10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tucsdey, Mey 29, 1962 Great Development Noted In Education Of Nurses In the early days of the Osh- struction, the education staff is awa General Hospital tuition|dependent upon the members of and training were matters of personal direction and practical demonstration by the nursing superintendent and one or two supervisors. Periodically, lec- tures were given by local physi-' cians and occasional visiting specialists. In addition, long hours were spent each day in steady application to practical work. The classes ' a in size as the influe. of the hospital grew. The first class of three nurses was graduated in 1913, and in 1961 the number of grad- uates from the Oshawa General Hospital School of Nursing reached 614. Throughout the years the lead- ers in nursing education have recognized the changing condi- tions. They have striven to fash- fon the educational plan to pro- vide facilities to keep the pro- fession up to date. Under the able guidance of our leaders and teachers there has been marked progress in developing more systematic, more satisfactory and more pleasurable methods of education. GUIDES AND TEACHERS Nursing education has been enriched by supervised clinical experience. Greater emphasis has been given to the under- standing of emotional and social components of health and ill- ness. Our clinical supervisors are playing a major part in guiding and teaching the student nurse. Students are caring for patients as they learn and this service to those who need it, is a source of genuine satisfaction. The educational program has become more complicated and is more detailed than it was a few years ago. Nurses now re- quire more technical knowledge and a better understanding of physiology due to advances in medicine. The modern nurses are required to have a broader knowledge of diseases and meth- ods of prevention and treatment. The doctors rely on assistance from the nurses in carrying out procedures and reporting their observations accurately. Exam- inations for registration in the province are more exacting. Therefore, careful planning, teaching and guidance are necessary. In order to meet the requirements of the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario and to keep standards high in the School of Nursing the teach- ing staff has increased to eight members, including the Asso- ciate Director of Nursing Edu- cation, Miss Gladys Hill. There are 101 students enrolled at the present time. It is expected this number will be increased dur- ing the coming years. STAFF MEMBERS Director of Nursing, Mrs. M. Telford. Associate Director of Nursing Education, Miss G. Hill. Instructors: Nursing Arts, Miss M. Lenfesty; Medical Nursing, Mrs. M. Peddie, Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. D. Oldfield; Surgical Nursing, Mrs. M. Ar- nold, Mrs. D. Colleran; Obste- trical Nursing, Miss J. Burns. School Librarian (part time), Mrs. J Jeffrey. oe Nurse, Mrs. L. Black- r. Secretary (part time), Mrs. M. Pow. For special experience in nursing of children, affiliation has been arranged with the Hos- pital for Sick Children, Toronto. For practice and study our stu- dents attend the patients in the Toronto Hospital for Tubercu- losis at Weston. A knowledge of nursing in psychiatry is obtain- ed at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby. The local Public Health Nursing Department and the Victorian Order of Nursing pro- vide observation periods in pub- lic health and visiting nursing. The broadening of the program in this way has been necessary and helpful. LECTURES INCREASE In planning the program of in- the medical staff for lectures in all special phases. They have given freely of their time throughout the years and with recent widening of the course of studies, the number of lectures has increased. The School of Nursing assumes th. responsibility for the health of students. The phy- lsicians who give their service for this purpose whenever necessary are appointed by the Medical Staff. Students are per- mitted to retain the services of their family doctors in the lo- cality of Oshawa, if desired. All students are enrolled in the On- tario Hospital Insurance plan. There is a student associa- tion with constitution and by- laws, to manage matters con- cerning the conduct of students in residence life. The student officers give guidance and as- sistance to other students and they plan recreational activi- ties for off duty time. The members of this council are responsible for the discipline of | all students regarding late) leaves, maintenance of quiet) atmosphere, tidiness of rooms) and other features which are) necessary in their daily living. ASSOCIATION OFFICERS The officers and proctors for year are as follows: erson; vice - president, Miss Shirley Stark; secretary, Miss Lynda Morrison; treasurer, Miss Sharran Kennedy; Proc- tors, Senior, Miss Gail Gors- line; Intermediate, Miss Mar- garet Imrie; Junior Miss Edith Dunning. In Alexandra Residence there is accommodation for 42 stu- dents and in McLaughlin Hall there are 49 rooms available for students. The rooms are bright and cosy and no detail in color or furnishing has been overlooked in making the build- ing a_ delightful home for nurses. There are spacious rec- reational facilities and modern- ly equipped kitchenettes for the convenience of the students. proud that the standard and quality of education in its school of nursing has met the approval of our provincial or- ance when possible, are con- ducted by representatives from the Nursing Branch of the Pro- vincial Department of Health, ADVISORY COMMITTEE The School of Nursing Advi- sory Committee under the chairmanship of G. L. Roberts, Principal of R. S. McLaughlin Collegiate and Vocational Insti- the Student Association this % President, Miss Myrna Pet-|@ Hospital authorities are I ganization. Annual surveys to}? evaluate the efficiency of the|? program and to offer assist-|) sibility for teaching and super- vision of students. In 1944 the E. A. Lovell Scholarship Fund was estab- lished by the late E. A. Lovell and his family. This fund has provided financial assistance to many nurses for University preparation before they accept important appointments as teachers in the School of Nurs- ing. This fund now exists per- petuating the memory of a preat citizen ho was a bene-jsi factor and wise counsellor to many educational institutions in Oshawa and other cities. Other awards are presented by interested donors to the stu- dent nurses for high standing and efficiency in all branches of nursing. BROADEN EDUCATION Following graduation and reg- istration in Ontario, nurses be- come members of the profes- their education and maintain knowledge of their profession, Throughout the three years in the School of Nursing the members of the Women's Hos- pital Auxiliary plan recreation and pleasant entertainment in many ways for student nurses. They have provided comforts in the residence and are anxious that the rooms present a com- fortable home-like appearance. The challenge in the OGH educational plan is to produce nurses who will bring to each situation their knowledge, ex- perience and technical skill in a spirit of service. In this way we hope that this century will be remembered not only as an age of technical inventions and political conflicts, but as an age in which human society will think compassionately of the welfare of the whole human al orvanizations to broaden race. STUDENT NURSES HAVE OGH PATIENT VIEWS GLEAMING NEW WING CORRIDORS es "LIMBERING UP" IN PHYSIOTHERAPY KNEE CLASS tute, is appointed by the board of directors and the members are chosen from the commu- nity. The functions are to aid in the fulfillment of school aims and to interpret the needs of the school to the board of directors. Upon recommendations from this committee,improved poli- cies for students in the school of nursing have been instituted and provision for the education of new student nurses is com- parable to that in other school of nursing in Ontario. Members of the 'Board of Directors of Oshawa General Hospital have recognized the value of advanced education and post graduate study for nurses who assume the respon- VETERAN CARS GLASGOW, Scotland (CP)-- Automobiles once owned by the Duke of Windsor and the Amer- ican philanthropist Andrew Car- negie are among 111 veteran cars to be sold at auction here in September. They are from a private collection reputed to be the largest in Europe. The owner is retaining 50 others, in- cluding cars once driven by suf- fragette Sylvia Pankhurst and nurse Edith Cavell. Donors Names (Continued from Page 8) furnished in memory of Mr. and Mrs, H. E. Morphy; Room 5008, a two-bed room, furnished in memory of Mr. and Mrs, Robert McLaughlin; Room 5012, a two-bed room, furnished in memory of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cowan; Room 5016, a four- bed room, furnished in memory of Miss May Mitchell; Room 5015, a four-bec room, furnish- ed by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mc. Laughlin; Room 5013, a two- bed room, furnished in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Edna Mason Burton; Room 5009, a two-bed room, furnished in memory of Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Cowan; Room 5003, a two-bed room, furnished in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robson; Room 5001, a two-bed room, furnished in memory of Mrs. M. E. McEachern; the visitors' waiting room, furnished in memory of Phyllis Gillard and the eye operating room, eye ex- amining equipment donated by the Oshawa Lions Club, 1960, ON SIXTH FLOOR On the sixth floor: Room 6002, @ four-bed room, furnished in memory of Mrs. Sarah Jane McAdie;' Room 6004, a single- bed room, furnished in memory of Mr. and Mr. James Ward; F. Carnwith; Room 6008, a two- bed room, furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Smith; Room 6010, a two-bed room, furnish- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Redpath; Room 6012, a two-bed room, furnished by the Kinsmen Club of Whitby; Room 6014, a two-bed room, furnished by Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Umphrey; Room 6016, furnished in memory of Charles Norman Robson. Room 6020, a two-bed room, furnished by Miss Isabel G. Mc- Laughlin; Room 6015, a four- bed room, furnished in memory of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mc- Laughlin; Room 6013, a two-bed room, furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Libby; Room 6011, a two-bed room, furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCallum; Room 6009, a two-bed room, furnished by Branch 112, Royal Canadian Legion, Whitby; Room 6007, a two-bed room, furnish- ed by Polish Alliance of Canada, Branch 21, Polish Veterans As- sociation of Oshawa and Polish National Union of Canada, Branch 7; Room 6005, a two- bed room, funrished in memory of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Bassett; Room 6003, a two-bed room, furnished by Frank J. Grind- ley; Room 6001, a two-bed room, furnished by Mr. and Mrs. F, T. Lamble and the visitors' waiting room, furnish- Room 6006, a two-bed room, fur- nished by Mr. and Mrs. James ed by the Soroptimist Club of Oshawa. | The FICIAL OPENING - of the -- NEW WING -- of the -- Oshawa General Hospital nnn Will Be Held On /Wed., May 30, 1962, 2:30 p.m. In The Main Lobby Mr. E. H. Walker, President, Gen- eral Motors of Canada Limited, will officiate. An Open House and in- spection of the new wing will be arranged following the official cer- emony at 2.30 P.M., with refresh- ments being served in the Cafeteria. For those unable to be present in the afternoon, arrangements have been made to have the facilities open for inspection between 7:00 and 9:00 P.M., on Wednesday, May 30th. . Our ry C Oshawa General Hospital -- On The -- Official OPENING -- Of The -- New Hospital Wing The Citizens of Oshawa can well be proud of their General Hospital . . . now considered to be one of the finest in southern Ontario. This has only been made possible through the splendid co - operation of the thousands of citizens of this city. The official Opening of this Newest Wing of the Oshawa General Hos- pital climaxes many years of continual growth . . .and we of Fittings Limited join in congrat- ulating the Oshawa General Hospital on this momentous occasion, FITTINGS LIMITED Oshawa -- To The -- Bruce St.