Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 May 1962, p. 18

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1B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey; Moy 19, 1962 a | ELECT SINGLE axle Fruehauf 24 foot flat - a BUNK | beds ont: $49.28. Two wo beds, two} | ELECTROHOME dehumidifiers for sale|\ TRAILER accessories, gas refrigera- FOR SALE --Drapes, grey y with green) | DOUBLE bed size Serta 5 perfect sleeper I will not mattresses, two springs, ladder, guard-|or rent at Parkway Television ,918 Sim-|tors, hitches, water purifiers, safety trailer. Telephone 725-8103 after 6 p.m. land wine predominating, full width,|mattress, excellent condition, $35. Tele- lcontr ; 4 vd responsible for a wha debts aters, awnings, jacks, Cole man\NEW furniture, only poor for three ae fe price. Also folding door! phone 728-4323. acted in my name by anyone on rail. One week only. Barons' Home/coe Street North, Oshawa. 'he Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. | eons camping equipment sale. Miller Heat-|rooms. Complete living \2 e Phone MO|~ scepearmsennrenieett --------------- | OF after this date, May 18, 1962, without i FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 12 " cuble|ing, ® 9 Tudor Street, Ajax. WH 2-3491. jand kitchen ensembles. Py 'only $3.00 bio. |GOLF clubs, golf bag. good condition,' my written consent. --Signed, Le 4 "VALLEY "CREEK -- foot, good $75. T aoe weekly, Barons' Home Fur jright handed, five irons, two woods. | en after 6 p.m. 725-8738 gd duty electric stove, MeCiary | Simcoe Street South. [B. v. DEIN Stores --Tires, bat-|Telephone 728-8555 Chennie, 331 Arthur Street, Oshawa, a a a, » Kelvinat ri FURNITURE lage ag forced gad yp nl -- ceaaion' Asaseaaeie, Teleph "he Peotone Ti "single axle dump trailer. | vision, Thrifty Budget Pian. 75443. |25 MP electric Scott, complete itn |Ontare antee, $2.25 per week, no dow y> 'elephon 03 after 6 - Teer Poree controls, 2 gas tanks a attery 5 etal ut 30--Automobiles Wanted _ (32--Articles for Sale In a new location. 16%% thent, package deal, $130. Telephone|***2 Sfter 5.90. --_--_--__ | ees id lacs | ee. --forced to y sells Automatic| Telephone 725-5132, KILLE blplociieds 47 . jorge sto see ee vi Bond Street West. Top price 725-4729 i BOATS --Peterborough models, fibre tnd Pd guns, 'Telephone 728-5874. luni. gai A petty ok Dial 735-7219, SETTING 1 tot eighi of antigua dishes, Kup By Grenane Al 70a (Reuters -- -WANTED ' a tis f radios, televis- . |'53 BUSHWELL 20° aluminum cabin|glass and moulded plywood; car » Soe b : "50 CARS Pe Roast tn Hevoe ie ge wera yrs pe ions trailer, all conveniences, propane stove.|and canoes; Otace trailers. For svecial| FILTER Queen Sales and Service, 'ib: | FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, excellent ee ge ie sen ag For clean cors we deol up or | tackle and supplies {Gay Sure ture PP Good condition, $575, Telephone CO, | prices apply. Liberty Nurseries,.Liberty|eral trade-in allowance. Free on-| condition, Also roll-away bed, 45 inches: -- - Three boys were killed and { d off | S | j E j t | ces. We buy, sell ond ex- |3'a525, Street North, Bowmanville. MA 3-3074. stration. Telephone 726-4683. |wide. Telephone 725-1644. (a AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, down, Liens paid off. ; me ting Equipmen _change. Phone 728-4401. -- Seger TT EE ES RE TT free estimates. Chair, table rentals. three injured when a hand gren- MOTORS LTD. | Chastnut Canoes ss ---- TENTS, i camping magpiiee. ~ marin! SPRING plants complete sssortment. 35 35 | $3050, Aba sad tania f pore Try SOBANOO ae scamnreasee. | uDtight Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. ade exploded Tuesday night. in . ardware, outbo r . cents per box 'or three. p in 17.7 ou r mi ir re} NICOLS WHITBY | / SPECIAL | OFFER bicycles. Best prices. Try Dominion|517 Byron North, Whitby. MO 8-2411. | Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. [iator. Binks spray gun. Sunstrand arg Leqal |the village of Pasal south of 512 BOCK ST. N., FI SH MOUNTED | SELF-STORING Tire, 48 Bond Street West |tz" VICTOR TV; 21" Marconi, tdeai|vibrator sander. 21 Beatrice or 725-3190. 5--Leg jhere, according to a report re- MO 8- 8001 i ALUMINUM DOORS WE bay highest prices in the city for DIAMOND | engagement xin Palace i cottage. Both sets in good condition. REX Rotary duplicators, Stenocord dic-| | ceived in Panjim today, Poli ' 'elephone 723-2580. ned _|tatitg, Olympia typewriters. The Bt iNOTICE TO CREDITORS lepid ° the boys might sey ponent _ | used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture 7 cn PAUL'S | complete with grill and lock 'Store, 723-3271. 444 Simcoe South. Telephone 720-1398 ie es, d | $45.0 | yolvers and pistols; also old cartridges, Hamilton's Office Equipment aerviee, AND OTHERS \picked: up an unexploded gren- "$ }OLD guns wanted, rifies, shotguns, re-\ity names in their field. Backed "$ ALL CASH $ | CAMPING trailer, folds up for travel- : | BOAT, motor, trailer, will sell com- Telephone 7 725-8183, Oshawa. 37 Brock South. MO 8-8442, Whitby. ade left by the Portuguese be- |32--Articles for Sele [seamen for Sale 32--Articles tor Sale 32--Articles for Scle |3Z--Articles for Sale |32--Articles tor Sale 35--Legal (Continued from Page 17) Sporting Goods Windows $15.00 ling. Will sleep six. Many extras .Tele- -- hi MO 8-2533. plete or separately. Also Coldspot re-|; [TRACTOR f n, ¢ heel, i - Buying © New Car? ; installed -- 728- 5253 phone faseratie, coctep cattiar, lava mower| INE ton capacity, box trailer. Tele- ice ye fartn | wagon, mo hea | Creditors and others having fore their surrender to advance | 589 Albert Street stale ROTO-tiller, 3 HP ,875. Good condition. trev Tel 72g.|Phone 728-4560. | claims against the estate of Ind fore Sell your used Cor to "Ted" | - . rs --| Apply 383 Glendale 'Avenue or telephone|s297, 1 /°une 'runks. 'Telephone 72%: aressing chairs, comple 'Brolin 65-38, | HOWARD JOSEPH WOOD, Ihe wes last Decems Talk "Cash" to the New ; | QUANTITY OF 725-7196 peeemngr sages aOR leith dryers, $130 each, both like io. "SEWING, aching, ily, aiomale late of the City of Othawa, ber. v y cleaner repairs, all makes,|Telephone after 5 728-5677. Md " oy SAVE" | COOK'S | STEEL WINDOW SASH _ NATIONAL 'cash reaisies peat Sti parts, attachments, brushes , guaran-|------- ob |ments. Apply 335 Athol Street East. | cre requested to. send: full WINS DIVORCE { | | | Cor Deoler and " perfect working order. Apply i teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free,| '35--Legal |FOUR-ROOM burner, heavy duty stove.| particulars of such claims t0 | DARIEN, Ga. (AP)--Tobacco | Various sizes Macilonald Oshawa Ltd. - AMPIN MOTORS i ey meng rere Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- _..|older model, in excellent condition, $25; rf ee M ae & 5 74 TRAILER SALES | Some opening types REPOSSESSED Singer Zig-Zag portable|ice, 728-0591 anytime. lsaoF FROM your phone by dennnng|Clovd baby carriage blue, like new, con| me undersigned, solicitor for |neir Richard Reynolds won .a 723-4494 Res. 725-55 j sewing machine. se Thue is ithe Oshawa Times Want Ads. You'll!$60. Will sell for $30. New wire dress-| the Evecutrix. on or before second divorce f his third os ent j BEST OFFER ferent decorative stitches, $34 or terms! wr | buy, sell and excnange used fur-ifind everything you need. maker's form, bonght st 'Simpson's; the 22nd Dey of Junie, 1962. jse orce from his thir NOW ON DISPLAY 1370 SIMCOE NORTH _ arranged. Dealer. Apply Box 345 Osh-/niture or anything you have. The City|-- ----------------|size 12 to 16, cost $30. Sell $23. 15} ae hich date the Estote's | wife Wednesday by direction of BILL WHITTICK Sandra Street West. Telephone 728-0504, @fter ja jury that decreed he owed her awa Times. Tromag peor ge 446 siege si6tt | 7. e ti OT bo alviiteatad | if FOOT moulded "mahogany boat) South an Bot eee ee ee eee © orporation 5 HP Johnson motor, 12 foot pl od Beeps Wil, Pe Serre vers no alimony. The Supreme MOTORS. LIMITED Glendales USED TV AERIALS fe mayer py nae SFWING machine 'service and repairs,| 6 pout and trailer, in good k iaek Bereond| | ing regard only to claims that threw a Os first rags 114-ft.. 16-ft. 17-f¢t. eee Shaahiak: pearky Waw: jany make, any item soceoted a Sane of the sonable for quick sale. Apply 371 Glid-/ have been received Ith d . "The Home of Good H f : | AND, ROTORS |Reasonable, 'Telephone. 723-7436. IGestrer S29" Simco Street South. Tele] ws racelldcs é ERNEST MARKS, QC, 6. SOURS. DUET ONS er rexe Used Cars" | 2 LOCATIONS | PHILCO Shave speed-fiex rotary elec-|Phone 728-2391. City of Oshawa cas Matleey NAGS taeda cemean SoeItOr were coniuitted Dy Wis J18 | Suitable for@ottage or home. trie shaver, men's, used a@ little more| | boar bes ge ae Palenhons| 17 King Street East, jcourt, That court also held the 146 BROCK ST. N.; WHITBY | Highway No. 2/ Courtice, | sto AND UP jthan_a year. $15, Telephone 723-4005 . |'35--Legal SALE OF A BOAT._7250483 : | Oshawa, Ontario. jalimony was insufficient. MO 8-474] 3 Miles East of Oshawa 'OUTBOARD motor, "Gale Buccaneer" _ ae wocinpichs minimis gameebia k Mamba co ar eatin Stati ae OEN MteaneOl camnD a at Hoe One a EN | : | i2 horsepower boat, 15 foot runabout } ' -- and -- | Landsdowne Texaco Station iOSHAWA TV SUPPLY Reasonable. Telephone 725-0624 after 4 IN THE MATTER OF | BY TENDER | faa THE ESTATE OF | Simcoe St. North, Oshawo ' BOAT, 34 foot cabin cruiser, fully equip-| The Corporation of the City | VAN Peieres | Open Evenings---Weekends | LTD. pedi Will sel pm trade, Telephone) MARGARET ANN of Oshawa hereby invites of- | WA MOTORS LIMITED | --| 361 GIBBONS STREET. [pore pea eaiceas a eavea| HUNTER, LATE OF THE | {ert {er the purtam from & | 7) ae SO 728-8180 ee ee CITY OF OSHAWA post several years as @ life- 156 KING ST. WEST COTTAGE ay incest ------| MOTORCYCLE, 1957 Triumph, 650, new! JIN THE COUNTY OF saving boat Saale ave tl OR SECOND SET TRAVEL TRAILERS: fransmission excellent, good tires. $325. ONTARIO, SPINSTER, Particulars of the boat are: 1--Automobile Re airs After 9 p.m, MO 8-8632 Marine Station Wagon--Sea : = DECEASED. Beaver--1947 --<<--$ $$ | DOUBLE bed, spring and mattress $35: | ~HOUSTONS GARAGE TELEVISION Come In And See Foldaway bed with mattress $10, Both NOTICE TO Designed by Scott Paine, the and SERVICE STATION | The New Falcons en ee) designer of the famed M.T BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- SPECIAL a ; 17-f¢__| SIDEWALK" pedal car) 38" long. ike CREDITORS Boats. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE : n 13-ft, 15-ft. and 17-ft. (new, recently painted, has new wheels Length 24 feet, beam 8 feet and draught 22 inches = ' 'i fittings. Reasonable. Telephone n MOTOR TUNE-UP AND models now on display 'at the "sae on All persons having claims = at FOWLER > 8-0489 | ggainst the Estate of MAR- Chrysler Ace Marine 92 h.p. GENERAL REPAIRS ets -- on 67. KING ST. WEST | 17" Motorala Console $49 SUBWAY TRAILER --2Xtetient: condition: 'Reasonable, 'Fele| GARET ANN HUNTER, lote Brie , ; of the City of Oshawa, in 'all bearing worm steering 723-7822 ' He x ¢ phone 723-3165 | ; é ee uoeay PARK AND SALES ONE full sized bed, one three-quarter, the County of Ontario, who 22 imp. gal. gas tank, 32--Articles for Sale _ had : t sized bed. Small dresser. Telephone died on or about the 13th wivel Admiral 1010 Dundas St. East, Whitby | 728-8398 day of May A.D. 1962, are > ELECTROHOME, RCA Victor and A@-| hereby notified to send full Latest Modern Designs MO 8-2866 miral 19" portable TV's, Prices start panieulers ' joe iy pe be seen on application to: D a 2 r ' i - at $188. Parkway Television, 918 Sim signed on or before the 30th Fire Chief H. R.. Hobbs, ' i ee i coe Street North e. H | J mo ~ DRAPES ¢ . 0 & eadquorters Fire Hall, 111 q , with THREE-piece chesterfield, velour, in| day of June, A.D., 1962, Sinden Strast Mor Oshawa: | aw / and " | Tabl pea good condition, Baby's crib and high after which date the Estate | All off ' ' 2 a 2 | Table mode chair, like new. Reasonable. 723-2164. | will be distributed with re- | offers shall be sent to the | / > 2 @ SELECTED ae ict FOR Drapery Fabrics a t way i ne : REFRIGERATOR. General Electric, 10| gard only to claims of which City Clerk, City Hall, Osh- fe s Marc oni Portable (TV UP TO 60% OFF jcubie feet, 7 months old. Large freezing| the undersigned shall then awa, in a sealed envelope | ; ' OUTSTANDING ond radio). fate model, capacity. Best offer. Telephone 728-0636.| jp C4 patice clearly marked 'Tender for | ™ DESIGN Materials 79c yd , Up Terms | Larson, Traveler, Weymouth, GALLON hot water, tank complete | boat."" (N nym: si e Also houn a and tan, one year) i | DRAPES | if nae Baal Cruisers, Inc., Evinrude Motors, | oi4 Telephone 728- 7680 after 6 pine Mo omens a! hs The closing date for tenders recessary) : ) Volvo Penta Engines FORD tractor A-1 condition. Telephone| AUDREY HODGSON, is 5 p.m. D.S.T., Monday, oe meee ree FOWLER MARIN E. = = en yen geen ge Executirix, ee ee oe shields, mahogany finish, sliding win-| By her solicitor, The highest. or any tender M and C | TELEVISION | Storage and Supply Ltd Pitig Sleeps two, $900. Telephone 728- JOSEPH P. MANGAN, 0.6 | not necessarily accepted Dry Goods | 306 KING ST. WEST | Brooklin -- 655-3641 BEFORE buying or selling televisions,| 1412 King Street East, L. R. Barrand, 74 CELINA 728-7827 | Open Till 8 Evenings, Weekends Jere. cal Eimer Wilbur "CO" 3.2304." Oshawa, Ontario City Clerk, Tiny OPEN AL rE SHOPPING HOURS 9 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. VISIT BAD BOY on the Holiday-for These "EXTRA"' Specials! WHY PAY MORE? When You Can Buy It For Less ) ... at BAD BOY'S! REEZERS § REFRIGERATORS T] Westinghouse LOOK! AS LOW AS 1 TON UPRIGHT | $158 Air-Conditioners || LOOK! 77 78 7 ELECTRIC 5188 : RANGES: 17 FT. CHEST AS LOW AS 36" BUNK BEDS $196 {| $108 | psnumpiies || waccon weer 5 h.p. Brand Name Famous Make : WRINGER &S complete 7.00 ; WASHERS e 39""-48"-54" OUTBOARD | AS LOW AS ri REG. TO $89.50 39 FROM ii 0 T 0 ® S ¥ VINYLE HOSES Continental Beds Complete With Gas Tank. 50-Ft. Transparent Complete With 54. 88 cama $7 a $ a cuananret 97- 2 Sets complete $99 at Further particulars may be obtained and the boat may *N SNM | HIGHWAY NO. 2 EAS <S SNIWMOL

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