Waist-Slimming Collar Top Boned 'Nu-Back' Corsels Save on Special-Purchase! Firmly boned, front laced design for heavier figures. Nude rayon brocaded cotton with 'telescope' back feature for comfortable control. Three Fittings Short -- 27 to 34 waists Average -- 27 to 36 waists Full -- 26 to 36 waists EATON Special Price, PHONE 725-7373 (Bonnie (Brae Girls' Woven Cotton EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 for a Youthful Uplift! 'Playtex' Desig ----_y OW i-- "Magic Cling" Bandeaux Specioi "'cling' elastic band at beck to achieve a high line, keeping bra firmly in place; elastic strap inserts give freedom. White cotton with sheer nylon moarquisette cups, under cups cotton lined. Sizes: A ou 78 to 36; B ond C cups, 32 ws 3.00 2--"Living" Bandeaux *'Stretch-ever" elastic side panels, bock, and framing the cups: Nylon morquisette 2-section cups, lower cups cotton lined. White. Sizes: A cup, 32 to 36; B and C cups, 32 to 38. eh 3.95 i EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 3--"Living" Longlines "Stretch-ever Spandex Fibre' elos- tic sides, back and between cups. Rayon-embroidered nylon marquis- ette 2-section cups lower cups, and midriff sections cotton lined. White. Sizes: A cups, 34 and 36;;B cup, 34 to 40;-C cup, 34 to 42. tact 6.95 mo 4--"Cotton-Pretty" Bandeaux Of finely woven cotton with rayon-embroidered 2-section cups, curved midriff band of elastic beneath cups. White. Sizes A cup, 32 to 36; B and C cups, 32 to 38. eat 2.50 PHONE 725-7373 | Boys' Summer Slacks Washable, low-priced and styled in the 'Con- tinental' manner with self-supporting exten- sion. waistband and slim cut. Practical cotton sheen in plain shades of willow green, char- coal of loden green. Sizes 10 to'lé. = 1.99 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 PHONE 725-7373 'Poncho' Shirts Ordinarily Much Higher Priced ! A snappy style for boys that has caught on everywhere ! Shrink-resistant combed cotton - with ribbed boat neck, 3/4-sleeves, pointed front and back hems with side vents. An assortment of contrasting stripes of green, brown or blue ori neutral: grounds. Sizes 8 to 16. Summer Playwear Separates Pants in three lengths and a popover topper . . . come fortable playtime wear for little girls. The pedal-pushers, Jamaica shorts, and short shorts are in a novelty dia- mond design . . . all have boxer-back waistband, flat front and-one side pocket. In predominant shades of blue or orange in sizes 4, 5, 6, 6x/ Fhe popover ponche top comes in a solid shade with print piping at necke line and string-tie belt. Blue or orange in sizes 4, 5, 6, 6x. EATON Prices: A. _ Pushers, 2.49 B. -- Shorts, 2.49 oe ne ee EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 210 PHONE 725-7373 'Dan River' Cotton Sundress The dress that goes almost anywhere ! A cool, sleeveless sheath with a scooped neck- : line; front buttoning to hem. Topped with the short-sleeves 'chanel' style jacket it can take you on through an afternoon or "little evening". Bright Summer plaids in predominant shades of rose, tan, aqua. Sizes 12 to 20. exch 10.98 EATON Special Price, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 PHONE 725-7373 DEPT, 341 REG. 3.00 VALUE 'TONI' Home Permanent . Comes in three strengths .. . one for almost every type of hair. Regular -- for normal Gentle -- For fine or tinted Super -- for hard to wave EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 manage. "TONI" HOME PERMANENT and "TAME" HAIR CONDITIONER... SPECIAL, BOTH FOR "TAME" HAIR CONDITIONER Use after your shampoo 'to help the hair to be tangle free and easy to 69 € PHONE 725-7373 SHOP NOW FOR YOUR SUMMER 'COTTAGE NEEDS 'Open on EATON Budget - Charge Account | @ No Down Payment @ No Minimum Purchase MISSES' POPULAR-PRICED DRESSES, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, PHONE 725-7373