17--Male Help Wanted 20--Room and Board 25--Apts. & Flats tor Rent 26--Rooms for Rent '27--Real Estate for Sale [27---Real Estate for fos Sele THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Moy 24, 1962 2 17--Male Help Wanted MECHANIC for night shift. Must be first class man with truck experience. Five nights weekly .Apply to Ww, La- im, Service Manager, Seaway Mo- 200 Dundas West, Whitby. FARM hand -- married m for dairy herd. Separate "nous avail- able. Sunderland area. Write Box 439, Oshawa Times, giving references. ROOM and board for gentlemen. Close Motors. Television 147. --«--«Mill_~--sStt. | water, $30 MONTHLY Raglan, four rooms with private entrance. ae and cold use athroom. On highway. Telephone 655-3494. FURNISHED bedroom, suit gentlem or lady, quiet district north of hospital, Parking. $7 weekly. Apply 100 Bucking- ham. 728-2758, an|ONLY $10,800 modern two-| brick bungalow in Courtice, cil high 728-1510 after 5 p.m, No ceo 'TWO serviced lots, con-|49"_% 150°. Terms. 'Telephone era veniences, large lot, close to pub: 'nd schools, $1000 down. Telephone EXPERIENCED ores salesman 1, wanted, T MAN, Must have ear. For two to three hours work per evening. No selling. Call until 6 p.m. Telephone 728-6128. MEN WANTED ASPHALT raker. Apply Ken Ashmore Paving Limited, 557 Garrard Road or 728-8412. 19 COLBORNE Street East in clean. quiet home. Close to north General Motors and downtown. Apply at above address. 592 DREW Street, three-room apart- ment, unfurnished, private entrance, private bathroom, parking, laundry fa- cilities, auuis home. Newly decorated, sink in kitchen. suit illing t PAUL RISTOW LARGE d af with refrigerator, laundry facilities, parking. Apply 63 Greta Street. Tele- phone 723-7809. share, Pros rd beds, $15 ears $13 for eg i a Laundry, television, cent: ral.| FURNISHED t SUCCESSFUL businesses have built on the strength of a a Oshawa Times Classified Ads, Dial 723-3492 now to boost your profit. REALTOR bi gptnearcpa bedroom in private home, Apple Hill pri-| sui vate entrance and washroom, close to bus, Adults only, Telephone 728-1720, ATTENTION builders, 1% storey five- room brick with five "Your Key distrft, good E service. T We are in the agricultural product business -- Bock in the. olden days most of our contacts were made with horse and buggy, door to door. Still we keep a couple of Experienced Floor Covering SALESMAN Apply:---- T. EATON CO. Oshawa Shopping Centre plow horses. Progress came and we changed to tractors and modern equipment. Now we advertise and people write to us before we go and see them. Our men today drive new and late model cars of their own, We still need men with our grandfathers' pio- neer spirt. $o, if you feel young and modern, with the old fashioned "Go- Getter" salesman concern -- to earn BIG $ and don't mind going places, "Come and See Us" MONDAY 2-5 p.m. MONDAY 7-9 p.m. Genosha Hotel, ROOM 504 Management TRAINEES for PACIFIC FINANCE Credit Limited We are looking for sharp intelligent, aggressive young men, with or with- out finance experience, to train for Branch Man- agers. These positions offer: 1. Excellent opportunity for Advancement. Salory commensurate with experience with merit in- creases, . Profit sharing. . Pension Plan, § Life, Disability and Medical Insurance. 2. Carr necessary. Mileage reimbursed. For Appointment REQUIRED 2 INSTRUMENT MEN For road and municipal ser- vice surveys. Must be ex- perienced on transit and level work. 1 DRAUGHTSMAN To do draughting for roads end municipal services. The above are permanent positions. Salary to be nego- tiated in accordance with qualifications and experience. Apply .in writing to: George L. Totten, Consulting Engineer, Cobourg, Ontario. PAINTERS Three Men Required Must be top-notch, Interior and Exterior Painting Telephone MO 8-5862 After 6 p.m. 725-6571 18--Male or Female Help Wanted CANVASSERS Three men or ladies for part-time work, day or evenings. FOR APPOINTMENT Call RON WILSON Telephone 728-9403 FULL OR PART TIME HAIR DRESSER or HAIR STYLIST FOR ULTRA MODERN SALON Wage and Commission Good Hours. Telephone Mrs. Hughes MO. 8-3061 EVENINGS MO 8-2377 725-7426 17--Male Help Wanted THE OSHAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD REQUIRES ONE MALE TEACHER FOR NEW GRADE 9 AND 10 SCHOOL OPENING IN Apply stating experience, SEPTEMBER qualifications and salary expected to FRANK E, SHANAE Business Administrator 357 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, Ontario ARE YOU LOOKING? For a permanent, stable position in sales work with an exciting new food service? Commercial Food Mart will employ four men who will meet ou r standards. We train you and offer excellent lead program, salary good bonus system, hospitalization, vacation pay, other benefits. Must have excellent car. TELEPHON character, bondable, E 728-4984 OR VISIT US AT 75 RICHMOND MR. C Your inquiry STREET WEST ARNIE confidential oom and board for Suit- able for construction worker. Apply 81 Park Road South, Telephone 728-9287 SINGLE room for gentleman. Board optional, Home cooked meals. Apply 292 King Street East. ROOM and board, close to north plant and hospital, Handy to downtown, stop at corner, Telephone 725-2305. $15 SEVEN-DAY week, home-cooked meals, single gentlemen, English speak- ing, Telephone 728-4423. CORNEB Simcoe South and Sandra 65 ELGIN EAST -- furnished be gerd ark- $17,9003 with $5000 down. Tele; 9827, to Action" Streets, Th apart- ment, $55 monthly, Suitable couple or gentlemen. Child welcome. 723-2066. suit ing facilities. For . fatto particulars, telephone 725-6146. BOWMANVILLE --Three-room apart- meni, kitchenette and bathroom. Lawn bus|and play area for children. Free park- King MA\|o¢ West, T GARAGE and furnished front bed- room; private home, gentleman only, abstainer, North End section, vicinity ing. 63 3-5996. CADIS TEAC South 72, three large bright rooms, heavy duty , wiring. and Greta. Telephone 995.3089, ab- LIGHT room, LARGE, comfortable room for gentle- peop on day shift, lunches i Bese. home cooked meals, laundry if Reasonable, Telephone 723-1248. FOR GENTLEMEN room ana board, junches packed, singles C7 to share, for adults, $60 ites hydro and heat, clea stainers, $6 weekly, between downtown, THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnish- ed, self-contained, heavy wiring, heat- ed, hot and cold water, parking, avail- able, 822 King Street East, at bus|!ng stop, Telephone 725-5373. very central, at 296 King Street East, near Ritson Road. AVENUE STREET, 20-- peenen * 2 Centre. 728-0429, Park road South 27 LARGE, bright, seed housekeep- room, in priva home, studio couch, refrigerator, ates closet, near Abstainers. hospital and downtown. 725-5228. FURNISHED room with board, suit lady, new home, adult family. Close to bus and pe bmg Raga laundry facilities. T CARNEGIE ae 708 = Cool, comfortable room and board. quiet home, lunches packed, home cooked meals, laundry, parking. Private en- trance, bath. Gentlemen, $15. 21--Room & Board Wanted WANTED -- quiet home, for alert elderly lady. Due to heart condition, house must be bungalow, and lady should not be left alone, Prefer com- fortable clean room with good board with use of living room and televi- sion, Willing to pay well for suitable|¢, accommodation, Please reply giving location and necessary information to Box 346, Oshawa Times. 22--Storage Space and Garages 209 SIMCOE Street South, 1000 square foot area for rent. Ample store front parking. Rear entrances, Cobourg Franklin 2-9992, leggy ree , rang heat aod parking. ented '57 month, Available June 1, 1962, 728-1395. TWO furnished rooms and kitchenette, self-contained, TV outlet, central, Ab- Apply 51 Nassau, BOWMANVILLE -- L d heat- ed apartment, three rooms, _kitchen- ette and hathroom. Apply 63 King Street West, or telephone MA 3-5996, Pnonaegitbe BOULEVARD NORTH -- Four-room apartment, private bath, $80 monthly includes heat, hydro, TV outlet, stove, refraecate, dryer. Tele- phone 722-9881 MAIN FLOOR DUPLEX rooms, plus three-piece wood floors, continuous parking, laundry facilities. Conveniently. located. 589 Street. QUEBEC STREET, 83 -- Two furnish- ed rooms, kitchenette, bath; antenna. Ideal for one or two persons; abstain- ers, no smoking, $50 monthly. 725-1318, TAUNTON ROAD WEST, 250 -- Three- room heated unfurnished apartment, bath, $52 month. Telephone ' 725-7462. THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- trance and bath, King and Park Road area, Adults preferred, $75 monthly. -- three bath, hard- hot water, Reasonable, Albet BRAND NEW OFFICE IS AVAILABLE Newly Built... Elevator Ser- vice... Bright... Freshly Painted ... Tiled Floors... Available in Few Days... Moderate Rent... Lease Available... Third Floor... Ask for T. L. Wilson. THE TIMES BUILDING MARY & KING STREETS OSHAWA 23--Wonted to Rent 1952 CHEVROLET, in good condition, two power lawn mowers, one 21 inch, one 18 inch, Will trade for 1953 car of any make. Apply 191 Annis Street. Tele- phone 725-1201. IMMEDIATELY, at least room house, reasonable rent, area. Telephone Brooklin 655-4821 be- fore 9 p.m. FAMILY of six (two school-age) re quires six- or seven-room home in Osh- awa, by June 15, Telephone 725-8114, Two professional 1 women "wish to rent two bedroom house or bungalow 'for July 1, north Oshawa area. Write Box 441 Oshawa Times, HOUSE wanted by middle-aged peanee man and wife, references if required. Oshawa district. MO 8-8769 afte 8 5.30 p.m, three-bed- SE ' Brooklin | ¢}, THREE-ROOM basement a dryer, TV outlet, heavy duty T 725-8245, VACANT two and three-room furnish- ed apartments, parking, central, child welcome, Telephone 728-4386 or 723-9180 FOUR room unfurnished apartment, one block from bus, handy to shopping centre and downtown, light wiring, 3- piece private bath, 725-2975. TWO-ROOM apartment, with built-in sink and cupboards, reasonable rent available now. 118 Adelaide East. Phone MA 3-2750. BRIGHT, attractive apartments, down- town location, three rooms and bath, refrigerator and range, reasonable rent to good tenants. Telephone Michael Clayton from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 725-3501. 340 MONTHLY infurnished, self-con-| tained, large bed sitting room, kitchen and toilet, shopping. Apply upstairs, James Gib- son, 149 Celina Street, 725-7663. NORTH END -- Three rooms, self- contained, private bath, refrigerator, stove, close to bus. Telephone 725-2767. 320 VERDUN ROAD -- attractive four- room, heated apartment, large kitchen, laundry facilities. Separate entrance and bath, Immediate _ possession, Adults. Evenings after 5 o'clock. 215 MARY STREET -- four-room, un- furnished apartment, private bath, semi-private entrance, $65 monthly, nicely decorated -Telephone 72 728-6396. rewly decorated. Excellent INTAINED private e dwelling. ree rooms, plus recrea- tion room, Heavy duty wiring, newly decorated, five minutes from down town. Ideal for couple. Apply 87 John Street, FOUR-ROOM modern cludes cupboards, hot water, private bath, parking. Near General Motors South Plant. Possession June 1. 254 Malaga Road THREE-ROOM ne all conveni- apartment in- heating, ences, free parking, very central. Ap- ply 208 Stevenson Road South, apartment, 24--Houses for Rent iring after me 725-7928. couple. telephone AVAILABLE now. Six-room brick house, oil heat, on Clark Street. Write Box 443, Oshawa Times, NEW three-bedroom house, close to public schools and high school, between Oshawa and Whitby, near Highway. $105 monthly, 725-0310 or 723-4572. THREE-ROOM house, near GM south end plant. Telephone 723-7297, THREE unfurnished rooms with heat, lights, water, reasonable rent, central. Near library and city hall, Vacant June 1. No children, Apply 97 Queen Street, 725-0453. TWO - ROOM completely furnished apartment with refrigerator, stove and television, private entrance, Parking facilities, 732 Albert Street, 728-7722 after six. WHY PAY RENT? $108 monthly buys two-year-old NHA bungalow, near South GM. Three bedrooms, finished fee room, Box 237, Oshawa imes BRIGHT furnished bedroom, close to North GM and hospital, Suit working girl. Use of kitchen if desired. Tele- phone 728-1030. FULLY equi GRACIOUS country home south of Utica for rent. Furnished, six rooms and bath, Willing to lease. Spacious lawns and shade trees, Telephone Port Perry 985- 7785, SMALL house, bedroom, living room, kitchen, no children. For further infor- mation, apply 461 Bloor Street East. NORTH OSHAWA room, suit one Ae Boty 58 Nassau Street. THREE-ROOM apartment, in apartment building, parking, laundromat, Wayne Street stove, refrigerator, ample closet space. 68 Telephone 725-3938, BACHELOR apartments and four-room apartment, refrigerator, stove, three- piece bathroom, private, downtown. 725-1932, . After six, call 725-0853, FULLY modern two bedroom ~ apart- ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 27----Real Estate For Sale Seven rooms, large dining room, extra hydro supplied, CALL 728-4279 Available Immediately two bedrooms, large liv- ing room, good sized kitchen, large shaded hedged yard, washer and dryer sup- plied. No more than 2 child- ren. $115) monthly, heat and ment, in new apartment building, re- frigerator, stove, washer, dryer, paved Feane: school and close. Full price (to qualify you must earn $3,600 or more ennually), $10,950. Brick construction, full base- ment. Detached Bungalows. And yes, 3 bedrooms, private drive. One mortgage 612%. Small down payment, no other costs. $59.80 MONTHLY Includes Interest and Princl- pal--No Second Mortgages. 725-1186 |... T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. S. DUPLEX -- Not easy to find in qood residential area, two completely separate apartments with large bright rooms in excellent condition Oil heating, garage, Close to Dr. Phillips School. HANDY MAN'S SPECIAL -- Four room rug brick bunga- low. Full asking price only $5,900. ESTATE SALE -- Six room bungalow with paved drive and attached garage, Large bright modern kitchen, sun porch, nicely. decorated, New Oil furnace, Asking price $9,800. OSHAWA BLVD, NORTH -- Brick ond stone 11% storey One of the newer homes. 4 bedrooms, family sized mo- dern_ kitchen, living room, dining room, 4 pc. tiled bath- room and 2-pc. Forced hot cir oil heating. Convenient financing can be arranged. For full particulars call Phy- Wis Jubb, Irene Brown, Roy Flintoff, Steve Zurba, Leon Manitius, Charlie Rankine, Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, Lucas Peacock, ot 723-1121. Open daily 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING 728-528: $55 mONTHEY- Three room unfurnish- ed apartment,convenient to downtown. No objection to one child. Telephone MA 3-5470 . 496 SIMCOE STREET NORTH --One and two-bedroom apartments, furnish- ed or unfurnished, Available for June and July. Telephone 728-3945, STEVENSON ROAD SOUTH, 212. -- Three-room apartment in apartment building. Refrigerator, stove, washer, aerial, parking. Near Shopping Centre, Adults only. Apply above. IMMEDIATE possession on June 1, Seven-roomed house on Eulalie Avenue, THREE-ROOM Centrally located. F 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent apartment and bath. June 15. two separate entrances, bathroom, tiled throughout. large yard, near school, bus at door. $85 monthly, Apply 174 Ritson Road South, hdadaidinindl 725- tal with baby apartment. 'Private bath. , Quiet 5 -23 15. FURNISHED room, housekeeping priv- ileges if desired. Close to downtown. Apply 23 Eigin Street East or tele- phone 723-7814. Oshawa's Finest --Elevator Service --Private Balcony --Paved Parking --Controlled Entrantes Contact 725-7732 or PARK LANE APARTMENTS BACHELOR SUITES 1 BEDROOM SUITES 2 BEDROOM SUITES MR. DON HOWE 723-9692 evenings Howe & Peters, Realtors $60--BACHELOR apartment, also $75, four - room, self-contained apartment, Close to downtown, both on main floor. 725-4569, 221 ARTHUR STREET -- three-room apartment, unfurnished, sink, cup- boards in kitchen, parking and laun- dry facilities. Dial 725-8163, APARTMENTS ONE and TWO BEDROOMS LA SALLE GARDEN DIAL 725-4964 26--Rooms for Rent NICELY furnished room in a clean, adult home. Central location. Near bus 25-3879. stop, Tei rooms, bedroom and kitchen with built-in cupboards, sink, refrigerator, adults only. Parking. Cen- tral. Apply 99 Elgin Street East. 350--WHITBY, three rooms, one la large: room, immediate possession. Bus stop at door. Adults, abstainers. MO 8-2918, FURNISHFD apartment, single house- "|keeping room, private entrance, cen- FOR RENT with stove and and Bus Service. CALL Realtor 82 Simcoe South 723-2333 APARTMENTS $70 and $75 Four room apartments refrigerator. Close to Downtown Shopping area ED. DISNEY tral, parkin g. Apply 96 Centre _ Street. ) exra large > combina. tion bedroom and kitchen, patition, private entrance, bathroom. Near shopping centre, good bus service, park- a 77 Gibbons. After 4 telephone 728- THREE bed- -sitting rooms, suit three single gentlemen, kitchen privileges, parking space, close to bus and res- taurant. $6 weekly. Apply 245 Olive Avenue. Telephone 725-9110. $3--PRIVATE rooms, ielapntne, TV, restaurant on premises. Hollywood reget 800 Brock Street North, Whitby, SINGLE tamiisbed room, suitable for lady. Use of kitchen and washing ma- tag Central location, Telephone 725- CENTRAL, very large furnished, clean room, suit one or two refined gentle- men, Housekeeping facilities, refriger- pd etc., if desired. 114 Elgin Street ast ROOMS for ve sult gentlemen or la- dies, Apply 220 Bruce Street after 5. METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. Dial 728-4678 DUPLEXES! ! PATRICIA STREET --= Full price only $14,500 with an income of $167.00 monthly. Both 4-room self-contained opartments are very. well kept and are rented steadily. Good down payment will carry for $100.00 monthly. BROCK ST. EAST -- Full - 728-9474 WEINBERGER 27--Real Estate For Sale|27---Real Estate for Sale MODEEBN | six-plex, new eter lao PRIVATE SALE Best location in Oshawa, rented./room Kassinger home, built-in fully landscaped. 111 Keewatin Street. eight garage, Low, sty niger or take clear house, Apply Box 248! rs: Courtice area, 105 ft. and high schools, Oshawa Times. io Realtor 26¥ King St. E. ABOVE KARN'S DRUG STORE FULL PRICE $8,900 DOWN $800 IMMACULATE 5 ROOM Lovely 1% storey on beautl- ful landscaped grounds .ot 187 Marquette St. Open for inspection 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Low taxes ---~ easy terms, Weinberger Realtor 728- 5145, evenings 723-7244, LOTS FOR SALE WESTDALE STREET In beautiful Brookside Acres, Call exclusive agents-- GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 SOMERVILLE--NEAR ROSSLAND A real dandy -- 6 room brick home in good condition through- out. Close to all schools and shopping -- this home has garage, storms, screens and other extras. Only $10,000. with terms. NEW BUNGALOW - $8,950. TOTAL Imagine a 3-bedroom home -- situated on an acre of land -- ready to move into, Oil heating, hot water heater, storms, screehs, are all part of this deluxe buy. RAVINE LOT -- BUILDERS' TERMS One only -- ravine lot in Hillsdale Terrace -- only $2,975. WILSON & NORRIS, Realtors Harwood Ave. N., Ajax Oshawa Shopping Centre 942-3364 725-6588 for |. $1,800, 728-5579. ron SIX-ROOM fereens, wall fo, walle screens, w wall carpeting. centre. Full LLOYD REALTY could be arranged. Apply 490 LIST WITH LLOYD ----. AY ; stmt worm and price $000, Terma Fairleigh THEN CALL YOUR MOVER TRADE YOUR LATER MODEL CAR ON 5 ROOM BRICK HOME ADELAIDE STREET, Street --neat bungalow wil furnace moe orale lot. with terms. eat 5 ee Bela | Jo AND GARAGE NEAR KING AND WILSON $11,900. FULL PRICE Very clean home in good residential area, could be made into 4 bedrooms, car- ries for $75.00 per month, interest and principal, To in- spect this one call Ed Drumm ot 728-5123, $93.00 per month includes interest principal and taxes. One N.H.A. mortgoge. This is a 3 bedroom two storey home. Only one so call Bill Johnston 8-1066 or 8-5123 today. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED, REALTOR 728-5123 101 SIMCOE ST. N. OPEN EVERY EVENING REALTOR Brock Bldg., Whitby MO 8-3338 Two outstanding -- in Whitby -- $11,900 full price for a 2+ storey, 6 room house in ex- cellent condition, Beautiful Hollywood kitchen with nu- merous cupboards, good size bedrooms, situated on 66 x 164 ft. lot with fruit trees, aluminum storms and screens, 2 car garage, low down payment and balance on one mortgage with low terms. S. D. HYMAN REALTOR 728-6286 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION For this 3 bedroom brick bungalow in immaculate condition. Fully landscaped and decorated and close to schools, transpor- tation and shopping. Monthly payments of $75.00 on_ one mortgage back. Only $950 DOWN. For further details call Doug Bullied at 728-6286, NORTH WEST 3 Bedroom brick bungalow in exquisite condition and complete with all the extras. Monthly payments of only $80. which in- cludes taxes. Reasonable down payment required. For an in- spection call Lorne Hartford at 728-6286. COUNTRY LIVING Only five minutes from the City. In a well planned residential area. Newly finished 6 room bungalow with an attached garage. Must be seen to be appreciated. Cal] Lorne Hartford at 728- 6286 SACRIFICE Brick bungalow only four years old. Tip top condition, Must be sold! Monthly payments of $94. include taxes. Low down pay- -- with one N.H.A. Mortgage. Call Howie McCabe at 728- 6286. LOT WITH A VIEW 98' Frontage by a depth of 330' on a main road overlooking Oshawa's most scenic view. Call Lorne Hartford at 728-6286. VALUE PLUS In this 6 room brick bungalow with an attached garage. Over 1260 square feet of liveable floor area, Immaculate condition, Extra plumbing in the basement. A real bargain at $13,990. Call Bob Stevenson at 728-6286. NEW HOUSING Avoilable in all sections of the City, North, South, East or West, and at prices to suit your pocket or needs. For full information call this office (for prices and financing for your choice of area). EXECUTIVE HOME LOCATED IN NORTH-END Under-priced for quick sale a ranch bungalow with at- tached garage, approx, 1400 sq. ft. large living room, fireplace, big kitchen, spa- cious bedrooms. Extra base- ment apartment. 100 x 165 ft, lot paved drive. Only agk- ing $17,500. terms con be arranged. Make an offer, Call Helen Simpson MO 8-3338 JOHN F. DE WITH Realtor and General Insurance. Newcastle Phone 3341 400-acre farm, the best of soil, large U-shaped barn, W. SCHATZMANN waterbowls, steel stanchions, etc; 8-roomed brick home. Price and terms arranged. CARL OLSEN REALTOR PRINCE ALBERT Large home, with four, 3- room apartments, separate meters, two bathrooms. Hot woter, oil heating. Three acres of the best garden soil, large checken house. Only $13,500.00, 133 OSHAWA BLVD. S. Eight rooms, 14% storey, 2+ bothroms. This home is suit- able for sublet. Owner has . recently remodelled this home at the cost of $2,000. Moving from Oshawa, 'reason for selling. 470 KING ST. EAST Owner leaving Oshawa, This eleven year old, 6 room cus. tom built home, situated in © very exclusive area is off- ered for sale at a reduced price. Lot 50' x 130', scaped, paved drive, attach- ed garage 11' x 20'. Large living room with natural fireplace, modern kitchen, completely 'finished base- ment with many extras, ESTATE SALE Lovely brick bungalow, Mas- son Street. Must be sold im- mediately to settle estate. For further information call: Jack Cornish Wes Elliott Carl Olsen 19 ATHOL STREET WEST OSHAWA, ONT. 723-1133 50-acre farm with new bom, 100 acres workable; 7-room- ed home with modern con- veniences. Asking $17,000 with 5,000 down. 150-acre farm on a highway, stream, L-shaped bankbam, waterbowls; home with all modern conveniences. Price $13,000 with $3,000 down. 200-acre farm with good barn, drive shed; 6-roomed home. Price $14,000. Terms. 30 arces on No. 2 Highway, east Cobourg, with barn; 8- roomed brick home, all mod- ern conveniences, Freshly painted and decorated. 87-acre farm with stream, good barn, drive shed, etc; 7-roomed home, bathroom, Asking $14,000. Easy terms. 36-acre farm, commuting distance Oshawa, large barn; 8-roomed home, all modern conveniences. Only $5,000 n, 100-acre farm, Blackstock area. Good barn, large ma- chine shed; 8-roomed brick house. Price $15,000 with $5,000 down, 100-acre farm on No. 2 highway, commuting distance Oshawa, . large shaped bankbarn; stone house with all modern conveniences. 150-acre DAIRY FARM, lo- cated north Ajax, large barns; 10-roomed home with all modern conveniences. Good investment property. Frank Hunter ... 725-2974 Don. Mountjoy . MA 3-3950 Idso Wiersma .. Orono 1649 a lands «+ Located in North-end, close to hospital and schools. Spacious 1 /2-storey cut stone, double garage, 3-bed- rooms, large living room, with Italian marble fire- place. Kitchen features, cherrywood counter top, sun- porch overlooking attractive garden of .rosebushes, shrubs and perennials. Reasonable terms. PLEASE CONTACT DON HOWE 725-4701 or Evenings 723-9692 HOWE AND PETERS REALTORS 69 King St. East » 725-4701 price $15,800 -- 3 minutes from downtown, full apart- ment for owner plus new recreation room. Upstairs opartment rents for $100.00 monthly income. Complete facilities. Separate entrances, etc. Substontial down pay- ment required. Income in- sured on easy carrying charges. Call us today for full information on these and other outstanding values. MR. EXECUTIVE ! ! Your comfort is assured in this lovely modern suburban HANDY? NEW N.H.A. BUNGALOW $595 DOWN ALLOWANCE OF $200 IF YOU DO YOUR OWN DECORATING AND SODDING Materials supplied and $395, will be your full down payment. No 2nd mortgage, $72 monthly. s FULL PRICE $12,245.00 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-1186 HOUSES DRASTICALLY REDUCED Oshawa income house, 2 apartments, one bathroom, storms and screens, good condition, open to offer. Warden Wilson, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, north west Whitby, excellent condition, partly finished rec. room. Make an offer. Henry St. Split-level with rec. room and extra washroom, 3 bed- rooms -- $12,800, one mortgage, easy payments. McCullough Dr, 3-bedroom brick with 20 ft. living room, split level entrance, oil heating, Hower St. 3-bedroom brick built on a beautiful treed lot, bar- ecue, Euclid St, 2-bedroom brick with garage, double sinks in kitchen, fee rec room. Call Audrey Moore MO 8-4088 or MO 8- 5053, 5 Hallet St. 3-bedroom brick L-shaped living room, built on a 62° lot. Call Audrey Moore MO 8.5853 or MO 8-4088, Evenings call MO 8-4088 or MO 8-8314, OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 130 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-5853 i J. J. Van Herwerden, Realtor 2 - storey Georgian - style home. There's over 1600 square feet of bright and airy living space all very tastefully decorated, and appointed with quality extras which include thermopane windows, 2 ceramic. tiled bathrooms, very modern ar- borite trimmed large kitchen with vent fan, extra high (12. blocks) and very dry basement, oak staircase with shining copper balustrade and oak handrail, new extra large garage and wonder- fully large fully landscaped lot. Véry low heating cost and reasonable taxes make this home a real standout buy at $18,900 full asking price. Owner transferring, $0, very anxious to. sell. Call us today for your appointment to inspect. WE HAVE OTHERS! -- Your inquiries invited. AFTER 5:30 CALL Dick Barriage .. 725-6243 John Kemp .... 728-2392 Joe' Maga 725-9191 Jack Osbome .. 728-5836 Ken Hann .... 723-7963 Everett Elliott 723-9290 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER COIN LAUNDRY OSHAWA'S BEST LOCATION Name brand "heavy duty equipment, fully operated 24 hours a day, requires very little attention, present owner has other interests and will consider terms to responsible party. Inspection by appointment only. Please call Mr. William Horner or Mr. William John- ston at 728-5123. "LUNCH ROOM" 43 seats, full equipment, good volume, central loca- tion, good opportunity for ambitious couple, excellent return. Full price less than $5,000. Terms. Owner moving from Oshawa. Ask for Mr. William Horner at 728-5123, LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa) LIMITED, REALTOR 101 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-5123 OPEN EVERY EVENING 741 King Street E., Oshawa -- 723-4471 FREEDOM AND INCOME On 10-acre farm, 5 miles from Whitby, paved road. _Straw-.°* berries and raspberries, 33 fruit trees, row of grapes, 2 chicken house, 6-room bungalow in A-1 shape with bathroom and oil fumace; hardwood and tile floors. Asking price $18,000 with reasonable down payment. 100-acre farm, 10 miles from Oshawa, good soil. Large ond other buildings. House with furnace and bathroom, price $18,000 wtih terms. 5-acre garden land; comer property on Taunton Road with well and footing for greenhouses. Full price $5,800. barn Full 96-acre farm, 2 miles from Oshawa. An attractive property; --.. 25 acres of bush. Excellent possibility for summer park. Can be. bought partly, but ot least 10 acres. Price 500 qn acre, l-acre lot on Trull's Road. $1350 with terms. Only $11,000 with low down payment. for 3-year-old brick veneer bungalow on Elizabeth Crescent. Nice lot 90 x 168 feet. GRANDVIEW S..-- Exceptionally nice 4-bedroom bungalow. Walk-in basement with rec-room and fireplace. Stone front. View all over Oshawa. Full price $18,900 with substantial down payment. We speak English, German, French and Dutch. (Continued on Page 22)