Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1962, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 21, 1962 PRR OOOO EEE EE OO RTE Bee eee NORM CASH, Detroit Tigers first baseman, bites his tongue and loses his cap when catch- ing a pop-up off the bat of Metro J r. 'A Washington. Senators' Harry Bright, in the 4th inning of yesterday's American League game in Detroit. Jake Wood x Accepts Entry Oshawa Club TORONTO (CP)--The Metro-jback when the town had &/ park politan Toronto Junior A Hockey League has expanded to six teams with the entry of Oshawa into the Ontario Hockey Association circuit. Oshawa has not had a team n OHA Junior Hockey since a ire 10 years ago destroyed the » of the former Oshawa $ me for the new team has been decided but it will ry the red, white and blue colors of the Generals. The tcam will be sponsored by Bos- ton Bruins of the' National League Wren Blair, personnel direc. tor of the Boston farm system, said the Bruins were in Oshawa when the rink was destroyed not rink." "We're just promise,"' he told Wednesday night's Metro League meeting. Lloyd Pollock, OHA president, said there is some concern '"'as is going." He said the whole junior )Setup will be up for discussion} ' at the OHA's next executive) Maxwell after that but couldn't Plumbing, at Lakeview Park; meeting. down on future entries,"" he said. "After all, the OHA has ithe right to group teams in di- visions." The Metro loop will have a 35-game schedule for next sea- son which opens the last week and "we said then that we'd be in October. SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR (right) Detroit 2nd baseman, | bumped his teammate as both made an attempt to catch the ball. --AP Wirephoto Plaza Foods, Karn's Drugs 'UAW League In UAW Softball League ac- tion last night at Alexandra Plaza Foods defeated Billiards 11-7 while} Ward's keeping that/Karn's Drugs trounced Engel's |Men's Wear 14-2, PLAZA FOODS Sarnovsky pitched the win for to just where the Metro group) Plaza Foods, Morden's homer iN| Esso, at 8.15 p.m.; both games | the first inning was Ward's first jrun. They got good plate power {from McMullan, Clark and jget any big rallies rolling. "Oshawa's entry will likely be| Maxwell held the winners to| aces, at Bathe Park; P olice|made a poor start and had trou- approved but I think certain|two runs until the sixth when) ascoc regulations will have to be set|doubles by Maeson, Judd and/aieyandra Park, Bergtven, singles by Boivin and} |Sheaerr and a triple by Stalker |made up a five-run rally that |put Plaza Foods. ahead 7-6 and jin the 8th they scored another |five runs to clinch the win. | PLAZA FOODS -- Boivin, 2b; Sarnovsky, p; Shearer, c; Mae-| son, 1b; Breau, If; Stalker, cf; | |Judd, ss; Bergtven, rf; Davis, .|hit shutout in the second game/Felix Torres' triple, RHUBARB IN K.C. Red Sox Pitcher Tony's Nip Dependables Hits Four Indians On Game's Orphan Tally By JIM HACKLEMAN Associated Press Sports Writer Either American League pit- chers are suffering a collective streak of poor marksmanship or they're feeling uncommonly vindictive toward the hitters. Wednesday night, for ex- ample; Boston's Mike Forniel2s matched a modern major league single-game record by plunking four--count 'em four-- Cleveland batters in the course of the Indians' doubleheader sweep over the Red Sox. And at Kansas City, Jerry Walker of the Athletics nicked Leon Wagner of Los Angeles Angels. Wagner threw his bat at Walker, Waiker threw the ball at Wagner again, and both were ejected after a medium sized free-for-all. a ar . ' } eating Boston twice, 6-3) e Angels, who've beaten} ane a eaien tice, ae sithe Athletics 10 of 18 this year,| their league lead to two full|Were started off by Bob Rod- games over Minnesota Twins,|S@"s' two-run homer in the sec- 5-1 losers to Chicago White Sox.|0nd and Wagner whacked No. Los Angeles whipped the Ath-|20--high in the league--in the letics for the seventh straight|fourth. When Wagner came up| time, 5-1, with Wagner hitting/ext time, in the sixth, Walker' his 20th homer before his fling-|Plunked him and a typical base-| ing match with Walker, Wash-|Dall battle ensued--much_mill- ington Senators nipped Detroit|iN& and swinging, little hitting Tigers 5-4. New York Yankees|4"4_ hurting. the Orioles were rained out After peace e heltinore, : aa Danny McDevitt became the} Kansas City pitcher and was} LATMAN TAMES SOX touched for Los Angeles' last} Barry Latman.fired a five-two runs in the seventh--on a couple jand Bubba Phillips clinched thejof singles and--of course--a! opener with a three-run homer pair of wild pitches. Ted Bows-| in the Indians' double victory/field of Penticton, B.C., won it, over the Red Sox. Phillips|}gettine a big assist from Bob) homer off Gene Conley Cleveland from behind, and) Woodie Held added insurance in the eighth with a_bases- empty homer against Hal Kol- stad. Jim Perry was the win- ning pitcher with help from Gary Bell, Fornieles uncorked a_ wild pitch and walked a man in ad- dition to hitting four batters be- fore he was yanked in the fourth, but the Indians were un- able to cash in on these breaks. They did capitalize on an er- ror by Ed Bressoud and Ty Cline's double for a run in the second, however, and Willie Kirkland socked a homer in the third off Fornieles, making his first start this year. Jerry Kin- dall rounded out the scoring by homering in the eighth against was restored, came|Soiz, who pitched one-hit relief! in the sixth inning and brought over the final three innings. SPORTS English Yacht | CALENDAR | Beaten When | Mast Breaks -- POOLE, England (AP)--The TODAY SOFTBALL City and District "Major League" Doubleheade r-- i 7 | Tony's Vendors vs Heffering's| United States 5.5-metre yacht . Complex III sailed to victory in Imperials, at 6.45 p.m. and : : ; >.{the world championships, leav- Scugog Cleaners vs MacLean's ing its toughest English rival! far behind, dismasted and wal- at Alexandra Park. | ' rates ahi a0 | Inter-County League -- Hou-|/ewing in the blustery English} daille industries vs Foley's) Hise ' Complex IH, piloted by Dr. Abner's Esso vs Ukrainian| Britton Chance of Philadelphia, vs Genosha Aces, at|ble getting under way. The fa- west dia-|vored British Entry, Yeoman, ond; all games at 6.45 p.m. | Went ahead with Complex close UAW League -- Body Shop) behind. vs Kent's Western Tire, at Alex-| Then, just as Complex was in andra Park, west diamond, 1.30/a position to overtake the Eng- m, lish. yacht, Yeoman's tall mast BASEBALL snapped and crashed into the Lakeshore. Intermediate| sea. Complex sailed on ahead to League -- Port Hope vs Osh-| victory in the race Wednesday. awa, at Kinsmen Civic Memo-| Second place went to the Ba- rial Stadium, 7:15 p.m. hamas yacht John B sailed b | |WOODVIEW MIDGETS e A rookie and a sophomore,ing five hits while registering sparked Oshawa Tony's to a five strikeouts. Three of the hits brilliant 1-0 victory over De-'by Tony's came in the sixth pendable Caterers, in their|frame. Beaches Major Fastball League Victory for Tony's maintained game, last night at Alexandra|their hold on first place in the Park before another capacity four team set-up, 'with a record crowd. of six wins and two setbacks. Rookie Billy Osborne from Dependable's, defending champs Bowmanville, drove in the are in a lowly third place, hav. game's only run with a mam- ing won three and dropped five. moth triple in the 6th, plating| Eddie Black's are in second and Brent Oldfield, who had opened! Randall-Roy Metals are buried the inning with a single. in the cellar. | Bev Smith, last year's most | valuable player in his rookie SCORE IN SIXTH aa 2 season, "dished" up a nifty 3- With both hurlers pitching fine hitter in posting his third vic-)ball, Tony's finally broke the tory in four decisions. "'Smiddy" String of "'goose-eggs"' with showed excellent control walk- their run. "Barney" Oldfield ing only one batter, while claim- singled and Bev Smith crossed ing seven strikeouts. up Dependable's strategy when Nereis Mackie, who always he faked a bunt and hooped a) has a hard time beating Tony's, hit into left field. | suffered his fourth loss and| Billy Osborne, who currently} three of his setbacks have been|is leading the league in hitting,| against the Motor City team.|with a .437 average, got the) Mackie pitched good ball, allow-'green light from coach "Sam- Minor Softball League Result Oshawa Minor Softball Asso- O'Brien's homer in the fourth ciation's Midget League and Ki-| was Valleyview's big hit while wanis Bantam League were|Bishop had a single and triple. both in action last night, with a : full schedule of eight games be- KINGSIDE BANTAMS yea ing reported. Kingside Park Bantams whip-| SUNNYSIDE MIDGETS ped Southmead boys 26-1 in al Sunnyside Park Midgets visit-/ONe-sided game at Kingside ed Southmead and defeated the|Park diamond in which the home team 24-11, in a free-hit-|home club scored six runs in ting game that saw _pitchers|the first inning and 10 more in| Severs, Parosta and Goring of|the second, when Leggott Southmead all get stern treat-|couldn't find the plate for South- ment from the Sunnyside bat-!mead and Kingside made good ters while Calder, on the mound|use of all their free tickets. for the winners, didn't exactly) have a picnic either, although | STORIE PARK BANTAMS he received better support from| Storie Park whipped East- his mates, both in the field and|view Park Bantams 19-6 last at the plate. night at Eastview Park dia- Siblock with four walks, Mc-/mond. Four runs in the third Graw with two big hits, Cooper|Was Eastview's only good in- and Waters all did fairly well|ning, although Kowal had three for Southmead but they were|hits in three trips and scored outshone by Black, McConkey,|¢very time. Cameron and Nosal, Calder, who had two| Wright paced the winners with omers, Woremke, with one|S0lomon, Taylor, Chemlousky homer and Gaatch, of the win-|and Locke all close behind. Aes: |ZION BANTAMS | Zion Bantams pulled a sur- Woodview Park Midgets de-|Prise 7-4 win over North Osh. feated Radio Park 21-10 in an-/awa lads in their game last Other wide-open Midget game,|night, right in North Oshawa, this one at Woodview Park. The winners splurged for five ; jruns in the sixth inning when Woodviee vas hit herd be Cur. |Anlauf hit a bad break, and it len, Connell, Yarrow aad Ben.|Proved enough to win the ver- nett, the later with a triple and| ict. |Roy Metals helped Tony's cause Caterers {when Paradise opened with a |3b; Pettes, If in 6th; O'Neill, in 8th | WARD'S BILLIARDS -- Knox, 1b; Morden, c; Woodcock, 'ss; McMullan, If; Clark, 2b; Mason, lef; Maxwell, p; Buckley, rf; |Milton, 3b; Keenan, cf in 6th;| Georgeroff, rf in 5th | 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' |KARN's DRUGS Karn's Drugs had a fairly easy) time of it, winning 14-2 over) ON THE HEELS of the news of last night's Metro Junior "A" League meeting that the new Oshawa entry has been accepted, comes word that Whitby Mohawks Junior "'A" club will be coached by Bobby Attersley this next winter, which apparently means that he has decided to quit his post with the Kingston Frontenacs and hang McCORMACK will be a second new coach in the Metro League this next winter. The former Toronto Leaf and Montreal Cana- dien NHL performer will coach the Brampton Juniors, re- placing Bob Savage, who is expected to be team manager .. . Engel's when Richardson limit-| ed the Men's Wear team to six |walk to G. Sutton and hits by! | Zedic and Siblock Karn's got to Wallace for six |runs. in the first frame, on five) | walks and a couple of hits. Mc- |Kee took over in the second in-| ning but Karn's doubled their) | total with another half-dozen tal- llies and then added singletons up his gear ... JOHNNY Oshawa Legion Minor Assoc. --(Midget League) -- Beaton's| |R. H. Symonette. Y|two singles, but even so Radio| LAKE VISTA BANTAMS |couldn't match the power of the; Lake Vista Bantams scored a Dairy vs Ajax Lions, at Ajax} and Whitby vs UAW, at Alex-| andra Park; both games at 6.30 p.m (Bantam League) -- Oshawa) Dairy vs Whitby at Whitby| and Jury and Lovell vs Victor's| Sports, at Harman Park; both games at 6.30 p.m LACROSSE OLA Senior League -- Brook- |scattered hits. They got their|lin Hillerests at Port Credit,|Canadian universities this fall) Fernhill Park Bantams were) ltwo runs in the first inning on a/8 30 p.m SOCCER Toronto National League -- 0 Oshawa Italia vs Ulster, at To-| ronto Stanley Park, 8.00 p.m. | TENNIS Toronto Tennis League Oshawa at Toronto. CSCC, m | will begin a program to investi- gate the causes and prevention! | Wednesday sented to the annual meeting of! --|the Canadian Medical 6.30! tion | ~~ |Woodview attack. Connell was|9.9 default win last night when my" Stark and lifted a deep fly into centre field. Charlie Reid, in the centre pasture for Dependable's drifted back and seemed to have a line on the ball but he missed it and Old- field came home with the run. Smith held up in case of the ball being caught then neglect- ed to touch 2nd base. He start- ed back to remedy his mistake, was passed by Osborne, who had properly touched the base, then they exchanged order again before reaching 3rd base, which was as far as Osborne could get. When Dependables made the proper "appeal play" at second, Smith was ruled "out" and his run was nullified. Brent Oldfield paced Tony's at the plate with two hits. Other hitters for Tony's were Bill Osborne, Nick Mroczeck and Bey Smith. For Dependables, Peter Conacher, Fraser Scott and Bobby Kennedy shared their three hits. Kennedy at third base and Brent Oldfield, the Tony's short-| stop, turned in fine defensive! games. | TONY'S TALES -- Randall-| last night at Kew Beach as they! registered a key 3-1 win over Eddie Black's . ... Ab Deasley,| 'Sunnybrooks Beat stringbean righthander, picked up the win, starts. Deasley fired a nifty one- hitter and had one of the four hits collected by R and RR... Lucky winner of the basket of groceries draw was Marilyn Gil- lies, with number 2007... . Jim his first in six Shaw of CKLB three star selec- tion were Bill Osborne, Bev Smith and Norm Mackie Tony's see action again tomor- row night at Kew Beach against Eddie Blacks . . . Official bat- ting averages released before last night's game were as fol- lows for Tony's: Bill Osborne 437, Jack MacDermaid .333, Bob Simcoe .300, Joe Piontek .286, Art Rennick .250, Fred Etcher .222 and Bob Booth .150. DEPENDABLE CATERERS-- Conacher, If; Scott, 2b; Vitalle, 1b; Kennedy, 3b; Horner, c; An- derson, rf; Reid, cf; Gibb, ph in 7th; Tout, cf in 8th; Mugford, ss; and Mackie p. OSHAWA TONY'S -- Osborne, ef; Piontek, cf; Etcher,. 1b; Mroczeck, If; Booth, c; R. Sim- coe, 3b; Price, 2b; Oldfield, ss; and Smith, p. RHE 000 000 000--0 3 0 Tony's 000 001 OOx--1 5 0 Umpires: Chas. March (plate) and Geo. Campbell (bases). Scugog Cleaners Sunnybrook Meat Packers de- feated Oshawa Scugog Cleaners 9-5 last night at Coxwell Stadi- um, in their East Toronto Junior Ladies' Softball League schedule fixture. Mary McMahon started on the mound for Sunnybrooks and held the Oshawa gals to a pair of scattered hits and one lone run, for the first six frames. When she weakened in the 7th, Kadin took over and finished out the inning to shut off the Oshawa rally and save the win for Sunnybrooks. Lyons walked in the third in- ning for Oshawa, advanced on an infield out and scored on June Suddard's single. The Cleaners didn't do much other than this, until the 7th inning single; Pelow, a pinch-hitter, drew a walk and Parker doubled. Suddard was safe on an error, Germond grounded out but Boddy walked and then Schultz grounded out and Boddy was nipped trying to score, to end the inning. Sandra Paradise, pitching for Oshawa, gave up a run in the first frame when Louise Nye opened for Sunnybrooks with a walk. She scored later on an in- field out, wild pitch and a single by Sharon Byers. In the second stanza, three singles, a couple of errors and a walk, plus a stolen base and some bad fielding mistakes, gave Sunnybrooks four more runs. They added two in the fifth and two more in the sixth, to complete their total, with Diane Atkinson, Byers each having two hits and most of the others one apiece. OSHAWA SCUGOGS -- Sud- dard, c; Germond, 1b; Boddy, ss; Schultz, 2b; Wilson, rf; Lucas, lf; Paradise, p; Lyons, cf; Parker, 3b; Vaillancourt, If in 5th; Pelow, batted in 7th. SUNNYBROOKS -- Nye, If; Jones, cf; Atkinson, c; Byers, ss; Morris, 2b; Newton, 1b; McMahon, p; Anderson, %b; Harris, rf; Kadin, p in 7th. REMEMBER WHEN... ? Doug Ford, at 36 a vet- eran of tournament golf from Florida, scored a 12- under par total of 276 for 72 holes to win the Canadi Open title at Montreal Isle- mere three years ago today. Ford finished two strokes ahead of Dow Finsterwald of Florida, Art Wall Jr. of Pennsylvania and Bo Win- ninger of Texas. }was hit hard with the winners| Sunnyside Park Bantam team Whalen had a homer, so did} jof all at the plate for oa oa In Major Sport Universities To secritz in every inning except/management announced their Brack and McNamee had two view--he batted six times and) WINNIPEG (CP) -- Fourteen|FERNHILL BANTAMS 18" CUT the first and third frames.| withdrawal from the league. Study Injuries tudy Injuries (rii e'uitcon wee tne pes scored six runs. 2 CYCLE jat home to Rundle Park and al- |though the visitors put up| strong opposition, with Stuart,| Graham and Morrison all doing) well, they couldn't solve Spiers, | who replaced Parsons, when Associa.|atter walked three batters in| sy succession in the third inning |The game ended 6-1 for Fern-| The program is expected to|hill, Parsons, Densham and| Big 18" Rotary Power for the f injury in major sports. The program was announced in a report pre- adjustable from 1" to 3" . . wheels (5 front -- 7" rear). plated hendle with rubber hi B2151. ful 2% HLP., 2 cycle Clinton LOW LOW PRICES MOTO-BOY thrifty buyer . . . Power- engine. Cutting height . staggered rubber tired Steel housing. Chrome and grips. Ne. 65300- $4.00 DOWN-$2.50 WEEKLY NO WORD YET as to who will coach the new Oshawa entry, in the 4th and 6th frames, to FRIDAY take five years, under the joint| Pearse, along with Sills and} but the appointment will likely be announced next month SPORT BITS: Acting-president "Pat'" Jarvis sends word along to be noted by all "Major League" team managers, that the Oshawa City and District Softball Association will hold a meeting on Sunday morning, 11.00 o'clock, at Alexandra Park : ALL FOUR TEAMS are scheduled for action in the doubleheader tonight, with Tony's Vendors and Heffering's meeting in the first game .. . TONY'S REFRESHMENTS scored a thrilling 1-0 victory in a 70-minute fastball sizzler last might here, over Dependable Caterers, to boost Oshawa's margin as the Beaches Major League leaders. Bev Smith's sparkling pitching and some brilliant defensive infield plays by both teams, highlighted the nip-and-tuck tussle .. . A RACING FAN, kicked by a horse owned by the Aag Khan, at Lonchamp Track (France) last October, has been awarded $1,700 damages, as a provisional payment ... ROLLIE MILES apparently didn't get that job he wanted in Calgary, but he has announced that he football, rather than report to will retire from professional the Stampeders, who drafted him from the Eskimos, about two months ago. VADA PINSON PUNCHES HIS BASEBALL CRITIC PITTSBURGH (AP)--Base- ball writer Earl Lawson of the Cincinnati Post says Johnny Temple throws a harder punch than Vada Pin- son. He should know. Pinson, angered by a Law- son story criticizing his field- ing, landed a right to Law- son's chin in Cincinnati Reds' dressing room Wednesday night prior to a National League game between the Reds and Pittsburgh Pirates. Temple, former Cincinnati second baseman now with Baltimore Orioles, punched Lawson six years ago in a dispute. "I criticized Pinson's field- ing, which hasn't been good this year," Lawson said. "Riding on the bus from the hotel to the field he made a few remarks and we argued. This continued into the club- house when Pinson asked: ' 'Were you serious about that article?' "I said 'Sure, I'm serious' and that's when he hit me. I tried to hit back, but every- body seemed to step in and separate us. It was a hard punch, but I'm not hurt nor marked by it." Pinson, a five-foot-11, 175- pound speed demon, told The Associated Press he was sorry about the whole thing. "It was just something that happened on the spur of the moment. I don't go around punching people. He (Law- son) apologized during batting practice and so did I. He said | he was wrong." Lawson said he holds "no grudge" against Pinson, but added: "I'm a little tired of getting hit all the time by ball play- ers." Temple socked Lawson over a dispute on a call the writer made as an official scorer. | They later became friends. jcomplete their total Marshall, DeGray, McPhee land Brooks of the winners had |the big sticks at the plate KARN'S DRUGS -- Marshall,| |2b; DeGray, 1b; McPhee, cf; | | Brooks, c; Dulny, If; Butler, rf;| |Bannon, ss; Woods, 3b; Rich-| |ardson, p; Thayer, rf; Kirk, 3b. ENGEL'S MEN'S WEAR -- G.| | Sutton, If; Campbell, 3b; Zedic,| |ss ;Wallace, p and rf; Siblock,| \1b; Mendyk, If; Lawson | Harmon, 2b; D. Sutton, rf; Kee, p in 2nd. pe} Mc-} | Foley's Plumbing | Take Abner's Esso' Plumbing ' walloped| |Abner's Esso Juveniles in their \Inter - County Softball League 'game, last night at Whitby, 12-0.| | | | Foley's Lutz, pitching for Foley's,! gave up only two hits to earn the win, singles to Campbell and Thorndyke in the fourth and sixth frames, respectively. Campbell started on the mound for the Whitby. club and) later gave way to Townsend.) Foley's got a run in the second! inning and then put on a merry-| go-round display for niné runs in SOFTBALL sponsorship of the CMA a : 1 nd the tnd c gid Focal Fastball| Canadian Association of Health, League awa Tony's vs| Physical Educat - Eddie Black's, at Toronto Kew he eae neeeeaaias | Gardens, 7.30 p.m | Dr. Duff Wilson of Kitchener | SOCCER \chairman of the CMA commit-| Toronto National League --|tee, said the committee sup-| Toronto Hellenic vs Oshawa|ported leadership rather than| Italia, at Kinsmen Civic Memor-| athletic training in a program| ial Stadium, 8.00 p.m. of physical fitness for Cana-| Spiers, doing the hitting for the| winners. <b iy DOMINION CONNAUGHT BANTAMS Connaught Park Bantams} TIRE STORES struck for eight runs in the first! ( ) inning with the first eight bat-| ters scoring, and then went on) to whip Valleyview 14-5. They) had the score 12-1 after two} frames and then slowed down.| 39.95 DOMINION AVAILABLE AT POPULA' PRICES TIRE $ YOUR GUARANTEE @ Merchendise and prices exectly es e le @ Goods completely tisfactory oF R sai money refunded. TORES LIMITED MADE HIS PILE [-- om BUT NOT CASH? ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)--An angry bulldozer operator, who said he wasn't paid | enough for work he did on a little league baseball field, interrupted a game with his machine Wednesday night. He dropped the blade near second base and pushed up a mound of earth halfway to home plate. "There, that'll show you," he said as the boys left the field: Richmond Vees Sign Art Ditmar NEW YORK (AP)--Art Dit-| SACKS plus the third inning, including two/™ar, 33, former New York and| doubles by Edmondson, The|Kansas City pitcher, has been| scoring pace slowed down after|Signed by Richmond Virginians 2 PAIRS FOR $25.00 12 Friday and Saturday Only ALL WOOL TROPICALS --- TERYLENE AND WOOL TROPICAL ALL WOOL WORSTED FLANNELS that but the damage had been/of toe International farm director Johnny Johnson of the Yankees says. Richmond is a Yankees farm club. YESTERDAY'S STARS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Batting: Hank Aaron, Braves, had two home runs and three singles in leading Milwaukee to 9-4 and 3-2 victories over New York Mets, Pitching: Barry Latman, In- dians, threw a five-hit shutout in the nightcap of a double- header as Cleveland swept two games from Boston Red Sox 6-3 and 3-0. | done. FOLEY'S -- Stone, cf; Ed- mondson, If; Lowery, 1b and c; Morden, ss; Lutz, p; Claus, c; Hentig, 3b; Georgeoff, rf; Max- well, 2b; Knox, 1b in 2nd. ABNER'S Zayette, Fletcher, 3b; McBride, ss; Thorndyke, c; Campbell, p; Arnold, If; Kennedy, 2b; Mon lroe, 1b; Rodman, rf; Townsend lp; Christie, cf; Clarke, Lf; Mathews, If. | SET SEMI-FINAL DATES MILAN (AP) -- The Italian) /Tennis Federation said Tuesday the European zone Davis Cup semi-final between Italy and |Britain will, be in Milan July 13-15. cf; i ' League, | | -- finely tailored in USE OUR PLAN In Pleated, Pleatless the most wanted colours CONVENIENT BUDGET --/919 --" OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Many With Perma Crease Finish -- All Regular $15.95 Values These are a timely promotidén of better quality slacks in both tropical and regular weights STATE YOUR OWN TERMS 7

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