Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Jun 1962, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 25, 1962 5 SPORTS IN BRIEF in the PCL, : FORMER UMPIRE DIES | \ to parents attending. BEAUMONT, Tex. (AP) HEADS ACES _ This demonstration was en- Steve Basil, 66, former Ameri-} QUEBEC (CP) -- Paul-Emile joyed by 26 adults and 37 chil- can League umpire, died Sun-) Jobin has been elected president dren. day duri fishi i Hil. ay during a fishing trip to Gil of Quebec Aces of the American re 2 christ, Tex. Basil umpired in KINSALE ANNIVERSARY the American League from 1936/Hockey League, it was an- Several ladies from Brooklin to 1940. nounced Saturday, He succeeds attended the 65th anniversary . Ovila Cote, wh s i Branston, James, Smith, Blair, the Easy Way" (referring to] of the Kinsale Women's Institute SWITCH PITCHERS \after three Biting yl pt oy students at Senior School Brook-|held at Kinsale United Church MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Min coe i lin). joh Saturday, June 16. jnesota Twins Sunday night re- A list of short courses offer-, : called lefthander Bill Pleis from) ed by the Home Economics De-|BUS TRIP Vancouver and optioned right- |partment, Toronto, was read.by| A bus trip to visit the School - 'Mrs. Arthur Elliott. of Horticulture at Niagara on The group will apply for short|Wednesday, June 27, is being 'REEVES'- ARTISTS.) SUPPLIES course on 'Creative Cookery"/sponsored by the Brooklin Hor- included in program' of food! ticultural Society. The bus will) and nutrition. leave the Christian Education Tentative plans were fotmed|Hall, Brooklin, at 10.30 a.m. to entertain: a group of resi-|-- te - dents from Fairview' Lodge at TAKE PRECAUTIONS -- at -- the June meeting to be held on WARSAW (AP) --Polish DoDD & SOUTER PAINT AND WALLPAPER S¥TORE 107 BYRON ST. S.--WHITBY MO 8-5231 'Women's Institute Officers Elected By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- The president, |Mrs. Harry McCool, chaired the |regular meeting of the Brooklin | Women's Institute, held in the basement of Township Hall. |handed pitcher Jim Donohue, acquired recently from Los An- geles, to the Pacific Coast League club. Pleis had a 5-3 record with Vancouver and a 1,96. earned run average, best _ WHITBY And DISTRICT Brooklin Hillcrests Beat Athletics Again "2)55-'s" chippy contest, generally dis.. ST. CATHARINES -- Goal, read a newspaper article played whenever Brooklin and McCready; alts, Crysier,|"Grade 6 Pupils learn English amuse children when sick, or on rainy days, was outlined! By GERRY BLAIR It still remains a puzzle tol Brooklin followers how St. Cath-/St. Catharines get together. jarines can perform so terribly| "The only serious damage re- Olsen, Phompson, Sam Crokan, | against Hillcrests at Brooklin. j|sulting from the sometimes|Ed Crokan, Brazier, Allen, | Saturday night, Hillerests/crue] play, unfortunately saw Berge and Moore. jswamped Athletics 16-4, for the! Rock Batley receive 'seven BROOKLIN -- Goal, Baker; |second straight one-sided result! stitches to close a cut after alts., Nickle. Grandy, Wood, | between the two clubs in Brook- receiving a crack across the|G. Lotton, K. Lotton, Bryce, lin. head just as he rifled a shot; Knox, Ferguson, Carnegie, Bat- To add further confusion, on|past St. Catharines' netminder|ley, Barrie, Doug Vipond, Don Friday night, St. Catharines, of/Bob McCready. Vipond, Vilneff. jall clubs, halted Brampton's Batley created coneern by First Period feet Sane undefeated streak pj, teammates, when he im- 1. Brooklin: G. Lotton ... '2.30 jwith a 7-5 decision in St. Cath- mediately went into a stunned. 2. Brooklin: K. Lotton ... 3:50 jarines. Possibly the fierce) condition, and could not. focus Brooklin' Batley -- |struggle with the leaders had) whore he was at the time. This (Vilneff) some affect on Athletics' dis-/qayed state continued for 30 Brooklin: Ferguson mal showing Saturday night in jinutes before he regained his (Nickle) Brooklin. ._|senses. The "doctor couldn't. 5. Brooklin: Knox .... | On the other hand, Brooklin treat the wound until he was 6. Brooklin: Batley |was flying. They went into the cortain Batley was back to his (Baker) game sporting a' three-game|yo mal being . Brooklin: Ferguson losing streak, and wasted tens (Vilneff, Batley) time in bringing it to a con pis total. of Brooklin' Batley clusion by compiling a tremend- Stitches by . Batley (Vilneff) ' ous 9-0 lead after only 20 min- from clouts on the head from Brcoklin Batley utes of play. By 13.14 of the St. Catharine's offenders to 28 (Wood) ' in two s stances S opening period, Brooklin was in|,., sugh instances In st Penalties: front 8.0 Ktt's on June 1, Doug Smith ,. 2 rn ront 6- Thompson, Si Catharines inflicted a gash on his noggin Olsen (2) been administered oxygen be- which required 21 stitches. 2 tween the first and second Brodklin fans continue to - Second Period |period, because they took over 84ze in awe at Pat Baker's un- 10. St. Kitts: Sam Crokan jin the middle session, outscor-|Canny accuracy from his goa] (Ed. & rokan) ling Hillcrests 3-1 for their best crease to fellow mates stream- rat 1a Aaa Be © Viscount Greenwood Chapter 1.0.D.E. ANNUAL Summer Tea & Bake Sale | : at the home of Dr. & Mrs. S. Osborne Ontario Ladies' College Wednesday, June 27 3-5 P.M. EVERYONE WELCOME Come end Bring A Friend 2 3. 'the grounds at Mrs, Cornelius| " De Jonges. : health authorities ordered mass Mrs. Fred M. Holliday acted! vaccinations in the~port cities as chairman for election of of-| of Gdynia, Gdansk and Sopot ficers, with Mrs. Arthur Elliott) stor cases of smallpox were appointed secretary for elec- : tion. discovered aboard an_ Indian | CHURCH OFFICER required by WHITBY UNITED CHURCH 4. brings the received lows: | President --.Mrs. Harry Mc- Cool; vice-president, Mrs. Al- bert Cooper; secretary - trea- surer, Mrs. Arthur Elliott; dis-| trict director, Mrs. C. DeJonge; atlernate, Mrs. Ernest Acton; directors, Mrs. Charles Pilkey, Mrs. Norman Alves and Mrs W. Medland. 5 STANDING 8. 9. For Your | NEW RAMBLER -- See, Abner -- MR. AND MRS. W. C. M. WILSON Golden Wedding Batley, Olsen, j Wood, Grand y, must have ii. down the floor 100 or so At Brooklin period of the night. One of Ontario County's best known businessmen and _ his wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. @. M Wilson, of Brooklin, will tomor- row observe their 50th wedding anniversary. Celebration of the golden wedding was held on Sun- day to enable ail members of the family to be on hand. A native of Maidstone, Kent, England, Mr. Wilson came to Toronto in 1908. Shortly after his arrival he found employment as a miller at the Greenwood Flour Mill, a firm with which he was associated for six years During those: six years, he met and married Mary Chris tine Trimble on June 26, 1912 In the following years, Mr Wilson's trade took him to Port Colborne, with the Maple Leaf Milling Company, but in 1919 the Wilson's returned to Ontario County, when Mr. Wilson be- came the proprietor of the Brooklin Flour Mill, a busi ness which has operated con tinuousiy since in the Wilson family name Three of the couple's six sons are associated with their father Bramalea Upsets Cicada In 'Oaks' | NEW YORK (AP) -- Darby| Dan Farm's Bramalea pulled a| major upset by beating the} heavily-favored Cicada by one-! half length in the $120,125 Coaching Club \American Oaks at Belmont Park) The surprising windup Satur- day thwarted the triple- crown bid of Cicada, the queen of the, three-year-old fillies, who had *eigned supreme over horses of her own age for 1'4 years. Cicada was a 9-to-20 favorite to add the 1%4-mile Oaks to her victories in the Acorn and the Mother Goose Stakes, which made up the first two parts of the rich filly triple. Cicada, the greatest money winning filly in racing history, had all she could do, in fact, to save second money by a nose over Firm Policy in the field of nite sophomore misses. FE P. Taylor's Flaming Page, who won the Queen's Plate June 16 in Toronto, finished fourth, two lengths behind Firm, Policy. . Bobby Ussery rode Bramalea, who fought with Flaming Page for the first mile, as Cicada stayed close up in third place. RETURNS FINE PRICE. , Bramalea returned $39, $7.20 and $3.90. Cicada returned $2.40 and $2.20 and Firm Policy, rid- den by John Sellers, was $2.60 to show: Cicada was ridden by Willie Shoemaker and Flaming 'Page by Manuel Ycaza. The 'time on: this fast track was 2:02 3-5. Darby Dan is owned by Mr. nd-Mrs. John W. GalbreAth d they collected the richest rse in the history of the Oaks, 8,081.25, which pul Bramalea's rnings at $128,360. At Stanton, Del., Saturday jmson Satan won the $42,500 nard Richards Stakes by 1% Mgths over. Noble Jay. Cyane Was third. , 7€rimson Satan never was in ble, touring the 11, miles in 4. He returned $3.60 and Brooklin regained their com- posure, held in the first frame, and commenced to repeat the scoring performance firing in six goals before 12 minutes had elapsed It was a typical bruising in the operation of the only lour mill in Ontario County The bridegroom of 50 years ago still does his share as a repre- sentative for the company, a post he has ably filled for many years With him at the Brooklin mill are sons Alfred, Winston and Vernon. Three other sons are Allan, of North Nestleton, Lloyd of Belleville, and John, of Columbus All family members joined to- gether at the Wilson home, 22 Baldwin street, Brooklin, on Sunday, to help in the celebra- tion. Included in the 'family circle are }2 grandchildren. The golden wedding did not Russia Wins World Titles In Wrestling TOLEDO, -Ohio (AP) -- The Soviet Union won three indivi- dual titles and managed. to stave off a last-minute bid by both Japan and Iran to win the freestyle team championship at the world amateur wrestling tournament Phil Oberlander, 21, of Ment- real was the last of the eight- man Canadian team to be elim- inated when he was pinned by Bulgaria's Petko Dermendiev at 7:00 of the fourth round in the 171.5-pound freestyle class, Official team standings; sia 29, Japan 2644, Iran 25, Turkey 214%, Bulgaria 19, United States 15, West Germany 9, Italy 7, Hungary 54, Sweden 2'; Canada 2, Romania 2, Fin- land 2, Switzerland 144, Poland pass unnoticed in other parts-of either, Letters of congratulation were received from Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, Labor Minister Michael Starr, Opposition. Lead- er Lester Pearson, Ontario's Health Minister Dr. M. B. Dy- mond, and a telegram of con gratulations came from On- tario's Premier John Robarts. the country Rus- 2 Russia's third championship of the night Saturday was won by. Alexander Medved at 213.5 e pounds. He drew with defending yichampion Gholam Takhte of Iran and since each had the * same amount of penalty points At Detroit, Beau Prince won for the entire tournament, they the Michigan Mile, carryingjwent to the scales. Medved jockey Steve Brooks to victory! weighed about a pound and 11 for the winner's share of the) ounces less and won the title.| $2.60 as the 4-to-5 favorit There was no show betting wit two entries in the small field WHITBY SHOWN ONCE ONLY ROCK Evening Last Complete Show at 8:20 "THE ROMAN SPRI Shows at 6:55 and 8:20 VIVIEN LEIGH NG OF MRS SIONE" TENNESSEE WILLIAMS' ONLY NOVEL second and Run for Nurse third days starting today when The federation devided that Ford tenaciously fought par-72/statule when Russia, Poland Quinte Conference birdie on the last green 280. at Kingston. tour this year and gave the New mittee met with the Rev. M Celaya in central Mexico. Bob McHugh. and his niece of Mr. and Mrs. G. Izatt on Sun- BIZARRE STORY OF MODERN ROME Eileen Guthrie, nurse-in-train- Beau Prince paid $4.80, $3.20| Greco-Roman grapplers take to countries seeking to' serve as to a draw and staggered to aiand Bulgaria protested exclu h G Goalby, noting a three-under- Hig lights iven Kien' Teonaed: of Vancouver A miscellaneous shower was| Yorker a total of $21,431 in win Buttars on Tuesday evening of Linda Izatt, visited on Sunday |day. ing, at Sick Children's Hospital.) nd $2.80, Talent Show $9.20 andthe mat jhost to the world wrestling one-stroke victory in the $35,000! sion of East Germany from par 69, had pulled up to within By MRS. FRED PUCKRIN was tied for eighth with-a score held in the church basement, for nings this year last week at the home of Mr lat the home of Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs: Fred Puckrin spent the. week-end al the home ADMITTANCE AT 8:25 FAN CARMIC LIZ FR, Adult Entertainment -- Storing 4 a Plus Second Feature Attraction "DOUBLE BUNK" TO PERSONS 18 WARS OF AGE O8 OVER COMEDY HIT HEL --- SIDNEY JAMES AZER ' Stort'6:35 and 10:10 $60,000 purse. Talent Show was Wrestling resumes for three a $5.60 and Run for Nurse $3.00. The wrestlers took a day off . Sunday while delegates to the International. Amateur Wres- Doug Ford Ekes tling Federation held their bien- nial congress Eastern Open championships must guarantee visas to all countries eligible to By One Stroke omer: The 70 country federation BALTIMORE (AP) -- Doug unanimously adopted the new Eastern open golf tournament. this year's competition The 39-year-old Ford won his % first Eastern Open in 13 straight tries when Bob Goalby failed to make a 15-foot putt for a one stroke.of Ford at the 15th, AUDLEY--During the church hole. service on Sunday morning, Ford wound up with a total Charlie Clemence gave some of 279, nine shots under Mount the highlights of the Bay of Pleasant's par, and Goalby with Quinte. Conference held recently ea in ae '3 Miss Susanne Bird and Lynne Pr para --286. He Won! Richards who were married on seis pee June 16, in Audley . United Ford's first prize .of $5,300 Church was only his second on the pro) nne Christian Education Com ' and Mrs. Bill Guthrie. Among UNUSUAL CHURCH the various programs discussed Persian influence is shown in|were plans for Bible Vacation the Church' of Our Lady of/ School and the organization of a |Mount Carmel built in 1806 at/young people's group. Stanley Fuller, Rockwood Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lister, Pa lermo, and Mr. and Mrs. Or- jville Nelson, Roy and Coleen, | Downsview, visited at the home 'and Dianne were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hollinger, Cherrywood, after attending the }memorial service at Erskine }Cemetery on Sunday of her parents, Mr. jand Mrs.! |Bert Guthrie. | | 'The unoccupied house on the} former Bowe farm on the West-} Road, .Was burned | nes to the ground on Sunday morning. The jbarn had been burned on Hal lowe'en night. rf ing feet away. For his deadly shoot ing on Saturday evening, Baker drew three assists Before being Batley. put on a great scoring display scoring four goals in the -first period. Larry Fergu son also had four for the night to lead Brooklin's offensive drive. Vipond with a pair was the only other repeat goal scorer for Brooklin. Single counters came from Glen and Ken Lotton, Ron Knox, Jim Vilneff,. Roy Wood and Don Bryce. clobbered Rock Garry Moore was the individ ual: scoring for St. Kitts with three The single goal was by Sam Crokan : : These two clubs meet again in St. Catharines on Friday night Saturday night, Brooklin_ host Port Credit Sailors star goals scored Walter Martin shows the _ best of the Whitby Champion Clarkdale Capital Item, an American Cocker Spaniel. Mr. Martin handled proudly In Show | show at Dog Show, | St. Kitts: Moore St. Kitts: Moore Penalties: Crysler, Grandy, James. Carnegie, Thompson (misconduct), Me- Cready, Wood, Olsen (minor and game misconduct), Fergu son 12 13 18.11 Third Period 14. Brooklin: Ferguson (Baker) Brook!in (Baker) Brooklin: Vilneff (REPRUEES) 54 vias see's 5.43 Brooklin: Bryce (Grandy, F'guson) .. Brooklin: Wood Brooklin: Vipond (Knox) St. Kitts (Thompson, Blair) ... 11.45 Penalties: Allen (minor and major), _K. Lotion (major), Blair, Sam Crokan, McCready, Grandy, Barrie, Nickle, Fergu- son, and Blair. 1.25 15 4.36 16 17 7.10 18 5 19 "oO 20 the champion at the Saturday the Whitby Arena which was sponsored by the Ontario County Kennel Club --Oshawa Times Photo Spaniel Named Best In County Dog Show Appeals to the referee and excited cries are usually heard at the Whitby Arena during the hockey season and when other sports are held but on Saturday barks yelps and handlers' com- mands were to be heard when a dog show was held Under the auspices the Ontario County Kennel Club, which is based in Oshawa, the Annual Whitby Dog Show took place. More than 200 dogs were entered in the .show with own. ers and handlers coming from Ontario, Quebec and ihe Fast- ern United States The Best of Dog in the Show was an American Cocker Span- iel, Champion Clarkdale 'Capital Item, owned by Henry McNa- mara of Ottawa and handled by Walter Martin of London. The Best Canadian Bred Puppy was owned and shown by George Davidson of Wood- bridge. Mr. Davidson's prize winner, a Boxer, is named Vell- grove's Lady Luck. The Best Working Dog,' also named as Best Canadian Bred Dog, was a German Shepherd Beauridge Davy Crockett, own- ed by Frank Rodney of Kolbride and handled by Mrs. Lilian Rod- ney. CRISS X CROSS Pat'd 1945 SHORTS FOR MEN AND BOYS Specially designed for mild support--comfortable elastic waistband-- patented self-closing "CrissXCross" front provides snug tailored appearance. Made of fine-quality : combed cotton. Long-wearing, launders easily, no ironing needed, Jerseys to match, 5 CONV R Smith! _!opened to visitors and children COMMITTEE ) Duties to commence opprox. July 12th, 1962 Apply in writing to MR. RALPH CRAWFORD, 413 Dundas St., E. Whitby, Ontario. Agriculture and Canadian In- dustries -- Mrs. Charles Wil- son; Historical research and current events -- Mrs. Victor 'Parkin; home economics and ABNER'S ESSO STATION USED CARS 1003 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5391 health, Mrs.. Ernest Acton; citi-| zenship and education, Miss Ei-) leen Hamell; resolutions, Mrs. Harry McCool; public relations officer -- Mrs. W. A. Heron; press reporter, Mrs. Arthur El- liott; pianists, Mrs. Albert Coop- er, Mrs. Norman Alves The auditors and nominating later ' At the conclusion got the busi- ness session the meeting was of the community Mrs. R. Holman, presented a demonstration on puppets. The process of making these to PLASTERING REPAIR WORK No Job Too Large er Smoll RECREATION ROOMS Phone MO. 8-8733 COLD STORAGE Sidewalk @ Steel Reinforced Slabs Immediate Delivery from Factory Cured Stock Made from the Highest Quelity Materials Avail- ) able.) Low Slump, Vibrated Air-entrained Concrete Guaranteed Minimum Strength 4,000 p.s.i. OLIV.ER ~~ FOR -- Fur & Cloth Coats WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. 150 Colborne St. E. Whitby MO 8-2345 y CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. 5-331 D CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE ! YOUR | "This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! ! of CALENDAR. WHITBY MOTORS LTD. G.M. DEALER FOR PONTIAC, BUICK VAUXHALL & G.M.C. TRUCKS NEW AND USED CARS 1006 Brock South New Car Sales Fh i onsen Used Car Sales Electroplating New... In Whitby Don't Buy New... The Old Will Do. © Copper © Brass Rousseau Upholstery Is Most Convenient For Your Buy- ing Needs of Quality Goods et FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our tocation et 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Post Office in Whitby Prices That Save! MO 8-3483 ® Chrome Parts Replated The Only Plant In The Ares Replating Old Steck. Whitby Electroplating 412 MARY ST. EAST THIS WEEK'S. SPORTS EVENTS LACROSSE FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. You don't have to play 4 sport 110 Dundas St. &. MO 8.3410 W. C. TOWN Funeral & Ambulance Service to be a. good sport WHITBY SR. A LACROSSE sone Friday June 29, Brooklin Hillcrests vs St. Catharines, ot St. Catharines. Game time 8:45 p.m. Saturday, June 30, Port Credit Sailors vs Brooklin Hill- crests; at Brooklin, Game time 8:45 p.m. BASEBALL f LEGION MINOR BASEBALL LEAGUE Midget League: Tuesdey, June 26, Aiax vs Whithy, ef Centennial! Park, Whitby; Thursdoy, June 28, Beaton's va Whitby, et Centennial Perk, Whitby. All games stort ot 6:15 p.m, fs WHITBY STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments Bantam League: Tuesdey, June 26, Whitby vs Jury and Lovell, at Alexendra Pork, Oshawa; Thursday, June 28. Victors vs Whitby, ot Centennial Park, Whitby. Gome AJAX MARINE Bill Walton, Prop. SANGSTERCRAFT; LAKEFIELD, CANADIAN, GREN-ELL OUTBOARD MOTORS. No. 2 Hiway. Ajax Phone WH 2-4080 - MO 8-3552 Whitby VIGOR OIL STATION Operated by "Vie" Van Luven Dominion Royal Fires The Best} Deal on New and Used Tires DIESEL OIL Phone MO 8-3644 501 Brock St. N., Whitby GEORGE H. HARDING CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS MO 8-3566 time 6:15 p.m. Pee Wee League: Mondoy, June 25, Whithy vs Roughley, at Eastview Park, Oshawa; Wednesdoy, June 27, Oshawa Auto Trim vs Whitby, at Centennial Park, Whitby, Gome time 6:15 p.m, ' LAWN BOWLING Wednesday June 27, Anderson Trophy, Mixed Doubles, at Whitby Lown Bowling Club. FIELD DAYS Monday, June 25, Field Day of Chompions Public School) 4t Henry St. High Sehool Looking For A Fine Men's Shop? TRY THIS ONE FOR SIZE RON ARMSTRONG °° SHOP WHITBY PLAZA MO: 8-8721 FREE PARKING 411 Fairview Drive WHITBY TRENCHING AND COMPLETE aN SERVICE COUNTY BOWL "OPEN BOWLING" 118 Byron N. Saturday: 1 p.m, - 5 p.m, 7p.m.- 11pm. ' Sunday, Start Oct, 1 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. MO 8-2651 Coke @ Wood: Buy from your local dealer, ports your Home Town Sports. 244 Brock St. S. & Stove Oil @ Semet-Solvay Texaco Fuel "blue coal' JAMES SAWDON & SONS He sup- @ 24-HR. BURNER SERVICE (established 1914) Dial MO 8-3071 MO 8.3524 WHITBY, Ont. SEPTIC \

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