he EE I Council Backing: P. Cimes Ses Scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms with a few sun- Authorized as Second Cl Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa ond for Pseco try oa Poston in" Cash. FRENCH JET AIRLINER CRASHES, 108 ABOARD | e ne City Centre THOUGHT FOR TODAY You can always tell an egotist-- he's the fellow who is me-deep in conversation. VOL. 91--NO. 146 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1962 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy TWENTY PAGES ! No Exchange | Control: PM OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Sgr eee following the government ister Diefenbaker said today he|move May 3 devaluing the dol- will announce positive' meas-|lar's exchange rate to 92% U.S. ures Sunday to improve Can-jcents and pegging it there. ada's international balance of|There has been no official con- payments situation. |firmation on the size of this)¢ US. "The government will not be|@rain but Libral Leader Pearson imposing any exchange controls|has said it is in the "hundreds| 7 Jand will firmly maintain the | of millions" of dollars and has | present exchange rate of the Ca-| spoken of*a flight of capital out)? nadian dollar," he said in a/of Canada. statement. Thursday the average inter- US -Germany Accord s o The statement was issued|est rate on this week's sale of e while the cabinet met for the|three-month government treas-|% fifth time in three days. It said:|ury bills jumped virtually one|; eacne n bern [the government wil" an-|percentage point to 4.2." Wit] nounce on Sunday afternoon po-|falling prices on the bond mar- sitive decisions and actions|ket, interest yields on bonds which will substantially improve |have risen too. Canada's international balance} ----------- of payments and reduce the! budgetary deficit.' Search Planes | Spot Wreckage PARIS -- A Boeing 707 Air,10 crew members, including the France jet airliner with 108 or|hostesses and stewards. more persons board crashed to-| Captain Andre Lesieur was day on a forested hillside of the} the pilot. island of Guadeloupe in the| The crash occurred at about 4French West Indies. 3:25 a.m. EDT, the hour the ) Qircling search planes re-|plane was dge to land at Guad- ported no sign of life in the|aloupe on a flight from Santa wreckage. Debris was reported|Maria, the Azores. to have burned. First word that the Hner was The $5,500,000 plane met dis-|in trouble came at 6:19 a.m. aster as it headed in for a|EDT when the U.S. Coast Guard "landing before dawn at the air-|received this message: port of Pointe-a-Pitre on a reg-| "'Distress, Air France flight ular flight from Paris to San-|117, B707, overdue .. ." 4 tiago, Chile. An all-ships distress signal * The United States coast|was flashed to U.S. naval ves- Guard said the air traffic con-|sels, asking them to proceed to trol centre at Pointe-a-Pitre air- the area. Two coast guard am- port reported the big jet had|phibious planes and a patrol been cleared for its final ap-|boat were dispatched from San 'proach when its radio went|Juan, Puerto Rico. dead. At 7 a.m. came word that Gi ] 4 Di 'ti, t. ge , | A small local plane spotted| Wreckage had been spotted. The Ir . : 1es wa , aad a 'the wreckage 214 miles inland|naval assistance call was can- y . is sile ;from the north coast of the|celled, but coast guard planes After Parents 4 Basse Terre section of Guade-|Continued to sweep the area to Refuse Blood & auer said they had "reached great many subjects of interest loupe, the coast guard said. be sure there was no wreckage m 3 chi . SYDNEY, N.S. (CP)--A four- Adenauer, along with French/t9 the free world in the present lar exchange rate and on the} Weather was reported clear at|at sea. . the time, and the pilot had ra-| Guadeloupe is composed of a . | full agreement on all big ques-|President de Gaulle, has felt| situation." foreign exchange reserves fund.|Ye@t-old girl whose parents re-|__ tions, jthat nothing would be gained|" STATE SECRETARY RUSK WITH ADENAUER BONN (AP)--Chancellor Ade-;could have this very frank, con-/also had bitterly opposed Amer- nauer said he and U.S. State|fidential talk." jican proposals for a comprom- Secretary Rusk had reached) Adenauer said _ specifically|ise with the Russians op Ber- full agreement on Berlin and all) that the area of full agreement| in. other matters of mutual U.S.-|jncluded Beriip, one of the) Adenauer said he was grate- West German interest at a pri-| chief previous7issues in a dis-|ful for Rusk's visit. TO EASE PRESSURE vate meeting today. agreement between the chan-| "I believe that the spoken) he brief two-sentence state-| Rusk, continuing his tour of|cellor and President Kennedy's|Word is more valuable and| ment, on which Mr. Diefenbaker| west European capitals, met for| @4ministration. more impressive than all the gid not elaborate, was appar-| 70 minutes with the West Ger-| Neither Adenauer nor Rusk !08 written notes." 'vgs ently designed to increase con- man government head with only\gave further details of their, Rusk ba pg haga Pe was & fidence among foreign investors an interpreter present. Aden- talk. great privilege to 'discuss @/anq ease pressures on the dol- mui dioed he was making a visual|two islands, Basse Terre and approach to the field. |Grande Terre. The airfield is on Basse Terre. CARRIED 114? Reuters news agency said the|,,2%¢ Plane had 10 crew and "AIRLINER CRASH SITE There have been reports of fused to allow a blood transfu- Both men were smiling : sion to be given her died today I ied 164 102 passengers aboard on take- "Our thoughts and aims coin-/from exploratory talks on West!proadiy for photographers. The|"@@V¥ drains on the exchange|: wes é plane carri Passengers! ose from Paris Thursda cide," the chancellor told report-|Berlin between the United| g¢-year-old dameeur appeared ea jin hospital in nearby New Wa-| e r r er and 10 crew members when it y night. § : |terford. It made a stop at Lisbon and ©! in an exceptionally good humor.| } several passengers left and oth- "1 : \; "Hibily "Daix suffered serious] the : : Rusk, on a 10-day European| Ch C i ee ee sgt . coast guard search and] erg boarded. Leaning ty) eS WTOP as mar ees «cei Answer Questions 2. ae |near her home. | \ |NATO alliance, twice he Pe fie pla ing 102 to 'your great chancellor" in S d B R | ne was carrying passen- an airport arrival speech ave y aln She was to have been flown to gers and 11 crew members. The ers. "I am very happy that we States and the Soviet Union. H left Lisbon. Farm Bill Defeat OTTAWA Gambler | Thursday. hospital in Halifax early today | " PEKING (Reuters) -- Heavy|but fog 'at Halifax airports | Observers said the "great; : | - * . orts Shocks Kenned V | chancellor" reference seemed|-@" has fallen eet Honan} forced cancellation of the flight. to set the tone for one of Rusk's Province during last few! Doctors wanted to give the (CP) -- Vincent Feeley was ordered by the Supreme Court of Canada today to answer questions. put Russell Urges South African He also said he plans to call/Civil Aeronautics Board in Joseph, McDermott, partner of Washington said it was. told Feeley. there were 103 passengers and Mr. Wilson said it is the pres-|five crew members aboard. WASHINGTON (CP) -- Pres-} ident Kennedy's far - reaching farm bill and its compulsory features limiting the growing of wheat and feed grains is dead. The surprise defeat of the measure in the: House of Rep- resentatives Thursday night by a vote of 215 to 205 was all the more shocking to Kennedy ad- ministration leaders because up to the last minute they thought! they would win. planting as much as they wish and having their price supports cut sharply. They would make this choice in a national refer- endum next fall. Producers of wheat, cotton, tobacco, rice and peanuts have overwhelmingly voted for con- trols. But feed grain producers never have had to face such a choice before. These grains are corn, grain sorghumis and bar- fe primary tasks -- patching up German - have been strained in the last U.S. relations, which w months. Arson Charge Laid Against ays, ending a _ widespread) irl ; to him by Ontario's royal com-jent intention of the commission ; " P | a blood transfusion, but her|'® ™ " ; 7 4 drought in this agricultural 0 Cereals refused to allow it be-|™Mission on crime even if the|to adjourn next Friday for the gion, Peking newspapers re-| it Pa answers should be self-incrim-|summer. Unl this w |cause of religious reasons. The s . Unless is were ported today. B y changed, it likely would not be Ls belon the Jehovah's wWit-|inating. ' The reports said rain » fell| P©:0n8 - je peenppayl 'eves| Three judges of the court re-|possible to call McDermott until i 5 jnesses sec which believes). ; ie over most areas of the prov- trapafusicns. are forbidden py|jected an application by Walton|the commission resumed iis ses- ince, which straddles the Yel- the Bible . ' "iC. Rose, counsel for Feeley, for|sions. low River and whose main : leave to appeal against a simi-| Farlier, Mr, Rose argued that crops are wheat and cotton. | The only airport open on the|),, ruling made by the Ontario : The New China news agency|mainland of Nova Scotia was|appeal Court June 11. the ¢ ue mon law ---- rom giving possibly said that communes in north|one at the RCAF base at Green-| 'The three-member bench, in- Feeley and northwest China are har-|wood. But doctors feared the/cjuding Chief Justice Patrick|self - incriminating evidence to vesting and sowing simultane-/100-mile drive from Greenwood)Kerwin and Justices- Robert|the royal commission. ously in a race against time. !'would be too strenuous. lTaschereau. and Roland Rit-|---- nae However, a list announced by Air France in New York showed | British Nurses 'Ambush Minister LINCOLN, England Arms Embargo LONDON (Reuters) -- Eco- nomic sanctions and an "imme- |diate arms embargo" on South |Africa were called for today by |nine well-known British person- (AP)--| alities in a letter to the London Health Minister Enoch Powell| Times. was ambushed by dissatisfied) They said they had watched jnurses Thursday night after he|with alarm the "ominous arms --|refused to listen to' their pleas|buildup by the South African . cr Brooklin M The Republicans, who voted| If farmers voted against con- Too. in an sealed ; ; 5 ;_| for more pay. |government and the increasing chie, rejected Mr. Rose's appli-| : ié : virtually en masse against the|trols, their government guaran. BROOKLIN (Staff) -- A e s {cation without calling Roland F.| Thailand Bans san cui eeneee tak ye lod of paRUSA Uhaiees tere ® bill, contended that the legisla-jtee on wheat pricés, for exam-|Brooklin father of 'three chil- Winni e Doctor | Wilson, counsel for the crime} |Powell's Sar arr fie wae Ponts! Ritchie Calder, professor of tion would open the door to full/ple, would drop to about $1.22/dren ,George Duncan Nott, 35, |commission. The hearing lasted . out of Lincoln County Hospital.|international relations at Edin- ee gg ae ¢ = reader ee gg age geen peice of 55 Garside avenue, was gr Bhs cL hapeten eer Polish Trade As the car braked sharply,|burgh University, headed the ers and it would make cul-| suj oO . n Co! y 5 5+ acai ee + nel i i i ture Secretary icnmum > oer a support, or sae wale aang tile Mihara -- H it H Ith Pl poeed ee ----, BANGKOK (Reuters) -- Thai- cit | 4 Se NE Ee veto Wat Bonal. PP hotly bal ie tee tae Seaealeee te hee a ee ee ae CAT ary o'cah the cher side" 484 today banned trade with, They booed shook iss andold pilosoper and niclear ds would have saved $4,000,000,000| Several Republicans claimed a seh. pret in' = | 'We are all of the opinion ier but it was believed to belPowell smiled "i was as Jeremy Thorpe, Labor and Lib- in farm costs to U.S. taxpayers| during the bitter debate that|Oshawa police court this morn-). WINNIPEG (CP)--An attack)Decisions which affect the quan-\that leave should not be given. | cause a Polish judge pre-|minutes before police cleared ajeral members of Parliament during the next four years by|control of feed grains would cut! ing. on compulsery medical carejtity and cost and often quality i age no, sonme, 10 or ae at the International Court|way. _ : respectively; popular singer i eae i the charge, said that the che : A Peet ° ied "| . aay ; IMPOSES REDUCTIONS te hi jee gts Adm caine ae SP ihe eyesanties keynote address of the Cana-|decisions come not from above| therefore refused. This would be done basically ° 8% 8 4 sees by imposing mandatory acreage) jthe ruined frontier temple of|interview with the minister|gus Wilson and the Anglican |Preah Vihear belongs to Cam-|while he was touring the hospi-|bishop of Woolwich, Dr. John The court gave no other rea-| hogia, |tal. Powell refused. Robinson. Text of the speech was re-|sons for its decision. ie stl Sesss tm stock into a fire in the Nott home "ian Medical Association an-|but from the grass roots. about 7.30 p.m. on Thursday.|"ual meeting. | reductions for wheat and feed grains, strict regulations on the amounts that could be mar- keted, and stiff penalties for overplanting. Farmers would have a choice! of limiting production on crops: in 1963 and thereafter and re- The UN food and agriculture administration reported week that in North America 80 per cent of all grain consumed th went to animals as feed. crops that have ; ; {| Neighbors Pgh : ast smoke coming from the -three|When responsibility belongs to, noticed fire and e fire brigade. Police said that the interior/©@M displace or assume such re-\compulsion by society at large|mission hearing in Toronto by Wheat and feed grains are the of the house was extensively) SPonsibility | contributed| damaged and most of the fur-|tion," he said. bedroom bungalow and called|40d can only be exercised by,/heaith care is different from all|he plans to call Feeley to the 'Under social philosophy|leased in advance of delivery.| Mr. Wilson told reporters "Surely it is evident that|after the court adjourned that the individual, then no one else/other spheres where mee stand at the crime com- even by legisla- can be carried out... Yet|late Monday or Tuesday. there still are people who claim| Boe Sue eee ee "In preventive health and cli-|that compulsory direction into) CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 ports, or rejecting the controls,|ment. fighters, was also damaged. sibility rests with the patient. | ply of money can supplant and} NDP Leader SEN eee ac 2 a ai cane aR 4 meee ae a ----------------| replace the individual and fam- ily responsibility in the field of| Off r d Seat TIRES SLASHED, AT BRANTFORD health, ois | Ullere : | Dr. Rabson said planning must , not be done "'by politicians seek- & Truck Firm Beefs Guard 2°" cownvact "When complete control Is in| Douglas said Thursday night he : \government's hands both: thelis willing to consider running TORONTO (CP)---The prov-jcidents in the last three nights) company's terminal to six fol-jinal and several Stratford loca-|public and eventually the mem-|in a byelection in neighboring ince-wide strike of the Interna-|in which truck tirés were|lowing picketing Thursday by |tions. jbers of the profession look to) Burnaby - Coquitlam in an at- tional Brotherhood of Teamsters| slashed and tarpaulin ropes cut.|100-placard-bearing drivers. Toronto was the scene of the|administrators for the setting|tempt to win a parliamentary Trucking firms at Brantford|conference at Banff, Alta. |said the local had been ap-|drivers for Commercial Cartage| cerned. |interview from his home in Re- were said to have asked for ex-| At London, Ont., James | proved as bargaining agent for/from making deliveries. z jgina he would only be willing if tra police protection in the form|Beaver, vice president of strik-|the firm's employees but has} James Muirhead, president of . |he received a near-unanimous of special duty officers--regular|ing Local 141, said Thursday:|been unable to secure a con-|the 'trucking. company, said Committee Warns invitation from the 900-member policemen hired. during their|"I've personally visited all ourytract. 'bricks were. thrown at trucks in| oe | constituency association of the off-duty hours by the company.|picket sites in London and in-| 4, 1,, McMahus said the firm|four separate incidents. The| British Doctors riding. were being beefed-up to main-| "We're all aware of incidents| mendation in the dispute be- Jack F. Kennedy, vice-presi-/katchewan Keep - Our Doctors|to step aside if 75 per cent of the tain a closer watch on Brant-of tire slashing and bombltween the Teamsters and the|dent of Local 938. said intimida.|COMmittee has arranged for|constituency association mem- ford truck depots, following in-|throwing,' Mr. Beaver said,| es I tn ? "Wistet ft 4q\an advertisement in -- Satur-|bers agree to the proposal. de , , |Motor Transport Industrial Re-|tion was not fone-sided. He had|@" , 2¢¥ : : og oe I don't feel Laced lations Bureau, agents for 60-|received a phone call: threaten- day's Times of London directed; 'If I can step down without ster members are responsible ski levine eadhine : r ae to British doctors, a major split in .our constitu- for all of them, there is the odd odd' trucking firms whose em-|ing his wife and three children ah" th ltd ag 'ket ; "|Before planning to move to Sas-|day night in an interview. In the London area, a second] ine gg peo wan. et) He 'said the incidents of vio-|katchewan, consult with your| Mr. Regier has represented transport firm took legal action: | ine to s pad wor sides ay. lence could have been done byjcolleagues in this province; |neighboring Burnaby Coquitlam The earlier legal action was|someone trying to discredit the|also refer to the Medicare Act.|for the CCF, now NDP, in Par- INJUNCTION OBTAINED instituted by Hutton Transport] union or possibly some irrespon-| Section 49 of the act will reveal|liament since 1953. He won the ~ McManus Motors of Londonjof Uniondale. The fjrm obtained!sible person in the local. But/that control of your profession|seat in Monday's federal elec- obtained an injunction limiting|an injunction Wednesday pro-|"they are-doing it without our|is what is usually totalitarian state." BRIDGE WORKERS IGNORE HEIGHT Ste. Marie, Mich. New bridge is scheduled to be completed by Noy. 1, --(CP bie sasnicend | Two workers ignore the 150 , decking of.the Sault Interna- expected in a/tion with a margin of more than| feet separating them from the | tional Bridge linking Sault '9,000 votes. | ground as they work on the | Ste. Marie, om with Sault jmost to "the massive surplus/niture, much of which was car-' | ceiving high federal price sup- stocks now held by the govern-ried out of the house by fire-jnical health, policy or respon-jhealth care or an adequate sup-| jing votes." Health care "should| By Supporter not be left to the mercies of} yANCOUVER (CP) -- New (Ind.) continued today with no} Meanwhile, top Teamster of-| S, A. McEachern, business) only incidents of violence Thurs. |of professional standards, Ta: | seat. sign of a settlement. ficidls were attending a policy/agent of Teamster Local 141|day. Carloads of men prevented|ther than to the profession con-| But he said in a telephone Police Chief George Kerr saidjstructed the men to keep this\nas already carried out terms|windshield of one truck was| Earlier veteran: socialist Er- Thursday regular police patrols/strike legal. of a conciliation board recom-| smashed SASKATOON (CP)--The Sas-|hart Regier said he is willing 1 |ployees are on strike. feag t th back to|. Lhe advertisement reads: -- |ency association, I will willingly crackpot responsible for some|™ unless ne put the men Back (0) «5 ; sicians: 30," i i A . foe p | Sixty per cent of the McMa-|work. Attention British physicians:|do so," Mr. Regier said Thurs. the number of pickets. at thelhibiting picketing at its term-| sanctiorl."" , ° 4