Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 May 1962, p. 11

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 13, 1962 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Fi Saturday 8 to 1 BUSINESS $ RVICE DIRECTORY 8--Resorts SANDY BAY CAMP 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent 16--Female Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted GIRL for d ork, fond of child- ON RICE LAKE 2, 3-bedroom cottages inside conveniences, running water. CROW LAKE, Cottage for rent, 5 miles north of Marmora from 30 July 14, Telephone 723-7140. June Good boats, sand beach, fine swimming. fishing. R. McCRACKEN, LAKE SIMCOE near Brechin, lots for sale, shallow sandy T beach. wi ren, live in Doctor's home. 725-5755, RELIABLE middle aged lady wanted to help care for elderly lady, several aoe daily, Fi 'or particulars call 725- after 4 p.m. 723-3060, WOMAN to look after elde: Building Trades Gardening and Supplies Plumbing and Heating R. R. 4, HASTINGS 1--Women's Column For Reservations Phone 219W1 CLASSIFIED AD RATES 6 CONSECUTIVE CERAMIC plastic wall tile, wood- working, all floor coverings. Free esti mates. Work guaranteed. Dial 728-3980. 25 words or less Cash Charge 3.75 4.13 Consecutive ; Insertions 2.25 2.48 If not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered ot a later date constitute @ new original order. 6 CONSECUTIVE Insertions Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.60 per month. abbreviation Each word, initial, sab or figure counts as a word. charge 15c additional. All Classified Advertisments must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- fore publication except Births, tn Memoriam, Cards of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 a.m. Deadline for Lost and Found and Cancellations 8:30 am. Office Hours Daily 8 - 5, Saturday 8-12. LATIONS Rene Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, mot for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver- tisement, mor beyond the price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserve the right to classify advertising according to its own classification, In the case of display advertise- ments, The Times will not be held rsponsible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisment, if any inaccuracies in any form ore contained therein. YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- ney's built and repaired, gas linings estimates, 723-2997. CEMENT and wood stoops, sidewalks, i kitchen rs 1 etc. 728-7245, CROSSTOWN SOD SUPPLY ALL types of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials. Reasonable rates. Dial 728-6931. J. Estimates free. Foley. 9 A-1 Sod. Rolled, Fertilized and weed treated, Cut fresh daily. Sod in the field for REPAIRS and remodelling of all types, new and used materials. Reasonable rates, free estimates. 725-1334, McGrath Plumbing and Heating. PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- COTTAGE for rent, Lal north of Kaladar, on flighway 7. Must have own boat. $20 weekly. For infor- mation telephone after six 725-3371. rly lady. Live in. Please contact Mrs. Grorge 24 U ty Avenue West, Cobourg, Ontario. PERMANENT position in Toronto, for reliable girl to do housework, good dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone 725-5363. WHITE PINE LODGE OSHAWASH Frigidaire Coin Laundry, 11--Articles for Rent home. For inf Osh- WE can use two men, previous sales experience not necessary, No _invest- ment. Average $1.73 per hour, For ap- pointment phone 728-2383 from 6 o 8 p.m. only. AUTO glass installer to take full aan of shop. Apply in person to: Aluminum and Glass Company, tat 1200 Dundas street east Whitby. SALESMAN for printing and office supplies. Selling experience or print ing background preferred. Arjay Print ers Limited, 182 Simcoe Street South. awa 725-7851. For a most delightful holi- i Simcoe South, Anniversary Special, te ds 25. a Ae ig day on Paudash'Lake lets us two loads 25 cents. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. CEMENT mixer for rent. Telephone 725-7572. Thursday, June 14, Watch for further send you a folder describing specials, our excellent meals -- com. truckers. 725-8504 Phone 725-3521. ALL PLUMBING and heating eer Harold H. Sta heating and engineer' GENERAL CONTRACTING, concrete floors, and repair, Roofing, all kinds, O. L. Hess, 725-6937. BULLDOZING and excavating, Free estimates. Call Taylor Bros., 26 Hill- court Drive, Whitby. MO 8-5612. ALL TYPES of building repairs, roof- ing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. Gordon May, 728-0394. TRENCHING, FOOTINGS SEPTIC TANK, WATER and SEWER, LINES. Call L. HAAKSMA BROOKLIN 655-4746 KEN ASHMORE PAVING LTD. Material and Workmanship Guaranteed CALL: | 728-8412 LOAM, GRAVEL WASHED STONE MULCH FILL Tractor and loader work. Lots levelled; Reasonable rates. 725-2156 :"255 Simcoe Street South. ALE Well... But if you insist on the best... call GUSCOTT PLUMBING and HEATING LIMITED 207 Simcoe St, S--725-5132 CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND BLACK LOAM Prompt Delivery 728-8951 FOR FAST SERVICE VANDRUNEN'S Landscaping, Sodding, Soil, Nursery Stock. A CALL BROOKLIN, 655-3545 RR 2, OSHAWA Instruction | GEORGE HARDING MO 8-3566 Rug Upholstery Service fortable accommodation -- private bath---sandy beach-- good fishing. Sports Director. R.R. No. 3 Bancroft, Ont. Phone Bicroft 4500. Ameri- 2--Personal DRIVING to Moncton, N. B., June 24, desire another lady driver. After 6.30 p.m. 728-6718, RIDE WANTED -- North Oshawa to vicinity Adelaide and Church, arriv- ing 8.30 a.m, Telephone 725-7683, , can Plan (with meals) $42 to $56 per week per person. Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Roasting Pans, Coffee 44 - 75 Cup Tape Recorders -- with Dinner or Dance Music Urns 25 - WAITRESS wanted, experience not ne- cessary. Write Box 334 Oshawa Times. eve men, 4 work 5 to 9 ra daily, per week, Oshawa area. lephone Toronto WA 47031, WAITRESS WANTED, experience not necessary. Day shift. Must be honest and reliable. Apply in person. Envoy Restaurant, 522 Ritson Road South. LICENSED mechanic for local truck fleet, steady employment, Must have own tools, Wages compensate for expere lence, Apply Powell Transport, SHORT ORDER cook wanted at Gen- osha Hotel. Apply Coffee Shop, FULLER Brush Co., ngs three reliable a. with cars, WAITRESS wanted, experience not ne- cessary, but must be quick and reli-/9 able. Apply Hollywood R rit Phon Genoshe ory. 01 ge J.D, Dales i Wednesday 3 te Brock Street North, Whitby. Ask for Mr. Knutson. JUsz 17 -- Decoration and Father's Day, We provide personal service to Place flowers delivered by your own florist, Approved hand finished memo- pnd supplied and installed. Mount Lawn Park, 723-2633. IF YOU nave a Grinking problem, write to Box 333, Whitby, KING Strect West, 378 Two rooms, private entrance, CHESTERFIELDS and re-styled, Free estimates. See our ma- partly furnished, near Shopping Centre, $55. 728-7998. bane for re-covering. Dalton Up Charles Street, 723-7212, STERFIELDS rebuilt , recovered like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up- holstery Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311, CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South, Call 451. Free estimates. DURACLE Rugs 3 and Upholstery Cleaners. Work done in your home, the Duraclean,flower-fresh 'way. Revives color, restores lustre, raises pile. Free estimates, Authorized Duraclean Agents. 1058 Hortop, 728-8518. Surveyors PRIVATE teacher, student rience, by interview only. FOR COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK, SEWER | Accountants {and BURROWS, Chartered WILSON and BURROWS, Cha Accountants, 114 King Street East, sd awa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA; G. Ed mund Burr 728-7554, HOPKINS and ( Company, Certi- ie Public Accountants, 172 King Street E Oshawa, | Ontario, 725- 3509, MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Co., Chartered Accountants, 725-3527. 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax WH 2-0890; Whitby, MO 8-4131. . FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER sad Co.s Accountants and Auditors. Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, Oshawa; B, L. Yale, CA; F. Friedlander, BComm, CPA. BOB CLANCY'S: Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service. 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res., 723-7605. NARD JAMES BROOKS, Certified) Public Accountant, Suite 205W, Osh- awa Shopping Centre. 725-9953. | AND WATER LINE j INSTALLATIONS | | PLEASING YOU | KEEPS US IN BUSINESS | UNITED PAVING CO. First-class workmanship | __guaranteed--phone 278 ae HARLEIGH MFG. CO. House Remodelling. Kitchen and bathroom planning, Wall tiling, | Modernfold Doors, etc. Free estimates any time. PHONE 723-7589 Cartage JOHN'S Moving and Storage, Oshawa, Whitby. rates. Fully Appraisers PATRICK G. McDANIEL, AACI, Real Estate' Appraiser and Broker, Whitby | Phone MO 68-2311. Auto Parts SMOBILE dynamic, parts for 34 Albert street or Telephone tween 1 and 7 p.m. S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- teed automotive parts and accessories, 145 King Street West, Oshawa. \WEDDING BANQUETS equipped and era Phone 728-. 3661. Caterers RECEPTIONS, PARTIES joyfully remembered when Pontiac Inn Caterers handle details expertly for you. THORNTON'S RD, SOUTH 728-1607-8-9, Five bays to serve you. at BLOOR -- 725-0078 Barristers | Dressmaking GREER and KELLY, Barrister, Solici-| tor, etc., 114 King Street East. Dial 723-2278. Residence phones. J. M, Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3363. Terence V./| Kelly, BA, BCL, 728-5832, RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- | Reasonable rates. Dial 723-9565 anytime INVISIBLE mending and _re-weaving. Telephone 725-9736 or apply 525 Dun- kirk Avenue. DRESSMAKING, alterations, plain sew- ing, shortie drapes, kitchen curtains. citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. Mortgage loans available. os JAMES A, MacDONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and lag 4 Pub- Gardening and Supplies _ LAWN and tree spraymg. A. Stolk, MO 8-5286, Whitby. lic. The Commercial 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking available. GHTON, FRASER, DRYNAD Mu DOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., 5 Simcoe Street North, 723-3446. T. K. Creighton, QC; C, Fraser, QC; . K, Drynan, anged DAVID L., Barrister, Solic mcoe South, 725-9592, Resi- 026: DONALD BLAK and Solicitor, 264 te 723-2201; JOSEPH P .MAN ', QC, Barrister, Solicitor, Money to loan, Office, 14% King Street East, Oshawa. 728-1 8232. MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L ARTZ, barristers, Solicitors, No- Money to loan. Henry Block, King Street East. 723-4697. Resi- dence, dial 723-4029. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgates, Simcoe Street North; 66; Charles C. McGibbon, Qc istedo, Q.C RICHARD i. DONALD, BA, Bart Barrister,| Solicitor, Notary Public, 524% Simcoe North, 728-2819. Res. 728-2765. RS, BA, Barrister, Solici- 344 Simcoe Street North. 23-1101, Residence 725-5542. BEUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortgage King Street East. 8. LOUIS citor, } Street E ies avail; ab: ac i Alger Bldg., 37 King 723-4943, Mortgage mon- 8, BOYCHYN and WiLL | ters, Solicitors, 36% King} awa. D. Hum- phreys, 5 8. Boychyn, BA, QC; W A, Hillma: LLB. Office, 725-1177, 725-1178; Residence, 725-4604; Whitby, MO 8-2761, 725-5203. NHA and other mortgage funds available, Street G._ L." Murdoch,.NHA| Resi- ie ere Landscaping Maintenance (ns CEDAR trees for hedges etc. Choice quality, uniform sizes. Any _ height. Free delivery and estimates. MA 3-3935 ~ OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LIMITED LOAM- FILL GRAVEL - SOD _t oeene FREE ESTIMATES Potted Roses, Potted Shrubs, Trees, Evergreens, Tuberous Begonias. Full line Boxed Plants. Don't let bugs get your lawn and Roses. Get the bugs with spray, full line spray materials, VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 MILES EAST No, 2 WOE atk 18 OSHAWA 'LEARN TOL DRIVE (Oshawa Driving School OSHAWA and WHITBY __| FIRST i. Land Surveyors, DONEVAN and FLEISHMANN, On- tario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue- print, 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. . FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario 216 Adelaide Avenue East. Phone 725-6881. DAY OR EVENING Late models, standards. automatics, dual controlled. CALL 728-0091 TV -- Radio Repairs TV RENTALS, "by the 'day, week or month at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- coe North 723-3043. TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, all Investigators domestic, general and_ security. King Street East, 728-7941. jLawn Mowers ATTENTION! Have yo your lawn mower precision sharpenerd, Free pick-up and delivery. Bert _Amey 725-4360. "WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL... STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS. 723-3224 Money to Leon CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased, NHA mortgages arranged, Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- doch. MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus. Monies also available Second Mortgages. Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased, SWARTZ Short term and Builders' Mortgages at -- reasonable rates. 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 | Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act. on Mortgages | makes, |liott --| TELEVISION, range, washer and dryer ACME INVESTIGATION BUREAU,| repairs. 100/ ic jservice depot, 728-3291, Oshawa Sewing| Centre, | bia) Electronics, 157 El- Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). Call Superior Appliance Serv- 728-4873. If no answer, call our T.V. TOWERS _ 361 GIBBONS ST. PHONE 728-8180 Terms -- Open Evenings OSHAWA T.V. Free Survey cand Estimates T.V. TOWERS -- All galvanized, no paint, LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 T.V. TOWERS Antennas and T.V. Service If you want to be sure of the lowest possible prices, best workmanship and quality material .°. . try TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E. __ 728-6781 FIRST and second mortgages bought. -J J. Van Herwerden, Mortgage Brok- 7 cast, Oshawa. 723-4471. FIRST and second mortgages. agreements purchased and sold nick and Henni: Barristers, 31 King Street East. 7: 232, FIRST and second | mortgages available. W. Schatzmann, Mortgage er, Brock Building, Whitby. MO 8-3 and secona morrgages. sed and sold. Barristers, 31 2. Sale Hen- dale Hen- King} treet East. "MORTGAGE _ LOANS Money available for immed- iate loan on First and Second Mortgages, and Agreements for Sale, on vacant and im- proved property residential, industrial, city, suburban and country, and summer cot- tages. Forty years experience, SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. Phone: 725-3568 | | GARDEN CENTRE 1259 SIMCOE ST. N. Beauty Service ling, Maryiyn 1 n Imrie, | @ beauty service. § 33. Building Trades HAMBLY CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED BLOCKS, SIDEWALK SLABS, UNIT STEPS PATIO SLABS, SEPTIC TANKS, Telephone MO 8- -4] 59 WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING, BULLDOZING TOP SOIL, FILL MO 8-4172 NICK DYRIW EXCAVATING BASEMENT ALSO TOP SOIL 723-3898 723-3222 | Open Daily from 9 am. to 9 p.m. for All Your Gardening Needs. Also Top Soil _and Sod. TOP QUALITY BLACK SANDY LOAM A-1 TOP SOIL Screened Loam; Humus Added. For top dressing, lawns, flower beds, No lumps or Stones, ready to use, $3.50 per yard 2 YARDS MINIMUM ALSO GRAVEL AND FILL EVANS Nursing Homes SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home RN in at- tendance. (No. 2 Highway between Whitby and Oshawa), Call 725-2330. Optometrists C. H. TUCK, Ro, Optometrist. Please pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex- amined at home. Dial 725- 4587, F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- WANT T0 MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUSIC? BUY YOUR HI-FI NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED xe 4RX BxKS XXXX X ARM: xX X x ; i xX, XXX XXX XXXX XXX XXXX x x Xx KKK AXE % x, xxX xx THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA x x x x « |Well Drilling -- Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563--MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST P.O. BOX 329 etry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses, 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. Evenings by appointment, 723-4191, Painti =e and 1 Decorating 2 "years' experience, work quaranteed, exterior and interior, Free ble rates. Tel 728-255 DODD & SOUTER MACHINE DUG WELLS Quicksand Specialists. 30' casing. Work guaranteed. Foundation earth boring Cont, Hadco Well Digging Ltd. Agent -- Oshawa -- 723-1001. Head Office El- mira, Ont. PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, i Wall Murals, Spray Painting. 107 BYRON ST. S,; WHITBY DAYS MO 8- 5231 NIGHTS. 725-7426 Personal Service MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts, WE DELIVER LOAM & GRAVEL SUPPLY 106 STEVENSON'S RD. S, Call: 725-5279 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 no Tuning ma "repairs, ete. Work » Reid. Telephone 725- P BILL LEMON WELL DIGGING Cleanouts, Deepenings, Com- pressor work,, Septic tanks installed. 725-0665 ASK FOR OSHAWA TIMES FAMILY WANT ADS EYEWITN anyone witnessing an accident between two cars, at corner of King street east and Ritson road on Saturday, June 9 at about 6:20 p.m. Please call COlfax 3-2542. Remoyal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa June 12th and 13th Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 3--Pets & Livestock POODLE puppies, registered, silver grey, male and female, small minia- ture. Telephone 728-9229. BATHING, trimming, de fleeing, board- ing. Waubena Kennels, Telephone 725- 6321, TOY Boston terriers, lovely house dog. Reasonable, Boston male at stud, also boxer at stud. All registered dogs. 728-9122, BEAUTIFUL bapy budgies, ready for training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street st. FOR SA -- White miniature poodles, English strain, registered, seven weeks old, male and female, $100. Mrs. Frank McCa ond, _72- 1343. HOLSTEINS -- WRIGHT'S POINT Pickeral_ River water course South West of North Bay New two bedroom. cottages Excellent fishing. ARTHUR WRIGHT 425 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY MO 8-4217 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent COTTAGE on Stoco Lake near Tweed, sleeps seven, refrigerator, stove, safe swimming, good fishing, boat $35 week- ly. Telephone 725-6496. SCUGOG Lakefront cottage for. rent, June and July, 2 bedrooms, all con- veniences, $40 weekly Telephone Bow- manville 623-3144, PINE RIDGE An ideal family vacation spot in Ontario's Haliburton High. lands, on Gull Lake at Min- er's Bay, Good safe bathing and all recreational facilities, Cabins, cottages and rooms. American Plan $36.00 up. R. V. Wood, R.R. No. 1, Nor- land, Ontario, Phone Cobo- conk 454.3752 SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted GUNS wanted, old lever action rifles and hand guns, Telephone 728-5574, @ trailer wanted for car top boat. Telephone 725-6282, WANTED cabin trailer. Telephone 725- 3062. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Deer Hides and Raw Furs (collect) 1. TURNER 723-2043 -- 723-3374 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wents cars for wrecking. Parts for sale, also screp iron and metals, etc., bought Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. 13--Business Opportunities RE for rent, downtown $8 x 18° for Reasonable. 725-9544 or 725-0081. SUMMER COTTAGES We have summer cottages on Lake Ontario, and Rice Lake! , Priced from $2,800.00 up, with down payments from $800.00! Phone for an ap- pointment, AND DURHAMS 5 Springers due soon. 6 Holstein calves. 351 Liberty St. N. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2353 4--Market Basket STRAWBERRIES -- picked dally. Orders taken at 40 'Thornton Road South. Telephone 723-2847 after p.m, STRAWBERRIES for s: sale, fresh daily. | More reasonable sold by crate. On Highway 2 between Bowmanville and| Newcastle. Telephone MA 3-5548. 5--Farmers Column JOHN Deere model B tractor, good condition, $400, International side rake, $8 "hone ¢ OL 5-4659 after 5.30. ith Telertions MA iy eae "Bargain. CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid for dead and crippled farm stock. Telephone collect. Hampton COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Licence 149, 6 LONG BROS. REALTORS TU 5-4501 _PORT HOPE WOODED -- LAKEFRONT LOTS |! and COTTAGES On beautiful Gunter Lake, government approved sub- division, Sandy beaches, ex- cellent swimming and fishing. Parking area and picnic fac- ilities provided. Roads and hydro installed. 10 model cottages now available, 10% DOWN EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS Drive north from Madoc on Hwy No, 62 and turn right one mile past Jordan Lake Park at Dept. of Lands and Forests Office. Follow signs to the best in summer liv- ing Sales personnel 'on property week-ends or contact Miss Anne Collins, 344 Bloor St. W. Toronto or Telephone 923-2495, 5--Farmers Column These Machines Are All PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 1 USED OLIVER NO, 60T BALER 2 NEW OLIVER NO. 62T BALERS 1 USED OLIVER NO. 62T BALER 1 NEW OLIVER NO. 95 HAY CONDITIONER ESORT, accommodates fifty, cater- ing to fishermeny ready to operate May 12, pickerel season. To be sold imme- diately. Ten thousand down or exchange for property. Box 109 Oshawa Times. GARAGE and Modern body shop, fully ae mien, help handle local busi- ness, steady work. Special to start, Phone 723-1687, eg SALESLADIES EXPERIENCED ONLY FOX'S MAN for part-time work on as beverage room waiter. Must be clean cut, honest and dependable, Ap- ply Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street West, Oshawa LADIES' WEAR 7 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA ~ HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED Middle aged lady for full time housekeeping -- two children, one adult, Private sitting room and bedroom. Call Mr. Wilson 725-6588 East end Oshawa terri- tories open. Pleasant pro- fitable work near your own home. Write: AVON PRODUCTS General Delivery, Oshawa equipped, 40 x 45 ft .work space, gas pump, hot water heat. Two fine apart- ments, upstairs, each with picture win- dows. One mile north of Cobourg, FR. FI si week, Tel 7--Male Help Wanted ULLER Brush Pena te requires, two alesmen, for Oshawa area, $90 per Toronto WA 4-8347. WONDERFUL Opportunity for Groce- teria. Building approx. 100 x 40 for sale |, in small prosperous town only 44 miles} 7 parking facilities. awa Times. Apply Box 438 Osh-| EARN $i0 | from Toronto. Cooling system and good N profit on $20 sales, Es- ablished districts available, over 200 Rawleigh Products. Full or part time, Yo money need Write Rawleigh, Dept. F-310-HH, 4005 Richelieu, Mont. rea. 14--Employment Wanted YOUNG lady would like job doing ork or looking after children, lephone 728-1396. ENT wanted for chauffeur, caretaker, steady employment or part- time. Telephone Hampton CO 3-2180, WILL PROVIDE day care for one or two child. in own home with large garden, coe Street North on bus stop, Phone 7 MAN with vz erience in build- ing construction desires employment locally, in a supervisory capacity. Ref- erences on request, Write Box 431, Oshawa Times, LADY «a es housework by the day or by week, Experienced. References if required. Telephone after 5 p.m, 728- 4582. FEMALE clerk-typist with several years' experience in general office du- ties requires full-time position, Full par- ticulars and references available upon request, Apply to Box 427 Oshawa YOUTH 17 OR OVER with at least grade 12 education REQUIRED FOR LOCAL OFFICE Typing ond accuracy in figures are essentials This is Q permanent position for the right person Opportunities for advancement. Write to BOX 539 OSHAWA TIMES Times. PETER day to Fri a.m. until 5.30 North, 728-2604, EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and ac- countant capable of office manage- ment, seeks change of position. Excel- lent references. Write to box 736 Osh- awa Times. DRIVER with small stake truck, de- sires job moving, picking up waste pens garbage etc. Telephone 725- '970, N-DAY NURSERY .Mon- . All or half-day, 8.30 P.m, 581 Simcoe Street MARRIED woman with several years office experience desires permanent po- sition in Oshawa. Able to type and take rsh il Write Box 640 Oshawa imes. FRENCH-CANADIAN girl from Que- bec, wishes to further her knowledge of English by working in an English speaking home during the summer months, For further information please YOUNG MAN Required For OFFICE WORK In medium size Manufacturing Company LOCATED IN WHITBY Senior Matriculation preferr- ed, but not essential. Applicants should have good background in mathematics. EXPERIENCED SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT RUSS' CITIES SERVICE 767 PARK RD. SOUTH OSHAWA First Class Driver Salesman Age 20 to 30 years Chance for man with initiative to work with progressive company, Reference required. WRITE BOX 435 OSHAWA TIMES REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We require a full time Salesman for our Oshawa office. Candidate must be energe- tic, pleasant personality, and have own car. Call: BILL NORRIS 725-6588 SALES HELP ROUTE MEN 20 to 45 YEARS For permanent __ position. Which will pay $80 to $110 per week for a man not afraid to work. This could be of interest to a man wish- ing outside position. Call J. D. Dodge, Genosha Hotel, Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. or in person. PROGRESSIVE SERVICE STATION CHAIN REQUIRES TWO LICENCED MECHANICS Good wages, Full benefits, 728-4411 1 USED JOHN DEERE MOWER 7 FT. CUT call 723-4201, 1 NEW FARM HAND BALE BUNCHER 1 USED INTERNATIONAL 3 FURROW PLOW AITKENHEAD CHAIN HARROWS 10 and 12 FT. 1 MODEL D CASE TRACTOR ALFRED FISHER YOUR OLIVER DEALER ASHBURN Phone 655-3043 Brooklin 7--Trailers 1959 NEW MOON mobile home, 47-foot by 10-foot, sleeps seven. Telephone 725- 6047, 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent GULL LAKE, Minden, Private 3 bed- room lake front cottage for rent, month- a Pg conveniences, Telephone 728- SALES xcpresentative for Airstream, Scotties, Hi-Lo., ete, Trailer acces- sories, Miller's, 9 Tudor Street, Ajax, VH 2-3491. SILVERLINER COLLAPSIBLE TRAVEL TRAILER NOW_ON_DISPLAY , AT RICHIE DRIVE-IN MYRTLE, ONTARIO (4 Miles north of Brooklin) __._ DAILY 6 10 11 PM. TRAILERS. FOR RENT, APPLY MERCURY TAX! 125-4771 BURNS' Lake, Renfrew County, house- keeping cottages, excellent lake trout, fishing by week, month or season. Apply | 351 | Ki | Street East, Oshawa. CHEMONG | LAKE, wateriont lots, $20 ft. mile north Fowler's Corner, easy terms, A, E, Lawrence, RR 1, Omemee COTTAGES on Shadow "lake, safe san- dy beach, good fishing, Available June 17 to 30, July 8 to 21, August 12 throughout September. 723-3123 LAKE SCUGOG one half hour drive from Oshawa, three room cottage, un. der construction, on lot 80 x 100 ft. Private road with access to park, $900 or best offer 728-0215. oa baal detec R RENT -- A cottage on Sturgeon Lake in Thurstonia Park. Telephone after 5 p.m. 723-4909. BEAUTIFUL veuitagy | for rent on Lake- side Beach R. KR. 3,Port Perry. Sleeps seven, hot and cold water, inside con- veniences, completely screened, T. V. included. Available July 28 noon to Sept, 3 telephone 723-4860, FOR RENT, cottage on Stoney Lake, a conveniences, safe beach, Telephone MO8-2638, RENT-A-TRAILER - Hitches suplied. Moving: boat and cabin trailers. MONTY'S BA SERVICE SIMCOE S. AT GIBB 725-9131 COOK'S TRAILER SALES 4,16, 17, Glendettes Trailer awnings, hitches, parts and services, NOW -- 2 LOCATIONS Highway No. 2, Courtice, 3 miles East of Oshawa. A > two-bedroom cot- tage, sandy beach, good fishing and swimming, available month of July and last two weeks August $40 week. 728-5233. ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE LOTS, COTTAGES Steenburg, Paudash and Glan- mire Lakes Reasonable prices, terms, Ken Matthews. 583 Wilson Rd. N. Oshawa 725-7740 POW-WOW POINT -- For sun, fun, good food and comfort! Deluxe suites, bun- galows ,rooms - Am, Plan $42-$60 wkly. Children under 8 free June 23-30. Write Pow-Wow Point Lodge, Lansdowne Texaco Station Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Open Evehings--Weekends 723-1311 Huntsville 789-4951. ) 16--Female Help _ Wanted wanted, night shift on week- ends. Apply in person. 522 Ritson Road STENOGRAPHER Legal experience essential, Good working conditions, PHONE 723-4619 PARKHILL & YANCH_ TELEPHONE CANVASSER PART-TIME EVENING HOURS Call for Interview Appointment 728-1651 DUMONT ALUMINUM 333 Simcoe St. South Reply stating age, education, working experience, if 'any. POST OFFICE BOX 910 WHITBY, ONTARIO 18--Male or Female Help Wanted si ESSFUL businesses have beep built on the strength of inexpensive Oshawa Times Classified Ads. 723-3492 now to boost your profit. SALES person. Full time summer help, must have experience with drap- ery selling. Ward's, 31 Simcoe Street South, CLERK for occasional relief work op hotel desk. Must be. able to handle cash accurately and use typewriter. Suitable for retired or person not wanting full time employment. Apply Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street West, Oshawa. WHITBY CLASSIFIED MIDTOWN Furniture has moved to the former Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street, Oshawa, across from bus station. Telephone 728-1131. rinncenr ic itnhnt Ae saeeiatRn Aurea -BEDROOM apartment in apart- ment building in Brooklin for rent, Close to shopping, school, parking, Tele- phone 655-3611 Brooklin. STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS OSHAWA, ONTARIO Salary up to $2880 per an- num for Stenographers and $2640 per annum for Typists; according to qualifications. Candidates must demonstrate ability to type at 35 w.p.m. end take shorthand at 80 w.p.m For full particulars as to resi- dence, qualification require- ments and application forms, see Posters on display at Na- tional Employment Service and Post Office. Apply before June 25, 1962 to Civil Serv- ice Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ont- ario. PLEASE QUOTE COMPETI- TION No, 62-T-814, SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Wi: 204 Chestnut Street West. Telephone MO 8-2563. OFFICE equip., biggest stock around. service with reasonable prices, try us. Hamilton's, 137 Brock South, MO 8-442. "SOLO" sprayer, used very little. Rea- sonable. 600 Maple Street West, Whitby or telephone MO 8-222, FOR RENT: Unfurnished three room apartment, heavy wiring, central, adulte preferred, $55 monthly. MO 8-3727, FOR RENT: In new apartment build- i one-bedroom _ apartments. Mo 8-8131. TWO room apartment for rent, Suit- able for two, Private entrance, private bath. Vacant July 7, Apply 110 Ash Street (south rear door), FOR RENT: 855 monthly, Two-room unfurnished apartment, second floor, private bath, heavy duty wiring. One child welcome. Telephone MO 8-5709. Two bedroom apartment suites from $90. Spacious, modern, range, refrigerator, drapes. Telephone J Daly, MO 8-4775. DUNDAS Street East, 840, two-room apartment, at moderate price, Contact Mr. Robinson at Apt, FOR RENT -- $60 monthly three and four room apartments, balcony, resi- dentia) area newly decorated. laundry facilities, Parking close to schools chil- $dren's playground. Apply 300 High Street, Apt. 11, MO 8-2336. STUDENTS A_ super value, mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby 1111 Dundas Street West. DRESSMAKING suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty. Mrs. Toms. MO 8-2372. FURNISHED sleeping room for rent to suit two gentlemen. $6.00 per per- son. Telephone MO 8-3122 after 2 p.m, approxt- FOR SALE -- Three-piece sectional in chocolate brown color and beautiful an- tique Dutch dining room suite consist- ing of nine pieces. Forced to sell. Tele- phone MO 8-5131. 1001 McCullough Drive. Enjoy The Outdoors We can supply the materials and a Free plan for barbe- ques, retaining wall, garden pool, etc: Sand, Gravel, Stone, Mulch all sold by weight. Sawdons' (Whitby) Ltd. 244 Brock St. South B.C, SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping service for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pre- pared; income tax returns. MO 8-8252, TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, ren tals, terms, service. Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South. MO 8-8443, GRAVEL & LOAM Driveway and Cement Gravel Sand and driveway fill, ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 Holiday Equipment for Rent Canoes, car top boats $15 weekly; boat and trailer $25; boat, 5 h.p. motor and trail. er $35; boat, 18 h.p. motor, trailer $65; 5 h.p. motors $16; 7¥2 h.p. motor $18; 10 h.p. motor $22; Silver liner tent trailer $35; 14 ft. cabin trailer $40; 15 ft. cabin trail- er $45; 9' x 9° tourist tent $8; 9' x 12' tourist tent $10; 9' x 9', 9' x 12' wall tent $15; stoves, lanterns and coolers $2, We also rent cots, air mattresses, life jack- ets, etc. Large and small boot and box trailers. WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas E., Whitby Whitby 668-3524 MO 8-3226

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