THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thusdey, June 7, 1962 17, TELEVISION LOG | a TY (cern, mer es sme] |, Hayden Couple SOMEONE MAY HAVE SLIPPED LUTMANT s CRlgT 'THIS SERVANT . . At Enniskillen CHCH-TV Channel 1i--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Teronto by a ca ' OUT OF THE HOUSE WITH IT. WHY DO | WOMAN TRYING TO SNEAK IN THE By MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN j 'YOU NOT BACK WAY FROM THE HOUSE IN wus-tV Channel 2--Buftalo WBEN-TV Channe} 4--Buffalo ADMIT YouR THE REAR, ENNISKILLEN -- Mr. and '|Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, WhKW-TV Chacvel 7--Bultalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester z 3 SAN! MISTAKE AH, SOf AND YOU Toronto, were recent Sunday 3 \ AND LEAVE CFTU-TV Channel %--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie} ; ; US ALONE? tea guests at S. R. Pethick's. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Yeo, Donia and Tracy, Miss Linda Yeo, of Bowmanville, Miss Linda Heth- erly, Newtonville, were with THURSDAY EVE. | = 7:45 A.M. 4:0° P.M. | i 9--The Hideaway Pe 300 PM. jeareeere - his Pals; y~jmerican Bandstand tl--ramily 6--Cuisine 30 ---- Dazzie ge alg Kangaroo 5-2 "Make Room For 0 7 | Daddy 4--Bugs Bunny and His A | &-ihe Brighter Day Pals j11--The Jane Grey Show | 3--Women's Show a 5.15 P.M. | 1--Romper Room 4:15 P.M. 4 5--Movie | . y, ily or art | & Popeyes Playhouse jae P. lag at Sf Mrs. G. Yeo and family re- 5:0 P.M m-News H bees 'i ? yN pa = cently. . H M. il--Huckleberry Hound e : 5 } : * : : f y i Barty Show 9:15 A.M. | 7--Jungle Jay Show ¢ "7 ~* ee Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, bag in daa | 2-Yankee Ovodle Time) 5--Here's Hollywood |Haydon, Mrs. Gordon McLean; eg ee 9:0. ee ee Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd, and 2--Huckieverry tiound Sig Pereers Show| 2---Three Stooges | Gordon, were Sunday tea guests' 6:00 P.M, | of Mrs. Fred Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey 4--You and Your Fam; 4:45 P.M. %--The Lawman 2-Susie 6-3--Sing Ring Around r ACK ANID IN THE OFFICE OF HES STILL IN BUSINESS 60 B and Velma, Miss Laverne Ore Max FARGO, A ?i WANT GET IT/ MOWSs chard, Bowmanville, and Mr. ig Features Syndicate, Ine, 1962, World righ(s reserved, BUZ SAWYER 7 Metro N . S--atittuanger Mo PRIDAY 6VENING BAIL BONDSMAN... & ah. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton T THOLIGHT MEBBE | were Sunday guests at Mr, © Kine Features Syainake, The. 10R World righ resurven, 2-Sea Hunt ll--Debbie Drake 1M. 6:15 P.M. | 9--Free and Easy 1 deedlin Pheatre @--Hancock's Half Hour) 7--Jane Wyman Show |§ 64 Razzle Dazzie 3--Farm Report |>2 Bt rand yey Features | S--Kukia eR coe P.M. | Baies re oe YOLID WANT TO SKIP land Mrs. M. Stainton. . 2 s * < 7 re « 4 @--Sports--Annis Stukus 10:30 A.M. way tae HIM THIS WEEK ON Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid} 6:45 P.M. -Free and Easy 6~Tidewater Tramp ACCOUNT OF} Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lang- --Family Theatre =| 7 Day In Court vanch | SZheatre HiM BEING maid and family, Solina, Mr. 9-6-2--News | 52 Piay Your GuscB | 3_ Yogi Bear | j y Ss | a Mr. Ji Kins Mis' $--Huntley-Brinkley SI Love Lucy 2-Q. T. Hush | be ALL / : - and Mrs. Jim Kinsman, Mis§ 7:00 P.M. 1-00 A.M Susan Downs, Courtice and Mr. Leave It To Beaver ice agape Ernie =| 9--The Lawman . ng jand Mrs. Keith McGill and boys 6 -Seven-o-One ' ror 6--News \ ' " ff é , " vines ee ay sata &--Top Cat 5-2 Price ts Hight | 3--Movie Museum cel 'i ; : # were Sunday tea guests of Roy, 4--News, Weather 4--Video Village 2-Sea Hunt 'ail 1 McGills. Sports 11:3 A.M 6:15 P.M. r Mr. and Mrs.. Pat Tresis# 3-The Flintstonge v Vous Hor A: Bene 6--Sports Huddle = : Z and girls, Oshawa, Myrray Ax- eae or N 5-2. Coueenti ation a--Farm Market Report e : i get ga Me R ) Ci 7:15 P.M. 4--The Clear Horizon 6,30..M Sn ' Ge § ord, Mr. and Mrs on lee 12:4. NOON i--News = . ' ' 3A ad 7 \ imens, Hampton, Miss _ Lois \--Bugs Bunny and | ®-Sports -- Annis ACROSS hg hagas , ' t ' : \ am |Black, Oshawa, Mr. Murray Friends "Gis PM 1, Turki 4 ; n Sanderson, Columbus, Mr. and 7--Ozzie and Harriet =| 7-Camouflage Pebsteeg Frahay title of i --~----|Mrs. N. E. Wright, were Sun- ; 5-2--Your First 1--Family Theatre K Wirst-r Mrs. N. E. ght, Sun past bot orl " hike isla |day guests at Mr. and Mrs. E. i--News Weatner 7 M Ome : rank : Impression 5--Huntley-Brinkley Far rae pry 9-4--News: Weather: 9-6-2--News: . Exhausted Leading r Sports { e™ 11. Me: atTy group in Sree Tere 3--Popeye and Pals 9--Donna Reed Show & Ghanian F enle 2--Divorce Court u oo 12. Spanish attack ° 6--Seven ne i + Ati 8:00 P.M, oresk ant Baw $--Fitstetencs i courtyard Chessman Hehe os Reed ch 4 Speake: of we House} &-News. Sports, 3, Ancien . Japanese 6-3-----Nature of ings ' Weather | Or I outcast 3 --Father s re; : 4--Frontier Circu 7--Window Shopping ae ete fortification 9. Nothing 8:30 P.M. 6--Movie Matinee AR is.) s Thee i Yesterday's Answer 11--Panic | 5-2--Truth or 7:15 P.M. id : . Sanskrit 5. %7--The Real McCoys | Consequences i--News; Weather " wuve school @3--My Three Sons | 4--Seaicb to) tomorrow 7 PM | God of , Little Obtain 36. Elf (Pers, $2-Dr. Kildare | sae io id Weather: %-Political Broadcast fields -- quarrel River to Myth.) jr PLM bg anh 7.Ship timber 4, walked, as North Sea 37. Russian | #-Guiding Lignt Sa tearentenal Show oy ve asentinel 32. Station-to- measure %--My Three Sons 1:00 P.M. Time Golf score "Beware of stationtrain 38. Yellow 6-3--Ghost Squad |\1--Movie Matinee 4--Rawhide, Western | per hole the ------" - 33. Leg joint bugle W. Crawford, were Sunday | 7--After s Drar Sirl's } 5, nadie my [ : prego S teatere Mave nonpa Heed. Show acindies West 34. Untidy 39. Product visitors at Mr. and Mrs, A, 9:30 P.M i ed 3--Donna Reed nickname Ind Whaaten trom coal W re "aaa 4--Meet the Millers 8:00 P.M pieces tie! ndian 35. Wheate U 7 icin Ry = Jerry's. ii--Mr, Lucky 3--Movie : Sheol Lounging i ; SRA 14S - : oe . on 20° sorcery flour: India 40. Correlative ---- ae aa . 3 7--The Law and Mr. | 2 Aiaaay Matinee | %-Roaring 3's gavinent orcery ' RR ee -- Mr. and Mrs. William Ham a : Pea = th, gt ' r, N.Y f ae pole 1:30 P.M. 6.3--Political -- Liberal . Disease Tz Is 14 Is Wale 7 Is iO Z SS ce, Bacnaete NY. Mr and 4--Zane Grey Theatre | 9--A Kin To Win 8:30 P.M. of rye A, Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bowman- 10:00 ¥.M. a eaahont 7. Impatient 2 ville, were tea guests of Mr, 11--Bob McLean 2:00 P.M 7--Flintstones j Czar Peter : ee nee een ne ae a land aie Dodane 7~The Untouchables So -- 6-3--Car 54 -- Where Ben 'Casey | $-Theatre Are You . mesa 3 . Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bow- 8-2--Mitch Miller 6-3--Chez Helene | 4--Route 66 Camp-bed |man and Laura, Enfield, Mr. ap ing pasword" | $2 Robert Taylor's Of advanced === |Fdwin Ormiston, Misses Rose 4--Password handiy ms . :. ees tence : i Ge Sh age YES. OLIVER, ) |: | GEE, YOUR OU ONES LOOKO.i<.| | WHAT MAKES YA THINK YA I MISSED THREE FLIES Mary and Karen Ormiston, Ebe 10:30 P.M. 2:15 P.M. oe , 4 ) #4 ; la <ES * TH 'and Kar %--Peter Gunn 6--Nursery School 11--Man From Interpol 0 COORDS! j ! ; I'M GONNA T*ME,GRANDMA,/ |_| NEED NEW ONES 2 --- rg re Me oo Mg a ee tea guests d Pe Vy BEA at R. J. Ormiston's. | Wright. er '1, WELL 2) 1 oa | Mrs. Herman Samells, Mr. re "epi Ni YO! : Seca | el| \7_[' |and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Nestle- OD TL EVER TELL -\ . 4] ral js J | YOU I WASIN ¥ ai . ~) ! Ppaei|| |ton, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb ON AL ONCE T Le | y-- Tak Pars Pea || land William, Beilicboro, Mr. c } i) | |and Mrs. Ralph Lamb, were | |with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. mre) wii we P1@|--|0) || Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Ked- | jron, Miss Winnifred Cole, Miss Edna Gilbert, Mr. Ward Gil- bert, Willowdale, Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Mr. Ross Metcalf, Mrs, Workman, Bowmanville, Mrs. MICKEY MOUSE #-3--One- Step Beyond 2.9 ' 9-Have Gun Will sl. SEE ABOUT ' _ } <i ' ly 4 rs 4--World Artists Cone |.) eres Looking at Travel 5. Priestly P 3 NEW SPECS / YESTERDAY, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wearn ; ; and Donna, Scarboro, Mr. and cert Hall | 7--77 Sunset Strip rment 11:00 P.M. You | 63_Tommy Ambrose Sse ee Mrs. A. M. Wearn, Claremont; Mr. and Mrs, Earl Parrott and (1-9-7-6-5-4.3-2--News: | 1--Seven: Keys Cornbread Sports family, Chalk Lake, with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and | 6-3--Open House "i Young of Susan, Po: 5. Y 11--The Tom Ewell Show 11:15 P.M. | ep, ee _ | $--Country Style quahogs Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryder- man and Joanne, were with f--Late Show 4--House Party 6-3--Perry Mason Egeg- Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton. wet M 3:00 P.M. 15 i" soak iprd Can- ; anped 43.-'Biackbuster Movie postage 4--Father of the Bride » Verbal Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin,, 12:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M. 10:3. vA . The ¥ visited with Mrs. R. Dickey and 4~-Half-Past Midnight 6-4-3--Verdict Is Yours; 9-Zane Grey Theatre H "Hoosier eg " Fe ; Me - i te ae jfamily, Hampton. RIDAY 1l--The Cap'n Andy 6 On fhe Scene | Poet" : Yy . . |_ Mrs. Fred Dayes. Mrs. Allan, 7:30 A.M. | $2--Our Five Daughters | 4--Eyewitness -- Walter } DOWN e Beacock, Mr. and Mrs. George 4~-College of the Alr 7--Who Do You Trust | Cronkite | 1. Agreemen' . |Bowers, : Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson and fame, 230 KING ST. W. THERE MUST BE A REASON! PHONE 723-4634 |. s0's" res." That we have sold hundreds more cars and trucks to date this year than any other in the last 28 years. It's simply this, CLEAN CARS, THOROUGHLY RE - CONDITIONED, 50th Wedding REASONABLY PRICED, BACKED UP BY HONESTY, SERVICE AND FAIR DEALING. What better guarantee than this? Only at THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD., do you receive Auniversar all these advantages with the purchase of a Goodwill Re-Conditioned car. y -- , -- | Celebrated ~ ! " HAR'S NOTHIN' \ NEW ILD Wit RLUTHE! . THIS OUTCROPPING OF YEAH! AND Wi COULD HAVE ALL\ |-\/E SOMETHING HAPPENED ' ae eet are Be yb Seg a Pn ee BN a pt ey pag GOLD EXCEEDS MY WILDEST DREAMS / THE GOLD STEAD O' JUST 70 THE PROFESSOR. By MRS. HARRY FREEMAN: SINCE.YORE.' > AND ILL MAKE YOU | STRAWBERRIES ) MAMMY, LISSEN "T J (Rear, and i ee Lees PAPPY THE HIGHEST-PAID | AND CR--- TO YORE CHILE, \ yy, ; : jof the community is extended: WENT TO = 1% ire Mr. and Mrs. Hagerman and family and Dr. George Truscott* jand boys of Ottawa, in the sud-« jden passing of wife, mother,* | daughter and sister. ; Their neighbors and friends* jwill remember Nancy before' jshe was married, when she jworked for Dr. Devitt and Dr Rudell as a dental nurse and« . 4 Sa be x f , us as ; Powe in the Sunday School ' , IS -_ . j 2 7 i , B |She also sang in the choir. ¢ - conta sees : j - : a Ms : 3 fae =| =6Mr, and Mrs. H. G. Freeman, « Baitatsase ; _|Bailey, Victoria, B.C. and Mr. jand Mrs. Leslie Jackson, Bow- -- PESEARIOLD : | pee eeeoier jmanville, were recent guests # a : re - YOU, I'LL GO GRAWPS DIDN'T GO FOR THAT HIM AND His with the former's daughter, Mr. Byte pe i k + ER. WHAT ist?) WHEW, IM HOT! SEE IF yOu UT ANP CHECK ON THE JOB | | ONE... HE WANTED TO COME FOOLPROOF INSPECTION and Mrs. E. 1 Gilbank and: UN ART CLASS, i pega, mip UM. MAYBE PN Os | (OUT ARE CUBR SYSTEM /! |family, Orono, also were callers LOOK! WERE Nor ) |Your BETTER 4 ; jon Mr, and Mrs. Ross Allin and. \ , FINISHED... | THAT... ae family, Newcastle. ~ i ; Mr. and Mrs. L. White, Mr. |and Mrs. Morley Burgess \Elwin White, Ken Baker, Mr, jspent a weekend at their cot: - jtage at Twin Lakes. ; ' Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chute, « and daughter, Pamela, spent jSunday with his parents, Mr. . and Mrs. Murray Chute, Osh- awa, who were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Norman Burgess, Toronto, SSF AS eet Sone SNC Sa Ree waked eee kt A RLRU NG, A NETO _ - - : oan asa ane . ---- spent a few days with Mr. and as ; ; Mrs. Lloyd Snowden. : 8 za : . IMTAKING 1 | AG THIS'LL KNOCK OUT YOUR BREATH, BUT ey Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden ALL RIGHT, YOU [7 NOW, DON GET DIRTY.) 19 ST Ik IM OUT OR GOOD | ( OFF NOW, MR, OFF WHEN L - |. WON'T-HURT YOU MUCH, LGOTNOREAL Vi agi Be ro "Mie Norman MAY GO OUTSIDE... AND DON'T YOU DARE BEHAVIOR, : " ; BELL. SO NO FINISH. 7 | | SRLDGE AGOING OC ecanL en rees | |Butgese<- were supper guests BUT STAY OUT OF PUT ANY FROGS IN YOUR pT { PERCENTAGE IN A WITH YOU. : BoC ON) Ce ING ee rut n thi ft. an . : SEA BME @--Better Late 'igs Se 10:00 &'.M. examina- @--Wire Service Sere \4--Bob McLean tions 4--Riverboat | $2--Dr Malone 7--Target: The 3. Electric 3--Movie Ss i Corruptors ; $-2--Tonight Show fe Mulenis 4--The Twilight Zone nit GRANDMA | Show | 5--Keyhole THE LONE RANGER MiSS TULLAR \ SAYS ITS A... TO ACHIEVE PERFECTION! Distribated by King Posters, DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER © J +2. " Wie Ct DAE /y-- with the former's sister Mr. and! iMrs. Roy Vancamp, Basé Line. | Miss Harriet Hinman, Hamil- } POCKETS! oO "| TROUBLE | Oh} Wii i ee ae JULIET JONES ton, and Mrs. C. Hubbs, Bow- ° manville, called on Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens - «| ' 4 , Mrs. Sam Dewell, Hampton, YOU WON'T Ne i - p was a recent visitor with her - : sister, Mrs. L. C. Snowden. * f Nh \ MR. BELL! -- WA 4 SALLY'S SALLIES | } PORT, : x "i =. HUA / THAT WAS S IN PETERS- Way Mont Tite { IT, DEAR P FRE DOLLARS pp | INFLATION ) ; ' S FLO MICHAUD, AND Sy] VILLE 16 THREE CENTS aes Le > | a HE SAID HE'D NEVER OUR BOY, SEE HER AGAIN. SSRN] FRANK. WE MY] can onive THERE IN QU L ISN'T THAT WoNDeRFUL-- V] f sUST THINK-THE Sever )| THAT REALLY IS GOOD \ DOLLAR DRESS 1 BOUGHT J| [ARE HERE AGAIN ARMY PAL= ACCORDING TO THIS Wes REALLY IS ey TODAY COST YOU ONLY y--~=| | WITH me ® FLO, YOU'VE GOT A GUN : BP WERE, HAVEN'T NOBODY~- ae 7 4 you? JUST AN OLD f ARMY PAL, LARRY BRANNON "When we got to the threee day cooling off period the weather turned cold end eo did he."