THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 21, 1962 5 ' Annual Picnic For!___ . BOMBERS SIGN TRIO | Riders, and tackle Roger Ham- Baptist Explorers WINNIPEG (CP) -- Winnipeg ¢lin, Whitby Baptist Explorers|Blue Bombers of the Western} -- held their annual picnic n| Football Conference Wednesday| PLASTERING eey | AT KIWANIS CLUB Water Rates "WHITBY and DISTRIC Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lioyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-3765 NURSING AIDE GRADUATES AT ONTARIO HOSPITAL Brenda was Mrs Leeder Civil Service At the Ontario Hospital, | Shown above are four mem- | Howlett and Whitby Wednesday, gradua- | bers of the 19 strong Nurses | Luke. Mrs. tion exercises were held for | Aide Class, left to right, Mrs. beanies' tis the 1962 classes of Nurses | Thelma Keoghan, Mr Aud- | cok foi the horse' oll whd Aides and Certified Attendant, | rey Leeder, Miss Elizabeth | PM ; aha Band Concert Attendants And oe ot Year Aides Graduate |. m seson sive: mans 1961 All-Canadian Champions 'as j 's 8 r series A total of 34 nurses' aides andjfulltime vocation. They were hed afl Ne ag A ps i attendants of the Ontario Hospi-|trained while they worked under ine Weithy (Censennial tal, Whitby, graduated from aitlose supervision in the hospi- eae cdc coed of iace 19-month nursing course, re-'tal, he said. es ceiving pins and diplomas at a| Congratulatfons were extended spectator graduation exercise in the hos-|to the graduating class by Miss pital auditorium Wednesday|Helen Whitman, age rs! 3 Van orne,} : afternoon nursing, Mr. R ie. big oe tr ee Can aes the new graduation|chief attendant, and Mr James| Nationa! geneva go gin Se class, the hospital now has 405|Sheedy, Reg. N., on behalf of Whitby da Whitby certified nurses' aides and certi-'the training and teaching staff Hand. , > fied attendants on its staff Dr. T. A. Sweet, assistant "Felons is the program Dr. Walter H. Weber, hospital/superintendent, presented the 8 guperintendent and chairman of|graduates with their ir was by Depart-;Which the band played under the ceremony, congratulated the| ment of Health certificates, Mrs . = gr ge le conductor graduates on the successful|W. H. Weber presented them'* "hemy at Tha: Nile?" completion of the course. 'This, with their pins and Red Cross "pigne Dame" aueet? training program in Ontario|First Aid Certificates and Pins ae becca Hospitals," he said, "'developed|were presented by Dr. A. R Quartet" cK Paarania over a period of 15 years as an|Richards and Miss Margaret rar cs eaurineyll Jt outcome of a nursing shortage/Crowe, Reg. N- tAletta; "Alicante"; "Two Trag- immediately following the war.| The Civil Service Association, | n? - a "Seco Sailor" in "The Ontario Department of| Whitby Branch, this year made ite Ehyaeesele ' Health felt that more of the|two awards for the Nurses' Aide)" ° ajor staff in the hospitals should be;and the Attendant who demon-| The next trained in dealing with the emo-| strated the greatest interest in take place in the l 1 tional as well as the physical! patients, the most effort in class/ Park Bandshell on Sunday, problems of the patients," he|and the best behaviour on the|July 15 and will be a mass added. jgrounds. The winners were:|band performance of the The nurses' aides and certi-|Mrs. Audrey Leeder, CNA, and|W hitby Brass Band and the fied attendants formed the first|Mr. Frank Dittrick, CA. Orillia Brass Band. line of defence in the treatment} Following are the nurses' program of the hospital, con-jaides and attendants who re-|peth McGrath, Mrs, Evelyn tinued Dr. Weber. He said that| ceived their certificates and pins| Mitchell, Miss Jo-Anne Monkel- they had successfully passed the! yesterday: baan, Mrs. Viva Miller, Mrs course and were no longer cus-| Miss Wilhelmina Bardoul,| Alexandra Usminzo. todians but were fully qualified/ yrs Agnes Boyd, Mrs. Helma| Thomas Anderson, in their field and a vital part of] Carua the hospital's treatment pro-| yrs. gram. Alford; band concert Malcolm Pauline Farrugia, Mrs.|Buwalda, Robert Campbell, Audrey Fannin, Mrs. Annemarie|Frank Ditt rick, Christopher The superintendent pointed|Gross, Miss Elizabeth Howlett,)Kaan, Kier Lamb, Robert Mc- out that most of the nurses' | Miss Elizabeth Jacula, Mrs.|\Cabe, Kenneth Nendick, John aides and attendants had at/Jean Joseph, Mrs. Thelma|Phillips, Michael Romanchuk, least two years of high school|Keoghan, Mrs. Brunhilde Kurz-|Peter Ruttan, Thomas William and had decided to make the|wernhart, Mrs. Brenda Luke,/Shearer, Anthony Van Hevelin-| care of the mentally ill their!Mrs. Audrey Leeder, Mrs. Eliza-| gen. oe 2 | will TWO RAYS OF SUNSHINE BROCK shown above are the douush' ters of Mr.'and Mrs. Frank WHITBY Dalby of Palace street, Whitby. Joanna Ellen (Jodi), aged nine months and Lynda Dawn, aged three years, are the granddaughters of Mr and Mrs. Charles Dalby of Whitby and. great-grand- daughters of Mrs. William Brinning of Oshawa --Robert Holdsworth Photo Evening Shows At 7:00 and 9:00 Feature Starts At 7:10 and 9:40 Ane hilarious Story of a oe burbs. love expert in the su M-G- M presents BoB LANA HOPE' TURNER a TED RICHMOND Prooverion Enemascove 1 JANIS PAIGE Metrocoron | JIM HUTTON Recommended os ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO--CARTOON--TRAVELOGUE SCENIC --- ALL COLOR SHOW. COLD STORAGE -- FOR -- Fur & Cloth Coats WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. 150 Colborne St. E. Whitby MO 8-2345 | showed the greatest interest in patients, the most effort in class and the best behaviour | on the grounds. Hike Forecast An explanation of some ofj|time is limited to about ing years was given members|pending on peak demands. | of the Kiwanis Club of Whitby) Incidentally, the water intake! this week. Manager of the PUC,| facilities will provide 18 million} Harry Simpson, addressed his/gallons of water per day. To fellow Kiwanians at the weekly get additional. water uptown, | dinner meeting of the club held'said Mr. Simpson, will also re- in the Hotel Royal. quire a new water main run-| In the forseeable future, saidjning from the plant to Victoria} Mr, Simpson, expansion of the|street an dalong Victoria street} waterworks system, which cost|to hook onto existing mains up- $425,000, is imminent. This ex-|town. pansion, he said, could include) {[t is estimated, he said, that additional pumping units to bejsuch a 20-inch main would cost located either at the filtration! $165,000. plant or pumphouse, a new; To get the greatest use out of watermain to carry additional|the new pumps and mains, he water from the pumping station,|said, a larger storage tank will and a new storage tank or re--be required An clevated tank servoir to be constructed in the, which would contain a haif-mil-' main section oi town. lion gallons would cost an es- It is estimated, he said, that timated $160,000. it would cost $100,000 to'provide' If such a program is under- pumping facilities that would taken, he said, the total cost jenable the plant to provide a would reach $425,000. But, the |maximum of five millions of/PUC would actually have to gallons per day. Present facil-|raise $769,080 to pay back $425, lities of the filter plant, he said, | 000 if the cost is debentured,| can provide three and one-half} Because the PUC is aware of| jmillion gallons of filtered water the high cost of debenturing, ja_ day, but pumping capacity. said Mr. Simpson, they have jafter filtration, at the present ico given consideration to es- . tablishing a cash reserve to ap- ply to such building projects Every $100,000 taken from a re- serve to pay for such con- Parks Convention Held In Whitby struction woud aciuaty save} Almost 70 delegates from all\000. Therefore the PUC is ser- over Ontario attended the An-jjously considering establishing nual Convention of the Ontario a reserve which would actually Parks Association in the Whit-\affect a saving of 80 per cent | | | Monday at Greenwood Conser- vation Park. The group was| under the leadership of Miss! Maryanr Hardy assisted by| two Mrs. W. G. Hewis, Miss Maude' halfback the problems Public Utilities|and one-half tu two and three-|Cameron and Mr. Allan Halton inl Ribs Commissioners face in the com-|quarter millions of gallons de-|who was in charge of transpor-| Roughriders and Ottawa Rough INSTANT tation and camp fire. After a barbeque supper all; returned to the Sunday school hall where games were play- ed. Mrs. Hewis presented prizes to Donna Barter, Joanne. Slichter, Darlene Dafoe, Val-| erie Wilson, Elizabeth Forbes and Judith Ann Pinch for; essays written on the current Mission study on Bolivia. Miss Hardy presented attend-| ance prizes to Elizabeth! Forbes, Valerie Wilson and! Joanne Slichter. A gift was! given to Miss Cameron in ap- preciation of her work with the group on the Mission study. The Explorers were very sorry to bid farewell to their chief counsellor, Miss Hardy, who after three years of de- voted work with the group, has resigned because of other commitments. Mrs, Hewis on behalf of the girls presented Miss. Hardy with a parting gift and spoke a few words in appreciation of her fine work in the past Miss Hardy in thanking the group said she had _ enjoyed her work with such a fine group of girls and wished the new leaders, Mrs Allan Forbes and Miss Ruth Mitchell, every success and happiness in their work of Park by Community Arena on Satur- day Guest speaker for the conven- WHITBY PERSONALS tion was Mr. Kenneth Mayall. head of the recreation and _Mr. Arnold Murphy left for) wijdlife section, Department of Vancouver to take up position Lands and Forests (Conserva- there. He has been transferred who spoke on : .~~ {tion Branch), from the Dupont firm in Ajax./"nitterent Methods of Acquir- His family n in debenture costs It is apparent from the pro- posed projects, said Mr. Simp- son, that some change in water rates can be expected, also bearing in mind that this year the water department antici- pates an operating loss of $20, 000. If rates are raised, he said, the higher rates might well be The repeating of the Explor- er's prayer brought to a close another year of explorations Meetings will resumed in September ARTISTS! be The band, which won the tro- of phy for the finest performance in all sections at the Canadian 7 in Brass "Thou ghts," "Trombone wa will Mrs. Centennial| her third birthday on Tuesday will shortly j0iM ing Parklands." him, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Blair of Quebec City and Mrs. A "homas of Toronto visited Mr. "and Mrs. F. W. Marsh of Dun- das street west recently Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds of Elmhurst, Nova Scotia, were 'recent guests at the home of + Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rey nolds, 329 Dovedale drive Taylor of Otta on Wednes- Mrs. Stewart was a caller of day at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reeson. Chery], daughter of Mr. and Alfred Reed, celebrated Friends wish her. many happy returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sturgess of Perry street from a trip to Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith spent the weekend in Camp- bellford and, Marmora visiting with friends. England and na, Mrs. Sharon Dunlop,|Bain, William Barton, Daniel) Kimberley, daughter of Mr.|liou, jand Mrs. Donald Lintner, is jcelebrating her third birthday today. Invited guests at her used to establish a reserve of capital as well as put the water department's operations back in the black. Despite the fact that his ad- dress hinted at increased water rates. Mr. Simpson's talk was found particularily entertaining as well as educational. He re- sorted to Chinese philosophy | and eve), early American his- tory to illustrate his points and in addition provided several graphs which depicted the sit-! uation in Whitby. For two hours during the morning the delegates com- |bined their experience in parks jinto two sessions: "Park- |School Combinations, Their Merits and Demerits'" and 'Dutch Elm Disease." From these subjects for dis cussion the delegates were agreed that park school com- binations were a good thing for a community as they saved the taxpayer money and that the Dutch Elm disease could he controlled by a sanitation. pro- gram which would spray the trees while the virus was dor- mant and cut down and burn 'all contaminated trees Following lunch, the dele jgates were taken on a tour of jthe Ontario Ladies' College, ithe Ontario Hospital, the |Whitby Filtration Plant and Centennial and Commissioners Parks. THE AMAZING have returned|~ party are: Lori Lintner, Tim- my Lintner, Linda Ritchie, Larry Ritchie, Allen, Arthur SIMPLY WON'T FALL OUT! Enquire about the advantages of joining our RAINBOW CLUB CALL WHITBY PAINT & WALLPAPER 125 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-3488 and REPAIR WORK No Job Too Large or Small RECREATION ROOMS Phone MO. 8-8733 announced signings of three re- turnees, They are interior line-| backer Dave Burkholder, 26,| Frank Fraser, for-, with Saskatchewan! SHADE and PRIVACY The instant you complete a section of Beaver High Fencing you have shade and privacy for your patio or "sitting-out" area. Matched with Beaver Low Fencing, you can have complete privacy and protec- tion. . VERTICAL LOUVRE == aa HORIZONTAL LOUVRE =| == e HIGH PANO PANEL A LIVING ROOM UNDER THE SKY The complete flexibility and variety of ;. Beaver Fencing can transform any yard "wou PAM weave. iNtO © beautiful outdoor living room, A FENCE DESIGN FOR EVERY HOME AND BUDGET AT BEAVER NEW CELLULOSE FILLER jand Jimmy Grant, Susan, Deb- {bie and Donna Bonk, John} Taylor, Frankie Thomas, Kan- das Graham, Steven Papavase Billy Harvey, Terry }O'Hara, Frances Bardoul, Dan iny and Benny McPherson and {Kimberley's brother Kevin Mend those cracks! THEY RE-G IN 12 MONTHS Hair Specialis Will Show Men and Women How to Save Hair and Prevent Baldness OTTAWA, Ont. New home treatment methods for saving hair and improving its growth} be demonstrated in Osh- awa, Friday, June 22, at the Hote! Genosha. Trichologist C, A. Tander will be in charge, representing the) dynamic Roberts Hair and Scalp Specialists organization,| He will personally examine} hair-worried men and women! from 2.00 to. 9.00 p.m. This new treatment is neither 'mail order" nor "cure-all'". It is adapted to the _ individual after a personal examination and progress is cheeked at regular intervals by a Roberts Specialist. WHO CAN BE HELPED? Will the new Roberts treat- ment cure baldness? *'No!" For we cannot help men and women who are slick-bald after years of gradual hair loss. But if you still have fuzz and your scalp is still creating hair, you can. at least save and thicken what you |have. Some conditions, such as |"spot. baldness' usually have {complete coverage if caught in time! Other conditions that usually bring on excessive hair-loss -- | dandruff, itching, over-oiliness|private, i merece + doen mate tenet REW HAIR! \ aN asm t For cracks, holes, joins in ceilings and walls. No need to enlarge, cut -back or wet the crack. Unique cellulose bond. Stays workable for ap- proximately an hour. Takes nails and screws. tT A/ ri < Fill that woodwork Plug cutouts in doors etc, POLYFILLA will not RENTAL Post Hole Augers Te Speed The Job CHAIN LINK PRE-PLANNED Every Beover fence is pre- planned to save you time and money ---- building in- structions: with each order. FREE Beover fencing catalogue with over 24 fences... high and low... fully illustrated free... ask for yours today. shake loose, even on vibrat- ing surfaces. Simply paint over the POLYFLLLA when i IN 3 MONTHS t Here Friday Strips all pa POLYSTRIPPA Manufacthred and distributed in Canada by MIAGARA BRAND CHEMICALS «+ BURLINGTON, ONTARIO There's nothing as good as Polyfitia Your first need in home decorating Available in 1, 4 and 10 1b. sizes. For Industrial wsage ~ in 50 Wb. balers Available from hardware, paint, building supply dealers and all departmental stores One application strips up to six old coats, Fix that window pane POLYFILLA makes an excel- lent Swedish putty for glazing in wood or metal frames. ints Easier! Quicker! Deeper! or dryness, follicle clogged with sebum, or seborrhea -- can be corrected by the Roberts home treatment if caught in time. "DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE." Baldness won't wait for doubt- ers to be convinced, you're go- PATTE'S PAINT 85 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-3529 EDGAR'S DECOR | CENTRE 34 KING ST. W. 723-7351 ing to keep right on losing hair) i Be California Redwood Single Chair 12.95 PATIO FURNITURE Deb! Chair 15.95 oun Durable ond beautiful redwood furniture of excellent design and Coffee Table 13.50 construction. See them on dis- Table'and ploy ot Beover . , . you'll like Two Benches 44 50 e them on sight. ' rie Attractive Easy to Build Planned to Save You Time and Money BEAVER GARAGES Complete materials include 'til you're bald -- unless you! get your scalp in healthy, hair- growing condition again, EXAMINE YOU FREE We want to make it clear that you incur absolutely no charge or obligation by coming in for an examination GOODES HARDWARE 245: KING ST. E. 723-9312 MRS. W. W. PARKS 55 BRUCE STREET 723-7821 Your only obligation is to easy to follow plans and an 12' x 20' BEAVER all steel "up and over" door ond hardware . . every- ECONOMY GARAGE COMPLETE thing you need to build an Two Car Del Two-Car Nothing To Pay Till October Use the Beaver deterred payment plan and begin enjoying your garage Now. throughout, Trendwood Garage yourself. We do not accept cases that will not respond, GUARANTEE SATISFACTION The Roberts Specialists will give you a written guarantee that you must be satisfied with- in 30 days or it will cost you nothing BATHE & McLELLAN 81 KING ST. W. 725-4761 PRESTON PAINT 19 BOND ST. Ww. 723-4922 For a free examination and discussion of your hair prob- lems ask the desk clerk for Mr. Tander's room number He does not make appointments, so come in at your convenience Examinations are given. in WHITE & SON 1300 SIMCOE ST. N, 723-7922 PEACOCK | LUMBER LTD. 328 RITSON RD. N. inexpensive attractive gar- Economy Trendwood $695 age Quality materials 14' x 20' Deluxe DEPENDABLE QUALITY & SERVICE 419 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY MO 8-5818 ' 723-9811