bg hh EE Ie me ' UTILITIES COMMISSION HOLDS SEMINAR FOR BUILDERS The Oshawa Public Utilities , Commission, in conjunction with Ruddy Electric Whole- | sale Limited, sponsored a Builder's Seminar at Hotel Genosha Wednesday night. A dinner and a pane! discussion were on the agenda of the Compromise Reached On R Drivi Although zoning allow a golf course driving range, a develoy group with 50 acres of ' North Oshawa told the Commit! tee of Adjustment Wednesday night the land can't be used Reason: the group erect a small clubhouse property and according to the Zoning Bylaw a building on land zoned "'farm"' requires a mini- reguiatio j an ne and wan! to on the evening. Several displays: of |'eral Manager W._ Bruce modern electric appliances |. Annand is seen at left as he were exhibited. The seminar | watches A. E. was held in an effort to in- | Tappan - form builders in the area of | second from left, demonstrate new electric appliances that | cooking in a micro - wave can be available for new | oven. Food is cooked by the Harrison of | Gurney Limited, | ; the oven stays at room tem- | perature. In the photo he is seen grilling -bacon wrapped in tissue paper. Looking on at right are William Ruddy and Jack Risebrough, chair man for the event. --Oshawa Times Photo | homes in the area. PUC Gen- | heat contained in itself while ange Clubhouse --S. Angielczyk, Barrie ave- nue, enclosed porch to have in- sufficient sideyard and exceed lot coverage. --J, Burley, RR 2 Rossland road east, permission to erect house on lot with insufficient lot area and frontage --W. Slomiany, Ritson road south, permission to change a non-conforming use On a land-to-building coverage t out in the Zoning By- w, the 11 units call for more 1 than Mr. Fogel has H told the commit- Mr. Fogel has "every scrap of land even to the point of paying "a price above the value just to get the land', iwyer ast night buy ried to iround there' REFUSED TO SELL | Home Nursing | Awards Given J] The presentation of volunteer nursing service membership cards' and pins was held Wed- nesday night at St. Gregory's Auditorium. Forty-one women successfully' fulfilled the re- quirements necessary for mem- bership. The class met for the first time Feb. 28 in the new class- room at the Oshawa General Hospital. The class of 47 women, under the tuition of Miss Lois Flett, Reg N, met each Wednes-| 16 Members Are Honored Sixteen members of the Life Life Underwriters Association of Oshawa were awarded 1962 National Quality Awards today at the Grandview Golf and Country Club. The NQA's, presented by Wolfe Miller, a regional direc- tor of the Life Underwtiers As- sociation of Oshawa and dis- trict, are given in recognition of life insurance salesmen who "place consistent emphasis on quality service to their clients'. Awards were presented at a dinner, which was to be follow- ed by an afternoon on the links. Winners' names are followed by a numeral indicating the number of years that person has qualified for the award, in- cluding this year. | Cc. J. McCarnan, CLU, (6);| Jules J, C. Ethier, (6); Peter Andrey (5);. W. Gerald John- ston (4); Albert B. Passant (4),; Peter Andry (5); W. Ger- ald Johnston (4); Albert B. Pas- sant (4); Robert H. Vollmar (4); Allen B. Johnston (3); T. Robert McDonald (3); Kenneth) H. Lodge (3); A. H. Johnston (2); Edwatd Charles Stewart (2); G. L, Clark (1); Kenneth 'A. Hockin (1); Harold Alan jHay (1); John H. Kitchen (1); {Arthur Carl Burgess (1). The National Quality Award | |-- commonly referred to as! i'NQA" -- is conferred by the| | three major life insurance asso-| jciations; Life Underwriters As-| sociation of Canada, Canadian |Life Insurance Officers Associa- |tion, and Life Insurance Agency ;Management Association. To} |qualify, life underwriters -must} jachieve a minimum of 90 per cent in maintaining their busi-} ness "in force'. They must be} members and subscribe to the) principles and code of ethics of |the Life Underwriters Associa-| tion of Canada More than 2,000 Canadian |life insurance men and women| | qualified for this year's award.) |said grace. The toast to the| C. C. McGibbon, QC, chair Ghe Oshawa Zime SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1962 PAGE NINE: so apaapanee) betty bh "VINCENT MASSEY SCHOOL PUPILS HONORED Mohns, Susan Peacock, Carol Turner, Alberta Simpson, Kar- en MacPherson, Peter Mutrie and Gary Burnham. Standing at rear from left are: Alex Witham, Dennis Flavelle, Da- vid Anderson, Robert Bright Grade 8 pupils attending | is seen posing for the camera Vincent Massey Public School | following the dinner. Seated, were entertained at a dinner | from left are: Brigitte Stra- and dance at the school audi- | berger, Sandra Maiel, Faith torium Thursday night. The | Russell, Janet Wildman, Ja- event was sponsored by the | nine Dutrigac, Marie Flavelle school home and school asso- | and Judy Roe. Standing from ciation. The graduating class ' left: Larry Parkinson, Doug and John Williams. At ex- treme left is School Principal William J. Armstrong. At ex- treme right is J. Hutchinson, Grade 8 teacher at Vincent Massey Public School. --Oshawa Times Photo Gem Stone (Committee Will Seek Work Told _ Council Endor eral Club held its second annual! City council will be requested : Ser banquet last Saturday in the|to meet with the Oshawa Me- banquet room at the Sandal-|morial Centre executive com- wood Restaurant. A delicious|mittee, to discuss further the turkey supper was enjoyed by|Cconstruction of a proposed mil- about 28 members and guests,|lion-dollar memorial arena and § Mrs. Jack Kauf man| indoor swimming pool. sation ment from city council before it attempts to raise public funds. He suggested the committee + "go before council and ask for official approval of a fund-rais- ing campaign." Mayor Christine Thomas sug- | gested a letter be sent city coun- day from 7 weeks The city refused to sell Mr to 9 pm frontage Fogel a slice of adjacent park land. The lawyer, Manning CARPORT GRANTED --J. Nemish, Rosmere avenue, carport to have insufficient side- for 13) {Queen was proposed by Mr.|man of the Citizens' Commit |Getz while the toast to the club|tee's site and legal committee was proposed by Claude Breen. |told the executive Thursday af- cil asking it for a meeting to discuss the proposed instruc tion of a memorial centre. mum 330 feet frontage Theoretically, no | Those receiving their cards ists because entrance to the sone Swartz, complained that '"'the yard. Wanted a three foot ex- property 'on the west side of Simcoe street north is gained by a right-of-way. REACH COMPROMISE The committee worked out a compromise between the group and objector Benson Dunn, an adjacent landowner, who was represented by T. Kelso Creigh- ton, QC. tension, was granted two and one-half feet. --W. Kuzenko, avenue, extension to a _ non- conforming use Allowed to close in two corners but no ad- Mr. Fogel told the committee! dition in rear. he is assessed for, and pays! --G, Farrow, extension to non- taxes on, 11 units. conforming use. Will replace R. E, Woolcott, representing] wooden loading dock with. ce- city could have helped us if they had wanted to'"' and he wonder- ed why the builidng inspectors} didn't detect the extra unit when the apartment was being built Buchingham and pins were: Mrs, Lorna Ball,| } Mrs. Ann Bessie, Mrs. Cecile} ; a Branton, Mrs. Jean Brooks, Mrs. : Donna Campbell, Mrs. Mary Christie, Mrs. Lila Cotie, Mrs. Isobel Cranfield, Mrs. Olga Ditt- mar, Mrs. Denise DuPont, Mrs. P Merva Finnie, Mrs. Isabell Gal- ; " | |lagher, Miss Donna Graham, . --The clubhouse must be Ansley Court, was refused per-|ment platform. The committee! Mrs. Vera Hanowski, Mrs. Edith | erected at least 400 feet from|mission to build a house with/fejt the improvement justified] the nearest point of Dunn's property. --And it must be erected 150 0n | feet from the right of way Mr. Cregihton was assured by the group, represented by B. Moskoske of Toronto, that club- house facilities would not be de- veloped '"'to the point where noisy crowds would be attract- ed, especially at night." Mr. Creighton was told the clubhouse was needed 'mainly for storage purposes". A similar request by this group was turned down two years ago by the Ontario Mu- nicipal Board when Isaac Zen- ner, another nearby landowner, objected to proposed plans Mr. Zenner did not appear last night. VARIANCE REFUSED For the second time, the com- mittee has apartment owner M. Fogel a lot coverage variance. Three years ago Mr. Fogel bought an ll-unit apartment building; later he discovered the building permit called for only 10 units. frontage. "excessive overhang". The com-/the appeal. mittee explained it is very strict) --O. Dingman, Warren ave- variations in new sub-| nue, addition to have insufficient sideyard. 16 OTHER APPEALS --T. Montagano, permission to Sixteen additional appeals|erect house to have insufficient were granted by the three-man/total sideyard depth. court composed of chairman}; --G. Wherry, Buena Vista Louis Hyman, QC, Harry Woods| avenue, addition to have insuf- and W. S. Pogson. \ficient sideyard. --J. Drapak, Wilson road . south, permission to erect an| D 7 Sh --D. Lander, permission to q erect a bulk oil storage tank.| The Fire Chief gave his okay. | S t d --Guaranty Trust Co., King! a ur ay ; clearance --B. P. Canada Ltd., Bloor street east, permission to install a 3,000 gallon bulk gas tank re- divisions. enclosed, outside stairway with) insufficient front yard. | street east, permission to erect a sign with insufficient height) At Whitb The, Ontario County Kennel refused Saguenay lated to a non-conforming use. |Club of Oshawa is holding its)Oshawa, acted as chairman and --L, Sevigny, Kendall avenue, 12th annyal all-breed champion- permission to erect a dormer|ship dog show June 23 at the with insufficient sideyard. Whitby Arena. There is a --A, Van De Vossenberg, Bur-|SPlended entry of 280 dogs, ton road, permission to erect an|@rawn from all parts of Sogn addition; lot to have insufficient|i9, Quebec, and some from the U.S.A. | The show secretary, Mrs. H. |F. Porter, reports that final |Healey, Mrs, Alice Henderson, | 'Mrs. Sheila Kerr, Mrs. Mary Knowles, Mrs. Doris Kozak, F rs. Della Labrecque, Miss |Linda Labrecque, Mrs. Helen | Lavender | Miss Joanne Lavender, Mrs. )Lillian Lees, Mrs. Vera Lowry, |Miss Judy Mann, Mrs. Rose Markland, Mrs. Marie Melch, |Mrs. Mary Melch, Mrs. Brenda Nowak, Mrs. Marion O'Connell, Mrs. Helen Rechitzki, Mrs. MAJOR H. R. HAINES |Madelaine Richard, Mrs. Anne |Richards, Miss Sharon Rothen- Is Posted meh Mr ann Seon, Me! Te Yukon gocki, all of Oshawa, Mrs. Nor- | jman Hockaday of Hampton,) EDMONTON -- Major H. R.| bes Rita Hayes and Mrs. Les-|Haines uf Oshawa will be post: | | lie McDonald of Bowmanville. |ed from Whitehorse, Y.T. to No.| 7 Area Ordnance Depot in Regina on July 1, it was an- nounced today by Western Command headquarters in Edmonton. He has been commanding offi- cer of No. 14 Company, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps in Whitehorse since 1958. | | Donald Howe, past president jof the Red Cross Society in Robert Stroud was guest speak- er. Miss Janet Carmichael was) guest soloist accompanied by Miss Jean Twillegar at the} piano. Refreshments were served after the program Maj. Haines enlisted as a private in 1941, was eommis:| sioned in 1942 and served in FEATHERED HERTFORD, England MENACE (CP) jsented him with a gift on be- and|ternoon it must have some firm- Mrs. Jack Kaufman were 'Mr.|er legal basis than it now has to and Mrs. David Kyte of Det-|arrange a fund-raising cam- roit, Michigan, who 'brought a/Palgn. -- ' beautiful display of fluorite. According to Mr. McGibbon, Following dinner, John Hay-|the Citizens' Committee is a ward, club historian, gave a/self-appointed body set up to witty and informative review of |build a memorial centre in the § the club activities during the |Ccity. ast year. Julius Zilinsky, the} 7 } scesilest, introduced the new | LEGAL STATUS é executive. | e time has now come that Max Seward, of Toronto Sites Gar P cdude png act 4 bd s S§ teacher of gemology and a past| status," Mr. '"McGibbon a president of the Walker Club of | added if the committee Gan Gatling tase Stane" cee raises sufficient funds, builds ing the attention of the gather- the centre then turns it over te the city, every member of the ing as he took them down gem ' i 'ditale trails that ended in vari-colore Fagg ig Rigi ig on a stones. He demonstrated how to} : cut the stones into gems. He| He said he did not feel the brought with hima precious|COmmittee should engage ar opal and various other gem|Chitects until such time as it stones. has collected sufficient monies The chairmuh, John Pratt |to build the centre. All that is se |required for the present is a set thanked the speaker. and Pre-| of sketch plans to show the pub- |lic, which would enable the com- half of the club. |mittee to go out and get the As the evening progressed,/ money, then engage a,firm of feigil were pant be The mem-|architects for final plans. ers were reminded of the field) He urged the committee to trip being held July 8. "sit down with City Council and Runs Into Auto which at Gate' what we Child Bruised done with the centre after it p 1" A small boy ran from a drive- |has been built. | Mr. McGibbon said the com- jmittee must learn whether City }Council is prepared to let it go way. ut 102 Adbinids strest bust out and raise public funds with into the side of a westbound) car Thursday evening. Michael| OFFICIAL APPOINTMENT Conlin, 7, 231 Mary street, suf-| Terence V. Kelly, newly ap-|complete agreement with Mr. fered bruises to his face, armS|pointed executive committee|MeGibbon --the committee Special guests of Mr. eet HARRY GAY TERENCE V. KELLY Mr. Kelly moved a letter be sent council asking it to en- dorse the Citizens' Committee and that City Council be ap- proached to approve the proj- ect. Mayor Thomas said she would not like to see a letter go to 4 council in that form -- but would rather see a letter asking coun- cil to discuss the project. Mr. Kelly: "I would like to see council's endorsation of the project." Later he moved the commit- tee write City Council asking that it be permitted to discuss the project. IMPORTANT POINTS Two important points to be remembered, Mr. Kelly said are: one -- the committee must work through the city to get ap- proval of the project and tvo -- it must not do anything which would place any legal respon- sibility, as such, on the coms mittee. . Mayor Thomas said when the committee was first appointed the mayor at the time was "very insistent'? that no mem- ber of council would sit on it or become involved in anything. Another approach the commit- tee may have to consider, if city council is not interested in the project, Mr. Kelly said, would be to form an incoroprated non- profit organization. Executive committee chair man, E. R, S. McLaughlin, Mr. Kelly, Mr. McGibbon and Harry Gay, the newly appointed build. ing committee chairman, will meet with city council. which to build the centre. and legs in the mishap, He was) vice-chairman, said he is in/must get an official appoint- treated at the Oshawa General} |plans are now complete and| ; if |there will be over 60. different|A crow has flown off with 450 breeds taking part in the show. |S°lf balls in 18 months from a |There is a large entry of Box-| Hertfordshire course. Guns, poi- ers, Samoyeds, German Shep-|S0Ms and loud oaths have been lards, Poodles-both miniature UNavailing, and the club now is| the United Kingdom and North-| Hospital and released. | west Europe during the Second] Driver of the car westbound] World War. Prior to his post-/on Adelaide street east was} ing in Whitehorse he was with}Mrs. Marion Loretta Wags,| No. 25 Central Ordnance Depot/593 Mary street. The boy ran| linto the right front door. Con-| 30 Vehicles In First Round Served Oshawa Mosport Events Thirty sports cars and late model stock cars will take part Saturday in the first annual Pe- terborough international stock car championship at Mosport The 250-mile race wil! be brok- en down into two 125-mile heats The first starts at 12:30 and lasts for two hours while the second will begin at 3:45 p.m Such well known drivers as Rodger Ward, Dick Rathman, Troy Ruttman, Pat Jim Bray, Paul Goldsmith, Ed Sachs, Len Sutton, Augie Pabst and Eddie Meyer striv- ing Friday in the time trails to get the pole position TIME TRIALS Sixty vehicles were at the track late Thursday night as the time trials were due to start about noon today. Highlight of this weekend will be the official opening of the modern control building and tower. Located beside the 900- foot long row of pits at the north end of the track, the two-storey structure has been Sponsored by Imperial Oil Limited, as a con- tribution to the growth and de- velopment of the nation's auto motive industry. The four walls of this pulse centre of Mosport racing, are nearly all glass, while the roof is a series of iron loops. It con- tains facilities for press and radio personnel, a special room for lap scorers and timers, a lounge room, several offices and a fully-equipped first aid room USED JUNE 9 The tower was in use during the Player's 200 on June 9 This new addition will the public address system and, Flaherty, | ontrol is and standard variety, and sev- eral toy breeds. will be able to communicate Quite a few local dogs will be with marshalls at any point|competing, and there are plenty around the track. Extending 40 of prizes and trophies to be won. feet above the track, the an- The judging starts at 10.30 nouncer's booth atop of the look- a.m. Saturday and continues out tower, has accommodation throughout the day. with final for two officials, both of whom judging of the Best in Show, the will have an unobstructed view Best Canadian Bred, and. the of practically all of the 2.5-mile Best Canadian Bred Puppy circuit ae 'shies atta! At The Hon. Bryan L, Cathcart, Ontario's minister of travel and) publicity and R. N. Bubbs, re- gion manager of Imperial Oil, will officially open the tower Saturday morning. Bridge Club High Scores Following «are the winners jand high scores of the games \played this week by the mem- bers of the Oshawa and Brook- lin Duplicate Bridge Club. OSHAWA Bridge Scores At Westmount The winners and high scores Mrs. 4 in the games played by the san 7 Payal Mrs. R. members of the Westmount Du-| Morris and Mrs. R. Drew, 81 plieate Bridge Club this week |POints,; Mr. and Mrs. W Dare Soetens, 77 points; Mrs. E North and South--Mrs. Wil- habe da ge Mag liam Heron and Mrs.. M. R./y "eriller 01% points; M Clarke, 120 points; Paul Versi-iSwartz and'J. Buchanan, 69 luism and Ron Rice, 109 points; | soints. Coe Anne Stewart and Mrs. Medland 103 points; Mrs. E. Wadsworth and Mrs. Roy Morris, 9614 points BROOKLIN North and South -- J. Miller and E. Heron, 8414 points; Mrs. East and West -- Manning)}R. Morris and Mrs. S. Sheridan, Swartz and Roy Morris, 108/734 points; W. oints; Mrs. L. R. Barrand and|Goodwin, 67% points; Mrs Mrs, C, Chambers, 100% points; |Heron and Mrs. M. R. Clarke, Frank Zarowny and Charles|65 points field, 86 points; Mrs. A.| East and West Mr. and and Cora Wild, 82 points.|Mrs. W. Soetens, 8514 points; yone wishing information|Mrs: W. Medland and Mrs. E concerning the winners" night to|Stewart; 77% points; Mr. and be held this Saturday evening Mrs. F. Wells, 6914 points; Mrs asked to contact Mrs. M. R./L: R. Barrand and Mrs. Fait: Clarke, 728-8849 m thart, 5744 points. M. R. Clarke and G.'§ Heron and J.) considering hiring a-caddy to|in Montreal. jact solely as a human scare- He attended the University! of Toronto. | stable Robert Ross investi-| |crow. The second annual Rover- Sea Ranger Competition will | be held at Camp Samac Sat- | urday. This year's contest will be in corjunction with the 50th anniyersary of Scouting in Oshawa. The competition will ® povER RANGER | COMPETITION! ROVERS AND SEA RANGERS PLAN COMPETITION ~ | include tent pitching, fire- lighting, tying knots and other scouting skills. More than 90 Rovers and Rangers from Osh- awa, Cobourg and Dunbarton | will participate. The competi- tion is sponsored by the Osh- | gated. ee . Jessie Minaker, an Oshawa | Sa S atik Board of Health stenographer 4 . jand clerk for 42 years, has re- |tired from the city hall staff Among the after-election par-| effective July 3. She has served ties held across Canada on Mon-/as acting-secretary of the local day night, the gathering at the board since 1945. | home of Liberal candidate Nor-| Last Tuesday at noon, the man Cafik showed a notable at-|City of Oshawa gave a lunch- mosphere of confidence. eon in her honor at Adelaide | More than 200 workers and| House Where ie Denn | Oe: supporters joined in expressing their continuing faith in 5 : satah | thal rds ravel case 2 wrist watch./ Cafik's ability and future. suc- ee ae oe city hall! cess; and not one person present girls surprised Miss Minaker| showed the slightest doubt that) \ithia luncheon and gifts. The| next time he would make it. 'city hall employees' union, | In expressing thanks to all/Local 51, National Union of those who had worked for him,|Public Service Employees, _|Mr. Cafik said: "It is difficfilt}gave her a wallet and a su -|in the extreme to thank you all|of money. sufficiently for what you have STARTED IN 1920 done; for myself, and on behalf; wiss Minaker began her ca- of my wife and my mother, may/reer in July, 1920, under the I assure you of our deepest gra-|jate Dr. T. W. G. McKay. She jtitude. I only hope you are not/ajso served under Acting-MOH |disappointed in me". Dr. C. W. Ferrier, Dr. A. A Good One For 42 Years Miss Minaker moved from there to the second floor of the present Public' Utilities Coms mission building at Simcoe and Metcalf streets. When the city engineer's de- partment expanded, the health jdepartment was moved to the jold St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church manse on Simcoe street jsouth, and from there to the partment staff and the board)city hall. 5/of health presented her with a} Takes Course "On Traffic Oshawa Police Constable Ger- jald Ouellette recently returned from a two-week traffic training cgurse at the University of Wes- tern Ontario at London. This is the eighth annual traf- ;|fic course sponsored by the On- cries of. 'No, No", and "We're the present city MOH, Dr. C. C. > /all set to go again." Stewart. Miss Minaker's first office tg | ee Ais es : jwas upstairs in_ the old Mar- Pg om yey iene 4" Building at Prince and Wil: i|clean one. When we get the si |\liam streets. It was the only : nit i66 sound Wie; wee shail office in the building, she re- ;|come out fighting...and with| Calls. inte your help we shall win. star" poor pc rigint a ey The majority of persons there|Minaker as _ secretary. By stated their conviction that the| comparison, today's city health next election would see a good/staff numbers 23 persons. working Liberal majority in the} ON PEDLAR HOUSE |House of Commons; and that} Her next office was in the |Mr. Cafik would gain the riding/kitchen of the Pedlar House, \for the party. Too, all expressed/an old red-brick building . at a determination to work even|the northeast*corner of what is |harder toward that end. |now Memorial Park. In conclusion, Norman said,} awa Rover Round Table. Jim | Hutchinson is chairman for | the event. In the photo above Michele Peters 15, and Mary- anne Cardinal 16 are seen pub- licizing the coming event. 4 --Oshawa Times Photo Here he was interrupted by|MacKay, Dr. W. G. McKay and)taii9 'Traffic Conference. | Thirty-one officers and 18 en- {gineering department person- el attended this course. They represented municipalities in six provinces: . Alberta, Mani- toba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. Queen's Professor H. M. Ed- wards, MSCE, lectured on top- ics such as the following: Traf- fic Accident Investigation; Traf- \fic Laws and Bylaws; Scientific |Aids in Trafife Enforcement; |Case Preparation and Case Pre- |sentation; Techniques in Traffic |Enforcement; Pedestrian Pro- jtection and Traffjc Signals, Signs and Pavement Markings.