ieee ea i a Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Moy 30, 1962 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Mondey to Fride Seturdey 8 to 1 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY 8--Resorts Bruce "Peninsula Your entrance to a happy, carefree holiday. Good bea- ches and fishing, excellent accommodations. Write 'The Bruce', Box 1, Dept. 0, 6 CONSECUTIVE 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 2.25 Charge rate will apply Above rates apply on orders for consecutive o reserve the 9 to reproduce a correct t as of odvert in any form are contair sement, if If not paid within 7 days the CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 Words or less Cash Charge 4j3 2.48 y to original insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later dote constitute a mew origir nal order. Professiinal and Business listings 0 5 3 s daily. $7.50 per month for 3 line E ch additional line $1.60 per »br n Eoct word, initial, al eviatio or figure ts as a word. Box char oe iSe "additio nal, All assified Advertisements V p.m. the doy be- or exceot Births, according to ing, working, chimneys, stoops. Gordon May, _728- 0394 Building Trades ALL TYPES of "bullding repa 's, ; woed- LAWNS and grounds taken care of ov |FIRST and second mortgages 5 bought.| lewalks,/the month, Gardens rototilled, cleanup: Call H, A. Russell, Port Perry. ler, 741 King East, Oshawa fireplaces, CERAMIC plastic wall tile, wood- all floor coverings. mates. Work Guaranteed. Dial Lethon | Free esti-| |Gardening and Supplies | [Mortgages 7051 collect. ~ CLIFF BRY tiling, etc Material MFG. CO Modernfold and Guaranteed CALL 728-8412 WHITBY PLASTERING, repairs, alterations, ceil-| HARLEIGH House Remodelling. Kitchen ond bathroom planning, Wall Doors. Free estimates any time. PHONE 723-7589 TRENCHING, FOOTINGS SEPTIC TANK, WATER and SEWER LINES. Call L. HAAKSMA BROOKLIN 655-4746 KEN ASHMORE> PAVING LTD. Workmanship OWN | ings and wall: relathed _ Basements waterproofed 5 BLACK LOAM BULLDOZING estimates. Call Tans psa tan | Prompt Delivery court, Drive, Whitby, MO 8-5 YOUR local chimney cleaner. 728- 8951 ney's built and repaired, gas lining: i installed, furnaces vacuumed. . Free Y estimates. 723-2997, [: GENERAL CONTRACTING, concrete floors, footings, sidewalks, garages) SODDING and repair. Roofing, all kinds, O. L. Hess, 725-6937 for Landseoping, Sod, ° Top Soil, Manure _BROOKLIN 655-3049 SELLING OUT Evergreens, must be cleared bi 31st. Shrubbery, Trees efore May Below wholesale prices. Come in and dig your own. BEVERWYCK GARDENS HIGHWAY 12 3 MILES NORTH OF WHITBY MO 8-4735 OSHAWA GARDEN 1259 SIMCOE CENTRE ST.N Accountants EXCAVATING BOB. CLANCY'S Ontario Accor DIGGING, BULLDOZING 723-3222 Service. Complete bookkeepin TOP f tt 14 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res., OP SOIL, FILL 23-7605. a a MO 8-4172 Open Daily from LEONARD D JAMES BROOKS, Certified 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. for Public Accountant, Suite 205W, Osh c 'i awa Shopping Centre 9953 artage All Your Gardening Needs fILSON and BURROWS. Chartered JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Osh. dat 114 King street East,/awa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully Also Top Soil and Sod. Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CAS; 'equipped and insured. Phone 728-3661 G. Edmund Burrows, CA, MONTEITH, MONTEITH, KIEBL, Co., Chartered Accountants, 725- 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; peel WH 2-0890; Whitby, MO 8-4131 YALE FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER rgd Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, 64 bey Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, F, Friedlander, B.Comm., CPA HOPKINS and Company, Certi- fied Public Accountants, 172 < King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3509. A praisers RICK G. MeDAN Phone MO 8-23 PY Auto Parts spring | GRAVEL & SAND | \J. J. Van Herwerden. Mortgage Brok- 723- 4471. MORTGAGE LOANS Money available for immed- iate loan on First and Second Mortgages, and Agreements for Sale, on vacant and im- proved property residential, industrial, city, suburban and _ Wiarton, Ont. or Phone 264. SANDY BAY CAMP ON RICE LAKE 2, 3-bedroom cottages inside Well Drilling -- Digging GEORGE HARDING| : MO 8-3566 | conveniences running water. | | Good boats, sand beach, fine ; ret iy . | swimming: Good fishing, Septic Tan wer an R. McCRACKEN Wi L Installati ' leita R.R. 4, HASTINGS For Reservations W. WARD | PHONE 219W1 | 12--Arti | Wanted ~~ | Boat trailer, tarpaulin, to fit |boat, water skis, bed-chesterfield, |chen cabinet. Telephone 725-4093. 14-ft. kit- |16--Female Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted HAIRDRESSER: for Brooklin Beauty Salon. Apply Jean Boake, 27 Winches- ter Road, Brooklin, Telephone 655-4562.| week. Ti FULLER Brush Company requires, twe aren, for Oshawa area, $90 pes Toronto WA 4-8347, | 13--Business Opportunities TERRIFIC income two stores on front, both rented, opportunity. Five-room house, Oshawa. Moving out of town. E ~| Box 413 Oshawa Times. |FOR RENT --- Beauty Shi |ment, good clientele. home furnished, |-- good North Write all equip- Living quarters lincluded, $150 monthly. For further in- WAITRESSES and End Restaurant. 5 r Street night shift work. Top wages and tips. South Bloo; East. c 'T maker or boat builder want ed, fast and efficient all round wood worker, with own tools. MO 8-8511. ence preferred. A\ Goods, Oshawa Fi Centre. SALESLADY wanted, cashier experi- pply Cole's Sporting EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, Oshawa Times. five-day week, good wages. Write Box No, SIL, | BOYS BOYS Three young single men formation, apply 184 Ritson Road|GOOD experienced , woman for junch South." counter, Sunoco, Courtice, Tel 7 |RESORT, accommodates fifty, cater-|---- ee <ieelle sco OPPORTUNITY _ jing to fishermen, ready to operate M: pickerel season. To be sold imm | ely. Ten thousand down or exchange for property. Box 109 Oshawa Times. Reputable Canadian Company seeks reliable, sober man | WELL DIGGING by MACHINE 9--Summer Properties | invest in exclusive rights to to a |PERMANENT position, in 'Toronto, for reliable girl, to do housework. Good home. Telephone Oshawa. 725-7851 for information |HOUSEWIFE wanted for grills | country, and summer cot- SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE fe 'Ss I Rent | new, unique product in every- tages, Forty years experience, WHITBY, ONTARIO or sale or Rent | day use; No competition. Con- | SUMMERLAND MO 8-2563------MO 8-3809 |s2800--CAESARE + furnished three-| tract for life to qualified ap- SECURITIES 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST bedroom cottage ya lot, bal ia plicont. $3000 minimum LIMITED P.O. BOX Xx 329 -- ene ont eee nee ite 725. mi - _| vee | A ote y Nort { - ree ecdroom fully » write Box snawa mes. 112 Simcoe Street North, MACHINE DUG WELLS _ [furnished cottage with sun porch. Lake one nn a Oshawa, Ontario Simeoe. Safe, sandy beach Terms or Phone: 725-3568 Quicksand Specialists. 30° |cash, Telephone { PLUMBING casing. Work guaranteed. |corraGEs $30 - $40 eakre Also week- 'Nursing Homes Foundation earth boring |ends. Two and three bedrooms, hydro, | HEATI NG Cont. Hedc Well Diggin | refrigeration Excellent Lge Pe ag SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home RN in at te A aan Osh 'i 9 |pickerel, bass, New boats. 725-4328. ten ce. (No 2 ee between td. gent -- snow _ 7 SANDY LAKE, Buckhorn district jWhithy and Oshawa). Call 725-23 723-1001. Head Office El- |three-bedroom cottage. inside tacill. TINSMITHING ri mira, Ont ties. Available for September, by week é Optometrists BILL LEMC WN --~|or month, Telephone MA 3-3102, -- Business plus a dwelling. F, RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- () THREE bedroom ,rivate cottage, : | etry, the examination of eyes, contact Deer lake, around Norland, Furnished, Solid bri ck and stone lenses, 136 Simcoe North at Colborne hydro, 15-foot motorboat, quict- area, H Evenings by appointment. 723-4191 WELL DIGGING good fishing. Uxbridge UL 23820. building. store, workshop C-H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please' Cleanouts, Deepenings, Com- | HoUSEKEEPING cottages for rent at and garage. All conven- Pay accuunts at downtown Dominion pressor work,, Septic tanks {Dorset on Lake of Bays $35 to $40 per Bank or 74 Burk S nvalids exam- installed week. For information call Pickering) 1eNCeS ined at home. Dial 7 ss |WH 2-3483, a 725-0665 FIVE-ROOM cottage, excellent sandy, Established business over 25 Painting and Decorating in if desired, Lake Papineau, $5300. Tele- JINTERIOR and exterior house paint 1--Women's Column phone Oshawa 726-6931 collect. ng window cleaning Reasonable ee ee oe 'er rates. Free estimates. Telephone 728 COLD WAVES on special. | -|LOTS and cottages for sale on ittie| ~ 6879 ing, 396 Pine Avenue, .Telephone|-#ke, Pigeon River, Chemong, Buck eee _ Scugog Island and St. John caves 'DODD & SOUTLA PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperh Gyptex, Full Wall Murols, Spray Paintir 107 BYRON ST. S., DAYS MO 8 NIGHTS 72 WHITBY beach, all modern conveniences. Terms years. Owner retiring. PRICE $15,750 Easy terms. Dial MA 3-3781 evenings ray "enna a Peter Feddema oobi ------.-..|FURNISHED cottage, two bedrooms,| IF YOU nave a drinktng problem,|hydro, safe beach, on Canal Lake, 60 Realtor write to Box 333, Whitby. miles from Whitby, by season or KING Street West, 378 -- T w o|Week. MO 83473. MA 3-3644 housekeeping rooms, private entrance,, FRAME HOUSE -- for sale, suitable partly furnished, near Shopping: Centre,|for summer home, lot if desired. Ap- 14--Employment Wanted | 55. 728-7998 ply 90 Church Street, Pickering, On- ----~ | tario. Removal of niseeilubas hair, NEW three-bedroom coltage by Personal Service WEDDING BANQUETS, and Caterers Household Repairs --__| HOUSEHOLD 'APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE MODERN GRILL Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD OUTH 725-3887 month PETER i PAN day to Friday a.m, until 5.30 p.m, 581 Simcoe S "DAY NURSERY | All or half-day. Marie Murduff will be in or season, quiet, clean, nine miles oan |North, 728-2604 ) " loy f Oshawa, on Lake Ontario, off Hig! kilo Oshawa May 29 and 30 jor 401. Telephone 723-4941 DRIVER with small stake truck. Phone Genosha Hotel on tate ee aa tie! b k } SACRIFICE Three new coltages,|imrerier moving. Picking "up v | t Ses material, garbage e elephone hese: Gites. for eppolntmant. TUF cas let < cleaves land, Rise tae, no e | Beb Beach, $500 down, $25 monthly. ELECTROLYSIS "Mon- 8. 30) treet | , de aste| 725:| Mati le 16--F Ip Wanted | - --Female He 'anted | STURGEON Lake, new three-bedroom ba i Pp 723-464] cottage, all conveniences, winterized,|HAIR DRESSER. Full or part-time,| well-treed lot. Marvin Junkin, Fenelon|to work in Lakeside Salon, ad and| H Falls 3, Ont. Phone Bobcaygeon. 738-'Augus. Room , board an trans- 3--Pets & Livestock 2785, portation supplied. Telephone 728-3966 TOY terrier puppies, Telephone COlfax THREE and four-room housekeeping DE ea 3 Plumbing and Heating ALL types of repairs and remodelling new ra J tra | PI 7 cottages on Trent River. "trimming, det fleaing, | board-| joe Camp , Hastings, Waubena Kennels, 725-632 8-J1 Oshawa phone 728-8106 BATHING, or ing. Write Tren- telephone GIRLS' GIRLS' . : | and used mate: Reas: abi |BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for 'FOR "SALE -- new 'cottage, ~ wate! ; : | fei ROnaiet fete iat sonable| training, talking strain. Apply. Mrs.|{ront wooded lot, 100° x 200°. Also lots, Three young single ladies | is Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. Reka le Hie ss ee. BvEM! for large Ganddian Pub- | = _ |Rosedale, Highway 35. 728-339 | REPAIRS ; jell f all ts GERMAN Shepherd, eight months, -- -- - ; | new and and remodell oe of all types, beautiful black and silver, purebred, CHEMONG LAK waterfront lots, lishing Co. Must be neat tes, free estimates, 725-1334 MeGrnm|$30. Phone WH 2-286 or 725-8575, $20 ft. mile north Fowler's Corner.) qnd aggressive. Full train- umbing and Heating easy terms. A. E. Lawrence, RR 1, | | S RECEPTIONS, PARTIES RANSOLISHERS, IRONERS joyfully remembered when Service Guoronteed Pontiac Inn Caterers 25 years' experience handle details expertly for you, Formerly with THOR of Canada THORNTON'S RD. SOUTH TEL. 725-8296 at BLOOR -- 725-0078 _ Dressmaking Instruction oe ae F - INVISIBLE mendi Estate Aporaiaes and Broker, Whitby. |); E ing and ephone shortie drapes, re-weavin, SMAKING, alterations, plain sew-| kitchen curtains, | TE teacher, student counselior,| | 725-9736 or apply 525 Dus-| Act now. Teinc"' by interview only. kirk Avenue. |ALL PLU) BING and heating supplies. FOR SALE -- White "miniature poodles, |Omemee. English strain, registered, seven weeks |---- Phone Harold H. Stark. old, agree: and seals, $100. Mrs,| ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE i td heating and engineer. ran cCammond, 725-1343. ® Street South. -- BOSTON terriers, purebred, LOTS, COTTAGES jtap, RAD ballet, |HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, KENT'S WESIERN TIRE -- Guaran-|Reasonable rates. Dial 723-9563 anytime 20» 424 King Street West. 725-6122. teed automotive parts and accessori 145 King Street West, Oshawa. CEMENT and wood 'Stoops, » "HAMBLY CONCRETE HOMES custom built on Central Mort Rage Housing pairs, tile repaired or replaced Corporation Plan interior, and exterior PLEASING YOU KEEPS US IN BUSINESS UNITED PAVING CO, rst-class workmar guor antéed--pho ne 728- 4801 NICK DYRIW EXCAVATING BASEMENT LSO TOP SOIL 723-3898 PRODUCTS LIMITED BLOCKS, SIDEWALK SLABS, UNIT STEPS PATIO SLABS, SEPTIC Telephone » MO 8-4159 TANKS sidewalks re Weeping John Kalyta framing, additions, kitchen cupboards, remodelling, brickwork, fireplaces, etc 728-7244, Baton,| Highland. Register| Gardening and Supplies and Roses. Get the bugs with spray, full line spray materials, VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 MILES EAST No. 2 623-5757 TOP QUALITY BLACK SANDY LOAM| A-1 TOP SOIL Screened Loam, Humus Added. For lower top beds. dressing, la No lumps stones, ready to use $3.50 per yard 2 YARDS MINIMUM 5 VANS wns, or ALSO GRAVEL AND FILL LOAM & GRAVEL SUPPLY 106 STEVENSON'S RD. 5S, Call: 725-5279 | LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, ALL. WELL ee But if you insist on the best call GUSCOTT PLUMBING Tov Boston Terrier puppies, black.| "intelii- gent, ideal pets for children or adults | Papers available, Telephone 728-9122, Steenburg, Paudash and Glan- TO Fox Terrier puppies, all black} mire Lakes Reasonable prices, and white, 12 weeks old. Excellent) pets, playful and healthy. Telephone | terms, Ken Matthews. 655-3931 | 583 Wilson Rd. N. Oshawa MONIES FOR | _ MORTGAGES Monies available o in First Mortgages at 7% per annum | - without bonus, Monies also availa Second. Mortgages ble on Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased M. F. SWARTZ Short term and Builders'. | Mortgages ot reasonable rates 26 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario, 723-46 Registered Under Mo Brokers' Registered ssc Act Mortgages __ CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased, NHA mortgages arranged 'doch, FIRST | FIRST {Street Last. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur-| and ag second mortgages. Sale 'agreements purchased and sold Hen-| jmick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King |Street East. 723-7232. | and second mortgages. Sale| lagreements purchased and sold. Hen-| {nick and Hennick Barristers, 31 King} 723-7232. |MORTGAGES -- Arranged, bought and | sold. Call Mr, Bolahood, 725-8333. John A. J. Bolah 725-6544 or| jahood Lid, + _728-5 T.V. TOWERS Antennas lowest workmanship material . . LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 804 or 725- 7844 T.V. TOWERS | 361 GIBBONS ST. PHONE 728-8180 | Terms OSHAWA T.V Estimates c --- Open Evenings Free Survey and and T.V f you want to be possible Service sure of the prices, best and quality . try TRIO TELEVISION | i71 BOND ST..E 728-678] | LE "a ' |DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School acro-| pure breds cellent pet D i 725- -7740 728-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you. Lawn ae es wresing. -< heae Temple, Centr re Bt et 28-128 "Tease and HEATING LIMITED 3270, si sel get wad bas ------------ sees . od mple, Centre eet 72 ~ ----e -- } Barristers MO 85286, Whitby, ~ -----| 207 Sit e St. S.---725-5132 GERMAN Shepherd, purebred, pup-| SUMMER COTTAGES RICHARD HO DONALDS BAT Bartinter,|CEDAM trees for hedwes etc, . Choices |CAREER SCHOOL, Watch feats 888) Pies, female and | mate, very Teason-| ;|quality, uniform sizes. Any height./s0ldsmith wor! arbering ani air able. Telephone 728-3136 Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe |Free delivery and estimates, MA sas | dressing. Ask for prospectus, 'Trans: | FREE We hove summer cottages on eacliane J GARDENS ~ pototilied, 'large ., Tototitler. | a) Sond saepoalene trast) mere) BONNIE BROOK PONIES se re $3°800 00 ce | SALMERS, | BA, Barrister, Solci-|Reasonable rates Telechene | Seeeag| ous _| Have your furnace cleaned Wo "bracd ; | Priced from $2,800.00 up, 134% Simcoe oo oe after 6 p.m ILEARN -- TO DRIVE | free this summer if you. pur- : ree only registered with down payments from 1101. Residence =~ ~~~ EROSSTOWN | chose "White Rose' uni- ponies | $800.00! Phone for an ap- > BA, ister,| % ; Eee ¥. BARRY, BA Rercci.| SOD SUPPLY (Oshawa Driving School] fined fuel oil from ~~ mores, fillies, colts, pointment. funds available, 3615 King Street East SUPPL | DAY OR EVENING | WESTERN OIL CO ve die fee sone with -2381 es, 5. | | me 3 ils, | = six| A-1 Sod. Rolled, Fertilized | Late models, standards. LONG BROS N, B. jt Soli-| Sd ° , ' citor, ee ae a and weed treated. Cut fresh automatics, dual controlled 725-1212 hbhad MeCROHAN . Street East, 723-4943. Mortgage mon-| daily, Sod in the field for | OSHAWA and WHITBY hay Upholetery Service tevenson Rd. North 725.1348 REALTORS tes oeronar HOMECARE EASTON CORIO Rgaga 5 CP) CALL 728-0091 be oe "iid King Street East Sal OG CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and HOLSTEINS TU 5-4501 r, ete, f 5 2 e 5 mur i Ger Bh eae "fetence ¥. -- 725-8504 _|Investigators. terial for recovering Dalton phos es PORT HOPE Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3363. Terrence V ; : 1 Uphoister Bo : : Kelly. BA, BCL, FOR FAST SERVICE jac INvestiGatiON BUREAU,|i2& 7 Charles Street, 723-7212 ) ' 'domestic, general and e: t 100|;CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt , recovered patod JONES Bs a THOMAS VANDRUNEN S King Street East, 72: 7941. sbesi ced like new. Why pay more? Our rates DURHAMS KAWARTHA LAKES . 6 pa ts aAdin ie are reasonable, Satisfaction aran = os Genet ee sree || eine Sodding, Sol, oa Mowers teed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up NEW MODERN COTTAGES, askew tl sci iis Nu ri " Stock, suri jc holstery Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 5 Springers due your choice of 5 models, on JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, i" Tae eewell, ue soon é eon ATTENTION! Have your lawn mower ' Icrge waterfront lots, located ie, 'The Commercial Bullding, 208 King BROOKLIN,. 655-3545 delivery, (5000 me Ie UP and CHESTER FIELDS and old chairs fe & Hol on Deer Bay Reach,' 5. miles West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client park- RR 2, OSHAWA at cs a Medent tenons Pig balay aed olstein calves, east of Buckhorn, on High+ ioe available, ---- nn | WE SHARPEN AND RENT |South, Cait 778-6451, Free cotrmarss 351 Liberty St N way 36, only 85 miles from MURDOCH. Barristers' Solicitors Ne LOAM GRAVEL | ALMOST EVERYTHING |DURACLEAN Rugs and Uphoisters erty of, IN. Oshawa, Reasonably priced, tary. Public, Bank of ; | GIVE US A CALL | Cleaners Work done in your home, the BOWMANVILLE excellent terms available ot Ni iz j nee, uraciean,flower-fresh way evives . Gade Oc Bk Pome" Oct WASHED STONE | S 7 N ' Jcolor, restores lustre, raises pile. Free Salesman on property all C. K, Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA MULCH FILL jestimates, Authorized Duraciean Agents weekend mortgages arranged ' CORNER KING AT BURK STS, |1238_Horicp. 728-8518 MA 3-2353 Mion bids ieee BOWMAN, ha ter, Solici- ractor and loader work : > tat. Sie tisnede Boul. Fad wees Resi Lots levelled. Reasonable rates, 723 32 4 Surveyors Limited, Realtors, dence, 728-0264. = 3 725-215 cs DONEVAN AND FLEISHMANN, On. 5--Farmers Column | DQNALD~ BLAKE DODDS, Barrister ed 6 Bibi paw Land pia A Comme blue- TRACTOR --Massey-Harris, with six Phone RI 2-5488, and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. rm 25s - aca printing, 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632 implements. Bargain, Telephone M dence Tas ews eon ae er ee REPAIRS H. FLIM AND. TROLLOPE, Ontario 32754 prose MA) Box 126, Peterborough c 728-537. Bee a Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue PASTURE fi ~ i MANNING F, SWARTZ and RONALD j an RV East. Phone 725-6881 Teleohons rok. RENT -- 135 acres. 10----Syummer Properties L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| LOAM FILL H SE ICE | Wanted | taries Money to loan. Henry Big, oa | | ae! ' P CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid! 2644 King' Sireet East, 723-4697. Resl | Ty. Radio Repairs" | Plenieat and crippled farm stock.|FOR SUMMER season, on Rice Lake, dence, dial 723-4029 OUTBOARD MOTORS, | TELEVISION, range, washer and drver oa collect. tampton COlfax!couple with child desire cottage for >. MANGAN, QC) Barrisi repairs, Call Superior Appliance Serv.) 2' argwill Fur Farm, Tyrone.|season, to rent or buy.' Reasonable. cp) ge idee aN, "QC Bar a er, POWER MOWERS, ice, 728-4873. If no answer, call ong| Licence 149 |Telephone 723-281. os po ig ghey ps a Py 723- 3528 CHAIN SAWS, pexvice depot, 728-3291, Oshawa Sewing 7. T il |LAKEFRONT "lot or "cottage to > pure| Mn id sentre -- Trailers . t " ; _ eicecietiaeencia aman i |chase in Fenelon or Bobcaygeon area. ee , : ROTO-TILLERS. |TV RENTALS, by the day, Week or SALES representative for Airatream,|Must have safe, ee ae F074 first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street i j | month at Parkway Television, 918 Sim-/Scotties, Hi-Lo., etc.. Traile :|swimming. Bowmanville MA 3.3600 North; 725-3566; Charles C. McGibbon, Landscaping Maintenance | prs eh pot trosid free {coe North 723-3043, sories. Miller's, 9 Tudor Street, Ajax, jatar §; QC: Edgar F. Bastedo, QC | pick up and delivery. rv. | RADIO ,car radio repairs, all WH 2-491 . MP <7 YCHYN and HILL FREE ESTIMATES | makes. Thompson Electronics, 157 Ai sg --|11--Articles for Rent HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and BIi | Elliott Avenue, 723-9793. (Fred | ' MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King C OAR : -- COO S mixer 1 elephone| Street wast, Oshaws, R. D. Hane Potted Roses, Potted JA K H |SHOP FROM your phone by seannng | K Pe ll mixer for rent. Telephone} phreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, 33 | aes ; ithe Os Times Want Ad ' WA. Hiliman, LLB. Office, 725-1177, Shrubs, Trees, Evergreens, | Certified Mechanic ing you need. TRAILER SALES | Punch Bowls | 725-1178; Resi r 725-4604; Whitb: ' MO 8.2761, 203. NHA and other |Uberous Begonias. Full Taunton Road West 728-1584 ' ' , | Stemmed Wine Glasses, | mortgage funds available | | > V. TOWERS © 14 16 17 lp: fee ine Boxed Plants Money to Loan ' , | Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Building Trades best Wt nt ae eine All galvanized, no paint. Glendettes Coffee Urns, etc. Prices? Reasonable ! | SARGEANT'S RENTALS Trailer awnings, ports and services. NOW -- 2 LOCATIONS | | | i | } i hitches, 725-3338 Highway No, 2, Courtice, 3 | miles East of Oshawa, | 12--Articles Wanted Lansdowne Texaco Station RASY age suitaple for bedroom, S also kitchen cabinet. <Telephone 723-9767 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa |5 OR 5% outboard motor. Must be in Open Evenings--Weekends jgood condition, Telephone 723-3250, 723-1311 |CAR top boat wanted, good contiition, |preferably or fiberglass. | 8--Resorts {Telephone days, 725-2871; evenings, | 723-328, |WE HAVE several < customers wanting [to buy good used sewing machines |Sell yours to us for cash, Oshawa sew- jing Centre, 329 Simcoe South. 728-2391| HALIMAR WEEKEND MAY 18 New Swimming Pool and Steam Bath. Extensive sand beach and | SHAW playground. Near golf course. AUTO WRECKING CO. | Bountiful meals and varied oat sports, waterskiing. ATRO Wants cars for wrecking. | member. Phone Halimar, Hali- Parts for sale, also scrap iron burton 70J2 hel metals, etc., bought | oe n Saturday all day. Phone } WRIGHT'S. POINT |Z: 725. }-2311--89 BLOOR E. Pickeral River water course WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS | Deer Hides and Raw Furs | (collect) TURNER | 723-2043--723-3374 | New two bedroom cottages Excellent fishing. ARTHUR WRIGHT 425 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY MO 8-4217 South West of North Bay ing provided and above average earnings. | | Apply: Mr. SINNOTT -- ROOM 4 CENTRAL HOTEL 7 p.m. - 8 p.m TUES., WED., THURS STENOGRAPHERS Required Must be fully experienced. | No Charge to Applicants. SECRETARIAL OVERLOAD SERVICES Telephone MO 8-818] AVON COSMETICS | jcounter work, ll between 7 and 8. swer 723-3544. SHORT order ¢ 725-8375 if a pene gy person to Genosha Hotel, 70 Kine Birect East. | ant, 522 Ritson Road South. a.m, to Sandalwood Re: |EXPERIENCED girl wanted | Smith's Coffee Bar. Apply 317 Simcoe Street South, Telephone: ' 725-3932. weekends only HOUSEKEEPER 'wanted, live in or out. | WAITRESSES i for part-time and we week- lends, Apply in person. on ag Restaur- WOMAN to care for small baby while mother works. Five-day week, live out. age stating Lye and -- expected. leasant smart experienced waitresses. Also short order cook. Ap- ply in person after 7 p.m. or before 11 and experienced preferred, | Telephone Spur oer for large Canadian Pub- lis hing Co. Must be neat and aggressive. Full train- ing provided and above average earnings. Apply: SINNOTT -- ROOM 4 CENTRAL HOTEL 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. TUES., WED., THURS. SALESMEN WANTED For Food Trucks 5 day week, guaranteed Mr. at ar eae annual wage, good salary, DRESS finisher for cleaning "plant. | All benefits. Must be Good working conditions, group insur- ane. Apply in person to 321, Olive) clean and neat. venue KITCHEN HELP Woman or girl, with some knowledge of. cooking. Private home, live in and good wages, other help kept WRITE BOX 412 OSHAWA TIMES WOMEN TAXI! DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 TOP EARNINGS Apply MERCURY TAX! 725-477) . EXPERIENCED WAITRESS BO-PEEP RESTAURANT Oshawa Shopping Centre Apply after 4 p.m. EXPERIENCED __ SALESWOMAN APPLY FOX'S LADIES' WEAR 7 Simcoe St. South Apply in person after 1 P.M, Silver's Refreshments (Corner Beach & Kent Streets) Whitby Salesman Required For | Used Car Lot SALARY PLUS Commission Apply In Person MR. J. SINCLAIR Van Heusen Motors | 156 King Street West SALESMAN STENOGRAPHER Must have good shorthand, Excellent salary. Bay Ridges area, MO 8-8181 For Used Car Lot Young aggressive man, enthusiastic, willing work- er, sales experience not necessarily essential. | | |17--Male Help Wanted DRIVER FOR SALESMAN NEAT APPEARANCE GOOD CAR SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH ABILITY APPLY IN PERSON 32 PARK ROAD NORTH 9 A.M. UNTIL 12 NOON SALARY PLUS COMMISSION Apply in person te Mr. K. :O'Connor Bill Whittick Motors 146 Brock Street North hitby | WHITBY CLASSIFIED |DUNDAS Street |apartment, at moderate price. Contact | output 190 thousand, complete |Mr, East, 840, Robinson at Apt. one-room|FOR SALE: One hot water boiler, BTU with cir- jculating pump, cushion tank and 500 jgal, storage tank. Also one forced air Needs qualified women | ROBIN Hood deluxe three "speed bi unit output 150 thousand BTU's with 500 | interested in good earn- Increased cosmetic business creates ings at once. openings in Oshawa. Telephone to-day. 725-8466 _ GENERAL DUTY NURSES For the surgical, obstetrical and pediatric floors. Gross salary $285.00 - $315.00 per month if registered in Ontario. Differential for eve- nings. Differential for nights. 40 hour week: Sick cumula- tive to 28 days, Four weeks vacation. 8 statutory holi- days, Ontario Hospital Insur- ance, P.S.1. Hospital Insur- ance, all partial payment by Hospital Uniform laundry paid by Hospital. Pension plon Apply: | DIRECTOR OF NURSING | South Waterloo Memorial Hospital| mately 630.sheets of tetter size typing GALT, ONT CLERK TYPIST Required for local finan- ce company. Short hand preferred, but not essen- tial. Experience not nec- essary. Telephone for appointment WH 2-4021 or MO 8-599] |duplex, | spacious, jetc. For appointment MO 8-5918. |SMALL Dutch family, sarang! te property in exchange for low rent Experienced, Write Box le good references available. Het RENT: contained, hi four |St |FOR RENT 10 FOR | apartment, July or sooner. jonly. $85 per month. Apply after 5 at| his station, Telephone 723-1131. jit |refrigerator | str jcycle with lights, horn, new tires, etc./gal, 5. Call MO- 84435 after 6 p.m. storage tank plus ducts and con- jerome. MO 8-2660. phone MO 8-8525. ce entre Street, wi free living quarters, 912, Oshawa Times, Whitby. Executive type lower, 8-2736 evenings. quiet district,|5; private lawn, French beset | ing to look ' vith bookcase, 20 ONE % continental bed (Sealy) head- v IIe: bet SaNeORa Vindinge 3300 new. |board; barbecue wagon (square); ten lft, Woods freezer; color,. "'originals", pictures in water Mrs. Davidson, MO |RENT -- Two furnished rooms, small stove, r Suit lelderly or young couple, No children, 305 Perry Street. MO 8-4470, FOR rent Two-room unfurnished apartment, second floor, private bath, heavy duty aera Hci child welcome, $5: ited, hot water, corners. ply Art's Ap) ore, 125 Brock Street South, Whitby. "2-room apartment, self- vicinity Clothing 360 es two room apartment for rent, suitable for couple, child wel- come, abstainers. Also single room. Te MO 8-3216. 15_ King Street | South RENT: Whitby. 1 Trent Street West. FOR RENT -- Apartment, two rooms. | OF completely furnished, bed-sitting Toom iHamilton's, 137 Brock South, MO 8-844. an kitchen, sink built-in --Unfurnished three-room apartment, all conveniences. Private en- trance. Adults preferred. $65 monthly. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, ren tals, terms, service. Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South. MO 8-8442. MIDTOWN Furniture has moved to the former Community Furniture Store, 19 Abstainers Prince Street, Oshawa, across from FFICE equip., biggest stock around. vice with reasonable prices, try us. and stove, 'eet. private en-|INTDRESTING JOBS are listed under |trance, Vacant now. Apply 231 desea Magy Wanted" -- Classification 16 and 1 Turn now to that section to find the |FOR RENT --Two-bedroom a cranes cdl old | Suites from $90. Spacious, mode: ns gd refrigerator, drapes. Daly. MO 8-4775. B.C, , SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping; |service for small businesses, weekly, | monthly or as desired. Statements pre- pa red; income tax returns. MO 8-8252. STi 'UDENTS A super value, approxi- paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- __| Ply Oshawa a DRESSMAKING alterations, slip covers, drapes. Times Office, Whitby } Dundas Street West. ; suits, coats, dresses, Fitting specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO 8-2372, SE 204 PTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, Chestnut Street West. Telephone MO 8-2563 fou faci | Str |FOR RENT -- 860 monthly three and) r room apartments, balcony, cresi- identias area newly decorated laundry ilities. Parking close to schools chil- \$dren's playground. Apply 300 Higb eet, Apt. 11. MO 8-2336. SPRING Time to Beautify Re- mode] -- Decorate -- Plant. Plans and Materials for patios, ~ Building Supplies, Plastering Materials. Top Soil, Sand, Stone, Gravel, Mulch sold by weight. Fuels. We Deliver. SAWDON"S (WHITBY) LTD 244: Brock St. S:, Whitby 668-3524 ! relentone| GRAVEL & LOAM Driveway and Cement Gravel Sand and driveway fill. ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 Holiday Equipment for Rent Canoes, car top boats $15 weekly; boat and trailer $25; boat, 5 h.p. motor and trail. er $35; boat, 18 h.p. motor, trailer $65; h.p. motors $16; 7% h.p, motor $18; 10 h.p. motor $22; Silver liner tent trailer $35; 14 ft. cabin trailer $40; 15 ft. cabin trail- er $45; 9' x 9' tourist tent bg 9' x 12' tourist tent $10; x 9, 9 x 12' wall tent ; 15; stoves, lanterns and coolers $2, We also rent cots, air mattresses, life jack- ets, etc. Large and small boat and box trailers. WILDE RENTAL Service ond Sales 1415 Dundas €., Whitby . MO 8-3226