61 Ris, ALTE sermeeete HITBY and DISTRICT Claims Passenger But. Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West U Manager: Lloyd Robertson Fined For Impaired Tel. MO. 8-3703 A Toronto man who denied \that he was the driver of a OPEN ROTARY -SPONSORED TOTS PARK mittee, cuts the ribbon open- | History was made | Whitby on Wednesday night | when the town's first park | for pre-school children was officially dedicated and. open- | ed before a crowd of some | 200 spectators. The Mason} Drive Tot Park was a proj- in | ect sparked by the Whitby Planning Board and Council | and which was undertaken | by the Whitby Rotary Club and various local businesses. Pictured above, Councillor Joyce Burns, chairman of the parks and property com- ing the park while Rotarians Ear! Fairman and West Smith look on from the left and Rotarians Charles Staf- ford and Rev. John Van Harmelen are pictured right Rotarian West Smith, chair- Warden Dowswell Is Honored By Picnic and|Township's representative on'gz township officials and other the county council c invited guests were on hand 'He used to tell me on Wednesday to honor Ontario|how clever the county counciljs More than 250 county County Warden Earl Dowswell|was at putting things over onicity of Oshawa at the annual Wardens' Picnic,|Gshawa,"' she said. 'You canjh held on Lake Couchiching.|well imagine my mixed feel-u near Atherly. The event could'ings as I greet you today." h in fact be termed the top so- cial event of 'the County during the year for nearly every elect-|by expressing hope that ed representative of every mu-jtario County may flourish an nicipality in the county, includ-|be very kind to the city ing the city of Oshawa, was on Oshawa." hand Other well-wishers to During the dinner, which fol-/gratulate Warden Dowswell in-|p, lowed a social hour on the cluded Clayton Hodgson, MP onstrated her forgiving nature! "On- then|tion of a new guests na Kathy McBain and Jack Mc- Lean. con-/with dancing in the recreation) yrs rowth had forced county coun illors to consider the construc- court house, to erve both the county and the To that end e said, the groundwork is now nderway and, he said, it is oped that construction can However, Her Worship dem-|begin early in 1963 the by the dinner, entertained Following were The evening concluded all. jvehicle involved in a_ rear-end collision, was Thursday fined = /$250 and costs for impaired driving. Charles Wilbert Davis, 37, appeared before Magistrate C. W. Guest in Whitby police court. A. Gartner, of Toronto, told the court that on May 20 he was driving west on Highway 2 when his car was_ struck from the rear by another ve- thicle, He said that he watched the accused get out the driv- er's door of the car behind him| and then run away from the accident scene. G .Gross, a passenger in the! Gartner car, testified that he walked back to the offending ear and saw Davis behind the wheel. PC Robert Speakman, of the! Pickering Township Police De-| partment, said that he arrived) shortly after the collision and saw Davis walking on the! shoulder and saw him throw Bian object away. Both he and {PC Charles Daniels, of the -- DISMISS CHARGE | same department, said that Davis was intoxicated Davis admitted to the court that he had been drinking that day with friends' but de- nied that he had been at the wheel at the time of the colli- sion. He said that he was a pas- senger and a man named Chen- ery was at the wheel. William Croven, of West Hill, told the court that he was a passenger in the car and so was Davis. He maintained that Bill Chenery was at the wheel. The court was told that Chen- ery could not be found. David Wilson, of Pickering Township, one of the friends visited by Wilson, Chenery and Croven that day, also said that Chenery was at the wheel. His Worship said that he sad no doubt Davis was driving at the time of the accident but there was some doubt about the intoxication of the accused. He reduced the charge to im- paired and levied the fine. Davis was also fined $35 and costs for having liquor in a public place, a charge to which he pleaded guilty ~ .Nova Scotia, a former holder of Court Rules Must | Identify | An Oshawa man had a speed- ing charge dismissed Thurs- day when the police officer who made out the charge could not positively identify him in court, Jens K. Kristensen, 237 Clark street, appeared before Magistrate G. W. Guest at Whitby Traffic Court. PC Kenneth Edwards of the Whitby Police Force testified that on May 17 he operated a radar speed trap on _ Brock Street north. The officer said that the vehicle driven by the accused was clocked at' 45 mph in a 30 mph zone. Defence Counsel Terence Kelly asked' the officer if he man of the Rotary's Recrea- and Youth Committee, directed the project. The Mason Drive Tot Park is located immediately of Park Vista Gardens --Oshawa Times WCTU Holds Final Meet lion west Photo Women's Christian Temper- ance Union held its last meet- ing of the present season on Tuesday at the United Church Hall. The president, Mrs. H Quantrill, opened the meeting the court. PC Ed- wards said that he could and added that Kristensen could have had his hair cut or with a_ reading All reports changed clothing since the were read and approved offence. Mrs. 'Mitchell who attended. ¢ the Temperance. Convention held in Ingersoll as a delegate gave a full and interesting re- port.. This was followed by a reading 'on Temperance by Mrs. Crawforth The meeting closed with prayer and tea hostesses were Quantrill and Mrs. White- was before rown Agent Barter said that dealt with an Cp. James police officers average of 40 all those remember- was unlikely that =veni charged would be ed by the officers Mr. Kelly said that it was a basic tenet of law that the accused must be court. His: Worship missed the. case. i{hurst Gian die lawns at Fern Cottage, Judge|for Victoria (which includes Alex. C, Hall, QC, of Ontario|north Ontario County), Mrs.| County, reminded members of'M. B. Dymond, and the ward- county council that they werejens of the York, Simcoe and WHITBY PERSONALS Ronald Ernest of Ajax gave a plea McGrath, 35, of in fact the senior legislative| Victoria Counties. body of Canada. He said that) Replying to the good wishes) ; Lord Durham, in laying thejheaped upon him, Warden|s On Saturday, June 23, St ohn's Anglican Church annual unday school picnic will be foundations of responsible gov-| Dowswell recalled that the first) held at Springhill Park. Rev. G. ernment in Canada had noted) Warden of Ontario County had that the only sound basis forjalso been a Reeve of Ux such government is the local! bridge Township, Joseph Gould, | , government. named provisional warden in His Honor said that since|1850, Checking down the _his- county councils are made up of tory of the county, the warden» people of independent thought,/noted that in the past 10 years, I who exercise independent) Ontario County had experi- thought, it was his opinion that/enced phenomenal growth. the county council was one of! In 1952, he said, the county's} "Isi { Nicholson and Mr. Jeff Martin, uperintendent of the Sunday chool, will be supervising Mrs. William Dolmage attend- d the Sessions: of Rebekah sodge as representative of Eas er Lodge of Pickering. This was held at the Royal York Hotel, !dance recital on Friday evening McGrath appeared before Mag- al the Henry Street High School.}istrate Cc. W. Guest Pupils are from four to 16 vears PC Richard Sandford of the o > " ss . of age. Performers will do bal. Whitby Police Department said let, tap, Highland, Irish, baton 4 twirling and modern jazz that on May 16 he saw the Mr. and Mrs.. Alex Barr, of Pembroke, were visitors at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown, of 105 Bell drive. Dog At Large Recent vistors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ridley, 207 rd the soundest of local govern- population was 44.000. Now it is| Toronto, and lasted three days.|Clemence street, were Mr. and| Owner Fined ments more than 75,000. In 1952, he|At the closing of the Sessions, Mayor Christine Thomas, of said, total assessment of the| Mrs. Dolmage attended the ban- Oshawa, told county council-;county was $56 million lors that she well recalled the|year, he said, it tops $98 mil- days when her husband, T. D./lion. Thomas, was East Wsitby He said that this speedy BROCK Evening Shows At 7:00 and 9:00 whitey Feature Starts At 7:10 and 9:40 Story of a love expert in the suburbs! i * M-G- M prasanta ad BoB LANA HOPE' TURNER in a TED RICHMOND pmooucrion BacuHelor, in PARaDise ss PAULA PRENTISS Recommended os ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ; NOT SHOWN SATURDAY MATINEE Special Feature Attraction "A DOG OF FLANDERS"--Color With David Ladd -- Donald Crisp Einemascove 1 JANIS PAIGE Metrocotor | J/M HUTTON | opinion | Starr is Ontario County's only | nic, | him was Ontario County War | whose honor ! Jinan and before dawn This; quet in the Canadian Room. Mrs Margaret Connelley, Mary street east, is holding a |Mrs. Cecil Hayes, of Victoria, British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs : ' Hayes have just returned from One of the hazards of a police- ; sd man's life was disclosed in an eight-month tour of Europe. Whitby Traffic Court Thursday Mrs. .Mary Campkin, of King)PC Emest Stoneman of t he Street Home and School Asso-|Whitby Police Force, told the ciation, and Mrs. Winifred|Court of his fight with a vicious Pearce, president of Colborne | 408 Street Home and School Asso-. He said that on May 31 he re. ciation, were delegates who al- ceived a complaint that a dog tended the 12th annual Ontario) ad bitten a child. The officer Federation of Home and School|Said he went to the home of Association Leadership Camp at) William TeVruchte, 1007 McCul- the Ontario Department of Edu- !ough drive to investigate. cation Athletic Camp on the , He said that on entering the shores of Lake Couchiching driveway a Corgi dog which he described as "a foot high, a The dinner speaker was br.| good chunk of a dog", tried to Eldon Ray, Director of Educa-/ bite his leg. PC Stoneman said tion, of Peterborough. He spoke|that he fended the animal off on the role of the Home and/|but had to draw his billy to School. The delegates attending avoid further attacks by the learned how to have a more ef-| Vicious beast. fective Home and School and for| The officer said that he asked a better understanding of the TeVruchte if he owned the dog. aims and purposes. The theme|He also said that during the centered around the word| conversation the dog was run- "Punch". Broken down punch' ning in the roadway P" for purpose, "U" for, TeVruchte said that children for know: how, '('? had let the dog loose and that it communication, "H" for Was usually tied up in the yard. help. +All enjoyed a most in-|Magistrate C. W. Guest fined structive and wonderful com. im $25 and costs or ten days panionship. in jail on a charge of allowing his dog to run'at large All Saints' Anglican. Chu: held its annual Children's Gar: iden Party on the lawn of the! Possibly many Whitby and Oshawa readers are of the that Hon. Michael representative at the House of Commons but in fact, Ontario County has two members. Representing the county, north of the Reach-Brock Townline is Clayton Hodgson, the member for Victoria Rid- ing. On Wednesday, Mr. Hodg- son, re-elected on Monday as the PC candidate in Victoria, was on hand for his first pub- lic appearance since election, a guest at the Warden's Pic- near Atherly. Greeting Dowswell, left, in the pienic was den Earl arranged Oshawa Times Photo NIGHT FLYER eastern nighthawk ated to the The active in re. whippoorwill, is the evening Church Mrs. Stanley Ar strong, the rector's wife, assisted by Mrs. H. K |president of the Evening Guild,| in receiving the guests. Tea! tables and tea party were ar-| ranged by the Evening Guild in-| cluding the special tea party for children. Tables and booths} were sponsored by various! womens organizations of the church Mrs. Hubert Smart. formerly of Birmingham, England, now of Tumbridge Wells, England, is spending five months. as the guest of her sister and brother | in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dandie, 200 Lee avenue. It was a' happy .re-union as they had hot seen each other for 40 years Ith a, LX/ BRIGHT PUPIL GUILDFORD, England (CP) A Surrey schoolmaster reports that during a lesson on current! affairs he asked his class for} + could identify the accused who! not} speeding cases per dav and it! identified in| not} guilty on a speeding charge at! Whitby Traffic Court Thursday. | accused drive at an excessive Speeders rate of speed on Brock street south. The officer said that he followed the accused man and stopped him on Dundas street easl PC Sandford said that the McGrath vehicle was travelling at more than 40 miles per hour McGrath said that he was driv ing at less than 30 mph on Brock street south and that the officer must have been mis- taken. His Worship said that McGrath was given the benefit of his doubt and dismissed the charge NURSING GRADUATE A recent graduate from Peterborough Civie Hospital was Rose Marie Bond, daugh- fer of Mr, and Mrs. Erle Bond of Whitby. Rose Marie attended public schools in Whitby. 'Final Meeting | and high I THE CSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 22, 1962 5 Greenwood Chapt. Viscount Greenwood Chapter) IODE held its last meeting of} the season on Monday at the) United Church Hall with ae Mrs. F. W. Browne presiding. Mrs. G. A. Welsh thanked! members and all assisting in the} successful Tag Day. The Day Camp will follow pattern of for- mer years. Complete details will appear in the press next} week. Plans were announced for the! annual Summer Tea and bake sale, always a much looked for- ward to event, being held on! Wednesday June 27 from 3 to 5] with Mrs. D. O, Lynch and Mrs.| H. E. Fallaise in charge of tea) arrangements, Mrs, G. A. Welsh) and'Mrs. James Ross, home| | baking. | ! The grounds of Ontario Ladies) College are very beautiful and the Chapter is privileged in holding their summer tea at the jhome of Dr. and Mrs. §&. Osborne. 4 Members were invited by th | Scugog Chapter, Port Perry, to attend a tea at the home of; Mrs. M. Dymond on June 28. | The 24th birthday bridge and tea will be held afternoon and evening of Nov. 16. Mrs. Juby read an interesting article by) Professor Leslie Cameron, of) The cheerful little lady shown above is Cathy Lynn Brown, who celebrates her first birthday today. Cathy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown of Allan street, Whitby, and the granddaugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Beau- chemin and Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Brown, of Oshawa. an IODE scholarship. Mrs. F. W. Marsh, Education, Secretary, reported Mrs. J. A. Anderson had presented a prize} at Ontario Ladies' College. Mrs.) C. Purdon will present those at! Colborne Street school to be) held in the United Church; Mrs. D. O. Lynch at St. John's COLD STORAGE -- FOR -- Fur & Cloth Coats WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. / 150 Colborne St. E. Whitby MO 8-2345 PLASTERING and REPAIR WORK No Job Too Lorge or Small RECREATION ROOMS Phone MO. 8-8733 Prize to adopted Northern school will be sent by mail. Mrs W. Leathers, Mrs. A. S. Me- Lean and Mrs. G. Anderson were tea hostesses Present Study At St. John's WA St. John's Anglican Church WA held its regular meeting on Wednesday evening in the Sun- day school hall. In the absence of the president, Mrs, BE. Val- lant, vice - president Mrs, E Northam opened the meeting with a hymn. Scripture was read by Mrs, C. Bottomley During the business meeting it was announced that July was the last meeting of the present | season and would be in the form of a pot luck supper held in the! Sunday school room at 6.30 p.m CLUB BAYVIEW Jean. Dance TONIGHT e TOP RECORDS e Rock -- Twist -- Trio 8:30 -- 12:00 on July 18. Mrs. M. Gouldburn presented the fourth part of the study book'! "Jesus Christ the Life of the |World" this chapter was titled "Break of Day'. Mrs. Northam will continue with the study in | July. Rev. Nicholson remembered the sick of the congregation in |the closing prayer. Refresh- |ments were served. REEVES' ARTISTS SUPPLIES -- ot -- DODD & SOUTER PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. $S.--WHITBY MO 8-5231 USED Whitby. Fully rented to reliab necessory. Apply. FOR SALE- (PRIVATE) SOUND INVESTMENT, centrally located ot 605 Green St., other interests which make the sale of this excellent property WM. MIDDLETON 608 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY FIVE-PLEX Cars. 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2- Door Hardtop. Automatic, push button rodio, washers, white walls, ° $2995 le tenonts. The undersigned hos 7200 miles WANTED Immediately 6 to 8 'a-TON ANY MAKE - ANY MODEL FOR A WAITING LIST OF CUSTOMERS We have a good selection of 1962 Chey- rolet Trucks, Also a variety of O.K. Used HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR RECONDITIONED USED CARS. 1958 MORRIS OXFORD Ste- tion Wagon. Scarce model. Original dark Olive green fin- ish. Very $995 economical, 1960 CHEVROLET Station New trade-in. radio, walls Wagon. car Automatic, white positroc- tone *2195 MO 8-3762 tion, point 'st? ONE-PIECE CONCRETE MMEDATE DELUERY CW AL SUES @ FOR YOUR NEW HOME @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS @ NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS AND PLATFORM 1958 METEOR Deluxe 2- Door, 2-tone, V-8, automatic A sharp $1095 cor 1957 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon. 6 cylinder, automo tic, new point $995 Local car, 1960 VALIANT Economical 6 cylinder motor. Perfect a ae cor 3--1960 VAUXHALL SUP- ER'S. 4 cylinder, Fully recon- ditioned, Your $995 choice. 2-1958 VAUXHALLS. Thor- oughly reconditioned, 1 with custom radio, Toke 5895 your pick 1956 PONTIAC Laurention 4-Door Sedan. V-8, automatic radio, 3-tone: paint. 5895 A sharp car 1960 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2-Door Hardtop. Solid beige, automatic, push button radio, washers, white . walls. A local $2195 cor. OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, DAILY 4 COURTEOUS SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU Jack Morgan, Frank Lowry, Ken Morgan, Gory Hooey GUS BROWN, SALES MANAGER views on how to improve ré ruitment for the prison serv ice suggested Get 'a better class of prisoner," | One pupil | oe, CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. HARRY DONALD LTD. 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY MO 8-3304-5.6 ¥