29--Automobiles for Sale 1951 MORKIS MINOR, new paint, five new 8, TO 100 cash. Tele- phone Brooklin 655- 32--aArticles for Sale conditioned, ------ phone 728-0196. 1951 CHEV. coach, good running con- hone 5-2015, FRIGIDAIRE, small size, Telephone 725-7167. dition, Asking $135. PI "|DINETTE table and chairs; pull out »adjust- 29--Automobiles for Sale '37 METEOR, two door sedan, V-8 * body work. Best offer. 649 Sylvia Street. 725-2549. 1953 CHEVROLET deluxe, new motor job, good condition. Best offer, Apply 302 Drew Street. 725-6623. 'SS CHEVROLET station wagon over- drive, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, back windshield 29--Automobiles for Sale 1954 CHEVROLET station wagon, cellent condition, new tires, lights, hydromatic. 312 French Street, 723-7043. 59 TRIUMPH sedan, four-door, excel- tent condition, $500 or best offer. MO 8-8367 after 5.30 CLEAN 1953 Ford, push-button radio, felephone 725-5912. CAPSULE NEWS | United Appeal 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, June 1, 1962 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) Meeting Held By Blue Ray Chapter ex- nal é sewing re- or best offer. Tele suitable for Reasonable 1952 PONTIAC, new licence, $145. 1953 condition. couch; electric hair clippers Pontiac sedan. in good able. Telephone 725-2052. 723-2281, 1956 PLYMOUTH Plaza, good condi- 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale lights, N fi on half McLAUGHLIN School area, privat sale, thi brick $14,900 full price. Low down payment. 6 per cent mortgage. Telephone 725- tor PRIVATE --Five-room brick bungalow, north end, two bedrooms, double garage larfe lot. $11,000. Telephone 725-1641. acre land, all modern | East. 7. DUPLEX and triplex, North and apartments, 51 MORRIS Minor coacn, reasonable, 5432. Telephone MO &- beige, second owner, Private, $750. Ajax tion, * er. $300 or best offer. 725-6774. jan, radio. One own- B. F. GOODRICH Stores --Tires, bat. wn line. Apply 86° William Street 25-0906. 1957 MGA, detachable hardtop, rebuilt notor, radio, good tires, $775. After $ 723-1706. Wilson Road Lansdowne. Two-bedroom equipped with stove and NHA mortgage. Best Si ELIZABETH Street, five-room brick pom ud Bathurst Street, Toronto, bungalow, three years old. Completely landscaped, all services in. Close to all Oshawa. Phone or write Frank RU 3-1733, RU 7-9387. 3005 schools and churches. $1,700 down. 725- i -- HOOM with two single beds, Suitable| for Zentlemen. Parking space. Apply 109 Park Road South. LoT -- five acres, fenced, mile ile north of Orono, two miles from public and high school, good soil, flat, two large willow trees, very close to paved Terms. road. $2,000. or best offer. MA 3-2978. LOVELY two-storey home, four bed- p.m, = i954 CHEVROLET Bel Air automatic radio, washers. Good condition, $295./ Telephone MO 8-2257 after 6 p.m. 52 PONTIAC, no rust, good motor, $160 or best offer, Telephone 728-2808, '32 HALF-TON Mercury, good shape, $160 or best offer accepted. Apply Sherwood Avenue or telephone 723-9555. "59 RENAULT Dolphine whitewalls, window washers, radio, excellent condi- tion. Black. $850, Best offer, 723-4004. "62 OL E Super 88, four-door rooms, two bathrooms, living room in- cludes broadioom and draperies, grr on 2 '8--Real Estate Wanted vd enue. $14,900. Down payment $2900.|¥ Phone 725-7809. ANTED -- half-acre, near Whitby. Telephone MO 8-8425. SIMCOE SOUTH -- Seven choice lots,|", 62-x 132. Greer and Kelly, Port Perry. 985-2141, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ANTED 5 to 10 acres vacant land, within five mile area of Oshawa ,near school. Telephone MA 3-5390 Bowman- ville, PRESTONVILLE Road, th frame house ,on six acres of land, 150) it trees, strawberry and raspberry 2 9--Automobiles for Sale hardtop Sedan, power steering, power brakes, 6000 actual miles. Harcourt Motors, Port Hope, TUrner 5-6281, '57 VAUXHALL, low mileage, good con- dition, radio, back seat speaker, wind- shield. washers, Price $650, Telephone 725-8183. 566 CADILLAC coupe-Deville, fully pow- ered, all accessories, good condition, $1200. Telephone 725-4569. j bushes. Good summer home. S. Misiak. 1958 GMC four ton dump truck, excel- #1262 DOWN to one mortgage buys this new five-room ranch bungalow. Call Harold Segal at 728-6286 S. D. Hyman Realtor. ste 10 ACRES good garden soil, fruit trees,|,_. 8-room house, 4-piece bathroom, oll fur- nace, bank barn, piggery, chicken house and other buildings. ated. between Oshawa and Bowmanville. MA 3-2754. PRIVATE, $600 down, four years old, three bedroom brick bungalow, near} schools. Full price $11,200, 6 per cent NHA Mortgage. 728-6901. | GRONO, six room house in good re- Pair. Heavy wiring. Also % mile of trout stream. Reasonable. Telephone 09 R 18 $650 DOWN, buys a new NHA_three-|------ lent cence. Selling between 1 and '59 BUICK, tw After 5 p.m. 723-7218. insurance and PCV li- price $2,000. Telephone 48. jICK, op, powe eering, brakes, automatic, many ex- as. Immaculate condition. Private, SPOT CASH ~ PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK:RD. S 723-9421 bedroom house, paid services, ideal lo-| ® cation. Call Howard McCabe at 728- 6286. S. D. Hyman Realtor. HURON Street, three-year old, three- room bungalow, garage, paved drive, ompletely landscaped. Apply 483 Fare- well Avenue. 723-3765. BOWMANVILLE, 6-room insul-brick, fireplace, sunporch, hot water oil heat,) modern conveniences, near school. Low} down payment. Terms. MA 3-3426 } 72' x 120° lot, north west residential| area. Excellent location. 728-2939 or) 725-1510. | QWNER will trade cute small bunga-| low with garage just outside city for) home in Oshawa, Mr. Martin, 728-9714. | Joseph Bosco Realtor, 725-9870. NEAT, four-year-old brick bungalow, northwest Oshawa, three bedrooms and mang extras, large lot. Excellent terms. | Mr. Koornneef, 723-2859. Joseph Bosco| Realtor, 725-9870. VALUABLE commercial site, Dundas| Street East, Whitby. Excellent frontage, | suitable many businesses. Reasonably| priced. Mr. Hodgson 728-6408, Joseph/ Bosco Realtor, 725-9870. $7,500, one acre industrial land, and ftve-room bungalow. Must sacrifice! Call Bill Horner 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited Realtor. EIGHT-ROOM brick house, two acres of land, barn and orchard in Oshawa. Exchange for a smaller house. Tele- phone 725-7437. 29--Automobiles for Sale * M ee dl WANT T0 BEA HAPPIER DRIVER? BUY A NEW CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED xx eaad XXX i. x ri. x x sed xx x x 00 xxx: 20K OE * x FOO x MAXX XX XKXX x x « OC x x KOE xx tad x «xx LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA '60 PONTIAC convertible, six cylinder white with black top, equipped, ni tires, $2395. Will finance. Telephone 725-4507. ; PONTIAC, four-door deluxe, $725; 56 FORD Fairlane, four-door, automat- fe transmission, $695; '55 Pontiac Laur- entian, four-door, automatic transmis- jsion, $595; '55 Ford, four-door, stan- dard shift, $450; '53 Austin four-door, standard transmission; $125; 52 Hill- man, four-door standars, $125. Mike's |Used Car Lot, Raglan, Ont. 655-3528, BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) | 723-4494 __ Res, 725-5574 | VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V,544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S.--728-0921 | HERTZ Drive- Yourself CARS AND TRUCKS (728-9493 or 728-9641 Foote's Shell Station 97 King Et., Oshawa TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All makes and models) Call 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST } | apenneeenenel | SAVE SOME, $$ $$ "AS IS" TRADE-INS OFFERED BY ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. CLEAN -- POLISH -- MINOR REPAIRS Most of these cars in good mechanical condition and have good tires, They are ready for many more care-free miles . need. a few minor repairs . . . others need cleaning and polishing Pee Ea nO! | Some j | _. which the buyer can do and will save himself many extra $$$ CHEVROLETS 1960 CHEVROLET Coach Automatic transmission $1685 1959 CHEVROLET Two-door Custom radio, $1445. 1957 CHEVROLET Two-door $895. 1956 CHEVROLET Four-door Sedan $375. 1957 BUICK SEDAN Four-door Excellent mechanical condition Automatic transmission, radio. $995. 1957 FORD SEDAN FOUR DOOR V-8 Engine Automatic transmission $595. IF THE CAR YOU WANT IS NOT HERE OLDSMOBILES 1959 OLDSMOBILE 88 Holiday Hardtop Radio, Automatic transmission Power steering, power brakes $1795. 1957 OLDSMOBILE 88 Sedan Automatic transmission Radio. $1145. 1953 OLDSMOBILE 98 Convertible $195. OTHER MAKES 1958 VAUXHALL Beautiful black finish. $545. 1955 VOLKSWAGEN Custom radio $495. PONTIACS STATION WAGON 1957 PONTIAC Ideal for cottage owners $1045 1958 PONTIAC SEDAN $1095. 1955 PONTIAC Four-door Sedan $575. | 1955 METEOR SEDAN| Four-door $375. 1956 PLYMOUTH Two-door $345. 1955 STUDEBAKER $135. | LOOK AT OTHERS ON OUR LOT - YOU WILL FIND IT! SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU... EVENINGS UNTIL 9 | SATURDAYS UNTIL 5 | | | | | | | | | Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 140 Bond Street West Telephone 725-6501 | automatic transmission, in BUY Te '48 CHEVROLET, coach, new 'bd CHEVROLET BelAir sedan in condition. No reasonable offer refused. licence, good running order .Telephone 723- 7271, teries, |vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. AWNINGS, canvas Promot service t good lephore 728-8950, free Chair, table rentals. 'Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. ELECTROHOME dehumidifiers for salc rent at Parkway Television ,918 Sim. WITH "37 washers, whitewalls, in good condition. Private. Telephone MO 8-5152 any time. VOLKESWAGEN deluxe, radio, coe Street North, Oshawa. OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, volvers and pistols; also old cartridg re es ra fei CONFIDENCE v+ PONTIAC, good body, new motor, dio, use as second car, $350 or terms. lephone MO 8-2826. ra Ae AT SPORTSCAR '59 Austin Healey Sprite, dio, seat belts, white. 26,000 miles. 1 condition. 723-7395. Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. KROEHLER chesterfield suite, two pieces, in good condition. Telephone MC 3-2425, 16 FOOT cabin cruiser, co. trailer. 725-3097 mplete with after sever '58 FORD Meteor, good condition. Can be We: seen before 5 p.m, 199 King Street st, Oshawa. WELLMAN'S 0) glass and two tone, 60 PONTIAC Parisienne two-door hard- tinted |725-4 after p, automatic sransmalseion, p.m. FURNACES, forced air, 10-year guar. antee. $2.25 per week, no down pay- a paca deal, $130. Telephone WHERE QUALITY AND PRICE »MOBILE, convertible, fully 1, excellent condition. Telephone before 5 p.m, CHILD'S sidewalk pedal jeep, brown and white, 38 inches long. Good condi. tion, $15, Telephone 728-0489, BUNK beds, metal frame. Almost new $40. Ci dt with spring- po ARE TOGETHER + #e50r0 wer. Will sell two door hardtop, full or trade up or down for smaller car. Telephone 728-3024, vai 19357 BLACK Belair Chevrolet, tires. new Apply 106 Central Park Boule- rd South, THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS |ne bor }1960 Vauxhall, like 6 four door sedan, Ww, $1,095, Telephone 728-4284 after {p.m, |195) PONTIAC, automatic, new tires, dy sound, Good running condition. $150. Telephone 728-0706, filled mattresses phone Brooklin 655. 1946, 74 INDIAN motorcycle, good con- dition, with accessories. Price $154.50. and springs. Tele- 3077. Thursday set a $9,717,000 objec- sive for the 1962 United Appeal peal last year failed to meet its $10,225,000 target. gress after his auto racing "}a success. Moss crashed at the azo0odwood Circuit April 23 and don suburb ever since with a and head injuries. Lowers Target TORONTO (CP)--Trustees of| RECAPTURE FUGITIVES he United Community Fund] PERKINS, Mich. (AP)--Two 'ootsore prison escapees, ob- jects of an intense manhunt ir swampy woods near this north- ern Michigan community, were recaptured Thursday. State po- lice said Donald Askey, 31, and Edward Westlake, 27, 'surren- dered without a struggle. On Wednesday they had held a family of four as hostages for several hours. PLAGUED BY WEATHER HONG KONG (Reuters)--Chi- nese communes have been hit by a drought in parts of the north and torrential rain in the south, the New China news agency reported Thursday. Damage was reported in south- eastern areas of Kiangsi prov- n Metropolitan Toronto. The ap- MOSS DOING WELL LONDON (AP) Stirling Moss is still making good pro- 'rash, a hospital bulletin said oday. It added that the oper- ition on Moss' fractured nose, verformed last Saturday to nake his breathing easier, was 1as been in hospital in Wimble- 'ractured left arm and left leg Telephone 725-4839. KITCHEN table, white porcelain top with three chairs; $35. Walnut bed with 32--Articles for Sale ince where up to 15%4 inches of rain have fallen since May 25. inner syrings, $35. Telephone 723-1946. DRUM set, "Slingerland", excellent condition, $200. OIL heater, 2 years old, copper tubing, GREECE GETS PLANES alvanized yipe, 200 ATHENS (Reuters)--Ten T-3e 'ondition. Call 723-1245. gal. tank, good May be seen at 1033 Wardman Crescent, Whitby or 8-4955. 1960 HILLMAN MINX One-owner Fully Equipped 1959 HILLMAN MINX Two-tone, White wall tires, radio. 1959 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Radio, white wall tires 1956 CHEVROLET "61 ha: | bo Afi | po }ani Te | phi | so: lradio, be: lor | 109% |1934 FORD convertible, |'56 VOLKWAGEN, jtery and windshield washers. Very rea- PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door rdtop, six-cylinder automatic, radio, discs, whitewalls. Cash, no trade. $2575 jafter 5 call 728-9797, |1953 CHEVROLET coach, tires, motor, ly, brakes, good condition. ter six telephone 725-8503. TRAILER gas refrigerator, new, $189.95; gas range, three burner with USED lumber, old farm house to be wrecked, containing good 1 Contact Bill Stack, 728-8060, jet training planes were pre- sented to the Greek Air Force Thursday by the Canadian gov- lumber, $100, : ernment. Twelve T-33s had been oven, new $64.95; Coleman two burner stoves, $12.25. Miller Heating, 9 Tudor Street, Ajax. WH 2-349]. I BED chesterfield, chrome kitchen sulte, Acme electric stove, refrigerator, etc. T automatic, wer steering. Excellent appearance id mechanical condition. Best offer. lephone 725-7123. 1955 CHEVROLET sedan deluxe, stand- ard shift, radio, good condition. Tele- one after six, 728- good tires, new bat- nable. Private. 307 Oshawa Boulevard 2B. | Nort! |'59 -|phone 725-9216, 723-3219, AIR compressor Brunner 2 and 5 HP, REX Rotary duplicators, Stenocord dic- P! 137 Brock South. MO 8-£442, Whitby. BEDEOOM set, four pieces, rangette, storm door, evnnlied earlier under a mutual defence program. The presenta- tion was made by Canadian ~|Ambassador Edgar D'Arcy Mc-' Greer. ating, Olympia typewriters. The qual, ty names in their fieid. Backed by iamilton's Office Equipment Service, sinall_ table. » lawn chair t Gren drill press, garden tiller 4% HP, Wis- consin gas engine 24%, 10 HP, water pump 2", electric motor %, % HP, 1961 Allstate motorcycle, steel trailer, 10 ton auto-body jack, radial saw Delta 10", cash register and electric adding ma- chine, disc sander Skill 7", bench grinder % HP, punch time clock, %/ e drill. Sacrifice for cash. 597 Simcoe|?-™. Street South, Oshawa. Any time tele- TIAC Li st offer. Telephone MO 8-9036 after 6 p.m, MO 8-5475, $1 CHEVROLET sedan, good tires BEL AIR Jand body. Excellent motor, '61 licence, |$65. 109 Kaiser Crescent, 725-8503 after 16. V8, automatic fully -powered, whitewall tires. 1957 BUICK FOUR DOOR HARDTOP transmission radio and | mi col |'58 | $8 BUICK, radio, automatic trans- id ssion, clean interior, good body ani | motor, $250. Telephone MO 8-5110, 195 58 MGA, black with red trim, good ndition, $1,195, or best offer. 723-3728 "FORD CONSUL -- Priva e, $700, Perfect condition, grey, red » sacri- leatherette upholstery. After 5.30 call 728-7937, Two-tone red and white. Salesmen Ken Murray, Ed Wellman, Invite you' to see ond test drive their New or used Cars. cL Wi "It's Rambler By Far In A Compact Car"' WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. | Your Authorized Rambler - Hillman Dealer since 1947 | 100 NONQUON ROAD | | |LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers jears for | 725-1161 |good condit |30--Automobiles Wanted want yrecking Highest prices paid. EAN used car from '55 to '87, In » Preferably two door. ll pay cash. Telephone 728-1447. 50 CARS WANTED Buying: a New Car? Sell your used Car:to "Ted" Talk 'Cash' to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 728-7351 Roy W. Nichols Has A Reputation For Fine Used Cars BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LIMITED "The Home of Good Used. Cars" 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-474] -- and -- VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LIMITED "The Sign of Quality" 156 KING ST, WEST OSHAWA 725-3557 3 | 1959 Chevrolet Convertible Black with red trim whitewall tires, wheel discs, custom radio, power brakes, power steering, windshield washers, Beautiful condition ! 1959 Chevrolet Station Wagon Four door, with windshield washers and wheel discs In time for summer enjoyment! 1957 Pontiac Deluxe Four door hardtop Two tone red and white, white | wall tires, custom radio, | | | 1--Automobile Repairs Parts and Service RENAULT PEUGEOT AUSTIN Statham Motor Sales 723-7712 59 KING WEST SILVER'S TEXACO SERVICE LICENSED MECHANIC GENERAL REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS, OUTBOARDS AND LAWN MOWERS 85 RITSON RD. S. 728-2871 HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 automatic transmission See it -- Drive It! 1957 Plymouth Deluxe Four Door Sedan 1957 Volkswagen Deluxe 1955 Chevrolet Deluxe Four Door Sedan 1955 FORD COACH «|S lia Good for recreation room, phi {so | Aji | A clean Car! Salesmen John Stutt, | Stew Preston, Fred Owen | Roy W. Nichols | Used Car Lot Courtice 828-6206 tinents'. w '32--Articles for Sole _ PIANO upright, made by R. 8. Wil ms and Sons Company, carved front, $80. Tele- one 723-9923, |BABY carriage, Gendron, 2 years old, od condition, beige, $20; 39" con- adboard, 9 months old. ax, WH 2-6354. VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE in a new location. 16% Bond Street West. Top price paid for used radios, televis- isions, furniture and applian- ces. We buy, sell and ex- change. Phone 728-4401. | Busy Homemaker! hopping A Worry? Food Expensive? Home: Economics 'Food & Freezer Co. Ltd. Can help you take the worry and expense out of food shopping. $15. WEEKLY covers food plus freezer for a family of four. This in- cludes about 80% of normal groceries Phone today, you owe it to yourself. No obligation, 728-9141 BOATS: glass, and moulded plywood; car tops and canoes; Otace trailers. For s,ecial prices apply Liberty Nurseries, Liberty Street North, Bowmanville. MA 3-3074. 12-FOOT moulded plywood boat, 15 hp motor controls, lights, tarp, trailer. Price $495. Phone 725-6402, SEKONIC 8 mm Zoom movie camera with case, lifetime guarantee. Asking $85 or make an offer Call 723-7089, FRENCH provincial love seat, A-1 con- dition, Must sell. Apply 578 Midland Avenue. HOTPOINT combination, dishwasher and sink 48 x 26, in good condition, guaranteed. Write Box 403 , Oshawa Times. 5 HP garden tractor, "Gravely" rotary j t i hose spinkler, PORTABLE Royal sewing machine, in excellent condition Cost $200 only used CEDAR strip boat, 15 ft. Peterborough; Tee Nee trailer, Evinrude outboard motor, electric start, ders, 2 gas tanks. Complete $1,000. Tele- phone 725-6297. MOTOR Evinrude outboard, 3 horse- power, like new, used very little. After ._|6 p.m. Telephone. 725-5088. SEWING machine, Singer, cabinet sale, Apply after 6. 390 Ritson Road. South. MARSHALL spring mattress, good coils, size 9 foot by Telephone 725-1744, McCLARY four-burner range, automat- c controls, clock and timer, good con- a @ machine, Pi baby carriage, new olding, rocking-chair. 72 Cadillac Av- enue South. TORONTO (CP)--Members of Toronto city council will be al- lowed up to $50 a day for con- vention expenses, instead of the $35 allowed previously, board of control decided Thursday. The increase came after Alderman Horace Brown returned from a seven-day convention in Phila- delphia with a $22 deficit. VERDICT IS HIS LONDON (AP)--Mrs. Grace Jones sued her husband, Cecil, for divorce Thursday on the ground he rearranged the furni- ture in her absence to give his chair the best angle on the tel- vision set. The judge dismissed her petition. TO VISIT VILLAGE LONDON (AP)--A trip along the St. Lawrence River and a hort white. Best offer 725-9235 after 2 heavy duty; 35 HP ully equipped. Skiing equipment, life jackets, running lights, spot light, fen- able, new condition, good space saver. ashing machine, reasonable for quick 6. In good condition, ition. plow, . plow. R After 6.30 telephone 725-2370. 21" WESTINGHOUSE television, com- pletely overhauled, $95; also 2% hp out- board motor, $75. Dial MA 3-2978. RUG 9 x 12 good condition, $25. Tele- phone 723-4921, GUNS wanted, old lever action rifles and hand guns. Telephone 728-5574. after 4 p.m. 723-7814 . oe visit to Upper Canada Village, in Eastern Ontario near Morris- burg, have been included in plans for the Queen Mother's i8 FT, cedar strip boat and trailer for sale. $175 or best offer. Telephone MO|1 8-814. TYPEWRITER, adding machine, check- writer, calculator; also cash register, tape recorder. Reasonable. 723-4434. REFRIGERATOR, Admiral, 9 cu. feet. Best offer. Telephone 728-9700. s' WEDDING gown, white organza, size FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. OFFICE Equip. Service. Try a proven name Hamilton's, 137 Brock South, MO 8-8442. visit to Canada next month. A spokesman at Clarence House, the Queen Mother's London home, said Thursday she will leave London June 7. TO FIRE AIR A-BLAST 0, new condition. Telephone 728-7852 . Free tration. Telephone 728-4683. demon- that guarantees satisfaction. TWO single beds with mattresses, in good condition, $25. Telephone 723-7353. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash- 3-2294. BEFORE buying or selling televisions, ers, call Elmer Wilbur CO WASHINGTON (AP) -- The first in a series of United States high-altitude nuclear blasts is parts, attachments, brushes , guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271. 444 Simeoe South. scheduled to be set off as soon as possible after 3 am. EDT ice, 728-0591 anytime, TENTS, marine| Saturday. A spokesman for the SFWING machine service and repairs, any make, any item accepted as trade- in on sewing machines, Oshawa Sewing Centre, 329 Simcoe Street South. Tele- Phone 728-2391. SEWING machine, electric, fully auto- matic, like new, small monthly pay- ments, also 36 piece set decorated Mel- mac dishes, $19.95. Telephone after 5 p.m, 723-3055. WE buy, sell and excnange used fur- niture or anything you have, The City hardware, outboard motors, guns and bicycles, Best prices. Tire, 48 Bond Street West. KELVINATOR refrigerator, $60; Frig- Chesterfield suite, two pieces, green, $75; Automatic Maytag washer, $90; Bedroom suite, blonde oak, $85; spring and mattress, $30; 12-ft, boat and mo- cles in good T 723 1909, Apply 786 Eastbourne Avenue. U.S. Atomic Energy Commis- sion said Thursday it will be fired at the Johnston Island site. MORE AUTHOR DIES AT 66 NEW YORK (AP)--William Hillman, 66, former foreign cor- dent, radio news com- Try Dominion daire range, four burner, 30-inch, $80; or $395. Tape recorder, $7. 5. All arti- . ft iY mentator Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671, ELECTROHOME, RCA Victor and Ad- miral 19" portable TV's. Prices start at $188. Parkway Television, 918 Sim- coe Street North. CAR radio, in the dash, transistor, ED Wilson retiring from business. Final 27 days. Time is running short, Prices slashed to below cost in order to liquid- ate, Everything must go. Chrome kit- chen chairs from $2.99; baby strollers $4.99; large 6 x 9' borderless linoleum rugs Provincial bedroom suite $267; modern Truman memoirs, Mr. Presi- dent, died Wednesday. Hillman had worked for The Associated Press in Albany, N.Y., New York and Paris and at one time was chief foreign correspond- $1.99; Andrew Malcolm French $32.50. Aerial and extra. Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. KROEBLER chesterfields, regularly $289 to $399, end-of-lines drastically re- duced, now only $169 to $199. Limited f home or cottage, from 23c per foot; 6 x 9 tweed broadloom carpets, $14.63, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, suites, frieze upholstery, foam cushions $97; floor coverings forjent for' the Hearst newspapers and general European manager for the International News Serv- supply! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South, 33--Swap and Barter ice, NEW furniture. Only $299 for three rooms complete, living room, bedroom and kitchen ensembles. Pay only $3 424 CLIPPER 9.5 cubic ft. refrigerator, $50 or exchange for smaller size refriger- ator. Telephone 725-8521. SEIZE FISHING BOAT TOKYO (AP) A Soviet patrol captured a small Japa- weekly, Barons' Home F' Simcoe Street South. Runabout Boat 14 ft. fiber glass | 40 horsepower Viking motor | Tee-Nee Trailer All like new ti 7 34--Lost & Found FOUND, radio by lake. Owner tele- phone description 655-3082 Brooklin, Li two miles from the coast of Ja- pan charging it violated Soviet territorial waters. The Mari- time Safety Board reported it was the third Japanese boat LOST: Male Beagle, black, white and an, vicinity of Kedron. On collar: R. incent, Oshawa. 28-1862. RR 1, Reward. | | $11.00 |__Atter 6 p.m. Diol 725-3951 _ ACCORDION - HOHNER 72 bass, black and gold finish with case, music stand, record. player, 2 years' lesson series On records, cost $354, selling $275. Telephone COlfax 3-2408 SPECIAL OFFER SELF-STORING ALUMINUM DOORS complete with grill and lock 45.00 Windows -- $15.00 |___Installed -- 728-5253 __ COTTAGE SPECIAL Used refrigerators, ranges, washers, dryers, etc. Located on Highway No. 7 4 Miles West of Brocklin me ee 35--Legal seized by the Russians since May 20. COUNTY OF ONTARIO TENDERS. FOR NEW MACHINERY DEPOT Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 10:00 a.m. Monday June 11, 1962 for the 'construction of a new Machinery Depot to be located on the east side of Kings Highway No. 12, % mile south of Brechin in the Township of Maro. The new building is of concrete block construction and the size 82' x 41', Tenders mut be submitted on forms which together with the plans can be obtained from the office of the undersigned on payment of the sum of $10.00 which is not returnable. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. E. Sims, P. Eng. Engineer, County of Ontario County Buildings WHITBY, Ont. BOATS UP TO 60% OFF Larson, Traveler, Weymouth, Cruisers, Inc., Evinrude Motors, Volvo Penta Engines. MARINE Storage and Supply Ltd. Brooklin -- 655-3641 Open Till 8 Evenings, Weekends Latest Modern Designs DRAPES and Drapery Fabrics Materials 79c yd., up DRAPES Custom-made, Reasonable Prices M and C Dry Goods 74 CELINA 728-7827 } | SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK cus! LASSIS. 175 POUNDER, CLAIMED HE WAS THE STRONGEST MAN 1X THE WORLD. 'lo PROVE HM HE HAD AX 800 POUND SLAB OF ROCK BROKEN ox HIS BARE CHEST. KE- SHOWED NO Ni EFFECTS. tS Tit QUALHY OF HONEY REVEALED BY HS CoLoR ? NO, uh © Bg Parone Demat, woth ot nahn mara, and author of the/© nese fishing boat today about ¢, By MRS. C. REESOR PORT PERRY -- Blue Chapter, Order of the ino star, No. 238 was host to out of 'own guests on the occasion of their special Friendship Night recently. The meeting was held n the Masonic Temple, Queen. street, with the Worthy Matron, Doris Nottingham presiding, and opened in regular form. Past District Deputy Grand Matrons Jean Gow, Fairbank Chapter, and Honorary member of Blue Ray and Mary Willis, Laurel Chapter were given a welcome by the Worthy Matron and escorted to the East by Con- ductress Dora Suggitt, assisted by the Associate Conductress Oliver Painter. District Deputy Grand Ma- tron, Margaret Keever, of Star- light Chapter, Port Hope, Dis- trict No. 12, and presiding Nor- mac Matrons and Patrons, re- presenting the following Chap- ters: Aloha, Markham, Lind- say, Whitby; Sunbeam, Ontario, Eastdale, Sunland, West Hill, York, Zenith, Scarborough, Starlight and Rivercourt. The flag was presented at the altar by acting Marshall Alice Thomas, in the absence of Mae Stark. Jessie Robertson filled the station of treasurer in the absence of Alma Reesor. Six officers were absent and mem- bers of the order filled these other positions. Past Matrons and Patrons of Blue Ray Chapter assembled in the West. They were Jessie Es- pie, Mabel Chapman, Margaret Cornish, Margaret Hood, Ade- lia White, Margaret Carnegie, Hugh Espie and Leonard Col- bear, last three in office, Other honored guests were Past Matrons and Past Patrons of Laurel Chapter -- Carrie Bryce, Florence Birch, Rose Morphew, Daisy Boyd, Walter Bryce and Mr. and Mrs. Rod Stuart, Past Patrons of La er -- Car Birch, Ros y urel Chap- Tie Epica Florence e orphew, Dais Boyd, Walter Bryce and Mr. and Mrs, Rod Stuart. The Worthy Matron welcomed these Special guests on this Friendship Night with the as- sistance of the Worthy Patron. ot the business session, Trants were passed a: - dered paid. gph The reports of th Committee wa sie Roberts: Easter Che sent out fo; Dora Sug, entertainm permission ie Benevioent S given by Jes- on and stated that er Plants had been r Easter, gitt reported for the ent and requested to sell barbecue aprons, which were made and donated by Vivian Lane, a mem- ber of her committee, An appeal for refreshment for the Hospital Tea to be held at the home of Mrs. M. B. Dy- gg was granted and arrang- Sarah Kight for Estarl re- ported on the travelling apron and asked members to keep it moving. Sick and Sunshine report wai presented by the aevoctats ole tron, Emma Cook, who wel- sa a Past Matron Mabel apman after her k hospital. oe The attendance contest is still going slowly and the Greens are still the losers and will have to again supply the entertainment or May. Before closing the Chapter, the charter was draped in lov- ing Memory of Mary Taylor, Al- berta Latimer and Fred Johns, beloved and valued members of the order. _A short address by Mary Wil- lis, PDDGM was well received. In her remarks, congratula- tions were extended to the Chap- ter on its activities and support of community projects. Her message was based on truth and charity, which the Eastern Star Temple was founded on. The Farwell was given by the Worthy Matron, Doris Not- tingham, and refreshments were served by Margaret Podresg and her committee. Patrols Watch Lake Ontario Oil Dumping OTTAWA (CP) -- Helicopter patrols watching for oil dump- ing by ships will patrol from Kingston past Quebec City this summer as an _ experimental anti - pollution measure, the transport department an- nounced Thursday. The department said the St, Lawrence River waters in- volved are bordered by thou- sands of summer camps, many natural parks and miles of swimming beaches. It added that "considerable quantities of oil are wasted. in tank cleaning and other rou- tines aboard oil tankers and oil- burning ships." "If this oil is dumped into Canada's domestic waters, it not only fouls the surface but means certain death to many fish and birds." The department asked the public to report to the depart- ment any dumping of oil by ships in navigable waters. The name of any offending ship, the time and location of the offence should be telephoned to the nearest steamship inspection of- fice or wired collect to the di- rector of 'marine regulations for the department at Ottawa.