Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1962, p. 7

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ADDING THEIR SIGNATURES Pictured after their wed- ding at Whitby United Church are Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Charles Gough. The bride, the former Miss Beverly Ann At St. George's Church, Gore's Landing on Sat-| urday, June 16th, Kenneth) Lorne Hoskin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Hoskin of Osh- awa, took as his bride, Joan Helen Metealfe, daughter of Mr. Frederick Metcalfe of Bewdley, afid the late Mrs. Metcalfe The Reverend Norman D. Maftin officiated. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Har- fy Goss of Bewdley and Mr. Ross Metcalfe 6f Oshawa sang "The Wedding Prayer' and "The Wedding Hymn'. Given in marriage by her fa- ther. the bride .wote a full length gown of while silk orgah- #a over taffeta, The fitted bod- fee, trimmed with lace and ifi- désceit sequins featured short gathered sleeves. The back in- terest was created by a V-inset 'of nylon lace accented with two Orgatiza roses. A single organza fose held her fingertip veil and She Garfied a white Bible topped with a corsage of a deep hiy- brid orchid with streamers en- twined with White pinocchio fom poms and fern. Mrs, Lawreniée Taylor of Cas- tleton was the maid of honor. Wiles, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wiles and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Gough, all of Whitby. Hoskin-Metcalfe Nuptial Rites | Solemnized At Gore's Landing Anglican) seph Hoskin was the ring bear- er. Mr. the best man with Mr. tree as ushers The bride's atint, Mrs reception held at accessories and a corsage pink rosettes and white cafna- tions. The bridegroom's mother assisting chose a sheath dress of blue eyelet organza with white accessories and & corsage of pink sweetheart roses and white earnations, For the honeymoon to Cape the bride donned a désigned erim- son sheath with matching jack- and a mauve hybrid orchid corsage. On their return the bridal cou- ple will reside at 161 Harmony Cod and Maine, U.S.A,, et, white accessories Road South, Oshawa. Guests were present from Hope, Colborne, Castleton, Enniskillen, Tyrone, Ottawa, Cobourg, Tor- Bowmanville, Florida, Oshawa, Port onto, Burketon, Blackstock and Hampton. Dotiglas Greentree was John} Hoskin and Mr. Neilson Green-| Wil- liam Metcalfe, received at the the Legion Hall in Bewdley. She wore a blue and rosé silk sheath, white Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 21, 1962 7 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Ralph A. Wal- lace have retutned from St. Georges - de - Beauce, Quebec, where they attended the mar- triage of their son, Mr. Douglas Wallace, to Miss Mafie Claire Lacroix. They were accompan- ied by Miss Enid Wallace. Mrs. Gordon Dignem, Mrs. Walter Grigorenko and Mrs. D. UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES KING STREET UCW The June meeting of King Street United Church Women was held in the Centennial hall, with Mrs. Douglas Redpath presiding. period and The devotional program were conducted by the Friendship Unit. Mrs. Har- old Bell, unit leader, was assist- ed by Mrs. Herbert Wilton. Two solos weré sung by Mrs. James Bell accompanied at the piano by Miss Hazel Rundle. A panel composed of Mrs. Jack Tané, Mrs. Duncan Me- Millan and Mrs. Wilbert Rus- |nell discussed the true mean: ing of "Citizenship" and how UCW members could take ac- tive parts in the work of the community. Mts. Hales Barker conducted a memorial for Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Walton who recently pass- ed away. In a discussion of plans for the Feast of the Seven Tables, to be held as a joint effort of all groups, it was announced that Mrs. Jack Perry would be convener, assisted by Mfrs. Leighton Souch and Mrs. Frank Burrows. Refreshments were served by members of the Fellowship Unit | No. 4. CALVARY BWF The final meeting of the sea- son of the Calvary Business Women's Fellowship was held recently at Calvary Baptist Church commencing with a buf- fet supper Which was. arranged by the social convener, rs. Reginald Cook, and her commit: tee. A floral atrangement and sacred records added to the sup- per hour. A reading, "Wanted, A Minister's Wife' was given by Mrs. John McLaughlin. The president, Mrs. Neéta A. Hoagland, presided for the devo- tional period with Miss Fern Ledgett at the piano. Hymfs were sung containing the words "Love, Joy and Peace", ahd Mrs, Mae Deavefs sang two solos, "Peace be. Still" and "Come to the Saviour Now" Testimonies based on the past, present and future were given by two students, Miss Edia Jones of Prairie Bible Institute and Miss Margaret Hoy of To rénto Bible Coliege. The scripture was fread by Mrs, W. Niven Aitken, from the Gospel according to St. Luke The pastor, the. Reverend W of The other attendants were Mrs. Roy Cronkwright of Port Hope and Mrs. Neilson Greentree of Oshawa. They wore identical gowns of mauve iridescent taf- feta styled with fitted bodices and bouffant Skirts. Smal! bows accented the waistline. They wore matching mauve head- dresses and white accessories and carried Colonial bouquets in harmonizing .shades of pink and orchid feathered carnations, edged with white. The flower girl, Miss Karen Greentree, wore a white em- broidered nylon dréss and car- ried a basket of harmonizing shades of pink and orchid fea- thered carnations. Master Jo- SOCIAL NOTICE Niven Aitken, gave a message from this passage. Hé said tha' as a result of the faith of Simor ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Neil _ of announce Greenwood, the engagement their daughter, Margaret Caro- lyn, to Mr. George Frederick Mr. Bruce Johnston, and Mrs. Harry son of Johnston Oshawa. The wedding will take } Greenwood United Church, on Saturday, July 14, place in 1962, at 3 0'elock. HOUSEHOLD HINT Pout Corn bread batter on waffle irons for a quick and de-'the licious hot bread. Gordon T. Ontario, Peter in obeying Jesus althoug! they had fished all hight withou' catching anything, the ship war so filled with fish that Jesu: stood surrounded knee deep by the catch, so that when Simor 6f fell down at Jesus' knees rathe: than at His feet. The speaker urged the group to "'get both feet off the ground" and to trust the Lord Jesus completely. He sair that we then could also become "Fishers of men' The first meeting in the fall will be held of September 17 at home of Mrs. Robert of K. Stiles, of the Oshawa UNICEF committee, were the|? guests on Tuesday of Mrs. Kate Aitken at Sunnybank Acres, Streetsville, at a luncheon in honor of the recently elected national UNICEF chaifman, Mrs. D. W. Heywood of Mon- treal. Mrs, Aitken is the Ontar- io UNICEF chairmen. Members of the University Women's Club closed the sea- son with a pot luck supper held at the home of Mrs. B&B. > Culp, Glenwood Court. A film entitled "Quality of Canada' was showh and several mem- bets presented a play entitled "The Ivory Tower." Teas, birthday parties, wed- ding anfiversaries, comitg and going of guests aré always of interest in this column. Write, telephone or visit the social de- partment with your item of news for which there is no charge. 'Telephone 723-3474. Her Worship Mayor Christine Thomas will preside at the Strawberry tea to be heid next week at Hillsdale Manor under the auspices of the Oshawa Lionettes. The tea is being con-|; vened by Mrs. R. E. Stephenson|p .ssed in pioneer costume and Mrs. Edward Wellman. |Connie rides her bicycle to her Mrs. G. D. Conant and Mrs, |job each day. 8. V. Barlow are attending the| ' ' three-day convention in Prescott) BLUNT TITLE sponsored by the Ontario His-| LONDON (CP)--The Post Of- torical Society. They will be|fice has refused to let the eens at vilene at thelcrime Club advertise Sarah F oh _____ |Wood's new novel on its envel- lopes, fearing "it may offend a Inumber of people." The title: |"Bloody Instructions." GRADUATE Miss Judith Haight, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haight, Banting avenue, graduated recently in Class "62 of the School of Nursing, Ontario Hospital, Whitby. She was awarded the prize for the new graduate displaying the highest quality of nursing sare and also the prize for the highest standing in obstet- rics. She is a graduate of OCCI and is planning to re- main on the staff of the Ontario Hospital, Whitby. ~--Aldsworth Photography NEWS IN BRIEF PIONEER GUIDE LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Connie Reid, a university student, will duct tours at Fanshaw Parks 1eer Village this summer. Presiding at the June meet- ing of the Women's Auxiliary of the Oshawa General Hospital, Mrs. A. W. Armstrong remind- ed the 30 members present that the next meeting would take place in September and be in the form of a dessert luncheon. Correspondence was read by Mrs. N. E. Felt concerning re- cent activities of the Auxiliary and consisted of letters of thanks for the help given on opening day of the new wing of the hospital, for the luncheon held at the Guild Inn to mark the opening of graduation fes- tivities, and for all the enter- taining done during the past training period of student and graduate nurses. Mts. Felt then asked for volunteers for the no- tifying committee and was quickly furnished with the re- quisite number of names. |Members ot Hospital Auxiliary Hold Final Meeting of Season by a volunteer's own ¢areless- ness. In her report on behalf of the evening chapter, Mrs. Stephen Heney mentioned that tickets for the dessert bridge to be held in September and for the Octo- ber fashion show had been handed over to Mrs. Armstrong and were now available to imembers of the afternoon group. Over tea, served Mrs. E. F. Cuthberston and Mrs. Har- old Tonkin members discussed their personal summer plans and admired the first donation towards the 'Dolls of All Na- tions, to be featured at the an- fhual festival of gifts next No- vember, This doll just arrived from Mrs. Claude Vipond, how resident in Penang and has the features and authentic costume of a Chifese-Malayan. Mts. J. G. McIntosh reported on the baccalaureate service and the Guild Inn luficheon and thanked all those members of the auxiliary who had donated food to the former and trans- portation to the latter. After reporting on increased activity in the gift shop, Mrs. J. G. Carter stated that at a meeting of gift shop committee members it had been decided to use teen-aged girls of 16 and over as emergency fill-in' for the gift shop. during the 'vaca- tion months when staffing. is! of the auxiliary who will enrol] |her as a member. Miss Vera Moyse will have charge of| staffing the shop for the balance) of June, Mrs. G. B. Doherty| will take over these duties in July. Mrs. Carter then clarified the situation fegarding insurance against accident for volunteers working either in the hospital] or the gift shop. Coverage in) lthis case is the same as for any| member of the general public, not as for hospital staff. The hospital therefore is not respon- jsible for any accident caused | A baby who writhes and wrig-| gies on the changing table can| FLORI best be kept in hand (literally) | with a diverting assortment of small toys, kept exclusively for| use there, | 163 BLOOR ST. WEST Peter fell 6 Worship Him he} |Pritchard. | CASH & CARRY SPECIAL! HALF PRICE SALE ALL BEDDING PLANTS 2Q®b0x | R.B.REED&SONS | | | STS DRIVE-IN FLOWER SHOP PHONE 725-2512 WEEK-END SPECIALS Jury and Lovell Ltd. IN OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC Reg. 73¢ ONLY 63c EXLAX th e choeolete laxative Regular 49¢ ONLY 33c Johnson and Johnson BAND AIDS plastic stripes 75¢ Value NOW 59c Now you can LOSE WEIGHT AND ENJOY IT! Choc., Van., Orange 17° Reg. 98e SPECIAL, ea. AT CLEARING AN OTHER SENSATIONAL CLEARANCE OF CARPET ENDS Various Sizes Suitable for Small Rooms and Halls. co. LTD. 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 OR 728-6219 HALF P ROSS E. MILL RICE OSHAWA INSTANTINE MENNEN TABLETS 99° Shave cream. reg. or brushless Reg. 65é Special 55c VASELINE white petroleum jelly Reg. 1.25 NOW 98c 100's. Regular Value 1.29 SPECIAL 77c POCKET TRIPOD with ease éompotrable value 9.95 ONLY 4.88 BAN DEODORANT Reg. 1,25 NOW 85c WILDROOT eréam oil charlie HAIR. DRESSING REG, 73c . NOW 58c Bayer ASPIRIN 100 tablets Reg. 93c Rexall DIET AID chocolate, vanilla, butterscotch ¢ Value NOW 65c BLISS hait.Regular Price 2.00! SPECIAL PRICE 1.29. The shampoo for all types of OUR PRICE each This is only e@ partial tist of our specials . . . Come into our stores for many more ®@ We Will Meet Any Advertised Price! © PRESCRIPTION CITY WIDE FREE 8 KING ST.E. | PHONE 723-2245| OSHAWA | CHEMISTS DELIVERY 530 SIMCOE ST. PHONE 725-354 '> 6 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA VETERAN TEACHER SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP)-- Verna Hatch, principal of Law- rence School here since 1936, has announced her retirement. Miss Hatch started her teach- ing carrer 44 years ago at Windsor, Que. BIRTHDAY GIFT BLENHEIM, Ont. of Kent County's oldest resi: dents, Mrs, Mary Lynes has re- ceived a framed scroll from difficult, Each girl will be per-|Warden Alan Cousins of Orford) sonally sponsored by a member|Township marking her 10st) also the past home of the Queen birthday. (CP)--One} 9th Brownie Pack Visits Ottawa The Brownies of the Ninth Pack with several of their mothers and leaders were taken leader, Mrs, Leonard Jackson, Brown Owl. They were accom. phage by Brown Owl Mrs. J. =. Stout and her ist Brownie Pack, from Bowmanville, Travelling by train in feser- ved coaches they arrived in Ot- tawa in the evening and spent the night at the Chateau Laur- jer Hotel. Next day they went by chart- tered bus to the Museum and on to Government 'House, Ma- dame Vanier was not able to re- ceive them as she was prepar- ing for the visit of the Queen Mother. They were taken on a tour of Government House by the captain of the guard and were shown the table which was set for the state dinner for the Queen Mother and her party. They then went shopping and after dinner visited the Parlia. ment buildings and the Peace Tower and by bus toured the city. and visited the French, Chinese and German embassies, also many others. They saw St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, the Lisgard Collegiate, Ottawa General Hos- pital, the residences of the High Commissioners of Britain and South Africa and the ambassa- dors of Chili and Belgium and to Ottawa recently by their] " 4 many other places 6f inter: st. After a final meal at the Chat- eau Laurier they attended the Elgin theatre and returned by train to Oshawa, CARADIAN WEEKLY: .. .@ bright and lively new magazine | supplementforthewholefamilyinthe . SATURDAY DAILY STAR plus 16 pages of COLOR COMICS Wilhelmina of Holland) sae 4' TRADE-INS = NOT NEEDED All New 1962 Models FULL WARRANTY ADMIRAL 23" LOWBOY With power transformer, _ . Reg. $349.95 249.00 STILL GOING STRONG! OUR ENTIRE STOCK Televisions = Stereos -- Radios MUST BE We must eleor out our entire stock to ellow workmen fo carfy on with our ex PARKWAY TELEVISION | ODELING and EXPANSION of CLEARED! pansion and renovating plans Your ch to really SAVES ithout any obs i ADMIRAL 27" LOWBOY TV With power transformer. Reg. $499.95 389.00 ELEC TV 23" COLONIAL STYLE TV In Red Maple. Reg. $369.95 TROHOME 269.00 R.C.A. VICTOR 23" TABLE MODEL TV 209.00 With matching base. Reg. $279.95 ELEC In Swedish Walnut. 23" KALMAR MODEL Reg. $409.50 TROHOME 329.00 CLAIRT Empress Model (Cabinet slightly marked) Reg. $599.00 Your Headquarters for @ R.C.A. Victor @ Electrohome @ Clairione @ Admiral USE OUR CONVENIEN TIME PAYMENT PLAN 499.00 ONE! ELEC Stereo Cordella Model Stereo Reg. $349.50 269.00 TROHOME This is a sample of the tremendous values now available... all prices are reduced ... many "One-of-a-kind" items .. . come early for best selections. @ YOUR COLOR TV STORE ® PARKWAY TELEVISION T 918 SIMCOE NORTH 723-3043

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