Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, May 22, 1962 19 OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Mondey to Friday Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | CLASSIFIED AD RATES ! O 3 CONSECU INSERTION awa Shopping WILSON Accot Oshawa sdmund Bur MONTEITH, MONTEITR Co., Charterec co r 135 Simcoe Street Nort W I; Whitby, MO 8-413 "FRIEDLANDEN, Accountants ar Licensed Trustees in Bankr King Street East, Oshawa; B CA: F. Friedlander, B.Cor &. T. HOPKINS and Company fied Public Accountant Street East, Oshawa, Ontario BOB CLANCY'S Ontaric Service. Complete bookk 184 Bond Street West 723-7605 BURROWS tants, 114 Kin Ro ynald -F D. OWS, and CA : ronag HL ant TALE. and Co., ;mates. 'Anger Appraisers a McDAN . BACK Real Estate Appraiser and Broker, Whitby Phone MO 6-2311 KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaras teed automotive parts and accessories, 145 King Street West, Osh a 728-1607-8-9, Five bays to serve yc Barristers "HYMAN ac Alger 723-4943 Soli King non Barrister Blig., 37 Mortgag jes available GREER and KELLY, Barrister, tor, etc., 114 King Street East Residence phones, J 725-3363. Terrence Solici Dial v and THOMAS Ub Barristers and & East. 728-624 RALPH JONES, BA GREER, Associate citors, 130 King St Mortgage loans ava JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub ec, The Commercial Buildin 86 King Oshawa, Ontario, Client park ing 'available CREIGHTON, FRASER, MURDOCH, Barristers tary Public, Bank of Cor $ Simcoe Street North, Creighton, QC; B Cc. K. Drynan, G. I mortgages arranged BOWMAN, DAVID L., r 2 Simcoe South 264 DRYNAN and Barrister, So lick Resi 728-0 DONALD and Solicitor, 2 Telephone Business dence 728-53 MANNING F L, SWARTZ, Barristers, taries. Money te loan 36%, King Street East, dence, dial 723-4029 josEPa P. MANGAN, QC Barr Solicitor. Money to loan. Of King Street East, Oshawa, 728 McGIBBON and BASTEDO Solicitors. Clients' funds first . mortgages 20 Si North; 725-3566; Charles ¢ Qc; | Edgar F, Bastedo, Q¢ RICHARD H. DONALD. BA, Solicitor, Notary Public North, 728-2991. Res. 72 Z. T. SALMERS, pe Barrister, tor, ete., 13% Simcoe Stre Office 723-1101 eaiaence 725-5542 BRUCE VY. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pubii Mo funds available. 36% King Street Ea Res, 985-7163 HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Street East, Oshawa. R » QC; G, S. Boychyn, Hillman, LLB. Office 725-1178; Reside 725-4604 MO 62761, 7 NHA mortgage funds available Building Trades BLAKE DODDS, Barrisie 4 King Street Ea st 2201; Res Solicitors Henry 723-4697 Resi. t, Barr ilab reet McGibbon Barrister, Ms Simcoe Solici North. age and HILL 36% King D. Hur BA, QC; 725-1177, Whitby, and other CEMENT and wood stoops, framing, additions, kitchen ¢ remodelling. brickwork, fireplaces, etc 28-7238 YOUR local fey's built installed, estimates HAMBLY CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITEL cléaner. red, gas Ui furnace vacuumed Free 723-2997 "UNITED PAVING CO. "NICK DYRIW EXCAVATING BASEMENT SO TOP SOlt 723-3898 Al SWARTZ and PORALD'y |Bui ding Trades ICE RAMIC. plastic working, all floor Work Gu PLASTERING, Free Dial 728 co ngs. sti ant terations, cell and asements proofec ANGER evete, brick wor 623-2273 Bi Con- Roy Construction company and chimneys owmanville. roofing sidewalks, stoops of buiamng fireplaces fon M ALL ehimne: types 8, Gort ting and ¢e H » 26 BULLDOZING Free ate Hill built on Central Mort > io v Weep John K aly HARLEIGH MFG. C 92 4. PHONE 7 WHITBY EXCAVATING MO 8-4172 CHING, FOOTINGS PTIC TANK, WATE TREN and SEWER LINES. Call L. HAAKSMA HARRISON CONST T.) LTE ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK ONTARIO. TOP QUALITY BLACK SANDY LOAM A-1 TOP SOIL $3. 50 per yard 2 YA LSO GRAVEL EVANS LOAM & GRAVEL SUPPLY STEVENSON'S RD. S 725-5279 M A Al AND. FILL 106 Call 'Cartage JOHN'S MOVING Whitt Reason nsured equipped and Phone | Dressmaking = VISIBLE Telephone irk Avenue Fuel and Wood FACTORY for st phone ? hard ngs. S furnaces, Tele Gardening and Supplies WELL one rotted Bowma napure f ph nyille MA SMALL ed, r ning gardens, roto-tille PLAKMEYER SODDING _ Landscaping Soil, Manure BROOKLIN 655-3049 Ee KNOWLTON DSCAPIh for 725-6047 LOAM, GRAVEL WASHED STONE MULCH FILL 4 "795. 2156. LOAM-FILL GRAVEL - STONE 3-3528 CROSSTOWN SOD SHAWA |Gardening and Supplies wall tile, wood-| MANURE P jown containers 1980, |three t 50c. per v 895 MO 8-352 GAR nd la pho CEI qua GARDENS rotot R Dp OSHAWA nd ne 7 AR lity sizes y and estin Jed TREE hedges bushel et , WwW whe roto-till and seeding c. Any ates Telephone SERVICE MA 3-3935 re if Choice h CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND VANDRUNE VAN BELLE BLACK 728-8951 FOR FAST JIKLIN SELLING 655 LOAM ERVICE N'S Bring | LAWN and tree spraying. i deliver orders of|MO 6-5286, hitby, | me Vele sight roti 3545 2, OSHAWA OUT -VERWYCK GARDENS 'MO 8 8.4735 OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE COMPLE LANDSC DESIGN Ab Tr } APING if MAINTENANC 623-5 k Household Repairs HOUSEHOLD. APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE "TEL th THOR of Ce 725-8296 GARDENS Ins' PRI truction VATE Act 1 HAD un RVEY DANCT tAD ballet LIAN MAB MARSH Ballet, 1 intery ACADEMY H de jLawn Mowers A Whitby Stolk, Money to Loan REFINANCE YOUR DEBTS | MAKE A PURCHASE With A Low Cost Ist 2nd Mortgage Loan ' ty T 3 J $42.40 5yrs. NIL $58.89 5.yrs. NIL $99.23 5 yrs. NIL ITH UP TO REPAY $1800 $2500 $4000 OTHER 10 Ay YEARS TO a1 inter Call 728. 4684 Residential Finance Ltd. O.M.B.A MONIES FOR MORTGAGES view Member Mortgages MORTGAGES YIRST 'a3 * CLIENTS MORTGAGE FUNDS ndustria ailable f D. W. HOLDEN Insurance King St. East 728-6081 723-3376 MORTGAGE LOANS 5] Oshawa Atter 6 p.m 1 summer SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITEL Nursing Homes SUNNYBRAE Optometrists "LEARN TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School DAY OR EVEN gual cont ed id WHITBY 0091 CALL. 728 HN j NG 4 Investigators ACME INVESTIGATION ah RANCH OF REAU Lawn Mowers Art W Al MO Ol Have ENTION! HARPE ST EV ee A CA our la Free k # AND R and NT RYTHING STAN'S > AT BI 723-3224 REPAIRS and SERVICE JT BC POWER HAIN MOWEF AWS OTO-TILLEF ( JAR Ix H. TUCK, RO Optome of Optor eyes rne ntact Painting and pesenee ee INTERIOR nd {easonat "Telephone SOUTER RATING Free est ate & PAIN DECC Personal Service MODERN GRILL Cr Turkey me 72 Piumbing and pees All Phone PLUMBING 3 Fstima Foley ALL WELL GUSCOTT PLUMBING and HEATIN S LIMITE ER 725-513 imcoe St FREE Plumbing and Heating REPAIRS and remodellmg of all types,| ">" Reasonable} jnew and used materials "1334, MeGrath rates, free estimates. Plumbing and Heating | Rug Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS nd} re-styled. Free estimates, See our ma- lterial for re-covering. Dalton Upholster- ng, 75 Charlies Stre ¢ Hi STE RF be LDS ike y pay satis rebuilt Bond Street re-upholstered a » Tecovered Our rates action guaran- Oshawa Up. West, Di reboilt more? Co., 10 725-031 LOUIS 8 Soli King mon. HYMAN, QC, Barriste ge CHESTERFIELDS covered | new, t and old chairs re- Get the best for 'less s 142 Simcoe ¢ estimates erm Uphols Call 72 | Surveyors H, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Survey 6 Adelaide Avenue k Ae DONEVAN AND FLEISHMANN, On t Land Surveyor ercial blue 11 Ontaric 2 one 725 Tailors LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR) 10 PRIN TV -- Radio meer ry BE NTALS: oe North 72 ry RADIO 'LEN & LOU! S ANTENNAS 580 yr li V. TOWERS 728 TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST, E 728-678) 1°] 4°] o ° WANT TO MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUSIC? BUY YOUR HI-FI NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED ° x x x x xKKRX eee HX x x x x xXxKM RRROX * «KK THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Well Drilling -- Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING by due ee GEORGE HARDING MO 8-3566 completé® TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Clean-outs and De Come r W enings rk 728-3864 BILL LEMON WELL DIGGING deepe 725-0665 Want-Ads Don't They Cost Pay | 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent 1--Women's Column COLD WAVES on iressing, 396 Pine 63 cial, Page Hair-| Avenue Telephone | Lepr IEE |LAKE Simooe, cottages for rent. ,con- veniences, safe beach, fishing, boats javailable. (Reduced rates for June). | Telephone Orillia irview 5-2017, RICE LAKE lakefront a Bewdley district, for rent July o T W ©/August, three bedrooms, hydro, R.Le- vate entrance, Gresley, Newcastle, Phone 3656, » Near 'Shopping Centre, |\COTTAGES --$30, $40 weekly. Also --|weekends, two and three bedrooms, geration, Excellent fishing, |hydro, ret pickerel, bass, New boats, 725 |2--Personal ¥ YOU nave rite to Box 4 drinking problem, cottage, } 4 Ota i COTTAGE "for sale -- two 'double "cab- te suitable for summer cottages, with plywood, Apply Newtonville Telephone Cla: ke 4020, osha He tel on these dotes for appointment. ELECTROLYSIS _ ste: NEW three-bedroom cottage, complete 723-464) | ly finished: inside and outside, 75 miles m Oshawa on Severn River, Tele- 3--Pets & Livestock REGISTERED phone 723-2905. six months LAKESIDE BEACH Lake five rooms on the 'water, veniences, safe beach, for "|Telephone Whitby, MO 8-5: FURNISHED cottage, hydro, safe beach on Canal Lake, 60 miles from Whitby, by season or week MO 8-3473 LAKE SIMCOE "yong furnished, b ete., on beach, down pay Call Bill Horner} Lloyd Realty Oshawa eR Scugog,| inside con- ale or rent.| 64 xican Chihuahua, old. Telephone 7. Phage AHUA fi weeks ant, » thoroughbred, puppies ' each, Sea Cove $50 female, Very to ister with home good tle -- $5,900, seven room ont : ldren. wa gentle Reasonable good miniature poodles, 1, male and nk McCammond -- White n, re Mrs FOR RENT vate three: ere) cottage, inside onveniences, sandy/ ' t fishing, Balsam Lake BATHING, t ng. Wé FOR GALS -- At Little La ta 60 miles from Osha n cottage, all Colborne, | BEAUTIFUL 1 fur FORK SALE -- White frontage 500, Telephone English strain id nale ar $ | FIVE-ROOM 2 beach, all ¢ desired cottage, mode excellent nD conveniences. eau, $53 ot. sandy Terms Tele-| Frank 4--Market Bosket ATTENTION t 1 f RICE * ile; La Lat miles north of Bewd-| * with 12' x 18° boat! cement floor, $2,500, Telephone| freeze owners cut asp p.m "MO ASPARAGUS ezing, 6 qt Enn COTTAGE for rent in Muskoka district three bedrooms, modern conveniences, | 8 beach Teleplione Mr A Ww.) dford. 725-1819 | MINDEN area, Eight bedroom sum-| mer home o niake, also two bedroom! cottage. All conveniences. Boat and| I By month or season, Write A.| 521 Wilson Road North. RR 2,} 5--Farmers Column WANTED Velephone Past 10 or MO 6 e for 12 cows TRACTOR ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE LOTS, COTTAGES Po a St dash and Glan- Lakes Reasonable prices, Ken Matthews Oshawa een re terms erms ourg m brooder house N 725-7740 tyrone.| 10-- Summer Properties Wanted for last two weeks of FARMERS NEEDS ; Se eae tat ati conveniences desirable, CO 3- \¥i--Asteles for Rent WHEEL CHAIRS Hospital beds, ers bedside crutches also . slenderizing | mochines ond roll - away | on Lake Scugog, cottage.} rot. oner alid walk commodes, SHORTS inv PHARMACY |Must be Ea two bedrooms, 16--Female Help Wanted | NOMAN, pleasant, experienced, to|MACHINE operator wanted. Ken Ash- sare for two children while mother|more Paving Limited, 557 Garrard vork ; live _Whitb; ca. MO 8-4274. |Road Telephone 728-8412. 400: SEKEEPER to mind children, live PER CED service station attend ", private room and board. Weekends|ant, with references Apply 245 Went ree. Apply 351 Ritson Road South {worth Street West WANTED: time) required for Oshaw Are: No insurance a Please write: Ins. Reporter Adelaide St. Post Office, 17--Male Help Wanted reporter (part Whitby and nts eligible, PO Box beg Toronto, fOUNG or middle-aged woman to Insurance earn florist trade. Full time work, Ap- aly in writing to 335 Oshawa Times. WAITRESS required for evenings, 6 to aidnight. New View inch, opposite 3M South, Telephone 725-8983. IOUSEKEEPER to take two smal! children, live Private room, liberal phone 728-3 WAITRESSES for evening shift. Full time work, Apply Wayside Snack Bar, corner Thickson Road and No. 2 High-| way between Oshawa and Whitby. WEEKLY private fc Call after SHORT order cook required person to Genosha Hotel, SHORT order » aged 18 to 25, perienced pr but will - train. Must be quick Haugen's Chicken Bar-B-Que, Manchester, 938-2402. a ex- charge of in preferred. time off. Tele- FAEM hand for dairy herd able. Sunderland Oshawa Times, married man required Separate house avail area, Write Box 439, giving references, FULL ER Brush Company, requires, twe salesmen, for Oshawa area, $# per week, Telephone Toronto WA 4-8347 Reference 6 p.m A 70 King § "WAITRESSES FULL OR PART TIME Apply in perso required RAWLEIGH business now open in township Whitby East, Darlington and Oshawa,. Trade well established. Excel- lent opportunity, Fall time. Write Rawe ~j|leigh Co., Dept, E-310-189, 4005 Riche jlieu, Montreal REQUIRED 2 INSTRUMENT MEN For road and municipal ser- MALL RESTAURANT | Oshawa Shopping Centre oar vind fad BB ie le vel WiTREOSES 1 DRAUGHTSMAN WEEK-ENDS To Apply In Person ong ENVOY RESTAURANT) The cbove ore permanen 522 RITSON ROAD S positions. Salary to be tiated accordance MARRIED, SINGLE qualifications and experience OR WIDOWED LADIES REQUIRED A LEADING MUTUAL INVESTMENT FUND, OFFERS YOU A dignified Lucrative c a Security through ren t I roe 1 a cide A sales training schoc s10-CD1, Prepare you for succes: Usual fringe benefits This career attractive to all ages do draughting for roads municipal services cbove neg in with Apply in writing te George L Consulting Engineer, Cobourg, Ontario. 18--Male or Female Help Wanted NEED extra income? | 10ur and more quarters in Totten, Average $3 an in spare time. Be head- your neighborhood -- for etics and Home orders, Large profit of Homeshopper Rawleigh Prod- 4005. Richelieu, highly paid Cosy mmission n D. Montre | 20--Room and Board FOR GENTLEMEN lunches packed room ano board, singles or to share, very cent 296 King Street East, near Ri n "Road ROOM and board for gentleman. In clean, quiet home, home cooked meais, lunches packed, close to Shopping Centre, downtown, Parking. 81 Park Road South FURNISHED | For local interview contact MR. GILBERT or MR. SMITH A. G. F. MANAGEMENT LTD. 1263 BAY ST. TORONTO TELEPHONE 925-2175 suit Close laundry room with board, lady, new home, adult family to bus and shopping. Parking, |facilities, Telephone 725-6290. lnoom 'and board for one gentleman, |close to bus and North General Motors |Telephone 728-3350 CARNEGIE AVENUL, comfortable room and |home, lunches packed, home cooked | ool, board. quiet 708 beds | FOR SALE OR RENT 725-1644 I BROOKLIN OPEN MON., WED FRI, EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCES 7--Trailers CEMENT Punch Bowls, Stemmed Wine Glasses, | Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, etc. Prices? Reasonable ! | SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc., bought Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-231 1--89 BLOOR E._ WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY ' AND FEATHER TICKS e264. Deer Hides and Raw Furs (collect HALIMAR |. TURNER : i 723-2043--723-3374 | 13--Business Opportunities | mixe travel 728-1468 'SILVERLINER collapsible All 6 trailer new for 62. Call - Ginness eeps fo tratle Proy in good stove cond ce b MA 3 rater. Or 8--Resorts SANDY LAKE, ct, lake inside to 4 hree-bedro Available Ju 4 f 1A Bruce Peninsula hoppy, Hent "The A. OAL or Phen |17--Male Help Wanted joopetties, | Montreal. jmeals, laundry, parking. Private en jtrance, bath Gentlemen, $15 | COLBORNE Street ENTIOD Interested in selling?) hoard, lunches packed You'll make big profits with our fastit, North G jSelling line of cosmetics, household ne-|-esidential East, 19, room and if desired. Close M and downtown. In: quiet a ' ' farm products, Write for a ee Sere catalogue and details to FAMILE To ietae Dept. M-D, 1600 Delorimier Products, ( ontinued on 20) I | THE OSHAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD REQUIRES ONE MALE TEACHER FOR NEW GRADE 9 AND 10 SCHOOL Apply stating: experience, qualifications and salary expected to | | OPENING IN SEPTEMBER FRANK E. SHINE Business Administrator 357 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, Ontario SALE or exchange. First class restaur-/| ant, good clientele, two acres, ltving| quarters. Tl] health forces sal Write for information Box 338 Osha : | |SNACK BAR, service stati WHITBY CLASSIFIED plus acres on busy highway. Price only $15,000. Peter MA 3-3644, 'titty, to operate May WINDERMERE Realtor, HCUSEKEEPING COTTAGES KENISIS .LAKE trout fishing RESORT, accommodates ing to fishermen, ready 2, pickerel season, To be sold imm diately. Ten thousand down or exchange| for property, Box 109 Oshawa Times, |14---Employment Wanted , [PETER PAN DAY NURSERY .Mon- 1, Ontario. | day All or half-day. 8,30] NE 58R4 aan ) p.m, 581 Simcoe Street! WRIGHT'S POINT 5°38 = [DRIVER with small stake truck, de- Picke rent Mrs OM jsires Job moving, picking up waste |material, garbage etc. Telephone 725- 17970. water course North River SEALER rower part-time house- camp work, Cooking Box 540, Oshawa |LADY would like work or summer jexperience, Write | Times ral v Bay ges ARTHUR WRIGHT 425 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY MO 8- 4217 SANDY BAY CAMP ON RICE LAKE tt MAN with own truck tractor desires work for same. Anything COnsITOTWC 18 Tashi 723-1080 after 5 p.m. |¥OUNG lady would like to aio tive care| _|to children, five days weekly, live |references. Telephone 723-1467, [RE LIABL 2 lady will mind children by 'th n her own home. Telephone | 728 7708 "ton further information WOMAN would like cleaning to do,| morning or nightly. Office cleaning}; laundromat, ete. Write Box 342, Osh- awa Times. | 16--Female Help Wanted WANTED pleasant smart vexperienced| | Waitresses. Also short order cook. Ap-| ply in person after 7 p.m. or before 11] a.m, to Sandalwood Restaurant, WOMEN TAX! DRIVERS Pr between 25-40 NGS 3-bedroc mc mveniences runn Ss inside woter and t h, fine d fishing McCRACKEN, 4, Babel ie PHO! NE 2 OWI 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent sit iS dee Good boats swimming. G R R R. sale, on Canal Lake, 50 for th Oshawa. Telephone rably TOP LAKE DALRYMPLE sale, EARNI subdivi ould ac 725-7147 av Apply on MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 SALESLADIES i' me employmer 0 hour we | yorking conditions and bene- | fits | APPLY ZELLER'S LIMITED OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE LONG BROS. REALTOR TU 5-450 PORT HOPE _|Furniture, out, /$dren's pisvarecnd. Apply 300 High/ NEW chrome chairs, $3.95. Mid-Town|SEWING machine repairs, Tel lephone _MO 8-4981 DRESSMAKING, Suits,coats, a specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO 8 alterations, slip covers, drapes. FOR RENT: Three room private bath, newly decorated. any make, |All work 'guaranteed. Mid-town Furnk ture. MO 8-4981 TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, ren Fitting |tals; terms, service. Hamilton Office ; | quipment, 137 Brock South, MO ) 8-8442, apartment, : Adults|STOVE repairs, Excellent man. Rea- only. Abstainers, One block from busi-|Snable, Mid-Town Furniture. MO 8-4981 ness section, $65 monthly Telephone 1 DTOWN Furniture has moved to the MO 8.2264. |former Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street, Oshawa, across from |FOR RENT: Two room unfurnished ae apartment, large bright bed-sitting/ 5US jon, Telephone 723-1131, room and kitchen, Hydro, heat supplied. | Fro Unfurnished three room Bus stop at door. MO 8-5188. ..|@partment, heavy wiring, heated, Avail- FOR RENT -- Four large roomed|#le June 1. Telephone MO €-3800, 5 to apartment, with three-piece bath, heav} = duty wiring. Convenient to town Mary |0 Street West. Telephone MO 8-8003. {service with reasonable prices, try us. S/SEPTIO tanks cleaned. Waiter Ward, |Hamilton's, 137 Brock South. MO 8-3442, 204 Chestnut Street 28, Chia GRAVEL & LOAM FOR RENT -- $60 monthly three and | four room apartments, balcony, resi-} Driveway and Cement Gravel Sand and driveway fil! |de ntlai area newly decorated 'laundry | ERIC BRANTON dresses, gest stock around facilities. Parking close to schools chil-| Street, Apt. 11. MO 8-2336. B.C, SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping Service for small businesses, weekly, monthly or as desired. Statements pre- pared; income tax returns, _MO 8 LADY required to care for small chil dren, 7 a.m. to 4.30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Arey 300 High Street, Apart- ment hitby Be An AVON | Representative -- w ° tents, tent Haller, tools and camping equipment. FOR SALE New ond used Tents, $ up; New and used $100.00 up; New a Motors, $75.00 up : used Lawnmowers and Ti lle rs WANTED Used Boats and Motors t sold on consignment SPRING TUNE UP 2-cycle Lawnmowers, $4.50 plus part 4-cycle Lawnmower $5.50 plus parts. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALE 1415 DUR WHITBY MO 8- 3226 substantial ely. Repres- Start earning income immedia ent Avon in a convenient neighborhood territory. We | train you, call for interview | 125-8466 SPRING Time to Beautify mode| ---. Decorate -- Plant and Maoterials for Building Supplies Plastering Materials. | Top Soil, Sand, Stone, Grovel, Mulch sold by weight. Fuels. We Deliver. SAWDON'S WHITBY) LTi 244 Brock St. S., W 668-3524 Ne } be Re Plans patios, IDAS ST f ON itby