pmcepaetie ati Bas ee | [Longden To Make | Teddy Wright sti _ | Gets Decisi __satis__| Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings _ 3rd Run Ab Pine ee eo of announce 11:00 Net } Seery) are very beoey Timothy 2 See tA. RIVE Stick Sales High Low Pay Rene Stock Seles High Low a.m. Ch'ge | Stock Sales 5 vi Stock Gales High Lew a.m, Ch'ge ig! ; ar Cenee ee $9 Shullys 200 6% 64 |Bankeno -- 1000 New Bid 1000 ™ H+ Ul .P 0h 20 7 @ N Harri ee | TORONTO (CP) -- Johnny gon, weight 6 Ibs. om Friday, June 8. 1962) woot stock Exchange--June 11 [Copp Clark 110 . 8 h 19% 1 |Bankfield 1000 | at Port Perry Memorial Hospital. A} Gittins in cents marked $.|CTush Int 250 $10 10 10 ~% ge A 235 be fey rg macht rt | NEW YORK (AP) -- Welter- ; 500 sone " 50 New Hosco 1800 % 80 | Q 4 i Reottion for Rolie. Thanks f De.) Oat tot, ad -- Meeiviened, xr--Hx-jome Soak = 0 Ba SEN ee 100 $7 4747 |Bary Expl % 2% % -2 |New Jason 500 7 7 -- |Longden, one of the oldest and 7 = \weight Teddy Wright of Detroit 'asco Diamond. rights, xw--ex-warrants, Net change is 4 7 | > tae : as ; fe "te g D y 544 -- Dom 110 59% 59% -- 4 | Beay N Kelore- 1000 7% 7+ ¥igreatest active jockeys in the 1 hi . Mrs, David|trom previous board-lot closing stock.|) 0 8 175 14% 14% | Belcher 0 Newser 500 Bb mM : ' completed his mastery over the wey, spunea Charead cansenes bin. 49% r ' Ais 2144 -- 44) Bethim 220 220 220 Nor-Acme 3000 ig --1 |World, will have mounts in the ¢ ! 'tighting Moyer family of Port- Bea ae tess coe INDUSTRIALS -- ftom fer i Sint ine ine | venaemat 343 (pene yo" |Natsrt. 0 ie a_i 72 [two - division Queen's Plate land, Ore., Saturday night by i % les sa M4 P 5 [ By | . | ; " | re a Wag at Humber Memoria! a ae ae Faleon 338 $50 49% 80 Viceroy A 2 we . PA + M% cr ell ; . {Northgate an #00 ---10 |Trials at Woodbine today. Then | winning an upset split 10-round Po A hild for Mr. a e ales wilam., i 3 ~ *Brien r 33 ve s nase : F { mn Cp Seer aripert Clarke, 623 Fernhill Blvd. Abitibi 215 $45%4 45% 45% -- %4|Fed G . oe: ek + i ee a 2° a Maan F : Opemiska == 4 --4 |comes the big decision for the si if decision over middleweight con- Ganawa and first grandchild for ME-|Acad-Atl pe 10-8100 100, 100 | -- 14] Fras 23 wren ee sinc 136 1a : 'a ae cane " 13 =} [55-year-old jockey. ' tender Denny Moyer. and Mrs, Herbei [Alta Gos $26 264 si ' : : : spas isan : at a : Alt Gas B pr 25 $106%4 10614 10614 = % F os Sa ie oF ga" int oak | Pay 0 mm ; Will he be aboard Sun Dan | Wright, "a 13-to-5 underdog, . - Alum! a ee +1in the $75,000 Queen's Plate |. weighed 153% to Moyer's..150. Anthes An 800 $11% 11% llw-- %|G L 5 $i7 % ; ic : Ma ay \ 9: s 3 : Arges 200 $8% 6% 8% -- %/Gr W 4s ad Fs a aa Oe ' op 108 Picth-Ore H 9¥4 Saturday or will he settle for fe : | It was the third victory in 35 DEATHS 1200 $6% Gi Gta + Me! Grey wr eee ae 1G i S401 40% 408 -- Ye glace cath bs mt Weleeias Effort. f 2) days for Wright, who outpointed Arg pr Atlas Steel 1490 $30 29% 30 + %4 4 a ibook art 61 61 --% Q Mattgmi Phil Moyer two weeks ago. $81 $644 i} ; ; , ~ plies % 59 © Persh : 7 fe "sg cision for Longde' : § co oS YAY a ca line on e+ OILS Cop Corp 250013 2 preg mom --6 | Its a big de ie M le ee Referee Art Mercante and ayed 43 years, wife of the late Fred: 230 87% Ind Accep 235. $241 7000 46 4518 46 + %| Denison $10% 10% 10% + | Rasen, 2 8 |because the Plate, the classic | |judge Tony Castellano each had erick William Battle and dear mother $914 p Int Nickel 60 720 720 720 +15 |Dicknsn = aio Algom 3 : for Canadian - bred three-year- |Wright ahead 5-4-1 in rounds at Doreen (Mrs. Edgar, Hoskin) Osb- ee a am 5 A a a IC et a ate ue eranher Ys gi 41s | BY anor * ,/olds, is one of the few important : 'Saturday, Judge Joe Agnello ee ete necting at 'the 25% 58 584 y Syn y a 48% ae 000 112 110 110 42 |Giant YK 12s 126 12% Serra $00 380 +5 |races in North America the by 'had Moyer in front 6-4. Mors Funersl Caspa, Sewnaavile, 28 oar gs a : Cn ae at ee kb ce a bbe English-born rider 'has never There were no knockdowns in in the chapel on Tuesday at 365-365 GF Mining Sil Miller : 3 3 to +6 1 " i 2:0 p.m. Interment Bowmanville|BA Oil $30% 116 116 116 3 3 38 16 won, He grew up in Taber, ithe action - packed affair but ' Moyer bled freely from the nose Goldray E 46 Il |Siscoe from the fourth round on. 304 30% : 3 } Cemetery. sie 11% Er aederd | pons 3 , ' | 590 590 +10 Gull Leed 5 334 Steeloy 500 4 Alta., and, now a resident of 16%e 16% e+ * C Mie Mae 290 |Hard Rock 15 's 595 Cali i is LEE, Bubert Frank c 160 160 160 +10 | Leland 1 ye 17 wo y | Dynamic 5 27 |Har Min My 13% Stur 21% 21% 21% Peeing' of " ~-- At the family residence, 197 Bond Street $21% 21% 21% \Levy ree $17 " ea 8! ol clar 17 | of Lake 6 3 beg 37 (33% 37 |ambitions as been return to ee ee ee : 1 Sime 316 3m *teltob Go pr 25 850. 50 u5 We ime Ge anes ~ | Teck-H: 3541 165 162 163 |Canada and win the Plate. d F, Lee, beloved husb hme ee Sa 1 1 10 rish Cop ~ 53 $1 3 7 11% 11% 11% Y - upest ¥ ai teas ner ieving themes of 31 3d [Lob GB p xd 32s 32M | f 15% | Jacobus 0 ' : yg 2 92 4+ This will be the third attempt : - IF YOU ARE NOW TAKING ge ge a ane el gy ge Be ge gta bore' 2614 -- 4 _ 216 a | dellites : 40 40 for the man who has won 5,600 JOHNNY LONGDEN | A LAXATIVE ONCE, TWICE or | ' Mrs. W. Simpson and Mrs. 8. G. Duns-|Cdn Brew 3 10 0 + %| Molson A aoe = SINC Olle t | ee : f 8 00 1 Gea ; 4 races, the most of any jockey in ce mile route in 1:52 even and pay) THREE TIMES A WEEK ford, Toronto, in his 82nd year. The late 5 Mon Foods 50 0 0 10 Pac Pete rv ay. 7 gy" ' ' pel ' 28 «(OR ; 7 Mr. Lee is resting at Mclntosh-Ander-|¢: 190 1 Moore 7 perks) poh ache ne 4 oil "Gas 1 . 65 165 Kirk ua 2000 J 765 165 the history of racing. | a son Funeral Home. Service in the|C Dredg y ee ae 166 to 504 3% -- "IL Default 1 5 51! m F 62 2 2 a straight $2.80. Caledon Belle: ehapel on Wednesday, June 13,, at 2 450 40 10 U ae 50 | 1000 12 -- %4|Latin Am j - 177 «:175--=«(175 FLAMING PAGE RESTS l4 . & lace alt. bs | ae. THEN YOU SHOULD BUY BR ToDaTE p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. ie on Sa ae eae tar 15 5 + Val Leiteh $ 5 5 auz 138 490 - A notable Plate eligible will 00) @ piace $10! y a nose; the Laxative Tablet with the : 7 700 153. 15 jLL Lac 1 y %4| / i aes @ ; | MILLER, George Brron iC 1 + "lRovel Bank oo FA lUn Oils 1200 141141 "t licyndhet 1 |West Mines 100 233 288 be in the barn today. She ae 21 yl shot a Way. i aril DIFFERENCE = Entered into rest in the Oshawa ¢ y ae . 163 | MacLeod 1 1 +2 |Wiltsey 1 7 ' oF 'av- ie = victo was amin. a entle-acti v5 eral Hospital on Sunday, June 10. 1962,|Can Oil j Buseaail oe ise 19 ie %l MINES | Madsen P Sime oe sh: Flaming Page, from E. P. Tay-| ee 1B : .. ntle-acting N.. . Nature's Geerge Byron Miller, beloved haspasd Ye 24 ic wa me 650 Magnet 200 300 20 20 lor's Windfields Farm, who gal-/Page's first in eight starts this) Remedy! There is no letdown, no of Beatrice Pepper and father 2 Sala a a ae A 1000 41 a +1 |Maybrun |G lloped h 4%4-length winner/|season, although she had cam- uncomfortable after-feeling. NV is areriat thie sea Wi Mil $33 -- Selkirk A 450 430 +15 | Abacus 10 {May! oe . : jloped home a 444-length | season, aitho : pe san ' : Wands Marilyn Miller oe wears 35 $38 7 saat 20 Ss Sk -- VelAm Larder 500 22 HB | pMcKen y 1M 1 1, |Belole 200 685 685 +S Jover Conn Smiythe's Caledon|paigned against fleet fillies inj an all-vegetable laxative. For over Ree Peat! Home. Saye aus ee Te tela ca nm 4 A Arcadia 500 37 37 37 --3 |Murray M 1335 ' 5 --1 | Sales to 11 a.m.: 478,000. |Belle 'in the $39,145 Canadian|the United States. Her portion) 70 years, NR has been giving folks mn a -- rer ee Oaks for three-year-old filliesjof the Oaks prize was $26,645,| pleasant, effective relief overnight, day, June 12, at 2 p.m. Interment Osh- -- Saturday Vv her a bankroll of $3 i } giving R igh awa Union Cemetery : ' _ - é | | Mccabe LEVES ~-- h General o,° | Bo b C h | Flaming Page, 10th in the/for the season. As a juvenile ' oie, eee oo ritimes Set mber Uoacn | GORGEOUS GEOR E early r wacing" in the dé-filly she oarned $14,075 in seyen ap lomerrew sign? Baby eve infant oan ot, i, Sl perage is Iield, made. her "move leaving) earances OEE Moles rou fn boner terment within St, Gregory's Cemetery. | } Pa In Neck lthe backstretch and gradually} Jim Fitzsimmons of Calgary .. and look better! SIMMONS, Flora Eve | R d | In ipulled away to cover the 1%-lwas aboard Flaming Page. REGULAR + CHOCOLATE COATED + JUNIORS sdale M Saturday, J | Sei . mae : tid # a Flora Eva Sosanes, Leteved Safet y ecor S ne TREAL (CP) -- Coach LOS ANGELES (AP) --| out a mink run in his corner, = , V2 PRICE SALE! pe cn Mg A cpa 4 Murray Warmath of the Univer- Wrestler G Geo e | removed the gold pins that F es aoe Wing seth, ot Neem, Naess i iat acci.|sity of Minnesota football club| "Tester Gorgeous & eorge | remo : "s $ 4 Earl, Marviand; Edward G; Jack: Ree] By THE CANADIAN PRESS jnatural deaths, industrial acci-°0° G4 Grant, head coach of| OK on his wife as an op- | clapsed his curls and re- Ame ot 26s 5 STAR VALUE! FAMOUS BRANDS! NATIONALLY ADVERTISED! rt and Mrs. E. Monaghan (Joyce) Osh- : : ' onan + fi moved his robe--one of the , awa, in her Bist year. The late Mre.| Canada's Atlantic Provinces/dents and known suicides. |Winnipeg Blue Bombers, is a! a tet sti va Slee 200 in iia wardrobe ne © (eo) \ Simmons is resting at McIntosh-Ander- ly hada erfect safety rec-| Ontario dead h i. rinks, she es' ified in ge 4 s e. ¢ X al son Funeral Home, Service in thejnearly ha D , j Onta ead: ae pain in the neck. a divorce Friday. | George, 47, now is a tavern \ wi mite chapel on Tuesday, June 12, at 2 p.m.iord but elsewhere in the coun-| Eric Lubinski, 21, of Kirkland} "I can do without that fellow, A witness at her Superior | owner and is having a strug- y ' \ Imerment Union Cemetery. Ladies a try fatality statistics were tyPi-| bake when his car collided with! (Grant)," said Warmath Satur-! Court trial said she wound | gle getting started in his new AND STILL WATER {liary, Canadian Legion service 7 p.m. OUTFA = Daughters of England service 7.30;|cal for a June weekend. a truck he was trying to passiday during a lull in his assign-| yp with two black eyes as the | business, his wife testified. Sommoame Coopter, OFS emvice § PM) 4 Canadian Press survey of] _ 'irk.|ments. as a guest coach of a! result of her last non-profes- | She waived alimony. They'll Monday evening. : inear Kenogami, west of Kirk : | P : accidental deaths from 6 p.m. | pie ; |two-day coaches' clinic spon-! sional bout. have joint custody of their GOANES, Douglas MacLean local times Friday to midnight|land Lake Saturday isored by Montreal Alouettes, Judge Leonard Diether | two-year-old son. New Westminster, B.C, : bg ; : a oh Friday, June' 8, 1962, Dougias "M'|Sunday. showed a traffic death) Ulric Bourgeois, 44, of Navan,| «ios. heen in my hair for a| granted Mrs. George resump- They were married in 1958. Bae ered ne tether of Jenaver;i2 New Brunswick as the onlyY/when his car left a road out-| e, W 'added. "I, tion. of her maiden name,| . Mrs. George said she was cf thd Peter, only son of Mie. and the[fatality in the four Atlantic!side Ottawa and rolled over inline, yal cote he ting| Cherie Dupre, which she uses | also waiving any financial 4 So if pipet baad late John M. Soanes, brother of (Jean)/ provinces -- N e w foundland,| ditch Saturday methods around the Minnesota| a8 @ dancer and actress. rights to the book her hus-| } ij as NL euentn wanour Sous will arrive in' Oshawa' Wednes:| Prince Edward Island and Nova| Roger King Kinnear, 27, of{club. I consider him a disturb-| Miss Dupre, 33, was valet | band is writing, Gorgeous day morning. Funeral arrangements/Scotia were all fatality-free. jar jniiand when a car in 'which! ance and he gets no help from| to the golden-curled wrestler | George -- The Human Orchid. See ie But across the country a t0-lne was a passenger crashed|me or my staff.' before he gave up the ring in "I don't want to be rough ' tal of 58 fatalities were Tre-jinto a telephone pole near| nih - ceant paw) 1957. She preceded him | on him." she told the judge, LOCKE'S FLORIST ported, $8 of them in telliclacniwin pareoes |, Warmath added: "Grant has) through the ropes, sprayed | "even though it's been kind Funeral arrangement ond {mishaps. Ontario and Quebec) a Re S easchan a8 jue ang ae Me te the ring with perfume, spread | of rough on me." ; floral requirements for all accounted for more than half| * rs. osemary S| eehan, ,|prospects for 962.1 ats a boy eeamaene: Ithe toll with 17 and 15 respec-| When the car in _-- = werent a Just out of the | Tanving the' tavariee ie OSHAWA SHOPPING _ |tively. lmigiway 481 by enuther carioe cligihllity and we care coag| DOC Jocoy Takes | ribot 'and Wallet Liter. to kill CENTRE Ontario had 15 of the traffic) and crashed through a roadsidelyse him. : jeach other off in a duel for the 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE deaths, while Quebec had eight,!tence Sunday. | The Alouatten tiret Canaiion Inglewood Event |pace, Doc Jocoy hit the wire 728-6555 Alberta six, Saskatchewan five.) (13. Holbrook, 19, after his|camp was held in conjunction| about a neck in front of Royal British Columbia two and Mani-| ant out of control and{with the clinic and as a windup| INGLEWOOD, Calif, (AP --/Attack. Black Sheep was third. GERROW FUNERAL 6toba one. istruck a concrete abutment atjto both events, the Reds beat/Doc Jocoy came up with a reab Doc Jocoy paid $17, $7 and CHAPEL Quebec had four of nine|a: Newmarket shopping centre|the Whites 14-7 in a game that/in the stretch Saturday tow in/$5.20, Royal Attack $5 and $4/ : : drownings reported. Two of the) saturday. lattracted nearly 1,000 fans. |the $34,250 Argonaut Handicap.Jand Black Sheep $8. a Kindness beyond price others were in B.C., while Man-) ¢,..14 Kelly, 37, of Spanish| ce wyet within reach of all. |itoba, Alberta and the Yukon) .10, 'his car spun out of con- 728-6226 jeach had one, ltrol on Highway 17 near Span- | Fires claimed two lives imjish Saturday. 390 KING STREET WEST injanitoba and one in Ontario,|-- : e ain inna | Grant Gilmoure Simpson, 26, ' ~-- ne and six persons died in miscel-'() cy Catharines after a car in . +8 IN MEMORIAM laneous accidents, ¢ h ns . : lous he was 6 peenennar : "8 Tonight on lelevision them in Quebec, two "| missed a curve and rolled over , 'ALDOUS -- In loving memory of our|@Nd one in Ontario. Saturday. ' é i ; ) Us : rm a saan mn, [TWO KILLED BY TRAIN | Anne Simpson, 18, of George oe i: She Minister ve, eee Sl Over Wan | Two of the unclassified deaths|town when a car she was rid- : es G iota wy 'Mother ean; were from falls and another twojing crashed into a bridge abut- of « , ae and ae Dad. persons were killed in a train)ment near Georgetown Satur- JONAH -- In loving memory of Maryjaccident in B.C, : day. | hs : a HE H, Jonah, who left us June 11, 1961 in} The survey includes acciden- William J. Lester, 78, of Pe- : ! ihe fom, ne ae Mn tears we saw you sinking, tal deaths that result from|iee Island Saturday after a fall ov ; 21a. 3 'We watched you fade away, weekend activities but excludes) downstairs at his home Wednes- : : day. GEORGE HEES Bn ss bg Bony oath > ggad 'ou foug: BO iy. ' But when we saw you sleeping, } Onil Gamache, 18, his. brother e pie gs So peacefully, free trom pain, SIFIED latuin 1h born ort FOE dla CLAS \Barey Leewright Brown, 30, of . CBLT TORONTO p> lenny + gamma ADVERTISING jUnion, Ohio when a car in jwhich they were passengers is d CHANNEL 6 qt 3 Mail This Coupon to SINGER SALES CO. 1721 Bathurst St., Toronto 10 ee an ae ee : * Please send me the 333-pe "3 in} Spin Fishing outht" os advertised: tam enclosing $1.00 day Highw ' d vist ae ' : : CARD OF THANKS Ot ies & feuad _* ighway 17 near North 8:00 P.M. | § dies cl ss ee a ORDER NOW FOR Reva shar 9 Tor. 3 a 5 MOSSEY -- 1 would lke to express|roar----pine point Siamese cats tight; Richard Haworth, 20, of Tor P ae A The Propressive Comervative Party of Canede j NAME : becca FATHER'S DAY my, thanks to my friends and neigh-|-srkings, vicinity of Ontario Motor)Onto when a car in. which he 17th bere, UAWA, Reverend E. A. Larke, Sales, Reward. 78-4678. After 5.30, call| was a passenger rolled over on Aa ADDRESS ' i JUNE 17¢ The Men's Own and the Wimen's Group of Albert Street United Chart Nair Bae oe eee rd curve on Highway 12 two. _ for their flowers, gifts and cards. : from car, s . * . aver the nurses and nurses aides of 3B and|Euclid, Dundas area. Finder please | Miles north of Beaverton. 2A for their kindness to me while I|phone MO 8-3724, | Sandra Rakuta, 8, of RR 5, was in the Oshawa Hi 1. Also to |Merlin, when she fell under the Drs. E. J. Rundle and H. R. Rowsell. iim --Mr. Kenneth Mossey, 306 College Ave. 35--Legal wheels of a water tank she was riding while her father was tow- ing it by tractor at her grand- Glen Seeley Wins , om father's farm in Mersea town- ; ship near Leamington. s Jerome McFadden, of Peter- Deep River Match borough, when the car he was mn 3 i } driving left the Warsaw Rd., five DEEP RIER, Ont. (CP) i miles east of Peterborough. Glenn Seeley of Ottawa's River- j Shirley Collins, 14, of Camp- mead -- "og a prise bellford in a head-on collision approach shot for an eagle VESTROUGHING WORK between a car and a light truck three on the 18th hole to win EA bohios poorer on Highway 30, three miles the Deep River Invitation Sat- north of Campbellford Sunday. urday. SCHOOL Mrs. Jeffie Hunter, 72, who Some 100 golfers from Ottawa,|) BOWMANVILLE, ONT, [died in~ hospital at Hamilton Hull, Peterborough and Ottawa Saturday after her clothes Valley communities competed) SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- caught fire while she was cook- in the annual two-day event. ERS properly endorsed, on jing. Seeley finised with a par 72 -- eS | An unidentified elderly man, to beat out Joe Galen of Hull's the Tenders Secretory, Room jkilled in a collision on the Chaudiere Club by one stroke-| (439, East Block, Porlioment | lrans-Canada highway west of He used 37 shots on the front Buildings, Toronto 2, Ont- | Nipigon Sunday night. nine, and 35 to return. ori, until 3.30 p.m. (E.D.T) on | D'Arcy Boucher of Ottawa Be hariae te cg) Towa. uvy st, ne |_ NET EARNINGS for the supply ond installa: | By THE CANADIAN PRESS tion of Eavestroughing a | Canadian Aviation Electronics Downspouts on vorious build-" jnig year ended March 31: South Africa May ings, 06 noted Wn Me Speci: 11989, $540,780; $1.80 8 share; fications, ot the Boys' Troin- 14961. $455.47 , ing School, Bowmanville, | » $455,475, $1.36. Risk Elimination | omevc. lonureiion tat sc cueeen Specifications, Tender forms x : 'JOHANNESBURG (AP --| and Tender envelopes my be -- a Bg yi 7 South Africa will i i hee : banned ran inet Ole vate ag Soli SF jcents, (Includes $149,592 profit *Make the "L" sign for the ale and a total boycott in inter-| Public Works, | Bost Block, His guia "netees' tt that's brewed with just the fi iidings, oron- | "*" ¢ ao ts ag pyc Ma ap ne ig os, 7 sae . eo 1961 quarter. = of o hops for a -- policy against racial integration.) tenders will not be considered | NatOnal Grocers Co. Ltd.,| alance of vigour and smooth- Jan Deklerk, minister of the f jyear ended March 31: 1962, | ei Oil a rally. of the doped, wedi oir |$865,825; 1961, $870,889. ness ... Labatt's 50 Ale. rujing National Party Saturday) Works, Ontario, in accord- | night. ance with the terms and con- REDS DROP NUNN Deklerk, whose office has} ditions as set forth therein | CINCINNATI (AP -- Cincin-| cHarge of enforcing racial seg-| the lowest or ony tender not |Mati Reds released pitcher| regation in sports, gave this necessorily accepted. {Howie Nunn to the club's San defiant reply to a warning given : é |Diego farm team of the Pacific Sauth Africa last week by the} Porlioment Buildings, Coast League Friday to make} International Olympic Commit- eva |way for pitcher Jim Maloney,| tee meeting in Moscow. June 8th, 196 Ce Mate |who was called up from San} The IOC told South Africa it Deputy Minister, | Diego. Nunn pitched only 9 2-3) will be suspended next year if| Depertment of Public Works, [innings in six games for the} ft floes not change its policy of Ontario, |Reds this season and gave up| racial discrimination in sports. six runs.