16 THE CHAWA TIMES, Wadnesdey, June 13, 1962 | Canada Pro Soccer Men | Get Stopped TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian soccer officials take note: Federation International de Football Associations -- FIFA-- wants no tampering with. the rules governing international soccer. The warning came after FIFA learned that officials of the Eastern Canada Professional League were attempting to in- troduce hockey rules into soc- cer, Some the changes were to include p zing players for rough play a8¥p done in hockey. FIFA says that any teams playing under the new rules) could be suspended. Harold Ballard, ECPSL presi-| dent and chairman of the man-| agement committee of Toronto Maple Leafs of the National) Hockey League, said Monday night: "We were greatly con- cerned with rough play creeping) into our games so we thought) we could institute some kind of) legislation that would beat the situation. | Aiiones oe eens Pay Record Price | For TV Coverage | NEW YORK (AP) -- The) TelePrompter Corporation Mon-| day bid $1,700,000, the highest) in history, for the ancillary| rights of the Floyd Patterson- Sonny Liston world heavyweight championship bout Sept. 25 in Chicago. Promoter Tom Bolan said| two other companies had made} bids that did not match Tele- Prompter's. But Bolan, presi- dent of Championship Sports, the promoters, said there was a possibility his group migle handle the ancillary rights themselves. The rights include radio television and movies. MAJOR LEAGUE | LEADERS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) American League ABR Hi Pet,| Jimenez, K. City 180 22 63 .350) Rollins, Min 229 30 80 .349 Runnels, Bos 212 29 72 .340/ Kaline, Detroit 146 32 49 .336) Robinson, Chi 216 32.71 .329| Runs--Green, Minnesota, 48. | Runs Batted In--Wagner, Los| Angeles, 45. Hits--Rollins, 80. Doubles--Robinson, 21. Triples--Robinson, 6 i Home Runs -- Gentile, Balti-| more, 16. Stolen Bases---Wood, Detroit,| and Howser, Kansas City, 16. Pitching -- Donovan, Cleve-| land, 8-2, .800. Strikeouts -- Pascual, Minne-| eota, 75. | National League | ABR # Pct.) F, Alou, SF 215 39 74 .344 Musial, St. Louis 150 25 51 .340 Williams, Chi 235 48 79 .336) Davenport, SF 204 39 68 .333 T. Davis, LA 251 46 82 .327) Runs--Mays, San Francisco, 58 Runs Batted In--T. Davis, 64. Hits---T. Davis, 82. Doubles -- Robinson, Cincin- nati, 21. Triples---Ranew, Houston, 70. Home Runs--Mays, 21. | Stolen Bases--Wills, Los An-| geles, 33. Pitching -- Purkey, Cincin- nati, 10-1, .909. Strikeouts--Koufax, Los An- geles, 132 Racing Probe, Supreme Court Wants Findings NEW YORK (AP)--Supreme Court Justice Francis X. Con- lon has directed the state har- ness racing commission to hold an immediate hearing on the 60- day suspension imposed against Charles J. Fitzpatrick Jr. Fitz- patricks' victory May 29 with Miss Chief Moken caused a near riot at Yonkers Raceway. After a hearing in his cham- hers Tuesday, Conlon directed the commission to not only hold a hearing but submit its find- ings by June 1 On that date Conlon is ex- pected to rule on Fitzpatrick's petition for a stay of his sus- pension pending an appeal to the appellate division. Fitzpatrick was charged with failure to report that the horse he drove in the eighth race was partly owned by G. Harvey Tin- gle. Tingle also owns a horse that finished second in the race. THL Founder Has Leave Of Position TORONTO (CP) -- Frank Smith, a longtime organizer of minor hockey here who recently was named to the Hockey Hall of Fame, has resigned as gen- era] secretary and treasurer of the Toronto Hockey League. Smith, 68, one of the founders of the THL, left the post Tues- day night because of business commitments. It was back in 1911 that he and a group of friends saved) their allowances to build a hockey rink that was the birth-| Jace of the Beaches League,| Reerumper of the THL. EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 40's Pkg. DOUBLE-EDGE PAL BLADES Mi Coupon Exp. June 20 EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 48 Fi, Or. Tin FLOOR GLOSS LIQUID Hawes Floor Wax M3 Coupen Eap. June 20 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS With Coupen & Purchase ox 18" x 25 Rell ALCAN FOIL M5 Coupon Exp. June 44 Fi, On. $ta-Flo Starch M7 Coupon Exp. June 20 With Coupon & Purchase One 10's Pkg. JETS SOAP PADS M9 Coupon Exp. June With Coupon & Purchase 9 Pi, Or. Jar €. D. 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