i ali a a 5 YP ate ~ 4 ~/ Running Broad Jump -- Judy 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 26, 1962 SCHOOL CONCERTS A School concerts are a lot of | fun, these two Maple Grove lads agree. Wilfred Ellis, 13, a grade seven student and Brooklin School Holds Field Day By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT 100 Yard Dash -- Peter Wal- BROOKLIN The Annual/endzewicz, John Stevenson, Bob Field Day and Track Meet of Baxter the Brooklin Senior School,| Intermediate Boys' Champion held last week under the -- John Stevenson : supervision of the teachers, Runner-up -- Hugh Johnston proved to be an outstanding suc- SENIOR BOYS ces Track events were held on the race track at Community Park, and remaining _events: on the High Jump -- grounds of the Senior School ao ie ee Mrs. Don. Mitchell, president Wood : of the Home and Schoo! Assqtia- tion, was in charge of there freshment booth, assisted by Home and School mothers The results were: JUNIOR GIRLS Ball for distance -- Blizzard,, Sue Mitchell, Dingman. High Jump -- Alison Butler, Judy Dingmyn, Nancy Thomp- son student were all decked out in hillbilly costumes for the Ma- ple Grove Public School's an- --Jim Nes- Brad Ball for distance bitt, Wayne Davidson Campbell Wayne David- Dawson, Mike Wayne Brad Wayne Mike Dash Jim Nesbitt, Wayne Gerry bee Ontario led the death toll with 82, down from 95. Quebec -Valerie Counted 61 dead as against 62 Legg, Phyllis in the year-earlier list Champion -- i -- Bul Running Broad Jump Davidson, Harry Zylstra, Standing Broad Jump--Wayne Davidson, Mike Wood, Harry Evelyn) 100 Yard Judy Davidson, 220 Yard Dash -- Davidson, Mike Wood I Shot Put -- Brad Campbell, Dingman, Evelyn Blizzard, Sue Jim Nesbitt, Bill White Standing Broad Jump -- Sue Wayse Davidson : Mitchell; Judy Dingman, Eve- Runner-up -- Jim Nesbitt. E y Yard Dash -- Judy|Davidson set'a new record for ---- Joan Nicholson,|Brooklin Senior School, of $ feet Catch and Throw Sherry; At the graduation exercises, Yates and Yvonne Morrison; |!0 be held on Wednesday eve- Mitchell; Alison Butler and/Junior School, the plaque for Nancy Draper. field day champions, donated by Dingman Township Area No. 1, and field Runners-up -- Evelyn Bliz- day medals won by students, INTERMEDIATE GIRLS Ball for distance -- Nancy Traffic Deaths Greer High Jump -- Linda Greer,| il Lynda Rutherford, Frances own n pri Running Broad Jump--Lynda| OTTAWA (CP)--Traffic acci Rutherford, Dorothy Downey, dents in Canada killed 236 per Standing Broad Jump--Lyndajthe toll in the same month of Rutherford, Frances Heron,'last year 100 Yard Dash Joan Hoar, ported today there were 203 fa Jane Ormiston, Lynda Ruther- tal accidents -- some involving Catch and Throw -- Bonnie 210 n April, 1961 Snudden and Linda 'Greer;, The number. of non-fatal ac Ormiston; Lynda Rutherford|ffom 3,574 in the same period and Marie Buldyke and the injured total increased -. Lynda Rutherford al count does not include Que Runner-up -- Frances Heron Ball for distance Guthere, Kathy High Jump -- Judy Bonisteel LIVELY ORIGIN Carol Johnston, Phyllis Mackey. [onNpon (CP) -- The Royal > Judy Woodward, Phyl- est military bands in the world, lis Mackey. is celebrating its 200th annievr- Johnston, Phyllis Mackey, whine Osan . "f . r n of the regiment Christina Shankland "Idnapped" a group of Ger: ae Bolg Woodward, Phyllis them home with them. Mackey and Judy Woodward; SNACKS ARE HAZARD Carol Johnston and Valerie. GREAT YARMOUTH, Er Norine Carnochan folk seaside resort has appealed Senior Girls' to the public to stop eating Ruanerup -- Phyllis Mackey. The paint on new buses is ruined by grease, and people JUNIOR BOYS , eer : Bill! gar-covered chips Bowers, Brian Fice, Kehoe. lean, Rene Kehoe, Bob Short. Running Broad Jump -- Bill Short Standing Broad Jump Burleigh 80 Yard Dash ~Bill Bowers, Junior Boys' Champion -- Bill} Bowers |Campbell Zylstra Wood durst Mitchell. Senior Boys' Champion lyn Blizzard In the high jump, Wayne Donna Davidson. 11 inches Evelyn Blizzard and Sue ning, June 27, at Meadowcrest Junior Girls' Champion--Judy|the School Board of Whitby rard, Sue Mitchell will be presented Gerrard, Frances Heron, Linda Heron Jane Ormiston. sons in April, lower by 15 than Sherry Lyn Campbell The bureau of Statistics re ford more than one death --against Nancy Gerrard and Brenda cidents reported shot up to 3,676 Intermediate Girls' Ohampion ee 5,353 from 5,218. The non SENIOR GIRLS Mackey Running Broad Jump -- Caro Artillery band, one of the old- Standing Broad Jump --Carol sary. It was started in 1762 100 Yard Dash -- Carol John-| man musicians and brought Catch and Throw -- Phyllis Guthere: Kathy Legg and/land (CP)--Council of this Nor- Carol Johnston fish-and-chips on council buses Se tak distance are slipping on discarded vine- High Jump --. Douglas Mac- Bowers, Douglas Burleigh, Bob Bowers, David Bailey, Douglas David Bailey, Bob Short. Runner-up -- David Bailey. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT INTERMEDIATE BOYS 4 Ball for distance John Stevenson, Mike Dopp, Brad Powell High Jump -- Joha Stevenson Hugh Johnston, John Young Running Broad Jump -- John Robinson, John Stevenson, Hugh Johnston Standipg Broad Jump ~-- John Stevens@y, Hugh Johnston Peter Welendzewicz. E FUN Glen Finney, 12, a grade six \ nual concert. They were part * fung---which has about Rene ---------- s 'Brooklin Fair's Cattle Section By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT | BROOKLIN -- Following are} the results of livestock judging; in the cattle section at the Brooklin Spring Fair. BEEF CATTLE Class 9, Registered Short- horns: Fy | Settion 1. Bull, two years) and over Heather Doon! Farms, Omemee. Section 2. Bull, 1 year and under two --Suzanne Howden, | Columbus' Section 6. Heifer, one year-- Suzanne Howden, Columbus,! lst, 2nd, 3rd place. Section 7. Heifer calf -- Su- zanne Howden, Ist, 2d and 3rd_ places. : Section 8. Herd, one male over one year, three females, any age -- Suzanne Howden. Section 9. Three animals (get of one sire) --Suzanne How- CA. Best Shorthorn, any age, of the square dance band --QOshawa Times Photo Legion Dart League Holds Dinner, Dance BOWMANVILLE -- A dinner and dance was held by the Le- gion Dart League at the Legion Hall The Dart League President Erie Stancer, presided at the dinner and welcomed the guests Grace was said by Padre Liv- ing. Branch President James Woodward proposed the toast to the Queen. Mr. Stancer thanked the Legion Ladies Auxiliary for catering to the dinner Branch Sports Officer Ed Rundle presented the 1962 tro- phies to the League Champions Jack Knight, Ross McKnight, Ronald Evans, Denny Tierney and James Woodward Padre Living presented tro- phies to the play-off champions, Ron Richards, Eric Stancer, Percy Greenfield, Art Sheehan and Jack Geddes The awards to the high team n baseball (one inning) were presented to the team mem bers: Jack Knight, Ross Mc- Knight, Ron Evans, Denny Tier- ney and Jim Woodward. This presentation was made by George Perfect. Branch President Woodward presented the trophy to. the singles champion Ernest Per- fect. Mrs. Ed Rundle presented the trophy to the doubles cham- pions Ross McKnight and Robert Hayes Gien .Virtue presented the high doubles out winner trophy to Maxie Yourth. League presi- dent Eric Stancer presented the trophy to the high doubles win- railways, fighting a rearguard|Montreal ner Ken Nickerson Ron Richards made the pre- sentation to Ernie Perfect, win- ner of the high score three darts 301 for the season. Eric Stancer won the award for the high score one game baseball for 1962. George Jones won the high score three darts in baseball Glen Virtue moved a vote of thanks to President Stancer for his work duirng the year. The spot dance winners were Mr. and Mrs. Vince Prout and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nickerson Dog Airlift Planned For Arctic Area OTTAWA (CP)--A dog airlift is coming to the aid of an arctic community where 80 per cent of the canine population died last winter About 800 sled dogs died in and around Pangnirtung, on the} eastern side of Baffin Island, | The animal disease labora-| tory at nearby Hull, Que., has failed to locate any sign of dis- ease so far from specimens sent for testing. Perhaps mal- nutrition was responsible, sci- entists said today The dog airlift to Pangnir 7i0 Eis kimos in and around it in volves RCMP animals from the western Arctic. These are ex pected to tide the community over 'the spring and summer and enough should be on hand by fall fully to replace the dead animals TUES. WED. ONLY! CS Pee Se vg PLUS ! § I PASSED i FOR WHITE' ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BOX-OFFICE OPENS AT :15 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! RIUEIN THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401 . . » PHONE 723.4972 female -- Suzanne Howden. DIARY CATTLE Class 13, Registered Guern- seys: Section 1. Bull, two years and over -- Gary Batty Section 2, Bull, 1 year under two -- Gary Batty. Section 3. Bull calf. under one year.-- Gary Batty Section 6. Cow, three years and under five, dry --Gary Batty. Section 7. Cow, three years and under five, in milk --Gary Batty Section 8. Heifer, two years in milk -- Gary Batty. Section 9. Heifer, two years, dry (in calf) -- Gary Batty. Section 11. Heifer, - junior yearling -- 1. Gary Batty; 2 Harold Guthrie; 3. Gary Batty. Section 12. Heifer, senior calf -- 1. Harold Guthrie, 2, 3, 4, Gary Batty: Section 14. Herd, four females, two must be in milk Gary Batty Section 16. Produce of dam-- Gary Batty. Section 16 animals, one Batty. and any age, of which (no bull)-- Get-of-sire, three male Gary Gary Batty Junior Reserve Champion- ship, male -- Gary Batty. Grand Championship -- Gary Batty. Grand Reserve Championship, male --Gary Batty Senior Championship, female --Gary Batty Junior Farmer Field Day Won By Port Perry Junior Reserve Champlonship, female -- Gary Battye" 0 Grand. Championship, female)ers 2dged out the Uxbridge club --Gary Batty. for top honors in this year's) Grand Reserve Championship, |field day events. Final tabula- female -- Gary Batty. jtion shows Port Perry with 48 Specials for Dairy Cattle: jpoints, Uxbridge 45, Brooklin D.2. Guernsey Group, consist-|44, and Beaverton 37. There ing of heifer, two years, heifer,| were many competitors in each one year, and heifer calf --/event and the results were un- Gary Batty. |certain until the last event was D.3. Best --| completed. Gary Batty. The competitions included a Olass 14. Registered Jerseys: | softball tournament, track and Sectio n2, Bull, one year and/|field events, rifle shooting, and under tw Stanley Taylor,/4 square dance competition. Burketon. -- Team trophy winners are as Section 3. Bull calf under one follows: as year -- Douglas Batty, Brook- Boys' softball, Brooklin; girls' lin. softball, Uxbridge; tur-o-war, Section 4. Cow, five years|Port Perry; square dancing- and over; dry -- Stanley Tay-|Brooklin; rifle shooting, Ux- lor. bridge. Section 7. Cow, three years) Top-individua! awards for the and under five, in milk -- 1,|boys went to Doug Henderson of Douglas Batty; 2. Stanley Tay-|Port Perry and John Spencer lor. of Brooklin, who were tied with Section 8. Heifer, two years,| Seven points. Top girls honors in milk -- Dougias Batiy. jwent to Janice Workman of the Section 9. Heifer, two years, | Beaverton Club with 9 points. dry (in calf) -- Stanley Taylor. |Ros Prentice of the Uxbridge Section 10. Heifer, Senior| Club won the one-mile race tro- dairy female The Port Perry Junior Farm-| Yearling -- 1. Douglas Batty,| Phy. 2. Stanley Taylor. The winners and runners-up Section -11.. Heifer, Junior,iM the various events will now Yearling -- 1. Douglas Batty, represent Ontario County in the 2. Stanley Taylor Quinte District Junior Farmer Section 12. Heifer, Senior/"ie!d Day being held at Peter- Calf -- 1. Douglas Batty, 2. borough, on July 14. Heifer, Junior genet! Taylor. Section 3. Ly : ae 'Dousas pay 2 Famed Trick Shot Stanley Tawor. "11: aclan f 1 Bull (any Billiards Player Calf -- 1. Section 14, Herd, one of! Los ANGELES (AP) -- Fu- age) three females, which must be in. milk -- : Dougiee Batty, 2. Stanley Tay.| "eral services will be held Wed- adi , " |nesday for Charlie Peterson, 82, famed billiards player and trick lor. Section 15. Produce of Dam snot artist. He died. Saturday of a heart attack. -- Douglas Batty, Stanley Tay- Peterson, whose slogan was Show me the shot I can't make," spent' more than 20 years popularizing billiards in boys' clubs and colleges in the r. Section 16. Get of Sire, three). animals, one male -- Douglas Batty, Stanley Taylor. Junior Championship, Male-- Douglas Batty. Reserve Junior Championship, Male -- Stanley Taylor. Grand Championship, Male -- pidge eh ke fet pone a ia i ae as Reviving a. dance-fad from | Charleston" aré five Maple Grove Public Schoo! lasses at their school's TWIN COUNTIES COMMENT the '20's, "the CHARLESTON AT MAPLE GROVE annual concert last night. The girls are (left to right, front row), Sandra Conners, 13 and | Karen Dickson, 13; (back row), Carol Cooney, 16, Bon- nie McMillan, 13 and Mary Stalker, 14. They are all grade eight students. STEADY WORKER YARMOUTH, N.S, (CP) -- $19,000 Puzzle For Darlington By ALLAN BAILEY If you had $19,000 would you;through the efforts of its secre- other |United States. His aim was to|know what to do with it? Mosi|tary, Mrs. Mary Budai, a fund) started* when he took his first get the billiards table out of the| People wouldn't have much dif-|was set up to take legal action. smoke-filled pool hall and into/ ficulty. ' Darlington Township counci Douglas Batty Reserve Grand Championship, Male -- Stanley Taylor. Senior Championship, male: Senior Reserve pionship, Female, serve Championship, Grand Championship, Grand Reserve Champio Female all awarded to Do Batty. JUNIOR CALF CLUB Fe- Cham-} Junior Championship male -- | pionship, Female Junior Cham-| Junior Re-| Female,|nese canned salmon producers Female, nship uglas Dairy Section (Heifers only). 1. Keith Batty, 2. Ricky Bat- Senior Reserve Championship, ty, 3. Bruce Batty, Brooklin. 4. female -- Gary Batty John Ostipgvich, Oshawa, 5. Junior Championship, female! Ronnie Batty, 6. Donnie Batty, -- Harold Guthrie Brooklin. Strike Increases Railway Traffic TORONTO (CP) -- Canada's) action until recently against loss of business to rival trans port systems, are suddenly de- luged with business A strike of alrnost 10,000 high- way truck drivers in Ontario and the Montreal area has caused a spectacular buildup in railway' freight traffic during the last few weeks The sudden diversion of freight to the railways followed the April 14 strike of some 1,800 Teamsters union drivers m Que- bec province and the walkout May 28 of about 8,090 Ontario members of the independent union It brought dislocation and de- lays in freight traffic and prompted the railways to adopt special measyres, including the hiring of hundreds of men., CNR set up a special team to handle inqWiries about delays in Toronto. Canadian National Rail- ways spokesman in Toronto said freight and express traffic in Ontario has shot up by 400 per cent in. the last month. has this problem but know what to do with it. NEWS BRIEFS CUT INTO MARKETS VANCOUVER (CP) -- Japa- account since do anything with it. The problem began a |have of traditional cut a big slice out |British Columbia's |markets in the United King- dom, Europe and _ Australia, |due largely to lower production 'costs. Japanese exports last! year totalled 2,014,000 cases compared with 424,660 from British Columbia. NO BARKING WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Sand- wich West township councillors passed a bylaw to prohibit "un- ;controllable" barking by dog. {But on the grounds that most canines can't tell the time, they deleted a clause which speci- \fied the restriction as from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. MISSILE SUBMARINE CHERBOURG, France property that was affected this way. was when council were faced with the problem. | SUGGESTIONS township's share of dition ($143,000); or put it the township. That was more than CNR freight handled in im May was double} said the load of May, 1961. CPR WON'T SAY | doesn't The money has been in a bank) 1959 (all $19,211 worth) with council refusing to} When J. Thomas Muise retired after 56 years with the whole- sale firm of J. Pink and Com- pany here, it was noted he had not missed a day-of work in all that time, He was also at work every working day in ers' Association stepped in and three previous years with an- company. The record job at age 13. CONTRIBUTED FUND Nee eens ce The fund was made up of con- tributions from those who had\* ' paid this land-separation tax| and only after some difficulty did the association acquire from }council a list of those who had) few) years ago when a land-separa- tion tax was collected on prop- erties that were being divided jand sold in the township. The, tax was $400 for every piece of| in But in July, 1959 the township stopped collecting this tax. This! ;,, members | A - jever is decided in this case will They had several suggestions: |Give it back to the people who|comes.up for discovery, in the paid the tax; use it towards the Toronto law offices of Feigman the Bow-. and Chernos, 330 Bay street. ie fh PLEASURE! . manville Memorial Hospital ad-| " . * to- being ward e@ Home for the Aged in two (AP) years ago. Council at that time); paid the tax. Richard Lovekin, a Newcastle| lawyer (and Clarke township| solicitor),. was engaged tol handle the proceedings for the! Ratepayers' Association. | The case of Roy Curtis of} Courtice was chosen as a test! MOTOR pil iia / \ '3 case. He is one of the many who paid the Jand-separation Mr. Lovekin says thal "what- ~ MAKES LIVING Set a.precedent for others". Thursday, July 5 the case Construction will start soon on a didn't know what they could do) Admiral Claude de has been a Canadian Pacific spokesman head of the French naval ship- concerned. But the Darlington Ratepay-| said a policy decision barred him from issuing facts, figures and statements on the impact of the trucking strike. But he conceded there was a"substan- tial increase" in. traffic. The CNR spokesman said} freight shipments were delayed) early in the strike period but| special measures now have traf- ¢ 4 fic moving smoothly again The CPR spokesman flatly denied reports of delays in mov ing freight through Toronto, claiming the organization was able to deal with the sudden in- yard here. "sleeping Q The Funniest Sex 4 Romp in Years! "Or SIZZLERS! BOTA ist RUN! crease. However, other reports cate shipments in some Cases) were seriously dislocated and) held up for several weeks. The CPR freight agem in Pe-! terborough, Robert Platt, said) congestion and delay inevitably) ---- indi- followed an increase in traffic to more than 500 tons since 1 compared with the 25 and 50 tons. THE MIDDLE EAST POWDER-KEG THAT KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES OF HATRED, PASSION June usual nese mace DOORS OPEN AT 6 P.M.---SHOW STARTS 6:45 P.M. > > > > > > a most TIMES ---- 1:45 f i i 3:40--3:35--7:35 mene git Lane Be ose URICE CHEVALIER aie ANGIE DICKINSON sue NOEL-NOEL - JEAN NEGULESCO'S "JEBSICA" t | | EERE hooneweay anes bs 0 seameemas @ EDITH nmaneee rau UNITED ARTISTS | RRR CAN NEGULESC LYOIWOMYOI AANOILIGNOD UV - feeeen~tel pwned TE CHNICOLOR | missile-launching submarine de-| with this money, and since that! signed for nuclear ensigns, said time it Roziers, dog' as far as the township was | CINEMAS COPE - warwencovor U Jack Patance 4? SwEuLEY Winens 01:1, 3 FLAVOUR © Even melting ice cubes can't dilute the true taste of Adams Gold Stripe. It will keep its flavour to the very bottom of the glass--the mark of a great whisky, THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LTD. Toronto, Ont,