_!Col. R. 5. McLaughlin At Queen's KINGSTON (CP)--Col. R. §. McLaughlin of Oshawa, chair- man of General Motors of Can- ada, was a guest of Queen's University during convocation exercises Friday. He visited McLaughlin Hall, the university's mechanical en-; gineering building which is/ named in his honor. Col. Mc Laughlin was the donor of funds) for construction of the building} a few years ago, and also sub-| stantial additions which have} just been completed. At luncheon, he and those} receiving honorary degrees at} convocation were guests of the) university in the McLaughlin' -- of the student's union. | Stolen Money | Hidden In Shorts A man who took $10 out of a woman companion's wallet mo- 53 RECEIVE CITIZENSHIP PAPERS IN CEREMONY FRIDAY Che Oshawa Times "OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1962 PAGE ELEVEN SECOND SECTION By a ran barrel when the highly; Piloting the two Canada Class and | citizens were two other poii- In | tical candidates in Ontario right, | riding, Norman Cafik, Liber- talks with George, 5, (in the Oshawa Police build- ing on Athol street west). The tradtional pomp and cere- | botom picture, money was on display. Shown | are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph | al, and Miss Aileen Hall, in the top picture, left to | Wieland with Labor Minister | New Democratic Party right, are Constable P. M Michael Starr; also present at --Oshawa Schrider of the RCMP as he | a reception later for the new 53 Take Oath *e Cadets At Ceremony | -- For Parade Reach Road that runs between His Honor Judge W. M Cory | John; Krohn, Michaela: Kur. Uxbridge and Port Perry in fea heard 53 new Canadian citi-/ucz, Emilie; Kurucz, Ferenc; 1 i I : Uxbridge Township | igtaiy Magistrate's court zens take the oath of allegiance | Labriola, Giovanni; Leitao, Jo- Pe re gh: iat rt nil Mrs. Clark was a passenger me ,,.. to their new homeland Friday;seph; Levay, Frank (Ferenc); es anneniad that the iN a in a car driven by her husband, Charles Earl Lavoie, of Tor- night in a colorful but digni-|Michna, Charlotte. Ton ue supply a band in the([doyd Franklin Clark, 42, who] onto, pleaded guilty to the!fied ceremony in Oshawa's Po-| Molic. G : ier cee Tee 7 Sa yet Perry Hospital in shi He told the court ths : Molica, Guiseppa; Molsner, 59th Golden Jubilee church|is in Port Perry Hospi h age rate to orga that lice Station courthouse. Sofia; Nagy, Karoly; Pedersen, parade of scouting and girl|critical condition with undis- e ha een scared when he' wichael Starr, Labor Minis-\Orla: Pora, Virginia; Poster- , i ties i. iT nds\closed injuries. threw a piece of metal at Po- | " * guiding in Oshawa, Thousands Y 9" ter in the last Parliament, wel-jaro, Luigi; Pupp, Frank; Scho- of Oshawa scouts and guides| The fatality occurred on had agra rasan Coogee the new residents. enstedt, Klaus Paul; Sigus,'wij] participate in the parade|County Road 1A west of High- nn we ve 7 Service' Written messages of welcome Amanda; Sigus, Benno; Szalay, sunday, June 10, when Col.|way 12 station with a tool box early from Mayor Christine Thomas,|St@ve; Tarasiuk, Teodosia; R s§ 'McLaughlin will take the Hutterites Start Grace, 7, Vandrlinde left to _ FIFTY-THREE CITY and district residents got their Citizenship papers Friday 'night here in a colorful cere- money at the Court House | Threw Metal At Officer A man, who had been arrest- ed after a Pickering Township police constable had fired a warning shot, faced charges of theft and attmpted assault in Times couple's Lynn, Mrs. Merva Clark, 39, of R.R.! No. 4, Port Perry, suffered fatal injuries Friday night in a two-car collision on the Old ee mentarily left unguarded on a restaurant table, and hid the Has Busy Schedule of theft in the Oshawa Magis- trate's Court Friday. Clovis New Democratic Party head- 3 Cyr, 49 Church street, Picker- quarters here:has drawn up a ing, was fined $50 by Magis- schedule of holiday events which O n eT '@ | ers trate F. S. Ebbs. will be attended by the party Young, of the Oshawa Police teacher candidate attended the ROBBIE BROWN \Department, Cyr had been onc Citizenship Ball, at Hotel Gen- (Staff Reporter) tuned engine shatters into life.|cars this season will be Al Read- }of a party of five who had gone osha A-youne mon sef out last tail Mark bought the little mon-|ing who drove with some success for a bite to eat in an Oshawa; Today, she will witness the ,,*)%° s gont used car -- He|Ster for one reason -- he likes|at Mosport last year and Dale 'restaurant one night last week. opening of the Henry House Mu- ; 5 to drive fast in the right places|Neil another GM emploeye. ; i ; . jdone exactly the same thing ; ' had momentarily left the group she will attend a reception at '8|which is no stranger to the baby|Cade } and left her wallet on the table the United Steelworkers Alkert| Since = erry turned last! Sadler having been driven thate Sorith Deamek' Soacain a Upon returning she found the street hall, for delegates to the|year. Many of them purchased/a; several meets last season. ran into a little mechanical wallet had gone. It was found|Duke of Edinburgh Conference. ford or er the! "Mark, a 23-year-old GM em-|trouble at the track last week- underneath the table later, mi- The reception is being held by/Same year and moce' cat. i nloyee hopes to have his carjend will drive his modified .-|Formula Junior event at Mos-|tion Class Ase _ i « H: , see . 8s ts during wy searched Cyr and had discov Sunday. Miss Hall will be in|seen on the city stree port, June 9, the day of the! - aa 5 faa sal Gis money in the man's attendance at Ontario County|the rush hour or even out for a) pjavers' 200 | Dave GAcks0n: wiley So: 1 jam chore Flying Club's open house at Quiet drive on a Sunday after- station in the south end of the When asked if he had any ex- Oshawa Municipal Airport noon. It's a thoroughbred rac |}OTHER CLUB ENTRIES city is used as a base for the planation for his action hy Mag- , Mies aay, : "hi jing the cars for this year's race members of the New Democra- "Mark is the proud owner of fast machines for the great ong J thing, vou know.' His Worship tic Party Ontario Riding As ' as sadier For These are of different classes, ng. Gh one of the original Sadler For-| makes and shapes but' all are|/rINANCE OWN ENTRIES sal mula Junior racing machineS)peing given the treatment which| 7 elle. built hy the only truly Cana-/their owners hope will coax that|,," 'hese young men finance S y HURT | | P |their own entries. It is a costly | WIFE, 39, DIE ' ( A low slung, cigar shaped) The club also hopes to enter Sport" 'body encases the tiny single|two Canada Class cars. These ' nee y IN DISTRIC I seat cockpit, devoid of such\cars are mainly built up from| Dave Says there is very little | sponsoring of cars and drivers The eight-year-old tadios. Under the scarlet hood|parts. Though not as 'sleek as|eing done in Canada as yet oe : . in bxcen | . i Of course a driver must first "ry Hospital with two broken/|Chine at speeds in excess of 100/mendous power for their size \'! C0 : ; eo pi binien jee miles per hour. and engine capacity. gain himself a good reputation "The Clark car was in collision, There are no such things as| Mechanical failures and other|2"d run up several wins before with a car driven bv Donald/fenders or bumpers and the|mishaps betell them last season|he can consider asking some- bat i These young men are entire- aah ei led for more|Side of the tiny frame in the|club, and his fellow members: 7 Gan ie esr chor tae collision|same. manner as the largerjhope these will be overcome ly devoted to their sport much with the Thompson car Grand Prix and' Indianapolis'this year. as ot pln iaor ga athlete ' via mig! e ou ey are A spokesman said the injured 4S: JINX HARD TO SHAKE it " ' ne The exhaust system consists though. One of the newly re-;the feel of speed, the knowledge Hospital of a joined pipe leading from|built Sprite powered Canada/that they are in command of a the dual carburetors, sticking/Class cars caught fire during ajhighly powered machine, even out of the side of the hood. The practice run last weekend. Dave/though the element of danger is ORMOND BOWMAN AND DAVE JACK SON AWAIT THE STARTIER'S FLAG NDP Candidate money in his jockey shorts, mp oyee O es pleaded guilty to a charge According to the testimony of candidate Aileen Hall Sergeant of Dectectives Kenneth Friday night, the high school Among them was also Mrs, Vi-\seum in Oshawa's Lakeview gg ba blir this cite at the right time. Driving in the Production vian' McFadden, of Toronto, who|Park at 2.30 p.m. and tonight) Many peope Is cHly jave| To him, this means. Mosport|Sports Car Class will be Harry , d District Labor, Mark Long's car, however, is) rate ; . 5 eg Ege said that he had Comm o different. It's not 'likely to' bel Prepared in time to enter in the/Sprite in the Improved Produc- Monday, Miss Hall will attend/ing car Several other members of eed Be gn sap of ce winter 4 foe c ' . ; ; ng Vv - istrate Ebbs, Cyr shrugged Uxbridge Fair, along with other! gpigin aL, MODEL are now in process of preparing) Months have been spent prepar This is a very mean sort of dian firm which builds racin cals . ran ounce of speed out Of business but is well known to be jem. {an occupational hazard of "'The 'things as ash trays and built in|scratch from various sports car! daughter, is also in cri-jis the tiny BMC powerplant ca-|the professionaly built jobs they|2ithough it is quite popular in tical condition in the Port|Pable of driving the little ma-jare capable of developing tre- the US: \. 'Thompson of Norihbrook,|SPoked wire wheels and tough|but Dave Jackson, founder of|0ne to sponsor his entry, he lont, jracing tires protrude on either|the three-year-old 70 member|#4YS- strictly amateurs. father and daughter are to be nUAL CARBURETORS The jinx is hard to shake) They race because they love moved to the Oshawa General pipe runs down the side of the|is hopeful that it will be backjalways there on the long body devoid of any muffler sys-|in action agafh by the week-jstraights and twisting hairpins Friday morning. the Imperial Order Daughters|Uszyj, Antonina; Uszyj, Zbig- saiute Costable Hutchinson testified of the Empire, Emsley Dick,|niew; Van Alebeek, Katharine "phe recommendation was that he was on a routine check chairman of the Community|Maria; Van der Hoken, Fran- made following a request from of the station when he saw (Citizenship Council, and E, A.|ciscus Andrianus Theresia; Van jhe Oshawa Boy Scont Associ- fem with the result that thej/end in time for the British Em- where one false move could end Club Races Lavoie at the back of he went after him when man fled. When the man not stop on his challenge, the constable fired a warning shot,|53 of the tripped! Oshawa Andersen dersen Antal Gertruda Borgers, Bussanich he said. Lavoie then Over a rock and fell then arrested "The rock was mightier the gun," Magistrate F 7bbs interjected He was than Ss us the Middlemass, ' building. After dodging the ob-|Civitan Club of Oshawa, were|Van Duffelen, ject Lavoie had thrown at him included in the program pre- Duffelen; the sented new George did citizens : ¥ . 1 Following are the names of Vanderlinde, Willem; Vindisch in| Man, In a statement to the police prielle Lavoie admitted entering the Edenhauser service station. He had cooked jaijcey for money in the cash register Mary Eleonora; to each of the newest neighbors Ebba Irene: Svend. Aage Feith; Arts, Arts, Armin Letizia; Csaba, Herbert Walburga Eriksson, Csaba, hut not finding any, he had Wilhelm Leander; Greco, Fran picked up a tool box and left He had been hard-pressed for kamp, money, Lavoie explained Magistrate Ebbs Lavoie 'until May 24 for a pre sentence report kamp cesco (Frank) Domenico; Hoog Hoog- Jankow- remanded ski, Elisabeth: Jankowski, Hans Horst gyarto Hendrik Adolf; Jantje (Jane); Leo; Kerek Kluczkowskyj Joekallas, Antal An- Harry; Anna Maria Peter Hendrik- Matthias; Ga- Joseph; Eden- Eriksson, Nils president of the der Hoken, Gesina Josephina; ation ' Cornelia; Van The league also decided to a mon: Vakaly,| send a band and marching unit (Gyorgy); Vakaly,'tg participate in a pageant of Maria; Vanderlinde, Martyntje; |, special wreath laying cere- ; mony at Niagara lalls, New Joseph; --Vindischman,/ york. The cadets will be trans- Wieland, Elfriede; ported by bus on June 9. Josef; Wober, Gott- PLAN INSPECTION Final plans were the Annual Inspection Navy League Carlet "Hawkins" at the Oshawa Ar- mories Tuesday, May 22. Also parading with the cadets will be the Sea Rangers Ship "Cru- sader". Following the inspec. tion; the Oshawa Navy League Ladies' Auxiliary will serve re Theresia Wieland, fried Good Rain Is Needed | For Crops The following Rain is desperately needed schedule Ship's made for of the Corps is the parade Compamy falls in at 30 p.m. Divésions-raising of within the next week if a good the ensign Vhis ceremony | average crop is to be harvested takes place aboard ship or by Oshawa and district farmers 7 tiny machine soynds like ajpire Motor at/it all. They not only enjoy it -- horde of angry hornets inside! Mosport. they love U.S. Spent $677 Millions On Obsolete Snark Missile It is fitting in this age of)Force's Navaho, never reached|!ly informative articles on the space that there should be some|the operational stage. Some like/history of missiles and space ex- excellent new books on the sub-|the Army's Redstone, had ajplorations, significant current 'ject, including some that are|comparitively long life for a|developments, and the future of profusely illustrated to help the|missile. All fell victim {o the|this field in war and peace. reader get a better understand-|same twentieth century disease; 1n Jess than 25 years the roc- ing of this complex modern sub-| galloping technology. ket has grown from a scientific ject. mn plaything to a_ nuclear-tipped In the latter group is BOOK HAS SCOPE weapon capable of spanning "SPACECRAFT AND. MiIS.| This book has the Same scope|oceans and continents. In less SILES OF THE WORLD, 1962"/4Nd character as "'Jane's Fight-|than 10 years, it has grown in- (Longmans Canada Ltd.) by|ing Ships"--it provides an in-i9 a vehicle capable of hurling James Barr and William How-|dispensable coverage of the/men into space and scientific ard. As the dust jacket of the|world of missiles and space.|instruments on nearby planets. handsome volume states, this} The book also includes statistics To Attend School ATHABASCA, Alta. (CP)--A| Mrs. Hula, who teaches in the dark-garbed group of 11 Hut- school with her husband, said terite children has thrust aside she was amazed to find two the sect's long-standing tradi- six-year-olds who started to tion of segregation and is at- school could say only 'ves' tending an Alberta public and "no"' in English, but spoke school for the first time. German fluently The children, who have been The children say they are attending a school in this dis- happy with the school and trict. since February, like it. would like to stay. But two who Their parents don't reached 15 this year will not At others of the 59 other Hut- be back in the fall and by next colonies in the province'year the colony will probably the sect. operates its own have its own school schools. When the children are Aside from the doctrine of 15 and it is no longer manda- common ownership the beliefs tory to attend school, they go and practices of the Hutterites to work on communal farms. are in accord with Mennonites. But attendance at the Lahai- the group came to North ville school 12 miles from this America from Russia with a town 90 miles north of Edmon- pody of Mennonites in 1874. The ton grew out of necessity. When brethren are descendants of terite next fall naval establishments at sun- Lynn Fair, agricultural rep. ™S¢ resentative for Ontario County The told The Oshawa Times Friday, tenant - commander D the first three families moved Morovian Anabaptists , who fol- I into the newly-established 5,303- jowed Jacob Hutter, a minister te acre colony in the area, they america from Russia with a 1N i i eS, had no funds for their own : N 4 874. T that except for the rain factor, RCNR, arrives at & p.m. The schoal a of Mennonites in 1874. The AiG E genere al o t that * brethren are descendants of 4 |the farmers in the district are S°7eral salute is given at tha he Lahaivill shool, th | : time and the 'inspecting offic At the Lahaiville school, the yorovian Anabaptists, who fol- well advanced in their work U™M@ an 26 BRSPeCUng OlCer rites first hoped bie i or Hutterites first hoped ot obtain joweq Jacob Hutter, a minister inspecting officer, OSHAWA FLYING CLUB is written curred Mr |far as rain is concerned, does RR 2 jnot appear encouraging to far-| perry le ic as |mers. However, should an bruises a 17-year-old girl javerage rain come soon, an ex- PREPARING FOR OPEN HOUSE John Tamblyn, a habs | (an ' killer The girl friend told newspa- per men about the diary but found. the asked that her name not be re- others in vealed but they! The coroner's jury and were verdict of homocide son unknown with George Slocombe, sec- relary-manager of the Osh- awa Flying Club, took a Times' reporter and photo- grapher for a flight around Oshawa, Thursday --Oshawa Times Paoto of the Oshawa Flying Club, is busily polishing one of the | club's many aircraft in prep- | aaration for the Open House | this weekend at the Oshawa j Airport. Mr. Tamblyn along | this year will be asked to inspect the RCECC Drake from ex- ber of students, county council 6,000 in Alberta. were able to complete ;;most of their corn and early War 7 , ers | | ar. The ship's company will g 'No Knowledge | Although livestock is faring|}missed. The band will march\ care of them and learn them a | r : 7 y spec slasse nearly lost another owing to tion of the tnspection of classes, At first, the 40 other children| Juanita Reinhardt who was fa- |Brooklin arca have also. suf. G t Pj d kerchiefs. A young Hutterite'diary in which she said to children were surprised to learn|reporters duirng a recess in the Hospital today withing the school day for three , He said jturned and pinned him to the'ers managed told of the diary may be in NEW DELHI < three-year-old daughter, Louise, the homes of John and George home to undergo' medical treat- jack to lift the tractor from her/three families Boston an examination vere reported not serious, but his school at first : ship's company the use of an empty classroom. from the Tyrol who was burned Mr. Fair stated that owing x their| cadets in memory of-those whollrsed them to allow the chil- potatoes planted. Spring grain carry on with the march past, PARENTS ARRIVE . « ' ally fields are in good condi- termination tof the march past with the children, told teacher Of Victim S well, according to Mr. Fair,/on and give a short concert well,' and. left. Although in- Garnet Rickard, said that hejwith the inspecting officer inna rents haven't been back VANCOUVER (CP) The the heat wave the ship's 'company. will fall in at the two-room school wond-italiy stabbed early Wednesday| jjarea, the hardest hit crop so Consists of lowering the ensign.| asked why the Hutterities wore|/°" 2" east side street |fered, child asked why the other chil- have the names of far, the far report no many ad or The ice was broken Rainhantt einhardt, Fair said the forecast Richand Vz Cz 31° of : ; Richan: an Camp, »J, Of they had to bring lunch. Sev-jinquest into his wife's death he and a hurt back suf-|days, waiting to see what they ground Friday The children range in agejdanger of her life. He said she Ambassador John Kenxeth Gal- who ran and called her mother.|/Hoffer and William Gross I ment. He will enter injured husband. She then took' Mr. Hula said he inal ailment he hopsital refused to confirm showed keen interest | New colors will be presented But because of the small num- a the stake in 1536. There are } to an early dry spring, farmers {9 seeding early and already have qied during the Second Worla/4re" to attend school with oth-, has come up nicely, and gener- color party leading At the' One day the parents arrived | Hon the ship's company will be dis-\wijliam Hula to "take good Di (| : d Darlington Township Reeve,|. Classes will be formed uP.j\yited {9 various functions, the} 7 lost one cow Thursday and specting each class. On comple: cinge husband of 19 - year - old Mrs. 4\ According to farmers in the f0F evening quarters, which! oreq about the newcomers. One| said to- sifar has been hav. Peas in the black denims, long dresses and/night he knows nothing of a Sr : dren wore the things they did mien in her life. usi damage has oc 9 Under Tracto Shy at first, the Hutterite, . Helmut 6, told "Nes 7 i D Pe a ' ar . Nestleton, is in Port eral of the boys didn't ear dur-|hac never heard of the book fered when his tractor over-|should bring and how the oth-|friend of his wife who earlier TAKE TREATMENT Van Gamp was found by his from six to 15 and come from | is probably known to his wife's braith left today b: Ruby Van Camp, 31, used a!There are 26 members of the Brigham Clinic in for him to the hospital' His injuries'children behind the born near St this jwilling to learn returned a Galbraith by a per- Thomas, was r Ont book is 'a comprehensive, in-|0N specifications, performance,|; The authors Nigh Yet paler national illustrated survey that|/Country of origin and the his-/ ye r 'its field ae B authoritatively describes the his-|tory of the equipment's devel eet end aninniioe This book ii torical current and project de-| opment. Available for quick con-| ' velopments in this significant|Sulation are lists of principal] field."- space ranges of the world, his-) This unique book serves as a\toric space shots, strategic mis-| ; guide to he vam Mell of space|sile bases, a glossary of 0 eee ected inc iad science and military space wea-| Missile terms and abbreviations) ; as modern as today's headlines It will undoubtedly have a wide sale. It certainly deserves 4 pons and contains" comprehen. 2d. & directory of contractors (ho woul Keep, pace witht he sive information on 175 inter-| and government agencies con- age national spacecraft, _satellites,| cerned. ic ek hai b meee space weapons, and strategic) There are also some brilliant-| | 4 im seen Fea ie ah missiles. Not only is it designed) -- b hi nie Alrican Hands especially for the penoaina . diene oe tee ane and laymen, it is most helpfu ey s : i SOU- in assisting the reader to under-| Henry Hous THERN THIRD OF AFRICA stand the implieztions of the (Longmans Canada Ltd.) by C the space age. It has L& at-) bab are? a ke ~ erg tractive illustrations | ate Captain © ran Few things today are out-| Opens Today This is an monumental work-- moted faster by the exploding it is oe Bie as ea ec gy of the twentieth cen-| ay ; : _ ing ornithologolists to give to pe ei Ny an macee| The Henry House Museum in/others the book they themselves missile operates just as well or| Lakeview Park was officially wyanted when they first visited as poorly as it ever did. But it}opened for the summer season|and lived in Africa can be " He guiel pene by/at 2 p.m. today. Ald. Gordon} i : easy veh 'i that Bagot current . developments that it f os skilled research has gone i might as well be a crossbow.|>: Attersley officiated. The !ihe preparation of this volume Take the Snark--the intercon-/™uSeum will be open from 2/The dust jacket says that a tinental-range, susonic pilotless|to 5 p.m. daily until October.|period of more than 20 years bomber. When conceived in 1948) The members of the Oshawa|WaS required to complete the it was a very advanced idea./and District Historical Society| book and the scientific and sys- A total of 677 million dollars|have worked long and hard to! tematic side of the work has was spent on it. It performed|have their dream come true --|been published in various .orni- better than its designers had|which is, of course, the mus.-|thological journals ' hoped. At in 1959 the first 30-lemum. There, is housed the lore|. This is a reference book but missile squardon was deployed|of yesteryear, depicting the |it is primarily intended for use at Presque Isle, Maine. way of life in early Canada. |in the field It is welcomed by The squadron at Presque Isle nf ; ph ' \the specialists It is also ac- was the first and last, One of], 22ch year at his time every-| cjaimed by those who want clear the first acts of the Kennedy] 'ing is arated polished | and concise information about administration was to drop the|{0r the opening. Thee public is/the birds of Africa This series Snark. cordially invited to visit the/coyers the souther n part of The Snark was considered to|Museum. Bring. your children| Portuguese East Africa, West- slow, too vulnerable. The Pres-|2"4 your friends and see your|ern Nyasaland, both Rhodesia que Isle squadron was disband-|Museum, which is a heritage/and the whole of the rest of ed. The Snark is only one of|f0r now and the future, southern Africa, south of the many missiles that have become} This is a community project.;Congo watershed obsolete or obsolescent in the|/Show your interest and support} It comprises the families jlast decade some, like the Air'by your attendance. from ostriches to wagtails