NEW BOWMANVILLE POLICE CRUISER The Bowmanville Police | the above picture, left to, Kenneth Hooper, chairman of Departemnt was presented | right, are Councillor Wesley with the. keys to its new | Fice, Ray Gibbs (handing cruiser last night. Shown in ' over the keys); Councillor the town police Pair Jailed On Perjury Counts Pickering © Township|Alvin Westbrook, 22, was fail- youths who admitted tellingjed 60 days. They appeared be- lies under oath at Whitbyjfore Magistrate Crawford police court on Tuesday, May/Guest who last week had con- 23, were this week jailed when|yicted Westbrook of driving they pleaded guilty to perjury|while his licence was under counts. Andrew Bernard Shea,|suspension despite testimony 18, was jailed 30 days and/by both Shea and Westbrook et . --|that Shea was driving the Two icar. M G P | PC Donald Martin, of the rs. . AGE Pickering Township Police |\Department, told the court that i. |last_ week Shea had maintained Entertains jhe was the driver of a sports jnear Bay Ridges. Westbrook, jhe said, had claimed Shea was Ruth Group he and another witness had claimed Westbrook was the St. John's Anglican. Church| driver. jcar which he had _ observed the driver. PC Martin said that Ruth WA held its devotional and| During the afternoon, after evening at the home of Mrs.|both Shea and Westbrook had George Page who opened the|siven statements to police in meeting with a prayer for fam-|Which they admitted they had ilies and friends. Mrs. E. La/lied under oath. |Trobe led the group in the study} Magistrate Guest, who last business meeting on Monday|the trial last week, he said,| Jailed 10 Days, Is Fined $300 A Toronto man, on his way home from work at Brooklin when he turned out for a boulder and crossed all four lanes of Highway 401 was Tues- day jailed for 10 days and fined $300 or an additional 30 days 'or impaired driving. George Steel Dingwall, 53, appeared be- fore Magistrate Crawford Guest in Whitby Police Court. PC Cyril Barton, of the Whit-| by Detachment of the OPP, said that he had been off-duty and on his way to Toronto when a car passed him near Pickering. Later, he said, the car missed a left curve on the highway, west of Duffin's Creek bridge, charge. Wild Driver 'Qn Way To Hospital, Driver Is Impaired -A Toronto man, on his way from one hospital to another, was Tuesday fined $50 and costs for having the care and control of a motor vehicle while impaired. Wilfred An- drew Koen, 49, of Cowan ave- nue, appeared before Magis- trate Crawford Guest in Whitby police court charged with hav- ing the care and control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated but after hearing the evidence, His Worship reduced the PC John Pettit, of the Whit- by Detachment of the OPP, said that on May 24 he had checked a parked car on High- way 401 and found the accused asleep behind the wheel, with crossed the westbound lane, and struck the north shoulder of the highway. Seconds later, hé said, the car |was on its roof on the south! shoulder of the eastbound lane,| with Dingwall sitting on the roof. Both he and PC Douglas Jordan said that Dingwall was | intoxicated. the car radio playing. He said that Koen was intoxicated. Koen said that he had been) Mrs. G. Lawson | Is UCW Hostess committee; and Corporal Kaye Freethy of ! jweek sentenced Westbrook to {part of the program, the ie ae : Pinal caeranpemmnie 30 days for driving under sus-| A motorist on the were! pension, said that it isee oa ilew made for the forthcoming Wscthe ha aT qppearedilane said that the Di |*Little Helpers' picnic to be gator |held on Wednesday, June 13, at|p, the home of Mrs. Blaker of tence Pickering Beach. The group the Bowmanville Police Department. (Oshawa Times Photo) 5 ; Hi ----- received the heavier sen éastbound estbrook had been the insti hi ay cay Stbrook SU-/came across the centre boule-| i of the deceit and hence|vard like a car at the Indiana.|held in the home of Mrs. |polis speedway, just missing an- lother eastbound car by inches, | Whitby. The study period was} The May meeting of Unit No. 8 United Church Women was G. Fairview drive, |Lawson, 341 conducted by K. Bowes on Teen- released from the hospital earlier that as was on his way to Sunnybrook Hospital. He said that he had consumed three jiggers brandy about eight hours be- fore his arrest. He told the court that he was on a 100 per cent disability pension and re- quired 16 hours rest each day. He said that he became tired on his way to Toronto and stopped for a rest when he was arrested. Reducing the charge, His Worship said that he would levy only the minimum fine since Koen "had enough com- mon sense to pull off the road." One Accident Investigated By Provincial Police BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Another quiet weekend was chalked up by the Bowmanville OPP detachment. Only one at- cident occurred of a minor var- iety with no injuries reported and only slight property dam- age. However, this is no indication Sunday Dancing Plea By Park Operators BROUGHAM Township Council opened four) tenders for a front-end loader on Monday night, and accepted the second lowest, that of George W. Crothers, for $10,- 852.08, which includes trade-in of old machine The lowest tender, that of W. L. Ballentine and Company for $9,000.00, did not meet specifica- tions, and a resolution was passed that for this reason. Tenders from eight firms for Township insurance were also opened. Each contained a breakdown of insurance costs, and Clerk L. T. Johnston was directed to check each' item with specifications and report at the next meeting, when the provincial statutes, but we can- that he came with jowest tender meeting specifi- cations, will be accepted SUNDAY DANCING A number of Pickering Town- ship public park operators were dried matter in many fields aS! stench, and part stripped. present at the council meeting, and asked that Sunday dancing stating that they ification on whether was considered in the class as sport. parks were of the stiff competition of the| conservation areas, denied many things that ernment parks were permitte He felt that if dancing were pe: mitted on Sundays, and same} chines," said Mr "We are g everything." Councillor Milton said, "We can pass providing it is authorized by the not tell people what the statute is get ourselves prosecuted, and learn through the court action and were/Purdy, gov-| Engineer, d,{home last fall near Ajax Lum- r-|ber Co. and No. 2 Highway, ad- a|dressed Council at its Monday it be not accepted charge were made, that oper-|night meeting, advising that 27 ators would have more control.| watercourses converged on his "We are losing pin ball ma-|lawn, where the water lay for Ferguson, 'the greater part of the summer. cing to lose nearly When the snow left, he said, one foot of water Mowbray lawn, and gradually receded to a bylaw mud and dirt water problem, sible. He said that he had the -- Pickering|spoke on behalf of the group,|been asked for an opinion on wished clar-|Sunday dancing, but that no re- dancing|port had yet been furnished. Third reading of the Sunday He said that| bylaws will be given at the next suffering because|Council meeting. A very disappointed S. J. Township Waterworks who purchased a lay on the Mr. Purdy went to plans on say to spend $3,000 on a scenic Japan- means. I'he only way to find out! ase parden, . due was but to the it impos- The law is not such a cut and top removed. because of the one may suppose." Mr. Mowbray said that the of it was still Sunday | provincial statutes, as far as he SNAKES, MOSQUITOES Mr. Purdy said that he was Kiwanis Club Hears Catik | DUNBARTON -- "TI ask only an opportunity to be heard,' said Ontario Riding Liberal) candidate Norm Cafik in an} address to the Dunbarton Ki-} wanis Club in Dunbarton United church Monday. "I think that the Kiwanis club here, and its executive deserve a great deal of credit for ful- filling a patriotic duty to en- able their members to vote with as much knowledge of the \Candidates and the issues as they possibly can obtain." "Canada stands at the cross- roads on June 18, and the choice we make then may well determine whether Canada stands or falls as a nation," he said. "I believe it for the would be best members of service clubs in Ontario Riding and for the people of the riding as a whole, if the service clubs were each to give their members the hear and meet candidates in the election," he said. each of the forthcoming NOTE FOR FUTURE AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP)~--The father of a boy charged with arson has a debt waiting if he ever wins a lottery. The mag- istrate said: "I blame you. You |are the person responsible for this youngster. You may win a llottery some day and in case. you do, I will empower the jchild welfare officer to order restitution of $5,000 if he sees! fit." could not be passed unless au- thorized Council will study the matter and attempt to get engineering The petitioner continued that adv ice the conservation areas employ- ed men who at times stood with nothing to do, while the private owners had to pay their em- ployees with their cash income, | which was decreasing. Mr. Hib- bert said that his solicitor ad- vised him it was illegal to even} charge admission to parks on Sunday, yet that law was being| infracted even by government) parks. The park owners spoke) of bingoes which were operated under the guise of charitable| projects, but the proceeds were! going into private pockets. BEST PARKS Reeve Scott asked the group if they had studied the laws of COLD STORAGE -- FOR -- Fur & Cloth Coats WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. 150 Colborne St. E. Whitby MO 8-2345 Family Monuments eon \ \ A555/ Created To Individual Requirements REEVES' ARTISTS 'SUPPLIES -- et -- DODD & SOUTER PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S.-- WHITBY MO 8-5231 will meet at the Church at 11 Dingwall, who admitted drink-| age Problems | opportunity which they need to| 34 LA Be ROAS r a.m. for transportation, TRAFFIC CHARMS ing three or four beers in Whit-| 4 panel discussion followed 1 a Sn vai «3 Mrs. Norman Bradley will be TOKYO (Reuters) -- Shrines|by, said that he had turned out|which was led by E. Tweedy, | PY the detachment. It is the in charge of games and prizes' and temples are selling|to miss a boulder on the high-/Mrs. Wisehart and Evelyn Rob- duty of the police to prevent The group will hold its next de- "safety" charms to defend peo-|way and had lost control of his/ertson. accidents, rather than investi- votional meeting on Monday,|ple against the increasing num-|car. E. Sturgess and Bess Burtin-|gate them after they have oc- June 25. ber of traffic accidents. They} "This is just the wild type of| sky gave a demonstration On| ..+req. It seems that the Bow- At the close of the meeting|visit the temples and shrines|maniac driving which is killing/floral arrangements. The June| mt tea hostesses were Mrs. Stanito pray or receive purifying|people on our highways," said| meeting of Unit No. 8 will take |manville detachment has found |Atkinson and Mrs. William rites, then purchase the safety|His Worship as he handed down|place at the home of Mrs. D.|the secret of accident preven- |Bonk. charms. the stiff sentence, Curtis. 'tion. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities LB. Onty 69: ONLY LB. 29: | | | CANADA'S FINEST GRADE OF BEEF! CHOICE RED BRAND BLADE BONE REMOVED ° JACK SPRATT - Ist, QUALITY SIDE BACON TASTY SLICED PORK LIVER RED BRAND SHORT RIB ROAST """ FRESH. . LEAN M TASTY 16, 49+ 1 18. PKG. IMPORTED NO.1 FLORIDA FANCY CORN ON THE COBS FOR « 59: Get all the EXTRAS Ss and pay no more at STEINBERG © EXTRA QUALITY e EXTRA FRESHNESS © EXTRA PINKY STAMPS © EXTRA TENDERNESS © EXTRA VALUES © EXTRA SERVICE i | "Square Shooters" on Auto Claims You get every dollar due | when you have a claim with | State Farm Mutual... and fast, too. You can count on it! GREEN GIANT MEDIUM SMALL FANCY PEAS YORK CREAM STYLE FANCY CORN CATELLI MACARONI & CHEESE 7 0z: rc. ROYAL INSTANT, BANANA.CREAM, CARAMEL, CHOCOLATE, STRAWBERRY VANILLA PUDDING «<. c. BRIGHTS FANCY BLUE BONNET IMPORTED U.S. NO, | CALIFORNIA . STRAWBERRIES 47: 16 OF. JAR 43¢ 92 oz. san o5¢ 1 LB. PKG MARGARINE CARTON OF 6 6% OZ, BOTTLES PEPSI COLA. PARAGON BONELESS Leesa 48 OZ. TIN TOMATO JUICE HAPPY HENRI ORANGE, APPLE OR GRAPE 1S OZ. TIN 33 33 33 4; PLUS EPOSIT QUART ONLY 7 OZ. TIN YORK ICE BOX JAR PEANUT BUTTER MONARCH "'7¢ OFF" DEAL VEGETABLE OIL MERRY MAID 15 OZ. TIN 24-02. SIZE STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 39¢ APPLE PIE SOMERDALE FROZEN FRENCH FRIED watt ss0m WM, H, (BILL) 4@ OZ. TIN SAVE 16¢ $ APPLESAUCE MIDDLETON 608 Brock St. S$, Whitby MO 8-3762 6/51. POTATOES 9 ot. PKG, GREEN GIANT FROZEN SWEET LAKE CHOICE wmeweames 20 OZ. TIN GOOD TASTE LOMBARD CHOICE 15 OZ. TIN 'Pickering Township is the playground of Ontario. We are 318 DUNDAS EAST Stete Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company PEAS nox we 2/396 PEACH HALVES PLUMS c. MO 8-3552 Head Office -- Toronte Tenders for be included in the sports and games bylaw, to be could find, did not. include au- given third reading at the next thorization for Sunday dancing.|@ware that there was a water- meeting. "I believe dancing a contra-|Course on his property when he Russell Ferguson, who oper- vention of the Lord's Day Act."| bought it, but the former owner ates a park at West Rouge, said Reeve J. Sherman Sce 4. had told him that it ran off. ee aR "This is one of the problems in|The course has been diverted other areas at the moment. so that it runs from a_neigh- D 0 ts Hibbert. contended that drive-|bor's property to his. Added to TOp- u in theatres were much worse|this, he said, for 14 hours out of for young people than dancing,|the 24 per day, water pours bad yet they were permitted on Sun-|from a sump pump in the base- 1scusse days. He spoke of the game of|ment of the house next door billiards being added to the by-|onto his property. law, and considered that a} To make matters worse, Mr. B Teacher much worse pastime than danc-/Purdy said that his neighbors) y ing had great fun chasing snakes The owner of 'Paulynne Park| which have congregated in the DUNBARTON --Drop-outs are stated that ten years ago, to water. reduced by terminal education|think of dancing on Sundays in| "'It is the greatest breeding ~which is proving very success-| public places was fantastic, but/place for mosquitoes. in the ful in both the Junior Indus-\that ethnic groups had con-| world," he added trial and Junior Clerical|triputed toward doubling Can-| Jack Chapman, road superin- courses, Charles Jolliffe of|ada's population, and they de- tendent, present at the meeting, | Northview Heights Collegiate manded such things. said that he had been aware of| Institute, North York, told an} Reeve Scott said that he was|the condition for the past 20 audience of nearly 80 Home) wel] aware of the problems the|years, but that he was power- School members at Dunbarton, 'jocal parks had on deriving in-|!ess to do anything about it. He Tuesday come with the stiff competition|Said that the drainage from Education is just beginning afforded them by the conserva-|Southview avenue flowed onto| to be geared to the pupil, and/tion areas, but that bylaws|the lot and stopped there. it is most important that courses fit a student's abilities, he said. A "drop-out" was de-; fined as anyone leaving school without completing a set pro- gram. Closer liaison is needed be- tween parent and teachers in elementary school, Mr. Jolliffe said. More guidance teachers would be very helpful in spot- ting the potential drop-out, so that the parent and teacher could work together to correct the situation. The trouble with *'Parent's Nights", he told the Pickering District Home and School Council dinner meeting, is that only the parents of the children who are doing well come out. While the interest these par- ents show in their children may be one reason for their/Metro Toronto regarding Sun- success, it is still the parents|day dancing, and the reply, by of the poor students whom the the Paulynne Park proprietor teachers should see. These was: parents rarely turn up unless specifically requested. The musical ability of the|/not interested in what other pupils of the school area proved| municipalities do. We know that! * an interesting interlude follow-|Toronto permits ethnic groups ing the dinner, and the meet-|to have Sunday dances." ing concluded with the instal-/ He spoke of a card punching) lation of the new officers, by/scheme, in which they "got Mrs. Eileen Garispy, the Area|around" charging for Sunday| C vice-president of the Ontario| activities. Federation of Home and School) The reeve told the group that) Associations. the Township solicitors had) TOWN OF WHITBY Police Department invites tender for Sale of 1955 Harley Davidson Servi Car Motorcycle Sealed tenders will be received up to 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 8, for sale price of above Gnit, as is, and available for inspee- tion at the Town of Whitby Police Department. Parking Area Sealed tenders addressed to Mr. Albert Randall, Chairman, Publie Utility Com- mission, 128 Brock Street S., will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 4:30 p.m. THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1962. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the Commission's offices upon payment of a deposit of $25.00. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY A. Randall, Chairman. Any or highest tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must be addressed: Motorcycle, i¢/o G, R. Rankine, Chief Constable, Town of Whitby Police Department, 405 Dundes Street West, H. C. Simpson, Whitby, Ontearie. Secretary-Manager. NIBLETS KERNEF! ORN FROZEN STEINBERG DEAL OF THE MONTH SUPER TOFFEE * ""° 1§ OZ. TIN CoD sw CHICKEN PARTS, LIVER CHUNKS, BEEF CHUNKS, HORSEMEAT & KIBBLE, OAK LEAF SOCIETY MANDARIN ORANGES 11 OZ. TIN vor ve 2/906 196 'with nas courON AND PURCHASE OF 2 CELLO Tuses OF TOMATOES COUPON expines sorte ui 'with Tas COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A REO BRAND TENDER PRIME RIB $ Open Thurs. ¢ Fri. to 9 P.M. AJAX -- Shopping Centre WHITBY -- Dundas St. East ROUGEHILL --. Islend Rd. AND 1 BOZ. OR MORE, ORANGES Any VaRiEry COUPON ExPIes JUNE nd wine HS, AND PURCHASE A POUND OR MORE OF FRESH LEAN HAMBURGER wine THs COUPON OF AND PURCHASE A ONE LB. PKG. OF TOP QUALITY MAPLE LEAF TENERS 'ExPines JUNE 6/62 AND PURCHASE OF AMD PURCHASE OF A 5% OZ.CONTAINER OF Spray O96 na 25 A 12", 25° HOLL OF wear 3Tt COUPON Expres JUNE 6/67 ROAST Ss COUFON Expines JUNE 6/62 COUPON COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 6/62 WITH THIS COUPE ANO PURCHASE OF AN ECONOMY SIZé THN OF ZT B% SPECIAL BABY POWDER 89¢ COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 6/0? WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A BOX OF 360° Q-TIPS 98¢ : 8c SPECIAL COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 6/62 'WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A PKG. OF ASSORTED COLOURS OF SCOTT NAPKINS 19¢ COUPON ExpiRES JUNE 6/62 AM ECONOMY SIZE TUBE OF PEPSODENT Toorupaste 796, 79¢ SPECIAL cour: IND PURCHASE OF A 4 OZ. BOTTLE OF HC, ENDEN DANDRUT ~*4 SHAMPOO 98¢ COUPON pxniees UNE 6/52 D> ~ $) ~\ MASHED POTATOES ie ws COUPON exPIRES JUNE 6/62 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 48 OZ. TIN OF SAICO SWEETENED 'WITH THIS COUPON 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF Bip 2.15 OF. TINS OF GREEN GIANT C.8. FANCY CORN 7 /39¢ 5 COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 6/62 ANY SIMONIZ CAR POLISH 'COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 6/67 AND IASE OF ANGALION OF GRAND DETERGENT $1 99 $0¢ OFF DEAL weuIo COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 6/67 COUPON ExPiNES JUNE 4/07% COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 6/6? $) 'WITH THIS COUPON 'COUPON yey or 'With THIS COUPON ANO PURCHASE OF a A 10 OF, Tin OF LEAVER WHOLE CHOICE MUSHROOMS 39 courow exertes une 4/070" 7 \& ie 'PURCHASE OF A 24 OF. BAG OF UDO 8, BALLOW BISCUITS 79¢ COUPON expines JUNE 6/62 A 20 OZ. PKG. RUPERT FROZEN FISH & cies, JUNE 4/62 Pan BE he Sue PEANUTS 394 COUPON expres JUNE 4/62 chips 69¢ COUPON exprnes JUNE 6/67 $ $