17--Male Help Wanted 20--Room and Board 25--Apts. & Flats for Ren' 26--Rooms for Rent 27----Keal Estate For Sale '27----Keal Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Moy 31, 1962 2} 16--Femate Help Wanted cashier ferred. Aj Cole's _Seorin Sassal Ochawe snpping Cent ABINET maker or boat builder want-) @. test and efficient. all. rou round vorker, with own tools, MO 8-851. aie Beau HAIRDRESSER for Salon. Jean Boake, 27 W! ter Road Bros 'Telephone 655-4562 , for egies aaLesta *RESSMAN, Davidson gy 70 Must be ROOM and board, construction TS, home. Good home-cooked meais, lunch- es packed, parking, reasonable. Apply 81 Park Road South . clean, suitable for two CADILLAC North furnished three-roc apartment, private og TV ow et, Suitable for couple. No childrer Telephone 725-1384. $40 MONTHLY -- ign Apply Ba tenet | RO it man. y iperini . a ral Printers Ltd., 57 Simcoe South, ROOM or room and board le or to ey Central, 123 Ritson South or Sing! seven day contained, large bed - sitting roor ARGE nicely ly business in hcg Bhan clephone after S pum, T2610, mortgage. $500 DOWN to one NHA mortgage or $300 down and ack URNISHED large front treet or with ove a ae 'Apply 102 Bruce HOUSE for sale, new split level bun- galow, on acre near A A. Ferguson Oak. |27--Real Estate For Sale 27~-~Real Estate for Sole |, RB 1, Ont. kitchen and _ toilet, Excellent shopping. Apply Bo gsg it James Gibson, 149 Celina S' nit 'M ist have department ui sonality, th School education. Please send full He ye ieticulars and and salary expect- ed to Box 314, Oshawa Times, Cc -PADY looking for house keeper. doctor Must be fond of $30 weekly to start, Call 723-1677, 6 - 9 p.m . TYPIST and switchboard operator, and plant wo) bet secre nestine Rete cnlllb mors conecencmatine shetvtcceane on DELIVERY man, 18 to 20, for Pick-uP lve A pply fad person, 174 Mary Street, 8 fo.6 p. ¥OUNG gentlemen in trendy home, meals. 7663. Rei ono gl geo eg elf-contained, TV privileges, tral to North Brg n Ry Motors. yetears 51 'olborne East. PARK Road Lay 478. Nicely fur nished th: ent 1 Nassau. » central, ab- Apply extras. Needs HOUSE -- three acres of land, com-| FOR GENTLEMEN room ana lunches packed, singles or to Street very central, at 296 King near Ritson Road. eres eat light and water, moni : Foun EDOw apartment, private bath $80 monthly includes heat, iro, ive-da; %-hour week, good wages. 2 tag Tg No. 115, Oshawa Times. pe eons sore gee woman for lunch , , required. (9 Hal athe Courtice. rasa USEKEEPER eee jive in or out. tal between 7 and 725-8375 if ng answer 723- 3544, RT order cook required. Apply in ea to Genosha Hotel, 70 King Street WAITRESSES for part-time and week- BUTCHER GOOD MAN WANTED HOMARKET 22--Storage Space and Garages phone 723-9881, idult home, 'ICELY ee ee ee central location .Near pentely. oem orn a cold bebop & miles south of Lind. stop. Parking space, two say, corner of No. 35 and 7, also farm, TV] ¥ICELY furnished outlet, stove, refrigerator, dryer. Tele-|' man. ™ ONE-BEDROOM apartment, in new | june 1, building, available J 299 SIMCOE Street South, 1000 square MO 8-3092 or 7. Sarin Road, ment 5, after 5 p.m. room 1133 acres, four with house and west of Omemee, all conveniences, plen- ty of water and wood. Apply 35 oe 7 Highways this week. Phone Lindsa; 324-2067, 5S. Hussel. ONE acre for sale, Wilson Road North. . 723-1649, foot area for rent, Ample store front parking. Rear entrances. Cobourg Franklin 2-9992, CENTRAL, Fonied, three apartment, privaie bath, hydro * wectud ed, sui it two girls after 6.30 even FOODS LIMITED WHITBY - MO 8-5875 A in 'son. Envoy Restaur- ends, Apply in per: out, ant, 522 Ritson Road WOMAN to care for small baby while: mother works. Five-day week, live out. Reply stating age and salary expected. Box 904 Oshawa Times. WANTED pleasant smart experienced waitresses. Also short order cook. Ap- ply in person after 7 p.m. or before 11 a.m, to Sandalwood Restaurant. EXPERIENCED girl wanted at Smith's Coffee Bar. Apply 317 Street South. Telephone 725-3932, TWO BODY and FENDER MEN Steady position. Flat Rote ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP PHONE 728-5175 PERMANENT position, in Toronto, for reliable girl, to do housework. home. 'Telephone Oshawa 725-7851 for information. HOUSEWIFE wanted for grill and counter work, experienced preferred, weekends only. Telephone Spur Snack Bar, 725-3275. .. DRESS finisher for cleaning plant. Good working conditions, group insur- ance. Apply in person to 321, Olive Avenue, EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, five-day week, good wages, Write Box No. 511, Oshawa Times. BAT YOUR BILLS ; DOWN by N by selling unused household articles through an Oshawa Times Want Ad. Start cash coming your way by dialing 723-3492 right now! STENOGRAPHERS Required Must be fully experienced, No Charge to Applicants. SECRETARIAL OVERLOAD SERVICES Telephone MO 8-818] GENERAL DUTY NURSES For the surgical, obstetrical and pediatric floors. Gross salary $285.00 - $315.00 per month if registered in Ontario. Differential! for eve- nings. Differential for nights. 40 hour week: Sick cumulo- tive to 28 days. Four weeks vacation. 8 statutory holi- days, Ontario Hospital Insur- ance, P.S.!. Hospital Insur- ance, all partial payment by Hospital. Uniform laundry paid by Hospital. Pension plan. Apply: DIRECTOR OF NURSING South Waterloo Memorial Hospital GALT, ONT. AVAILABLE FOR FRANCHISE Good Wholesale Route IN OSHAWA BRAND NEW OFFICE IS AVAILABLE Newly Built... vice... Bright... Painted ... Moderate Rent... Available... Ask for T. L. Wilson. THE TIMES BUILDING MARY & KING STREETS OSHAWA Elevator Ser- Freshly Tiled Floors... Available in: Few' Days... Lease Third Floor... call 728-5916. one reg nh Athol street East. 27--Real Estate for Sale 48 DREW Street, two partly housekeeping rooms, Couple preferred. Apply between 5 and 8 p.m. 381 MARY Street. Tw: apartment, modern kitchen, Telephone, lights, washing facilities, 2nd floor, cen- tral. Telephone 725-1042. RITSON Road South, 137, three-roo: upstairs unfurnished apartment, mak, Solas heated, couple preferred. $60. 725-5184. RITSON Road North 343, Two furnish- ed housekeeping rooms, sink, --_ water, lights; bus stop, $50, 723-481 FURNISHED _ three-room aaron heated, central, private entrance, laun- dry and parking facilities. Telephone 723-7692, TWO rooms self-contained unfurnished, private bathroom, ground floor, immed- fate possession, Central. Also garage. 723-2925 or 728-2017. COMPLETELY furnished, 3% rooms, two piece bath, built-in cupboards, sink, heavy-duty stove, TV, air-conditioner, suit business couple. 725-3667. Telephone DEMPSTER'S BREAD 23---Wanted to Rent R. VICKERY, Realtor $13,500, Monthly $71 Plus Taxes 4 bedroom 1% storey brick, Park Rd. South. Garage, macadam drive with double parking spoce, fully equip- ped for modern convenient comfortable living. Close to school and shopping, bus at door. Inspect and make ew! offer today. Call Bert 'aylor. 46 King W. 728-6228 Open Evenings Your Friend In Need A Want Ad Indeed ! Whether it's ao car, bicycle, motorcycle, baby crib, dia- mond ring, range, pet or what-have-you? You are sure to get fast results when you list them for sale in the well read "Classified" Articles for Sale column, WANT ADS DON'T COST THEY PAY!!! CALL TODAY 723-3492 RITSON ROAD NORTH -- Th furnished apartment, private entrance, Toronto LE 6-1196 SMALL farm, vicinity of Oshawa Whitby. Telephone 725-5579 after 5.30 p.m. bath; heavy_duty range and refrigera- tor; heat, hydro, laundry facilities. Available July 1. Business couple, $75. 25-3094, or MECHANICS YOUNG businessman with two chile} dren urgently requires two or three- bedroom house. North end preferred. Tel, 728-2362. p! FULLY modern two bedroom apart- ment, in. new apartment building, re- frigerator, stove, washer, dryer, paved parking, school and shopping close. Two for day shift. One for night shift. L. AVAILABLE July 1. Two professional women want to rent two - North Oshawa area preferred. Write Box 441, Oshawa Times, jouse or bungalow. bedroom | -- 728-5282. DIVISION STREET, 154 -- Two-room apartment, partly furnished, all con- veniences, parking space. Apply after 4, daytime. Telephone 725-3887. Apply W. LAVALLEY 24--Houses for Rent 1145 ADELAIDE EAST ,Oshawa -- $45 monthly, newly decorated, combina- SEAWAY MOTORS 200 Dundas St. W. BLOOK street east, 488, new four-room house, two bedrooms, ofl heating, hot water. Apply 76 Harris Avenue. tion living room, kitchenette with bed- room, sink, ment, MA 3-2750 WHITBY, ONT. CLERK TYPIST Required for local finan- ce company. Short hand preferred, but not essen- tial. Experience not nec- essary. Telephone for appointment. WH 2-4021 or MO 8-5991 t SIX-ROOM house, immediate posses- sion. Apply 212 McNaughton Avenue or telephone 725-7095, FURNISHED _ three-room 'apartment, light, heat and water supplied. Suitable for working couple, per month, ARCHITECTURAL RANCH STYLE home for rent. Broad- loom, wall to wall, drapes, Apple Hill district. Basement is rented. Adult family preferred. $90 monthly, 725-7928 evenings. Telephone 725-2300. BOWMANVILLE --Three - room apart- ment, kitchenette and bathroom. Lawn and play area for <*'4ren, Free park- ing, 63 King West. Telephone MA DRAFTSMAN Urgently Required Full Time WHITBY Modern three-bedroom, brick bungalow, decorated, recreation room with bar and sink, patio, storms and screens. Possession July 1, $105, Tele- phone MO 8-5663. 3-5996. THREE large unfurnished rooms, main floor, basement, garage. Available July 1. Adults only, Telephone 728-6115. THREE-ROOM apartment, with private Must be fully experienced in Small House Designing 723-2381 ANYTIME CABINET MAKERS or TRIM CARPENTERS Call WH 2-2721 HOLLANDIA WOODWORKING Ajax, Ont. Nearly new, attractive three bedroom bungalow, immacu- late condition at 757 Lauren- tian avenue. . Main floor two bedroom dup- refrig- erator and stove, large living tile bath, heated, at lex, modern kitchen, room, 596 Farewell avenue. One bedroom deluxe apart- kitchen, at 281 complete living room, tile bath, Marina apartments, Simcoe St, South. APPLY P.O. BOX 220 ment, bath, private entrance, $50 monthly. Telephone 728-5385. THREE-ROOM basement apartment, cupboards, sink, stove, refrigerator, washing facilities. Available now. Tele- phone 723-3985, DOWNTOWN --three rooms and bath apartment, $75 monthly, Telephone 725- 1212. cupboards, For appoint-| LOW COST COUNTRY LIVING to Scarborough. 10-room remodelled home, Churches near, easy to buy. TAREE-ROOM flat, upstairs, $45 month, im T 728. 0810, THREE and four room apartments, in apartment building, stove, refrigerator, ample closet space, parking, laundro- mat, 68 Wayne Street. 725-3938. SIMCOE SOUTH, 442 -- Three rooms and private bath, private entrance, newly decorated, parking space. Tele- phone 725-1565. KING AND PARK ROAD -- four-room apartment in new apartment building. Refrigerator, stove, free laundry facili- ties, parking, adults, Telephone after 5, 728-3971 or 728-7104, YOUNG MAN 25--Apts. & Flats for Renta: APARTMENT, modern, two bedroom With purchasing and traffic experience requir- CLEAN, centrally located, one bedroom apartment, i ator and range equipped, private home. TV aerial, parking facilities, business couple only, modern kitchen, 725-1918. refriger- living room, kitchen, bathroom. Cor- ner of Wentworth and Ravine, Tele- phone 723-1101. UNFURNISHED annex apartment, Three rooms, bath, plus recreation ed by expanding company in Ajax. Good working conditions and staff bene- CLEAN contained, stove, three-room apartment, self- hydro and heat in- cluded, near south General Motors, Working couple preferred, Telephone 725-3703. room, laundry tubs, private entrance, TV outlet, $65 per month, Apply 87 John Street. 23/4-acre lot. Comfortable 6-room house, finest gar- den soil produces crops readily saleable at road side. Next to Whitby Golf Course on well travelled paved road. Fine neighborhood. Church next door. School across road. Near good shopping areas. Owner moved PRICE $8500 Contact Mr. D. H. Andrews, Brooklin, Phone 655-3195 LARGE FAMILY COUNTRY HOME warm and comfortable with efficient oil furnace, very suitable for large fam- ily or conversion to duplex. Beautiful view from con- crete sun-deck. Acreage available if desired. New plumbing, furnace, heavy duty wiring. Safe, healthy and handy for children, school bus at driveway. good roads to Oshawa, Whitby, Toronto. Large Ist mortgage makes this property PRICE $15,900. Contact Mr. D. H. Andrews, Brooklin, Phone 655-3195 J. Willoughby & Sons Ltd., Realtors 46 Eglinton Ave. East, Toronto 12 CORDOVA ROAD, 219 -- Four-room apartment, range, refrigerator, televi- fits. BOX 317 496 SIMCOE STREET NORTH ~--One and two-bedroom apartments, furnish ed or unfurnished. Available for June and July. Telephone 728-3945. sion outlet; parking space, close to South GM, available June 1, $75 month. Telephone 725-9839, CHARLES STREET, 31 -- Two fur- t 1 IMMEDIATE possession. on June 1 OSHAWA TIMES --[is"*iepccate. "satrancens " besnrosins nished rooms (kitchen with . bedroom), very central, gentleman preferred. Ap- ply evenings only, jiled throughout, large yard, 74 Ritson Road South, near school, bus at door. $85 monthly. Apply BACHELOR apartment, refrigerator, stove, three-piece bathroom, private entrance. Downtown. 725-1932, After 6, BOYS BOYS | 1 Three young single men for large Canadian Pub- lis hing Co, Must be neat |! IN APARTMENT house, self. qj | call 725-0853, large three-room apartment, Apply 23 rance. refriger- ator, stove, three-piece bathroom, clos- ets, furnished if desired, laundry room, parking, reasonable. Street, Apartment 1, Simcoe Street en- Gibbs THREE-ROOM apartment, wunfurnish- ed, private entrance and bahtroom, cupboards, sink, bus stop at door, child welcome, ample parking. Telephone 725-3441, ALBERT STREET, 10 -- Spacious and aggressive. Full train- ing provided and above average earnings. Apply: Mr, SINNOTT -- ROOM 4 CENTRAL HOTEL KITCHEN HELP Woman or girl, with some knowledge of cooking. Private home, live in el good 'wages, are Be x "4i2 OSHAWA TIMES 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. APARTMENTS ONE and TWO BEDROOMS LA SALLE GARDEN DIAL 725-4964 rooms, with kitchen, built-in cup- boards, sink, parking, laundry facili- ties. Telephone 725-6662, 5 ACRES AND HOME Near Oshawa and Bowmanville On good road near modern schools. Large living room with open fireplace, roomy light kitchen with cupboards galore, and two bedrooms and extra large four-piece bath room. Low taxes here too! Full Price $14,500. Gordon Osborne Broker 728-3341 $100 Two-bedroom apartment in duplex. 559 Lansdowne Drive. en for inspec- tion, Frank Hazlett, RU 7-9387 Toronto. CADILLAC South 72, Three large bright unfurnished rooms, heavy duty wiring, laundry facilities, Suitable adults, SUMMER PROPERTIES LAKE ST. PETER AREA MINK LAKE 26--Rooms for Rent TUES., WED., THURS. SALESMAN For Used Car Lot Young aggressive man, WOMEN TAXI! DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 TOP EARNINGS Apply MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS BO-PEEP - RESTAURANT Oshawa Shopping Centre Apply after 4 p.m. enthusiastic, willing work- er, sales experience not necessarily essential. MODERN APARTMENT Living room, dinette, kitchen, bedroom, stove and refriger- ator ,laundry facilities, Busi- hess couple, $70 MONTHLY APPLY BURNS SHOE STORE 725-4611 CLEAN furnished recom with kitchen, suitable gentleman, central location, Telephone 723-9225, LARGE, bright furnished housekeep- ing room, private home, studio couch, refrigerator, large closet, near hospi- tal, downtown, Abstainers, $9 weekly. 725-5228, FERNHILL Boulevard, 107, two fur- nished housekeeping rooms, near shop- piing centre, adults, $50. month, Tele- phone 725-4373, THREE furnished bed-sitting rooms, suit three single gentlemen, kitchen privileges, parking space, close to bus and restaurant. $6 weekly. ay 245 Olive Avenue. Telephonesd#@5-91 SALARY PLUS COMMISSION Apply in person to Mr. K. O'Connor Bill Whittick Motors 146 Brock Stree: North Whitby EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN APPLY FOX'S LADIES' WEAR 7 Simcoe St. South STENOGRAPHER Must have good shorthand. Excellent salaty. Bay Ridges area, MO 8-8181 GIRLS' GIRLS' Three young single ladies for large Canadian Pub- lishing Co. Must be neat and aggressive. Full train- ing provided and above average earnings. MAN Aged 40 to 50 required for maintenanerice and clean up work in Ajax APARTMENTS FOR RENT $70 and $75 Four room apartments with stove and refrigerator. Close to Downtown Shopping area and Bus Service. CALL ED. DISNEY Realtor 82 Simcoe South 723-2333 PARK ROAD SOUTH, 2 alan ae keeping room, first floor, furnished or unfurnished, clean comfortable, ab- stainers, $8 weekly. 728-0429. TWO furnished rooms, in new home near South General Motors. Women preferred. Telephone 728-7793, SINGLE room for gentleman, light housekeeping if desirea. Central, close to hospital and downtown, Telephone 723-9895. Well treed lot. Price $3,000. Two bedrooms --- aluminum siding, 205 ft. Needs some finishing -- Price $2,000. MINK LAKE Two bedrooms, fire place, furnished, complete with pressure system and septic tank. 209 ft. of lake' frontage -- Price $5,500 NEAR BALA McKechnie Lake --- Three bedrooms -- 200 ft. of lake frontage lake frontoge. LAKE SIMCOE BEVERLEY ISLES Three bedrooms, furnished, complete with water and septic tank, -- Price $5,000. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 WILSON & NORRIS, Realtors HARWOOD N., AJAX 942-3364 rere a oy brick house, two acres of land, barn DUPLEX and' orchard in "Oshawa |North and omg for a smaller 725-7437. | Lloyd 'Realty LIST WITH LLOYD eo ae ee oe town buy in Oshawa, Phone or write MODERN five-room bungalow on half/Hazlett. veniences,| pag ons fevees. ere Poot Twe-bedroomt pane ge ey mortgage, ooer. Sor 3-1733, RU |Bathurst Street, Toronto, East. ras008" ms __|FRIVATE, $700 down, $9,000, Five room THEN CALL YOUR MOVER NORTH WEST AREA IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 year old six room bunga- low, large lot 53' x 120'. Owner will take a low down payment and suitable terms, arranged for balance, Call Hy Cruikshanks ot 728- $500 DOWN 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $9,750. Full Price, carries for $60.00 per month plus low toxes, hot water oil heot, very clean home, not a pen- ny to spend after you move in. Call Ed Drumm right now for apopintment to inspect. 723-9345, CENTRAL LOCATION 2% STOREY BRICK WITH GARAGE $10,900 FULL PRICE 1,500 DOWN Carries for $75.00 per'month interest and principal. Don't fail to inspect this value here. Call Ed Drumm ot 725- 9345. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) SCHOFIELD-AKER heated, and, acaools Apply 766 Gifford house, oil close to Street. LIMITED 360 King St. West GRANDVIEW .GARDENS Split level in beautiful condi- tion in this desirable loca- tion, Attractive living room hes stone fireplace, sepa- dining room, large kitchen with b built in stove ond oven, spacious family room open- ing onto patio, two piece both on main floor, 3 large bed- rooms up with 4 piece bath all large closets. A' gorage. Priced at only $18,- 900. Terms. STONE HOUSE 5 miles north of Oshawa. Well kept, -- 8 rooms. All modern conveniences. Run- landscaped stream, Apply Concession 8, Lot 6 East of Simcoe St. North - ESTATE SALE Must be sold. This large 7 room brick home on Centre St. -- large living room with _ hardwood floors, 4 big bed- new forced air oil furnace, Lot 62 x 147, Priced at only $8,000. For complete information call -- HENRY STINSON 725-0243 LIMITED, REALTOR, 728-5123 101 SIMCOE ST. N. OPEN EVERY EVENING John F. DeWith Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone 3341 200 Acre form, brick home, modern conveniences, Extra 8 roomed frame home, barn, silo etc; 1 Mile from highway. Price $20,000. Terms. 50 Acre farm ,neor Bewdley, good soil, 80' x 35' bank- barn; 7 Roomed home, bath- room, furnace. Price $6,000, Easy terms. 190 Acre DAIRYFARM on paved road, rm, stream, silo, bulkcooler; 8 Roomed home, modern con- veniences, Price and terms orarnged. 150 Acre farm, on highway, 2 barns, stream; Home with all modern conveniences. Price $13,000. with $3,000 down, 92 Acre farm, excellent soil, large L-shaped bankbarn, running woter, silo; 8 Room- ed home, water on tap. Only $4,000. down. 125 Acre DAIRYFARM, over 6 cans milk quota, fertile soil, good barn, waterbowls, bulkcooler etc; 8 Roomed home, modern conveniences, Price $18,000, Half cash, 100 Acre farm on No, 2 Highway, large L-shaped bankbarn, drive shed, etc; Stone house with all modern conveniences. Price and terms arranged. 100 acre farm, near Oshawa, god fertile soil, L-shaped bank barn, drive shed etc; 8 roomed home. Asking $25,000. Terms arranged. 84 Acre HIGHWAY FARM with large stream, large Guide Realty LIMITED CHRISTMAS. TREE FARM All offers please. About 54,- 000 trees from 3 to 8 years. This is excellent value. Lo- cated close to Mosport. Trees have been pruned eoch year. Up to 8000 trees ready for morket this yeor. A cash offer of around $5,000 will buy. For further information coll GLEN HUNTER, River- side 2-4234 or write Bowes ond Cocks Ltd, 333 Char- lotte St., Peterboro, 16 Simcoe St. S. 316 EULALIE AVENUE -- Centre Hall plan, 5 room brick bungalow. Hardwood ond tile floors, 4 pc. bath venetian blinds, aluminum storms and screens and doors. Hot water heating with oil, nearly new water softener, paved drive, olw taxes. Own. er will hold mortgage on convenient terms, BEVERLEY STREET -- Well maintained 5 room brick bungalow with large modern kitchen, 4 pe. bath, hard- wood and tile floors, Attrac- tively decorated, new oil fur- nace situated in a quiet resi- dential district. SUBURBAN LIVING -- This 6 room rug brick and stone rancher is finished in the fin- est mahogany trim. Hanover kitchen cupboards with pre- formed arborite counter tops enhance the large 15 x 12 kitchen. 21 ft. living room complete with double pierson window and twindow. Situat- ed on a 2 acre lot just min- utes from Oshawa. FOR SALE OR RENT -- Business and private dwel- ling. New store located os port of a shopping centre in rapidly developing part of a shopping centre in rapidly developing part of wa, The property consists of a new two storey brick bunga- low with a store 20 x 50 and a modern five room apart- ment above. For full particulars call Roy Flintoff, Steve Zurba, Irene Brown, Charlie Rankine, Leon Monitius, Phyllis Jubb, Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, "Lucas Peacock ot 723-1121. Open 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. daily HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 725-4701 or 725-7732 HAMPTON New listing, 6-room home in excellent condition, 3.piece both, forced air --- oil heat- ing, 165 x 181 ft. lot, gar- age, overflowing well. 1,- 500.00 down. Call Joe Crawe ford 623-3672, $3,500.00 V.L.A. APPROVED 2 acres with cement block foundation, large double gar- age now being lived in, sub flooring on foundation. Call Bob Johnson, 728-2548. SUBURBAN BARGAIN 4-bedroom, 1Y2-storey home with attached garage on @ lovely landscaped and treed 1 acre lot, close to school. $11,900.00. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. $800.00 DOWN Completely renovated 2 fam- ily home, shining hardwood and tile floors, 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, oil heating, large lot. $8,500.00 and one open 10 year morgen Call Mrs. Tierney, 725-5207 TOWNLINE RD. SOUTH Spotless bungalow just a few years old, large ultra modern kitchen, hot water with oil . heating, garage, 2 extra lots « all for $12,900.00. Call - 725-4701, ' $8,500.00 with $800,00 DOWN or reasonable offer, 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens. ROXBOROUGH ST. -- EX- TREME VALUE -- 6 rooms, - 6% open mortgage. YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING (Continued on Page 22) born drive shed etc; 10 Roomed brick home, all mo- dern conveniences. Excellent soil, Close to a town. WEEKEND MARKET BASKET 150 Acre farm with new barn, 100 acres workable; 7 Roomed home with modern conveniences, Asking $17,- 000 with $5,000 down. Frank Hunter .. 725-2974 Don Mountjoy . MA 3-3950 Idso Wiersma . Orono 1649 raster soy two single beds. Suitable 'or gentlemen, Parking space, A| 109 Park Road South, "Ais ROOM for respectable gentleman. Close to North General Motors and business section. Apply 105 Ritson Road North. Telephone 725-1300. CLEAN, large housekeeping room,| suit one girl. Apply 58 Nassau Street. CLEAN, furnished room, centrally lo- cated, parking, close to bus, house- keeping ee if desired. Tele- phone 723-7917, BRIGHT stants room in quiet, clean home with all conveniences. close to four corner: Ap- Food Piant. Hours 4 o'clock p.m. 12:00 a.m. Must be physically fit. This is a permanent position with a good start- to ing rate of pay. Full com- pany fringe benefits, Ap- uly in writing to BOX 316 OSHAWA 'TIMES Apply: Mr. SINNOTT -- ROOM 4 CENTRAL HOTEL 7 pm. - 8 'p.m. TUES,, WED.. THURS. 20--Room and Board ROOM and board wanted in good home for father and loving care for two small children. Telephone 728-7480. $15 -- SEVEN-DAY week, home-cooked meals, single gentleman, English speak- jing. Telephone 729-4423. j 'A Oshawa"s Finest PARK LANE APARTMENTS BACHELOR SUITES 1 BEDROOM SUITES 2 BEDROOM SUITES --Elevator Service --Private Balcony ----Paved Parking -- Controlled Entrances Contact MR. DON HOWE. 725-7732 or 723-9692 evenings Howe & Peters, Realtors Bs ply 135 Celina Street. FURNISHED room, housekeeping priv- ileges if desired. Close to downtown. Apply 23 Elgin Street "East or tele- phone 723-7814, TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen with built-in cupboards, sink, refrigerator, adults only. Parking. Cen- tral. Apply 99 Elgin Street East. FURNISHFD apartment, single house- keeping room, private entrance, cen- tral, parking. Apply 96 Centre Street. $3---PRIVATE rooms, telephone, TV, restaurant on premises. Hollywood ard Ry Brock Street North, Whitby, GARAGE furnished front bed- room; private home, gentleman only, abstainer, North End section, vicinity of Connaught and Greta, 725-3989. and ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available. in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 On 10-acre farm, 5 miles from chicken house, 6-room with reasonable down payment. feet. View all over Oshawa. down payment. J. J. Van Herwerden, Realtor 741 King Street E., Oshawa -- 723-4471 HEALTHY LIVING FOR THE FAMILY Such a nice house, well built, 3 bedrooms, living and dining with beamed ceilings, all the rooms ponelled. Fireplace. Ye acre lot, Stone front, for $1200. - twindows. Greenbelt with creek joining the backyard. Y2 mile outside the city limits on paved road, You can house the ponies in the barn (1 year old). Your kids will enjoy it tremendously. attractive down payment for responsible party. FREEDOM AND INCOME Asking price $16,500 with Whitby, paved road. Straw- berries and raspberries, 33 fruit trees, row of grapes, 2-storey bungalow in A-l shape with bathroom and oil furnace; hardwood and tile floors. Asking price $18,000 5-acre garden land; comer property on Taunton Road with well and footing for greenhouses. Full-price $5,800. 96-acre farm, 2 miles from Oshawa. An attractive property; 25 acres of bush. Excelent possibility for summer park. Can be bought partly, but at least 10 acres. Price $500 an acre. l-acre lot on Trull's Road. $1350 with terms. Only $11,000 with low down payment for 3-year-old brick veneer bungalow on Elizabeth Crescent. Nice lot 90 x 168 GRANDVIEW S, -- Exceptionally nice 4-bedroom bungalow. Walk-in basement with rec-room and Full price $18,900 with subtantial fireplace, Stone . front. Lloyd Realty LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER VISIT Farmers EVERY FRIDAY THE Market AFTERNOON LOCATED NORTH-WEST CORNER OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE BEHIND BA STATIO N KING ST. WEST $11,900 FULL PRICE 6-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW $1,300 DOWN PAYMENT This well kept home has a large recreation room, sit- uated in a residential orea close to all schools, buses and shopping. Call Ed Drumm right now for appointment to inspect ot 728-5123. HOME OF THE WEEK FULL PRICE $14,500 Here's a home value you wouldn't dream possible to- day. Built in an exclusive district out of. the smoke and away from the noise beauti- ful 3 bedroom home with space to spare, wall to wall broadloom in living and din- ing roms, kitchen is large with built in stove and fan. coloured bath fitxures. Water softener over 1150 square feet." N.H.A. payments of $102.00 per month including taxes. Reasonable down pay- ment. Call Bill Johnston 728-1066 or 728-5123. INVESTORS ONE ACRE "INDUSTRIAL" AND 5 ROOM BUNGALOW $7,900. ASK FOR "BILL" HORNER AT 728-5123. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED, REALTOR, 728-5123 101 SIMCOE: ST. N. OPEN EVERY EVENING J. J. GIBSON & SON LTD. Processors of The Famous QUALITY MEATMASTER BROILERS FLAVOUR USED EXCLUSIVELY BAR - B BY ALL LEADING s Q's ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF -- OVEN READY FRIERS -- ROASTING CHICKEN -- BOILING FOWL -- CHICKEN CUTS -- TURKEYS ESTABLISHED IN PORT PERRY SINCE 1946 J. J. Gibson & Son Ltd. Serve -- Toronto, Oshawa, Whitby, Brooklin, Beaverton, Lindsay, Peterborough, Fenelon Falls pn districts. When shopping, be sure to ask for, and obtain Meatmaster Quality and Flavour. J. J. GIBSON & SON LTD. PORT PERRY ONT. PHONE COLLECT 985-7393 We speak English, German, French ond Dutch, Dept. of Agriculture Certificates 5-248 & E5-248 » ' \