22 THE OSHAWA ruses Wednesdey, Mey 30, 1962 < . ROSIN: SPOTL Guaranteed Quality Wloats General Uneasiness : e CHOICE IMPORTED LAMB SALE e Causes Stock Drop _| LAMB LEGS «45: |LAMB 1 « BASKET » 20- By FORBES RHUDE f Canadian Press Business Editor|on prospects of what a com-jcontrol of prices was a fright-' F » average all inves- pany might accomplish some/ening one to business. reel elie j Hhgees ae : READY TO SERVE WHOLE OR HALF | KING COLE tor the lessons of the stock mar-|years hence rather than on the, The market hesitated, presu-\| .MEATY RIB LAMB LUCAS SKINLESS ket break may perhaps bejpesent value indicated by its)mably people in for a quick summed up as follows: earnings | profit started to get out and, in} LOIN CHOPS LB. 49¢ YOUNG . COOKED HAM ».63* | DUCKLING » 49°|WIENERS 2 .. 89° Don't go into the market be- swopp is OVER HEAD {the general uneasiness, sustain-| : : : | yond the extent you can afford To a degree this may be jus-|28 buying power was lacking. | to stay in it; don't panic; and tified sad in a tiine Leet it) from there in, apparently, the! cy don't buy on margin unless yOu) nan he a profitable proceduer--| Weakness snowballed and de- are prepared to take the bumps.|. 91, og i vapite in| Yeloped inte what some describe} gicAN 12", 25 FT. ROLL DOMINO PLAIN 8-0Z. PKG. ~ you can realize a capital gain For some time the market has}; ceiling at a profit-and you 4s emotional' selling h Sli 4 been vulnerable to such a shake- oan pick up al from gains,| Basically it was an American FOILWRAP FOR : eese ces FOR down and to many osbervers parly psychological, arising phenomenon, but New York is the wonder is that it hasn't hap-| on, stock splits and the like.|the North American market KRAFT SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY 12-07, JAR LUNCH MASTER 100 FT. ROLL pened before this But inevitably the sword is over|leader and Canadian markets , They have issued repeated/your head. -- inevitably followed as, in the) Peanut Butter FOR ¥ WAX PAPER 4 FOR warnings that prices were too, Under certain crises the mar-|end, did other world markets. | high in relation to company|ket has taken its setbacks, but f os 2 e PANTRY SHELF BONELESS 7-O0Z. TIN SOFT-RITE COLORED 2 ROLL PKG. earnings but, such has been the'each favorable turn seemed to PF Re BS ei, == : market strength, even they|send it ahead again from al- | _ or ou FOR TOILET PAPER 4 FOR sometimes doubied their own'ready high ground. < warnings Such has been the case this =z é HUNT'S CHOICE WHOLE 28-0Z. TIN LYNN VALEY STD, 28-02. TIM The post - war market has year. On prospects of a strongiz << eons economic recovery the market's fe b x6 FOR TOMATOES 5 FoR went to new highs, as 7f 7 i 1g av justified i t KE ROSSEAU might have been justified if the . MUSKGee Ont ¥ . , Dairy Cow ined was as sirong as ex- f di E fi nance saree mame Mix oF Moich 'orn! § CULVERHOUSE CHOICE 20-0Z. TIN The recovery has been good : \ i A B ht F but with enough uncertainties ALAR \ weatzet AYLMER FANCY BARTLETT 15-02. TIN CREAM CORN § ought ror wet \\==| PEARS 3 «= " jthe future, to build up uneasi d HEINZ COOKED 15-0Z. TIN BL ness. On top of this came Presi- + Ff for folders, $33 000 dent Kennedy's action in slap-/ 4/3M% ' CANADA'S han GLORY 48-02. Wie ping down an increase in the » "@exeamee: si P | J 4 ' ris . price of steel i Bree? MAO ineanp e vuice FCs OAKVILLE (CP) -- A cow FRIGHTENED BUSINESS DON GALLINGER, Managing Director | REEVES STEMS & PIECES 10-OZ. TIN HEINZ VEGETARIAN 15-0Z. Ti¥ called Elsie was sold here Tues-| No matter how ill-advised the former National Hockey League Player | "i BE cS 6 day for $33,000, the highest|projected increase may have with "Boston Bruins" MUSHROOMS 4 FOR FOR ic - j ipy " 2e 2» cire' " ces, Com Co-eperation With Travel Agents price ever paid for a dairy cow. been under the circumstances, |Complete Pp COUNTRY GOOD CHICKEN NOODLE 2-02. isis. wi er i ter how much the| 47 AAA, ATRO Recommended Resort Elsie, whose full name isjand no matter how Telephone Toronto Hickery 75376 KRAFT MIRACLE OR FRENCH 8-07. JAR Rosafe Shamrock Elsie, was|president may have been justi- s 2 Ps PKG, purchased by Angelo Agro of jews ' 7 y -- L 7h d D g 4 FOR SOUP MIX 8 Agro Acres farm near Hamil- 1G ressin " FOR ton from S. B. Roman of Ro- mandale Farms of Unionville, D "4 Ont., at Hay's Farms Sales on eee Arena. FOR PETE'S SAKE, DON'T try te DO-IT-YOURSELF. Your John Powell, an official of the, beautiful rugs are too valuable to "PLAY AROUND WITH", Holstein-Friesian Association of We, ot NU-WAY RUG, hove the skill the equipment ond Canada, said the records show the personnel to clean your rugs fast, efficient and econ- $33,000 is the highest ever paid omically. JUST PICK UP YOUR PHONE, WE PICK UP AND for a dairy cow anywhere. The DELIVER previous high was $32,000 paid co. for a Holstein at Minneapolis, NU-WAY RU " Minn., in 1919. LTD. Mr. Powell said six-year-old 174 MARY STREET 728-4681 Elsie has rich blood lines and "AN work done In Oshawa by Quolified Oshowe Technicians" is rated an excellent individual in cattle classification TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 8 ee -- 6 aaassaaeeiaemeacaeeene ROSEDALE CHOICE ST. WILLIAMS ASSORTED Women's and Childrens' PLAYSHOES! @ E A S J A hl & SUMMER SANDALS Style B -- Women's basket weave fabr aie with self bow and open toe -- ope ck y f a 10-02 TINS 9 02. strap and for your comfort @ pillow foo ? . F 3 with a medium wedge heel. Style C -- Women's elk . halter strap sandal--open f lish ver- Oa toe ond styish tob over. , 37¢ OFF DETERGENT 5 VARIETIES WATSONS f r n back strap P , 2 oa bon can jaole. 5 < ' lf S U 4 F KING 00 $ Sr dig, | ike ' CANDY 4 rs Both styles in white or bone in sizes 4-9 and 12 sizes. BEEF CHICKEN LIVER HEALTHO 26-02. TIN SWEET MIXED SWEET MUSTARD ALL FLAVORS ROYAL CROWN 10-0Z. TIN DOG FOOD 7 ~ $1 | Bicks PICKLES 4 $1 | SOFT DRINKS 12 ~ $1 CHIPSTEAKS 4 ~ $1 | LIMA BEANS 4 . $1 | LEMONADE™" 5 = $1 NO. 1 SWEET SKINNED AND BURSTING WITH JUICE f 6 DELICIOUS FLAVOURS FLORIDA ORANGES Us, PoLy 4 5s 7 PILSBURY DELUXE (19-OZ. PKG.) CHILDREN'S SANDAL CALIFORNIA CRUNCHY AND CRISPY CAKE Chidrev's ond mises' one sop ck || NO, 1 CELERY STALKS | unt 29° | MIXES 3™ sandal-varnps with diamond cut-outs and FANCY GRADE TENDER MILKY KERNELS MOTHER PARKER ORANGE PEKOE re tor everees moe | FLORIDA CORN-ON-THE-COB © "SS 39° TEA FRESH GREEN BEANS <2 | oe HEINZ -- 11-0Z, BOTTLES MARSH POTATOES 10": 29° || TOMATO 9 an : KETCHUP 4. SK OVER ON TELEVISION'S EXCITING GAME! "ICE CREAM DARLINGS" HEINZ FANCY -- 48-0Z. TINS A ZELLER'S EXCLUSIVE My | ' i) TOMATO 57 : Yh | DAILY BETWEEN 10.30 AM & 1.30 PMON | moneamp Weert ei lana sieccouy oth SI // y if * CFTO-TV CHANNEL 9 ToRONTO -- § x oY ik Wee Wile han cle oe is if ae » WON $100 WINNERS FOR WEEK ENDING MAY 5TH SOUP defies rugged wear. The ideal shoe RT y ' 4 ' a ei 3 " be Ke e@ MRS. V. SKIMMING, 3513 DUNDAS ST. W. TORONTO HUMPTY DUMPTY ! } j 7 TO ¢ MRS. J. MUDGETT, 1350 Applewood Rd., PT. cREDIT | POTATO -- jc0:. yf y v i - $, we ond Wand TK eadions jt Fh ore xv Mi , oo. D A TE i e MRS. J. CHOMA, 354 JONES AVENUE, TORONTO FOIL riewbet Wants scls ai cha Day: Vib : . STEPHENSON, @ e MRS. J. LENTINELLO, 49 TINDER CRESCENT, TORONTO CHIPS BAG ad ~~" EVERYTHING GUARANTEED eS WINNER SCARBOROUGH mreR tI BIRDSEYE FANCY 12-0Z. : DOMINION STORE LTD. 2.99 atl : , S ' | CORN KERNELS PKGS. 0 0 <i 1100 MINION By SIMCOE ST. - ZELLER'S LIMITED 56 Give ae F EANCY PE AS Values Effective At Your Dominion Store in Oshawa PHONE 723.2294 PHONE 723-2209 i] and Whitby until 6 p.m. Saturday, June 2, 1962. oo an for casual year round wear de-menthe, wild raspberry, twaple, blackberry and von- illa, Sizes 4-9 also available .