17--Male Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted -- & Board Wanted 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 26--Rooms for Rent Tee ge Ore '27-~Real Estate for Sale pa ae Te eS as SIRE PEN EY ENS PO AEE Ef THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Moy 25, 1962 2} 16--Femole Help Wanted WOMAN with car to make deliveries. Must know city. "telephone 1 728-7161, YOUNG woman for waitress duties, day shift Apply _Carmichael's Drive-In, Dundas Street West, Whitby. WANTED pleasant smart experienced waitresses. Also short order cook. Ap- ply in person after 7 p.m. or before 11 am. to P"Gandelwoos Restaurant, SAID for upstairs work, steady em- Must be reliable and have character references. Apply jel Lancaster, Oshawa. peng gern person to live in and for children, while mother works. Erenines and weekends off. Telephone wOuAN for general housework and help with two children in country home from Fed 1 to August 31. Live J, Klasner, c-o Curv- Orono, Ontario. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, Full time. Apply the Rose Bowl Grill, 24 Bond Street West. GHORT order cook required. Apply in ES to Genosha Hotel, 70 King Street st. GALESLADY, experienced preferred, full or part-time, in ladies' sportswear. Smart appearance with personality. Must have references, Highest salary Person with ability to sell. Apply fm person. Seigneur's Sportswear, Osh- awa Centre. SALESLADY Experienced only. Apply in person to: Pennyworth's Dept. ____Bond St. W., Oshawa "WAITRESSES FOR PART-TIME WEEK-ENDS ly In Person ENVOY RESTAURANT 522 BITSON ROAD 5. _ STENOGRAPHER Must have good shorthand, Excellent salary. Bay Ridges Grea, MO 8-818] WOMEN TAX! DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 TOP EARNINGS Apply MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 17--Male Help Wanted STUDENTS to help ta eee shed Fuller te: nent staff on holl 1687. Store ke ca of estab- MECHANIC for n first class man ec! Valley, Service Ma tors, 200 1 200 Dundas Wi We ritby REQUIRED 2 INSTRUMENT MEN | For road ond municipal ser- vice surveys. Must be ex- perienced on transit and level work, 1 DRAUGHTSMAN To do draughting for roads and municipal services. The above are permanent positions. Salary to be nego- tiated in accordance with quolifications and experience. Apply in writing to: George L. Totten, | Consulting Engineer, | , Seaway Mo-| MAN. Must have car. For two to threc hours work per evening, No selling Call until 6 p.m, Telephone 728-6128. YOUNG MAN Required For INTERNAL SALES WORK, Excellent future prospects with an expanding comp- any. Minimum Educa- tional requirement grade Ww, APPLY National Aluminum Prod, Co. Ltd. PICKERING, ONT. WH. 2-6890 ovr genre ies salesmar vant T 28-7161, 'ABINET maker or boat builder want d, fast and efficient all round wood yorker, with own tools, MO 28-8511. ASPHALT raker. Apply Ken es raving ited, 557 Garrard Ro elephone 728-8412, Experienced Floor Covering SALESMAN Apply:-- T. EATON CO. Oshawa Shopping Centre jparking, Rear entrances. ¢ F nklin 2-9992. home, for alert shot 'ortable clean room with good BOWMANVILLE ---Three-room apart- ment, kitchenette and bathroom, Lawn 4 hildren. Free park-|P; and play area for c ing, 63 King Telephone 43-5996. MA \FURNISHED bedroom, entleman or nd gic ig it hospital. TWO serviced lots, north ,Oshawa. 4% x 150°, Terms, Telephone "728-7245. 27-- Real Estate for Sale Apply 1 ham, LARGE gith ase sf Hving room, See sion. Willing to = A well for scoommmotaten. oeation ai reply necessary 30x 34, Sues Times. CADILLAC South 72, three large bright} unfurnished rooms, heavy duty wiring.|P' Suitable for "a $60 room j with 'tor, lai facilities, parking. Apply 63 Greta. Street. 'Tele: in-|Phone 723-7600. cludes hydro and heat, giving information e Space ---- pig et 299 SIMCOE Street South, 1000 square foot area for rent, Ample store fron t]AVENUE STREET, THREE-KOOM apartment, LARGE, bright, ing room, in private home, studio seasons, I erator, eset closet, near | oa howpitat Abstainers. able. stop. Telephone 725-5373. 20-- ae ga 2 $26,900 PICKERING AREA Most. scenic locotion, near conservotion parks. New executive home, Four - bed- room, three bathrooms, 30-ft. baleony, walk-out basement, double garage. MO 8-2336, 29---Automobiles for Sale : ONLY $10,800 modern 1 a ae to and veniences, large se tO pul $1000 down. Telephone 728-1510 after 5 p.m, No salesmen. |MODERN six-plex, 27--Real Estate For Sale BRAND NEW OFFICE IS AVAILABLE MEN WANTED We are in the agricultural product business -- Back in the olden days most of our contacts | were made with horse and buggy, door to door. Still we keep a couple of plow horses. Progress came and we changed to tractors and modern equipment. Now we advertise and people write to us before we go and see them. Our men today drive new and late model cars of their own. We still need men with our grandfathers' pio- neer spirt. So, if you feel young and modern, with the old fashioned 'Go- Getter' salesman concern -- to earn BIG $ and don't mind going places, "Come and See Us" MONDAY 2-5 p.m. MONDAY 7-9 p.m. Genosha Hotel, ROOM 504 Cobourg, Ontario. RETIRED PERSONNEL ONLY (50 Years Old or Over) To men who would like full or part-time work to supplement present income to help keep active and healthy. If you have had experience in the following. PAINTING UPHOLSTERING GARDENING (green thumb) REFINISHING FURNITURE GLASS CUTTING and CLEANING -- CARPENTERING MECHANICAL WORK (Motors etc. or Just Handy). Drop your name, address and telephone number along with your qualifications to box 401, Oshawa Times and an interview will "be arranged. THE OSHAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD REQUIRES ONE MALE TEACHER FOR NEW GRADE 9 AND 10 SCHOOL OPENING IN SEPTEMBER Apply stating experience, qualifications and salary expected to FRANK E. SHINE Business Administrator 357 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, Ont. ARE YOU LOOKING? For a permanent, stable position in sales work with an exciting new food service? Commercial Food Mart will employ four men who will meet our standards. We train you and offer excellent lead program, salary good bonus system, hospitalization, vacation pay, other benefits. Must have excellent character, bondable, cor, TELEPHONE 728-4984 OR VISIT US AT 75 RICHMOND STREET WEST MR. CARNIE Your inquiry confidential PAINTERS Three Men Required Must be top-notch. Interior and Exterior Painting Telephone MO 8-5862 After 6 p.m. Newly Built... Elevotor Ser- vice... vale +++ Freshly Painted . iled Floors... Avoilable in Few Days... Moderate Rent... Lease Available... Third Floor... heat and s si8 month. Available} parking. Leased Sine 1, 1962. 728-13: BOWMANVILLE -- 5 heat-| King Street West, or telephone MA 3-5996, canes BOULEVARD NORTH -- 'our-room apartment, private bath, su) snentaly iochoten test » TV outlet, stove, refrigerator, yh Tele- phone 723-9881. MAIN FLOOR DUPLEX -- three rooms, plus piece wood floors, Conveniently Street. ble. located. 589 Albet Ask for T. L. Wilson, THE QUEBEC STREET, 33 -- Two furnish- ed rooms, kitchenette, bath; antenna. Ideal for one or two personss abstain- ers, no $50 725-1318, PRIVATE SALE NORTH WEST OSHAWA Ciose to schools and shop- ping centre. 3-bedroom brick bungalow on landscaped lot 67' x 132'. Garage, poved drive. Built-in oak cup- boords and panelled wall in living room, Recreation room, $12,600 - $3,000 Down PHONE 728-6594 TIMES BUILDING MARY & KING STREETS OSHAWA TAUNTON ROAD WEST, 250 -- Three- room heated unfurnished apartment, bath, $52 month, Telephone 723-7462. THEEE-ROOM apartment, trance and bath, King and area, Adults preferred, $75 monthly. Telephone 725-8245. 725-7426 23--Wanted to Rent EXPERIENCED Lathe and Milling Machine Operator CAPABLE OF DOING OWN SET-UPS compony benefits. CALL MRS. M. BARKWELL Centralab Canada Ltd. AJAX WH 2-1540 IF YOU ARE 18 TO 23 Usual 1952, CHEVROLET, in good condition,) two power lawn mowers, one 21 inch, FOUR room unfurnished apartment, one block from bus, handy to shopping centre and downtown, light wiring, 3- jpiece private bath. 725-2975. one 18 inch, Will trade for 1953 car of any make, Apply 191 Annis Street. Tele- phone 725-1201. AVAILABLE July 1. Two 215 MARY STREET -- four-room, un- furnished apartment, private bath, semi-private entrance, $65 monthly, nicely decorated .Telephone 728-6396, women want to rent two - bedroom house or bungalow. North Oshawa area preferred. Write Box 441, Oshawa 'Times. SELF-CONTAINED private dwelling. Unfurnished three rooms, plus recrea- tion room, Heavy duty wiring, newly decorated, five minutes from down IMMEDIATELY, at least three-bed- room house, reasonable rent, Brooklin area, Telephone Brooklin 655-4821 be- fore 9 p.m, town, Ideal for couple. Apply 87 John Street, THREE-ROOM basement apartment, washer, dryer, TV outlet, heavy duty FAMILY of six (two school-age) re- quires six- or seven-room home in Osh- awa, by June 15, Telephone 725-8114, TWO professional women wish to rent two bedroom house or bungalow for July 1, north Oshawa area, Write Box 441 Oshawa Times, HOUSE wanted by middle-aged business man and wife, references if required. Oshawa district, MO 8-8769 after 5.30 p.m, wiring. i couple, after 6, 725-7928, hg unfurnished rooms with heat, lights, water, reasonable rent, central. Near library and city hall. Vacant June 1, No children. Apply 97 Queen Street, 725-0453. TWO - ROOM completely furnished apartment with refrigerator, stove and television, private entrance. Parking facilities. 732 Albert Street. 728-7722 after six. 24--Houses for Rent AVAILABLE now. Six-room brick house, oil heat, on Clark Street. Write Box 443, Oshawa Times. NEW three-bedroom house, close to public schools and high school, between Oshawa and Whitby, near Highway. $105 monthly. 725-0310 ) or 723-4572. TRY FOR A CAREER AS AN ARMY OFFICER} Young men with Junior Mat- riculation or better can take the first step towards a re- warding carcer as an officer in Canada's modern Army by applying for enrolment in the Officer Candidate Program. On successful completion of aproximately 11 months training, you will be com. missioned as a short Service officer for a period of three years and enter immediately upon a_ challenging and worthwhile career which will develop your leadership abili- ties and give you an excep- tional opportunity for respon- sibility, travel and adventure, The successful short Service officer can later apply for regular status with its many long-term career advantages. Applications for the Officer Candidate Programme are being -received now for the next course which begins in September. Get full details right away, without obligation, by 'visit. ing your nearest Army Re- Cruiting Station at the ad- dress below -- or by mail- ing the attached coupon. Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre 25 St. Clair Avenue, East, 10th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone: WA 4- 7346 Please send me, without ob- ligation, full details of the Officer Candidate Programme Name A Lost school grade success- fully completed 18--Male or Female Help Wanted tenis WOULD you like to earn $35 a week or more in your spare time? Supply neighbors and friends with Rawleigh Toiletries and home needs. Our new crate, artieieg business, Write for details, Rawleigh Products, D 310-CD2, 310-CD2, 4005 5_ Richelieu, Montreal. "i CANVASSERS Three men or ladies for part-time work, day or evenings. FOR APPOINTMENT Call RON WILSON Telephone 728-9403 20--Room and Board ROOM and board for gentlemen. Close }to South General Motors. Television privileges. Apply 147 St. phone 725-7754, 19 COLBORNE Street East in clean, quiet home. Close to north General Motors and downtown. Apply at above address. SEVEN-ROOM house, » heavy wiring, good location; near village, reasonable rent. Phone Blackstock, 986-4887, TWO large bedroom home, with ga- ga- rage, close to schools, on King Street. East. Available August 1. Apply to 645 King Street East for appointment. WHY PAY RENT? $1038 monthly buys two-year-old NHA bungalow, near South GM. Three bedrooms, finished recreation room. Box 237, Oshawa Times SMALL house, bedroom, living room, kitchen, no children, For further infor- mation, apply 461 Bloor Street East. Nearly new, attractive three bedroom bungalow, immacu- late condition at 757 Lauren- tian avenue. Main floor two bedroom dup- lex, modern kitchen, refrig- erator and stove, large living room, tile bath, heated, ot 596 Farewell avenue, One bedroom deluxe apart- ment, complete _ kitchen, living room, tile bath, at Marina apartments, 281 Simcoe St, South. APPLY P.O. BOX 220 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent NORTH END -- Three oms, self- contained, private bath, refrigerator, stove, close to bus. Telephone 725-2767. THREE-ROOM apartment and bath. Centrally located. Possession June 15. T 'lephone 725-0128, rooms, THREE-ROOM apartment, in apartment building, parking, stove, refrigerator, laundromat, ample closet space. 68 Wayne Street, Telephone 725-3938. BACHELOR apartments and four-room apartment, refrigerator, stove, three- Piece bathroom, private, downtown, 725-1932. After six, call 725-0853. COMPLETELY furnished t oy - room apartment, with all conveniences, ab- stainer, no children. Apply 531 Mary Street or dial 725-5691. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, in new building, available June 1. Telephone MO 8-3092 or 101 Craydon Road, Apart- ment 5, after 5 p.m. THREE-ROOM heated Be gar self- contained, possession June $50 monthly. Apply 38 Brock West, " Tele. phone 725-4145. TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished with stove and refrigerator. Apply 43 Nas- sau Street or telephone 725-5617. $40 MONTHLY -- Estate-type living, with sundeck, block from shopping and Toronto bus, if you don't mind giv- ing some help with garden and green- house. Suit retired, Write Box 27, Brooklin. RITSON ROAD NORTH -- Three-room furnished apartment, private entrance, bath; heavy duty range and refrigera- tor; heat, hydro, laundry facilities. Available July 1. Business couple, $75. Telephone 725-3094, LARGE living room with kitchen-L, bedroom, Lig furnished including tele- vision and radio; very = vacant now. $80. Telephone 725-9306. ONE- or two-bedroom apantneata, Te- frigerator and stove, washing facili- ties. Private entrance and bath. Shop- ping near. Parking. 725-3652. FOUR-ROOM ground floor apartment, private bath and entrance, very cen- tral, $45 monthly. Available immedi- ately. Telephone 725-6304, FULLY modern two bedroom apart- ment, in new apartment building, re- frigerator, stove, washer, dryer, paved 7285060, school and shopping close. 728-5282 $55 MONTHLY. Three room unfurnish- ed apartment,convenient to downtown. No objection to one child. Telephone MA 3-5470 . 196 "SIMCOE 8 STREET NORTH --One SIMCOE South "730, two-room furnished apartment, Private bath. Quiet couple with baby welcome. Telephone 723-2315. 592 Street, | "DREW Strect, three-room apart- ment, unfurnished, private entrance, private bathroom, parking, laundry fa- cilities,. Adult home. Newly decorated, cupboards, sink in kitchen. and m apartments, furnish- ed or unfurnished, Available for June and July. Telephone 728- 3945, IMMEDIATE possession on June 1. Seven-roomed house on Eulalie Avenue, two separate entrances, bathrooms, tiled throughout. large yard, near school, bus at door. $85 monthly. Apply 174 Ritson Road South. APARTMENTS ONE and TWO BEDROOMS $60---BACHELOR apartment, also $75, four - room, self-contained apartment, Close to downtown, both on main floor. 725-4569 221 ARTHUR STREET -- threée-room apartment, unfurnished, sink, cup- boards in kitchen, parking and laun- dry facilities. Dial 725-8163. LA SALLE GARDEN ____ DIAL 725-4964 MODERN: APARTMENT Living room, dinette, kitchen, bedroom, stove and refriger- ator ,laundry facilities. Busi- ness couple, 26--Rooms for Rent CLEAN, large suit one gir housekeeping room, pply 58 Nassau Street. Toom, centrally lo- cated, parking, close to bus, house- keeping privileges if desired. Tele- phone 723-7917. BRIGHT single room in quiet, clean home with all conveniences. close to four corners, gentleman preferred. Ap- ply 135 Celina Street. $70 MONTHLY APPLY BURNS SHOE STORE 725-4611 APARTMENTS FOR RENT $70 and $75 Four room apartments with stove and refrigerator. Close to Downtown Shopping area and Bus Service. ED. DISNEY Realtor 82 Simcoe South 723-2333 SUIT three gentlemen, willing to share, single beds, $15 weekly; $13 for five days, Laundry, television, central. Oshawa's Finest ROOM and board for gentleman. Suit- able for construction worker. Apply 81 Park Road South, Telephone 728-9287 SINGLE room for gentleman. Board optional, Home cooked meals, Apply 292 King Street East. ROOM and board, close to north plant and hospital. Handy to downtown, bus stop at corner. Telephone 725- 25-2305. $15 SEVEN-DAY week, home-cooked meals, single gentlemen, English speak- ing. Telephone 728-4423, LARGE, comfortable room for gentle- man, on day shift, lunches packed, home cooked meals, laundry if desired. Reasonable. Telephone 723-1248. FOR GENTLEMEN room ana board, lunches packed, singles or to share, very central, at 296 King Street East, near Ritson Road. FURNISHED room with board, suit lady, new home, adult family. Close to bus and shopping. Rf ay laundry facilities. Telephone 725-6290. CARNEGIE AVENUE, 708 Cool, comfortable room and board. quiet home, lunches packed, home cooked PARK LANE APARTMENTS BACHELOR SUITES 1 BEDROOM. SUITES 2 BEDROOM SUITES --Elevator Service --Private Balcony ---Paved Parking BRIGHT furnished bedroom, close to North GM and hospital. Suit working girl; Use fe * pte if desired. Tele- phone 728-1 FURNISHED room, housekeeping priv- ileges if desired. Close to downtown. Apply 23 Elgin Street East or tele- phone 723-7814, NICELY furnished room in a clean, adult home. Central location. Near bus stop. 'Telephone 725-3879. TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen with built-in cupboards, sink, refrigerator, adults only. Parking. Cen- tral. Aprly 99 Elgin Street East. $50--WHITBY, three rooms, one large room, immediate possession, Bus stop at door, Adults, abstainers, MO 8-2918. FURNISH?D apartment, single house- keeping room, private entrance, cen- tral, parking. Apply 96 Centre Street, THREE bed-sitting rooms, suit three single gentlemen, kitchen privileges, parking space, close to bus and res- taurant, $6 weekly. Apply 25 Olive Avenue. Telephone 725-911 $3--PRIVATE rooms, Tale gGne. TV, restaurant on premises. Hollywood rsa 800 Brock Street North, Whitby, MO 1823. E furnished room, suitable for lady. Use of kitchen and washing ma- chine, Central location, Telephone 725- 8150. CENTRAL, very large furnished, clean room, suit one or two refined gentie- men, Housekeeping facilities, refriger- ator etc., if desired. 114 Elgin Street WEINBERGER Realtor 262 King St. E. ABOVE KARN'S DRUG STORE FULL PRICE $8,900 DOWN $800 IMMACULATE 5 ROOM Lovely 1 storey on beauti- ful landscaped grounds at 187 Marquette St. Open for inspection 2 p.m. to 8 p.m, Low taxes ----- easy terms, Weinberger Realtor 728- 5145, evenings 723-7244. new apartments.} Best location in Oshawa, fully rented Low downpayment or take clear house. Balance easy paymenns. Apply Box 248 Oshawa Times, SUCCESSFUL businesses have built on the strength of awa Times Ads. 723-3492 now to boost your profit. ive Dial ATTENTION builders, 1% storey five- room brick additional lots, Corner of Street near ae with $5000 down. rar anes et room Kassinger ie, Dui fully 1956 BUICK -eeew wed Blue ond White. $895 Seaway Motors Ltd. 200 DUNDAS ST, W. WHITBY MO 8-3331 LOTS: Courtice area, 105 ft. frontages, by public and ae schools, approved for loans, $1,800. 728-5579. SIX-ROOM two-storey house, garage, paved drive, aluminum storms and screens, wall to wall carpeting. Near shopping centre. Full price $9900, Terms could be arranged. Apply 490 Fairleigh Avenue. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $10,900 FULL PRICE NEAR HOSPITAL $1,500 DOWN Six room brick with new gar age, carries for $75.00 per month, including interest and principal, on one open mort- gage. Call Ed Drumm with. out delay to see this home. 728-5123. $11,500 FULL PRICE $95.00 month, including in- terest, principal and taxes buys this beautiful 6 room home with paved drive, nicely landscaped, oil heated, reas- onable down payment requir- ed. Call Bill Johnston at 728- 1066 or 728-5123. $1,000 DOWN FULL PRICE $9,500 Six room home in central lo- cation, oil heat, low taxes, monthly payment of only $75.00. Act fast, call Irwin Cruikshanks at 728-5123. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED, REALTOR 728-5123 101 SIMCOE ST. N. OPEN EVERY EVENING GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. S. SHERWOOD AT MOHAWK - 5%2% N.H.A. RESALE -- 6 room brick bungalow. The 18 ft. living room has a natural fireplace. Dining room, 3 bedrooms, situated on a nicely londscaped lot, 57 x 140, aluminum storms ond screens, CENTRAL PARK N. -- A choice two bedroom bunga- low in a quiet residential district with forced air oil heating, tastefully decorated and in spotless condition. BEVERLY STREET -- 5 room brick bungalow in excellent condition, good living room, extra large kitchen new forc- ed air oil furnace, rotor aer- ial ond hedged yard. FOR SALE OR RENT -- new store located os part of a Shopping Centre. The proper- ty consists of a new two stor- ey brick building with a store 20 ft, x 50 ft. and a modern five room apt. above. EXECUTIVE SPECIAL Lorge modern 2 year old brick -bungalow with double garage, situated on the corn- er of King St, E. and Osh- awa Blvd, Features natural stone fireplace in living room, a large recreation room, finished in mahogany plywood, natural brick fire- place, exhaust fon in kit- chen. BRAND NEW -- 3 bedroom clay. brick bungalow with large living room and nat- ural fireplace, Hollywood kit- chen divided basement with extra bathroom, Lovely view, situated in beautiful. Har- mony Village. For full particulars call Roy Flintoff, Steve Zurba, Irene Brown, Phyllis Jubb, Leon Manitius, Charlie Rankine, Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, 'Lucos Peacock, ot 723-1121. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING Full price (to qualify you must earn $3,600 or more ennually). $10,950. Brick construction, full base- ment. Detached Bungalows, And yes, 3 bedrooms, private drive. One mortgage 642%. Small down payment, no other costs. $59.80 MONTHLY Includes Interest and Princi- pal--No Second Mortgages. 725-1186 W. T. Lamson Real Estote Ltd. ADELAIDE STREET, near Mary Street --neat bungalow with new oil TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS {All makes and models) Coll 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST. furnace and lovely lot. A: with terms. N. Hodgson, 728-6408. Jo- seph Bosco, Realtor, 725-9870. PRIVATE, $700 down, $9,000. Five room brick house, oil heated, close to bus and schools. Apply 766 Gifford Street. $7,900 for older, 10-room, mncome prop- erty, containing five rooms, three-piece bath and divided basement on each side, Located close to Simcoe Street on large lot. Over 12 per cent return on your money. For further information,) call Henry Stinson. 725-0243 Schofie Aker Real Estate, GEORGE BLYLEVEN REAL ESTATE BROKER MAPLE GROVE See this. four-bedroom brick veneer bungalow on large lot, with spacious garage in Maple Grove area. Owner anxiou to sell. Make offer. 2-bedroom home on nicely landscaped lot in Newcastle, Full price $9,000. 100-acre farm with 8-room frame house, barn and chick- en coops in Pontypool dis- trict. Full price $9,500 with $2,500 down. PHONE MA 3-5300 'MUST BE SOLD! Highway property, PRIVATE SALE Full Price $8,300 $1,200 DOWN One mortgage on full balance at $65 monthly including in- terest. Four room bungalow, modern kitchen and bath, oil furnace, finished base- ment, landscaped. Private drive. Verdun Road South 728-6357 ED. DISNEY REALTOR 82 Simcoe St., South 723-2333 Reduced - 9 room brick home in the north end of city, large living - room, dining room, kitchen, sun-room, breakfast nook, 4 bedrooms and rec. room, double gar- age. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Apartment buildings $20,000 to $225,000. Summer Snack Bar and Cab- ins 210' frontage on water ond main road. $9,350. Full price. Homes from $7,900 to $45,- 000. in every part of the city. Call Matt Johnston 723-2333 Ed. Disney 723-2333 from NEW N.H.A. FULL PRICE HANDY? BUNGALOW $595 DOWN ALLOWANCE OF $200 IF YOU DO YOUR OWN DECORATING AND SODDING Materials supplied and $395, will be your full down payment. No 2nd mortgage, $72 monthly. $12,245.00 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-1186 TWO lots in Whitby, 45 x140 ft, Can be Lene separately, $2,100 each. MO 8-2 HIGHWAY 2 -- between Port tape and Cobourg, Lovely older home, liv- ing, dining, Mbrary, kitchen, four-bed- rooms, bath, all large rooms. Oil heat, three acres of land, double garage. Barn, 40' x 60', has bydro and pres- 1961 Ford Fairlane A sharp red and white four- door, 6-cylinder, standard. Priced right. $1,795 Seaway Motors Ltd. 200 Dundas St. W. WHITBY MO 8-3331 sure pump. Lowery, RR4. Cahorr PRIVAIE Sale, new, isouera, ~-. bungalow, three bedrooms, close 'to schools and bus, $12.500. Telephone 728- 1649, 41DY tour-room home, large lot. Just outside city, oll heat, garage, $7,900, with terms. Mr. Koorneef, 723-2859. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 725-9870. STREET EAST --- seven-room brick house on Commercial site. lot 40 x 133 ft. Terms arranged. 725-4483 SEVEN-ROOM frame house, large lot, on quiet street. Low down payment. Very central, Full price $6,900 or best offer. Telephone 725-6934, FOUR- BEDROOM brick home in north end, fireplace, two-car attached ga- rage, large 80 x 124 landscaped lot. Guide Realty Limited, 723-1121 . FIVE room brick bungalow on Hare- wood Avenue, North Ajax. Aluminum storms and screens, two car garage with paved drive, complete with com- pressor, oil furnace, exhaust fan, spray booth lights. Garage portion zoned com- mercial. Asking $14,500 and open to offers, A perfect set-up for a mechanic or body man. Sheriff Realtor, 728-1673. FIVE room brick bungalow, east end immaculate condition, paved drive, beautifully landscaped, large yard. Close to all schools. $65 monthly, prin- ai and interest, Sheriff Realtor, LAND FOR SALE -- 10 acres, about 500 feet off West Lake Road, Prince Edward County. Telephone 723-2315, WHITBY -- income revenues, Call W. Keg 723-2512 5 properties, McAuley, or good Realtor; residence, MO seven-room brick bungalow, four bed- rooms, all conveniences, large lot. Just' west of Thornton Road. See and make offer. W. McAuley, Realtor, 28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or MO 8-5765. HOUSE -- three acres of land, com- pletely remodelled, hot and cold deny all ec good for commercial, two miles south of Lind: say, corner of No. 35 and 7, also farm, 133 acres, four miles. west of Omemee, with house and all conveniences, plen- ty of water and wood. Apply 35 and 7 Highways this week. Phone Lindsay 324-2067, S, Hussel. PAUL RISTOW REALTOR "Your Key to Action" 728-9474 MAY SALE 1961 Chevrolet Sedan, automatic, 'Clean as new' 1960 Corvair, 2-door "700" series, automatic, : radio, "Executive Driven". 1958 Chevrolet Bel Air, 2-door hardtop automa- tic, radio,,, "Amazingly Sharp"'. 1956 Fo rd coach, cylinder", "G "new paint". 1955 P ontiac Sedan, radio, job". "Complete body WORKING MEN'S SPECIALS 1956 Dodge coach, "One $379.00 1956 Volkswagen, deluxe $599.00 1955 Mercury sedan, radio $587.00 1954 Ford sedan, soda, $293.00 © 1951 Mercury sedan, radio $97.00 OTHER CARS TO: CHOOSE FROM TED CAMPIN MOTORS FOR AN HONEST DEAL SEE "TED" 607 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 -- Res. 725-5574 LOTS FOR SALE WESTDALE STREET In beautiful Brookside Acres. Call exclusive agents-- GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 Rossland Manor (ROSSLAND ROAD WEST) CHOICE RESIDENTIAL LOTS AVAILABLE at Reasonable Prices CALL 728-6246 OR CONTACT YOUR REAL ESTATE AGENT 29--Automobiles for Sale 60 SPRITE convertible, girl owner since new. 10,500 miles original, immac- ulate throughout, finished in winter white, black top, red interior. Will fi- nance. Best offer. Telephone 723-4178 East. 65 ELGIN EAST -- ~ Seeties ghee al ark- ing "facilities, For pies particulars, telephone 725-6146. GARAGE and furnished front bed- room; private home, gentleman only, abstainer, North End _ section, vicinity of Connaught and Greta. Telephone 725-3989, LIGHT housekeeping room, furnished, unfurnished, clean, comfortable, ab- stainers, $8 weekly, between downtown, Shopping Centre. 728-0429. Park road South 27, FURNISHED bedroom in private home, suit gentleman. Abstainer. Apple Hill district, good bus service. Telephone 728-6588. ---Controlled Entrances Contact MR. DON HOWE 725-7732 or 723-9692 evenings ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH meals, laundry, parking. Private en- trance, bath. Gentlemen, $15. Howe & Peters, Realtors 728-8671 §3 BLOOR Illness forces sale. COMMERCIAL LOT oT. EAST Small frame house, four rooms, bath, water, hydro, sewer. Possession immediately. Ideal location for coffee shop. TELEPHONE 723-9490 VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S,. -- 728-0921 Hurry Down For Tomorrow's Special Buy! 1958 M.G.A. White with black interior. Engine recently rebuilt. Driv- en by lady school teacher. $1045 ONTARIO Motor Sales Ltd. 140 BOND ST. WEST WEEK-END SPECIALS -- at -- DODD MOTORS 1960 Ford has gt Galaxy fully equip- low mileage. ¥ 1959 F Ford FORDOR 6 cylinder, transmis- sion. 1959 Mercury TWO DOOR hardtop. Auto- matic, power steering, pow- er brakes. One owner, low mileage. 195° Edsel TWO DOOR HARDTOP, Power equipped, black with red upholstery. Sharp, 1959 Oldsmobile DYNAMIC 88 TWO DOOR HARDTOP, power equipped, beautifully finished in light green and white, 1959 Pontiac FOUR DOOR, 6 cylinder au- tomatic ,radio, white. 1957 Cadillac CONVERTIBLE, Gleaming black with white wall tires. All powered, 1956 Mercury CONVERTIBLE. Power steer= " ing power brakes, radio, green with matching green and white interior. For real economical trans- portation we have 1--1959 Hillman 4-door 1--1959 Studebaker 4-door 1--1955 Austin 4-door We have 30 cars starting at $50. 1950 - 1955 Chev's, Pontiacs, Fords. DODD Motor Sales 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 (Continued on Page 22) TELEPHONE 725-6501