP and ppb BE Bn eee. ; hi = romises a cascade of summer|all the misunderstandings have ; i . : flowers. The privet, Meighen| been resolved, the gaiety has in- ae almost beyond measure .It takes Pig pays tee: muscles | 926 SIMCOE ST. N. Gardens are freshly planted|fected the. audience, gti es ee so little exercise to maintain girdle against 7 144 s as ok peandaré Tachelns cieine|LOW WINDS a will work wonders, provided promenade. AC oscse oe Ep i ac you page gh io eng page of Eli b th A d P s several|#as been designed by Desmon muscles the target spots an q ne bare nek crore og Heeley as a visual feast. With) ge . Be: hold the muscle contraction. 1Zabe raen kets of geraniums and: foliage repose rich McGowan they A reader asks, "When you hang from the street lamps, an\%@ve produced a series of elab-) Him ) recommend 'holding' in an exer- : Blue Grass lingenious way of putting Christ-|Orate scenes vane somehow the : cise, does this mean to draw in |mas decorations to sumnier |e of oor espeare is lost. ; |the stomach as far as possible/ , luse, and blooms in tubs and) 5 eae lovers, Martha : - |and hold the breath while count- | ' lboxes outside store fronts nod|#e"ry and Peter Donat, are é ing to ten?" | * /a cheerful greeting: tender and appealing but Wil- 4 'No. Hold th 1 (acl | liam Hutt plays Prospero in a 7, | NO. ho @ muscie contrac-| |OVERLOOKS RIVER quietly detached manner, a tion but breathe calmly and) | The war memorial has been reaching the audience only in ee sir gllelng a ag ge Hh |moved to a new location on ajhis two soliloquies. '4 amen 4 + |parapet overlooking the river, Wes 5 ger ye -- THE BRIDAL PAIR tg Se ee |with seats spaced about for) Norman ,Welslr and Hugh Web- s : | : | quiet colteictation of the ster become tiresome and even ery Dean J. Kelly of Oshawa |the up-and-in-pull through the] |peaceful scene. Where the cen-the encounter with Caliban| and the bridegroom is the son | exercise. | of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert | Phe following, easy exercise! muscle tone. Ten minutes a day|°Pesity- Married recently in St. Thomas' Church, Toronto, ; : : : "Ne 'alia | 2 Mr. and Mrs.. Victor -- se ' otaph formerly stood, an island/falls short. Calivban, played by) bebigh =, ' | MARRIED 25 YEARS lof flower beds and planters|John Colicos, is far too hand-| Herbert Braney. Formerly |,Braney of West Hill. The |restores live tone to the diago- , |divides the traffic. some, even with his .shaved| Miss Georgia .Lee McGarry, | couple will live in Oshawa. nal abdominals: --Oshawa Times Photo |e former site of an old|head, for the repulsive charac-| 'Me bride is the daughter of | --Photo by Ireland | position: Lying on back on| building and a waste corner lot ter representing the -- grosser| os oh ~~ |floor, knees bent, soles of feet) i has been transformed into a'side of 's nature. By the . Over Two Hundred Friends --iesnti*tanet"ii"nigh ot Sine ick ntanosceruets) Many Changes Are Noticed 'soutien ™* steps descending to the River) Ariel is too earthy. In this pl Movement: Lift hips just Honor Mr & Mrs William Vetza Drive. Fountains splash into athe shipwreck, the masques, lightly off: floor and tilt them| . . pool and ceramic swans, filled nymphs, goddesses and even I N Fl P. 8 na tt | with geraniums, top the low monkeys eclipse the language. n ew atware atterns up toward the right, again only | | t 5 years ago, sé Grace|s e balustrade. Py ig 2 ' j A remiand was Nell. a1 St. |them 35 years age, male. Geena mone Heneeeor MURKY MURDER By ELEANOR ROSS 'loom place séttings 'and are/|Slightly, and pull forcibly inj G ge' Ukrainian Catholic'and extended his blessings and s " . J i 5 . 4 a ball, 'recently in honor of the greetings from the parish. MUCH TO SEE Most controversial of the pro-) Nothing in household equip-|embellished with rich, heavily-|With these muscles. Hold this 25th wedding anniversary of 'The bride's parents, Mr. and For those who like to dip ductions is Peter Coe's pres-|ment is static these days. chased, intricate patterns. {muscle contraction to a slow Mr. and Mrs. William Vetzal. Mrs. Karol "Barak "who cele.|into Canada's past, an Agricul- entation of Macbeth. Relegat-| We may think that an item) Some of the new traditional/Count of six, counting out loud Over two hundred friends en- brated their golden anniver- tural Museum in the north-east'ing the horror of murder builtjis just wonderful, couldn't be patterns we admired even have S° a8 not to hold your breath. joyed the happy celebration. 'sary two years previously, | Outskirts of town offers a large on murder to second place,|improved on, but our manufac-|shadowing to accenuate the|Return to center,' tilt hips The bride of 25 years te-lwere present. _ . ¥+ collection of antiques from but-Mr. Coe has produced a-neuro-|turers aren't satisfied and strive| design, A rich permanent finish! Slightly to the left and again) > ' Pee Bd iran: : : ter churns to button-hooks. The tic Macbeth from Christopher|for constant improvements in| ojy, naditi <i |pull in strongly--and hold. Re-| ceived wearing a sheath dress| 44, 1-Mrs. Vetzal received| reat: a eT a ri ee "a Leak gives traditional designs depth} s - of loden green silk organza, re ee etzal received) Festival Exhibition in the arena Plummer;' an unsympathetic/their products. land meaning. The 'darkened' peat eight to 10 times, always| matching flower hat and a cor. Many gifts and greetings.|is_ a most artistic display of Lady Macbeth, Kate Reid) ppareR VARIETY lareas are planned and applied) Molding the contraction. oes he|tableaux of costumes worn on and in all rather a muddy,| ayy etre | : Tot the long-f bd the Y:! This is especially true of|aS part of the flatware pattern|. To tone the long-front abdom,, sage of gardenias. After the dinner banquet he Stratford da Aun: th ee is > The couple were married in guests danced to the music. of|the Stratford stage during the/devitalized presentation. stainless stee! flatware which,|design and will not wear off. |inals, lie on back, knees bent, soles of. feet on floor, arms ' § "s Greek a lively orchestra, including|Past ten years, evoking memo-| The murder of Lady Mac-| ' ; | : Fan ov Wad heverend hah irom ih polka " ries of superb dramatic art. (Duff (Martha Henry) and ili ahaiag econ omy vile fet lcne dee brea some-| _ tai -- | 2 icin ; ae sec are ex-.son, Donald Shipley, .remains|!00* cose : ee eee eee Ce - Sanca saatinns Sanidion a highlight in an' uniiluminated| Ware counter will disclose more|Trend-setters may want to buy HANDY CENTRE 1 artists from sean 'every proy-/production, The voice projec-| patterns and more variety than ri sg say a t bh ST. CATHARINES, Ont. (CP) i PF diacenit build. tion, an hazard in the theatre-jever before. color, Now they can. Modern) The Community Nursi is- ince and in an adjacent build-) OT round, was generally} In the past, stainless steel/and floral motifs are incised in- y ine eee ANN LANDERS : sine) ee a a hag poor; the uneasy audience was|flatware was synonymous with|to the flatware and these are try here that opened in 1942 to) ~ wracked by spasms of cough-|sleek Scandinavian design. Pat-|filled with enamel. serve the public now is con- ing and the import of the long-|terns were piain almost to the! Although only black and Sulted for all sorts of informa- Fi I : t ' | spection. er speeches was lost in many) extent of severity. white are available at present,|tion. The registry answered 33,- The special fragrance of Summer lance Nsists x, . In opening the exhibition, instances NEW PATTERNS the time may soon come when} 990 calls last year, typical que- } /Tom Patterson, founder of the These patterns are still very)this flatware may be color-co-| 5i9¢ being how can you get | } | | | 1 | | ' |some the most valuable in the }world, invite the visitor's in- Consists of Perfume Shakespearean Festival, said THE STARS SAY |popular, but there are also new/ordinated with china and liens.) stains out of sweaters; what is BLUE GRASS BLUE GRASS made a great deal of trouble for) precious treasure--something jy prays Except for family and house-|there is a stainless steel flat- ration. school test I have tomorrow." intimate friends. Once an American man gefs|>ore™ 18 likely to sosin ee a count too much on social affairs|used for flatware and this qual- 2 : ' ; Flower Mist ° SET Regularl 280 td Be 2.00 Mist and Perfume cent column you said NOjsigned herself' "Uneasy." pelj|catiier play, "The Taming of your horoscope indicates that] niques for working the stainless " . . * | N Ann ncements 4 ope ithat it is his hope 'that the |patterns with intricate designs,| One of the most attractive of) : | i i 0 ou A PA\festival would expand to em- By ESTRELLITA \fine detail and pretty decora-jthe new patterns is flatware pare ai ergs ago Dusting Powder Flower Mist With ip i | Regularly 2.50 gulerly 2. FREE ATOMIZER me. I plan to be married in/natural and lovely, American 6 we thi ., hold matters, some adverse|Ware pattern to suit the taste. - Sra a July. We can't have many out- women are either icebergs or lie si SS yee' planetary influences affect this|, This change is not only an I know several people who out of this country (alone, that popular favorite. The bpaedoudl or the furtherance of romance.|ity makes it easy to. maintain would be interested to learn of is) his American wife never|Michael Langham, has achiev. but more difficult to manufac- " idvi ' pipeate o : Regularly $7.50 5 00 ANNOUNCEMENTS on the|her she has plenty to be uneasy|*- pe ed , egestas te you should start "thinking! stee| is what has made new de- NEW , 400 5 eens 3.25 Value,.... Vu grounds that anything short of|about--FREE SPIRIT on Xplicable'ahead" since foresight and Vi-| signs and patterns possible. New | inet A tid |brace the best of the world's tion. ; done on modern lines with a) * Dear Ann Landers: You've) Foreign women treat love as literature, music and fine arts. FOR TOMORROW Whatever one's preference,|beautiful inlaid white lily deco- circulatory system for a high) 2.00 2.50 siders to the wedding, just @ sexpots, driven to promiscuity) (eum : day. Be careful in business and|industrial one. Stainless steel is handful of: relatives and a few because of their neurotic drives. week, "The Taming of - the financial interests, and don't)harder than any other metal Se BLUE GRASS BLUE GRASS my marriage. I want to send/jooks the same. So please level _ Eagar mona by FOR THE BIRTHDAY _ ture, a them announcements. In a re- with that poor, dumb bride who| SSubly introducing parts of an) Jf tomorrow is your birthday,| Recently-developed die tech- , WATCH FOR an invitation looks like a bid) Dear Free: You poor, miser-89P* _, Sion in planning, during the neXt/finishing techniques give more : AS for gifts so now my fiance is\able sick thing. You've probably; John Colicos and Kate Reid, six months, will materially af-/heautiful and more varied fin- giving me real trouble. Quote:/peen turned down so many fect your job progress during)iches and these handsome new 5 Ai 8 "Ann Landers says no an-|times you feel like an army| mie: Hirst male ar #70, finishes fit perfectly with more ; nouncements and that's final." |blanket. Your letter could have UNITS, GROUPS September, late November patterned, dlabenate designs. é Friday June 25. I have dear friends in Manila,/come only from a rejected, in- and late December are gener-| Dovetailing with these tech- ' Tokyo and Honolulu. I would bejadequate male. My sympathy.) AUXILIARIES ously. influenced where business) nical advances is a growing con- ridiculous to invite them to the' Dear Ann Landers: I'm a 16-' and financial matters are con-| sumer demand for ornate stain- ' wedding, but I DO want themjyear-old girl who is worried HARVEY HUNT UNIT cerned, and November will be}jess steel flatware patterns. Peo- / CITY WIDE .FREE: -DELIVERY to know I am married. An an-|about my 13-year-old sister. She} The June meeting of the Har- excellent for those in creative ple who revel in the no-nonsense, ; f 8 KING ST.E 530 SIMCOE S$T.$ nouncement is the only sane and/is stubborn and headstrong and|yey Hunt, Unit I, of Simcoe) lines. January should bring ex-\no.polishing of stainless steel, : Me PHONE 723-2245 OSHAWA | "puone 725-3546 sensible way. resents it when I try to tell her'street United Church Women °¢lent opportunities to forge! want it in fancy patterns, too > 5 - : : : Now, will you please change|anything. was held in the Sunday School ahead in all fields. The new tlatware designs ; ; {ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | your mind?--SARA Both Mom and Dad work. and| Hall. Early July, late September. have all the elegance and ' ALSO STORES (IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA Dear Sara: If these friends they get home about 5:30, so} Miss Gladys Frise, unit lead- December and January should charm of cherished family heir- | are as dear to you as your letter|they don't know what goes onjer welcomed the members and find you, in a most stimulating --- ene oe etaoauceest any \Baveets they rate the five min-| with my sister after school. She| visitors to the annual pot luck social atmosphere, made doubly utes. it would take to write aljis running around with a crowd| supper. enjoyable because of new con- personal note. It need say only,|of tough kids who are all older| Mrs. Earle Webster read the tacts. "1? married Jim Jones on July|than she is. Her closest girl)minutes and called the roll. Domestic matters and_ ro- - 4th. He's wonderful. No time for|friend is 16 and looks like a|There were 32 members present mance will be under good as-| a letter now, but I wanted you|Chorus girl. These kids come to,and several visitors. The trea- pects for. most of the year) ° ° to know." "the house after school and|surer's report. was given by) ahead -- with special emphasis) Faced with a bi urchase I think a brief note of this\smoke cigarettes and drink li-|Mrs, Philip Perry. Miss Beat-/on late July, late S| e type is far warmer and more quor. |rice Potten read the correspon- and next May--and early July, | meaningful, Sara, than a for-| I haven't told my parents be-| dence. Mrs. Philip Perry report- late September and January} mal, engraved invitation which|cause I don't want to be a tat-\¢d 57 house and 90 hospital|Will be excelleat for travel. reads "Mr. and Mrs, Sylvester tie-tale but I'm getting worried.|Calls made during the month. A child born on this day Renault Higenbothem The Third|I'm afraid of what might hap-|SUpPly secretary Mrs. Laurence could succeed as an emotional) announce the marriage'--and pen next. Should I rat on my Savery gave report. -- actor, a wriler of sensational) $0 on. sister and tell my folks? Or|. Mrs. Ann Potter opened the stories or in any field dealing) Dear Ann: I'd like to give an|should I say nothing and let her|evotional period with prayer|with the public. honest answer to "Uneasy." It's|learn the hard way?--QUIET 20d _ scripture reading. Miss more than YOU did, She's the SO FAR sr Mota gave a meditation, STOCKS CROWDED young bride who wanted to) Dear Quiet: If a friend of 7 Missions. : CORBY, England (CP) -- know if her husband could be/yours was rocketing along at Miss Frise reminded mem- ai our 9.900 ho "of ae trusted overseas with "those high speed over a winding road bers who would be in town that|i, the historic stocks here and| loose foreign women." and you knew there was a Heys rove ue "9 in July| ad to donate to charity to get | Of course he can't. He'll be| washed out bridge ahead would) at See cheese at Gena Fier release. The town. was) overwhelmed when he gets out/you be quiet and let him learn|" --|celebrating its Pole Fair, held) : : : television? : Jur coat? washer? of this country and discovers|the hard way? Well, this is the} jevery 20 years to celebrate a} Get where | you want to go when you want meets many needs for ready cash at low cost eign female, Naturally he'll suc-| Tell you parents immediately.|week. The extra money she is|the first Queen Elizabeth after| to be there It's the simple, businesslike, thrifty way to borrow. No hidden charges. cumb. The flesh is weak, you|I hope your, mother will quit|making on the outside can't pos-| she was rescued from a nearby| No "extras". With a termDlan Loan you know to the' exact cent what & : you're paying. And you'll often find it's a Jot less than you are asked to . : : pay elsewhere. Next time you need money to buy a major item or to meet ROYAL BAN K Canadian National know. |her job and walk into the house|sibly be worth it. 'bog by townspeople. unforeseen expenses--in fact for any reasonable purpose--don't pay the wa y more than you need to. See the Royal Bank about a termPlan Loan. Any of the worry-free amount up to $3,600; up to 36 months to pay. And it's /ife-insured. Just 1 talk to your nearest 'Royal' manager, or ask for our termPlan_ folder.