18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Mey 22, 1962 Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings Stock Abitibi Acad-Ath Alta Dis Alta Gas Alta Gas w Aig Cen Ww Algoma Alumini Alum 2p Ang Pip p Anthes A ® Argus Atlas Steel Bank Mont Bank NS Gell Phone es Bowater pr ¥ Bales 2m 625 100 1088 0 10 bra vt 70 700 H47% 474 5 $25% 25% 25% TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS Quotations in cents unless marked $.\Can Pet p E cf from previous board-lot closing sale.;cKp Dey Con Bidg $45% 45% 45% -- %|Crown 'D Bridge D Fndry HO 492 i ee ee eee }Dom Tar By The Canadian Pre Stook Torente Stock Exchange--May % cpp 4xid lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-\Cagn Tire rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change isic Tipe A Col Cell INDUSTRIALS om, 11 Net [Con M S High Low a.m, Ch'ge Con Gas $15% 15% Crush 205 . 205 ili + Dist Seag Dom Elec Dale = 34} Dosco |D Storse Dom Tex Bu Pont 1 4 'red Farms jE 'ed Gr pr [Gat 5 pe ir | Goody ear Bullochs A Burns Cal Pow Can Cem Cl Fndry Can Malt C Pack B Can | Ho iorne Pt limp OU %lImp Tob Perm Ind Accep "i Jeif Bw Jockey ¢ 650 £30%% CAPSULE NEWS Sales n High Low a.m. Ch'ge s\Lob Co A £|Mont Loco -% Rumor Princess, Prince Engaged LONDON (Reuters) Ken sington Palace officials refused to comment Monday on a West German newspaper report that Princess Alexandra of Kent is secretly engaged to Prince Karl of Hesse. The princess and the prnce, both 25, were reported often in each other's company in Athens 10 days ago at the wedding of Princess Sophia of Greece and Don Juan Carlos of Spain China area of ported Robert E land caused Neutral Phouma 5 REDS SEIZE BOATS : TOKYO (Reuters) The Japanese. news agency Kyodo said Monday Soviet patrol boats have seized two Japanese fish- ing boats off Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island. Both boats were collecting seaweed, Kyodo sald Soviet home reason y f ment the Monday pley said China major cured in a populated area postponed ture for Laos plane failed to arrive plane's del officials expected Wednesday Prin REPORTS QUAKES HONOLULU t earthquakes and (AP) Major deep ir nterior the ri Islands P art Seisr rele iat the main could have if it oc- in quake damage PHOUMA DELAYED RANGOON, Burma (Reuters) ce Souvanna his depar- because the to fly him here. No given for the Burmese govern- said it now is today due TO GUIDE CARPENTER FIVE BURN TO DEATH FORT HOOD, Tex. (AP) Five soldiers burned to death Monday when an M-48 tank tumbled down a 30-foot cliff and caught fire during a tacti- eal exercise at this central mil- itary base. Australia di appear point of He WANTS CLASSIFIED MONTREAL (CP) -- The Ca- nadian Federation of Film So- cieties said Monday that moy- ies should be classified, not cut. The federation passed a_reso- lution 'at its annual meeting urging that film censorship 'in its present statutory form" be replaced by a state-run system of classification that would al- low some movies to be seen by anyone, others only by persons above a certain age Floods Swl rled day. At kwim Riv of were homes the 100 here, mile HUNT MONEY MONT-ROLLAND, Que Police have launched a of Ile Lachaine, Island site of a fire-razed cha- let once owned by fugitive Georges Lemay. A spokesman said the searchers hope to un- cover loot taken burglary at a -branch Bank of Nova Scotia in real last summer. (CP) search the Laurentian RENO, he and Ke b Tahoe ances $500,000 n of the Mont- in light. A vy hi Ss hospital night ye will CANBERRA Woomera rocket range Ww rs --The in South by flares (Re ill be lit of 1,000 "000 candlepower to help guide Malcolm Scott Carpenter during his orbital Minister Allen said to Car} flight, Supply Fairhall said to- the flares will enter like a pin- ght CAPE FAIRBANKS, into Aniak, FLOODS Alaska (AP)-- ice jams ages Mon- the Kusko- two vil on er 300 miles southwest doctor removed About 450 residents of Fort Yukon,| made N hospital tired, commitment casino tonight r he He ¥ of the 244 residents from. their one-quarter of ne yrthe ast of Fair- KAYE OUT OF HOSPITAL ev. (AP) -- Out of but looking pale comedian Danny complete his night at a Lake with perform- and Wednesday and lack of rest, said, put him in a t Thursday us las as released Monday. Net | sj)Nor Phone ' Ont Steel re- Stock Sales LOnt Cem p 100 Lac Fin A $il% 11% $3%% 273 1 $9 1 $15%4 3 $19%s $i2\a cy $1054, 10 $107%% 2150 a» 854 275 9 275 ao Co AW Lob Co B pr Mass-F 5% Met Stores 12233 § TA $l lo $ 3199 723 623 15 235 300 7% $ 30 Mont Trst Mogre Nat Drug Noranda NO NGas Joean Cem Uk: Seven Arts Shawin Steel Can S Propane Tamblyn "Trans-Mt Trans PPL {Un Gas it Corp B Wood J 40 S$I7kg 17% 17a -- %| 84 -- 4) Asbestos ll Net, High Low a.m. Ch'ge} Brock 11% + | Zenith Curb |CG Inv |C Paper | Aiminex Anglo Un Mic Mac C West P Dey-Pal Dome Pete , | Dynamic Gr Plaing "\Home A it B OU G Medal j Nat Pete heal ete oil Permo nee | Quonto | Sarcee |Secur Free { | Stanwell Macaulay Cites = U.K. Position LONDON (CP) |Macaulay, Ontario economics and development minister, iMonday: Britain, in relation to the European Common Market, "has a- responsibility to out whatever policy is best"' her future prosperi "Nostalgia alone the old order, incheon address to the nadian Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain, an association of Canadian and British bus- nessmen "The Canadian attitude wards the Common Market is not firmly fixed," "Macaulay added, but the Ontario ment s "not opposed to the United Kingdom's entry if the U.K. feels that such a step is in its own best interest" In any event, ain should 'negotiate from a po- istion of strength" for the -best possible deal for herself and the Commonwealth More Siapaling Hearing Thursday OTTAWA (CP)--Court mar- tial proceedings against Major William Allan Platt of Picton, Ont., charged in connection with gold smuggling in Indochina, will not resume 'until Thursday at the earliest, an army spokes- man said Monday The court martial was journed last Wednesday after Major Platt's defence er application to have sworn testimony taken from persons in for he id o- wa ad- banks, abandoned their homes. | tnrdochina. The move by aishley precedent courts Should Mr. Laishley's applica- tion be accepted by the court martial, it might delay the hearing for weeks The ruling, to be made by the office of the army judge adyo- cate-genera], will be announced Jater this week ee 8 without military lawyer was believed in Canadian he said, Brit-| Roberts. said! work|¢ govern-| Sales High Low s.m. Ch'ge 370 «370 100 370 $3334 $10% 0 Hg OILS 3346 3344 -- 34 HO, 40% ts 49 1 Net Stock --5 |Fatima Goldray Gunnar Wy 44-- % 4a Heath Yu-Pam Irish * Waite Jacobus Jellicoe Joliet Jonsmith Macdon Macfie MacLeod | Madsen | McWat xiant YK Hard Rock High-Bell lollinger Hud Bay 11 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 300 4363 1500 320 966 1000 Uydra Ex Cop Iron Bay 41 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT By FORBES RHUDE lian Press Busi Editor Consumers Gas Company of Toronto has decide d_ that neither one language nor two is enough. To announce a $10,000,000 se- curities issue it used full-page %4/advertisements in a number of jnewspapers in the area it jserves. All carried the same. Im ge in parallel columns in English, French, Italian and hg igen A principal reason for the » | multilingual presentation is that *'the company encourages pur- ichases of its securities by its |customers this end |makes its offerings in denomi- s\nations as low as "$100 and $500, Meta Uran Min-Ore 4 | Murray New Newnor Nickel Nipissing 1 M 1 Jason M &|per * | dium-si » 735 11 a.m.: 633,000 ada's: financing nstead of the usual minimum 4 | It feels that many customers will not know of the offering without a multilingual approach The use of four languages is new -- but were first in early low denominations offered in an issue 1961 and F. Warren Hurst, vice-president and treas-jin the preceding week and 126,-lof the greatest human afflic . estimates that 3,000 DEG 326 in the corresponding. week!tions is acedi:z and $500 have felt bought at the $100 figures who wouldn't ble to buy viago* In the present an nounced Frida ins estment lealers ar seed to give pref. or until May 24 to custom- ho wish to buy the smaller amounts ering, ers W | The $10,000,000 offering, dat ed) cor responding period last year. ifailure in the art of June 1, consists of 20-year u offered at 100.75 to yield 5.44 per cent. Consumers Gas, through subsidiaries, natural gas in central and east- ern Ontario and some areas of| Quebec and New York State FORM NEW COMPANY 4 probably far-reaching event} last week was announcement of iformation of RoyNat Ltd. | It is intended to meet finan-| cing needs of new small or d companies not big! snough or well-known enough to/- jmake a public offering of secur-| lities on their own. | It steps into what rather glaring directly or has been a situation and, 1. WALTER FRANK McQuay Real Estate 2. (Manager) OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD 3 Star Salesmen.. . PHOTO CO-OP April '62 TONY SIBLOCK L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd, 3. BILL MILLAR Lloyd Realty Four Language Sales Pamphlet distributes, gap in Can-| if NET EARNINGS it and the developments likely to follow it achieve their aim, the result should be a powerfu stimulation to new growth. The company was formed by Royal Bank of Canada, La Banque Canadienne Nationale, Montreal Trust Company and Canada Trust Company. Also in last week's news, the reduced value of the Canadian doliar added some fire to grow ing protests in the northwest United States against lumber imports from Canada. At Wen- atchee, Wash., a lumber spokes- man said American lumbermen are asking for an quota on Canadian lumber ISSUE STATISTICS Bureau of statistics reports uring the week included: Canada's population at April 1 was estimated at 18,508,000, up 270,000 since the June, 1961, census. | Steel ingot production in the) week ended May 12 was 131,380) tons compared with 130,752 tons} last year. | Manufs {March were 1038,300,000 8.1 per labove February and 5.1 per "ent above March last year ipments in the January March period were $5,855,900,- 000, up &.2 per cent from the in $2,- cent shipments at Irers estimated or March consumption of dom-| - cent sinking fund deben-|estic crude oi] rose 19.2 per ce nt/high im-|argy to 14,796,671 barrels jported crude rose six to 11,694,331 barrels. January- March consumption of domestic crude rose 6.6 per cent to 33,- 723,047 barrels. Department store sales in April, reflecting the fact that) |Easter was three weeks later than last year, are estimated to! have been 13.4 per cent higher |than in April a year ago. Department store sales and per cent| in n h last y year. per cent from Mar } immediate|~ you Lid., 1962, T. G. Bright and Co. year ended March 31: $584,950, $5.11 a share; $567,691, $4.91. Jamaica Public Service year ended March 31: $1,741,268, $1.95 a share; $1,479,733, $1.66. Maxwell Ltd., Dec, 31: 1961, $128,285. Mussens Canada Ltd., yea ended March 31: 1962, $324,093 32.01 ashare; 1961, $342,145 $2.12, Nova Scotia' Light and Powe: Ltd., year ended Dec. 31 1961, $2,592,905, $1.27 a ordinar share; $2,323,451 $1.11. Quebec - Telephone, mos snded March 31: 1962, $421,095- 1961, $327,189. Maher Shoes Ltd., year end Jan. 31: 1962, $439,708: 1961 $428,403, year endec $59,456; * 1961, Lid..| 1962, | 1961. 1960. 'Lamb Controls Rubber Firm AKRON, Ohio (AP) -- Eé {ward (Ted) Lamb, millionaire Toledo lawyer and industrialist, won control of Seiberling Rub- ver Company Monday, electing five of eight members on the 'irm's new 'board of directors, It was an objective Lamb had vursued for six years and it pelled an end to the Seiberling 'amily's direct part in manage- nent of the $50,000,000 firm vhich Frank and Charles Sel- verling founded 41 years ago 'ter locing control of Goodyear Tire and Tivbber, which the two vso founded, J, P. Seiberling, son of and his cousin, L. M. erling, son of Charles, were rt among the three directors lected by the faction opposing "amb. Acedia Worrying Robertson Davies KINGSTON (CP) -- Robert- son Davies, Canadian author} and editor of the Peterborough Examiner, said Saturday one --intellectual and spiritual lethargy. Mr. Davies, recently 1 master of the new \ graduate college at the [ sity of Toroto,, was jto 321. graduates rex |grees at Queen's Ur "Only one failu re y jbreaks the spirit and is fe re sig blaming acedi a for the influence of mental leth- and spiritual torpor. A person can be busy bee, physically overactive, ning around in a whirls meetings, committees jparties and still be guilty acedia, he said. "If your feelings and sen- sibilities are withering, if your relationships with people near are becoming more and superficial, you are sneaking he said, ¢ as a run- vind of and more if losing touch even with yourself,| me} |March were $115,342,000, up 2.8]it is acedia which has claimed 'you, for its own.' -ithey a. to * honorary of People afflicted with acedia "seldom make mistakes, be- takes, because they never put themselves in a -position where are not complete masters of the situation. But they have made just one great, indeed monstrous mistake--they have died to joy and pain and thus feeling." Mr. Davies. was awarded an doctor of laws de- the convocation. Five Children Die In Blazes SYRACUSE (AP)--Five children sled Monage in two fires in this area. Four were burned to death when trapped in their bedrooms by a fire that swept their home in the hamlet of South Onon- daga. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henchen, escaped, The children were Joseph, 5, Mary, 3, William, 2, and Kevin, one month, at FORGET ALL ORDINARY VACATION PLANS SEE EUROPE...LESS THAN 529 A MONTH!" Spend 2 weeks in six different and beautiful European countries--and pay only one price that includes air fare, hotels, most meals, sightseeing trips, excursions, guide fees, tips and deluxe motor-coach travel through Austria, The italian Tyrol, Switzerland, France, Germany and Belgium! It's all done with TCA's "Mountains, Lakes and Cities" Tour (No. I1T-GT-725), the ideal two-week vacation plan to give you your first thrilling look at Europe. Jet by TCA to Paris. Then by air to Brussels to join your tour. Makes all ordinary vacation plans seem a little dull! Ses TCA or your Travel Agent about this tour and other low-cost TCA tours designed to fit into two or three-week vacation plans and to cover all ths most fascinating areas of Europe, TCA links more places in Canada with France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and freland than any other airline. This summer, daily DC-8 jets to Paris --also jet service to Dusseldorf, Zurich, Vienna and Shannon, Or if you're heading for the British Isles, TCA, in association with BOAC, offers up to 37 jet and turbo-prop flights a week from Canada to Britain. Budget with TCA's Fly Now--Pay later Plan for any destination you choosel *HERE'S WHAT YOUR TOTAL EUROPEAN HOLIDAY WILL COST: 00 28 dust # Y pown--Pius Based on Toronto - jet return fore 536.00, plus Tour No. 725. @ month for 24 months Hamilton -Paris economy IT-GT- See your travel agent or contact TCA 130 BLOOR ST. WEST, TORONTO TRANS-CA re) Cada iwe A AIR LINES (i) AIR CANADA TASTE THAT ELaVOUR.CaiSp AN ITS PILSENER IS YOUR KIND OF BEER Buy some today... it's DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST 'WHITBY great on taste! MO 8-3304