20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Mey 24, 1962 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Fride Seturday 8 to 1 i i Hl iz i BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED AD RATES JTIVE 6 CONSECU 5% Words ér less Cash Charge 3.75 4.13 2.25 2.48 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 1f not paid within 7 doys the Cherge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions, Subsequent insertions ordered at @ loter date constitute a new original order. Professiino! and Business' listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1. 60 per month. Each word, initial, abbreviation figure rants as a word. Box 15¢ additional. or charge All Classified Advertisernents must be in by 5 p.m, the day be- fore publication exceot Births, in Memoriam, Cards of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 a.m Deadline f Lost ond Found and lations 8:30 ar ffice feu De y 8 Soturday 8-12. REGULATIONS-- he Oshdwo Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise amitted otherwise than in not for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver- tisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, And also reserve the right to classify advertising according to its own classification ments sut writing, In the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be held for more spoce than the. actuol error The publishers endeavour all advertising motter b assume no liability of advertisement, if any inaccuracies n any form are contained therein. Accountants _ es BOB CLANCY" 8 Ontario Accounting | Service. Complete bookkeeping service. | 194 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res.,| 723-1695, eee LEONARD JAM Public Accounta: Suite awa Shopping Cen 725-9953. WiLSON and BURROWS, -- Accountants, 114 King street Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, G. Edmund Burrows, CA, 728-7554 MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIERL Chartered Accountants, 725: 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; el 08: yhitby, MO &-4131 ee | EDLANDER, HUNTER) Accountants and Auditors.| in Bankruptcy, 64 Tega yl B. L. Yale, BROOKS, Certified | € sare East,| CA;} oes Licensed hi pra &. Tf. HOPKINS and id Company, 7, Cort fied Public Accountants, 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. Appraisers PATRICK G. McDANIEL, AACI, Real Estate Appraiser and Broker, Waitoy. | Phone MO 8-2311. Auto Parts a ERN TIRE -- Guaran-| utomotive parts and accessories, | 5 King Street West, Oshawa. 728-1607-8-9, Five bays to serve you./ i Barristers } -- BRUCE V. 1 BA, Barrister, | Solicitor, Nota: Public. Mortgage; funds available. 36% King Street East. | 728-2381. Res. 985-7163 j LOUIS § HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli-| citor, Notary, Alger Bidg., 37 King Street East, 723-4943, Mortgage mon- jes available. GREER and KELLY, Barrister --. tor, etc:, 114 King Street 6 1} 723-2278. Residence phones, J. mM Greer, BA, Se, j2%-3963. Terrence V Kelly, BA, BC 728- RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS BH. GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246 Mortgage loans available, JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| lic. The Commercial Bullding, 266 King | puasTERING, repairs, s, alterations, ceil. lings and walls waterproofed. ANGER Construction oompan: crete, Anger 623. | ALL typ tr chimneys. Soeeinese, | sidewalks, stoops.| GARDENS ~ rototilled, 728-0394 Gi BULLDOZING Free estimates. Call Taylor Bros., 26 Hill- | OSHAWA court Drive, GENERAL gage Housing Corporation. pairs, tile repaired or replaced. | |Building Trades \CALL JACK MULLIGAN. oe roto- tilling. Anytime. 655-4 4659. ~ for Free jal 728. relath: Basem: 725-6222, 725-8718 brick work and chimneys, Roy 2273. Bowmanville of buiaing re Gordon M "and excavat Whitby. MO 8-5612. "CONTRACTING, sidewalks, footings, all. kinds. Roofing, Oo. L, 1937 Plan interior, and exterior. WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING, BULLDOZING TOP SOlk, FILL MO 8-4172 TRENCHING, FOOTINGS SEPTIC TANK, WATER and SEWER LINES. Call L. HAAKSMA BROOKLIN 6 655 4746 TOP QUALITY BLACK SANDY LOAM A-1 TOP SOIL Screened Loom, Humus Added. For top dressing, flower beds. No lumps ready to use. lawns, or stones, $3.50 per yard 2 YARDS MINIMUM nd 'ALSO GRAVEL AND FILL EVANS LOAM & GRAVEL SUPPLY 106 STEVENSON'S RD. S. Call: 725-5279 [HARRISON CONST! (ONT.) LTD. ROOFING DIVISION ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK New -- Re-Roofing Homes ---- Commercial Shingles -- Flat Roofing Chimney Flashing Eavestroughing MO 8-8420 WE HAVE 30 YEARS OF ROOFING SERVICE IN ONTARIO, West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client park-/ ing available |Cartage CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- |JOHN'S MOVING and Storage, Osh- Fully |_ awa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. tary Public,. Bank of Commerce 7 t! equipped and insured. Phone 728-3661 North, 723-3446. C. Fraser, * aC; Murdoch. NHA} 5 Simcoe Street Creighton, 'QC; Cc. K, Drynan, G, 8 mortgages _arranged BOWMAN, DAVID L., | Barrister, Soliel- 3% Simcoe South. 725-9592. Resi-| ce, 728-0264. DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister| and Solicitor, 264% King Street East.) Telephone: Business 723-2201; Resi- dence 728-5374 | MANNING | L. SWARTZ. taries. Money to loan. King Street E: ce, dial 723-4029. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC Barrister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds eogag 8 Re} first mortgages. 20 Simcoe North; rristers, Solicitors, No-| Henry Block, 723-4697, Resi- RICH ; LD, Barrister, | Notary Public, 52% Simcoe Solicitor, North, 728-2991. Res. 723-2765. Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solicl- | tor, et 13% Simcoe Street North.| Office. 723-1101. Residence 725-5542. | HREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL- N, Barristers, Soli x 'hg te ee East, Oshawa. reys, QC; G. S. a al TA, MOC! | iv ig men , B. Office, 125-1177,| 725-4604; Whitby, NHA and other able. '" nee, MO 8-2761, 725-52 mortgage funds a Caterers RECEPTIONS, PARTIES joyfully remembered when Pontiac Inn Caterers handle details expertly for you THORNTON'S RD, SOUTH at BLOOR -- 725-0078 | Dressmaking INVISIBLE Mending and re-weaving.| |Telephone 725-9736 or apply 525 | k irk Avenue. Fuel and Wood stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, Tele- PLAKMEYER SODDING for Landscaping, Sod, Top oil, Manure. BROOKLIN 655-3049 Building Trades CEMENT and wood stoops, sidewaike, framing, additidfs, kitchen eupboards,| rer ae brickwork, fireplaces, ete 728 ur legal chimney cleaner. Chim-| ney's and repaired, gas linings| installed, furnaces vacuumed. Free| estimates, 723-2997 HAMBLY CONCRETE _ PRODUCTS LIMITED BLOCKS, SIDEWALK SLABS, UNIT STEPS _ PATIO SLABS, SEPTIC TANKS ° Telephone MO ae weo ae a KEEPS US IM BUSINESS UNITED PAVING CO. First-class wormmanship _guoranteed--phone 728- 4801 NICK DYRIW EXCAVATING BASEMENT ALSO TOP SOIL 723-3898 %s E. R. KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE Top soil and sod. Repairing ond lawn maintenance, potio and sidewalk. slabs. _725-6047 CROSSTOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 Sod. Rolled, Fertilized ond weed treated. Cut fresh daily. Sod the field for truckers ie CaeOE CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND BLACK LOAM Prompt Delivery 728-895] ~~ FOR FAST SERVICE VANDRUNEN'S Landscaping, Sodding, Soil, Nursery Stock CALL BROOKLIN, 655-3545 RR 2, OSHAWA in |Gardening an and Supplies - your|UAt LAWN ast wit spraying. by. A. | MO 8-5286 CERAMIC plastic wall tile, wood- | MANURE a working, all floor coverings | mates. Work Guaranteed.. D own containers. . {three bushels. 805 Athol Street, 50c. per bushel. Will deliver orders MO 8-3523 ents | |GARDENS and lawns roto- tilled, "made lready for Sieenen and seeding. Tele- | phone _1B- 89 Con- | ete CEDAR trees for hedges etc. quality, |Free delivery and estimates. MA 3-3935 uniform sizes, Any height T saw and power tools; concrete on calls e! c eg ETS | 728-8567 GARDENS, HOMES custom built on Central | Mort-' tilled, ready for spring seeding. Grass re-;and hedges cut. Reasonable rates Weeping] phone before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m, John Kalyta,/Glen Munro, 414 Park Road South. B- "7887 | SMALL gardens, roto- tilled 'and plough- hed, eve- nings. /LAWNS and grounds taken care of by the month cleanup. Call H. | 985. 7051 |H¥BRID tea P TREE SERV ICE. guaranteed satisfaction; Thomas Siblock, ~stoik,, WE SHARPEN AND RENT ge of Whitby, | Choice large rototiller 725-6882 | ae: hain removal all de prompt telephone | lawns, boulevards, rates reasonable. Telephone 723-9533 Gardens rototilled, collect 79 roses "cents each; {Cannas red and yellow, 60 cents each; _ MAN BELLE GARDENS } | WEDDING BANQUETS! | Junior --| strawberry $4.95; dozen $2.; $16 per 100. Tillers, used and new for manville P evergreens, 10 for Plants, Redcote, 100 Columbian blue raspberries size, Liberty Nurseries, A3 3074. sale. OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE 1259 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-3222 Open Daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. for 1 Your Gardening Needs Also Top Soil and Sod COMPLETE LANDSCAPING DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE Free Estimates Fertilizing, Pruning, Peat Moss, Fertilizer Seeds, etc. Guaranteed Nursery Stock Al 623-5757 & _miles East on No. ~ SELLING OUT Evergreens, Shrubbery, Trees must be cleared before May 31st. Below wholesole prices. Come in and dig your own. BEVERWYCK GARDENS HIGHWAY 12 3 MILES NORTH OF WHITBY __MO 8-4735 2) | LOAM, GRAVEL. WASHED STONE MULCH FILL Tractor and loader work Lots levelled, Reasonable rates 725-2156 ~ OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LIMITED LOAM - FILL GRAVEL - STONE Dun.| 725-3566; Charies C, sreaibuon | FAGIGRY hardwood cuttings. Suitable! 0 |for |phone 728-8535. |Gardening and Supplies | GILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, acro Masonic 723-3528 roto- Tele- spring A, Russell, Port Perry, $9.95; for per Bow- {Lawn Mowers TN: ~ TOWERS All galvanized, no paint, LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS _728-5804 or 725-7844 | T.V. TOWERS. 361 GIBBONS ST. PHONE 728-8180 ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL... STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS. 723-3224 Money to Loan -- MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Terms -- Open Evenings Monies available on First 7: Mortgages at 7% per annum} OSHAWA Th. Without Dont: Free Survey ond Estimates Monies also available ie esd lest Bsr ies st ASE Second Mortgages. Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased. M. F. SWARTZ Short term and Builders' Mortgages at _ reasonable rate on T.V. TOWERS | Antennas ond T.V. Service If you want to be sure of the lowest. possible prices, best workmanship and quality material . . , try TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E 728-6781 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act Mortgages FIRST ond agreements nick and Hennick Street East. 723-72 sec ond morrgages. Sale purchased and sold, Hen- Barristers, 31 King PRIVATE party will buy your second mortgage. no commisson or legal i charges. Write Box 247, Oshawa Times. | Tgilors LEN PULLAN (ENGLISH TAILOR) for all tailoring require- ments use our experienced services for both suit and dress repairs and alterations. 10 PRINCE ST. -- 728-5311 (next to Bus Station) FIRST and second mortgages, Sale| agr eements purchased and sold, Hen and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East ol ge AGES -- Arranged, "bought and Call Mr. Bolahood, 725-6544 or John A. J. Bolahood Ltd FIRST and second mortgages bought.| 1, J. Van Herwerden. Mortgage Brok- 741 King East, Oshawa. 723-4471 CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased mortgages arranged Creighton, Drynan and Mur- MORTGAGE LOANS ney available for immed- on First and Second J Agreements cant and im- property residential, city, suburbon and and summer cot- ges. Forty yeors experience. SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. Phone: 725-3568 ick ter Fraser Well Drilling -- Digging GEORGE HARDING MO 8-3566 For complete Septic Tank, Sewer and Water | Line installations | TED VEENHOF > WELL DIGGING Clean-outs and Deepenings Compressor Work. 728-3864 W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563----MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST _ P.O. BOX. 329 nC Nursing Homes SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home "RN 1 in at- tendance (No. 2 Highway between Whit by and Oshawa), Call 725-2330, Optometrists ©, H. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam- ined at home. Dial 725-4587. F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- etry, the examination of eyes, contact} lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. | Evenings by appointment. 723-4191, MACHINE DUG WELLS Quicksand' Specialists. 30" casing. Work guaranteed. Foundation earth boring Cont. Hadco Well Digging Ltd. Agent Oshawa 723-1001. Head Office El- mira, Ont. 1--Women's Column D WAVES on epecial. | Page Hair- dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone 725-5363. |2--Personal IF You Mave a dri nking ~ problem, write to Box 333, Whitby. Painting and Decorating | INTERIOR and exterior -- | ing, window cleaning. rates. Free estimates. Tel 6879. DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 house paint-| Reasonable | 728-) | RIDE wanted Oshawa to "Aiax arriving, |a@pproximately 8.15 a.m. 726-6523 resi- |dei lence." KING tives iy "street West, 378 x °o sekeeping rooms, private entrance, party furnished, near Shopping Centre, $55. 728-7998. Personal Service MODERN GRILL Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home lade Pies and Dresserts, WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 Removal of "superfluous _ hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa May 29 and 30. | Phone Genosha Hotel on | these dates for appointment. | ELECTROLYSIS Household Repairs 'HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE | REPAIR SERVICE RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, POLISHERS, IRONERS Service Guaranteed 25 years' experience Formerly with THOR of Canada TEL. 725-8296 Instruction Te hf s Act now. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, jtap, |mow, 424 King Street West. VATE teacner, 725-1054. RAD ballet, Highland 725-6122 "student counsellor, experience, by interview only Baton, Register DEA, | batic. | Temple, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School Friday and Saturday Centre Street. 725-7253. 'LEARN TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School DAY OR EVENING Late models, standards, eutomatics, dual controlled (OSHAWA and WHITBY CALL 728-0091 za Investigators ACME domestic, general and seas King Street East, 728-7941 INVESTIGATION BU REAU, '| CHESTERFIELDS | | | | } | ! Lawn Mowers ATTENTION! Have your . 725-4 4360 REPAIRS and SERVICE OUTBOARD MOTORS, POWER MOWERS, CHAIN SAWS, ROTO-TILLERS. Any make. immediate free pick up and delivery JACK HOAR Certified Mechanic Taunton Rood West 728-1584 lawn mower like {precision sharpened. Free pick up and|4re \delivery pe ~|holatery Co., 723-464] | 3--Pets 2 & Livestock | MINIATURE poodle 5 puppies, white,| champion bred, Best quality. Very rea- [ea Telephone Plumbing and Heating REPAIRS and remodelling of all new and used materials. Reasonsbic| rates, free estimates. 725-1334, McGrath Plumbing « Heating ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies, Phone Harold H. Stark Ltd., plumbing, heating and Ser ing. 255 Simcoe Street South. ALL types of repairs and 'Femodelling, |761 new and used materials. Reasonable SADDLE horse, four 3 year old Gelding, | Rates J t ated eee ee, DN TAP 16 hands. $400 with English saddle, ve Loe bridle or sell separately. Pickering WH |- 2-3536. | ALL WELL. |FOR SALE -- White miniature p poodles, But: #: you \indist Ringlish strain, 'registered, male and mM you ree female. $100, Mrs, Frank McCammond,| the best call | 725-1343 | GUSCOTT PLUMBING |BATHING. and HEATING LIMITED |BEatm a dg: 207 St. $.--725-5132 jtraining, talking strain. Apply es piadeon: |Broad, 114 Elgin Street East FREE "| FOR SALE -- White miniature poodies, furnace Male and female STERED Mexican" Chihuahua, fe-| €, six months old. Telephone 725. on trimming, de'ieaing, board-| . 735 | eady ~ for | e Mrs. Simcoe | English strain, registered, seven weeks old, male and sag' ae ae Mrs. | Frank MeCammond, 725-1 BONNIE BROOK PONIES | We breed only registered porves FOR SALE Bred mares, fillies, colts, studs. Silver and sorrel with white manes and tails. OWEN McCROHAN -- | STEVENSON RD. N. | | Have cleaned free this summer if you pur- chase "White Rose' uni- fined fuel oil from WESTERN OIL CO. 725-1212 Rug Uphoistery Service your re-upholstered 1 'and| re-styled, Free estimates. See our ma-| |terial for re-covering Dalton Upholster-} ing, 75 Charics Street, 723-7212 CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt" new. Why pay more? Our rates reasonable. Satisfaction guaran-| 4--Market Basket Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up-|__ - 10 Bond Street West, Dial|ATTENTION freezer owners, orders | taken now for freshly cut asparagus,| CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs "ie-lphone "Mo 9-4606 After 6 p.m: Tele-| covered like new. Get the best for less) --e at Modern Upnolsterers, 142 Simcoe|ASPARAGUS "Viking", {South, Call 728-6451, Wree estimates | freezing, 6 qt. $1.35; 11 at., |Hills, Enniskillen Surveyors |DRY TURKEY manure, no straw, asc. a bushel, three for $1. Containers free H, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Orders over 93. delivered, Phone 655:| Land Surveyors. 216 Adelaide Avenue! 4700. Turkey Farm, % mile' west of! East. Phone 725-6881 Columbus. DONEVAN AND FLEISHMA On- tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue- | printing, 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. TV -- Radio Repairs TV RENTALS, by | 725-1348 > recovered teed 725-0311 excelient $2.50. for Ralph 5--Farmers Column | |POTATOES $1 per\ bushel; fquality for eating and |from certified found e, 1% miles Brooklin. on the spot. Highest prices paid | di for dead and crippled farm stock alli Telephone . collect Hampton COlfax 1573-2721. Margwill Farm, Tyrone. | Licence 149. 4 hcellent | Grown ehornted seed, F. the day, week ¢ or month at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- coe North 723-3043 RADIO Tear ~ repairs, makes ompson Electronics, Th | Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). "radio Fur lor 1725-0663 | veniences, | Telephone 5--Farme s Column TRACTOR implements. 3 "with six! MA y-Harris, Bar; gain, Telephone | 9--Summer Properties : for Sale or Rent $2800--CAESAREA, furnished three- ~ bedroom cottage, treed lot, $600 down, FARMERS NEEDS Treatment for foot rot, calf scours, mastitis, pig anemia, also sulphuric acid and milk filters. SHORT'S "PHARMACY BROOKLIN |Howe and Peters,Realtors, 725-4701. |LADY would share her cool, "pleasant summer cottage with congenial couple Prefer quiet couple with interest in |natural surroundings. Private water- front, Lake of Bays. Road to door. Reasonable, 723-2698 COTTAGES $30, $40 weekly. Also weekends, two and three bedrooms, hydro, refrigeration. Excellent fishing, pike, pickerel, bass. New boats, 725- 4328. NEW three-bedroom cottage, complete- ly finished inside and outside, 75 miles from Oshawa on Severn River, Tele- 'phone 723-3905. OPEN MON., WED., FRI. EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCES MENT mixer "for rent. -- 757 Telephone | raat EWEN R collapaibio Trav ells jtrailers. All new for 62. Call 728-1468 728-1555. 8--Resorts PAUDASH LAKE -- Grant's House- Keeping cottages accommodate four to five persons, running water, boat. Available July, |August. Write F. Grant, RR No. 3, | Bancroft, Ontario, or telephone Oshawa Electric refrigerators, Bruce Peninsula Your entrance carefree holiday ches and fishing, accommodations. Write 'The Bruce', Box 1, Dept. 0, Wiarton, Ont. or Phone 264 HALIMAR WEEKEND MAY 18 New Swimming Pool and Steam Bath, Extensive sand beach and playground. Near golf course Bountiful meals and varied sports, water - skiing ATRO member. Phone Halimar, Hali- burton 7052 WINDERMERE _ HCUSEKEEPING COTTAGES KENISIS LAKE trout fishing, beach, rent by day, month, Mrs. C. Harnden, Box 420 Haliburton, Ontario. TELEPHONE | 58R4 WRIGHT'S POINT Pickeral River water course South West of North Bay New two bedroom cottages Excellent fishing ARTHUR WRIGHT 425 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY MO 8- 4217 SANDY BAY CAMP ON RICE LAKE 2, 3-bedroom cottages inside conveniences running water Good boots, sand beach, fine swimming. Good fishing, R. McCRACKEN, R.R. 4, HASTINGS For Reservations PHONE 219W1 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent | COTTAGE for sale, on "Canal Lake, 50 {alles north of Oshawa. Telephone! to a happy, Good bea excellent Good sandy week or imeoe, cottages for rent ~eon- safe beach, fishing, boats) (Reduced rates for June).! Orillia Fairview 5-207. TS and cottages for sale on Little wake, Pigeon River, Chemong, Buck, Scugog Island and St. John Lakes Easy terms. Dial MA 3-3781 evenings available, {725-4327 SANDY LAKE Buckhorn district, lake-| |front cottage, three bedrooms, inside! facilities. Available August 4 to 18.| Telephone MA 3-3102. FURNISHED cottage, two bedrooms, |hydro, safe beach, on Canal Lake, 60 miles from Whitby, by season or week. MO 86-3473. RICE LAKE lakefront Bewdley district, for rent August, three bedrooms, hydro. Grealey, Newcastle Phone 3656. MUST BE SOLD! COTTAGE on Kennisis Lake, Haliburton, 3. bedrooms completely modern, city con- veniences. 60 ft. dock, 3 years old. Owner transferred $4700 with terms 723-9623 After 5 ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE LOTS, COTTAGES Steenburg, Paudash ond Glan- mire Lakes Reasonable prices, terms, Ken Matthews "cottage, July or R.Le- 583 Wilson Rd. N. Oshawa 5 be SUMMER COTTAGES ~ We have summer cottages on Loke Ontario, and Rice Lake! Priced from $2,800.00 up, with down payments from $800.00! Phone for an ap- pointment, LONG BROS. REALTORS TU 5-4501 PORT HOPE 13---usiness Opportunit es jhouse, cement floor, | MINDEN for TWO-STOREY house in small village,| 'two bedrooms, {July \FIVE-ROOM cottage, "excellent sandy 'beach, all modern conveniences. Terms if desired. Lake Papineau, $53. Tele- |phone Oshawa 728-6931 collect RICE Lake three miles north of Bewd- ley. Lot 60° x 220° with 12' x 18' boat $2,500. Telephone 723-7943. COTTAGE for rent in Muskoka district. |Three bedrooms, modern conveniences, sandy beach, Telephone Mr. Ww Bradford. 725-1819, THREE and four room housekeeping cottages on Trent River. Write or telephone Ji Oshawa phone 728-8106. area, Eight bedroom sum- home o niake, also two bedroom All conveniences. Boat and By month or season. Write A 521 Wilson Road North, RR 2, mer cottage beach. Pilcher, Oshawa LAKE DALRYMPLE ---for » five- room modern cottage. Also subdivi sion for rental development, would ac commodate 30 cottages. Dial 725-7147 725-156 kitchen Suitable area. hydro, river croft cupboards, close to summer house, Price $2,000. Terms. 728- BANCROFT area, private five-room cottage for rent. All conveniences, sandy beach, good swimming, fishing, boat. Available now until July 15 and August 19 on $35 weekly. Write to Box 350 Oshawa Times SACRIFICE also one lot Bebee 723-7973. Three new -- cleared land, Rice Lake, 10--Summer Properties Wanted WANTED on Lake Scugog, cottage for last two weeks of Safe beach necessary, modern conveniences desirable, CO 3-2605. 11--Articles for Rent WHEEL CHAIRS Hospital beds, invalid. walk- ers, bedside commodes, crutches also slenderizing machines and roll - away beds FOR SALE OR RENT 725-1644 Punch Bowls, Stemmed Wine Glasses, Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, etc. Prices? Reasonable ! SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 12--Articles. Wanted CAMPING equipment wanted, size tent, cooler, sleeping bags, lantern, tarpaulins, etc. Telephone 728-0612 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking. Ports for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc., bought Open Saturday all day, Phone on 725-23) 1--89 BLOOR E. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Deer Hides and Raw Furs (collect) 1, TURNER 723-2043--723-3374 WANTED TO. BUY Small manufacturing business . Up to 20 - 25 employees in or near Oshawa, Will consider major or com- plete purchase. Replies in confidence State nature of business to BOX 347 The Times ee ASK FOR ~~ |STUDENTS A LA Dundas Street West ~ OSHAWA TIMES | Pteolectepgea by cmuits, "goats, FAMILY WANT ADS 13--Business Opportunities | Street Call West. 723-1121 OFFICE on 16 Bond ; Available immediately Guide Realty Limited SNACK BAR, service station --p dwelling, two acres on busy high Sell or trade. Price only $15,000, Peter Feddema Realtor, MA 3-3644 RESORT, accommodates fifty, ecater- ing to fishermen, ready to operate May 12, pickerel season, To be sold imme- \diately. Ten thousand down or exchange! for Property. Box 109 Oshawa _Times. _MEAT, GROCERY OR DELICATESSEN MODERN WELL ILLUMIN ATED MARKET in small growing Plaza in Oshawa Equipped with 20 ft. of Hussmann Service Type Meat Cases, 8 ft. two deck Dairy Case, Adjustable Steel Shelving and Checkout, National Cash Registe Block, Meat Walkin C r, Scales, Slicer, Meat ooler, Biro Meat Saw Meat Chopper. All equipment of late model and in new condition. Reasonable monthly rental for premises, with low down payment, terms up to five years. For details call Kitcher ner SH 3-8511 collect Ban-} cottages, | Beach, $500 down, $25 monthly. | ~ Jarge {Immediate possession. Apply: 231 Palace 14--Employment Wanted YOUNG woman would like to baby sit RESPONSIBLE person to > live in children in her own home while mo-|care for children, while mother works. ther works, Also weekends. Telephone Evenings and weekends off. Telephone 728-996 after 4. 723-2351, WILL care for pre-school child while; ; mother works. North Simcoe district, [WOMAN for general he in country On bus stop. Large garden. Telephone home from July 1 to August 31. Live 728-6925. ene . in. Apply Mr. J, Klasner, e-o Curve HIGH School girl wants employment in Ply Wood Ontario. Doctor's home, good references. One Telephone or two children preferred. Sleep in Telephone Hampton CO 3-2246 PETER PAN DAY NURSERY .Mon- day to Friday, All or half-day. 8.30 a.m. until 5.30 p.m, 581 Simcoe Street North. 728-2604 DRIVER with small sires job moving, ga 16--Female Hel Wanted 150. WANTED at once ~ elerk-cashier for supermarket in Oshawa, Evenings 6 to 10 p.m. Three to four nights Per week, Please write Box 349 ) Oshawa Times. EXPERIENCED waitress s wanted. F Fol time. Apply the Rose Bowl Grill. 24 Bond Street West THREE young women 18 to 25 to as sist circulation manager in large pub- lishing house. Telephone 725-5102 for ap- pointment between 7 and 8 p.m. Wed- nesday and Thursday, Mr, Hamilton, SHORT order cook required. Apply in person to Genosha Hotel, 70 King Street East WOMAN, stake truck, de- picking up waste garbage etc. Telephone 725- WOMAN would like cleaning to do, morning or nightly. Office cleaning laundromat, ete, Write Box 342, Osh- awa Times. 16--Female Help Wantéd | | WOMAN with car to make Must know city. Telephon WANTED pleasant reliable, to live | in, "do | light duties and care for infant and school age child. $20 week plus room and board 1 p.m. until § MO deliver 728-71 experienced smart *|waitressés. Also short order cook. Ap-| §.4641 ply in person after 7 p.m. or before 11 a.m. to Sandalwood Restaurant ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES = ae | EARN EXTRA j ESLADY INCOME hag A & W Drive- 1327 Simcoe SALESLADY, experienced preferred, full or part-time, in ladies'. sportswear. Smart appearance with personality. |Must have references, Highest for person with ability to in person, Se igneur's Sportswea: ienced only. iN person to: Pennyworth's Dept. Bond St. W.; Oshawa STENOGRAPHER for downtown of- 5 Requirec Full Time fies. Anh in writing, stat- CAR or Pee clay enue HOSTESSES Post Office Evenings or Daytime Store ¢ oH, requires Box 307, Oshawa WAITRESSES FULL OR PART TIME MALE RESTAURANT Oshawa Shopping Centre EXPERIENCED CASHIERS Apply: MANAGER BASSINS Food Market Ajax Shopping Centre AJAX, ONT. General Office CLERK Young woman with pleasant telephone voice and person- ality --~ for Branch Office. Duties include filing and te- lephone' service: Typing, not necessary. Full time we - 5 day week, Extensive training prog designed to train you, forms supplied Married women preferred, Telephone 728-573] For Appointment WANTED FULLY EXPERIENCED SALESLADY FOR READY-TO-WEAR Also EXPERIENCED ALTERATION | SEAMSTRESS, j to do work at home | Apply in person to Mrs. Potter JAYNE-MODDE DRESSES 77 King St. East 'LOCAL BANK REQUIRES YOUNG LADY for interesting full time posi- tion. Pleasant working con- ditions, with usual employee benefits. Previous experience preferred Telephone 725-6521 WAITRESSES © FOR PART-TIME | weekends YOUNG MAN In Person ENVOY. "RESTAURANT _522 RITSON ROAD S. STENOGRAPHER Must have good shorthand. Excellent salary. Bay Ridges oreo MO. 8-818] WOMEN TAXI DRIVERS | Preferably between 25-40 | National Aluminum TOP EARNINGS Prod. Co, Ltd. Appl | MERCURY TAXI | PICKERING, ONT. | WH 2-6890 WHITBY CLASSIFIED rk Apply in person "RON WILSON 11 Ontario Street Room 9 17--Male Help Wanted Required For INTERNAL SALES WORK, Excellent future prospecte with an expanding comps any. Minimum Educa- thes requirement grade APPLY super value, approx! FOR sale mately 630 sheets of letter size typing! matic, |paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap-|tion jply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby J after: '54 Chevrolet Belair, auto. radio and washers, fair condi- Best offer. Telephone MO 8-2257 6 p m. ~|FOR rent Two-room unf dresses, apartment, second floor, private bath, drapes. Fitting} peery duty "wiring. One child welcome. MO 8-2372, $55 monthly. MO 8-5709, 360, FURNISHED two room Ement clean, with kitchenette, for rent, suitable for couple, child wel- cupboards, refrigerator Come, abstainers, Also single room, Private entrance, Telephone MO 8-3216. W chrome chairs, $3.95, 3 Mid-Tows a Furniture. Telephone MO 8.4981. RENT ---Two furnished rooms, small SEWING machine repairs, any "make, 'kitchenette, stove, frig. Suit elderly or All work guaranteed, Mid-town Furni- {young couple. No children. 305 Perry jture. MO 8-4981. [Street. MO 8-470, _.| TYPEWRITERS, ROOM and board to suit gentieman, |tals, terms, service. Hamilton Office Handy to Whitby and Oshawa, Abstain. |Equipment, 137 Brock South. MO 8-843. er. Telephone MO 8.4709 _...|STOVE 3 repairs, Excellent man. Rea- FOR RENT 'Two-bedroom modern | sonable 'own Furniture. MO 8-4981 er. | apartment, refrigerator, stove. washer, MipToW rniture has moved t dryer, newly decorated, downtown. former Community Furniture a jAvailabe now. MO 8-3652 ...|Prince Street, Oshawa, across from FOR RENT: Two room unlurnished|bUS station, Telephone 723-1131. japartment, large bright bed-sitting|FOR RENT: Unfurnished three ve jroom and kitchen. Hydro, heat supplied. | apartment, heavy wiring, heated, Fe | Bus stop at door MO 85188, able June 1. Telephone MO 8-3800, 5 to [SEPTIC tanks cleaned, Walter Ward, 7 p.m i Ee so j204 Chestnut Street West. Telephone OFFICE equip., biggest stock around. MO & 3. s service with reasonable prices, try us, FOR RENT -- $60 monthly thiee and Hamilton's, 157 Brock South.' MO 8-843. four room apartments, balcony, res GRAVEL & LOAM dentiai area newly decorated tpanddey facilities. Parking close to schools chil Driveway and Cement Gravel Sand and driveway fill. Sdren's playground. Apply 300 High Street, Apt. 11. MO 8-2336 ERIC BRANTON MO 8- 2660 B.C. SERVICES. Iterations, slip covers, i specialty, Mrs. Toms. FURNISHED fortable 'and sink, built-in and stove supplied bed-sitting room, com- Street adders, casl Complete bookkeeping businesses, weekly,| Statements pre+| MO 8-6252 service for small monthly or as desired, pared; income tax returns. SPRING Time to Beautify model -- Decorate Plans and Materia patios, Building Plastering Materials Soil, Sand, Stone, Mulch sold by weight. We. Deliver SAWDON'S 668-3524 Are you satisfied vith your present family income. Top Gravel, Fuels, Why supplement doing A let the contact not your ability income by work selling on Cosmetic Call 725-8466