: ' | i build 22 OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 17, 1962 can feel you're getting any-jtne outcome was a compro-|A European court for this pur-jdiscrimination against women| conceived as a kind of technical|that it needs help to bie . oe ce | vhere, From day to aabcop: tise," Schwelb added. |pose, albeit circumscribed and'was that they had political] assistance program in human bridges, but it isn't likely to jBut over a period of time--| The bill was divided into sec-|limited, is in being. jrights in only half the countries} i chts, admit that it needs help in e veg," tions, the first being the Uni-- The declaration hasjof the world before the UN : Sekart ; H man Ri hts Effort i: Humphrey -- whose job has|Versal Declaration of Human) frequently been invoked in Gen-|Charter was signed. Ite as Pry ae Fash a aro ead its people human made him one of the UN's most| Rights. Although Humphrey--asjeral Assembly debates. It has! ¢ IN EQUALITY ce ry may be ig to guts. tireless globe - trotters--was in|2 international civil servant--| affected national practices and} Now aie. thiek #0 éouhiviel Tokyo for a meeting and ajgften works behind the scenes|been written into the constitu-) OW, more il Sounite e 4 pare ' ably|--there are 104 UN members in ; as compared with national del-|tion of new countries, notably| bab a B ( anadians At : i N pias: ec Pin eon tM legates, it is known he wrote the| those of the French community] all have --* one a full New York by his deputy, Egon|first draft of the declaration. |and--from the European CON em <p "9: fe , \Schwelb, a Czech who now has sp eccepied bf, oe UN Gouaral xeuten---thows of the Common-| ouality ts oder fell oe By JOSEPH MacSWEEN {has been organized and led by| University just before he was| British nationality. per. 1b it coenian that. Pe ore difficult to draft), UN member states have been UNITED NATIONS (CP)--j\a Canadian since its inception|called in 1946 to organize the|coMPROMISE ON BILL \human beings are entitled "tolwere international laws -- con.({"vited to provide triennial re-| Canada is taking a direct hand/in 1946. new UN division. '| Schwelb recalled that thevall the rights and freedoms St Continns a human rights and ports on progress in human) in the United Nations commis-| Pakistan and India are other, 'The UN's work in human|commission's first task was to|forth in this declaration without|it was not until 1954 that the 7£%ts but many -- including sion that deals with human/Commonwealth members --|rights has influenced our gen-|prepare an International Bill of|distinction of any kind such aS\commission came up with two|@UCh-criticized South Africa-- rights--with the ideal of extend-| along with Britain, a permanent eration although sometimes in a| Rights, parallelling on the inter-/race, sex, language, religion,|eoyenants -- one dealing with 24ve not complied and this is) ing freedom to all mankind and,' member--and Canada sat in asirather subtle, intangible way,"|national plane what some coun-|political or other opinion,|ciyil and political rights and the/* continuing cause of friction. | notably, womankind. lan observer during a recent|Humphrey, 56, once said in anjtries, including Canada, have on|national or social origin, prop-\other with economic. social and|,..2° commission has under- gg election by tie] commission meeting that dis-| interview. ltheir own books. lerty, birth or other status." |ouyltural matters. ew CT oe b pig ren' conomic a ssed s ings as "the right; « j reocouna.-| { | ' 3 : Tig é Sof, * Council, Canada takes its seat of Svdbial tober tess from| tion ih one aa es cert wee wai mene ae SIGNED ; sane General Assembly---the|such as the procedures of var- Jan. 1 next in the UN Commis- arbitrary arrest, detention and|svmptom in itself that things|said Schwelb ' | A European convention -- in-|UN's sovereign body--has been/ious countries regarding arrest] sion on Human Rights. Its term! ayije." | aren't good, The UN's concern| : : | cluding all West European coun-| able to reach agreement on only/and exile. Findings can be used HIT oa a > " will run for three years. in tareely the reflection of ale eea. tt be 8 proclamation) tries except France--was signed|@ few articles each year, las at least moral ammunition, NO. 2 Date With Disaster It is Canada's first election to SUBTLE INFLUENCE ite Gad Htuat jof principles, or an internationallin 1950, based on the declara-| Faith in the equal rights ofjagainst offenders. is : : ee the body which has been in-| John P. Humphrey, native of|PPC"Y Dad situation. jtreaty, legally binding on coun-|tion, and this also embodies|men and women has been a| Another important function of) geATURE "DATE WITH DISASTER" -- 1:30-3:50-6:10-8:35 creased to 21 from 18 members|Hampton, N.B., had been ap-| It's only when you look at/tries? jmachinery to 'supervise andjcardinal tenet of the UN from|the commission is in the field) yes; "PREMATURE BURIAL" Side 2:30-4:50.7:10.9:35 and which, ironically enough,'pointed dean of law at McGill the thing in perspective that youl "As is usual in UN affairs,!guarantee" the rights set forth.!the start. A classic example oflof advisory services, originally! E i 3 BIG 20" --IMPULSE-START DeLuxe LAWN-MASTER 4-cycle, 21/ h.p. Clinton Engine * Finger-tip Throttle Control * Leaf Mulcher Attachment IMPULSE STARTER -- No ropes to pull! For effortless starting . . . for taking the work out of starting . . - you'll really go for this new, fast-cutting 20" Deluxe Lawn-Master. Powerful, yet lightweight Clinton 4- cycle, 22 h.p. engine; all controls are at your finger- tips. New dry type air cleaner prolongs engine life. Latest "'Lo-Tone'" Muffler. Wide 20" cut with special offset hardened I-piece stecl blade, con- forming te the code Isid down by the Lawn Mower lag ware 4 adjustable cutting ; EXTRA BONUS! Leat mulcher included. YOUR ' You Deduct VALUE Another BUY! | 5 % |IN CASH BONUS COUPONS, FROM ALL PRICES SHOWN Deluxe design deck of sturdy 14 gauge steel; handsomely finished in attractive bronze and red enamel; Quick take-down chrome plated Londlsaciand a host of other desirable features. MOWERS ao, De Zs oo Ete (No Gey, "SUPER" 22" LAWN-MASTER SEALED > ae \ ' oa sauinped ith ie extrac wrarat yee, ap Chton 63.95 CARTONS NEW - "Easy-Spin" Wind-Up Starter RECOIL START Briggs-Stratton, 4-cycle, 2 h.p. 18" LAWN-MASTER (EUSCMIGN. 00°" LAWN-MASTER . : , * ' This is the ever popular 4-cycle power mower that Am e isi 3 eliminates mixing ef gas and oil; provides a ; ' : j én smoother, quieter power. Loaded with features: Reinforced heavy-duty 14-gauge steel deck; improved type air filter; 4 cutting heights; easy-rolling 7" staggered wheels, semi-pneumatic enemy tires; Fingertip controls; Safety- . designed 1-piece special p s EASY Take the Rigo. ie ee? : a7). TOIL out ct \i : b * Z : EASY of the Soil WU 4g 1) a a | r TERMS ET pene steel cutting blade. Metallic green rinks and bronze enamelled, with chrome 2-cycle, 2% h.p. p 1 SS . - 7 y os Rey, Here's 2 full-size, tull power : ' * ROTARY TILLER o | EP ea cone oeseme doe | 2 Sa TOP OF THE LINE! 3-h.p., 4-cycle ve --_-- -- gid a Spring days, when you need te a styling--and performs as good . ' growing -- a hurry. Easy operating -- no experience a at it looks, Heavy duty 1- 3 3 ' " meceasgry to run -- revolying tines pull the Tiller to easily P f : piece blade, au tight x : eee os 22 SELF-PROPELLED handle otherwise time-consuming, back-breaking chores. Engine tee : ' to paths and shrubbery. : : 3 7 pone ie Ls _ at hand, The heat-treated tines are guaranteed Mage . 2a h.p, Recoil Enamelled all-steel chassis; ey f aga' reakage. ie Clinton Engine detachable chrome handles. & ; e uxe to Recoil start, 3 h.p., 4-cycle Clinton p : STYLED Start bis ' <j Engine; fingertip throttle control; ve @ 4 > Sal fi de- i = Extra poe ct. cf ; Here's the sitimate In lawn-mewing ease. You simply 12" knife-type replaceable forged y 9 5 4 ' Pit er eestor ek ae i 2 CYCLE, ROPE START fia 38.89 x ks porta encase oy wnt a e steel tines; Cone-type self-adjust- engine drives the safety-styled cutting blade and the ing clutch; tilling depth--0O" to V Association Mower Safety | 4-CYCLE, RECOIL START -- See 49.95 , q : z Loe ' 7 big cemi-pnoumatic tired wheels. Heavy duty deck with 6"; Semi-pneumatic traction-tread \ tires ee ee ee a thie 22" REVERSE DRIVE ROTARY TILLER | | GANADIAN TIRE PROTECTS YOUR POWER MOWER PURCHASE wo ee wea This "Super" model is equipped with Recoil Start, 3 h.p., i full story on its 4-eycle Briggs-Stratton Engine. 8" depth. 129.95 Expert Repair Service and Parts Depot -- Canadian Tire is i sted in keeping you happy with your Power ; + "e , 95 dozens ef exclusive Forward, neutral and reverse. : Mower; that's why experienced service men are available te keep your Lewn-Master Power Mower in top EASY features, that'll do Seve on Tine Extensions, Hiller and Furrower Attachments. operating condition. i asad pep ce we: rn . x wn. ee DIG IN - and help yourself to savings!' oe, Official Wek e 140 vo * | ' Opening FERTILIZERS extra GR ASS SEEDS Make a clean sweep! Sturdy D-handle Well-groomed! Dig this value! Multi-Purpose LAW R AK E D-HANDLE GARDEN SEEDS a see a |. a , ROLLERS stool teeth -- gather shank, with, 4 strong cutter blades, for a nest "ous heatetreated blade 104.6 Joy blade; Long dead grass and de' . and shank are one-piece won't hurt tender grass tines. +++ 2e4Q edging around walks and forging, fitted te 0 hardwood handle. 2.29 WHEELB ARROWS shoots. 19" wide. 1.15 Heavy duty... 4.19 flowerbeds. Lenghandle. wooed D-hendle.. 23S LAWNMOWERS HOES RAKES Gow _-- CAMPING EQUIPMENT \ NDIAW SHOVELS , CP TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE CORP F BARBECUES : pai st ustomer COOLERS Fred A. Smith Co. Led. Bruce R. King, Prop. s 115 Simcoe St. 728-6272 311 Brock St. N. MO 8-5828 PICNIC JUGS wg al PORT PERRY Parking UNTIL 9 P.M, é Queen St. 985-2824