--s Birnie tne POS STN oe EW jcently with Sister Jean Ellicott,iexpressed a wish to attend, The program. wa Noble Grand, in charge, as-\each party. \Mrs. ice Philpp ae sisted. by Vice Grand Sister) Unit I of the United Church|Story of the Rural Church." Isabel Annis, who reported for|/Women met recently at the! the visiting 'committee, home of Mrs. Robert Miller, District Deputy President Sis-| The worship service was tak- 'People held their regular meet- ter Isabel Saunders was wel-jen by Mrs, Alvin Wilson andl The South American condor, ling recently with Miss Mary|C0med: | Invitations were _re-|the Bible study was taken by|With a wingspread of about'-10 [Lynn Blackman in charge of|°Ci¥ed to attend birthday par-|/Mrs. Cresswell, assisted by/feet, builds nests at heights of ties at Whitby, Oshawa and|Mrs. Ken Pascoe and Mrs. {10,000 to 15,000. feet in the 'the program while Gwen Petch land Allan Johnston had. charge Pickering. A number of sisters'Grant Johnston. 'Andes. of the lunch. The regular meeting of Joy not... capable of doing s0 sat- f? eg lisfactorily. cate aie should be fi 2 BIG FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS ! carted a oper og a bong the CLC. "It is the healthy CHUBBY CHECKER rather than the insurance as- ~ NEW ROLE ~ | Rural Church, Brougham Topic By MRS. M. ANNIS BROUGHAM -- The Young 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 25, 1962 CLC Urging Health Program existing voluntary plans so low- income groups can be covered. 'ARE NOT CAPABLE' "We readily concede that prepayment plans based on a pooling of the risk have made a useful contribution toward! making health care more read- ily available but they have ob- viously failed to make it uni- HUGE VULTURES pect on which attention must be focused, Unless and until this is done . , . Canadians will con- tinue to receive less health care} than they need." Doctors would be paid princi- pally by salary under the CLC} ee _a survey of the psychological ef- TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- versally available _and they are: proposals. -- dian Labor Congress called to- day for an all-out health serv- jces program in Canada under full government control. It told the royal commission én health services that a "fun- damental revision" is needed in the country's system of health gare and merely "tinkering with the status quo" is not good enough. Voluntary prepayment plans, the 1,000,000-member trade un- jon organization declared flatly, are not capable of making in- surance coverage available to all satisfactorily. Together with their families, workers represented by the la- por organization constitute about one-quarter of the Cana- dian population, Its bluntly-worded brief de- ajared that Canadians are in- adequately protected in terms of their health neéds, wom SACK CLAYTON SARECTOR OF "ROOM AT THE TOP" EXPERIENCE .9A06 ~ MICHAEL REDGRAVE 7 Une 'PAMELA FRANKLIN -« MARTIN STEPHENS ahd BNE Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE TODAY AT... 2:30 - 4:45 - 7:00 - 9:20 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE SOME DO NOT GET IT "Many people do not get any 'health care at all. Others do not get enough. In some instances, inno' be obtained 'ecause of the inability to pay for it. In others, it is unavail- able because of the lack of re- sources, both of personnel and fac ilities "Where health care is avail- able it is often fragmented and 'unco-ordinated. There is a growing disparity between the yolume of knowledge that is available and the ability of the practitioners . . . to make ef-| fective use of it." i The prepayment mechanism is no substitute for a well-or-| ganized program of high-quality health care, said the CLC This apparently was in reply to medical profession and busi- fiess leaders: who have told the »commission that the way to "tackle the health care problem ais for government to subsidize 5 TTS ETM) TONIGHT ONLY! | Ee DEBBIE REYNOLDS ' GLEN FORD fey in "THE || | "PIRATES r OF THE 4 vs on & BLACK HAWK" } AT 8:15 P.M IN COLOR A Ss Feeeppe erent ae TOMORROW!""THE LAST SUNSET" iNcotor "TOMMY THE TOREADOR" v ~, - THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401 . . . PHONE 723-4972 CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON TV Programs - Survey Plan Continues SASKATOON (CP) -- Efforts "to have the CBC and the Board of Broadcast Governors make fects of TV programs on chil- dren will be continued by the} Canadian Home and School and Parent-Teacher Federation. The decision to continue ef-| forts aimed at a study of the! effect of programs on children's | minds and personalities was |¢ made at the annual meeting here Federation President C. M. Bedford of Saskatoon said sur- veys in Eastern Canada indi-) cated the majority of children) spend more time watching TV programs than they spend " school. "Yet neither the CBC nor the | BBG nor any other group has | been willing to spend either} time or money in surveying the effect of these programs on the | growing child," he said. + He said the association oy "asked that $90,000,000 spent an-} Mually on TV broadcasting be Br AD ON Rope) RYAN ic. watien:SiRHS tused for such a survey. ¢ Delegates accepted a proposal} -- that an international conference be held: some time in 1967, at! "a place yet to be decided, as part of an international project Simed at better understanding between Canada and other lands. The ported Ontario federation = re- it has already decided to assist Arab refugees with books, ideas, money and other ways which might develop. Move To Evict -PC Candidate OTTAWA (CP)--The justice department has launched court} action to eict Leo Kelly, Con-) servative candidate in Russell] constituency, from land owned) by the National Capital Com-} mission. | Documents filed in the ao) ehequer Court of Canada say that with agreement of the fed-| eral agency Mr. Kelly moy ed) onto the land to develop a 100-| acre nine-hole golf course, with| the lease question left to subse-) quent negotiation. | However, no lease agreement could be reached and the com- mission asked Mr. Kelly to get) aff the land. But Mr. Kelly,} having spent about $200,000 to develop the course and build a clubhouse, refused. | Mr. Kelly, 35, is in partner-| ship with his father in a hotel) jn Eastview on Ottawa's east- ern fringe. The NCC land is in) tthe same general area, adja-| tcent to the Queensway. Tornado Kills Man 'Wrecks Houses ' WATERBURY, Conn. (AP)--| tornado killed one man and 'wrecked dozens of homes Thurs- Hay as it cut a jagged swath pf destruction in Waterbury and mearby towns. * At least 35 persons were hurt y the twister that hit with scant warning and did damage pstimated at several millions of dollars * State Police Commissioner Jeo Muleahy estimated that 45 homes were destroyed and 151 ie severely battered. Some usiness establishments and at Teast one echool were damaged eee wu ee coccecoccccccccccccees SGeeeseeeeeee ALL COLOR ACTION SHOW! THE KINGDOM OF KILLERS IS ON THE siti, SCREEN! .. blazing a saga that faved . , 2 nation! COLOR by DE LUXE Cr wEmaAScOCE > WENN a LEE eeeeeeeoeoseeee "NOW PLAYING! Rebekah Lodge took place re- IN PERSON DIRECT FROM WHEELING W. VIRGINIA For your LISTENING and DANCING pleasure Relax in the Comfortable Atmosphere of The CONTINENTAL ROOM in the TOWN & COUNTRY RESTAURANT 15 BOND STREET EAST with SIM LASH and his TRIO Featuring -- JOHNNY ROMERO EVERY FRIDAY -- 12 P.M. TILL 2 A.M. and EVERY SATURDAY. 'Late Night Dining Music' 12 p.m, till 3 a.m, $1.00 PER PERSON Chickie Williams PHONE 723-1821 © © THOSE "PILLOW TALK" PLAYMATES ARE ATIT AGAIN! © @ Tonight on lelorision The F Ome AMinislee of : Canade JOHN DIEFENBAKER CBLT TORONTO Channel 6 8:15 P.M. The Progressive Conservative Party ef Concde DOC WILLIAMS with the BORDER RIDERS AND SMOKEY PLEACHER Rock Huson Doris DAY TONY RANDALL VOTE nner' Mike' STARR Your Progressive-Conservative Candidate For Ontario Riding ALSO SLIM GORDON and LITTLE SHIRLEY SUNDAY MAY 27th, 8 P.M. RED BARN "OVER Cr OME BACK in Eastman COLOR / EDIE ADAMS JACK OAKIE- JACK KRUSCHEN \ A Unrwernad Rvtereat-onat Ratease Ke vevrvervy FFF FG GG sn nonr commencaree comeor ADULT We (byes ENTERTAINMENT _FEATURE TIMES--1: 30 - 3:25 - 5: 20 - 7:15 - 9: 15 TWO TERRY AND THE "LINCOLNAIRES" --ALSO-- The "Executives" SHORTS NIGHT "=== AT THE GET'S Ne ager a C.Y.1. Auditorium Don't ag It For The World! TONIGHT Tomorrow the World's Greatest ® SHOWS TONIGHT 8:15 SATURDAY MATINEE 2:15 P.M, SAT. NIGHT 8:15 _f _KINSMEN -MEMORIAL STADIUM NOW AT THE _ BRIN G THE WHOLE F AMILY -- e WILD ANIMAL ACTS! @ HIGH WIRE ACTS ® JUGGLERS! © CLOWNS ® WHIRLING Dervishes ® TRAINED DOGS @© MONKEYS @ ELEPHANTS etc. Adults ... $1.50 Children ...75c COOKING fi ...take her out to dinner tonight \@eveseee MOTOR HOTEL AND RESTAURANT "15 minutes trom Downtown Oshawa on Highway 401 ot Bowmanville" OPEN HOURS!! 7 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT DAILY ! SPHEHHEHHPOHMOSOREAEEEEFESESeESesess @Coevreeoseeeese » ee " SESSSSHHOSHSHSEHESHSEHSSESOSAEHEHAHOSHHSESEHSESEC HOSE EEEEROSESESE *Make the "I." sign for the ale that's brewed with just the heart of the hops for a perfect balance of vigour and smooth- ness ... Labatt's 50 Ale, Labatt