by Z Wa '~ * i ARCHITECT'S DRAWING COMMUNITY SUPPORT SEEN OF THE OSHAWA CLUBHOUSE FOR EASTVIEW dvance Plans For Boys Club The motto of the St. Albans| Boys' Sports Club .of Toronto states: | "It's Better to Build Boys than to Mend Men." | These words are of impor-| tance because of the fact that} plans are under way in Oshawa) to build a $400,000 Boys' Club along the lines of the St. Albans} Club. | of both Protestant and Catholicjal but held its first meetings) churches, schools, police andjin the basement of St. Alban's| health departments. Copies of|Parish Hall, through an ar- this survey are available at|rangement with the church. It Simcoe Hail. jstarted with 76 boys and girls As a result of the survey, and|from the Bloor - Bathurst area with the close co-operation of|if the 7 to 17 age group -- boys Oshawa 'City council, Mayor|2"4 girls were admitted to Christine Thomas gave active| membership regardless. of race, | ~}\color or creed, which rule will ee booog phat also apply to the Oshawa club. eset op m at The membership grew to 300 Parks Board and the Neighbor-|:,'1957, actually far in excess PARK SITE IS SHOWN and raised by the boys them-| selves (over 10 years) by making bird cages with mate- rials donated and selling them at Sportsmen's shows, selling Christmas cards and other like means, including the produc- tion and showing of a film call- ed "A Bridge Over The Don" the sum of $85,000 was raised. This was followed by a major contribution from City Council, together with financial help by Metro Council with gifts from. corporations, and busi-| ness concerns, the campaign reached the original objective. The completed Structure in Vermont Park, Toronto, is con- sidered to be one of the finest Boys' Clubs on the continent, modern in every respect. Youngsters can now enjoy a planned environment in which they can grow into useful citi- zens. Here they can be pre- pared for the future; can be developed physically, mentally, and socially. OSHAWA CLUB WILL BE FASHIONED ALONG THE LINES OF THE ST. ALBANS BOYS CLUB, TORONTO (Ss Canadian National Office is in|in 1929; founded Simcoe Hall in Montreal and the National Of-|1935, and became a member of fice for the American Clubs is|the Boys' Clubs of Canada in in New York City. There are 87/1951. |NEW BOYS' CLUB Boys' Clubs in Canada, from Vancouver, B.C. on the west,| Yellowknife, N.W.T. in the) north, Wabana, Newfoundland in the east, to Niagara Falls, On' on the south. The Boys' Clubs) of America have over 800 clubs with representation in every state in the Union. Each club is operated as aj self-governing unit with a local) board of directors. For a club) to be a member of Boys' Clubs} of Canada, the club must have} for its purpose the health, so-| cial, educational, vocational and character development of boys, with membership open to any boy, regardless of race, color or |Club will be located in Eastview t,| Park, near the corner of Eulalie jheated swimming pool, regula- SURVEY SHOWS NEED FOR BOYS CLUB IN OSHAWA -- SWIMMING POOL PLANNED The new Simcoe Hall Boys' avenue and Central Park Blvd. south. It will contain an indoor tion basketball gymnasium, li- brary, craft rooms, club rooms, shower and dressing rooms and an auditorium which may also be used for many indoor games such as floor-hockey. With these added facilities Simcoe Hall will be able to provide swim- ming instruction and increase in scope many of their present ac- tivities which include nursery many calls have been received from individuals and organiza- tions approving this youth proj- ect. The Oshawa Y's Men's Club and Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce have written ex- pressing their approval and de- sire to assist in this community enterprise. Building Committee consists of the following: THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Mey 19, 1962 7 FOR EASTVIEW PARK BUILDING (Pentland and Baker Architects Photo) awa Committee." The Oshawa Campaign and sketch plans for Building. trav-| zations who want to have a elling to other clubs and Toron- personal share in the building to Civic Recreation Centres, all|of new Simcoe Hall Boys' Club. meals at Committee meetings,| Kindly leave your donation with have been personally contrib-|the Treasurer (or send by mail) uted by members of the Osh-|to the Toronto Dominion Bank, East, Oshawa. Mr. Miles also said, "'Contri-|Receipt for income tax pur- butions will be welcomed from| poses all Oshawa citizens and organi-levery contributor promptly." 35 King St, will Stewart R. Alger, General Chairman. W. B. Bennett, Bldg. Chair- man. G. B. Miles, Treasurer T. L. Wilson, Secretary K. D. Crone, S. T. Hopkins, Fred Rowley, Mel Smith and Harold McNeil -- ORGANIZATION EXPENSES G. B. Miles, Treasurer, stated: @ RESIDENT PARTNERS Burt R. Weters, C.A. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., R.1.A, Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. Chartered Accountants 135 SIMCOE ST. NORTH @ TELEPHONE: awa-Bowmanville 728-7527 Alex WH 2-0890 Whitby MO 8-4131 PARTNERS: HHOWN ABOVE) be forwarded to OSHAWA, ONTARIO school, play-school, speech cor- irection for children, piano les- lsons, children's library, girls' jnursing corps, girls' and boys' |craft clubs, teen-age boys' clubs, | archery clubs, basketball, bad-| minton, teen-age girls' clubs, stamp club, boys' chess club junior gym clubs, boys' fish and game club, Golden Age Club, Crippled Children's School and Treatment Centre, and social- welfare services, The swimming pool will be 35 feet wide and 60 feet in length. Since the announcement in the Oshawa Times of the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club new building, Plans are almost completely vee8 oh | finalized for the Oshawa club, on cman eon a but considerable preliminary wis Hanview Park work has been done by the Sim- : i coe Hall Boys' Club Committee --which group is in charge of this work--and the results ob- tained to date have convinced] supporters of the project of two|/ST. ALBAN'S CLUB key points: Oshawa club will be creed, have a qualified staff, be open a minimum of 5 days a |week, and follow a program and safety measures as required by the National Office. The Na- tional Office provides a pro- gram service, scholarships, and assists with any part of pro- gram from staff training to ad- vising on building maintenance. Although the club is known as a Boys' Club, most of the Boys' Clubs have a very active girls' program. In Oshawa the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club is under the direc- tion of the Women's Welfare League, which was established of facilities available, with the result that many boys and girls) CLUB BUILDING Pome F {were unable to take part in the} The first organization to make Within a mile of the club are/fun and fellowship. Juse of the name 'Boys' Clubs" 15 schools with 7,379 students,| (nti) 1960, the staff, including|was the Boys' Club of New the largest group of boys and/tnspector Bill Bolton himself,) York, which was established in girls in Oshawa. consisted of 40 men and junior|1876. In Great Britain the first staffers who have grown up/Boys' Club was the Hulme Boys' The with the club in the past 10/Club founded in Manchester in The Oshawa community tn|modelled along the lines of the|zave of their time and talents |Club name in Canada was: ¢he general is wholeheartedly injnew St. Alban's Boys' Sports|teaching and helping boys in/East End Boys' Club of St. support of this worthwhile proj-|Club in Vermont Park, Toronto, | sports, craft and citizenship. |John, New Brunswick, founded ect. at the corner of Palmerston! a Ladies' Auxiliary was also|in 1900, The response to date by peo-jand Vermont avenues, which/formed with a membership of| The Boys' Clubs of Canada is ple approached for help has ex-jwas officially opened by Hisi59 mothers and wives of in-|affiliated with the Boys' Clubs ceeded the fondest expectations/Excellency, Major - General/structors who look after food|of America and the Boys? Clubs of the committee (which has/George P, Vanier, Governor-jrequirements of boys on movielof the United Kingdom. The been meeting regularly each|General of Canada Tuesday,/nights, the annual banquet,|-- week in an effort to expedite|October 17, 1961. award nights and Christmas| matters as quickly as possible).| The St. Alban's Club is of|party, The signal to "go-ahead" with|great interest to Oshawa be-| The need for the new club| the project was publicly an-/Cause it represents what one|was urgent. It was in 1957 that] nounced last April 7 by Stewart|supporter described as '"'alInspector Bolton, together with R. Alger, a member of the Com-|noble experiment that succeed-| Allan Grossman (Minister with-| mittee who is also a member of|¢d, thanks to the enterprise|out Portfolio in the Provincial the National Executive of the|and aggressiveness of a group|government); Ed. Mitchell, re-|f Boys' Club of Canada. "It is|Of Toronto businessmen inter-/gional director of the Boy s'\y badly needed," he said at thejested in boys and girls work.'|Clubs of Canada; George time. It also succeeded because of the) Weale and others, approached number of groups that con-|the City of Toronto for a dona- HEATED POOL tributed to this project with/tion of a site for the club- The building will contain ajfinancial support. jhouse. Their request was grant- swimming pool, 60' x 35' and a} The St. Alban's club wasied. | regulation-size gymnasium' and/founded originally November,| Harry Addison was chosen will be located in the northwest | 1949, by Inspector - Detective|as general chairman of the ap- corner of Eastview Park at|William H. Bolton, of the Met-|peal to be made to the public Eulalie avenue and Centraljropolitan Toronto Police with|for funds. He gave of his time Park Blvd. south. the co-operation of Venerable|and energy unsparingly, be- More than three years of in-|T. P. Crosthwait, then Rectorjcause he is deeply interested vestigation and surveying thejof St. Alban's Anglican Church, |in the work of the St. Alban's need in Oshawa for Boys'|Toronto. |Boys' Club. He _ surrounded Club; constant planning and ne-| It was started on a smalljhimself with men like Hugh gotiations (especially with re- Hon. J. W. Monteith, .C.A., M.P. A. Brock Monteith, B. Comm., C.A. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., R.LA. George E. Trethewey, C.A. Robert W. Lightfoot, C.A. Burt R. Waters, C.A. "All preliminary expenses in- volved in the organization work |for new Simcoe Hall Boys' Club --including Oshawa _ Survey, 7 When it comes to Be A Happy Driver! 'H#f' Business Insurance MAKE SURE YOUR .-. you can count on a Sun Life man FOR PARTNERS-- A Partnership Agreement backed by Sun Life policies will assure protec tion of your firm--and thus your scale with little indication that/Cayley, Harry Sherkin, Robert gard to the site) preceded Mr.|it would develop gradually to|/Bolton (father of the founder) " j age AFE! Alger's announcement. One ofits present stature and many others, | : the first steps was to appoint The club is non-denomination-| Beginning with funds earned) Oshawa architect Herbert G. ae site ree" Russian Relates Terror Of Stalin consulting architects, Pentland) and Baker as designers -- they) will collaborate on all aspects) of design and construction. Sketch plans for the building! already have been approved and present plans call for the start of construction during the sum- By JOHN MILLER jwere those who _ hurriedly MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Soviet|walked away."' author Ilya Ehrenburg told to-, Ehrenburg wrote: 'In the day how Soviet intellectuals|circle of my acquaintances, no-| lduring the Stalinist terror of body was sure of the next day.| 1937-38 spoke frankly only to Many had_ small _ suitcases their wives--"and then at night packed for any occasion. with with their heads under the bed-/two changes of warm under-) year. family--in the event of death. FOR KEY MEN-- A Sun Life policy on the life of your Key Man will help protect your firm and its future should he die. | FOR SOLE PROPRIETORS-- Sun Life Sole Proprietorship insur+ ance can offset the loss to your heirs should the business be liquidated at your death. mer months. puting sone yoy 'a, :" The first step to happy motoring is to library and game rooms -- also have confidence in the car you're driving a small auditorium, with kitch- You'll drive much more secure with the en equipment, for the use of knowledge thot your car has been checked for safety . . . drive over the aa |wear Safety Check Lane today! Ehrenburg wrote of the} He quoted Isaac Babel, a) purges which wiped out the old|Jewish writer who was later) [Soviet intelligentsia in Novilarrested and died in prison, as ithe monthly organ of the So-/Saying: "Nowadays a man jviet writers Union, published speaks frankly only to his wife neighborhood groups. raising campaigns. All the jhere today. --and then at night with their money will be raised by private subscription and more than one- half of this amount has already been obtained. A "special names' 'canvass is now under W. R. WOLFE There will be no public fund- heads under the bedclothes." District Supervisor, DRIVE OVER THE way. The building will be approxi. } mately 150 x 110-feet, according to W. B. Bennett, chairman of the Building Committee. This type of plan is being used with great success at the St. Albans Boys' Club, Toronto; also a sim- ilar type of building was design- ed and built by Pentland and Baker for Dovercourt Boys' Club, Toronto. These two build- ings are the most modern type in this field; each having a membership of more than 800 boys and 400 girls. Club membership in Oshawa will be open to all boys and girls, between 7 and 17 -- no religious or racial barriers will be permitted in the operation of the club. Girls will have the ex- clusive use of the club on Mon- days and Thursdays. Mr. Alger said that it became apparent in 1959 that something had to be done in Oshawa for such a Club as Simcoe Hall was overcrowded far beyond its capacity. A city survey was conducted It was the first personal ac-) Hi : | count to appear in literary for| To millions of Russians Sta-) by a writer who lived through|lin became a "demigod," Ehr- the wave of terror which shook|enburg added. the country during Premier) "We thought -- probably be- Stalin's life. }cause we wanted to think--that Ehrenburg wrote how he ar-|Stalin did not know of the rived in Moscow Dec. 24, 1937,|sense le ss violence involving after reporting the Spanish Ci-/Communists and the Soviet in-| vil War. jtelligentsia."" | In his flat that night he wis He claimed that one night told what was happening:|When taking his dog for a walk "There was a flood of names|he met Boris Pasternak, the So- and each was followed by the|Viet author tater disgraced foi world 'arrested.'" |his novel Doctor Zhivago, which Ehrenburg said his friends became a best-seller in the told him: "Don't ask about! West. { anybody. If you are involved in| "Pasternak waved his hands a conversation about them,|among the snowflakes and said don't carry it on." 'If one could only tell Stalin) Next morning he went to the|/about this,"' Ehrenburg wrote. office of Izvestia, the Soviet} Ehrenburg's only comment government newspaper. "I wasjon how he survived the purge well received, but I didn't rec-jis: ognize a single face. "If I were a religious man I "In spite of . . . advice I|would perhaps say that God's| asked where this or that per-|ways are inscrutable I son was. One person would an- 5. | lived in an epoch when man's swer 'finished.' Another would/fate resembled not a chess here with the full co-operation just wave his hands. But there'game but a lottery." | 10?! FOR YOUR CAR SAFETY CHECK TODAY! SAFETY CHECK LANE ON ATHOL STREET WEST (Opposite Polic e Building OPERATING DAILY NOON TO 8 P.M. UNTIL MAY 31st SPONSORED BY ®@ The OSHAWA JAYCEES and the OSHAWA SAFETY LEAGUE _ in conjunction with the OSHAWA POLICE DEPARTMENT. -- oe Business Insurance, Sun Life A Cc of Room 218, Sun Life Building, Montreal. Please send me information on the following? O Partnership © Key Man © Sole Proprietor NAME ADDRESS. Pwr se e228 Oshawa Shopping Centre Tel: 725-4563 na SUN 1 LIFE | ASSURANCE | COMPANY | OF ' CANADA