Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1962, p. 17

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25--Apts. & Flats for Rent te 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sate |Z7---Keal Estate for Sale ____ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, June 21, 1962 17 7--Male Help Wanted |22--Storage Space io AORES good garden soll trult trses,| i 3 THREE - bedroom bungalow for sale| 0) 20st eg Boren Seg Elec an ggomo ; brick : rages NISHED aperment b-iet for . tur-)three bedroom wor oot Saree July and A particulars, tele-|Du "pag ee orale. bd or larger, elder" home in Oshawa ard fice. ides then, Dagery, nla heute | eee iene ane cent |27---Real Estate for Sale (27--Rval Estate For Sale phone after 5 clock. 723-1204, cn - ' and other buildings. Loca ted between NHA mortgage. Telephone $25," =) a 150, 0, partially Nice |3 MILES of Brooklin, five room MODERN sai er =3 Threesoom part 3900 DO Ee gy > Osha Bow! pee nme jean |2ocation in section of Oshawa, |insul-brick, 2 ' gas heat, 34 eat, Se ns hie let 50° Peunrvete, 1ot Sil m @8 fest Total price and Brooklin, oad play 'area for pre say Pie between and Whit- $6,775, down payment $375, carries $75 low Asking eg ge 31,000--PRIVATE, attractive five-room 8 SPACIOUS ns. King West, Telephone A . ' monthiy. Further inform: 'aoe Brooklin HOWE & PETERS fora oe a - .jbungalow. Preferred poosntto abg ' i 725-2363, : 723-2512 or MO 8-8765. per cent a 725-8836, OFFICE ALBERT Street: Three room ee ee al x land, eight-room na apartment, heated, spetassly s i parking house, paved road, near | Oshawa, REALTORS IDEAL ing ment HOUSE -- Duplex|FIVE bungalow, at : facilities, Suit two adults, Te 000 down, W. Mc " » bathroom and Trade larger hone country. fae0 in downtown location | fas-ra0a. a $e dont, W, cane, 725-4701 or 725-7732 _|laundey Felten Bou a . Suitable for sales --[PxiTtom apartments, pound. : proof, SCOTT RD. Ranch home of |2##3-__ bus. Low acre lot, near school walk-out balconies, range, refrigerator) : 'Trade. oF_aeil, votont land, distinction, very spacious ELS inne possession or executive offices. ie and lsuntey; othe! aad Ghieging Ser close to Simcoe St. $., Zon- rooms, 4<bedrooms, den, liv tallet, VERDUN-WOAD iva tale ow -- : RICHMOND STREET EAST ed, R3 could take 15 suite | ing room, dining room and |Cook. Real Phone Priced two-storey home, good lean room ne private bah, ele. ¥ apt. size 139 x 118 feet open ultramodern kitchen, extra |------------ agro ea furnace, paved PHONE 728-7876 [riot 'issn Fear for etter, Can Jack. Apoieey Hse Bp beg e113 Pare pportunity," Fi oat "ara & rem, 2 setae pal ge -- gr Aare Ae -- aa tat aaen at 725-6544 or 723-3398, ft. lot close to schools. a. Moving out of town. sider low' down 'vermont Telephone 23--Wanted to Rent ences, private bath and entrance, John A. J. Bolahood Ltd. Box 413, Oshawa, Times. 728-6934. parking. T 725-0349, lo SCUGOG ST. Spotless 6-room | LIFEGUARDS [ise Sate nese |SEMEZORUMNED stares Re hat inches ot pon organ Bg Ban REQUIRED -- " posed "6 enire Bret | LLOYD REALTY birch cupboards, rec. room EX C H A N G E G. BLYLEVEN WANTED i thi SELF and ga- : ; . % th built-in bar, owner trans- home, near & School. Se near . Contre, for one or brick 'home, ne' : List vi TH LLovD, : fen p ese T ORONTO - OSHAWA REALTOR pst Aas Mia Bd HOUSE in or nea Znree, os Gregory's Cones, septa a park 2,900. Will ; to RO. | four bedroom, Conveniences By July|AVAILABLE JULY 1 -- foubroom|ing Sorc) Loudoun ra pay 'guiling SOMERVILLE ST. $12,900. ill consider exchangin MA GR eed pg ie Life ee ing. yA Telephone 728-4500. "ater 5|° bong ? ro he ae please ESTMOUNT AREA with terms, beautiful 3 id attractive 6~- room wa PLE OVE qui WANTED throes bedroota boule, cen- 23-3807, $10,900 FULL PRICE room brick bungalow situat- 86 acre farm % mile from Sovi Soci certificate, ally located, state rent call 728-7104. ? det ede. Oihaws hawa resi- Writs Box 446, Oshawa 'Times. THREE and four room apartments, in 6-room home, paved drive, ed on nicely landscaped lot. | brick Ranch Bungalow, 401; tensroom house, benke dents, preferred. Apply in H OU SE apactaones Hg fest & Logg teen John A. J, modern heat. Low monthly Check this one for value ina in west suburbs of Tor- bom, never folling creek, ex- to Personnel Officer, t. 68 W: Street. 725-3938, poyments. Hurry call Bill select location. cellent soil, $15,000. Owner City Hall, Oshawes Ontario. ata has ia tome| BOLAHOOD Homer at 728-5123. NESTLETON. See this $5,- a bovgtad lot, many | willing t0\ trode on smal WANTED apartment, sink, ragga ny heavy duty $12 500 FULL PRICE 900 with low down payment, extras tor property in Osh- house in Oshawa or » las OLDSMOBILE dynamic, parte UPHOLSTERERS 3 to 4 BEDROOMS aa entrance, large 3 gee ear shop- "i ae ee 3 - bedroom bungalow with one open wht x $60.00 awa. ville. sale, 38 ect, betwee 1 ; ; bus. : th. 62% interest, By Business Executive. Bese, cet re ane. extra large kitchen and liv- per month. . Baldwin Street -- Close to {i FoRD wi Taoleny oan Experienced Men CALL 723-1862 water, EV" geral rapped, 8, month Office Hours 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 'ing room, this home is beauti- large lot with barn eo cig WRITE schools, 3-bedroom brick |tom, interior, continental kit; tatior tp Preferred, Willing to ly, Adults. Available July 1, 'Telephone Mortgag fully landscaped with shrubs | house. Don't be too late: bungalow. Price $12,500 |#0od_conditiin. 128-9610. 728-8857, Asronged, Bought i 00 LOTS $1,000.00 and up, "48 CHEVROLET, 'coach, sew licence, train suitable applicants. 24---Houses for Rent aiNuinG AVENUE, 103 -- see "ond _ dh age tet doa i forms 10 acres and up, many P.O. BOX 331 Dow's payment $1120 tn good running order Telephone Three-room Excellent woges and working |BOWMANVILLE -- Three - bedroom|sPartment, unfurnished, with builtin FULL PRICE payment. Call - Bill Johnston to choose from. OR Sharbot Street. Close to school tral, 2 « om Fors Cranage condition. Apply L. Thompson. |Piretaned or unfurnished. Avaliable im: THREE spacious roomed apartment, $4,800. or 728-1006 or 728-5123, After Hours Please Call PHONE 728-4314 oe onan Psa ty 3 y ihe exraia nea in excel. mediately. Telephone 623-250: newly decorated, private bathroom, 4-rooms, 3- bath, nice lot, Earle Allen .... 723-7782 SKLAR PORT PERRY, two- au eur: eomes Bee eee eel cle. 0 Giisus Sen, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Bob Johnson .... 720-2548 OSHAWA 500, Terms. °s PONTIAC targa aes : piece bath, newly decorated, Propane ogg re cupboards, an- Carte ark ' jopping Realtor -- 728-5123 toa Crrwictd MA 3-3672 B ille 623-5300 door, radio, whitewalls. Excellent con- Furniture gas range, close to schoo in g re, low taxes. Immediate 101 Si St. N oe Crawford .. S lowmanville = F dition, $1500 or near. 1111 King East. yard, $70 monthly. 'Telsphone 985-2842.|STEVENSON ROAD SOUTH, %12 --|~ possession. Call Mr. Gower at imeoe st. N. Rolande Tierney . 725-5207 FIVE 39 PONTIAC Lai it a3 i 30 RICHMOND ST. W. |two room cottage, partialy furnished Rr gg 725-6544, Open Every Evening 29--Automobiles for Sole (7%, us fall in or unfurnished. Lakeshore, Oshawa. al, Washer, aerial, 5, 5 a parking. Adults. OSHAWA Telephone Tabs, _--____| Naar Centre' Appiy" above $500. DOWN BEDROOMS ELINA Street, 175, eight-room House:| WHITMAN Crescent, 721, three-room| Mode! lit level home, di all conveniences, close to school and posbaamar a Tal, m split lev e, dec- partment, drapes, TV outlet, . This 8 year old home hes o c AREER tes, very eputral, Apply 222 Greenwood | Winter diver, $69 monthige 725-7928, orated, landscaped, storms 4 Holl kitchen, lerge liv. ; ~ ond screens, finished rec. EIGHT - Zoom, dione Route, modem |teqroom apartments, furaisned. or ux] f00m with 'piano included, LAST CHANCE re oan Vie eee bpek OPPORTUNITY conveniences, seven miles from Osh-|200ro0 4; Availabl ' aj | he d; and shelves and broadloom, Two awa on 401 Highway. For information |{urnished. Available for June and July.| owner a ready has moved, ani Pike "a apply 530 Simcoe Street North or pane. anxious to sell. Asking only LOTS eng s bedrooms al FOR SALESMAN er apartment, completely furnished, heat] Quiero te oqy ioe SL floor. "Terue lenge poder 100 NONQUON ROAD TAUNTON ROAD EAST -- Two apart tear nents eet Lienert neat) Ratcliffe to-day at 725-6544. SEWER AND WATER, BUILT UP AREA, CLOSE TO SEPARATE ie "AWM Sate Con Large Life Insurance Co, re- jment brick house, all conveniences, : ; ; : Gavel "ddvewiy A 723-7592. AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS, SOME 53' LOTS, EASY TERMS, BUY screens, Walk cut | ane, "THE HOME OF SMALL CARS" quires aggressive and ambi- |80'380; paved eae, ONE-BEDROOM apartment, in new ED DISN FY ONE OR MORE, CALL MR. BOLAHOOD AT 725-6544 OR tious young mon age 24-45 le for sales ond service. High |25---Apts. & Flats for Rent|M© 8-302 or 101 T Graydon taboa, Apart TaOEey: Situated on good lot, 19BB PONTIAC'S 2. ccc ee cskeoccces BleerOe school or better education on | corsonNE STREET EAST, 30 -- OTe es fourroom apart| REALTOR -- INSURANCE JOHN A. J. rer 10 pareneien 1957 'CHEVROLET'S sos. cccscecscace SHeeOM esset. Full training program, One-bedroom apartment, in new apart- : ine : "| ment, light housekeeping, private bath, : Telephone Les Hall P srom enetitn Staring: colony (Re, "rian 'wamet dine |tgare tedea Alter 496'rm. tm] -- 82 Simcoe St. S. BOLAHOOD pavriiaeranesgs | O00 MIAME cri eccsecsseenenl $100. wey, Position = monthly eal, 1oeaton Apply Apart- WINDSOR Street, 306, New three-room 723-2333 LIMITED REALTOR NIGHT 728 tes 1959 HILLMAN'S ....csccccecccevs $695.00 give uniimi eomings meni . Telephone 7852. unfurnished apartment, private bath, -, qualified applicant. Write for cuopeares; lnandty tactiies, parking, 1957 VAUXHALLS oo ssccvisisecsee SeGe00 interview, Box 348 Times, _|17--Male Help Wanted _|fu, mor lsformation teephone 7] rooms ond gorage, all mod- DUPLEX SCHOFIELD-AKER ASK FOR KEN OR ED AVENUE STREET, 69 -- Three-room| cock Road N. $7,900.00. | WE NEED private bath, and. entganee, One ehild 7-room house Ritson Road che Ltd. ] TWO PROGRESSIVE SALESMEN __|sattfow: tree som tna pam amal Geet tes' i Whitty SY4- Now Sacrificed --- Must Sell 360 KING ST. W. WELLMAN'S large livingroom, medium bedroom and ; "pe i kitchen with built-in cupboards, heavy rooms in lovely condition Your Authorized Th duty wiring, sandran linoleum, hot and $12,750.00. LARGE 2 STOREY BRICK, ONLY 3 YEARS OLD. 2-5 LARGE we To add to our present staff, Must own late model car. Willing [Cold water, quite central, No objection Scie' Wik tiiinavtane 5 ROOM. APARTMENTS, COMPLETELY SELF-MAINTAINED. CARL B OLSEN RAMBLER - HILLMAN DEALER SINCE 1947 ond free to travel Eastern Ontario Monday to Friday. A number to one or two children. 725-8985. of customer written leads supplied, FRANK Birest, 34, thivetoom furnish: St Peter, real buy $7800.00. FULLY LEASED, FORMERLY a ae A FOR NM 2 Cong be al ed apartment, heavy duty stove, re- 4-bedroom ranch style home, $16,500. WILL EXCHANGE FO RHOUSE. J ef REALTOR H | d TOP EARNINGS FOR THE RIGHT MAN frigerator, kitchen cupboards, parking,| 3 years old. All kinds of BY 725-6544 OR 723-3398 GARRARD R 0 | ay OAD $70 monthly. Telephone 723-3766, APPLY MR. N. GAMMON Garcia soetagl i npaaaie| darts tost of city $27,500.00, | JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED | oni yeor old, 1400 square S ALE Water and hydro included. Telephone $13,000 -- $5,500 down feet. Lot 99' x 200'. land- FROM 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. ATTRACTIVE --Toarywomapatmeat| bungalow north end, owner So, final Shaplaon Lana 1206 DUNDAS ST. E. Gain ania" SAS" | We hove busines propery | Je Je WAN HERWERDEN, REALTOR | 'ren htchen, "exremel WHITBY MO 8-3501 i ie ee sore Som) latieigh. 741 KING ST. EAST -- OSHAWA -- 723-4471 ine anxious to sell. si 1962 Low Mileage Demonstrators tral, near hospital and bus Pr > Tele. Evenings 4 Matt Johnston, 33 phone 725-686: 3.23 FAIRLEIGH AVENUE ATTENTION MEN- 17-49 PARK ROAD SOUTH, 478 -- four by se gy oe eee ok cae a eae Storey and a_half, 7-roomy FULL WARRANTY rooms, unfurnished, newly decorated, four-bedrooms, good kitchen, , main floor, private entrance, heat, water-bowls, silo, 8-room House with water and hydro. An ex- lights and water, $60' monthly. One GUIDE REALT Y cellent farm. Full price $18,000 with Terms. basement, oil heated, paved HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS ARE _ |euila_weicome. rive, garage, nice i Q FIVE-WOOH ia eGiDOm-APASAE eilbsae Alin penile drive, garage, nice it, lose | COMET $22, SPORT MODEL, White, Red bucket IN DEMAND FOR BULLDOZERS, Centre, stove sad refrigerators i ee 10 Acres Farm, 5 miles from Whitby, excellent berryland. | -- lences. Asking price $10,600, | Seats, wheel covers, whitewalls, back-up lights, monthly. Vacant July 15. 725-0793. 16 Simeoe St, S$, 723-1121 Straw -- and Raspberries, 30 Fruit trees, a row of grapes; with $2,000. down. WAS $2857.00. SCRAPERS, GRADERS, CRANES, ii0---SMART ard apartment, 'King GARRARD RD. & ROSSLAND 2 tSorey Chickenhouse, brooderhouse ahd garage, 6 Room VERDUN ROAD 9 re) and Gibboa. area, Ca r, a : , House, 3 bedrooms, oil-furnace, bathroom, Land and House in DRAGLINES AND SHOVELS a aba or Tas sarin, level, only 2 yeors | APMseace full price $16:000 wit Teme ' Four-rcoms, frome bungolow NOW $2695.00. VACANT Two, Foo furnished apart- 0s Mag all go he gs , two-bedrooms, kitchen with . . ' aaa. trie ee Ovely rooms, plus a partly Very nice 3 bedroom Bungalow, Oshawa South, extra recreation- good cupboards, oil heated Min W, If you qualify you will be trained by top instructors | Parking. 728-4386 or 723-9180. Ghidwed idea th basement. Gas Aawmes, Full pee 412.700 wih $1700 down, pe Page gh gy COMET CUSTOM FORDOR, 9 Green. WAS THREE-ROOM apartment, completely Paved drive, attached gor- $8 300.00 with $1, 200.00 $2640.00. i h i t. -- Inquire n hi f hid right on the equipment. Don't delay Tre NOW fave: ielevision "anenta, tes'at us| 08. A big hedged lot for | 7 Room Bungalow, on Highway 2 neor Maple Grove, 124 acres down, Write giving address and phone number to: -- phone, laundry and parking facilities:| your children, plus an excel- of Land. Small Barn rented for $20 monthly. Asking price 9 9 r egg ge aed oie lent garden. Call today to $11,500 with Terms. CRESTWOOD HEIGHTS NOW $2495.00. : sess \ i '4 NATIONAL SCHOOL OF cacti si 5 Room Brick veneer Bungalow on Elizabeth Cr. lot 90 x 168 | jve have, several NA. | J encipy cuctom FORDOR, Fieldstone Tan, 8 26--Rooms for Rent EXPANDABLE -- for your oil furnace, 4 pc. Bath, storms and screens. Full price $11,000 thls canont ag ea on in 3 ties ' HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION, . friends, or relatives, 6 room witli reasGnable down: payment. price S18 706. Car ni By cylinder, dual range automatic, power brakes, power -- Mont! Cas steering, whitewalls, padded dash, back-up lights, ROOM with two single beds, Suitable brick bungalow, only 3 years , 2313 Yonge St., Toronto 12, Ontario. Park Road South, old. Hollywood kitchen, 3 A luxury Home, just outside city limits East, on Y2 cere lot. coum plonthly payments vindshidld washers WAS SAGES Suit gentlemen or ladies. tiled bathroom, pierson wine creek joining the bock-yard. Painted Barn (1 year old for ponies Jock, Cornish, Wes. Elliott Ornish, es. jott, 8--Male or Female Hel 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|coveniences, continuous hot water. ini i ' ? F ere armed 7b) a0, Fee, WE URGENTLY NEED LISTINGS FOR FARMS AND HOUSES p-lities, Adults' please. BS eae ae eben eta al eloted in writing to Mrs. 6 Parrott, 095 320 VERDUD ae sire rates. lary Street, Oshawa. pod RUN bo oS attractive Ser mean lage tally "equipped" house WHITBY -- PRICE DRASTI- MUSIC TEACHER roqulred tench lpi tech ate easton Aish eine Zoom, aut ene 'apply fa] SALLY REDUCED -- Vicinity singing in rural school, ¢ on 401 ss Evenings after 5 o'clock. Nassau Street. Ontario Ladies College. mays near awa, SHAWA Boulevard south 74. Here, you will find charm REAL ESTATE LIMITED JOHN F DEWITH LINOTYPE operator wanted. One/gas pump, hot water heat. Two fine|&°Dtleman. Telephone 728-0852. this quiet treed street, o CHECK THESE METCALF MASTER BARGAINS Realtor and General thirder acceptable. Steady Sor 23 central location, quiet, clean home,| With log fireplace, dining east area ---- low taxes and al! -- $1,000.00 down -- excel. | Beige, automatic transmission, radio, wheel covers, for gentlemen, Parking space. Apply 109 220 BRUCE Street, clean furnished good sized bedrooms, living Stone front. 3 bedrooms. All depts panelled ds id ath (Out-of-Town Inquiries Invited) housekeeping room; also single rooms.) room, dining room, 4 pc, dining room beam-ceilings. Oversized fire-place Greenbelt with For further Information coll NOW $3595 00 FRONT furnished bedroom with alll dows. Basement has 2 large and other pets. Asking price $16;500 with: terms. Carl B. Ols 'or! en. Apply 137 Simcoe Street North. Tele- $ Wanted . RITSON Road North, 272, threeroomed|phone 725-3366, tiled and insulated, Large m 19 Athol St., W., apartment, furnished, private entrance|QNE LARGE front room, newly deco| fenced yard. A lovely home, GANIST and choir leader required|and bathroom, sink, cupboards, laun- i ao eey oe ° 4 x September ts rire Bait Churoh.|Gry facilities, $75 monthly includes wal. a nicely furnished, central, close| must be seen to be oppre- Oshawa, Ont. s : ie 723-1133 GARAGE and modi bod s v4. Large fully: equipped, 40° x 45" work spe? |furnished room for rent. Suitable for| and a bit of the unusual on é with floor experience preferred for|apartments iipstairs, h with DREW 5S : i i oe es tea Gon. te windows. Wine sot Ph Fell age Boman wiviiee a aalon nice panelled living room, --Only $6,900.00 -- 1% storey -- 5 room home -- south Insurance 1959 MONTCALM, 8-cylinder, fordor hardtop, to right man. a aes jospi- gentleman, abstainer: ly. Teleph orea, a charmi kitch : Write ava yoN two - bedroom apart. 's only, Telephone} area, rming kitchen lent terms. | Newcastle, P A att, - foun With cling spots, Fomity » Phone 3341 | whitewalls, NEW CAR CONDITION preagy Mecha Devel lati, ein General" sisees Bets on retrigera.| 444 444 DREW Street, two furnished h d th bedi Asking $8,000.00 1 brick h * say Street South, say, peer . 'a- eet, two furnis ouse-} room, and three rooms, --Asking 38, 00 -- 17% storey brick home -- new 4 pc, 95 Acre farm, located 6 miles or, monthly. Vacant July 1, Tele-|keeping rooms, All conveniences. After! with oodles of closets, Tiled both and new moder kitchen, about $2,000.00 down -- but from Oshawa, 2 streams, $2095 00 0 phone 725-0793, 4.30 telephone 728-06 . fi barn room 2 Room and Board a path ye hpp orgs self-con- LARGE bedroom and | kitchen, furnish- pak plitatg Moa! gid -- make an offer, ae Pa 1 a ed M ard, lunche: b . eat and hydro, near|ed for light housekeeping, refrigerator, bap ; ere Stent . DO! powe' ag Ph Teamity, Five-day" week, South GM. Vacant now. Couple pre. sink, near hospital me owntown, Vs, tifully landscoped and fenced --Full price asked -- $10,000.00 -- Try your low down pay- veniences. gots 1959 MERCURY, FORDOR SEDAN, fully red, TV North Oshawa, 'Telephone 725-7080 ferred. Telephone 725-3703, gant June 27, suitable two "girls, 725-| yard, ment -- 7 rooms -- 1Ya storey brick home on a quiet east LIKE NEW FIVE room two bedroom apartment, in|2-- e t | . [ste luke ine enviar: "ns wale rage Sloss to <fouth GM. Vacant in rooms and kitchen, furnished or} MADISON AVE. One of the wieiieleaatcl ass vel ioe Highvey larga stream. 122 . new | subdivision "in Whitby. $18.00 | Jy_1. Telephone 725-0793 un iyi Monash Avett couple. AD neatest homes on the street, --$11,900.00 -- top value guaranteed -- lovely 5 room brick | 6' bam; 12-roomed brick $2095.00 weekly. Telephone SAGUENAY APARTMENTS Peed Sout! five room brick bungalow bungalow -- rec room and all -- landscaped and fenced lot on | ieoae, all modern conven- eet a » board vat h iet street -- oil heating -- sure to go. Call now to inspect. i F tied clean rms. | 2 bedroom suite, with stove (ZANE, MOAT NORTH -- Facil fewer ee iene. Satie Breer: 1958 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON really sharp privileges, ae gage Apply ond refrigerator, 'paved park- one person, $10 weekly. Telephone Recreation Venétio --Only $13,000.00 -- worth much more. -- 2 lovely 5 room 200 Acre farm with 2 houses, --. ' i ing. Adults only. ae: ee binds, send gt lie sled brick homes in quiet east end locations. All the work done -- large barn; 7-roomed home $895 00 GENTL board, ET WEST, 208 -- ight-i ; , on packed, neon ox to, share 723-2563 or ined room basemen), ui "gente Priced ot only $12,800. Make an offer and move right-in. Only $8,000, down. aaa : 725-5787 Telephone 728-9040, THORNTON RD. S.--4 acres | Look $13,500.00 -- Can't last. 7 room country suburban 50 Acres at Bewdley with 1957 PONTIAC 2-DOOR, 6-cylinder automatic zoned industrially, a 4 room split level. Brick and masonry construction and lovely appoint- large barn; -7rdomed home, TWO BEDROOM bi I I ments in large treed lot, natural stone fireplace, family room, bath , fui . Price $6:- ond ae oy . MODERN APARTMENT pate ae building for' fruit, 98" eng, | 2 baths etc. Must be sold, Make your offer todcy. bother, furans, Price § $1095.00 trees, fruit and garden land, CALL ANY OF THESE COURTEOUS SALESMEN TONIGHT 50 Acres with 2 creeks, ex- 1956 CHEVROLET TUDOR, 6 cylinder, radio. A ICOE Street South, 1000 Ses tise ta tort, Anite shone trou $99 Available in private home. | COUNTRY LIVING -- Love- FOR FULL INFORMATION cellent soil. Located 5 miles parking. Rear entrances. Cobourg Adelaide and Park Rd, Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. fy 6 room brick, 2 storey AFTER 5:30 CALL from Oshawa. Asking $250. real clean car ee ae" 82 PARK ROAD NORTH | {ame gov 13 years old "iv. | Dick Borrloge 5-6243 John Kemp 8-2392 Joe Maga 5-9191 | Per cre $895.00 pane bag sangre get yee 725-2802 728-8671 ing and dining aera, Natu» | Jack Osbome 8-5836 Ken Hann 3-7963 Everett Elliott 3-9290 lage d io, bgp it tang 4 stone - ~ shaped d Oo dt ok a 27--Real Estate for Sale | fcoiy fireplace 'oll lee. gorage, water on tap, silo; | 1956 DODGE FOUR-DOOR, 8-cylinder, automatic. Oshawa's Fines Two bedi 8-roomed home, running Dial 723-2492 right now. dining room, paved driveway, Seen] Soran, noe COW for full water, Pics $14,000. with One owner. You have to see this one ! PARK LANE __ [itrsst Sweatt 088) rane sryiz suncacow | NORTH-WEST SECTION-6 ROOMS |. *4:000. sown. $875.00 WiitBy, ; : ; BRAND NEW Sey ces dee Seaae hance! ---- on ravine lot, three bed- Imagine -- paved street, trees, and on attractive brick home Bs pod poet pened. College. Foundation planting, tre a} rooms all with double lidin, priced to sell at only $10,000.00, For the wise buyer only -- at : OFFICE IS APARTMENTS shrubs well established, Very attrac-| closet doors, Beautifully 'tiled guroce, storms, screens and oll heating are a few of the extras. brick house. Price $15,000. 1956 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON, 8-cylinder. tive. Telephone MO 8-3062 after 4 p.m. | bothroom with vanity, Extra with $5,000 down, Ready to go on holidays ! AVAILABLE 1 BEDROOM SUITES lenge . recreation room with RAVINE LOT-BUILDERS' TERMS 88 Acre farm, lake shore at $795.00. two picture windows and : Bowmanville, goed bam etc: iit... Elevator Ser- LOO K NG walk out door to back yard, One only -- ravine lot In Hillsdale Terrace -- only $3,150. : 2 : ; gg Bright.... Freshly 2 BEDROOM SUITES many more attractive fea- roomed home, oil furnace. Somaes ... Tied Hans FOR tures. Asking price only MINUTES TO TOWN Pele: Get Sena merge: MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Avcilable in Few Days... ----Elevator Service $14,900. : : 100 Acre farm: close to Osh- Mod --Prj A modern 3 bedroom brick bungalow available for early pos- Good " y does sh oes Placed aoe Apa ; A V | E W ? For full particulars call Steve session on Adelaide Street West. Complete in every detail this has a Ce Prien tS 008 kas ter 7. 2 Wilson, kid laved Parking Zurba, Roy Flintoff, Leon home has 4 piece bathroom, extra large kitchen, forced air oil Terms , jcuiale BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LIMITED e --Controlled Entrances Then see this modern ranch Manitius, Irene Brown, heating, hot water heater, ond storms and screens. List price e THE style custom-built bungalow. Charles Rankine, Phyllis $13,400. -- $950 down. New N.H.A. 7-roomed home with 7 acres. Contact Features attractive kitchen, Jubb, Jeon Peacock, Lloyd Water under pressure. Only 1271 SIMCOE STREET NORTH TIMES BUILDING | MR. DON HOWE | extra' erge IMingroem with | Cosin 'Dick Young' Luce WILSON & NORRIS Realtors $1,000. dow DIAL 723-4678 725-7732 or rig 330 fe Frank Hunter, .. 725-2974 MARY & KING STREETS) 793.9699 'evenings at Vie Ea tod ba | Chin Fass. Un. del, 1 Coens Seema Caen Harwood Ave. N., Ajax Don Mountjoy, MA. 3.3950 OSHAWA Howe & Peters, Realtors Please phone 728-5075, YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING 725-6588 942-3364 Idso. Wiersma, Orono 1649 (Continued on Page 18)

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