26--Rooms for Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate tor Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale gentlemen. Parking space. Apply 109 Park Road South, 44 DREW Street, two house- furnished 'oof,| keeping rooms. Poo ep greta After 4.30 telephone 7. fae ae apn eng ~ room furnished|ROOM with two single veds, Suitable| Caid 'weleome, Sib week. |for § Eis, 'cloce to scheel oe Oar LOT 70 x peepee. Col Allen 725-7782. be Peters. ee nnn AMAZING, $300 down, $10,900; carries $85 aptaty taxes included. Brick, six Meg A: rooms, newly decorated, in Whit- by, near apg age Aa Eon tins, Toroute WA ", WA S383: Trade 725-1641, doune garage, North Ostaws, Suinwas ibe Ap gy Telephone 728-7245. PRIVATE sale -- Large modern bse bungalow with Newell |Toom ici vee once ak earns Soule, art) weekly, 725-6227. a eniencés continuous Apply 137, Simoce Bireet North. Tele- phone 725-3366. METCALF Real Estate Limited -|MASSON STREET, 418 -- Single fur- uae ae eS ee 40 King St. Eost Dial 728-4678 4 BEDROOM | OSHAWA T Boulevard North 41: single room $6 weekly' suitable for 728-1239. SPLIT LEVEL ONE comfortably furnished light house- peering room downtown at 77 Ontario reet. Pi -- large living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bath- rooms. This immaculate home @ GRETA Street: fu reom ities. Telephone. eae space laundry facil- features a4 notural stone fire- place, paved drive, dish- t'NEAR Mosport [a PA a Tepes t Orono 12 R rooms for rent 28-0490 or washer, garburetor, well land- scaped lot, storms, screens etc. This is on exceptional MeGREGOR 7 6: ed rooms bedroom 7 ge kitchen in Jone quiet home ee ae facilities | buy ot asking price of $16,+ 900.00, with a reasonable down payment, Balance on i WILLIAM East -- Five - central. Ideal location, Tie. "} by +|or widow. $45 monthly. vate proved fy Available July 1. rooms, 725-1454, 52% mortgage. EAST END 5-room, 2-bedroom bungalow CELINA STREET -- Cle room in quiet home, me 723-9225. THREE-ROOM furnished apartin private entrance, share bath, use of laundry facilities. Suit two 7 ht Vacant July 1. Telephone 726-533 Posters Pree PLEX off Hillcroft, large 20-{t. aes pid = aaron, kitchen and dinette, aore. and refrigerator, laundry facill- ties, parking, adults. 725-0026, OSHAWA Boulevard Bouth, three- room heated upstairs unfurnished apar- , hot water, partly hydro, private) faiesnce and bath. $60, Available im- mediately. CENTRAL location, -- four ooms and bath, ished, TV set, laundry facilities. Adults only Immediate possession, 728- 1203. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, in new Building, available June 1. Telephone MO 8-3092 or 101 Craydon Road, Apart ment 5, after 5 p.m, $60, SELF contained 3 room and bath- room, basement apartment; stove and refrigerator; light, water and heat in- og Aoely 223 Oshawa Boulevard South. THREE room apartment second floor, newly decorated, private bath and entrance, Hydro sup- plied. Beautifully located, Street. 728-8111. jn private Tooms and bath, central loca- tion, move and refrigerator included: washing ao $70 monthly, Vacant July 1, 723-797! Grandview | Wiltny - board optional, suit two Lyre ae After 5, MO 8-8600. furnished rooms, sink, stove, hot water. Sult wor! room, stove, Lg yg Suit gentle- man. $8 weekly. 728-9940. jan, furnished eult gentlenian. --Two furnished bed-sitting 'ents! rooms, $10 weekly; Near bus stop. -----|BLOOR STREET nner, 208 -- Tro » refrigerator ae Working cou Two gentlemen or two ladies. Bus near, close to South GM. Also one furnished with dining room, nicely land- scoped and treed lot, a room, close to hools, buses etc, 00.08 $11, 900.00 with $3, "gy down, Balance 'on mortgage. WILSON ROAD SOUTH 5¥-room bungalow, large finished rec room with bar, | SHARBOT STREET Modern 6-room Brick Bungalow 3 - bedrooms, on landscaped lot. 60' x 110'. Full price $12,500. Down Payment $900 728-9963 27--Real Estate for Sole finished laundry room and den, extra 2-pe. washroom, hot water heoting with oil, arage, paved drive, hedged landscaped lot. This home must be seen to be opprecia- ted BUILDING LOTS Any size, contact this office for information. AFTER 5:30 CALL Jack Osborne 728-5836 Ken Hann 723-7963 Everett Elliott .. 723-9290 Dick Barriage .. 725-6243 Ki esee 728-2392 . 725.9191 ORCHARD us a sures room apart-| unfurnished, wi ith sun room, close to bus, A and F north Oshawa; private entrance, private bath. PATRICIA , AVENUE - -- three - room, good lo- cation, Fone Tetrigerstor, 'moderate rent, 'Telephone 72 70-3 $04 PARK ROAD SS sonTa -- five-room new bungalow, all ae Avall- able bus, and General Motors mi HOWARD STREET -- ~~ five-room: lights, heat and water in- -- Private hag eo Hardwood » tiled kitchen, built-in cupboards. Rent feat reascsable. Available July 1, GRANDVIEW STREET SOUTH 4 -- partly entrance, ite bath. with re- fren and tale. ve Abstainers only. monthly. gaUnon eTRRET -- Ground door, «n- ET -- Groun » ebetainers, $65, 00m Bh og fh West Pe ~ 'Three bath, Socn slew weaseeec a isiephone sone. 725-1048 Four = oom STREET EAST, 137 -- apartment, badd 7 M apartment, modern = bathroom, very ak aed bus elon tee. 723-9810 43 PAR VALUES IN kitchen, only $1,300, down 3-bedroom solid brick, about modern kitchen, lorge living screens, TV antennae, 4.plece asking price $12,600. Terms. oil heating, storm windows and mortgage for the balance. TREE about 10,000 7-room frame house, 12 miles from Oshawa, 125 ec fiowing spring, sheds, ill health SUMMER reduced for quick sale. L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. REALTORS K RD. S. BUNGALOWS 725-8761 Brick bungeiow of 5.rooms, just @ few years old, 3-bedrooms, 16 x 20 ft, living room, full site divided basement, storms and screens, TV antenna, inspection et your convenience, 4 yeors old, large family size room, aluminum storms and tiled beth, high bosement, full $11,900. full price, 6-room brick, 3-bedrooms, modern kitchen, living room and dining room, A-plece tiled bo » high basement, doors, $2, 000, "down, one open FARM $7,500. full f pao 100 acres, approx, 75,000 Christmas trees, reody to harvest this fail, overflowing spring creek, terms arranged. 154 ACRE FARM res workable, rolling land, over- clean and modern 8-room house, 2 barns ond forces sale, inspect end try your offer COTTAGE Locoted near Caesarea, S.rooms, furnished, double lot, price Pleose call Torw Siblock or Sid Martyn 723-9810 or 725-8761. tral, near phone 725-6865, CADILLAC South, vate entrance, three-room $50 per month. Water A Aig included. PTelep! hone REALTORS 725-4 SaNFING | AVERT, 163 -- Three-room apartment, with built-in cupboards and sink. Available duly 15. CENTRAL PARK NORTH -- Two large ished rooms. Private entrance. private entrance cupboards, _ ry $75 ities. Adulte please. FURNISHED three room apartment light heat water supplied. $70 monthly, Suitable for couple, Immediate posses- sion. No children. Telephone 725-2300. Immeculete 6-room bungalow nicely landscaped lot 75 x 180 room, tile and broadloorm floors, with terms. Call Eorle Allen 7: 3% VERDUN ROAD -- attractive four- room, heated apartment, large kitchen, tai Spotiess bungalow on spaciou and bath. ----w possession. Adults, Evenings alter 5 o'clock. aeees and process, body ey equipped, work pong pump, hot water fas! Two tine partments Eager -- with ogg la of Cobourg. apartment, in- ding private bath and entrance. 'a a entran 5 jette and re TN » TV outlet, rang trigerator. Apply 623. Olive Avenue. vi GIBB STREET -- A os room apart. ment, and in kitchen, newly decorsted. BOWMANVILLE -- three-room apart- apart- ment, kitebnette yo bathroom, lawn and play areas chidiren, Free parking. 63 King street West, 623-5996. i a 22 Orchard View Boulevard, heat. Near two aan ox Roan, WET -- three-room asc. ta Baby wel- Pog Telephone 7: Bob Johnson 728.2548. end belance on one with, low dow COURTICE -- 1 acre compl room home, gorage and nice property. henhouse. BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE 701 OR 725-7732 HOWE & PETERS HARMONY ROAD DISTRICT obout 5 yeors old situeted on « ft, with paved drive, 20 ft. livin close to school, Asking $15, 500 25-7782. TOWNLINE ROAD SOUTH s grounds 106 x 237 f. Pro garoge, hot water with oil heating, 4-piece tiled bath, extras, myst be seen to be appreciated. Make an offer by calling $5,900.00---FULL PRICE 6-room home with bern ond henhouse, large lot with shode tree north east of Oshawa on Badin road, Asking $1500.00 dow gage ot $60.00 per month. Don't open miss this one. Call Joe Crawford MA 3-3672. WHITBY $11,950.00 with reasonable down payment for this 4 yeor old brick bungalow in north end of town, 3 bedroom, nicely decor- ated, rec room, aluminum storms ond screens. Owner tronsferred, Call Rolonde Tierney 725-5207. HAMPTON -- Just listed small acteage with creek. $1900.00 nN payment, Call 725-4701, etely lends with good 6- Prone 725-7732 ond see this SAGUENAY APARTMENTS 2 bedroom suite, with stove og dees end paved park- 723.2563 or 725-5787 TWO BEDROOM MODERN APARTMENT $99 Adelaide and Park Rd refrigerator, stove, paved parking. 725-2802 26--Rooms for Rent FUBNISHED bedroom, hot water year around, centraj, shift workers welcome. Abstainer. % weekly. Telephone 723-9815 Apply Gladstone Avenue, 73. DIVISION STREET, 154 -- two fur- nished light housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, parking facilities, Bus stop at door. Telephone. 725-3887. GRENFELL STREET, @& -- Single furnished room for one gentleman, comfortable bed, large clothes closet. Close to Shopping Centre. Telephone 725-8721. © ATTRACTIVELY GOOD TERRIFI betwen, Koolyent awnings, oil heated, new paved drive, end garden, Split level in beautfiul condition tive living room has stone firep! kitchen with built-in stove and ing onto patio, two-piece bath up with 4-piece both, all large ot only $12,900. Terrns. Aluminum doors off dining ore: FURNISHED ROOMS Avoilable in private home Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH Valley 723-7244 728-8423 Home sites in Béou Art Weinberber Don Strodeski " price $11,500 -- 8-yeor-old 1-storey brick with new This home in in wonderful condition inside and out. Tiled Schofield-Aker LIMITED VALUE $12,900.. -- large $-room brick bungolow located on Grierton St. Living room 12 x 24, 3 good size bedrooms. Home Is only 5A years old in excellent condition inside end out C VALUE gar- aluminum storms and screens. fenced in back yard with lawn GRANDVIEW GARDENS in this desirable location. Attrac- lace. Separate dining room, large oven. Spacious family room open- on main floor; 3 large bedrooms closets Attached gorage. Priced 4 BEDROOMS -- 2 CAR GARAGE Owner as been tronsferred ond must sell. Terrific 2-storey brick with 2 cor garage atteched, L shaped living and dining room. 1a to patio. The modern woman's dream of a kitchen. 4 beautiful bedrooms, 2 washrooms. Taste- fully decorated ond professionally londscaped. Located in Beou Bill MeFetters -es Hell 725-1726 728-5513 Valley are going fost Veterans ! ! ~ | NOW -- : HEAR -- THIS! Sin el tonett by: Sow fe terest, low monthly poyments, For more information call: Bill Millar 725-1186 CASTLE HOMES YOUR ANSWER TO BETTER LIVING 5% Ist MORTGAGE LARGE LOT PRIVATE SALE, MODERN 4 ROOM BRICK REC-ROOM, EAST END. 723-1006 29---Automobiles for Sle {a7 7 four-door, 33,000 "47 CHEVROLET, four-door, 33,000 orig- Res-|inal miles, Best offer. Telephone 5205. a a ee eee ee oe THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 26, 1962 15 -- 32--~Articles for Sele 32--Articles for Sale i900 MGA sports ar, Saas ae oP beni aoe. Beeee ee ee ete Phone 728-647: . ee a approved. Private, $600, Ajax, KINGSDALE AVENUE » $950: DOWN $ 950 "6 room brick home corries for $65 monthly ot 614% interest, Barnet for couple, le goroge. Phone 725-1186. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. ti-| i954 CHEVROLET, condition, uP, deb eee I Alma "H FORD ied converibe fa dition, autom: button radio. whitews ufen $645, Apply Oshawa Boulevard North, a.m, and 2.30 p.m, or FOR SALE ESTATE gc g 24 King Street West, STORE AND APARTMENTS: ly R. D. Humphreys Q.C. ef" King Street st, Oshawa Phone 725-1177 LLOYD REALTY LIST, WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $15,900.0 ROWE STREET 6-room, 2-storey brick home with large sun room, asphalt drive with large garage, fenced in yard with the most © beautiful shrubs and flowers surrounding the complete house, the interior is trim- med with chestnut which sets off the large living and din. ing room which are separat- ed by French Doors. Laundry chutes on both floors, Tim- ken oi! burner heats this stately home. Cali Bill John- ston ct 728-1066 or 728- 5123. INVESTMENT NEAR CITY HALL 8-room brick home, situeted on a 66' x 207' lot, zoned. R4, for more Information call "Bill" Horner ot 728-5123, Lloyd Realty (Oshowa) Ltd., Realtor 728-5123 101 Simcoe St. N OPEN EVERY EVENING CARL B. OLSEN Realtor DUPLEX MARY STREET Six-room for owner, four room self-contained opart- ment, with 4-piece beth. Listed at $11,500.00 with $2,500.00 down. $1200 DOWN Two-bedroom bungalow, Ver- dun Rood, oi! heoted. Full price only $8,300, FAIRLEIGH AVENUE Older four bedroom, 2-storey home. Gorage, ved drive. Asking $10,500.00 with terms. TRI-PLEX Two-year-old buliding, north east area. Three two-bed- room apartments, ali leased pha "or with stove, ridge, wos ond dryer. $24,900.00 with terms or will trade for clear house, N.H.A, HOMES Being built in Crestwood Heights. Full price $13,700. For more details e¢all Carl Olsen, For further detoils call and osk for Wes. Elliott, Jock Cornish, Carl Olsen. 19 Athol Street West Oshowo 723-1133 GUIDE REALTY Limited Realtors 16 SIMCOE ST. S 723-1121 NORTH -- Brick home on nicely treed lot in convenient section of city, All six rooms Gre good size ingluding 17' x 11'6" living room: modern kit- chen. Extra stool in basement Paved -drive. $ $ $ INCOME $ $ $ -- Two to choose from North East end South East. Both good value and in good condition, Close to all facilities, Good chance to have your home carry itself. MUST BE SOLD--immediate possession. Five roomed bun- galow situated on VLA ap- proved lot, 104 x 208 withe in the city. Oil heated, low taxes. phir? CONDITION poagg PO brick family hone with 16° living room and notural fireplace. Sun porch has Rusco windows and door. Finished rec. room, tiled laundry. Sunken fawn with rockety. Choice residential orea. SOUTH EAST AREA -- Lock what $1,000.00 down will buy. A six room 1% storey oil heated home on lot 95 x 100 feet. An ideal family home in good condition. Garage. ASKING $4,800.00 e-- For this immoculate 4 roomed home with all conveniences, situated on a 100 x 150 ft. lot. Just on the outskirts of Blackstock For full particulars call rene Brown, Charlie Rankine, Leon Manitius, Steve Zurbo, Roy Flintoff; Phyllis Jubb, Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, Lucas Peacock, et 723-1121 Open Daily 9 a.m. to ¥ 'p.m. 1900 VALIANT deluxe model, b After 6.20 p.m., apviv 14 ¥ 1954 BUICK automatic, order. 9200. | 'Telephone 25-4944, Le = Sighals, 6 ee ee ¥ '48 CHEVROLET, coach, new Trade or sell, vocant land, close to Simcoe St. S., Zon- ed, R3 could toke 15 suite apt. size 139 x 118 feet open for offer. Call Jock Appleby et 725-6544 or 723-3398. John A. J, Bolahood Ltd. iia FORD Mainline SUBURBAN property just tice, rooin om for a retired -| Telephone radio 'Good overall condition. #295. 655-3579. dehumidifiers for sale or rent at Parkway A 918 Sim- coe Street North, Oshaw: 1952 CHEVROLET coach with M4 Chev- rolet 4% oI som work, Many. custom eppoint- ments. $100 or Beat ofter. Telephone 126-6367 after 6 p.m. soil, f-room house, 4-piece bathroom, oil fur- PRIVATE SALE 107 Wellington 'St. W $11,800 TERMS TO SUIT 6-ROOM. BRICK BUNGALOW, 3-BEDROOMS Completely re - decorated. Aluminum doors, windows. Beautifully landscaped. Pav- td drive, One block from school end shopping. nace, bank barn, piggery, chicken house amd other buildings, Located bet Oshawa and Bowmanville, MA 12-2754, ELECTROHOME, RCA Vie and ig 19" Portable Prices it $188, Parkw: ae 'Television. 918 Bim- Street soe | fou 4 TON Ford pick ur Good condi- tion, Fina Service Station, 160 Simeoe South. bungalow, with tiled bai pis large recteation room. Neat schools, bus and stores. Reasonable terms, 726-1708. PORT Perry, partly furnished house, § bedrooms, small bunk room, large liv- jing room and kitchen, 3-piece bath, oil |heating, laundry room, car port ith | storage space. _ Telephone 985- 2837, | PRICED to sell, private. 654 room ern home on King Street East, att attached jgarage, stone fireplace, open stairway, wall to wall . Maty extras, Full Price $17,500. Su eeonal down pay- ment. Telephone 723-7453, bot wee SALE -- Large modern, six- throom | -------------- ig METEOR | Fadia, Sood | coe $95. hope cok ice Station 'o ) Simooe. Bou {963 AUSTIN "350, Sa "condition, low mileage, no liens. Under warranty until February. Telephone MO 68-8209, CEDAR lawn furniture, tables, chaira, ete, Kitchen and made to order. CO 3-2573, Service Try us. fia |e ICE "equip. biatert stock around. Lyon -| Hamilton's, 137 Brock South, MO ee4e8 2° RETCHEN 'sink cabinet, also wall cab- inet, 54 'Inches wide, A-1 condition, = campiete units, $83. 798-9338) Hinds: at 5 1953 BELAIR four door deluxe, stand ard transmission, radio, washers, undercoating, tinteti giass. Good tion, one owner, 195 Simeoe South. 1933 FORD Mainline, custom radio, @i- rectional signals, In outstand! tion jn every way. Must be Meadowvale Street, 'bs OLDSMOBILE, @ convertible eon: tinental, fire engine rednew paint, LIVE FREE -- ge Mg central- ly located near King Street East, has Rhine rooms in excellent condition, in- cluding four rooms on main floor for Oil heated, large garage. Low Down PAYMENT Terms arranged FIVE-ROOM STUCCO 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW % Acre Land, modern Conveniences, near bus and school, on Nash Road, block off King, near Townline East CALL 725-0906 owner. Price $13,900 with $1500 down. oe Er hie Holmes, Realtor, 204 King 8 East. sat LoTs public lit, ih pchevle, By wire, taloptioae, bak- ery py vtciagy | v venient loca- tion, . 34-R-12. rebuilt motor, power Saxipyed, radio, food tires. $495. Mo $5631 soni Store, 723-3271. 444 ELGIN ladys wrist evening, June 22, vicinity ~ Dundas, TENT ~-- 9x12 with floor; 10 HP '56 Scott outboard motor, $125, MO 8-4833 '2 after 6. WE pay highest prices in the elk eM tor used furniture, Pretty's Used Furni Simece South. CASH registers used, new, low pri terms, aranteed, Hamilton 'ottles Equip, 137 Brock South, "MO"'s 8-8442, tains GLENN &8TE: Berea East, ture | sponsible for anyone in phe f written any debts incurred aka -@ STEPHEN i Gate CAR radio, in the dash, transistor, $52.50. Aerial and installation extra. Try SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cleon cars. Trode up or.down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 ire, 48, Bond St, West. PIANO, Lonsdale, upriaht, a ftegiiont condition, Can be seen Street. Dial 725-5115. ide a3 CREDITORS D OTHERS In Fe rhe of Charles Henry Puckett, deceased, All persons . OLD guns wanted, rifles, livers and Pistols: an -- id oartlace, Telephone | 725 725-8183, Osha WEDDING dress, size lace train. Has ton dry isan. ve. Telephone 725-8901. a claims against the Estate of Charles Henry Puck- ett late of the City of Osh- awa, County of Ontario, Re- tired who died on or obout soeMaN VILLE: rain Crepbent spacious new brick bung: '. cent m a ans many extras. Call See Crawiord, MA 3-3673. Howe and Peters. Tilden PRIVATE sale, 91 Eigin Street eet Bat 13 room brick home, newly wired, heating, with or without furniture, goed |ipeome pone. % bleck from Saint Gregory's Church, asphalt drive, Bris ling area. Low dow! gp yment, bg to poor health. agents geese 23-3807. aes --FULL PRICE. Brick income home esncndig ob two ew close to at 339. Joseph ° ph "Beoes, Realtor, 123-9670. .CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Modeis) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. BOAT, sew 12 0. at bones pated plywood, top skiff. Apply 180 Osh- awa Bivd. North. . 725-8266. the 20th day of March, 1962 - ere hereby notified to send © sr arte of same to the WE buy, sell and emg Td used fut. niture or The City, 'Trading Post ous Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street Bast, 723-1671, undersigned on or before the 17th on of July, 1962. After which date the Estate will be LiF ale ag =) Products! 1 . jealer, jomery, awa, PISO of THS-OIS. distributed, with regard only to the claims of eich, 'the REFRIGERATOR. 7 cubic Too; Westing- VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited $6,600 FULL PRICE 2 STOREY OSHAWA BEACH 8 room rough-cost, 2 ver- andohs, double, gerage, city conveniences and safe prie vate beach. All year rented. A challenge for the Handy mon, For appointment coll ART WEINBERGER 723-2265 EVENINGS 723-7244 HARMONY HEIGHTS -- Spotless four. year-old, three bedroom owner transferred, Low down Sally Wallace, 725-6297. Jose Realtor, 725-9670, ayment. Bosco, 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Juke & Bill's Garage Locust mL = Highway 7. Easy Clean FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S.--728-0921 house, $75; washing machine, Thor, foes. comeiton miitable for' oot tage. Telephone 733-2835. dersigned shall then am notice, and the undresigned will not be liable to any . TRAILER accessories, gae sstiteen, "sail se. Mie Res Heating, 9 Tudo 9 Tudor Street, gon of whose claim It wthnnseoa notice, et Toronto this 8th BEAUTY poles, sone a eae, units, basin 'and ch Ga tong ag reasonable. Telephone Newcastle commuting from Ajax or ind ay mien, Make Bei AE ia Boseo, agg. rh 2a --Rea Fer Wanted in the 94.000 i $12,000" range Dow, , Bales are tremendous. Call John A, J. Bola- hood, Ltd., 725-6544 any time. 29---Automobiles for Sale 1955 METROR Niagara, Ver dition, ore Soa a HiWa Dundas Street East, Whitby. 'BT 3 VOCREWAGER A-i condition, radio, good ¢0i 5 St00 LOWEST PRICE EVER OFFERED $10,950.00 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW CARRIES $59.80 MONTHLY N.H.A. MORTGAGING CALL BILL MILLAR CASTLE HOMES _ OL i851 FBR HARRY MILLEN Real Estate 728-1679 $1,000.00 DOWN $85.00 PER MONTH $11,500.00 -- Nice 3 bed- _ foom brick bungalow, oil heated, 4 oc. tiled bath, aluminum storms and screens, large lot close to all shools, shopping and trans- portation. Call Loreen Kellett to inspect 723-3770. New three bedroom split level in north-west area, beoutiful kitchen with custom cupboards and good eating orea, Lorge L-shaped living and dining room, 4 pe. bath © with vanity, fully decorated including basement, mony extras, All for $14,900.00 with $1,800.00 down and balance on one NHA mort- a For more information Loreen Kelett 723. leatherette Call 728-6563, On Monday Peay after 6 p.m. HERTZ , _ Drive-Yourself | CARS AND TRUCKS 728-9493 or 728-9641 Foote's Shell Station 97 King E., Oshawa CLEARANCE SALE NO PRICES LISTED ALL. OFFERS CONSIDERED 59 CHEVROLET Coach---Automatio--Radie. "Body like New' 59 PONTIAC Cooch -- Automatic -- Portable Transistor Redio, 4 New Tires 58 CHEVROLET Bel-Air 2 Door Hard Top Radio -- Automatic 57 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedon -- Radio -- Automatic, Completely (Overhouled 'Very Sharp 56 OLDSMOBILE Sedon -- Radio -- Automatic "The Car for ¢ long trip" 56 CHEVROLET Bel-Air Sedan "Outstanding Condition" 56 FORD-6-COACH One Owner "Shorp" 55 PONTIAC SEDAN LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER ROSSLYN PLAZA AREA Large 3 bedroom bungalow with recreation room. Good family size kitchen and living room. Plenty of space in the bock yard for the children. Adelaide McLoughlin School close by with churches of all denomination. Call Bill John- ston now et 728-1066 or 728-5123. $8,500 NORTH-WEST MONTHLY $70 MONTHLY Extremely well cored for two bedroom bungalow, 4 pc. bathroom, oi] heat, bus stop near by. Phone "Bill" Hom- @r now ot 728-5123. | Lioyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited Realtor -- 728-5123 | 101 Simcoe St. N. Radio -- New Paint 54 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN "Good Tamsportation"' 54 FORD SEDAN Radio 56 CHEVROLET Y. TON PICK UP "The Best In Oshawa" 54 BUICK (Two Door) HARD TOP "Transportation Special" TED CAMPIN MOTORS M ee en WANT TO BEA HAPPIER DRIVER? BUY A NEW CAR NOW WITR A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED SCOTIA PLP $2.25 iment package aon e130, beats ey forced air, sloyear guar. aa of tied 1962, Montreal Trust Com By | King St. bison Yom of, Ontario, Ex. in Burt ip 3 py rion Street rio, a iene canvas, Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals, eed Fox, 412 Simcoe North, ates tachment - aa chines: mare at agg en .Ratimaten 4 te. viee, 784.0601" any anytim: =| Appeal Court 0. BEFORE buying or selling televisions, furniture, refrigerators, stoves, ren wane} ers, call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2204, Upholds Severe TV and radio sonianies. Must sell! 00 Dundas Street bang $year vy Gi months, $11 6 hate Pgh a yt $12.50, Telephone 728-3291. i LOCOMOTIVE washing machine, new fe crt Book ease, dark finish, $25, Telephone after S30" p.m, 728-1071. Arson Sentence TORONTO (CP) -- A 34-year arson sentence imposed on ert Roberts, 31, was upheld by the Ontario Court, of Appeal Monday and his appeal was dis- missed. Roberts, father of six, sur. rendered to police saying he hoped for psychiatric treatment. LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA jinch wheel, fully ion, $35, Te BosT Kiar duabie, barrel. Je ae er aed new, $50, MO BICYCLE, standard, Glider, boy's, 26 condl- 5 'elephone 725-4258. He pleaded guilty before Mag- Olistrate 8. r Bigelow to nine charges of arson and was sentenced to three consecutive terms of eight years each. SPACK heater, Duo Therm, medium size, suitable for cottage. Good condi, bo ag Apply 696 Phillip Murray. 30--Automobiles Wanted BABY ican cab paren tad put Reasonable. 1061 TO 1955 Chevrolet or Pi good condition, 217 Church Street. Phone 725-2879, ei? | Telephone In excellent condition. 728-9680, He had admitted touching off three churches, three apartment buildings, two houses and sev- eral cars. He was described in court as sane but in need of "|psychiatric treatment. CHEF Master 4 burner heavy duty a stove good condition In confirming the sentence, 0./Chief Justice Dana Porter said it was now up to the parole $ALL CASH$ For -- cors we deal up or down, Liens TOR off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 312 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8 -8001 LLOYD carriage blues three- piece eh eld for cottage or recres. tion room. Both in good condition. Mov- ing best offer. 728-0987. GIaL's bieyele 004 condition able f gi room or tottage ior $25. Telephone 723-2360. 50 CARS WANTED Buying o New Car? Seil your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE" " TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 = Res. 725-5574 board to consider any remission, Roberts, when he surrendered last April pleaded for leniency, .|Magistrate Bigelow told him he hg lucky not to " been face ava Bua lene coeee aie ot with Pro Ros gala' . in signet 'coal is eletone DEATHS WASHING Inglis $50; also dryer B15 Sak ene 1 By THE CANADIAN PRESS ING, dao 'ae estate. $100 Uy ae 1 Tnake offer. / rege yes , 728-4007, 31--Automobile Repairs eae wane 08 ou, ft HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST, WEST 723-7822 good condition $75. After 6 p.m. tele- frone '728-400%, Quebec--Brig. G. A. H. Tra- deau, 71, a third generation military man, former president of the Royal Canadian Legion in Quebec and pilot during the COAT new coat light blue size 18, Telephone F-198 First World War. BOAT $75; motor $200; trailer $40; can- $3; ling cabinet Si; 'sofa' and. chair 5 i a 3 occasional ehair $10; $4. Wearever roaster and canner $10; ys tric razor $5; stroller S15: eA eet tH $1.25 Ds mattress Parts and Service RENAULT Statham Motor Sales 723-7712 59 KING WEST MIKE'S B.A. Service Station Complete automotive service and repairs. Automatic transe missions overhauled. LICENCED MECHANIC Raglan, Ontario 655-3528 diaper $7. Te' Toronto--Jack Ayres, colum- nist for The Daily Racing Form for more than 35 years; after a two-year illness, Ont. -- Judge Donaid Forsyth MacLaren, 63, one- time mayor of Barrie, army of- DE-HUMIDIFIER FOR RENT This amazing machine keeps basement or recreation réom dry. Option given for rental money to apply on purchase. MEAGHER'S APPLIANCE 5-King St. W. 723-3425 rong and lawyer; of a héart at« tack. : Los Angeéles--Charlie Peter son, 82, famed billiards player and trick shot artist. Toronto -- William Marshall Thompson, 83, known widely as Bill Thompson in more than COTTAGE SPECIAL Used refrigerators, ranges washers, dryers, etc. Located on Highway No. 7 4 miles west of Brooklin Dial 655-3440 32-- Articles for Sale NEW top roller shell for HD 5-6 Allis- Chalmers crawler tractor. $14 each cash. Télephone W. Nell Oshawa 728-0623. BOATS WER editor, 8 mm, also 4 flexible Py with switch control for ee 50 movie screen, transistor taj Tesorder pg shaver suitable for few. From rh to3 Pane 725-7443 FOR AN HONEST DEAL SEE "TED" 607 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Uust East of Wilson Road) For the best aluminum doors and windows. Compore the price. Doors complete with grill and lock $45. Wnidows $15. Free installation. Larson, Traveler, Weymouth, Grew Cruisers, Evinrude Mo- tors, OMC 17 Volvo Penta Engines. MARINE Storage and Supply Ltd. Brooklin --- 655-3641 50 years' service with Canadian Pacific's Telegraph service. Edmonton--Jock Saidler, 74, two-time member of Canada's bisley rifle team; of a heart at- tack. Paris -- Gen. Andre Ginistet, Commander of the Oran area who was seriously wounded by men of the Secret Army Orga- nization in the western Alger- ian city June 14. Asuncion, Paraguay -- Hor ace Gates, 58, British ambas- sador to Paraguay since 1959. BIG EXPANSION VANCOUVER (CP)--A $4,000,000 expansion program at its Prince Rupert pulp mill was afnounced by Columbia Cellu- lose ~Company. Mill . capacity will be increased by $5,000 tons Don't woit eny longer pick out your lot now. annually, to a total of about lvour GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING 160,000 tons. Pie 723-4494 -- Re. 725-5574 | ; 728-8671 Coan Srery Eegnire 728-5253 anytime bpen Till 8 Evenings, Weekends "