OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M, to 5 P.M, Monday to Friday Saturday 8 to 12 Cell the Direct 'Classified Number 723-3492 HE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS _ a Wanted AB Column 5--Farmers Column 14---Employment Wanted -- ~\7V RENTALS, by the day, week or month at Parkway Television, 918 Sim coe North 723-3043. | Money to Loan . MONIES FOR CROSSTOWN | we SOD SUPPLY Building Trades ALL TYPES of building repa roof- CEDAR trees for hedges ete. Choice ing, chimneys, fireplaces. sidewalks, auality, uniform sizes. Any height. stoops. Gordon May, 728-0394 Free delivery and estimates, MA 3-3935 CERAMIC plastic wall tile, wood- working, all floor coverings. Free esti-| ,mates. Work Guaranteed Dial 728-3980, } z repairs, alterations, ceil-| " lathed. i ay waterproofed. 725-6222. 725.8718 A-1 Sod. Rolled, Fertilized . a end weed treated. Cut fresh BULLDOZING and "excavating. re 4 Rak aa ah field: for estimates, Cal! Taylor. Bros., 26 Hill-; Ally. 20d in the field 10 court Drive »_ Whitby MO 8-5612. truckers Above rates apply only to original. | YOUR. local chimney cleaner. Chim orders for onsecutive sertions. ney's built and repaired, gas linings 725- 8504 _ Subsequent insertions ordered of @ } install maces vacuumed. Free dhort later date constitute o new original 97 Mortgages at Gardening and | CLASSIFIED AD RATES 4. 6 CONSECUTIVE asher and dryer fi tabl F all Superior Appliance Serv available on First , 728-4873. If no answer, call our service depot, 728-3291, Oshawa Sewing Centre. _ 5 Words or less Cosh Chorge Mortgages ot 7% per annum without bonus. Monies also available on | Second Mortgages. | Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased M. F. SWARTZ term and 'Builders' reasonable «6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 «3 CONSECUTIVE eee INSERTIONS 2.25 2.48 T.V. TOWERS ~ All galvanized, no paint. LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS "OPPORTUNITY. Reputable Canadian Company. seeks reliable, sober man to invest in exclusive rights to a new, unique product in every- If not paid within 7 days the yHarris baler with TRACTOR ----Massey-Harr D --Good used sei World| pEeTER PAN DAY NURSERY Mon. cles through an Oshawa Times Want Ad. Telephone collect Hampton COlfax) ment, good clientele. Living quarters| Material, garbage etc. Telephone 725- TV--Radio Repairs ee ~~! south cater: [BOOKKEEPER . 12, pickerel season, To be sold imme-/ | Write eiving. full particulars to Box Contact us for your supplies of: Charge rate will apply TYPIST fry Bs 3 air oad motor; Massey-Harris side iB Encyclopaedia or Britannica. delivery rake wih 'rubbe. rtires, and implements. Bargain. T ese | le. Tel 723-1498. Bey Sar ce og 381 cee ae lother farm machinery. Telephone MO 93-2754, \North. 728- 2804, Pm, 2953 - emesis oe os } idan --_--------- ~ - CASH" on | the | 'spot. . Highest prices s paid 13--Business Opportunities | |DRIVER with small stake truck, de- It's a smart way to get quick cash. /3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrome./inciuded, $150 monthly, For further in-| outh oo at Help Wanted ATTENTION RESORT, accommodates fifty, diately. Ten thousand down or exchange 319, Oshawa Times. Required for local finan- TRADE FOR CASH those unused arti-'for dead and crippled farm stock. FOR RENT -- Beauty Shop. ail 'equip-| Sites job moving, picking up waste Dial 723-3492 right now. deence 149 |formation, apply 184 Ritson Road ing to fishermen, ready. to operate May a) lone ENOGRAPHER jfor property. Box 109 Oshi Farmers and Market Gardeners : FARM WEEDKILLERS order Profe and repair Hess, 725-6937 » a concrete footings . enrages Roofing, all kinds, O 'CLIFF BROWN | GRAVEL & SAND BLACK LOAM rates 26 King St. East Oshowa, Ontario, 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage 728-5804 or 725-7844 INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES For Fruit Trees and Vegetables day use. No competition. Con- tract for life to qualified ap- plicant. $3000 minimum investment. For interview, write Box 407 Oshawa Times. ce company. Short hand preferred, but not essen- tial. Experience not nec. T.V. TOWERS Antennas and T.V. Service If you want to be sure of the lowest possible prices, best workmanship and quolity material . . . try Brokers' Registered Act MASTER FEEDS 54 Church Street -- Oshawa Telephone 723-2229 FREE CUSTOMER PARKING essary. tial, er tigure counts as a charge 15¢ additional All Classified Advertiser must be in by 5 p.m. the day be ii ation excent Memoriam ards of which will be accepted ur Deadline for Lost ar . "Four d Cancellations al 30 Cc Hours Daily 8- Saturday 8- REGULATIONS-- The Oshawo Times responsible for ments su writing, incorrect tisement, nor charged for a p the Gavertisement wh occurs. And also reserve the night to classify advertising according to its own classificotior Sodding, Soil "mortg ages available. In the case of d ments The responsible To handle our increased business Agreements furniture. " Apply in person or f advertisement, if ' : ' Felephone for appointment n any form are cont RON WILSON 728-9403 Accountants -- oN wisow aaa BOB CLANCY'S Ontario "Account ng Service. Complete book ins vie f 184 fod Street West otis sel MO 8. 4172 LEONARD JAMES 5 BROOKS, Certified Public Accountant, Suite 205W, Osh Cartage awa Shopping Centre. 725-9953 s ee 'Chartered! JOH MOVING and Storage, and Caterers e Guaranteed venin, ' experience C. H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please om pay accounts at downtown Dominion Canada | Bank 'or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam- ned at home, Dial 725-4587.' teacher, student counsel! ience, by interview onl) 34 PRIVAT reweaving. 16 years' Dun. Modern Leased Plant -- to For local interview Settle Estate Established business $ 725- 7426 ALL types of repairs and remodelling, Reasonable 2|DUNDAS Street East, 840, one-room Apply ster, Solici- Resi- DQNALD | BLAKE | 'Dopps. . Barrister and Solicitor, 2649 King Street East Telephone: Business 723-2201; Resi 373, 9 am QC_ Barrister, Office, 14% East, Oshawa, 728-8232. HU BOYCHYN and HILL MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 3644 King Street East, Oshawa. R. D. Hum- phreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, BA, QC; W .A. Hillman, LLB. Office, 725-1177, 725-1178; Residence, 725-4604; Whitby, MO 86-2761, 725-5203. NHA and other mortgage funds available Landscaping Maintenance FREE ESTIMATES HOMES custom built on Central Mort- g@age Housing Corporation. Pian re pairs, interior, and exterior, Weeping 3 MILES EAST No. 2 tile repaired or replaced Jo's VAN BELLE GARDENS nolstery Cou. 10 Bond Street West, Dial Punch Bowls, Stemmed Wine Glasses, Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re ry leovered like ne Get th best for | SCE 623-5757 at Modern Upholaterers, 142°8 i meee KEEPS US IN Y BUSINE ' a South. Call 728-6451. Free estimates | Coffee Urns, etc. cE SINESS [DURACLEAN Rug dd Upholstery) 99!- ? r ! Holida Equipment UNITED | TOP QUALITY cea ise ipholaiery Prices? Reasonable ! ifs uraclean fowertresh way. R 8 BLACK SANDY LOAM' TILL PAY DAY? slot: restores iste raises' pe Wace, PAVING CO. A-1 TOP SOIL 1058" Horiop: 288518. eS workmanship outboard motor. Telephone for appointment. and SEWER LINES. Call FIRST and second mortgages, Sale To Own Your Own Business PLAKMEYER _ agreements purchased and sold. Hen Sharon Corp. of Chicogo is SM SODDING FIRST and second morrgages e A * agreements purchased and sold. Hen- 6--Auction 9--Summer Properties woman. Must have transpor Pp tation and minimum of 10 bora FOR FAST SERVICE ISTER 5. Ont. Phone. Bobeaygeon 739-278 cient accounts to develop 9 ene 6 , eines _ 3 it. Phone Bobcaygeon 738-2785. t 4 v modellir h F cond mortgages bought 171 BOND ST. E REG S E ED : - ' FIELD MANAGERS ; E ~ : into a full time business hroom pla r J werden, Mortgage Brok»s FOR SALE --Cottage on Scugog Is- . : i VANDRUNEN'S van 9 . Nursery Stock W. Schatzmai Mortgage _ Broker, - ; t 7 27 - erry " y Brock Building, HO 8-338. _ Auction Sale of ac : RTESAR SORT SEI ox shawa Times PHONE 723-758 CALI B Building, Whitby. MO 8-3338 | -- Dis ging Sol f 82 r Box 418 Osh T -- ert Mare OF lek iC COTTAGE Two-bedroom, furnished, $$$ NEEDED Manure spreader, M-H price. Write Mr. Henry Gibner, RR 1, PLUMBING LOANS Ay 7-4 ead f Bowmanville d ee | yet ent. 70 Recl THREE and four-room housekeéping Goaronteed SELLING at at MO 8 3566 he of implemen 0 Reck cottages on Trent River. Write Tren 728 8412 lear ) em y vacant and im septic Ve les at same time and place a eye a ; as fl ' dee aantint V will be offered for sale sut front wooded lot, 100' x 200', Also lots,| 3 wholesale. pric ove esidentia : L tered, fe DLA hn er an ae, tone eee |. Business plus oO dwelling 4 ject to reserve bid. Farm o WHITBY ____| Solid brick and stone waterfront Lots, $20 ft. mile north Fowler's Corner,| i is aiid stuc lf GARDENS SPECIALIZING IN 30' TILE a a Te LIMITED WHITBY, ONTARIO tree orchard, all land work- |bedroom cottage, , running water HIGHW 12 12 imco Street North " jboat, good fishin, fe swimmin, $55) AY 12 112 Simcoe Stree able is seeded down to hay has HOME ECONOMICS $ 7 Highway. Lake, converted boat house, sleeps PRICE $15 750 Bhoacnhati MACHINE DUG WELLS The property of Archie Bunk- seven. Well equipped. By season or ; Accountants, 114 King street East,)awa, Whitby. Reasonable rates HH h id R , 30" er No ouseno epairs e | doussholé Repsirs,--_____ Witty "ind Batews a FOR SA Peter Feddema oundatic e r Oring 2 furnished cottage with sun porch. Lake| Co., Chartered Accountants, HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE days, balance left on first Simcoe. ie sandy beach, Terms or OR WIDOWED 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax LADIES REQUIRED 1ERS, IRONERS lenses, 136 Simcoe North at Colborne mira, Ont 3 ; ses 2 % e - th at Colbor r Alvin "% auctionee ties. Available for September. Seen Trustees is suktupice, (| joyfully. remembered: whan Se Evenings by a;pointment, 723-4191 wuctioneer, | or month. 'Telephone M » Oshawa; B. CPA ontiac Inn Caterers j y s good fishing. Uxbridge 2 ms Cleanouts, Deepenings, Com 7--Trailers ae A dignified, highly paid car Painting and Decorating i work Septic Paice Sy HOUSEKEEPING cottages for "rent at eer Appraisers _ D ki EPMO Sik FOLD DOWN camping trailer, spring- Lucrative commissions, job, ressmaking PATRICK G. MeDANIEL, ACT. Real\INVISIBLE mending and 1 ue ae a i - - | well wooded, large lakefront lots, $11 to DODD & SOUTER 21-FOOT HOUSE TRAILER, two sepa-|$21 per foot. Road ,hydro, terms, 95 N wd T PAINTING AND DECORATING his career attractive to all ~Guaran- Reasonable rates. Dial 5 anytime CONTRACTORS dres 396 Pine Av Telephi trict, three bedrooms, modern TERN TIRE -- Guaran-, LIAN x Cc $ dressing, ine enue 'elephone me i teed automotive parts and accessories; See Bs frag ie eyed ee eal nting, Paperhar ging 3 FOR "RE NT - sie 13-ft. 'Metiotaess veniences, sandy beach. Available J LAWN and tree spraying. A, Stolk, derVice routes in surround contact MO _8-5286, Whitby : LEARN TH DRIVE WANTED--ride from Oshawa, Whitby, Seontes tito. jetc.. Trailer acces-/for you. On the Trent River, east of| gia ae Leta | filler arriving in Brooklin. 9 *.m, Urgent. wy ies. Miller's, 9 Tudor Street, 'Ajax,/Campbellford and known as Green| Soljcitors. Clients' funds available an fir mortgates, 20 Simcoe Street) --~_- AWN ' a ' Personal Service shie « paler -- jcleanup, Call H. A. Russell, Port Perry ate models, standards lie San nave ac aes oe year period. Only 142 hours' drive from| ACs E 1 ; Lo Beata mg problem, Oshawa. Contact George Airhart, Real-| Montreal Trust Compan MANAGEMENT RICHARD Barrister, |985-7051 collec automatics, dual controlled | MODERN GRILL write to Box," wnitby. ™' TRAILER SALES _ ':: Campbellford, Phone: days, 1003; --" LTD tor, etc., 1344 Simcoe Street North.! partls Oifice 723-1101, Residence 725-3542 LOAM : FILL Investigators Made Pies and Desserts 55, 728-7998 WE DE : ous h T i i Notary, Pi LUME INVESTIGATION BUREAU WE DELIVER a ge superfluous hole Trailer awnings, -- hitches, qomfort! Deluxe suites, bun- Aarie urdutf wi be in parts and service galows ,rooms Am, Plan citor, Notary, Alger Bldg., 37 King Lawn Mowers Piano Tuning these dates for appointment Write Pow-Wow Point Lodge WHI l B y CLASSIFIED 4942 tga > _ -- -- s 4 Stréet East, 723-4943. Mortgage mon "LOAM "6 AV --~|ATTENTION! Have your dawa mower BIANG SUNING,. topsite, ai," Work ELECTROLYSIS } miles East of Oshawa, Huntsville 789-4951, i u guaranteed. Mr. Reid. Teleph 725. ae oii 'st GREER and KELLY, Barrister, Solici- ' R EL oa gh Sg ag Free pick up and 374: a oe s | re) E Week |WANTED immediately, receptionist for; ENCYCLOPAEDIA with bookcase, pen Evenings-- Weekends Greer, BA, Sc. Terrence ¥v Pp Kelly, BA, BCL, 723-1311 Sign Whit eos 7 = Pe eee | Tractor end boar GIVE US A CALL new and used materials BEAUTIFUL "baby buds ale ae! pd Poms celbe hy Glan- pean per Teer nal =z_| ROBIN jHioed "deluxe three | peed bh Hs ' Phas rat tes 728-693 aby judgies, ready for, iia mire Lakes Reasonable prices, \F room . apar ment, self-jcycle wi i S. orn, new res, etc, GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli-| Lots levelled, Reas | ea. Estimates: free, Dial (26-0001.\ eins, taikine strat sie | 8--Resorts ae Iie oan Moe a © eda essen ZO tem ; ; ' JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, CORNER KING AT BURK ST new and used materials. Reasonable|20¥ terrier puppies. Telephone COlfax| 0 Whitby and Oshawa. Abstaine parristée and Solicitor and Notary Pub-; \G U s ates, free estimates, 725-1334 McGrath f Yo FOR RENT --Two-bedroom | apartment fer. Telephone MO 8-4709 ---- - our entrance to a happy, ; as 3 Daly. MO 8-475. " ingavailable Pon Ghcpherd, slain tapalbi SUMMER COTTAGES, 2 Se Gormicie woorkeopmg MT Robinson at Apt. 1. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and G A R D E N Ltd, ibing, heating and engineer-|beautiful black and silver. purebred,| accommodations. Write 'The B.C, SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping 'room and board Yor gentlenia y REPAIRS , 255 Simcoe Street South. _|$30. Phone WH 2-2826 or 725-8: Bruce', Box 1, Dept. .0, 5 Simcoe Street North, 723-3446, T. K Cc E N 1 R E Creighton, QC; B. C. Fraser, QC; JUDENTS A super value, approxi-| | ated; hydro and heat included; bus sto; But if you insist | McCammond, 723-1343 $800.00! Phone. for one jmately 630 sheets of letter size Phe ed door. Dial MO 8-5188. , a? | on the best... call } pur ihe de Edna OUTBOARD MOTORS, ci BOSTON terriers, purebred, intelli./ pointment |DRESSMAKING suits, covers, drape: |come. $55 monthly, MO 8-5709, Open Daily from 39:51 |SHPTIO tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, | heavy duty wirin; 0 i 'us iii ec ica 9:3 \ iz g. Children welcome. eT Te to 9 o.m. for Any make. Immediate free FR EE RMAN Shepherd, purebred, pup ARTHUR WRIGHT 204 Chestnut Street West. Telephone Apply at 417 Byron Street North. 7 597. t \ nac ry ae rtments, balcony, resi-| oyjati ef Street | ast, 723-4697. Resi Also Top Soil and Sod JACK HOAR Have your furnace cleaned 'four room apa: culating pump, cushion tank and 500 29 - a ------ free this summer if you pur- BONNIE BROOK PONIES chase "White Rose' uni- 10--Summer Properties Sdren's playground. Apply 300 Higbleal. storage tank plus duct 4 Certified Mechanic We breed only registered SANDY BAY CAMP Wasted P Street, Apt. tI, MO. 82336 [fal storage tank plus ducts and con Money to Loan studs, Silver and sorrel with 7 a season, to rent or 'buy. Reasonable. . ; i y 25-1212 white manes.and tails. Good Lente ckancdineaeh tine Telephone 723-2981 | Time to Beautify -- Re- color, enaiae Mrs. Davidson, MO , - | swimming. Good fishing LAKEFRONT lot or cottage to pur. Creighton, Fraser, Diynan and Mur. CHESTERVIELDS re-upholstered and patios, Building Supplies, [elderly or young 'couple, No children, line Boxed Plants ¢ 'e-styled. Free estimates. See our ma Men Plastering Materials Top 305 Perry Stree MO 8-4470, = S A [ f For Reservations Soil. Sand, fale' te 2 BE Chea sescO ; Mer i ~ ia ' rms, se c MENT and wood wrioops, sidewalks ee : ee get y ow | \CHESTERTE LOS cobalt" , vacoversd PHONE 219W1 11--Articles for Rent Mulch ae Mihail Fuels. "| Equipment, 137 Brock. South. MO 8-8442. raming, a ions, kitchen cupboards, ind Roses st the SV ke new Y Pay more? Our rates oy maee et era e eliver. . 7 : } bs * . Cc a . CEMENT "mixer for rent. Tele hone q a ey | ea." Slairestes rebuit Orhawa cp. SbeCiGl end of - season 9_Summer Properties é SAWDON'S snl earner i Telephone 723-1131, biggest stock ; around. aquariums, 10 gal. $8.00 | 668-3524 service with reasonable prices. try us. corr ith £12 19 | An ideal family vacation spot ' ? Hamilton's, nS, 137 Brock South, _ MO 8-842 npare with " | in Ontario's Haliburton High- | | | i € ! facilities fish. Amazon sword plants | '277.9! recreational facilities, ih | Cabins, cottages and rooms Sand and driveway fill 75c each big reductions | me IT COSTS ONLY 12--Articles Wanted boar, > hp. motor and trail ERIC BRANTON yor: y a a eras ; boat, .p. motor, _guaranteed--phone 278- 4801 lSONRVAN ike 5 "age FRI. an conk 454.3752 5 OR Ste ae eer! 2! $35; boa p. motor y AND FLEISHMANN, : jtario Land Surveyor. Commerc good condition. Telephone 3250 NICK DYRIW |printing, 11 Ontario Street. 725-563 June 1 and 2 Only ( A. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue OFF LIST PRICE 'nick and Hennick. Barristers, 31 King WH 2-4021 'as offering a distributorship in BROOKLIN 655-4746 for Landscaping, Sod, Top 'nick and Hennick Barristers, 31 King TR | @) - for Sale or Rent hours spare tinge weekly. We A r st, Oshawa, 723-4471 land, overlooking lakeside beach, $7 with exceptionally high in- AN odern Land caping 728-678) Saturday, June 9th down, balance $25 per month or willl come. Reply giving a short P BROOKLIN, 655-3545 : M form Model 4 John with boat and small motor, on nicely PAVING LTD. . Quantity of household tonia Camp . Hastings, or telephone CALL suburdan anG Ww "WARD 82 ocre Bank born 35 a Rosedale, Highway 35. 728-3398. building. store, workshop rca house, easy terms. A Lawrence, RR 1,| MO 8-2563---MO 8-3809 ; Othawo 5. Pickering week. June, July, August, September. | h i = Nursing Homes| WILSON and BURROWS 3 feserve "Gn hatte monthly. Telephone 725-6620 for par- Oshawa. Ronald F. D, Wilson, CA;/equipped and insured REPAIR SERVICE Optometrists nt, Hedeo. Well, Diaging | devs, balance ct, (eaah, Telephone 733 Realtor WH 2-0890; Whitby, MO 8-$131 s A LEADING MUTUAL BILL LEMON | Se a G THREE bedroom B.Comm., borel cers Pi Formerly with THOR of one ormiey 5311 Company, Certi andle details expertly for you Dorset on Lake of Bays $35 to $40 per| eae INTERIOR and exterior house paint- rf filled mattresses, sleeps five. In excel. WH 2 ' ht ° 2-3483, security through renewals, ti 725-0665 PLANT A sales training school, te Estate Appraiser and Broker, Whitby |'relepione 725-9736 or ap -|HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, rate rooms, range, refrigerator, heater, miles from Oshawa. 725-9348 . . iD King Street West, Oshawa pee and Supplies natic. Friday and sa Masonic te Ful | Wall Murals jtrailer. Apply 319 Hillside Avenue 1 to 14 or August 18 on. Mr. Bradfor | Barristers GARDENS rototilied, large re relephahe 'Brookiin 486-515 H 2.3491 : - @reas Proven for MR. GILBERT: or 725-6882 ele: rm i 55-4548, oon cres, wo- and three-bed it Oshawa Driving Schoo! 2 : room | co No! 725- 3566; Charles C. McGibbon, L nd grounds taken care of oy 4 Simcoe ya = 97 en are -- -- North, 728-2991. Res. 723 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE | OSHAWA and WHITBY Bor:B-Oued Chicken KING Street West, 378 -- T wo evenings, 191W4 15 King Street West 1263 BAY ST. TORONTO BRUCE V. MACKEY, spas Baxeiat rist _ Pub) 5 RITSON R SO funds available. 5 King Street East, domestic, general and security. 100 345 RITSO D._ SOUTH Ost 12th 13H ° 728-2381 985-716 Jshawa June th and 13th NOW -- 2 LOCATIONS $42-$60 wkly. Children ies available. Ae E 723-4641 Lansdowne Texaco Station ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE tor,,ete., 114 King Street East. Ms WASHED STONE S : [WE SHARPEN / AND RENT |Plumbing and Heating isvenings and Saturdays only. Some of-|volume set, maroon binding, $300 new, J. Foley Apply Mr: t S e mtained, heated, hot water, vicinity} I 8-4435 afi 6 p.m. citors, 130 King Street East 18-6246 725- 2156. S Na A N' S bd ale siidessealateieinieindbuces as road. 114 Elgin Street East PRE anes. Bee erms, Ken Matthews. four borners Apply Art's Clothing| 55 ro "ere ea i - Hs mu - re ee 725-7740 d lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King Plumbing and Heating | BATHING, trimming, d j : eo multe: trons. 0. Baas Mpoeray O 5 H A W A 723-3224 ALL PLUMBING and heatina supplies carefree holiday. Good hea MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No service for smal! businesses, weekly |FOR SALE -- White miniature poodies,! Wiarton, Ont. or Phone 264 Lake Ontario, and Rice Lake! ared; income tax returns, MO 8-8252.|FOR RENT: 3 room unfurnished apart- c. K. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA 1259 SIMCOE ST N jpaper (news print) for only $1.00. gent, ideal pets for children or adults. |111) Dundas Street W jnished apartment, second floor. Private POWER MOWERS, GUSCOTT PLUMBING )Pavers available. 'Telephone 720-8122, | Pickeral River water course mat ib Iteratior . and white, 12 weeks old. Excellent! New two bedroom cottages ~TONG BROS. Perera 's. Toms. MO e272 |FIVE room unfurnished F. 8 MO 8-2563. WARTZ. Barrisiers, Solicitors, No. Ail Your Gardening Needs pick up and delivery jes, female and. male, very reason- 425 DUNDAS ST. E., TU 5-450] | = FOR SALE: One hot water boiler, BTU dentia) area newly decorated laundry gal, storage tank. Also one forced air : ; fined fuel oil from ponies ON RICE LAKE aunton Road West 728-1584 _ : FOR SUMMER season, on Rice Lake,| ONE, % continental bed (Sealy) head- Potted Roses, Potted IENTS' money to loan on first mort- -- Decorate + Plant. - OWEN McCROHAN chase in Fenelon or Bobcaygeon area Rae [RENT --- Two furnis hed rooms, s, email R. McCRACKEN, Must have safe; sandy beach, good terial for re-co g. Di ; i -- erial for re-covering Daon Upholater Stone, Gravel, | TYPEWRITER adders, cashiers, ren- j if 4 \former Community "wurnitiae Store, 19 sale tropical fish and sup- | : for Sale or Rent (WHITBY) LTD bus station, $10 compare with lands, on Gull Lake at Min- | - |GRAVEL & LOAM | SARGEANT'S RENTALS | American Plan $36.00 up. f | trailer $6535 h.p. motors MO 8-2660 ! ' FOR SALE Siw Hower :08 NO MOPS OF. 4 5 1 2 tent trailer $35; 14 ft. cabin EXCAVATING KOMES, PERCY TO 416 East. Phone 725-688) } In Lindsay and Haliburton | Parts for sale, also scrap iron $8; 9' x 12' tourist tent $10; 723-3898 ' ALSO GRAVEL AND FILL Riliott_Avenue PORT HOPE | 1500 feet of choice loke | 725-2311--B9 BLOOR E.| coolers $2.' We also rent SCREENING Write or telephone BLOCKS, SIDEWALK SLABS, SCRAP IRON, POULTRY SUPPLY CORPORATION LIMITED PHONE 728-8180 WILDE RENTAL CLASSIFIED Telephone Free Survey and Estimates | OPEN SATURDAYS 'TIL 4 P.M, W. A. SMITH BUILDERS SUPPLY 707 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY -- MO 8-2379 Lindsay. Salesman |. TURNER TRENCHING FOOTINGS Prompt Delivery Street East the Toronto area to an am- or Soil, Manure Street Cast some antique arti 68-J1 € wa phone 28-8 06 oe id dig your owr ' die : : a y fe Fi ry npg WELL DIGGING by 90, L-shaped barn 40 x 60', CHEMONG LAKE. "SU MMERLAND Water on fomemes and garage. All conven- ; Pine "Onto 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST ry fe sien week. Established business over 25 3 MILES NORTH OF WHITBY Phone Township, % mile west of 11 ONTARIO STREET SUNNYBRAE Nursin Quicksand ecialists ticulars, aap Reta are sacra eared Term on property, 10% day Sdmund Burrows, CA, - Age -- Oshaow x WEDDING. BANQUETS) RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, |; RICHARD BLACK, Docior of Optom. fs tice SANDY LAKE, Buckhorn disirict MA 3-3644 YALE FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER POLIS = moe s INVESTMENT FUND, Comm.» € Deer lake, around Norland, Furnished. fied Public Accountants, 17: iy THORNTON'S RD. SOUTH Tek: 725-8296 week. For information call Pickering cleaning Reasonable lent condition. Would carry boat. Tele- prepore you for success, Phone MO 8-231]. kirk Avenue 5 1 W. ' Cc | DRESSMAKING. aiterations, plain. p, RAD ballet, Highland. Re ee ere = sleeps five or six, $1,190 PORT HOPE VB scor-ss, "Five bays io serve ou Temple, Centre Street 53 GA y Pointing =| ae DRIVING to Toronto, at 6.45. 10° tages that have never been used, large enterprising party. For further MR. SMITH Turkey housekeeping rooms, private entrance, 14. 16', 17' POW-WOW POINT. 'Toronto 1, Ontario. 2, 3-bedroom cottages inside rs Shrubs, Trees, Evergreens, |gage. Mortgage and agreement of cots Rug Upholstery Service 725-3056 Canoes, car top boats $15 on foods and supplies. R: V. Wood, R.R. No, 1, Nor- $16; 712 ifn a $18; 10 BEAT THE BUGS AUTO WREC The Pet Shop '20 Lakeshore Cottages vith eS OO) ale Be: 15 ead BASEMENT $3.50 per yard FOR TWO WEEKS TV = Radio Repairs | ; aera ag 111, WALTON ST. | dictrict. Sand beach, good ond metals, etc., bought 9' x 9', 9 x 12' wall tent ~~ HAMBLY CONCRETE EVANS CRESCENT T.V. TOWERS USE THE shore lots cots, air mattresses, life jac! JUNE | -- JUNE 9 Lary ress MELVIN WHITE AND FEATHER TICKS ' 5 -- Open Evenin Service and Sales 106 STEVENSON'S RD. $ 0 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH pare Opens Evenings Service and S MO8-4159 COLUMNS 5. J. Newman, Bréker |! 723-2043--723-3374 SEPTIC TANK, WATER 728-895 | Morgrses a OPPORTUNITY bitious and reliable man or HARLEIGH SAGES Saleh waa STURGEON Lake: new 3-bedroom cot BROOKLIN 655-3049 NOPLGASRS "ghrmanee® aia * TELEVISION SALE ue at tataae Wate en. 8 . ted --|og335 vohn' An olahood ie" eed lot. Marvin Junkin, Fenelon Falls) Will furnish you with suffi- cree ettimates ae FIRST and second i Free estimates any Ni + chet de accept offer. Phone Port) resume and phone number to 3 SALES LADIES RR 2, OSHAWA MORTGAGE GEORGE HARDING Tractor wooded lot, Lake Chandos. $3,500 full : TINSMITHING FOR SALE --._ new cottage, water- BEVERWYCK MACHINE 8 room solid plank S S x : ea SECURITIES tap, 2 wells, | spring. 100 |KAWARTHA district, owner's new four-| iences. P.O. BOX 329 ese Pe years. Owner retiring _ ineaale ba Ne FORK RENT: Minden area, 12 Mil tendance. (No. 2 Hig A pinnae in " V guaronteed. of sole, half cash Within 36 FOR SALE Three bedroom fully MARRIED, SINGLE MONTEITH, MO TEITB, KIEBL RECEPTION ie | etry, the examination of eyes. contact 23-1001, Head Office El- aires boson "cottage, inside facili and Co. Accountants and Auditors.! CEPTIONS,. PARTIES | DRY OFFERS YOU -- WELL DIGGING hydro, 15-foot motorboat Street East, Oshawa, Ontario at BLOOR -- 725-0 a sits 25-0078 Instruction ee cblbingtas Telephone 728 cheese 'Ornea inee CHANDOS Lake, private development Usual fringe benefits. Auto Parts" ling, shortie drapes, noW, 425 King Street West. 725-6 COLD WAVES on special. Page Hairs Phone 723-\COTTAGE for rent in Muskoka dis-| ages Bi ae 2--Personal |SALES representative for Airstream, 1F YOU LIKE fishing, this is the spot | McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Reasonable rates. Telephone . ae eA Ee a treet. ' shaded lots. down payment as low as info t tact: Basted the month, Gardens rototilled, spring DAY OR EVENING tte med eid: COOK S |$800, and balance spread over a 10-| Contac A. &, F. Qc; E astedo, "e mg SPs %. T .SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici LIMITED CALL 728-0091 Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home partly furnished, near Shopping Centre, GI i 3 endettes Fok san fon anes or sun, , good food and TELEPHONE 925-2175 Solicitor, King Street East, 728-7941 725-3887 LOUIS 8 HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli 23 Phone Ge psha_Hotel on Hit Neo Gear 3 under 8 free June 23-30. 723-3528 dighway No, 2, Courtice, Simcoe St. N., Oshay 723-2278. Residence Phones MULC Fl wetale LOTS, COTTAGES 125 H . fet LL ALMOST EVERY THING 3--Pets & Livestock fice experience preferred. Apply in own |Sell for $110. Telephone MO 8-8525. Mortgage loans available REPAIRS and remodelli f all : . ' M and board to gentleman. eee eerie Ve, 0 Spee Bruce Peninsula 583 Wilson Rd. N. Oshawa __ | Stores 125 Brock Street South, Whitby.| Hong, + Weét, Oshawa, Ontario. Client park jing. Waubena Kennels, - range, elit sg drapes. Telephone! apartment, at moderate price. Contact Harold H. Stark.|GERMAN~ ches and fishing, excellent N, 4 3 tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg We have summer cottages on lmonthly or as desired. Statements pr 01 Walnut Street, Whitby. c ALL WELL . English strain, registered, seven weeks | Priced from $2,800.00 u or ae eae See pe ------| ment, t Ff aan tances snccdinemahte e x ; iP, » private entrance, newly decors : and SERVICE jold, male and female, $100. Mrs. with down payments from mortgages arranger i 'ank ( {ply Oshawa Times Office, 'Whitby |For RENT -- Two rooms unfur- bath. Heavy duty wiring, One child wel- 723-3222 CHAIN SAWS and HEATING LIMITED |TOY Fox Terrier puppies, au black | South West of North Bay $ a specialty. ROTO-TILLERS. 207 Simcoe St. $.--725-5132 |pets. playful and healthy. Telephone! Excellent fishing. REALTORS | rent. Private bath, private entrance, jes. Money to loan. Henry Block, able. Telephone 728-3136 FOR RENT -- $60 monthly three and | output 190 thousand, complete with cir- WHITBY MO 8-4217 PORT HOPE : : y facilities. Parking close to schools chil:/unit output 130 thousand BTU's with 500 WESTERN OIL Bred mores, fillies, colts, \board; barbe; ) CO. COnVERIAREAS canning Water couple with child desire cottage for SPRING ft. Woods freezer; pictures in' ed Tuberous Begonias Full [purchased. NHA mortgages arranged Stevenson Rd. North 725-1348 Plans and Materials for |xitchenette, stove, refrigerator. Suit RR. 4 HASTINGS swimming Bowmanville MA _ 3-3600 chs - ' Building Trades ng, 79 Charles Street, 723-7212 For R Hamilton Office Prince Street. Oshawa, across. from lies inles s Pp Stainless steel PINE RIDGE 244 Brock St. S., Whitby OFFICE equip., $15; 20% off all tropical er's Bay, Good safe bathing Driveway ond Cement Gravel 058 Horie 728-8518 weekly; boat and trailer $25; First-closs | Surveyors | land, Ontario. Phone Cobo- ned Loam, Humus Added h.p. motor $22; Silver liner SAVE 10% P Pas ; | Wants cors for wrecking er $45; 9' x 9' tourist tent S © MIN iV. RADIO , car tadio 1 ALSO TOP SOIL 2 YARDS MINIMUM Ask for a MINI-LOA makes Thompson Electr fishing. $2500 to $7,000 Open Saturday all day. Phone $15; stoves, lanterns and | ets, etc. Large and small PRODUCTS LIMITED FINANCE WANTED | boat and box trailers. OPEN FRIDAYS 'TIL 8 P.M LOAM & GRAVEL cg need OSHAWA TIMES PATIO SLABS, SEPTIC TANKS 15 Sussex St. N ~~ collect) 1415 Dundas E., Whitby : OSHAWA T.V. Call: 725-5279 DIAL 728-7311 MO 8-3226