@ '%'%8 GINAWA Times, Thuraey, Mey 24, Day Program Achievement On Saturday UXBRIDGE Eighty-nine south Ontario County 4-H Home- making Club girls will complete their spring project on Satur- day, May 26. This will be the Achievement Day for the proj- ect "Being Well Dressed and Well Groomed". The Achieve- ment Day program will be held in the Uxbridge United Church Hall and will begin at 9.00'a.m. This is the first of two Achievement Vays to be held in the county. On Saturday, June 2, another 80 girls from the north part of the county will complete the same project. This will be held in the Brock Dis- trict High Schoo] at Cannington. Clubs completing this Satur- day in Uxbridge will be Sand- ford, Quaker Hill, Bethesda Reach, Uxbridge, Prince Albert, Brookli::, Brougham, Mt. Zion, Greenwood and Scugog. The afternoon program will begin at 1.30 p.m. Each club will present either an exhibit, demonstration or skit on some topic from the project which they have been studying. There will be a colorful display of the garments and record books that the members have completed in STORM DAMAGE SLIGHT -- OPP BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Last night's downpour was an inconvenience for at least one local motorist. Storm sewers at the Lib- erty street underpass at Highway 401 were unable to dispose of the flowing water fast enough, causin, a foot of water to filo the street. This resulted in a num- ber of stalled cars. Storm damage byl out the district was slight, according to the Ontario Provincial Police, Bowman- ville Detachment. this project. Ontario County Farm Calendai UXBRIDGE -- The followin; are the dates, times and placer of activities of interest to On- tario County farmers: Thursday, May 24, 8.00 p.m.-- Cannington, Brock District High School -- May meeting for the North Ontario 4-H Automotive and Farm Safety Club and the Brock 4-H Grain Club. Saturday, May 26, 8.30 a.m.-- Beaverton -- The annual On tario County Livestock Judging Competition. Registration wil! take place at the farm of George McLaughlin, Beaverton Saturday, May 26, 9 a.m-- Uxbridge, United Church -- Achievement Day for the 4-H lomemaking Clubs in South On- 'ario. Monday, May 28, 8:00 p.m.-- Jxbridge, Department of Agri- cukure Board Room May meet- 'ng for the Scott 4-H Potato -- and the Scott 4H Grain Monday, May 28, 8.00 p.m.-- Atherley -- May meeting for the Mara 4-H Tractor Club at the tmplement Shop of Allan Byers, Atherley. Friday, June 1, 6.30 p.m-- Maple -- Annual Twilight Meet- 'ng for the Central Ontario Cattle Breeders' Association. Saturday, June 2, 9.00 a.m.-- Cannington, Brock District High School -- 4-H Homemaking Club Achievement Day for North On- tario. « CENTER OF LINCOLN.CENTRE * ? Hotel EMPIRE Broadway et 63rd Street © 700 rooms & suites --~ mest with ATR. CONDITIONING, TV ond rede Cocktail Lounge © Garage adjacent to hotel PLUS many specie] Empire carventoness wud 2 Baby Sitters, Phyvicien, Sightseeing Renee. Train & Pane Revervations, Redio® TV Tickear NEW YORK 23, MX" COlumbon 5-7400_ looks over his shoulder and 12-year-old Rene Lacroix of Trulls road north carries out final inspection. --Oshawa Times Photo New Tents Erected By Boy Scouts THREE SCOUTS from the | regulation Scout tent. Doug- 18th Oshawa troop in Cour- | !#s Bradley, 12, of Darling- tice add the finishing touches | 7 semen Wig fe = 6g to the erection of their new | Novak, 12, of Bowmanville, AJAX SCHOOLS OPEN Board Approves Political Rally AJAX (Staff) -- The Ajax|to use the auditorium on May| COURTICE (Staff) Tent Public School Board was briefly/ 28. jpitching was the agenda of the involved in the Federal election| Trustee Jack Reid commentedjevening for the 18th Oshawa) race on Tuesday when a motion|that the last time there was a\Boy Scout Troop of Courtice} was put forward banning a cer-| political meeting in the Park-/Tuesday. | tain political party from using|side auditorium, the party took! Scoutmaster Charles Carpen- the auditorium of Parkside|down the Queen's picture andjter explained that last year Junior School for a political/hoisted a picture of a certain|the boys had been using Bell meeting. |Prime Minister of Canada's pic-|tents, but this year the troop Property Committee chair. ture. jacquired two regulation Scout man, Donald Kemp, proposed! 'That was a Queen-For-A-Day| tents. the resolution that the organ-|political meeting" he said. a requires a great deal ization's request be not ganted| Trustee Ralph Webster dis-| more skill to erect the regula- because, he said, school build-|agreed with the resolution. |tion size tents,"' said Mr. Car- ings could only' be used for) "This is a democratic] penter, "and having been educational, recreational and/country'"' he said, "and our po-|shown how to do it only once civic purposes, litical parties should not be re-| my boys did it in remarkable "According to our constit-/ stricted from holding their meet! time," ution" he said "'political meet-|ings in the schools. It took them five and a half ings are not included in the! "tt is part and parcel of our| minutes. list : »» ca: DOlitical system" he added "'and| There are 30 boys between It_is public property" said|i¢ the board decides to turn one|the ages of 12 and 15 years in Mr. Kemp "'and should be used) party away, then we should|the 18th Oshawa troop. They for public meetings." .__|turn them all away." |meet in the Courtice United With the following discussion "We are fortunate to live in|Church every Tuesday from 7 on the resolution, Mr. Kemp, a free country' said Trustee|to 9 p.m. } pointed out that there was only via one other board member, be. sides himself, who knew what Margaret Devolin "and the} political party made the request board should take the responsi-jon, it received a solitary vote bility of opening its doors tojin favor and and the rest op- more people so that they can|/posed. The organization, then Livestock Judging learn what is going on. |named as the Liberal Asso- "I hope the organization fills|ciation, was granted permission the hall.' |to hold the meeting in the audit- When the resolution was voted! orium. BEAVERTON -- The Annual Ontario County Junior Farmer Livestock Judging Competition will be held in the Beaverton! area on Saturday, May 26. | The judging competition is under the direction of H. L. Fair, Agricultural Representa- tive, Uxbridge, and W. D. Keys, Associate. Agricultural represen- tative. All Junior Farmer and 4-H Club members and any other farm boys or girls under 26) years of age as of November 1, 1962, are eligible to enter this competition. The day will begin with reg-| istration at Elmcroft Farms,| @ Beaverton, RR 3, at 8.30 a.m.| § Judging will be done in the} morning at the farms of local) livestock breeders. Reasons will! be given on the classes judged) following lunch. | The ability to judge livestock) is one of the first essentials) # * | for a successful livestock farm-| § ; PEARSON CAMPAIGNS IN COURTICE er. The ideal of every good| Liberal Leader Lester B. before shak- breeder should be to breed) animals with a combination of Youhe choad in A BUICK in so many wonderful ways! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE with Buick's LUXURY AND CONVENIENCE | Sumptuous interiors upholstered in rich fabrics of breathtaking beauty... plush deep-pile carpeting underfoot ... Clear, easy-to-read instruments set in a handsomely finished instrument good type ahd an outstanding ability to produce. The development of a good herd can be accomplished by learning the basic skills in the art of judging. It is only through careful observation and practice that good livestock Péatson met with Durham Riding Liberal Candidate Russell C. Honey yesterday for an open-air gathering in Courtice. Mr. Pearson spoke briefly to the gathering which inelnded high school students from Courti¢e, ing hands with everyone. He told the gathering that there is a tremendous indication of an upswing of the Liberal party which he hopes will carry through to the polls June 18. panel... finely detailed appointments ... Set Buick apart as the fashion- minded car of the year! Elegant Buick Electra 225 4-Door Riviera Sedan Gu) with exclusive ADVANCED THR US ac for steadier going Buick travels straighter and truer--even in heavy crose- winds--thanks to 'Advanced Thrust" design... a Buick exclusive which moves the engine forward over the front wheels. More weight up front means less steering effort to keep Buick on course. Another happy result of "Advanced Thrust"--a drastic flattening of the. front seat floor! Torrid Performing Buick Wildcat Medium-Size Buick Special New fun-size Buick with eager-to-go V6 or fiery Vouh --Oshawa Times Photo MORE ENERGY judges can be developed aluminum V8 engine. Sample this happy mes dium-s8ize Buick today! TURBINE DRIVE for shift-free driving You'll thrill to the unbelievable smoothness of Turbine Drive transmission--standard on all full-size Buicks! It delivers smooth-flowing acceleration that's completely shift-free! with smooth With Whitewall tires optional at extra eost! : 5 HONEY| 2 Ope Betton... IN DURHAM COUNTY THE MAN WHO KNOWS THE PEOPLE Born of United Counties parentage -- raised on a prdaitie tarm. Veteran of World War II Mechanic. with Trans Canéda Air Lines D.V.A. - Trained lawyer TAKE A STAND FOR TOMORROW VOTE LIBERAL [ RUSSELL C. HONEY od Be sure and see The Tommy Ambrose Show" on the CBC TV Network on Friday evenings and "Singalong with Mitch" on the CTV Network on Thursday evenings. Check local listings for channel and time. THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED 266 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE: 723-4364 WHITBY, ONTARIO RYERSON GRAD Douglas Pascoe, son of G. | Harvey Pascoe, RR 2, Osh- awa, recently graduated from | RyersonNinstitute in electrical | technolo He is starting | work at) Canadian General Electric Peterborough. [x |