ANN LANDERS Draw the Blinds, Gals Peeping-Toms Busy Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band is a window peeker. Oh, he doesn't stand outside strange houses and look--he's much too sophisticated for that. He has the finest binoculars on the market and can operate very nicely from a pitch-black patio or from our bedroom window. For months I considered this my own secret shame (thinking, of course, there was something terribly wrong with him) when recently at a dinner party the subject came up. I learned to my horror that almost every man present was engaging in the same sport. The peekers gleefully compared notes on the best type of binoculars and. the most effective vantage points. Then the conversation fanned out to include the fascinating things that had been seen. This letter is not a request for advice. Nothing I could say or do would get him to stop any- way. I'm writing in the hope that you will print this letter, along with advice to all fe. male readers, to keep your shades down, girls. And I mean| all the way down. IMA GINIT Dear Ima: The fact that' the sport is popular doesn't make it decent. Psychologists tell wus that men who go in for peek-a- boo magazines and the spy- glass routine are insecure and- or immature. Often they are in- capable of anything beyond looking. Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band is a salesman and makes good money, but it seems to disappear into thin air. We have seven children. He gives me $20 a week for grocer- ies. When I tell him I just can't manage on what he gives me, he says "Buy more beans and spuds."' Then he throws up his mother to me. She managed with nine kids and no income-- just a truck garden and a cou- ple of cows. I'm ashamed to send the chil- dren to school, their clothes are so badly worn. The neighbors bring over clothing which their children have outgrown. I have one good dress to my name. My husband always looks like an executive. Our house needs repairing badly but he never has money for such "luxuries". Last Christmas he spent $40 on a gift for his boss. If he'd let me handle the money we could come out all right wouldn't have to worry about the utility company turning off the juice. What can I do? CHURCH MICE Dear Mice: Ask an unbiased third party to sit down with you both and explain the financial facts of life. In some families it's the wife who is better at managing the money. When such is the case the husband should be happy to let her do it. What men can't get through their thick skulls is There's nothing unmanly about handing over a paycheck to a wife who can stretch it further than he can throw it. Dear Ann Landers: Please sj tell me how to fall out of love with my husband. We have been married 15 years. Harvey is cold and unaffec- tionate. He actually pushes me away when I try to kiss him. I can't remember the last time we had a cofversation. He only speaks to me when he has some- thing to criticize. : He spends money lavishly on himself but I have to account for every penny. Harvey is rude to me in public and embar- rasses me with his critical re- marks in front of my family and friends. Yet I adore him. If I ould just stop loving him so much life would be tol- erable. Can you help me? SLAVE TO LOVE Dear Slave: Some women THR OSHAWA TIM aS, Thursday, May 24, 1902 Q Children Demonstrate Judo To Parents of Conant H&S *The following children took;Highway 401 and will be open the May meeting of the Conant Home and School Association: Armant Conant, Allan Conant, Alex Dobromisky, Munden Ped- die, Russell Peddie, Lonny Dunn, Ian Smith, Patricia Dewsbury, Paul McGovern, Norman Green, Bill Buffett ana Terry Lee. These are some of the pupils of Mr. Leo Hauns- berger. BLACK BELT At present Mr. Haunsberger instruets in Judo every Satur- day morning in the CRA Build- ing from 9.30 to 11.30. However, he will be opening a gymnas- thrive on abuse and get satis-jium in June for Judo instruc- faction from being mistreated.|tion. This gymnasium, at pres. If a man showered such alent under construction, is sit- and 1| this: |/3 woman with kindness and con-| sideration she would not care for him. | Of course this is a sick ap- proach to love which goes way back to childhood. Years of therapy would be required to straighten out such a personal- ity problem. It certainly is too big a job to attempt by a single letter. Get help. 'Westmount Jr. Choir Ready For Concert, The Westmount United Church Junior Choir, under the leadership of Mrs. Morris Love, wild present an "Evening of Music" on Friday, May 25 at 8 p.m. in the church audi- torium. Mrs. Sydney Boneham, who assists in the teaching of part singing, will be the accom- panist. Thirty-five enthusiastic boys and gitls whose ages range from eight to 14 years make up the choir. The regular choir practice takes place at the church every Friday at 4 p.m. However for the last two months extra prac-| tices have been held on Tues- days to make ready for the "Evening of Music." The first part of the program jis made up of Sacred music |One highlight of this is the sing- ing Of the 23rd Psalm in three part harmony to the tune of "Crimond"'. In the latter part of the pro- gram the singing of Do-Re-Mi from "The Sound of Music' jmakes the rafters ring with carefree young voices. All proceeds from the eve- jning will be used to purchase inew choir gowns. | THE FINEST | DRAPES ARE BY |, Plan jour of PARIS SEE THEM AT... Betty Haydl STUDIO 15 KING E. 725-2686 | I e | Fcceetreteecsssic oe GE uated on Park Road just off | \part in a Judo demonstration at|throughout the week. There will be picnic accommodations also on the grounds. Mr. Haunsbergéer discussed some of the principles of Judo, most important of which was not to use one's strength against an opponent in an effort to over- come him but rather to use his own strength against him, The observance of this rule usually called for a complete change in outlook. Mr. L. McGovern expressed thanks on behalf of the parents and the Association. Annual reports wefe pré- sented at the Home and School meeting by Mrs. Fred Britten, Mrs, Lon Dunn, and Mrs. Har- old Jenkins. The following peo- le were installed as officers 'or the coming year: Mrs, William Tymchuk, presi- dent; Mrs. Joan Smale, past president; Mrs. John Shearer, as ist vice-president; Mrs. W. A, Leggott, 2nd vice-president; Mrs. E. K. Hiltz, recording sec retary; Mrs. Frank M. Smith, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J, W. Murdock, treasurer; Mrs. Fred Dewsbury, Mrs. Norman Ibbitson, Mrs. Kenneth Batt, Mrs. Lou Dunn and Mrs. Ar- thur French as executive. MANY GRADUATES SASKATOON (CP) -- About one-quarter of the graduates at the University of Saskatche- wan's 5ist annual convocation were women. Among the total of 211 women receiving degrees, there were 111 in arts and sci- ences, 34 in education, 26 in nursing, 15 in pharmacy and 13 in home economics. ewens: ey | Ce Ag Py offer OUTDOOR LIVING for eee! AS ILLUSTRATED 4 ! SOLITAIRE SET $250.00 The Enchanting Charmaine : SET $150.00 Patricia Designed for young lovers \\ SOLITAIRE Presenting the newest Masterpiece creations by Bluebird... our window... and of course 'every Bluebird Diamond Ring is gucranteed fla quality...and insured free for one year against loss or damage, DIAMONDS FOR HAPPINESS OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY -- NO DOWN PAYMENT AS LITTLE AS 1.00 WEEKLY BURNS CREDIT LIMITED JEWELLERS how on display in wless... the finest 32 KING W. 723-7022 , FREE | COST you now... TO EVERY CUSTOMER A 5 Piece Cooey Metal BRIDGE SET For a limited time only. Oshawa Upholstering Co. ore making this truly great offer. - Or 3-pe, Chesterfield Suite re-upholstered AND AT NO EXTRA folding metal BRIDGE SET. Take advantage of this great offer. Order . have your suite covered later if you wish. Hove your 2 receive a beautiful 5-piece FREE. FINAL WEEK Have your suite covered later if you wish but order now and be assured of by Cooey A Handsome § Piece Metal BRIDGE SET OFFER EXPIRES MAY 31st NEW SPRING FABRICS Meve our consultent coll end give you « free estimate . Take 24 months to poy. « $10 monthly 2 PC. SUITE RECOVERED 3 FROM 99 MATERIAL INCLUDED CSHAWA | 10 BONDE ST. WEST FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY, 728-0311 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE + fe 4 yes A full 73" oxtra-width CHAISETTE LOUNGE with comfortable polished wooden arms, extre fine saran webbing ond 5-pesition finger-tip control. Assorted pastel colors you'll be 12.99 proud to display in your yord Extre size motching DELUXE CHAIR ............ 6 bos CCS Daa 64 17.99 FOLDING ALUMINUM CHAIRS WITH PADDED SEAT So right for entertaining outdoors. These chairs g e a G have an aluminum erie seat with a Maxolite padded cushion. Colorful Tropicana floral design. A table for many, many uses ... that's so easy to carry around. Approx. 24 x 60", INSULATED PICNIC BAGS Approx. 17% x 11 x 7"... Gaily coloured LOUNGE MATTRESSES For outdoor or indoor use. . . a lo mat with inflated pillow and comes in red, 9 blue or yellow with white stripes .... designs with @asy carrying ? OF Li) handles. LOUNGE COT e Adjusts for use as Lounge Cot, e Bright zinc plated and e Manufactured SLEEPING BAGS Pure Virginia white fibre, mildew resistant. No dust or lint complete with rubbe ground sheet. Size 72 x 75". COMPARES 19.95 9.98 bebe eee eee eeeee ALUMINUM CHAISETTES BARBECUES For the utmost in outdoor eating. Electro Roto Motor, C.S.A. ap- proved. Chrome plated spit with adjustable forks. Heavy steel con- Struction. Five positions .. , with fingertip adjust- ment, Available in various color com- bination webbing, Sturdy 1" polished « aluminum frame. Folds for easy stor- age. ; 9.99 FOLDAWAY : BARBECUE GRILLS With gir-vented firepot. Makes a handy foldaway package that travels every- where. Has. combination windbreaker griddle, 3-heat station and 3 66 To match above chaisettes movable fire pot a | 5.44 REFUNDED ee ee | ry "SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY [