Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 May 1962, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, May 19, 1962 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN J. W. PICKERSGILL BOUND THIS WAY J. W. "Smiling Jack" Pickersgill (the fighting Liberal from Bonavista-Twillingate, Nfld.) will take a swing around the hustings of Ontario County next Tuesday. He will be followed to these parts on Wednesday by no less a personage than his own boss, Liberal lead- er "Mike" Pearson whose yisit in this area, however, will be of brief duration, possibly little more than two hours. The nomination Tuesday of Miss Aileen Hall as NDP candidate was not wunex- pected, despite some signs from T. D. "Tommy" Thom- as that he would accept it if the Provincial command gave him the green light. What Mr. Thomas did was to whip up considerable ex- citement about the NDP pow-wow, so much so that more than 375 crowded into the Hotel Genosha's Picca- dilly Room -- this was a truly impressive turnout for a political nomination meet in this age of television and appalling political apathy. It dem- onstrated (like the Liberal and PC conventions) that there will be a lot of interest in the Ontario riding race. The NDP executive displayed political savvy (as did Miss Hall) when it politely declined an offer from the Board of Education to pay the candidate's salary during her leave- of-absence period. The opposition could have made political hay with this controversial tid-bit, especially those citizens who feel that the municipal tax bit is already too strong. Miss Hall, incidentally, turned out to be a pretty fair speaker in this political debut, much to the pleasure of the delegates who gave her splendid vocal support; like Liberal candidate Norman Cafik, she is politically unknown, but she is forceful, articulate on the platform, That can cover a lot of inexperience if only the candidate can make enough public appearances between now and June 18. MR. PICKERSGILL DOUGLAS TO SPEAK AT OCVI THURSDAY T. C. "Tommy" Douglas, national leader of the National Democratic Party, will speak at the OCVI next Thursday night in support of Miss Aileen Hall, NDP Federal candidate in Ontario riding. Mr. Douglas is without a peer in Canada today as a political orator so that an overflow crowd is as- sured, including many from outside the ranks of the Party. . | The Oshawa and District Real Estate Board expects more than 189 realtors to be their guests here June 27 for their Saleorama Program (designed fo promote the sale of real estate). Delegates will be present from Barrie, Orillia, Peterborough, Lindsay, Belleville and Toronto. There will be panel discussions on such subjects as Listing, Selling and Advertising Real Estate. T. D. THOMAS HAS LONG GM SERVICE T. D. "Tommy" Thomas (MPP for Oshawa riding since 1948) completed 33 years of service with GM's Tool and Die department last April 19. The popular Welsh-born trade unionist said Friday that he will terminate his service with GM at the end of this month, This recalls that the late W. E_.N. Sinclair (who died November 26, 1947) also had unusual success in the Pro- vincial arena as a candidate for this riding (under the Liberal banner.) He won South Ontario riding in 1911. but. was defeated in 1915. He was re-elected in 1919, 1923 and 1926 and remained in Provincial politics until 1934, To get back to T. D. "Tommy" Thomas -- he said nothing to indicate what his "retirement" plans will be. Some shrewd observers of the political scene feel that he can sit in the Legis- lature as long as he wishes. He will be busy most of the Summer on a special Legis- lature committee making a survey of Municipal Government. He has often expressed a desire to take a world cruise with his wife (Mayor Christine Thomas), but this would be difficult while Her Worship is so busy in the municipal world, where she has been active since 1954, There are many voters who say in a jocular way that "Tommy"' has almost as many friends on the opposite side of the political fence as he has in the ranks of labor and that he could be elected, hands down, as a PC or a Liberal. This may be a slight exaggeration, but "Tommy" has displayed great strength at the polls throughout the years. £54 Pe £452. T. D. THOMAS FLYING CLUB HOLDS OPEN HOUSE Forty Royal Canadian Flying Clubs in Canada -- includ- ing the Oshawa Flying Club with 330 members -- are holding "Open House" tomorrow. President E. J. 'Ted'? Reed of the Oshawa Club and Secretary-Manager George Slocombe extend an invitation to Oshawa and district residents to visit the club to see first- hand how the organization operates. 4 The Oshawa club this week started planning for its big annual show, the Fly-In Breakfast, scheduled for Sunday, June 17 this year This is believed to be the largest annual show of its kind in Canada -- last year more than 1100 breakfast were served and 325 aircraft welcomed. Some of the planes came from such distant points as Sarnia, Windsor and Montreal. NOTES FROM THE WORLD OF HIGH FINANCE The world of high finance is an intriguing place some- times, especially to the unitiated. There was an illustration this week at the corner of King east and Ontario streets. Workmen were busy outside the Guaranty Trust (Osh- awa's first trust company), They were' taking down an illuminated, white, plastic sign and replacing it .with a second illuminated, white, plastic sign but with different wording. The sign being removed Deposits." The sign replacing it read: '4 PC on Deposits" A third sign on the company's Ontario street window read in part: "5.10 per cent on term deposits' ("This means from one to five years,"' said a passerby). No company spokesman was available outside to explain the hike on interest rates for deposits, but a workman inter- preted it something like this: "I don't really know what causes these changes. Maybe it's the Diefenbaker government. It may even be the Liberals or the NDP's, but whoever it is, they cauge us @ lot of extra work," he said. read in part: '3' PC on lof physicians' : | certainly not be allowed under : jany circumstances." COOL POOCH TAKES RIDE Timothy, a 41% - year - old | especially made surf board in | ing on to the rope is his own- So ss d | the Detroit River at Detroit | er, W. R. Dillon of East De- German shepherd dog, wears | \octerday as temperatures | troit, who trained Timothy in a life jacket and rides his | rose above 90 degrees. Hold- | four hours last summer to ' | ride the board. Training was | done on an automobile inner | tube pulled behind the boat. --AP Wirephoto ; Welder On Charge | Of Manlaughter TORONTO (CP) -- James Murphy, a 35-year-old welder, was charged with manslaughter Friday night in the death by jdrowning of Margott Maclvor, Prescription Fetes Predicted | 'Drugs Urged In Spite Of Heat . By Druggists By THE CANADIAN PRESS |1 are the only times when most TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario! Victoria Day should findjlocal authorities sanction their College of Pharmacy told the)Many Canadians in the middle|use. eer 'royal commission on health ser-|Of a heat wave this year but} Ontario weathermen indicated| dea vices Friday that a health care|fireworks and ceremonies will lprogram for Canada should in-|Still honor two Queens, the Com-| \clude prescription drugs from|/monwealth and Canadian citi- \the start. zenship, | It advised, however, that a All provinces except New- ominal charge be made for{oundiand are. scheduled to each poset Sibi, fo avoid|make Monday a multiple ob- abuse ech Por es had been|Servance with many meanings} pentane B added to the holiday's original instituted in Britain, Australia celebration of Queen Victoria's and New. Zealand. ; birth on May 24, 1819 _The Canadian Society of Hos- Newfoundland retains the act- pital Pharmacists urged that ual date of May 24 as the holi- the federal government take) gay In 1952. the Gonadiai Par. steps to ensure that compound- | iment decreed the holiday) jing of medicine in hospitals is) e " " lcarried out by licensed drug. | Would be commemorated on the gists |Monday preceding May 25. It said that as of last June,| In 1953, the same Monday per cent ofall hospital eas| 2S, HCH, for, annual observ 'link' phaceaobatical sae eee Elizabeth II, whose act- performed ie a druggist. ual birth date was April 21, All hospitals with 75 beds or 1926. tions Confederacy. 'official. pharmacist, and an additional) Tentive Day . oil: to pharmacist should be engaged|O ed i Canada' ce at be for each additional 100 beds "'or| ™a™<ce in "anada's schools by | major portion therof." ental Geer eee In 'i : parts of Quebec and other prov- we eerces Mt us pinmsctc, [asta sle0 knows ae Citizenship Day. The College of Pharmacy Nl ; a % drew attention to what it The Canadian Highway Safety | 4 . |Council has predicted that 28 termed the cies number | persons will be killed on the country's roads during the holi- |day weekend. Maclvor was found : d on a bed in a Toronto no relief from the week - long/rooming house early Friday. It record heat spell and call for! was first thought she had diced temperatures in the 90s in|from wounds on the back of her southern Ontario. head but an autopsy revealed Warm weather in Nova Sco-|death was caused by drowning. tia and Newfoundland has pro-| Mrs. Maclvor had separated duced warning of forest fire|from her husband in 1959 and hazards. had been living with Murphy In many Quebec cities and|for the last two months. towns the day is celebrated as| The autopsy showed two head Dollard des Ormeaux Day with|wounds may have _ rendered parades and fireworks displays|Mrs. Maclvor unconscious but Adam Dollard des Ormeaux could not have caused death. is a French Canadian hero, born in France in 1635, who died with a small band of soldiers in 1660 fighting off 300 Onon- daga Indians and was credited TOURISTS' TARGET OSLO (AP)--Norway, with a {population around 3,600,000, ex- with saving French Canada\Pects 4 record total of 3,700,000 from wholesale invasion tourists this year, says Erlin planned by the then Five Na-'Storrusten, a travel association province. "In many of these, nee i eee tion is dispensed by unqualified| British Columbia is scheduled medica- : |persons, a situation which the|0 have fine weather Saturday college believes the commission |but is uncertain about Sunday will agree is fraught with dan-|and Monday. Besides May Day ger to the public and should|Parades and crowning of May 'queens, the Ancient and Honor- jable Hyack Anvil Battery will ------ fire a salute on its anvils Mon- ANCIENT CANAL 'ead | The oldest part of China's)PLAN ROYAL SALUTE |850-mile Grand Canal between| Alberta, named after Queen |Tientsin and Hangchow, was|victoria's husband, Prince Al- jcompleted in the 7th century. |pbert, plans a royal salute in SHIP EQUIPMENT Edmonton. Weathermen predict! VANCOUVER (CP) -- Cana-| Scattered showers and tempera-! dian - made -housing and con- tures in the 50s for Alberta and struction equipment for the| Saskatchewan. huge Mangla dam project in| Manitoba can also expect Pakistan was loaded aboard the|showers and temperatures in |British motor ship Huntsland|the 60s. Fireworks sales will be here. It included prefabricated | permitted in the province as in |bunkhouses, a hospital and liv-| most communities across the ing quarters equipped with TV/country.- Victoria Day and July] | INTERPRETING THE NEWS Move To Split _Continued Hot "Sunny Weather Forecasts issued by the Tor! Georgian Bay, Haliburton re- e ! 'onto public weather office at)gions: Mainly sunny and contin- M k t 5 a.m.: juing warm today. Partly cloudy 1X n ar e€ Synopsis: Cooler air pushed|Sunday with scattered thunder- d southward into Northern On-|showers in the afternoon and By ALAN HARVEY |[taly, economically thriving|tario Friday night. Storm cen: evening. Winds west 15. _ Canadia, Press Staff Writer and politically more stable than|tre is expected to move north-) Timagami, Algoma _ regions, There's a new twist in the|in the past, is assuming. in- eastward across Lake Superior | North Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. European numbers game. By|creasing importance. today touching off showers as Marie: Partly cloudy and con- some dazzling sleight of hand,| pe Gaulle's "'trifocal' view it Passes and cooler weather is) tinuing warm today. Variable the little six is becoming the!of European affairs was em-|forecast for Sunday. Mainly cloudiness with a few scattered big three. phasized in his Tuesday confer-|Summy and hot weather is ex-|showers or thundershowers to- This is a sharp descent from/ence when he pondered upon|Pected to continue today and night and Sunday. Winds south- the original arithmetic, which|the genius of West Germany's|SUnday over Southern Ontario.|west 15. : : called for the six nations of|goethe, France's Chateaubriand). Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,) White River: Mainly cloudy |"little Europe" to join with the| and Italy's Dante, without so|Lake Huron regions, Windsor,/with a few showers or. thund- seven nations of the European|much as a mention for Shake-| London: Mainly sunny and con-|ershowers today. Partly cloudy free trade area, But six and/speare. tinuing hot with a few isolated|and cool Sunday. Light winds. seven added up to unlucky 13,/ But the -notion looks unreal-/afternoon and evening thunder-| Cochrane: Sunny. becoming and that settled that. istic. A tripartite Europe seems|showers today and Sunday.jcloudy during the afternoon Now, while Britain triesito run against the pattern of|Winds southwest 15. with occasional rain tonight. jsinglehandedly to stretch the/the time. In the age of the big) Niagara, Lake Ontario, Ham-|Variable cloudiness and cooler |European six to seven, there|battalions, the Western world's|ilton, Toronto: Mainly sunny|Sunday. Light winds. jan hour. Toronto 3 Commended For Assisting Catch Robbers KINGSTON (CP) -- Three ci vilians and two policemen werc commended by Magistrat James Garvin in court Frida' for their part in the capture o three men who carried out wha Crown Attorney John Sampsor described as a '"'particularl: daring smash and grab" raid The three civilians are Da- vid Smith, Charles Yellowly, and Kevin Nagle, who chased the three robbers. The two policemen are Con- stables Bernard Jamieson and Michael Finn who made the arrests at gunpoint. Three Toronto men convicted of breaking and entering at a local firm of furriers May 12 are George Michael Reeves, 32, Robert Maclver, 29, both sen- tenced to three years in King- ston penitentiary, and William Michael Burke, 29, sentenced to 15 months definite and three months indefinite in the On- tario reformatory. All pleaded guilty. They smashed the plate win- dow of the fur store and stole 11 furs valued at $2,575. | Trucker Strike 'Talks Again | Next Tuesday | MONTREAL (CP) -- A joint union - management statement Friday night announced resum- ption of negotiations next Tues- day between strikebound truck- ing firms and the Interna- tional Brotherhood of Team- sters (Ind.) The statement said the agree- jment to resume negotiations |was made "'privately." It was expected the negotiations would be carried on without federal or Quebe clabor department conciliation officers. The strike of 1,400 teamsters against eight ttucking firms started April 15 and intermit- jtent talks have been held since that time. Violence broke out several |time in the earlier stages of the |strike when the companies tried to run trucks through the picket lines, The Teamsters originally sought a 30-cents-an-hour in- crease in a three-year contract. | demands were changed jlater to 40 cents in a five-year jcontract. Basic wage ig $1.55 4 TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) vild police chase on the Mau nee River resulted in the ar 'est of three pickets Friday fo: lefying a court order but three ships of the Upper Lakes Ship- xing Limited of Toronto re- nained tied up here. The vessels are the James Norris, which arrived a week ago, the Northern Venture. which arrived Thursday, and the Maunaloa, which came in Friday. Judge Thomas J. O'Connor issued a temporary order Tues- day banning picketing by the Maritime Trades Department (AFL-CIO). But the following day, the pickets reappeared bearing signs identifying them- selves as members of the In- land Boatman's Union (AFL- cio . Thomas Houtman, personnel manager of Upper Lakes Ship- ping, went back to court Fri- 'Howard Green -Locked Out Pickets Arrested After Wild Chase 4;day morning and charged the rickets had ignored the tem- yorary injunction. Judge O'Con- ior then issued another order ° that all pickets in the vicinity of the James Norris be arrested by sheriff's deputies. CHASE THREE BOATS The deputies boarded a Tol- edo police harbor launch and sailed to take into custody seven men picketing in three motorboats. A 15-minute chase resulted. : Only one motorboat, contain- « ing three men, was seized. One boat sped off and the other. went in elusive circles to evade the police alunch. Following the frustrating chase, Judge O'Connor issued another order. He told the sher- riff to provide suffient deputies to enforce his court orders and directed the Lucas County com- missioners to provide whatever -|money was needed to hire more deputies. ; Meanwhile, Lakefront Dock and Terminal went into U.S. district court and obtained an order from Judge Frank I. Kloeb restraining picketing by the International Longshore- men's Association (AFL-CIO) and any other unions at the coal docks. That is where the North- ern Venture and the Maunaloa " have attempted to load. The labor difficulties of the Toronto company began Dec. 31 when the Canadian Seafar- Of City Hall ST. CATHARINES (CP)--Ex- ternal Affairs: Minister Green went to pay a visit on the mayor Friday but found the doors to city hall locked. Later, after Mr. Green was invited into the building and talked to Mayor Ivan Buchanan and the councillors, he was told a janitor had locked the doors because it was after 5 p.m. A hitch also occurred at Beamsville where he spoke to students at the high school dur- several times since. ers' International Union was ousted as bargaining agent for the company's 20 ships and re- placed by the Canadian Mari- time Union. The Seafarers have protested and have managed to tie up the ocmpany's ships here ing his one-day tour of Lincoln riding in support of Progressive Conservative candidate John| Smith. | The external affairs minister studiously avoided references to the coming election in what was supposed to be a non-poli- tical gathering. However, some party mem- bers passed out campaign lit- erature to the 200 students who stayed after school was dis- missed. Mr. Green did not know about the pamphlets until the students began presenting them to him for autographs. | Robert Emslie, zone vice-| president of the Conservatives, said the pamphlets were passed POSSIBLE SHOWERS SUNDAY EVENING WEATHER FORECAST 1 Forecast Temperatures: low tonight, high Sunday. Windsor ......+. 5 8 \St. Thomas ... {London .. Kitchener . Wingham . Hamilton St. Catharines ..... Toronto Peterborough Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay ... Earlton 65 65 55 Observed Temperatures: Low overnight, high Friday. | Dawson 34 6 Victoria Edmonton .... out on the spur of the moment with the idea that the students vould take them home to their arents. William Christie, vice- resident of the Lincoln Pro- ressive Conservative Associa- on, said the incident was un- ortunate. Mr. Green told gatherings of 'bout 50 persons each at Wel- and and Niagara-on-the-Lake hat the Conservatives @served! FOR SALE TODAY! SOLD TOMORROW! LIST TO SELL! DON'T ASK o be re-elected and would be re-elected. FRENCH IDEA | Charles Pathe, the French/| rhotographer, first showed a| lewsreel as a regular attrac-| ion at a Paris theatre in 1910.| TV VICTIM | John Keats, one of the great-| est English poets, died of tu-| -WHO- CALL JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED -- REALTOR 725-6544 rerculosis at age 26, in 1821: SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 177 BOND MEADES SUNO 83 CLEMENTS CORNER KING end ONTARIO MOTOR SALES WHITE ROSE STATION 588 KING ST. EAST SILVER'S TEXACO STATION RITSON RD, SUPERT 102 SIMCOE ST. NORTH LAWLESS SHELL STATION 227 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH STATHAM'S ESSO STATION ST. EAST CO STATION SOUTH EST STATION CENTRE STREETS L. Winnipeg ..... ' Fort Willaim ...... 49 White River ....... 48 Kapuskasing North Bay ... S.S. Marie ... Sudbury Muskoka Windsor LONGON seesesoccecs Regina | | NOTICE TO ALL EX.SERVICE MEN, WOMEN AND DEPENDENTS! List With LLOYD WE DON'T JUST LIST PROPERTY } DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY WE SELL IT 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY & ROSSLYNN PLAZA KARN 28 KING ST. EAST RITSON 264 KING ST, EAST LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa) LTD. 101 Simcoe North -- 728-5123 |seems to be a move within Eu-|big money may ride on no. 20,/and continuing hot today and| oes would be. France, West Ger-|European Co-operation and de-|evening. Winds west 15. _ week that President de Gaulle--------- of the three major continental) Luxembourg. WILLEMSTAD, Curacao land, because they oppose his)his ninth-round adjurned chess sovereignties would remain in-|moyes in the international can- It is noteworthy, in consider-|plete rounds in the 28-round |Chancellor Adenauer of West/344; Tigran Petrosian, Russia, OPEN EVERY EVENING In such a_ Triumvirate, States, 4%-5%, Fischer, 44-54, rope to divide the six by half./which is the tally of nations en-|Sunday. A few scattered thun-| many and Italy. The Paris|yelopment, er-bracing North) ; in his Tuesday press conference] oy. "i Fischer Resigns powers, pointedly leaving out| De Gaulle is irritated, partic--(qAp) -- United States grand- political design for a loose cOn-| same with Ewfim Geller of the tact, didates tournament. ing the big three idea, that! tournament: 'Germany and Premier Fanfani|6-4; Paul Keres, Russia, 6-4; France and West Germany! Mikhail Tal, Russia, 34-64 M. LOVELL DIAL 728-4668 DRUGS DIAL 723-4621 DIAL 725-5370 | The hard - core remainder/rojled in the Organization for/derstorms or showers Sunday {newspaper le Figaro notes this America as well as Europe. _ | frequently referred to the unity) /Belgium, the Netherlands and| After 69 Moves ularly with Belgium and Hol-'master Bobby Fischer resigned) federal Europe whose national Soviet Union Friday after 69 NO SHAKESPEARE The standing after 10 com- |de Gaulle has recently visited! Viktor Korchnoi, Russia, 614-| of Italy. Geller, 6-4; Pal Benko, United iwoud! tend to be dominant but Filiv. Czechoslovakia.: 3-7. ! W. R. to give skilled advice on one with questions on wa Veteran's Allowance (Burn-Out Pension) . . . Treat- ment or Hospital care is MR. B. JACKLIN, Business Manager of Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, 90 Centre Street, Oshawa, who will arrange ? All ex-service personnel and their dependents ore invited to take advantage of a FREE LEGION SERVICE Assistant Secretary, Service Bureau, Toronto, LEGION HALL, BRANCH NO. 43 Wednesday, May 23rd FROM 2:00 TO 5:00 P.M. Also from 7:00 p.m. to completion of business... BUCK Veteran's Benefits. Any- r disability pension, War urged to call or write to an dppointment

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