THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 25, 1962 'Oshawa's Don Jackson To Turn Professional LONDON (AP)--World cham-| Jackson, Canadian and North|stay on until the next Olympics; "I've seen all the great ones pion figure skater Donald Jack-|American champion and ajin 1964," Jackson said shortly)--Sonja Henie, Dick Button, son of Oshawa told reporters at|threat in world competition the after his Prague victory. Hayes and David Jenkins a | London Airport Thursday he|last few years, reached the top Always weak in the compul- none could compete with Jack-| will soon turn professional. at Prague last March when he)... ro 4, /SOn, : 4 sory figures but ranked with A fe Koen ihe: Julineke "I will skate soon for an became the first Canadian to the world's best in free skating, noun oad Tet thee ean ane ; American show," he said. win the men's world title. he became No. 1 in the world), ; Pes \tive skating was finished. ARTHUR THOMAS (Art) $ Potter, 52, of Edmonton, was # yesterday elected president *of the Canadian Amateur @# Hockey Association, during Riseburgh. ~+(CP Wirephoto) Jackson, 22, had appeared on; In the first flush of victory TV with Canada's other worldjhe dodged questions concerning champions, brother and sister|his amateur skating future, but Otto and Maria Jelinek of|several professional ice shows Bronte, Ont., who flew back/had expressed interest in the with him. lyoung Canadian. "I'd like to with an unprecedented series of triple jumps, the first in the history of competitive skating. | One veteran skating official said "there has never been any- Ithing like it." Unless Jackson and-the Jel- ineks change their minds, Can- ada's chances of a figure-skat-| ing gold medal at the 1964 Olym- pics in Innsbruck, Austria, are! slim. By BOB GREEN | Associated Press Sports Writer | It was just getting to the, point where American League pitchers weren't quite so fear-| ful about facing the might New York Yankees. Yogi Berra hasn't had a hit jfor a week. John Blanchard is hitting only .235 and Bill Skow- jron .197. Elston Howard is 100 jpoints under last season's av- jerage. Mickey Mantle is out |with injuries and the other half| that body's annual meeting |o¢ the M and M combo, Rogerjand Los Angeles Angels beat| . C at Ottawa. He succeeds Jack | aris, can be handled by walk-| Washington Senators 7-4 in night ninth when the Orioles charged ing him. Then along came Joe Pepi-| tone and the pitchers aren't so relaxed any more. | | The 21-year-old rookie from) Brooklyn, a onetime first base- man and more recently an out- jfield subsitute for first Maris Penalty Shot Yankee Rookie Joins | Mantle- May Get To Be Glamorized | MONTREAL (CP) When the rule-makers get down to business at the National] Hockey League's annual meet-| Maris Pace scored the winning run. Then,though yielding a homer to Vic came two home runs and four Power. | runs batted in. And Thursday) One of Hoyt Wilhelm's flut- ' joa ~ three i p tering knuckleballs got past Or- riple and homer as New YOrkKliole catcher Charlie Lau in theling h ani stopped Kansas City Athletics /tith inning and Detroit's Dickliry to do something to clamor! 9-4 and took a full game lead' McAuliffe raced home with thelize the penalty shot | over the idle Cleveland Indians.' winning run on the passed ball.| : f aga | Minnesota Twins fell two ph nay be tap aage ko and "gr fog sleeal et ae ne hice ' NR TL rown set it up. Home runs by| PP ions : I games off the pace when the) 4) xaline, his 13th, Rocky Col-|Mearer the defending goalie and| lowly Boston Red Sox beat them avito and Bill Bruton accounted|the Player taking the shot car- 7-5. Detroit Tigers edged Balti- tbe ail the earlier Detroit conse the puck straight in and| more Orioles 5-4 in 11 innings i *ilets fly when he wishes. | A hassle developed in the CHUCK HILLER, San Fran- cisco Giants' second base- man, skids home safely across the plate, in the first inning NHL president Clarence Campbell * dh 3 ng res : : said Thursday that ames. Cleveland and Chicago|that Tiger pitcher Jim Bunning) ~\ sal i White Sox were not scheduited. was roughing up the ball by us-|When ie rules committee ing his belt buckle. He left with|™eets June 4 it will consider] . TRIPLE IS HIGHLIGHT a blister on his finger after fin-|@ Proposal under which the Pepitone's two-run triple was| ishing the ninth. reap ALagionrn would be eg the key blow in the five-run) The Angeles broke a 4-4 tie siaver tahine the chotvoomid he New York third inning that) with 'tires tune in the. ninth and Plavet: taking tae Soe one wrapped it up against the Ath-|the help of some unusual Wash- allowed to skate around in a great wind-up performance-- Willie Mays' two-bagger into left field. Philadelphia catch- er is Clary Dalrymple. --(AP Wirephoto) ive, at Candlestick Park yester- day. This was a help in Giants' 7-4 win over the | Phillies, Hiller scoring on | ome Al Blank By MIKE RATHET Colts 5- |Mets 4-2. Pittsburgh Pirates de-|ble plays. George Witt (0-2) was feated St. Louis Cardinals 5-2\the loser. and Chicago Cubs edged Mil- waukee Braves 4-3. HOMERS. RUIN PHILS ' Blasingame had two singles,| All but one of the Giants' a double and a triple; Cardenas|"Uns came on homers, Consecu- a homer and run-scoring single,|tive shots by Mays and Orlando and Zimmer a double and two|Cepeda, his 13th, snapped * *-1 and now Mantle, is on a hitting/letics. He hit his fifth homer/ington play afield. It included| ey binge that has produced a sin-|9f the season two innings later| playing Leon Wagner's high fly ic di Break ; ° 9 {Olympic Oath Ms gle, a double, two triples and|and Blanchard hit another in|into a triple--which eventually 3 three home runs in the last|Sixth to provide Bud Daley with! developing into the winning run Associated Press Sports Writer Games until the oath is changed games. The Yanks have won/his second victory without loss.'--throwing to the wrong base| But once he crosses the oppos-| A weak-hitting second base- was defeated by a vote of 5 them all and Pepitone, a lanky) Carl Yastrzemski, Ed Bres- and a dropped ball at the plate.|ing team's defending blue line)man flashing a big stick, a part- f 'left-hand hitter, has had a key|soud and Carroll Hardy each|Bob Johnson hit his fourth) there would be no back-track-\time shortstop and a guy no- y, | Part in each, boosting his av-\drove in two runs for Boston|homer for Washington in the|!"8.- body wanted at third base sud- "lerage from .221 to .306. as the Red Sox managed their/sixth. Ryne Duren (2-3) won it denly have made Cincinnati In the first of the trio he! second victory in 10 starts. Mike/as the fourth Los Angeles pit- |Reds start to act like defend- even going behind his own net jif he wishes--and come whiz- zing along the rink length. « OTTAWA (CP) -- Are Cana- "dian hockey players who. take }money in compensation for sal-|to 2. #ary losses while playing in the; Delegates from Thunder Ba "Olympics breaking the Olympic/Ont., Saskatchewan, Alberta, oath? British Columbia and Ottawa 4 Jack Roxburgh, who stepped 4down Thursday as president of the Canadian Amateur Hockey approved it while the Maritimes aAssociation, says they are. He and Manitoba abstained. districts marked ballots against | Slashed a 12th-inning triple and|Fornieles (2-2) won it in relief,!cher. the motion. Quebec and Ontario) ~ Sey : poem i eS HEARING AID IN ctor" 'ieinannne |Leo Cardenas and Don Zimmer |--collected nine of Cincinnati's 114 hits Thursday night as the singles in the Reds' attack. tie in the sixth. After the Phils Meanwhile, Jay (6-4) centre of|t0ok a 4-3 edee iv * a rhubarb that caused mana-|two-run homers by Mays and ger Fred Hutchinson and coach|Felipe Alou put San Kranc to be ejected|ahead to stay. Juan Marichal s Gendebien To Race GRID HELMET . WINNIPEG (CP) -- Win- Canadian Auto nipeg Blue Bombers of the MONTREAL (CP) -- Belgian Western Football Confer- ace Olivier Gendebien will drive) ©"¢e today announced they Canadian-built auto in the are resorting to a novel ex- 'mile sports car race June) periment in the hope of be- 9 at the Mosport track in On-} ' ing able to use Clarence tario, it was learned Thursday Walker as a halfback. Walker is deaf and the Bombers plan to build a hearing aid into his helmet so he can hear on the field and in huddles. The 212-pound Dequincy, La., native tried out last year with the Bombers and 'said the oath forbids players |Pete Whisenant dfrom taking any monies and asked CAHA officers to pick the *therefore should be broadened|toam when they meet in late * Leafs Top Bison fo alow atnees 10 reeeve atlas Whie seven succes' WV th O Hurlers q 'Otherwise, if Canada and alllof selecting the club, the offi-| _ fthe countries taking part in the|cers are expected to pick the) BY THE CANADIAN PRESS jmade it 3-0 in the fifth. But/og9 gOlympics want to be honest,|<trongest senior club available| The bullpens in the Interna-/the Bisons bounced back with (they just can't send their/and strengthen it with replace-|tional Baseball League were|three runs in the sixth and took teams," he told delegates to the| ments, busy Thursday night. a 4-3 lead in the seventh. qclosing session of the CAHA's | Of eight starting pitchers in) yi. baseman Rocky Nel-| It would mark the first time pennual meeting. CHOOSE OFFICERS the four games played, only| on. homer, however, tied the a top European driver has s._Past-president Bob LeBel of| Art Potter of Edmonton was|Leroy Gregory of Atlanta went). ore in the eighth and a two-\raced a Canadian-mad 'Montreal and secretary - man-\named new president. Lionellthe route. He played a big role|i i. past by pinchhitter Lou a, "ager Gordon Juckes of Melville,|Fleury of Quebec City is thelin the Crackers' 108 VICCOFY|yackson won the gamé in thel et "Sask., said the Canadians are] first Mp aren po Fred/over OBE Mal wae 10th . | The vehicle -- a Dailu V-8 fectly justified in taking the! Page of Fort William is the sec-) A total ¢ pitchers saw ac-/ 4 icc Ne i ee xpath, s . ond vice-president. ition. Toronto Maple Leafs used| All Buffalo runs came off Mark One--was. built by Dave| = LeBel, also president of the| Delegates asked the presi- three as they edged Buffalo Bi-|homers. Pancho Herrera _hit| Greenblatt and Luigi Cassiani "International Ice Hockey Fed-\dents of the eastern branches|50%S 6-4 in 10 innings. The Bi-jone with one on in the sixth/of Montreal. They agreed to eration, said the Internation'l|to form a committee. to lay|5°TS used two. and Bob Morgan added @ solojiend the car to Gendebien after) one reason given for his Olympic Committee has em-|plans for the association's 50th|,°t S¥Tacuse, Rochester Red/drive in the same inning. Danlit. Rosebud team of Texas was! ' ; . : : powered the IIHF to decide annual meeting a Ohie ;|Wings bombed the Chiefs 15-4/Cater's homer in the eighth , ; : 'id 1 7 Mi Kl failure to stick with the what countries can enter 1994 . ® 1 but starter Nat Martinez wasn't|gave the Bisons their tempo-|Unable to provide a Lotus Mark) 02m was his faulty hearing. hockey teams in the Olympics. i jaround at the end. He was re-/rary 4-3 lead. (XIX for the Belgian as planned. | Dates for next year's Domin-|lieved by Tom Baker in the} PERMITS PAYMENTS ion finals in senior and juniorj|fifth inning and Baker The That hurdle over, delegates Reds whipped Houston Colts 5-0| when they protested eight|Started for the Giants but had |behind Joey Jay's six-hitter and/straight pitches called balls,|t0 leave in the fourth with a enring - who at|Louis (Simmons 6-1) night. | Chicago (Koonce 2-0). at Cin- aticinnati (Drabowsky 0-3) night. Pittsburgh (Friend 4-5) at Houston (Bruce 2-1) night. New York (Jackson 2-4) Angles (Moeller 2 Minnesota (Kralick 3-2) Chicago (Horlen 3-2) night. Cleveland Ramos 0-1) Washington (Osteen 0-4) night National League WL Pet. GBL 29 14 .674 15 .643 23:15 .605 16 .566 17 .541 7 23 .425 By THE CANADIAN PRESS American League w Pct. GBL 639 | 611 L 23 13 2 14 23 17 12 games. Colts with the aid of three dou-|Picked un the victorv ith Cal Virtually counted out before McLish (4-1) taking the loss. were stripped of key personnel Bill H the Dodger«' firs aiid gers' first run, then by the expansion draft and the 1 arvey drove in the deciding tally Freese, the Reds have begun inning single, That gave the vic. en eee |(2-1) who held the Mets hitless Zimmer at thir London Track for the last two innings after | batting average, pinsipanames |Podres allowed only four hits responded with a bevy of hits LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Bill --but one was a two-run homer denas, who hit .308 on a fill-in ee eR aC basis last year is hitting at aie Fair Raceway's day night to increase his num- 7 COMES TO LIFE ber of wins to 13. YESTERDAY S$ But the biggest surprise has Norwich won with Josedale on) New York Mets in the draft and Review in the third, Sister Har- trade, he started out as a pinch|E. Lee in the seventh, the fea- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS B ALL SCORES AND STANDINGS |hitter for the Reds but now has|tured C-1 Trot. He almost won| Pitching -- Joey Jay, Reds, been installed at third off his|with May Trust in the eighth/blanked Houston 5-0 with six- 10-for-20 performance. litter I A While the Reds were' solving line Lee. |Cincinnati snapped Colts' three- seventh, Harvey kept, 82me Winning streak ing San. Francisco Giants re-|Helen E. ) i aga gained their hitting touch when|mare owned by Andrew Bell ofjants, came off bench hit 1h | at/powered homers Ne 1° °"" "\chortly after the start. He| batted in, his last shot driv ~* r)'and led them to a 7-4 conquest dropped back into third 'position in go-ahead run in 7-4 triumph coasted to their ninth victory in|settied down to handcuff the/Sore knee. Stu Miller (2-1) the season started after they Frank Howard homered. for jinjury to third-baseman s against the Mets with an eighth to roll with Blasinghame at sec- Wins No. 13 tory to reliever Larry Sherry Benched earlier with a .219 taking over for Johnny Podres, raising his mark to .284. (or-\yotvey jeading driver at West-/by Frank Thomas, his 12th. respectable .270 clip. jmeet, won three races Thurs- The 52-year-old racer from} been Zimmer, STARS hit a pitiful .077, Acquired in a/mony C in the sixth and Helen ibut was nosed out by Stream-|hitter, brining record *. f* =s their problems, the league-lead-| In the pid Lee, a six-year-old). Batting -- Willie Mays, Gi- |Willie Mays came off the bench, Norwich, in second placejand 13th homers for three runs Los m night of Philadelphia Phillies. Los An- i over Philadelphia that sn° Philadelphia (Hamilton 3-3)/geles Dodgers remained a game)4S Island Song took the leadjsan Francisco's three - game at San Francisco (Pierce 6-0)/and a half back by beating the'away from Amber Lad. 'losing string, night ~ ny as pieoesaisess aie 114 114 5 6 1014 % 1 hy ¥ International League VL Pet 24 750 594 5 eal <7 516 7% 469 9 424 10% 9 .367 12 10 20 .333 13 Toronto 100 020 0102- 6 81) Buffalo 000 003 1000- 4 92) Constable, Pena5 (7) Raymond| (10) and Porter; Lopez, Surkont (8) and Lonnett Rochester 102013 161 - 15 183 Syracuse 001 030 000- 4 62) Martinez, Baker (5) and Can-| nizzaro; Hannan, Gabler (6)! Powell (6) Bouldin (8) and Dot- terer. Columbus . GBL| Jacksonville ae Buffalo Toronto Rochester Atlanta Richmond Syracuse Columbus 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' TOMORROW finds a variety of sports entertainment on tap for the local fans, those who are tennis or awn bowling enthusiasts, can take in their first big opening event of the season and for those who want to watch some spirited acion, we recommend the 2nd annual Ontario Schools "'Seven-A- Side" rugger tournament, being held on the grounds of the Bonevan Collegiate. The Oshawa Tennis Club will hold its official opening of the season, tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock and tied in with their "'first serve' is "Open House" --an opportunity for tennis enthusiasts to see the handsome new clubhouse and quarters, just recently completed. At the local lawn bowling club, it's a men's doubles tournament, with the W. Cooke Trophy as premier award. 4 7 5 2 000 320 000- 5 81 RUGGER ACTION at Donevan Collegiate campus gets under way at noon. They've four entries in the senior divi- sion, nine Junior entries and six Bantam teams ready to face the barrier. They play round-robin sessions, so all the teams see plenty of action, brief but hectic. Winning teams receive the Manufacturers' Trophies while both the winners and runners-up receive Ontario Rugger Union crests. There wil] be lots of rugged rugger when these enthusiastic young- asters tangle and the spectators will have Jots to watch, with two games going on at the same time -- on the two different fields. When it's all over, Hon. "Mike" Starr will make the trophy presentations while Ontario Rugger Union officials will conduct the tourfament and handle all details. He said the ITHF permits pay- play were also announced. The/credited with the win. The away from Olympic Winter|April 27. Jacksonville Suns extended their league lead to five full|\New york Le pick up the triumph. Three Co-|/Chicago 513 414 |St. Louis |lumbus pitchers failed to stop/petroit 7 500 Mancina |Lock got to him for a three-|New York 005 020 02x- 9 83\Chicago run homer in the fifth but he) Raxow (4.3) Archer (5) Wyatt|New York 2 23 .343 13 100 000 300- 4 92 Downing, first of three Rich- Minnesotz ' k 9 : base cn Phare nesota =: 101 002 100 - 5 72 Larsen (4) Miller (2-1) (7) and mond | Ditchers, was chargediposton 004 030 00x- 7101/Bailey, Haller (7). HRs: SF-- 1 nieles (2-2) (2) Kolstad (7) and|Los Angeles 010000 12x- 4 71 Tillman, HR: Min--Power (4).' Miller, Anderson (3-2) (7) and MONTREAL (CP) -- The Stock (6) Wilhelm (2-2) (8) and St. Louis 100 000 001 - 70 Lau, HRs: Det -- Kaline (13)). McBean (5-1) Olivo (9) Face Jack'ville 110 201 Olx- 6 80 A squirrel's cache was discovered in a hollow (7) Duren (2-3) (8) and Rodg- Milwaukee -- 020 000 010- 3 61 Atlanta 501 002 20x - 10 112 ers; Rudolph, Daniels (1-5) (8) . Buhl (3-2) Schultz (9) and Downing, Wieand (2) Carpin ment of allowances to make up/Allan Cup finals, to be played| Wings blasted 18 shots off four for loss of income. in the east, will get under way|Syracuse pitchers, including Roxburgh's motion to have April 21 while Memorial Cup|John Gabler, the second Chiefs games with a 6-5 victory over|Cjeyeland Columbus Jets. Ted Abernathy,/Minnesota 575 second Suns pitcher, hurled|jo, Anpeies 9 17 .528 ISan Francisco 9 18 ; By Geo. H. Campbell jthe Suns. |Kansas City. 439 Pittsburgh SPORTS EDITOR | Gregory gave up nine Rich-|poston 5 22 .405 Milwaukee mond hits but he kept them/Washington 26 .278 13 | Philadelphia 421 10% § 24 400 11% steadied down after that. ie (6) Grim (8) and Azcue; Daley|Phila. winning pitcher also helped his\(2.9) Coates (6) and Howard,/San Fran. 100 002 40x- 7 90 own cause by Delling a two-runiiRs: KC--Jdimenez: (8); N--| McLish (4-1) Green (7) Short with the loss. : ; Z ' 4 . At Buffalo, the Leafs went) Bonikowski (3-3) Stange (5)|Mays 2 (13) Cepeda (13) F. head 1-0 in the first inning and|Moore (7) and Zimmerman, Alou %. (7); Schwall, Detroit 600 030 100 01- 510 1\Chiti; Podres, L. Sherry (2-1) Baltimore 000 022 000 00- 4100'(8) and Roseboro, HRs: NY-- Bunning, Nischwitz (1-) (10);Thomas (12); LA--Howard (3). mystery of the disappearing golf balls on the fourth hole of the Senneville Golf Club (Colavito (5) Bruton (6). (9) and Leppert; Sadecki (2-3) Pepper, Butters (4) Black- Los Angeles 000 002 023- 7122 Broglio (4) Bauta (9) and Swat- burn (5) and Rushing; Gomez,| Washington 300001 000- 4 91 ski. HR: Pgh--Stuart (4). Abernathy (5) and Thomas. stump just off the fairway. It yielded at least 50 balls, some of them obviously a and Schmidt. HR: Was--John-/Batragan, Thacker (9); Hend-|(7) and Kravitz; Gregory and son (4). ley (2-4) and Torre. HR: Mil-- McCarver Probable Pitchers Today Mathews (8). Games Today Canadian hockey teams stay|playoffs in the west are to start/hurler, who took the loss five innings of scoreless ball to|paitimore S444 Loe Angeles 19 well scattered at Atlanta. Don/Kansas City 000 112000- 4 92 Houston 26 .350 1314 homer in, the sixth. inning | Pepitone (5), Blanchard (6). _((8) and Dalrymple; Marichal, Naragon For- New York | 002 000 000- 2 Kline (11) and Brown; Fisher,| Pittsburgh 100 201 001 - 81 has been solved Belinsky, Grba (6) Morgan Chicago 020 000 011- 4 81 Richmond 100 030 001- 5 91 carry-over from last season. Detroit (Mossi 3-4) at Cincinnati 100 011 200- 5140) Toronto at Buffalo (N) New | ; Houston 000 000 000- 0 60, York (Stafford 3-2) night. Jay (6-4) and Edwards: Witt | Baltimore (Estrada 2-5) atj(0.2) Guisti (5) Anderson (7) May Quit IHL aa n (Monbouquette 3-4)/Tiefenauer (9) and Ranew. HR: a. Ms \ >. : pone wi ki a sg" rag LE Indianapolis 8 Omaha 5 g ¥ 1 Bae in _.| Los Angeles (McBride 3-3) at} robable Pitchers Teday (Louisville 4 Dallas-Ft Worth 1, \ \@@?2 Bes ssc Mi proposed|Kansas City" (Bass 1-5) Night. ' Milwaukee (Curtis 1-3) at St.|Oklahoma City 11 Denver 5 | \ y withdrawal and Denver's pos- <silaieiiesaaaan ne aacmmmmioae te sible admission are on the agenda of the International Hockey League's meeting at Chicago today. | Frank Gallagher, outgoing jcommissioner of the IHL, said jat his headquarter thursday) |that his successor also may be |selected at the meeting, Rochester at Syracuse (N) | Columbus at Jack'ville (N) Richmond at Atlanta (N) American Association SPORT BITS -- CAHA secretary - manager Gordon | Juckes has' revealed that Edmonton Oil Kings made $18,787 in their Memorial Cup playoffs this past spring, so they won, even if they lost the title -- because Hamilton Red Wings drew only $12,284. But the Oil Kings had more games under CAHA administration while most of Hamilton's playoff games were still under the direction of the OHA. Trail won won the Allan Cup but got only $5,625 out of their playoffs (fourth highest) with Winnipeg Maroons tops -- they made #10,921. . . . YEARS AGO they used to say "put a Yankee Canadian Schentey Ac \ Precast Ready-Made Concrete Steps and Railings by Unit-Step The Quick Economical Way -- No Fuss -- No Muss ®@ Give your home a whole new look Suniform on an average ball player and he'll promptly play dike a star.' Things haven't changed much -- Joé Pepitone fwas at it again yesterday, with a homer and a triple and if e@ keeps that up -- Yankees will not only hardly notice Eonepey Mantle is on the sidelines but when Mickey gets Sack -- how otfen will they be playing Yogi Berra? ILLIE MAYS hit two homers for Giants yesterday and élped the club end a three-game slump THE CAHA lected Arthur Thos. Potter of Edmonton as their new presi- ent and they turned thumbs down on retiirng president Jack oxborough's motion that Canada not send a team to the $1964 Olympic Games. THE NHL is expected to put a unior player draft system into effect, when they hold anmual meeting in Montreal, 10 days fronr now. | Gallagher's term ends June 15 jand he already has accepted the |position of general manager of jthe IHL's new club at Port |Huron, Mich. Toledo is' contemplating fol- \lowing Indianapolis by disband- jing and withdrawing from the| loop made up of seven cities! last season, Gallagher said |. Denver already has applied) for an IHL franchise, Gallagher) jsaid, and possibly will be added) |for next season. He said Kansas {City may also send a represen- tative to the meeting. © The ultimate in performance and safety. (Safety Treads on every Riser and Porch Top) yet hear Ancient Over 90 different sizes to choose from. fm Completely installed by us. Phone Today for FREE Estimate or Drive Out to the Yard. The Only Dealer in the Oshawa-Whitby Area. HIGHWAY 2 AT THICKSON RD. MO 8-4159 Smooth. and mellow as a tropical night, ty as a buccaneer's laugh... Mariner Black Label brings a taste of. adventure to every rum drink. Cnacen So CNOMeY SA. ib